Rainforest Action Group in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Non-profit organisation
Rainforest Action Group
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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25.01.2022 HOY ES UN DA MUY IMPORTANTE PARA INTAG Es el da que se presenta las Medidas Cautelares y Accin de Proteccin Constitucionales con el objetivo de hacer preval...cer los derechos de la Naturaleza- es decir la Vida- del sobre los derechos econmicos de las transnacionales. Hoy, como otras luchas en el pas, se pelea por el derecho a la Vida. En este caso, el derecho a la vida y el Buen Vivir es representada por dos especies de ranas que existen en los bosques hoy amenazados por el proyecto minero y en ninguna otra parte del Planeta.; son dos de decenas de especies de animales y plantas en peligro de extincin que habitan en estos bosques. El tema es que sin agua de buen calidad, las ranas no pueden sobrevivir,,,, al igual que tu y yo, y cientos de otras especies. Pero la accin constitucional va mucho ms all. La minera a gran escala, como esta previsto en Intag tendr muchas otras consecuencias; incluyendo la reubicacin de varias comunidades y la contaminacion del agua con metales pesados, segn estudios cientficos. La deforestacin masiva- otro impacto reconocido por expertos japoneses para una pequea mina de cobre, atenta directamente contra el bienestar de miles de campesinos y campesinas que dependen de las lluvias para producir sus alimentos y sostener sus modos de vida. Al afectar la estabilidad climtica de toda la zona- incluyendo el Cantn Cotacachi- obligar a miles de campesinos a abandonar sus tierras y comunidades para eventualmente aumentar la miseria de las ciudades. Igualmente, al afectar al prometedor futuro turstico de la zona, afectar al derecho de actuales comuneros y futuras generaciones a un trabajo digno que distribuye la riqueza de una manera mucho ms equitativa que la minera; y que puede beneficiar no solo a esta generacin, sino a decenas ms venideras. Todo para, bsicamente, beneficiar a empresas transnacionales y las economas del norte, ya que las migajas de impuestos que dejar la minera, ni siquiera sern suficiente para remediar las minas abandonadas. Hoy, ms que nunca, Intag te necesita.
25.01.2022 Come and support this if you can. Guess where some of the iron ore profits from destruction of Aboriginal Sacred Sites in WA are ending up? Uncle Larry Walsh will also be giving a welcome to country on the night.
25.01.2022 MRAG is co-hosting this upcoming conversation about climate JUSTICE - how the big push for renewables and zero carbon is impacting on frontlines in the Global South aka poorer nations, and on Indigenous peoples. 6pm Friday 28 May. Will be livestreamed on XR Tasmania fb page and (hopefully) this page too. Recording will be available! We'll present 2 case studies - Myanmar (what does a military coup have to do with rare earth metals?) and MRAG/RIC's work with biodiversity/copp...er mining frontlines in Ecuador. How do we communicate to the broader climate movement that top down approaches are not enough, green growth is a myth, and solidarity with extractive frontlines and grassroots resistance is essential for solving our climate and ecological crisis on a large scale?
24.01.2022 If y'all want to see some of the best visuals of MRAG's history, check out this 1991 video covering the strategic, nonviolent campaign to halt the importation of rainforest timbers from South East Asia. Tactics included water-based blockades of timber ships, dock occupations, widespread community boycotts and union green bans. MRAG was one of many RAGs around Australia inspired by and acting in solidarity with the Penan and other Dyak peoples in Sarawak, Malaysia who were blockading their ancestral homelands. https://vimeo.com/18207753
24.01.2022 Some international media on the Los Cedros court case.
24.01.2022 Tomorrow is the AGM of the Canadian Company Cornerstone Resources, whose activities threaten the Los Cedros Reserve. Our colleagues MiningWatch Canada have put ...together this great series of infographics about the company and have asked that we share them as widely as possible. Tomorrow and the day after, MiningWatch Canada, Caminantes and Accion Ecolgica will share videos from affected communities. We will share them here too. If you want to join the conversation about Cornerstones unethical conduct in Ecuador, use the hashtag #CornerstoneFuera See more
24.01.2022 Finalmente, el comunicado de prensa internacional en ESPAOL sobre el juicio constitucional de Bosque Protector Los Cedros y los Derechos de la Naturaleza! (Finally, the international press release about the upcoming court case for Los Cedros and the Rights of Nature is in Spanish).
23.01.2022 Today the Los Cedros campaign team launched a twitterstorm (tuitazo) with the hashtag #JusticiaLosCedros to let the Ecuadorian Constitutional Court know we're still waiting for a ruling - 7 months after the case for Rights of Nature of the endangered species living in Los Cedros was heard. If you're on twitter, go on and search for the hashtag and help us get it trending!
