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25.01.2022 Please remember to check on: your strong friend your busy friend your happy friend... or ... your 'seems to handle everything really well' friend I lo-o-ove this quote from Emily Coxhead Because, regardless what it looks like, everyone has their ups and downs. No one has it together all day every day. It is just a part of being #human. And often it is people who seem to 'have it all figured out' and are fantastic at helping others, guess what, struggle to help themselves and lack the ability to ask their circle for support. While we are the most sociable of all the species and these days it seems like we are constantly in contact due to socialmedia platforms, apps and technology, the truth is that we have never been so disconnected and lonely before. Let's get better at both: recognizing when someone needs help, and also asking for support and accepting it #rockinggrowthattitude #howtohuman #depression #anxiety #ruok
24.01.2022 MMMM, this is a bit tough. I got a FREE upgrade to a double power point.
24.01.2022 Struggling to get proper #sleep? Unchain yourself from your cell: lets cease using mobiles at least 1hr before going to bed! Its not just about the bl...ue light, but also allowing the world to stress you out We use mobiles the first thing in the morning and the last thing at night. We constantly get yanked via emails, messages, #socialmedia and scared by the news. Even when there is no notifications, we still check our phones. We tap, swipe, and click on our cells 2617 times per day! And thats according to a pre-covid19 research. I encourage you to: set a strict time-frame for using a cell (lets say, 8am-8pm) and keep it in a drawer, bag, another room outside these hours, and get off the grid at least once a week for a full day Let your circle know about your phone routine, ask them to call if theres anything pressing. The world is not going to end if you act upon an unurgent email, Facebook update or WhatsApp message not the very minute it pops up. This is the most effective and fastest what we can do to improve our sleep. I didnt say the easiest, though. However, I believe that you will make the right choice between: improving your life and FOMO. Are you going to set up mobile free days and/or hours? Image credit: Educate Inspire Change
24.01.2022 Nature = the more colorful the more dangerous
24.01.2022 My heart is bleeding! Earth is not overpopulated, there is no shortage of #resources. The problem is that they are MISdistributed and MISused. In particular, th...ere is a devastating wastage of #food by: #grower, #manufacturer, #supplier Just to give a few examples: they dispose of fruit n veg that doesn't look perfect, throw alive (!!!) male chicks into a grinder, and, pursuant to The New York Times in April #2020 'the closing of restaurants, hotels and schools has left some farmers with no buyers for more than half their crops. 'In Wisconsin and Ohio, farmers are dumping thousands of gallons of fresh milk into lagoons and manure pits. An Idaho farmer has dug huge ditches to bury 1 million pounds of onions. And in South Florida tractors are crisscrossing bean and cabbage fields, plowing perfectly ripe vegetables back into the soil.' #supermarket They don't sell quite a lot before due date. Guess where it often goes? #consumer, that is, us Sealed Air survey from a few years ago says that 44% toss food away because 'they lost interest in the food in question' and 34% because it is spoiled or 'they are worried about it being spoiled'. I look forward to reading Mark's book and finding out his insights and potential solutions. What are your thoughts on this?
