The School Project in Brunswick East | Non-profit organisation
The School Project
Locality: Brunswick East
Address: 50 Lygon Street 3057 Brunswick East, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 Massive pat on the back to Cooper and Luke who are starting off their school holidays volunteering their time to put new bikes together for kids experiencing homelessness. We give these bikes to children who have had to move home suddenly because of homelessness or family violence. They also double as great Christmas presents and put a smile on the face of so many little ones going through some very challenging times. Thanks guys! The future is safe with young men like you leading the way.
25.01.2022 The rain may have come but that doesnt mean people are any less affected by the devastating bushfires. Were super proud to have joined in this team effort with some great friends to get two pallet loads of essential school items out to kids affected by the fires just in time for school to re start. Massive thank you to everyone involved in this incredible effort.
24.01.2022 At The School Project, today was all about the getting kids to school and I had the privilege of buying and assembling four bicycles and a scooter and then delivering them to Rose at Launch Housing to pass on to two families.
24.01.2022 Kids are often forgotten about when it comes to homelessness. Being unable to go to school and being socially isolated has made it extra hard for these vulnerable children to stay occupied and busy. Were proud to partner with Launch housing in providing kids with a play bag containing sensory toys, board games, playdough, colouring books and texters, bubbles and other bits and pieces. These bags cost around $15 each to put together and were thrilled to donate the first 50 b...ags. We need around 50 more so were doing a mini fundraiser to see if we can raise another $750 If you can help, every donation over $2 is tax deductible and every $15 buys another play bag for a child experiencing homelessness. It would be absolutely amazing to be able to donate another 50 play bags.
23.01.2022 Last minute and need a Xmas gift for someone still? We have got it covered for you. Why not buy a ticket or five and give that as a present. They may win this awesome Mustang and at the same time you will be helping our charity to help those less fortunate. Merry Christmas everyone xx
23.01.2022 Support Sleeping Bags For Homelessness
23.01.2022 The teens in our house have been kept busy during lockdown! A huge thank you to Luke for putting these bikes together so three kids who have been displaced because of homelessness can ride to school on Monday morning. Domestic abuse can affect any family, and we try to keep life as stable as possible when kids are going though it. Sometimes this means simply finding a way to get to school. And this is what these bikes do. A huge thank you to Dave, Juliana and the team at La...unch Housing for making sure these kids arent forgotten. Senior years in high school are hard enough without the devastating effects of homelessness on top of it. Were proud to offer our support wherever we can.
23.01.2022 As the parent of a child with severely impacting autism this horrifies me. Ive been shocked by many harrowing stories working in this sector but none have torn my heart apart like this has. This could be my son. But for the tooth and nail fight we have put in against all odds for his therapy and allied health care he would be this young man. This is what happens when we dont fight for the rights of those left behind. ... Im completely lost and I dont know what to do except ask you to put add your voice to this. Share this. Talk about this and for the love of all things just please be in complete utter absolute rage about this like we are. Im meeting with Samantha to fight with her to get this young man back into her care. For now, all I can ask is you is please share this and add your voice to our complete disbelief, heartache and absolute rage that people with autism are still being treated like this in our country. #notonmywatch
23.01.2022 Today and tomorrow we are sending educational resources into bushfire affected areas to ensure school children affected by the fires have everything they need when the school year starts. Some families have lost everything and the stress of having to start over when the school year begins is just too much. Were so pleased to be able to help. If youd like to help us us to assist more kids to have a fresh start to the school year please donate below ...