23.01.2022 For Threatened Species Day, were highlighting the Brown-headed Spider Monkey, one of the rarest primates in the world, with only two known populations in the w...orld, both in north-west Ecuador. Of the three monkey species at Los Cedros, spider monkeys are the most important for fruit and seed dispersal, and play a critical role in the high tree diversity of this forest. IUCN rating: Critically Endangered Photograph by Bitty Roy Donate to protect Los Cedros and all the endangered animals that call it home. https://www.fundmyplanet.org//save-ecuadors-forests-from-m See more
22.01.2022 A recent write-up by Mari Margill, one of the worlds foremost experts on the Rights of Nature and originator of GARN (the Global Alliance of the Rights of Nature). Los Cedros gets a mention along with a link to our website. Good context and critique of Ecuadors unique Rights of Nature constitutional laws and how they might be made more effective in challenging mining and other extractive projects in the worlds most biodiverse ecosystems #ReservaLosCedros #SaveLosCedros #ecuador #rightsofnature #stopecocide #constitutionalcase #EcuadorMegadiversoNoMinera #megabiodiverse #criticallyendangered https://www.commondreams.org//recent-developments-ecuador-
22.01.2022 Los Cedros case is starting to get out and about in the international media ... https://www.sussex.ac.uk/broadcast/read/52431
22.01.2022 A critique by Acción Ecológica on carbon schemes (REDD, etc) and extractivism in Ecuador. Ecuador Zero Carbon = Permits to pollute? Summary: Carbon schemes will incentivise the continuation/expansion of dirty extractivism and are just another excuse to exploit the Global South ...Continue reading
21.01.2022 Ecuador: Hanrine has bussed in 300 workers to oppose Buenos Aires residents. "Here we are all the people in a single decision. We want nothing, zero mining, that they let us live in peace," said Lucía Muñoz, resident of the Buenos Aires parish. They warn that any mining activity in the area would have a serious environmental impact. In addition, they ensure that the prior, free and informed consultation has not been carried out, a necessary requirement before the start of a m...ining exploration or exploitation process. https://www.ecuavisa.com//habitantes-de-parroquia-buenos-a
20.01.2022 Peaceful resistance against mining, Ecuador style! This is how the citizens of the Andean community of Buenos Aires, Intag, are protesting the incursion of Hanrine (Gina Rinehart) and the militarised tactics that the company has employed over the past few weeks. The song was created by community protestors in Intag who stopped the Japanese company Bishimetals from mining on their lands in the mid 90s. Yep - 30 years later, still resisting mining companies! Video courtesy of Salva La Selva. #Extractivism #AussieMining #Hanrine #Intag #AguaSiMineraNo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITvFtii8mx0
20.01.2022 I’ve been working on the documentary Marrow of the Mountain (about mining and conservation issues in Ecuador) for a while now. I’m proud of the work we’re doing..., and the excellent collaboration with Ecuadorian filmmakers (Solange Yépez and Antoka Domenika, in particular!), scientists, conservation advocates, etc. I’m especially happy that today that we get to release a new short piece, drawing on GIS mapping work I’ve done to understand the threat that new mining concessions pose to biodiversity in Ecuador. Since it’s been SEVEN MONTHS since the Constitutional Court hearing about the Los Cedros Biological Reserve, it seemed like the right time to release this video: the threat has only gotten stronger, and the situation isn’t isolated to Los Cedros. #JusticiaLosCedros #bosquessinminería
18.01.2022 This is what Los Cedros Reserve is facing. Every one of those areas shaded in red is a mining concession. Los Cedros is a legally Protected Forest, but the gove...rnment is not protecting it from mining. The Constitutional Court of Ecuador has agreed to hear the case to protect Los Cedros based on the Rights of Nature. If it wins, it will set a precedent to save all the other 2.4 million hectares of Protected Forest across Ecuador. The legal costs for this campaign are significant. Please donate to help us save these important forests for the future of Ecuador. https://www.fundmyplanet.org//save-ecuadors-forests-from-m
18.01.2022 Locals at Gina Rinehart's concessions in Ecuador say the company is invading them and affecting their constitutional rights.
18.01.2022 Estimadxs companerxs! Como algunxs de ustedes ya saben, maana se realiza la reunin anual de la junta directiva y los accionistas de la empresa minera canadien...se Cornerstone Resources. Aqui hay algunxs excelentes imgenes infogrficas recopiladas por nuestro socio MiningWatch Canada, para compartir algunxs datos sobre la empresa y distrbuilos lo ms ampliamente posible. Maana y el da de despus de MiningWatch, Caminantes y Accion Ecolgica circularn videos con testimonios de varias personas de la misma manera; los compartiremos aqu tambin. Si desea participar en la conversacin sobre la conducta poco tica de Cornerstone en Ecuador, use el hashtag #CornerstoneFuera *Tenga en cuenta que el hashtag es #cornerstone fuera *No hay espacio entre lxs palabras
18.01.2022 https://es.mongabay.com//ecuador-minera-denuncia-a-mas-d/ Ecuador: mining company denounces more than 60 people who oppose extractive activity in its territory This small town rose to fame when it was invaded by illegal miners in 2017 and, for almost two years, lived amid violence, prostitution and drug addiction. Now legal mining is the one that wants to enter the territory but many of its inhabitants flatly refuse. More than 300 people have been blocking the passage of...Continue reading
17.01.2022 Current slump in copper prices but long term demand will push prices higher and encouraging even more copper exploration and mining. Solgold gets a brief mention in this article...