18.01.2022 Creeping Avens (they belong to the rose family)... so delicately lovely...
17.01.2022 Listen to the mewsic
16.01.2022 Every time we shop we are getting , have you noticed?! Here's a few examples from my local shop ... In particular, the veggie section is the quietest spot and the least lit. And on weekends, ridiculously, they turn off half of the lights to dim the area even further. Both things are done on purpose as we are prone to stay longer and buy more in sections with louder music and brighter lights. Saving electricity, they say? Well, they are utmost welcome to do it in the isles with coke and chips! From March the second entrance (the one leading directly to fruit and veg) was blocked. Now we don't have a choice but to enter and exit on the other end only, via the entrance with the liquor store. Huh, I wonder why sales of alcohol are up by 400%?! A vast conversation but, in short, there is reason what and where is situated. For instance, we tend to start on the right side when navigating a space and are more likely to buy what's displayed at the eye level. Product placement is a science... science about how to trick the #brain to make us buy more and in particular what. Once again, colors and packaging are all about influencing us subconsciously. May we make #healthy choices
16.01.2022 Put your favorite song on and dance in your undies like Tom Cruise Hug you cat and smell it (true story, a student of mine says that this is the best way ...for her to recharge when she comes home) Make yourself a cuppa and sit down for a few minutes, sip slowly, let yourself fully enjoy it Go a for a walk even if you have only 10 minutes Call a friend Stuff like that, we need to schedule it in first! Things that bring us joy, recharge us, make our life more colorful. Unfortunately, we tend to: schedule so-called 'important' tasks first and only the-e-en, if there's room left, to squeeze in things that bring us joy and/or contribute to building relationships with our friends, family, significant other We often go all in, get ourselves depleted, finally give ourselves a chance to rest, then of course go back to a routine that burnt us out in the first place, repeat... repeat... repeat... Been there done that for over 3 decades myself. What actually needs to happen is for us to be disciplined with both: not only #work but very importantly #rest You know yourself better than anyone. What recharges you-u-u? Put those things into your day to year schedules first. Could you please share an example? #mindset #success #goalsetting #productivity
16.01.2022 To tell or not to tell the husband? Here's a #story that made me wonder. This family had a cat. The husband adored the pet dearly but this one wasn't affectionate in return. One day he went for a two week business trip. He phoned every day to chat to his wife and kids but always asked how was the cat doing at the beginning of every call. As for the cat, the day he left, she started spending a lot of time by a pair of his shoes and meowing. So, the wife kept telling him that the cat missed him terribly and kept crying for him. The husband was deeply touched and delighted to hear that he was missed so much by the beloved pet. On the day that he was coming back, the wife suddenly realized that she hadn't seen for a while the ping pong ball - the favourite toy of the cat. Guess where it was? In a shoe that the cat kept meowing by! So, all that noise the pet kept making for two weeks wasn't about missing the husband at all but about, haha, her missing the ball. Hmmm... Should we always tell the truth to a person we care about? Or are there instances where we should withhold certain things? Or is it all about ho-o-ow we say something? What do you reckon? #love #care #relationship #relationships #communication #relationshipskills
15.01.2022 The most beautiful heart you'll see today
14.01.2022 "Blooming Lavender" I captured this scenery during my recent trip through Southern France. I love nearly everything in this photo: The flowering and colorful ...lavender, this perfect line of trees, the lighting and mood, and this amazing sunstar! It looks like a dream. Unfortunately I can't transport this beautiful lavender smell with this photo. Sony A7 III | Sony SEL-1635GM | F/14 | 1/50s | ISO 640