22.01.2022 With our bushfire relief efforts over the past two weeks weve fallen a little behind in our tasks! Today were organising camp packs for 21 children who have been displaced by family violence or hardship. This is our 4th year offering these camp packs for children and each year weve received amazing help from our supporters to make it happen. Because were running behind were asking for financial help this year We dont have time to collect item donations. ... We have 21 kids to buy for and with all things included itll cost us about $100 per child. We need to raise $2100 We know with the bushfire relief many people have reached their donation capacity which is totally understandable. So many places need support. But, if youre able to kick in even $5 wed very much appreciate it! These gorgeous kids have so much going on in their lives and this camp gives them some time to just have fun and escape the pressures of life. All donations over $2 are tax deductible. Please help if you can
21.01.2022 What an incredible, surreal and absolutely amazing day. This morning I sat on a zoom call with 16 strangers. We have all been nominated for an award from the Australia Day Council. Myself and three others in the meeting have the honour of being Australian the Year 2021 finalist for Victoria. What an absolutely incredible honour. It was surreal and exciting being in on this zoom meeting. Indeed a once in a life time experience that I will never forget. For me though, the mos...t unforgettable part of the zoom was meeting the most incredible people who are all doing phenomenal work to support fellow Victorians. They are Mums and Dads, Doctors and sport stars, grandparents, students and everything in between. They are, like me, everyday people with average everyday lives. But what they’re doing to help, to change and to support our great state of Victoria and her people took my breath away. Please do take a few minutes to read up on my fellow nominees and learn what they’re doing for our State of Victoria and the people living here. I feel an overwhelming sense of honour to be included amongst these phenomenal people. All of you reading this know what I do, because you’re here on this page already supporting us and for that I can never thank you enough. Please take a moment to read this article and see why I can say hand on heart, whomever wins this award is truly deserving. Please make sure you’re watching the 2021 VIC Australian of the Year Awards on 27 October to celebrate with me and find out who the recipients are. Tune in to the live stream link at @AustralianoftheYear on Facebook from 6:30pm (AEDT). #WereAllPartOfTheStory #AusoftheYear #ReflectRespectCelebrate
20.01.2022 When crisis hits or a family is left homeless it often becomes extremely difficult for children to get to school and back. The family car might no longer be available or parents might no longer have access to money for registration, fuel and other running costs. Sometimes kids are moved out of home suddenly and into foster care or sent to live with a relative to care for them. When we received a call from Sara from launch housing asking if we could help out with a bike for a... 13yo girl who was no longer able to get to school because of a sudden change in her family circumstances we were only too happy to help out. Having access to a new bike not only gives kids a way to get to school, it lets them know that no matter what happens someone out there still cares. We care, and were so happy to be able to continue to help these kids when they most need it.
20.01.2022 Kids are often the forgotten victims when homelessness strikes. Last week we got a call from Juilana at Launch Housing, asking if we could help Ava who was left homeless with her Mum. Ava recently had a birthday and desperately wanted a scooter but her Mum couldnt afford one. Due to homelessness their circumstances meant they could hardly afford to eat let alone much else. Of course we said yes! We were super happy to help and buy Ava a brand new Peppa Pig scooter for her b...irthday. The lovely Juliana passed it on to Avas Mum on our behalf. We hope you love your new scooter, Ava. Have fun and Happy Birthday!
18.01.2022 A huge thank you and hug to Kerrith who has once again made a wonderful donation to The School Project. These three school bags full of much needed items have already been allocated to a new family in desperate need of items for school next year. Thanks so much, Kerrith. We are so grateful for your support.
18.01.2022 Kids camp update
16.01.2022 We always get a few odd stares when we go shopping for so many kids at once but its a great way to start a new conversation in the supermarket aisle! 40 more children supported today through The School Project Please donate if you can...
16.01.2022 We were super thrilled to be able to supply art and craft materials did the kids attending Drummond Street services play groups and holiday programs. These gorgeous kids come from many different backgrounds and circumstances but they all deserve to similar play and be kids. A huge thank you to Simon for once again helping to get these items to where they need to be. Youre awesome, Simon!
16.01.2022 Can we please give a huge shout out to Bec and the team at adrift for their love, kindness and generosity shown to our project and the children we support This phenomenal gifts is already helping so many children in need.
16.01.2022 Some days there are so many people to help, and you wonder how you’ll be able to reach them all. We’re an unfunded organisation and rely on the love, help and support from the community. That’s why it was an incredible honour to be chosen as this years charity partner for adrift. We are only as strong as the people who support us and this incredible gift will mean over 1000 children will have access to our support this year. We cannot thank Bec and the team at Adrift enough ...for choosing us and offering their love and support to our charity. Not only did they give us $25,000 to support children in need, they also handed over dozens of gorgeous items of Adrift clothing to be passed on to the Mums we support. On top of all this I got to have the most incredibly fun day modelling adrift clothing (hair, makeup, the works!) with actual real models! It’s rare we get to have fun these days, so this was an absolute treat to be a part of. Bec, we cannot thank you enough for your generosity. Thank you so very much from all of us for caring so much about the children we care for.