17.01.2022 El 6 de julio de 2020, en Sesin Solemne por la conmemoracin de los 159 aos de cantonizacin de Santa Ana de Cotacachi, el Alcalde, Auki Tituaa lanz la ini...ciativa de declarar a Intag como Santuario de Vida y solicitar a la UNESCO que declare a esta zona como Patrimonio Natural de la Humanidad . #IntagSantuariodeVida
17.01.2022 Just take a look at the fabulous tail on this Violet-tailed Sylph, otherwise known as the Aglaiocercus coelestis. Like most birds, the males are the showiest, a...nd these long tails certainly attract the ladies. The Volet-tailed Sylph is a real rock star, mating and then moving on. While she builds the nest and raises the chicks alone, he guards his favourite nectar flowers from other males. A species of hummingbird, the sylph is restricted to cloud forests on the western slope of the Colombian and Ecuadorian Andes. The habitat of these birds is in danger - the Los Cedros Reserve is now at risk due to mining. Jump on to vote for the Sylph and share the campaign to help us protect their home. Mating style: Date and ditch Habitat: Ecuador, Colombia IUCN rating: Least Concern Photograph: Murray Cooper @murraycooperphoto Vote for the Violet-tailed Sylph loscedrosreserve.org/vote
17.01.2022 Check out the wonderful line-up of events that started this morning with the free, online IMARC counter-conference. The Rights of Nature panel being held on Tuesday Nov 24 from 11am-12:30pm Melbourne time will feature PANELISTS Liz Downes - Rainforest Information Centre - Director / MRAG Carlos Zorilla - DECOIN - Founder - Ecuador... Michelle Maloney - Australian Earth Laws Alliance - Founder and Coordinator MODERATOR Neylan - Melbourne Rainforest Action Group You can register for the conference and then keep the tab open to be able to join sessions you are interested in. See more
17.01.2022 Buenas noches, es para informar a todos los y las Inteas, que hoy, da de la fundacin de la Parroquia de Cuellaje, hemos firmado una carta en rechazo a la su...basta de las acciones del pueblo ecuatoriano del proyecto minero LLurimagua. Se trata de una subasta dirigida a transnacionales extranjeros, planificada para este lunes que viene (10 de agosto 2020). Abajo pongo el texto, en respaldo a nuestro Alcalde, Economista Auki Tituaa, quien advirti el 21 abril de esta maniobra, planificada ms que nada para llenar los bolsillos de los tramitadores, muchos de quienes ni siquiera conocen a Cotacachi y la zona de Intag. Aqu va el texto, son 2 paginas, espero que ayuda a comprender la escala de la traicin y (perdn que hablo un poco directo) la pura insensatez y falta de consciencia, de ciertos polticos y empresarios, tanto nacionales como extranjeros: Cuellaje 5 agosto 2020 Oficio nmero 504 AL PUEBLO ECUATORIANO Reciba un saludo cordial de quienes conformamos las autoridades y moradores de la parroquia de Cuellaje en el cantn Cotacachi. En los ltimos das y semanas hemos visto noticias casi a diario sobre la posible venta de las acciones de la ENAMI EP del proyecto minero Llurimagua, en el cantn de Cotacachi, para que se desarrolle esta posible mina de cobre con Corporaciones Transnacionales. Al mismo tiempo se ha acentuado la campaa del gobierno central de venderle al pas el cuento de la minera como solucin racional a la crisis econmica. Nos sumamos a la solicitud del Sr. Alcalde de Cotacachi, Economista Auki Tituaa, quien el da 21 de abril 2020 apel directamente a Presidente Lenin Moreno. Le invit a ponerse la mano en el pecho y abrirse los ojos. Hoy ms que nunca debemos darnos cuenta que la simple tarea de meter la mano a las entraas de la tierra y explotar irracionalmente los minerales, no es el camino de prosperidad. Por ms de 500 aos, unos pocos politiqueros y grupos econmicos ambiciosos, vienen succionando la riqueza por su beneficio, a costa de la pobreza y extrema pobreza de la gran mayora de compatriotas A qu se refiri El Sr. Alcalde de Cotacachi? Es simple: se refiri a lo que ni el gobierno, ni las empresas, quieren que los ecuatorianos sepan: 1. La minera metlica NO es fuente de empleo significante: una vez completa la fase de construccin, requiere pocos trabajadores. Utiliza mano de obra especializada, y maquinas enormes; destruye mltiples fuentes de trabajo, como la agricultura y el turismo; daa de forma permanente a tierras frtiles y productivas. 2. El cobre que las transnacionales buscan arrancar de las entraas de Llurimagua esta mezclada con sustancias altamente txicas incluyendo el arsnico, plomo y cadmio. El yacimiento slo contiene 0,44 % cobre; es decir que de 1000 kilogramos de subsuelo slo se extraera 4,4 kilos de cobre. El resto, 995,6 kilogramas, quedara como desechos mineros txicos, contaminando el pas por cientos de aos en adelante. Segn los ltimos clculos, la mina de Llurimagua generara no menos de 4.000 millones de toneladas de desechos. Si se botara los desechos sobre Quito, toda la ciudad quedara sepultada por 3,6 metros de desechos mineros. Sera un catstrofe humano y ambiental enorme. Esto es desarrollo planificado? esto es un plan de rescate inteligente? 3. 80% del dinero de Llurimagua saldra del pas, en manos de transnacionales y sus inversionistas. En este sentido, la industria minera es muy diferente de la industria petrolera, en la cual la mayora de la riqueza queda en territorio ecuatoriano. Respecto al proyecto Llurimagua, del 20% de dinero que quedara, la gran mayora se gastara finalmente en las enormes obras de re-mediacin, para tratar el agua, contaminada en perpetuidad, y para recompensar a los enfermos, desempleados y desalojados en las dcadas y siglos que vienen. Esto es desarrollo planificado? esto es minera responsable? Es precisamente por eso que La minera metlica se hace de forma planificada, en lugares desrticos o semi-desrticos, y despoblados. 4. Como bien seala el Sr. Alcalde, hoy ms que nunca, nuestro pueblo necesita alimentos y agua para sobrevivir. Llurimagua contiene miles de hectreas productivas, y ms de 43 nacimientos de ros y quebradas; con ms de cien especies de plantas y animales en peligro de extincin. En las palabras del Economista Auki, el cantn Cotacachi es hogar de millones de hermosos seres vivos y fuente inagotable de oxgeno puro que tanta falta le hace al Ecuador y al mundo. 5. Dicen los politiqueros de Quito y Guayaquil, que el proyecto de Llurimagua es parte importante del rescate econmico del pas frente a la crisis sanitaria. Pero como dijo el Sr. Alcalde, la crisis Covid es una oportunidad para provocar cambios espirituales a nivel personal y colectivo, y por supuesto, se necesita urgente un cambio de modelo econmico y social.porque como queda demostrado, ms que petrleo, oro, plata y cobre, nuestro pueblo y el mundo necesita alimentos y agua para sobrevivir. Estamos seguros que dichos politiqueros ni siquiera conocen al cantn Cotacachi, mucho menos a la zona de Intag. En la Parroquia de Cuellaje, estamos todos dedicados a trabajar con proyectos productivos con estndares de exportacin y alimentacin sana, convirtiendo a la parroquia en ejemplo de progreso sano y con buenas prcticas ambientales. Sin ms palabras, afirmamos una vez ms, nuestro rechazo total a las concesiones de minera metlica de la zona de Intag, Cantn Cotacachi; y nuestro respaldo al desarrollo agrcola de la misma zona, con respeto al agua y a la vida. Pedimos el apoyo de la buena gente de los centros urbanos de Ecuador, quienes comienzan a comprender en los ltimos meses, que salud, paz y prosperidad son bondades que dependen de consciencia; no se puede comprarles con saqueos. Como seres humanos, ya no tenemos el lujo de fingir que la destruccin de la tierra puede suceder como que fuera algo normal, sin mayores consecuencias. En vez de construir un infierno, construyamos algo que permita vida al pueblo ecuatoriano, y a las futuras generaciones. ATENTAMENTE, Autoridades y Actores sociales de la Parroquia de Seis de Julio de Cuellaje Firmado hoy, el da de la creacin de nuestra parroquia.