14.01.2022 Sometimes its hard to get ideas. Other times its just documenting things that happen to you.
14.01.2022 What a remarkable shot. xx
14.01.2022 Every time we shop we are getting , have you noticed?! Heres a few examples from my local shop ... In particular, the veggie section is the quietest spot and the least lit. And on weekends, ridiculously, they turn off half of the lights to dim the area even further. Both things are done on purpose as we are prone to stay longer and buy more in sections with louder music and brighter lights. Saving electricity, they say? Well, they are utmost welcome to do it in the isles with coke and chips! From March the second entrance (the one leading directly to fruit and veg) was blocked. Now we dont have a choice but to enter and exit on the other end only, via the entrance with the liquor store. Huh, I wonder why sales of alcohol are up by 400%?! A vast conversation but, in short, there is reason what and where is situated. For instance, we tend to start on the right side when navigating a space and are more likely to buy whats displayed at the eye level. Product placement is a science... science about how to trick the #brain to make us buy more and in particular what. Once again, colors and packaging are all about influencing us subconsciously. May we make #healthy choices
13.01.2022 Struggling to get proper #sleep? Unchain yourself from your cell: let's cease using mobiles at least 1hr before going to bed! It's not just about the bl...ue light, but also allowing the world to stress you out We use mobiles the first thing in the morning and the last thing at night. We constantly get yanked via emails, messages, #socialmedia and scared by the news. Even when there is no notifications, we still check our phones. We tap, swipe, and click on our cells 2617 times per day! And that's according to a pre-covid19 research. I encourage you to: set a strict time-frame for using a cell (let's say, 8am-8pm) and keep it in a drawer, bag, another room outside these hours, and get 'off the grid' at least once a week for a full day Let your circle know about your phone routine, ask them to call if there's anything pressing. The world is not going to end if you act upon an unurgent email, Facebook update or WhatsApp message not the very minute it pops up. This is the most effective and fastest what we can do to improve our sleep. I didn't say the easiest, though. However, I believe that you will make the right choice between: improving your life and FOMO. Are you going to set up 'mobile free' days and/or hours? Image credit: Educate Inspire Change
12.01.2022 Your brain doesn't care: WHO you are, and WHAT you are passionate about!... Yes, we are all unique, yadda yadda yadda. But, guess what?! The brain doesn't understand if it belongs to a janitor or president, struggling single parent or tycoon, #university #student or Elon Musk. It doesn't magically change how our brain functions and what it needs to be efficient. Yes, human #brain is fascinating and the most complex thing we know of in existence. However, it still operates primitively. And, from my conversations with highflyers, it is something that, in particular, a lot of them don't understand. Our brain still only cares about physical safety, not if its person is passionately working on something world changing or is a couch-potato. By default it functions similarly. If you are tackling grander things than others around you, it doesn't mean that you can get away with less sleep, lesser nutrition or crazy work hours. It might feel like you can due to adrenaline and cortisol boosts. However, it's an unhealthy stimulation and works against us in a long run. Regardless who we are and what we do, it's our responsibility to: UNDERSTAND how our brain functions take good CARE of it, and (topic for another day) REWIRE it to be of service from being the one in the driver's seat!
12.01.2022 Just in case, you know, I dont do enough cat cartoons
11.01.2022 Just in case, you know, I don't do enough cat cartoons
11.01.2022 This hilarious fragment is from a recently released movie Locked Down with Anne Hathaway, Chiwetel Ejiofor and Ben Stiller cameo. It reflects perfectly what I w...itnessed happening on Friday. I thought it was strange that the car park was packed and there were 10 times more people at my local supermarket. As I googled I learnt that less than an hour before that our 3rd lockdown had been announced. However, it was only for 5 days! Not 5 weeks or 5 months. For less than a week! And yet, among other things, flour and toilet paper, the utmost "crucial" things that they are, were flying off the shelves. Within 24 hours both were gone. Everyone got ready for baking and pooping! It's been a year since covid hit, we already had 2 lockdowns. Come on, #Melbourne, it's like as if we haven't learnt anything?! As for the movie, I highly recommend it. I am sad to see that, unfortunately, despite brilliant actors and phenomenal acting, it has been getting bad reviews. However, I reckon it is due to: the movie being advertised as a jewel heist one, so, the majority expected something similar to Ocean's 8-11, and at the moment, many viewers seek distraction and want something less realistic like DC and Marvel super hero features In my opinion, it is a bit slow but funny and deep! It is a 'made you think' drama about lives, struggles and relatable moments during covid isolation times and not only in #London. It is filled with spot on visuals and dry humour highlighting, in particular, the current: - pajama bottoms 'fashion' - urge to bake and hoard toilet paper - Zoom freezing our face in an awkward expression Moreover, it touches on other modern day issues, such as: - couples not putting enough effort into their relationships - how untactfully employees get dismissed and fired these days - ignorance to the point of not knowing someone as famous as Allan Edgar Poe Check out the full trailer and please let me know what you think once you watch the movie #personaldevelopment #growthmindset #moviestowatch #wellbeing #movies #future #wfh