14.01.2022 If the adults at Launch Housing are this excited about the bikes we just delivered for the kids, imagine how excited the kids are going to be when they get them! Thanks Sara and team for delivering these bikes on our behalf to kids experiencing homelessness
13.01.2022 21 kids camp packs and 21 sleeping bags all safely delivered to Launch Housing in South Melboune for kids experiencing homelessness and hardship. Each camp pack contains all brand new items including Back pack... Sleeping bag Swim rashie Board shorts Thongs Beach towel Bath towel Insect repellent Sunscreen Toothbrush Toothpaste Soap Shampoo Conditioner Body wash Deodorant Toiletries bag Torch Hat Drink bottle We could not continue to help these kids without your support. A huge thank you to our lovely volunteers Jan and Julie who helped with this mammoth shopping effort. A massive thanks to the 5th Keilor Scout Group for their wonderful donations of hats, torches and insect repellent and to every single person who donated, liked, shared or even just sent their love. We are so very proud to do this for the kids at launch housing every year and hope to continue for many years to come. Thank you so much everyone
13.01.2022 We wish we had more photos to show but we’re once again thrilled to support Launch Housings Pathways Project to provide sleeping bags and camping gear for 30 kids experiencing homelessness and disadvantage to attend camp. The kids all head off today and we’re thrilled to be able to help out with swimming gear, towels, sleeping bags, toiletries and other items. We hope the kids all have a fantastic time at camp!
13.01.2022 Were delivering a very special gift today. We were approached by a Mum who has a young child with autism. Her daughter had been invited to go on a special camp and the fees were covered, however the Mum had no idea how she would be able to afford a sleeping bag let alone all the other things kids need on that very extensive camp list. Of course, we were happy to help! We not only supplied a brand new sleeping bag but all of the other items kiddo needed for her camp too! We hope you have an amazing time at camp, Katie. Were in floods of tears here just knowing how happy your beautiful Mama is that you get to experience the excitement and wonder of camp!
12.01.2022 As Covid continues to keep us in lockdown, so many organisations still need our help and support. Today we got the old gang together and made up 30 play bags for kids living in towers who are prevented from playing outside due to covid. Each bag has some crayons, a colouring book, a toy, a new book, some stickers and some Play Doh. ... Kids living in towers have to be isolated because of Covid but they dont have backyards to play in, and with playgrounds being closed it has made it extra hard for parents and care givers to keep them busy. Were so proud to be able to include these bags along with our other support items. Thank you so much to everyone who has donated to help make this happen. The feedback from the kids receiving the bags has been so heartwarming. A huge thank you to our volunteers today Jo, Kayla and Annette for giving up their Saturday to help us out. You are all amazing!
12.01.2022 Thanks to your incredibly generous donations we were able to support the Yuendumu school in the Northern Territory with dozens of items for their Senior School Fellas program. This program teaches health and hygiene essentials to the fellas and is an important part of the school program. Being so far away, the Yuendumu school wasnt previously able to access the items they needed to successfully run the program and it was at risk of being cancelled. However, thanks to your... support we were able to help the school out with more than enough items to set them up and the program is now up and running. Thank you all so much for your wonderful generosity. You have helped out a group of people who were truly being left behind. Check out these beautiful smiling faces.
12.01.2022 Melbourne we came through for our little ones during the 2020 lockdown and we need your help again. Unfortunately greater Melbourne is still in lockdown which has meant many families are suffering. We have had an urgent request from one of our larger partner organisations for infant care products. We have around 300 families to support. Sudden job loss has created unexpected financial hardship for many families and once again we are seeing the same devastating effects we wit...nessed in last years Melbourne lockdown. Last year we assisted thousands of families with infant care products thanks to your incredible support. We need your help again. Families with infants have run out of nappies, wipes and infant formula. We have been asked if we can assist and we will do everything we can to see these babies given the care they need but we need your help to do that. The easiest way is to purchase a ticket in our raffle to win a luxury holiday. Tickets are $25 each which is about the cost of a large packet of nappies or a tin of formula. This holiday prize has been donated to us to raffle to raise much needed funds for emergencies such as this. Please click the link below to purchase a ticket and help us help our babes of Melboune stay dry and fed. Unfortunately donating to charity is not one of the 5 permitted reasons to leave home so we cannot encourage people to donate physical items. Also with covid being unknown and so many contact points around Melbourne we unfortunately cannot take physical donations at this time. We must limit the amount of contact points for items we donate. Thanks again Melbourne. Please help us help as many of these babes as we can.