17.01.2022 [Español abajo!] Natalia Greene, executive board member of the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature, and part of the legal team representing the Los Cedros ...Biological Reserve, explains how the Rights of Nature movement takes inspiration from the abolition movement. Rights of Nature means a fundamental change to the way nature is treated under the law, moving it from being a subject of the law, to an entity with clear legal rights in and of itself. This issue is at the heart of the case for the future of the Los Cedros Reserve, currently under consideration by the Corte Constitucional del Ecuador, the highest court in the land. The Los Cedros Reserve, despite status as a "bosque protector", is currently under mining concessions to the Canadian mining company Cornerstone Capital Resources in partnership with the Ecuadorian national mining company, ENAMI. The judges' ruling in this case will not only determine the future of this forest that house more than 200 known endangered species it will set a historic precedent for the legal treatment of nature, for good or for ill. #SaveLosCedros --- [ESPAÑOL] Natalia Greene, miembro de la junta ejecutiva de la Alianza Global por los Derechos de la Naturaleza y parte del equipo legal que representa a la Reserva Los Cedros, explica cómo el movimiento Derechos de la Naturaleza se inspira en el movimiento de abolición. Los derechos de la naturaleza significa un cambio fundamental en la forma en que la naturaleza es tratada bajo la ley, pasando de ser un sujeto de la ley a una entidad con derechos legales claros en sí misma. Este tema está en el centro del caso para el futuro de la Reserva Los Cedros, actualmente bajo consideración de la Corte Constitucional de Ecuador, el tribunal más alto del país. La Reserva Los Cedros, a pesar de su estatus de "bosque protector", se encuentra actualmente bajo concesiones mineras a la empresa minera canadiense Cornerstone Capital Resources en sociedad con la empresa minera nacional ecuatoriana ENAMI. El fallo de los jueces en este caso no solo determinará el futuro de este bosque que alberga más de 200 especies conocidas en peligro de extinción, sino que sentará un precedente histórico para el tratamiento legal de la naturaleza, para bien o para mal. #JUSTICIALOSCEDROS --- Historical images from / Imágenes históricas de: Africa and the American Flag, by Andrew Hull Foote, 1854 The gospel of slavery: a primer of freedom, by Abel C. Thomas, 1864 The History of a Slave, by Sir Harry Hamilton Johnston, 1889 The Negro in American history, by John Wesley Cromwell, 1846 Gordon, scourged back, by McPherson & Oliver, 1863 The underground rail road, by William Still, 1872 Original footage courtesy / Video original cortesía de: Jessica Gutch Marrow of the Mountain Music / Música: Classical by MARiAN Additional sounds from / Sonidos adicionales de: www.ZapSplat.com
16.01.2022 How the mining industry and states are profiting from the COVID-19 pandemic, at the expense of people and planet. https://bit.ly/36TZHPj A new analysis endorsed and supported by 300+ organizations outlines and denounces the four major ways in which multinational mining companies are profiting from the COVID-19 pandemic, at the expense of people and planet. They include:... Continuing to operate despite the health risks Shutting down protests and persecuting land and water defenders Whitewashing dirty track records Sneaking through regulatory changes that favour industry SHARE today and join us in denouncing the mining industrys pandemic profiteering! #COVID19Mining
15.01.2022 A summary of what has just happened with #LosCedros Biological Reserve and why this could be a game changer for protection of the worlds most biodiverse forests ... For the past two years the legal fight has been ongoing to protect this mega-diverse Ecuadorian cloud forest from mining. Last year in June the Cotacachi local government and guardians of Los Cedros won a case annulling the environmental permits for state mining company ENAMI and their partner Canadian Cornerston...e Capital Resources to explore for gold and copper in the reserve. But straight away ENAMI and Cornerstone appealed the decision, effectively freezing the enactment of the ruling. The mining companies have taken advantage of the freeze and have continued to explore in the reserve, in contempt of the law and the June 2019 ruling. Now, unexpectedly, the Constitutional Court has admitted the case to be heard at the highest level of judiciary ... as a precedent for use of Ecuadors unique Rights of Nature laws in defence of forests that are protected under existing legislation yet threatened by mining. Part of the reason given by the Court for its decision was that Los Cedros is home of the Brown-headed Spider Monkey and the Andean Spectacled Bear, both endemic to the region and critically endangered. In 2008, Ecuador created a new Constitution, the most revolutionary part of which was the legal recognition of the rights of Nature, or Pachamama, to exist, persist and thrive. Ecuador remains the only country in the world to have enshrined these rights. While the country, in its desperate economic hardship, is dead set on selling off its natural treasures to offshore mining and oil companies, these amazing laws still exist and are about to be tested in defence of Los Cedros. If Los Cedros wins ... this will be huge. It will set a precedent for protection of up to 2 million other hectares of protected forests and indigenous lands currrently threatened by mining. It also has the potential to make mining investors shiver, and to give courage and fuel to global movements for protection of biodiversity and economic alternatives to extractive industries. With international allies and the Melbourne Rainforest Action Group we are preparing a major fundraising and media campaign to support this case and will keep you all posted! #BosquesSinMinera #EcuadorMegadiversoNoMegaminero #LaLuchaVaPorqueVa #megadiversity #brownheadedspidermonkey #andeanspectacledbear #tropicalandeshotspot #rightsofnature #beyondextractivism #ecuadorendangered #saveloscedros #rainforestinformationcentre #rainforestactiongroup Image copyright Murray Cooper
15.01.2022 We have just started a new facebook page devoted to the Save Los Cedros campaign. This will be a home for all the international and Ecuadorian updates regarding Los Cedros ... plus, at our Aussie end well soon be launching a new social media campaign ... stay tuned! Please like the page and invite your friends so we can get it widely out there. There are still a lot of funds to be raised and a lot more to be done to give the forest the best possible chance of winning this case! (Cross posted with #RainforestInformationCentre)