09.01.2022 Edible bouquets.
09.01.2022 Sunset colors over Black Butte and the valleys that surround it. I was planning on sharing a picture of the night sky but when going through an old album to a shot to share...I stumbled across this picture which just grabbed my attention due to the vibrant colors and all of the details that can be seen. I took this picture on a hike to an old lookout tower that had a fantastic view of both Mt. Shasta and the Castle Crags. It was a great day and night...though I wish the trail would have been a little more used. I remember several times squeezing my way through the narrowest path while surrounded by brush quite a bit taller than I am. But there were also spots like this with clear far reaching views. Hope you enjoy the shot...and I'll probably share a starry view next picture. :) See more
08.01.2022 'My body has absorbed so much soap and disinfected lately, that when I pee it cleans the toilet' is a recent meme. I still see people carrying around and co-o-...onstantly squeezing hand sanitizers. And there is always a queue by the pump at my supermarket on the way in and out. I am worried about all this o-o-oversanitizing! Because whatever cleaning/sanitizing product we use, unfortunately, it affects our own #microbiome as well. You see, a #humanbeing is not a single organism but an ecosystem. All of us host diverse bacteria, fungi, viruses, etc. in and on our body. Specialists believe that our #microbiota does not just co-exist with us but is linked to how we function physically, mentally and emotionally, as highlighted in my 2nd #tedxtalk. Some species work against us like #coronavirus. However, there are hundreds of those that work for us. For instance, how strong our #immunesystem is largely depends on our #gutbacteria. Overusing sanitizers and cleaning products might compromise both as a result. Read labels carefully, stop bleaching, wash off dish-washing liquid thoroughly, use fluoride free toothpaste and use all of them spa-a-aringly. Jake, thank you for a ROFL cartoon and happy business anniversary! Concept and design: Jake Freeman Illustration: Alan Rose Graphics
08.01.2022 Bosco & his big stick!
07.01.2022 Harsh, but probably fair.
07.01.2022 Your brain doesnt care: WHO you are, and WHAT you are passionate about!... Yes, we are all unique, yadda yadda yadda. But, guess what?! The brain doesnt understand if it belongs to a janitor or president, struggling single parent or tycoon, #university #student or Elon Musk. It doesnt magically change how our brain functions and what it needs to be efficient. Yes, human #brain is fascinating and the most complex thing we know of in existence. However, it still operates primitively. And, from my conversations with highflyers, it is something that, in particular, a lot of them dont understand. Our brain still only cares about physical safety, not if its person is passionately working on something world changing or is a couch-potato. By default it functions similarly. If you are tackling grander things than others around you, it doesnt mean that you can get away with less sleep, lesser nutrition or crazy work hours. It might feel like you can due to adrenaline and cortisol boosts. However, its an unhealthy stimulation and works against us in a long run. Regardless who we are and what we do, its our responsibility to: UNDERSTAND how our brain functions take good CARE of it, and (topic for another day) REWIRE it to be of service from being the one in the drivers seat!
05.01.2022 I see right through you
05.01.2022 Our #environment, including what our home and office look like, has an enormous effect on us. Especially nowadays that we #wfh. Having right pieces of #art arou...nd us has a huge impact on our #mindset, mood, motivation and #wellbeing overall. For instance, among other things, exposure to art has been found to: reduce stress, #anxiety, #depression improve focus and #productivity In the beginning of 2020 I got one of the best birthday presents ever! This amazing painting was gifted to me by the artist herself Jennifer Webb. This particular piece was the jewel in my 2nd #tedx talk with TEDxMonashUniversity. And, overall, #space imagery reminds me that: 'the sky is not the limit, the sky is just a view' how greatly we underestimate our past achievements and future potential I can't even begin to describe how much I have been enjoying having this painting in my living room! If you are looking for a one of a kind gift for yourself or someone else that would for sure make one happy check out #Melbourne based Port Art Gallery #online or in person. Jennifer has an incredible collection of paintings that she created herself and from other various artists. In particular, I love the seascapes there and you will also find some gorgeous abstracts as well
04.01.2022 Grass is greener on the other side? Here's 3 things we gotta understand: Sometimes the other side looks greener because the grass is fake over there. Such as,... often a #celebrity or #influencer who looks happy on an #Instagram pic (that took a second to take, I mean to fake) are absolutely miserable in real life. Speaking of which, one good thing about 2020 is seeing less of the Kardashians on #socialmedia. Yay! The grass could be real but it seems greener to us only due to our own faulty perception and lacking appreciation for our own grass. The other side could be indeed greener but there's never a label with how much time, energy, effort, money, relationships it 'cost' them to get it like this. For a very long time there has been a myth of an 'overnight success' and a misconception that things just magically happen for some. More often than not if we knew the whole truth about someone's success journey we wouldn't consider them as lucky anymore and very few would still feel envious. So: Whether it's professional #success, a #relationship, #happiness, #wellbeing we shouldn't be upset about not having results that we ourselves hadn't put proper efforts towards. If we want great grass we gotta water it, nurture it, feed it, work on it. And appreciate it!!!
