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Melbourne Doula Collective

Phone: +61 417 195 634


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23.01.2022 I was interviewed for this article by a journalist about recent moves in New York to bring in a certification requirement for Doulas. I have moved a long way in... my thinking on this issue over the past decade, from seeing Doulas as somewhat of a threat to Midwifery to seeing them as really one of women’s last true allies. In the medicalised world midwives now have to work in, their allegiance is spilt between the woman and a system that holds the power to punish and destroy them. Doulas have always had their loyalty clear and their allegiance is not pulled in two directions like many midwives. Not undertaking medical procedures has kept them clear of all the requirements we have. I worry about the way some hospitals are now making Doulas sign contacts to try and control them as I worry about Doulas employed by hospitals. I am sure like many strong and principled midwives most can navigate the tightrope that is suspended between women and the system, but for how long? Is this all another way to control them and indirectly women. I have huge regard for the role of Doulas not just because they are supported by high level scientific evidence but because they are often the last bastion of true support the couple have. In an ideal world where midwives were autonomous, birth was humanised and systems were designed for women perhaps we would not need Doulas but we are sliding further from, not closer to this utopia. See more

18.01.2022 #HomebirthAwarenessWeek2020 Because of contemporary cultural messages about how dangerous birth is, I can understand why homebirth is not an option many women c...onsider. Nonetheless research around the world suggests it’s one that should be more widely considered. Recent Australian research comparing home and hospital births tells the story: for low-risk women choosing homebirth we see no increased risk for babies, but stark differences in intervention rates. Of the women who planned homebirth 10% transferred to hospital for necessary interventions, emergency caesarean 2.5%, instrumental birth 2.5%, epidural 3.2%, episiotomy 2.9%. In contrast, for low-risk women choosing hospital the rates were caesarean 12.5%, instrumental birth 17.5%, epidural 27.5%, episiotomy 21.2%. Merely by choosing a hospital, a low-risk woman increases her chances of intervention. Of the homebirth women 95% had spontaneous vaginal births, while only 70% of women birthing in hospital did. This difference between 95% and 70% might already seem stark but it’s important to note, too, that the figure of 70% for spontaneous vaginal births in hospital doesn’t equate to normal physiological birth. It merely means the baby was born vaginally without the use of forceps or vacuum, so this 70% statistic can also include induction, augmentation, artificial rupture of membranes, managed third stage and other procedures. In contrast, the spontaneous vaginal birth statistic of 95% for women choosing homebirth equates predominantly to normal physiological birth. These positive stats are reflective of homebirth research worldwide. Yet in Australia, in contrast to other countries and despite the evidence of its safety and benefits, homebirth is neither routinely promoted nor easily accessible. Hence the need for an ‘awareness week’ and for me to maintain my passion for promoting homebirth. Happy Homebirth Awareness Week 2020!

17.01.2022 TICKET SALES are now OPEN for the long awaited release of ‘Birth Time: the documentary’. #ItsTime for this baby to be born! Head to purchase your ticket. Woo hoooo!

16.01.2022 We support the spontaneous process of labour at what ever gestation the baby chooses as well as the induction of labour if it is MEDICALLY necessary.

09.01.2022 (reposted) My baby is too big, I need to be induced! I have low fluid levels, I need to be induced or my baby will die!...Continue reading

04.01.2022 UN DÍA CUALQUIERA Hemos encontrado esta animación de Lucy Scott y nos ha encantado. Queríamos compartirla con vosotras. @doodlediaryofanewmum ... Feliz día!! #lucyscott #doodlediaryofanewmum #ayudanteta #lactanciamaterna

02.01.2022 Find the support you need if you are feeling anxious about birth. You will remember this day for the rest of your life !!

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