15.01.2022 "Ecuadoran environmentalists seek to stop mining projects while the government is trying to promote mining as a pillar of development. Environmentalists cite the rights of nature, enshrined in the constitution since 2008, in opposition to mining. The constitutional court will analyze in the coming weeks the case of the Los Cedros forest, which it selected in May for the development of binding jurisprudence on the rights of nature ... "Mining industry representatives are conce...rned, as at least 540 mining concessions are either in forests or intersect with forests and natural reserves. A court ruling in favor of Río Magdalena’s opponents could affect these concessions, said Benalcázar, who has acted as an impartial adviser to the court. Benalcázar has warned that if the constitutional judges interpret mining activity in a restrictive way, the state will face international legal claims, in addition to a slowdown in investments." https://www.bnamericas.com//could-a-natural-reserve-halt-e
14.01.2022 Save Los Cedros Biological Reserve Northern Ecuador's forests are the most complex and biodiverse ecosystems on the planet Earth. In spite of It's small area E...cuador is home to 16% of the world's bird species; 22% of the world's butterfly species, 7% of all amphibian species, 7% of all mammal species, 10% of plant species, including 3,500 orchids the most of any country on Earth. The Tropical Andes are 'The Global Epicenter Of Biodiversity' because more species are found there than anywhere else. Species richness of this extraordinary eco-zone increases towards the equator. Located in Northern Ecuador, the pristine cloud forest watershed of Los Cedros Biological Reserve contains many thousands of species. The rarest primate on Earth, the Brown headed Ateles monkey calls this reserve home. Los Cedros also provides vital habitat for the critically endangered coastal jaguar, spectacled bears and Andean mountain lions. New species of plant animal and fungi continue to be discovered at Los Cedros yearly. The Los Cedros Biological Reserve is under urgent threat. In violation of Ecuador's own constitution, the highly corrupt Correa-Glas government approved a sudden and unprecedented increase of mining concessions which today span across parks, reserves and the indigenous territories in Ecuador. All granted without prior consent from the towns and communities the projects would affect. Cornerstone Capital Resources, a Canadian mineral exploration company wants to open mining operations in the middle of the Los Cedros Biological Reserve. There has already been significant international outrage at the threat posed to the reserve, with more than 19,000 signatories on a petition set up by the US Center of Biological Diversity in August. A separate scientist's petition was signed by over 1200 scientists, including Jane Goodall, EO Wilson, Peter Raven, and Rosemary and Peter Grant. Los Cedros recently won a court case against Cornerstone; however, the company has appealed and the case has been sent to Ecuador’s constitutional court which started Monday October 19th. The court ruling in favour of Los Cedros will set a positive legal precedent for the Rights of Nature under Ecuador’s constitution and help save many forest reserves threatened by mining in Ecuador. A decision to open the Bosques Protectores (protected forests) to large mineral extraction projects would have catastrophic impacts for the area's ecosystems and communities. Please share this post to help raise awareness for Ecuador's forests and click this link to find out more ways you can help =>> https://linktr.ee/LosCedrosReserve Photos by: Photo Wildlife Tours | Jaime Culebras Wildlife
13.01.2022 (Cross-posting with the #RainforestInformationCentre) (: Thanks to the flood of donations of all sizes over the past 3 weeks since launching the campaign to save Los Cedros, we have raised just over $30,000 (Aussie) dollars! A great start towards our target. Do visit our new Los Cedros website if you havent already. If youre interested in getting a glimpse of the reserves incredible biodiversity, check out the iNaturalist links.... We have just posted our *international* press release here: https://loscedrosreserve.org/los-cedros-legal-case-could-s/ Our *Australian* press release is on the MRAG page here: https://rainforestactiongroup.org/constitutional-court-cou/ For donations to reach our $50,000 target: https://www.fundmyplanet.org//save-ecuadors-forests-from-m #saveloscedros #ecuadorendangered #megadiversity #tropicalhotspot #nomining #rainforestinformationcentre #melbournerainforestactiongroup #rightsofnature #loscedrospressrelease #ecuadormegadiversonominera #ecologicalemergency #criticallyendangered #beyondextractivism
13.01.2022 Cross-posted from MRAGs campaign partners The Rainforest Information Centre ... We have finally completed our package of materials to formally launch the international campaign to save Los Cedros Reserve in Ecuador! This has been a time of incredibly hard work for a diverse team of activists and scientists across three continents.... In the video below, John Seed, founder of the Rainforest Information Centre, explains what is special about Los Cedros Reserve and why we are fighting to save it. Check out the content of our latest newsletter at https://www.rainforestinformationcentre.org/news_updates Here are some more links: - RICs Ecuador Endangered campaign page ... https://www.rainforestinformationcentre.org/ecuador_endange - A brand new website devoted to Los Cedros and the campaign. This contains detailed information about the incredible natural history of the reserve, including lists of birds, reptiles, amphibians and insects (Lepidoptera) and links to iNaturalist ... https://loscedrosreserve.org/ - A shareable PDF summarising whats at stake ... https://drive.google.com//15HjXh6JFxtHJQmKzenH2aZV2US/view - Our updated petition ... https://www.rainforestinformationcentre.org/save_ecuadors_f - And our updated crowdfund ... https://www.fundmyplanet.org//save-ecuadors-forests-from-m #EcuadorEndangered #SaveLosCedros #EcuadorMegadiversoNoMinera #rainforestinformationcentre #rainforestactiongroup #biodiversity #tropicalhotspot #mining #rightsofnature https://www.youtube.com/watch