04.01.2022 You can support me with likes, shares, or on Patreon for as little as a buck a month. Maybe I’ll put your pet in a cartoon!
03.01.2022 The law breaking continues
02.01.2022 Ok, lets do a recap! We will have level 4 for an extra two weeks. But, there are changes from next Sunday to our level 4 restrictions. *The curfew is extende...d until 9 pm and with days getting longer that is great. *People who live alone will be able to have a bubble buddy! The 5k rule wont apply for bubble buddies but the 9pm curfew still will apply. *Playgrounds will also open. *Exercise will also be extended to 2 hours per day. * Public outdoor gatherings of two people will be allowed or a household for up to two hours. Then after September 28th, based on cases hopefully being between 30-50 cases a day there will be more changes. *Public gatherings increased to five people. *5k radius still applies *There will be a phased return of some workforces and education. That will include prep, grade one, grade two, year 11 and 12, and year 10 for the purposes of their VCE or VCAL studies. * Childcare centres will reopen, as well as more workplaces which totals about 110,000 people going back to work. From October 26, "step three" of the roadmap will start This would commence as long as our average daily number is less than 5 new cases. *Curfew in metropolitan Melbourne will be lifted. *5k radius is lifted *Restrictions on reasons or distances travelled will also be lifted. *Public gatherings will increase to 10 people outdoors, we will be allowed to have visitors at home up to five visitors from another nominated household. *Retail and hairdressing, as well as restaurants, cafes and pubs will be able to resume service from October 26. For hospitality businesses that will mainly be service that is outside. Thats pretty much it for now, we have our map! Lets find our way to a great Summer together! WE HAVE STILL GOT THIS YOU LEGENDS! philiplapik #Melbourneiloveyou
02.01.2022 Happy Sunday, I think
01.01.2022 Masks... The truth about their efficiency is a separate conversation. However, what we do know for sure, disposable masks have become a huge problem over the few months as they are often made with polypropylene (a fossil fuel-derived #plastic). The reality about plastic is that: not only it harms flora, fauna and #environment but also is getting more and more dangerous directly to our #health In particular, in her TEDxMonashUniversity talk, Lauren Sandeman explains that plastic breaks into microplastics that we end up consuming and inhaling: those have contaminated at least 90 percent of sea #salt they are also detected in alarming quantities in drinking #water and, guess what, both outside and especially inside, in the #air There's been progress with finding solutions, like: drinking water sealed in seaweed casing from Notpla to replace bottles zero plastic laundry pellets by Blueland with support from Adrian Grenier and now my favorite product designer Philippe Guichard is on a mission to design a #circular mask, so, huge shout out to everyone who would like to support and invest into the project! What can you-u-u do better regarding some of the worst pollutants that are bottles, cigarette filters and now masks?
01.01.2022 The most beautiful heart youll see today
01.01.2022 Sometimes it's hard to get ideas. Other times it's just documenting things that happen to you.
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