13.01.2022 BlackRock is arguably the most powerful company in the world that most folks have never heard of. Its investments in mining companies in Ecuador are of great concern to us. "To most people, if they are familiar with it at all, BlackRock is an asset manager that helps pension funds and retirees manage their savings through passive investments that track the stock market. But working behind the scenes, it is much more than that. BlackRock has been called the most powerful ...institution in the financial system, the most powerful company in the world and the secret power. It is the worlds largest asset manager and shadow bank, larger than the worlds largest bank (which is in China), with over $7 trillion in assets under direct management and another $20 trillion managed through its Aladdin risk-monitoring software. BlackRock has also been called the fourth branch of government and almost a shadow government, but no part of it actually belongs to the government. Despite its size and global power, BlackRock is not even regulated as a Systemically Important Financial Institution under the Dodd-Frank Act, thanks to pressure from its CEO Larry Fink, who has long had cozy relationships with government officials." See more
12.01.2022 The biodiversity committee of Ecuador’s national assembly included several proposals that worry mining firms in its report ... these include prior consultation before a concession is awarded, geographic limits on mining activity to protect fragile ecosystems and forests that need protection, and a transitory reform to regularize illegal mining. https://www.bnamericas.com//ecuador-mining-law-reforms-cau
12.01.2022 Hanrines problems in Ecuador worsen ... https://www.foe.org.au/more_problems_for_hancock_prospectin
12.01.2022 The updated Spanish version of the film "Los Cedros" by Davide Nicastro is now complete. This beautiful film captures the magic of Reserva Los Cedros, and shows... how it is threatened. Big thank you to Alfredo Salazaar for the voiceover and subtitles. English version here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7Z2gHXgyB0
12.01.2022 Amazing and inspiring Deep Ecology Immersion near Melbourne last weekend from our wonderful ally facilitators, including John Seed! A fundraiser for our ongoing campaign to save Ecuadorian rainforests and support Indigenous and rural communities defending their lands and livelihoods from grand scale mining.
11.01.2022 Kicking off the fund for Los Cedross exciting constitutional court challenge in Ecuador. This rainforest is the original reason why MRAG and the Rainforest Information Centre are running a long-term campaign to save Ecuadors most biodiverse regions from mining. Of course, if you live in Melbourne, rather than donate to a crowdfund, you might like to come along to our Brunswick film night instead ... https://www.facebook.com/events/590477074908881/
10.01.2022 RAGs report on the embarrassing and potentially very damaging debacle that the boss of Gina Rineharts mining operations in Ecuador has just got himself into ... this is all still developing so stay tuned ... https://rainforestactiongroup.org/gold-guns-and-gina-rhin/
09.01.2022 Incredible work by people on the ground ! Gina Rinehart's, Hanrine, has been ordered to remove themselves off public roads within 10 days. They are plagued by problems in Ecuador and are not wanted by the community
07.01.2022 This is a post written by entomologist Rafael Cardenas who recently gave an Amicus Curiae to the Ecuadorian Constitutional Court on the importance of Los Cedros.
07.01.2022 New petition by Rainforest Rescue (Spanish version Salva La Selva) to support community resistance against Australian mining company incursions in Buenos Aires, Ecuador, and the 2 other long-standing blockades going on in the region at the moment. Glad other international groups are taking up the solidarity. Pls sign/share! https://www.rainforest-rescue.org//ecuador-stop-the-violen
07.01.2022 Vote for the Face of Los Cedros and help us protect their home!
07.01.2022 Ecuador is only a few years into it's shift to become a "Mining Investment Destination", but already the damage is starting to show. With an increase in legal a...nd illegal mining activities polluting rivers across the nation, a landslide at an illegal mine at Esmeraldas yesterday killed at least three people. Here is a short list of just some of the rivers polluted this year from mining operations in Ecuador. Don't be fooled by rhetoric from mining companies or greedy governments! There is nothing safe about mining in areas with high landslide risk, high rainfall and high earthquake risk. Add to that companies which just don't care about what happens to their mining waste. If this is Ecuador only a few years into becoming a "Mining Destination" what will it be in another five years, or ten? Don't let the Los Cedros River meet the same fate. * Chemical contamination of the Río Verde in Intag killing 13 head of cattle and unknown number of wild animals (El Corazón mine. Images by Intag Vive). * Poroto River in the Canton Carlos Julio Arosemena Tola (Image by Napo Ama La Vida) * Comptroller's report determining high levels of pollution at the Fruta del Norte mine (Lundin Gold/Newcrest), with iron and copper levels in the Machinaza River exceeding the baseline set in the project's environmental impact study by 805% and 230% respectively. * Rio Santa Barbara in Azuay (Image: Radio Fasayñan Sigsig) * Tundayme area (legal mine) * Rio Pichan near Quito
06.01.2022 Planeta Tierra a los terrícolas: los vehículos eléctricos no son el remedio que requiero. Es como el virus que afecta a tu especie hoy en día. Me refiero a tu p...resencia en mí. Está causando estragos en todos mis sistemas inmunológicos. La deforestación está debilitando gravemente mi capacidad para regular el clima, así como el equilibrio de los gases en la atmósfera; los venenos que estás poniendo en el aire están acabando con la capa de ozono. Los pesticidas, los residuos municipales y mineros que genera tu "progreso" están aniquilando, lenta pero seguramente, mis océanos. También, por cierto, tu amor al plástico. ¿Y qué decir de la trágica sobrepesca que, al igual que la deforestación, está extinguiendo especies que han vivido aquí durante eones más que tú? Sepan que extinguen las especies por su cuenta y riesgo. Si entendieras lo peligroso que es, detendrías toda la deforestación y la sobrepesca inmediatamente. Pero el dinero te importa más y, preocupantemente, pareces pensar que es el único tipo de riqueza. Ten por seguro que hay muchos tipos de riqueza y más importantes que la riqueza monetaria. Hasta que no comprendas esto plenamente, tú y yo, estamos en un grave peligro. Eres bueno para justificar la devastación. Incluso lo llamás progreso. Nuevas minas de carbón para alimentar el descalabro climático y así poder llevar lo que llamás desarrollo a más terrícolas que carecen de él, mientras una pequeña parte del planeta se ahoga en aparatos inútiles y en segundos coches y casas más grandes. Incluso subvencionas a las corporaciones y actividades de combustibles fósiles, mientras cada año se baten nuevos récords de temperatura, desaparecen los glaciares de mis cerros y se derrite el ártico. Y ahora te embarcas en esta transformación con la cual te autoengañas pensando que pondrá fin a la crisis climática. Como si la crisis de la biodiversidad no existiera. Lo conseguiras construyendo mega minas en lugares biodiversos y ricos en agua para extraer cobre, litio, níquel y cobalto de hábitats que protegen a especies en peligro de extinción y que son el hogar de culturas ancestrales. Puede que consigas mitigar un poco la crisis climática a corto plazo, pero causarás más deforestación, lo que agravará la crisis climática y la de biodiversidad mientras contaminas mis ríos y arroyos durante milenios. Detente un momento. ¿Tiene sentido? Tus esfuerzos están destinados a fracasar, siento decirlo, mientras una pequeña parte de tu población insista en enriquecerse sin importar las consecuencias humanas, culturales y ecológicas. Fracasarán mientras la gente quiera mucho más de lo que necesita para disfrutar de una vida sana: suficiente alimentación, un techo decente y un trabajo satisfactorio. La gente necesita la sociedad, necesita que se respeten los derechos humanos, necesita agua limpia para beber y un clima estable para producir alimentos sanos y proteger los hábitats de todas las especies.También necesita la paz. La transformación energética hacia energías más limpias puede ser bien intencionada, pero está mal diseñada. La idea de que todo el mundo conduzca un vehículo, ya sea eléctrico o de combustible fósil, acabará con lo que la economía del carbono dejó en pie. No es otra cosa que Ecocidio. ¿Cómo no ver que la respuesta no es más vehículos eléctricos, sino menos consumo, más transporte público limpio, más solidaridad y una verdadera economía circular? Más importante aún, es la necesidad urgente de que tu especie reconozca que otras especies tienen derechos fundamentales a la vida y a hábitats seguros y saludables. Y eso significa reconocer los derechos de los ecosistemas. De los que, por cierto, tú eres parte integrante. Al reconocer sus derechos, estás garantizando tu propio derecho y el de tus descendientes a un entorno seguro y saludable. Y de la supervivencia de tu especie. Si quieres una transformación verdadera, consagra los Derechos de la Naturaleza en las constituciones y leyes de las naciones del mundo. Deja de tratar a la Naturaleza como si solo fuera una bodega de recursos para beneficiar a una especie entre millones, sino como un ente orgánico perfectamente equilibrado con sistemas planetarios que crean y mantienen, sin cesar, las condiciones óptimas para que la vida prospere. Una vez que te des cuenta de esto, encontrarás la manera de reducir inmediatamente las emisiones de carbono, dejarás de deforestar los bosques nativos, de desarraigar a culturas ancestrales y de aniquilar mis océanos con tu basura y tu codicia. Pero, por favor, hazlo pronto. Tu Planeta Tierra *** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***
06.01.2022 Tune in to listen to Melbourne/Naarm activist Liz Downes as she talks about the renewables boom as a form of green extractivism and the campaigns to stop mining along with Ecuadorian indigenous communities.
05.01.2022 Who could scroll past this cheeky face? The soulful Brown-headed Spider Monkey (Ateles fusciceps fusciceps) has a natural elegance marred only by its effortless...ly punk hairstyle. Mostly fruitarian, these social monkeys also love hugging and teasing each other. They arent too affectionate with anyone outside their family unit though, so if you are in the north-west of Ecuador, watch out for sticks from above! These monkeys are extremely endangered with only 250 individuals in the world. Of the three monkey species at Los Cedros, spider monkeys are the most important for spreading fruit and seeds, and continue to play a critical role in ensuring the high diversity of trees in this forest. The habitat of these monkeys is in danger - the Los Cedros Reserve is now at risk due to mining. Jump on to vote for the Spider monkey and share the campaign to help us protect their home. Mating style: Chicks pick males, hands-off dads Habitat: Imbabura, NW Ecuador IUCN rating: Critically Endangered Photograph: Yadira Giler Vote for the Brown-headed Spider Monkey loscedrosreserve.org/vote
05.01.2022 Please share this post to help raise awareness for Ecuador's forests and also tweet with the tags #JusticiaLosCedros and #SaveLosCedros Monday, October 19th, th...e highest court in Ecuador's Constitutional Court will begin to hear arguments in the historic case for the Rights of Nature related to the protected Los Cedros Biological Reserve, which is under threat from the Río Magdalena mining project, run by ENAMI and Cornerstone Resources. Under Ecuador's constitution, nature has rights, protecting it from logging, mining and oil extraction. If the Constitutional Court upholds the Rights of Nature, not only will Los Cedros be safe from extractive industry, but so too will Ecuador's 185 other protected areas. Los Cedros Biological Reserve is a remote, pristine, 17,000-acre cloud forest in northwest Ecuador and one of the most biodiverse places on the planet. It's home to thousands of known species and countless yet to be identified. It supports over 200 species at risk of extinction, many of which are endemic to the reserve. A scientists petition to protect the ecologically significant Los Cedros Reserve was signed by over 1200 scientists, including Jane Goodall, EO Wilson, Peter Raven, and Rosemary and Peter Grant. Mining in Protected Forests is a violation of the legal status of declared Protected Areas, the collective rights of indigenous peoples, the Rights of Nature, and the right of communities to prior consultation before potential environmental damages. Thank you to everyone helping to raise awareness of this case and for permission for the music use in this video by Earthphish (www.earthphish.com) Click this link to find out more ways you can help =>> https://linktr.ee/LosCedrosReserve #ProtectOurPlanet #SaveOurPlanet #ProtectBiodiversity #FaceTheClimateEmergency #ALifeOnOurPlanet #BosquesSinMinería #EcuadorMegadiversoNoMegaminero #SaveLosCedrosReserve #LosCedros #RightsOfNature #EcuadorEndangered #savetheforest #ecocidelaw #yestolifenotomining #deepecology #earthprotectors
05.01.2022 SUPPORT VULNERABLE FAMILIES IN ECUADOR WHO HAVE LOST INCOME DUE TO COVID BY BUYING FINE ART PHOTOS, CARDS AND PRINTS Carlos Zorrilla is a true legend and one of our heroes. A photographer and environmental conservationist from Cuba, he lives in his adopted country Ecuador. He is the founder of DECOIN, a grass-roots environmental organization dedicated to saving what remains of Northern Ecuadors diverse and threatened forest ecosystems. DECOIN has protected over 12,000 hectar...es (29,700 acres) of Montane forest in the Intag region and created a network of sustainable alternative income sources for local communities including ecotourism, organic coffee, and women artisan groups. Carlos is donating 70% of the sale of his photographs to support vulnerable families in his community, Intag Ecuador, who have lost their livelihoods due to the COVID-19 related loss of tourism. Carloss photographs are from Ecuadors Intag Cloud Forest Reserve in Ecuador, where he has lived since 1979. Carloss neighbors are smallholder farmers, many of whom work as guides and cooks in local ecotourism businesses or create beautiful handicrafts that are sold to visitors. The Coronavirus epidemic has led to the complete loss of tourism in the area, just as local families are forced to accommodate an influx of newly jobless family members from the cities. Carlos and his family are using their personal savings to keep the staff of their small tourism business employed - but they cannot support all the affected families or those working in the nearby Junin Eco-cabins (one of the only entirely community run tourism businesses in the region). 70% of proceeds from any sale on this website will go directly to the families of employees of the Intag Cloud Forest Reserve and the EcoJunin cabins. He is the author/photographer of the book, Birds, Butterflies and Orchids: A Life in the Cloud Forest. The photographs in that book and this website were taken in the Intag Cloud Forest reserve, which Carlos founded in 1979 and has protected ever since. His photographs have been featured in many conservation publications, including Rainforest Concern, as well as Rettet den Regenwalds and Geo schutzt den Regenwalds newsletter publications.
04.01.2022 Ever wondered why Ecuador has some of the only species of glass frogs in the world? Its all about evading predators! These amazing frogs are mostly translucent. Thats right, you can see right through their skin to the organs beneath. These rare animals are one of the reasons it is so important to protect these rare forests. There are plants and animals here that exist nowhere else in the world. Incredible photo by Jose Vieria from Tropical Herping tropicalherping.com This article from the guardian explains how being translucent helps these frogs survive predators looking for a quick snack. https://www.theguardian.com//why-glass-frogs-have-see-thr/
03.01.2022 The US Centre of Biological Diversity has launched a letter writing campaign to the mining companies that are threatening the Los Cedros Biological Reserve in Ecuador. Please take a moment to add your name to the campaign. Letters are going out to BHP, Cornerstone Capital Resources and the Ecuadorian Ministry of Mining. It only takes a minute to add your name, but the impact could be huge to protect not only this Protected Forest, but many other threatened forests all over Ecuador.
02.01.2022 MRAG and the Rainforest Information Centre signed onto this report and we endorse the enormous amount of work that went into preparing it, which involved creating a database featuring nearly twenty different countries where mining, Covid-19, environmental and human rights issues intersect. Here is a digested version of the issues written by our colleague Hal Rhoades from the Gaia Foundation UK ... have a read! (: https://theecologist.org//mining-industry-profits-pandemic
02.01.2022 Locals in Ecuador affected by Gina Rinehart's concession standing up against bullying tactics they say are undermining their constitutional rights.
01.01.2022 Due to the tightening of Covid restrictions our previous fundraiser scheduled to be held at Mycelium Studios has been postponed to a date TBC. Instead ... we will hold a free Zoom event, same date, same time ... 7-8 pm Wednesday 1 July. We will show the Australian premiere of "Introduction to Reserva Los Cedros" (2020) by Eyes of the World Films. And we now have a special guest speaker ... John Seed, Australias original rainforest activist and founder of the Rainforest Infor...mation Centre! Visit the event page for more information ...
01.01.2022 HAPPENING NOW: 12 years ago, Ecuador became the first country in the world to enshrine the #RightsofNature in its Constitution. Today, Ecuador’s highest court w...ill hear oral arguments to determine whether the government violated the rights of the Los Cedros Protected Forest by granting gold mining permits to the Canadian company Cornerstone Capital Resources. The case looks to protect this incredibly biodiverse cloud forest, home to at least five critically endangered species and the headwaters of four important watersheds, while at the same time setting the country’s first national precedent on the application of the rights of nature. At the heart of the case is this: Can the government permit mining operations, which are scientifically proven to cause devastating impacts to biodiversity and nature, in an area designated as a Protected Forest without inherently violating the rights of that forest to flourish and survive? With the existence of 186 designated Protected Forests covering over 6 million acres in Ecuador, the decision has significant concrete implications. And with the Los Cedros decision, as well as the A’i Kofán of Sinangoe’s upcoming Constitutional Court battle around the rights of nature as applied within Indigenous territories, Ecuador has the opportunity to back up its groundbreaking constitution in practice. Amazon Frontlines’ attorneys will appear before the Court to present an amicus curiae brief on the issue. Footage courtesy Marrow of the Mountain, Marc Dragiewicz, and David Nicastro, Jacky Poon. Music by Earthphish. Rainforest Information Centre, OMASNE, Marrow of the Mountain
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