12.01.2022 Last week we received an incredibly touching email from lady named Danielle, on behalf of her son Jack. Jack had seen people experiencing homelessness and wanted to do something to help. So, instead of receiving presents for his birthday Jack asked for donations instead. Jack said, I want to make people happy, so they can go to school like me. I feel sad when people have no home or mummy and daddy.... Jack asked his grade two classmates at The King David school if they would like to help out and together they raised $255 to help kids stay in school. What an inspiring young man and a wonderful group of kids. Thank you so much Jack and thank you to your grads 2 classmates at The King David school for your wonderful donation. We are so proud of you and so grateful for your support. (Picture posted with Jacks parents permission. Permission granted to publish school name)
12.01.2022 Each year we wrap up piles of Christmas gifts and send to our young Aboriginal mob up in Darwin for Christmas. This year as well as this we also sent up a mega stack of sporting equipment so our kids can get out there, kick a footy or a soccer ball or play basketball with their mates. We support around 120 kids each year with no place to call home. Super proud to continue caring for our kids and knowing theyre all gonna have a deadly Christmas.
11.01.2022 Five gorgeous new bikes heading off to Launch Housing today so kids living in crisis accommodation can still ride to school. This along with 25 school bags were making up means so many more children will have a much easier start to the school year. Thank you to everyone who supports us. If youd like to help support kids in need to start back to school with all the necessary items they need please donate below. Every cent counts and all donations over $2 are tax deductible ...
11.01.2022 Here it is! Our Home Girl episode on Behind The Sash featured today on Channel 10. Were so excited to be able to finally share this episode with you. It stars one of our beautiful incredible brave amazing employees, L Jay who shares her story of homelessness. Wed love for you to watch it and find our more about what we do. Massive thanks to Lentil As Anything for hosting our crew today.
11.01.2022 Jenga, Snakes & Ladders, Sudoku, Crosswords, Lego, word finder, sketch books, colouring in, Jigsaws, teddies and so much more! Today our super volunteers made dozens and dozens of play bags for kids, teens and adults. These bags will be going to tower residence who have a family member with Covid and who cant get outside to play and exercise. Three play and activity bags are essential in keeping kids occupied and keeping parents inspired and busy while theyre locked inside.... We have family jigsaw puzzles, kids puzzles, kids toys and games, coloring books, books and games for teens and heaps of things for families to do together. Something for every age and every one! A huge shout out to Helen who made us these absolutely gorgeous teddies for the bags. We appreciate you so much, Helen These bags came about because of your generosity. Thank you all so very much for helping us to help others A massive shout out to our volunteers Jo, Annette and Alice for helping out today
11.01.2022 Super thrilled to be here today as charity partner for Fictionally Yours, Melbourne collecting these incredible donations for The School Project and for Melbourne Period Project. Thank you so much to the FYM team for having us along again.
11.01.2022 Who is Karen? and why does she play such a major role in our fight for gender equality? Join us tomorrow night at East Brunswick Village for our IWD panel discussion to see why we actually need the Karens of the world. All ticket money raised supports women experiencing homelessness ...
10.01.2022 Thank You Vollyspot for your support over the past 12 months. Partnering up with you has assisted in raising much need funds and raising awareness all of our charity initiatives. We look forward to a bigger and brighter year ahead. Thank you so much for your support and generosity :-)
10.01.2022 40 brand new fully loaded school bags delivered to Launch Housing so children living in crisis accommodation can still attend school with everything they need. Our school bags are put together with all grades in mind and we make sure everything is new and each back is full! Thanks so much to Launch Housing for getting these bags out there to those in need.
09.01.2022 How do you self-isolate when youre experiencing homelessness? You cant. Our community faces immense uncertainty and danger with the rapid spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), and these challenges are especially complex for the 24,000+ Victorians currently experiencing homelessness. To help us to immediately deliver critical, day-to-day relief to those living alongside us in need please consider donating to this crisis fund. ... $5.00 is all it takes for us to assemble and hand-deliver a backpack full of food, toiletries and essential sanitary items to someone sleeping rough, offering dignity, choice and crucial support. $30.00 is all it takes to for us to purchase and hand-deliver a high grade, weatherproof sleeping bag; ensuring protection against exposure and - all too often - death. As a 100% grassroots charity, with our major sources of fundraising (i.e. sausage sizzles and events) currently not possible due to health concerns and restrictions on large gatherings, your online donations are more powerful and effective than ever. Without your donation, our work will have to stop. Its that simple.
09.01.2022 One of the hardest things about this pandemic has been helping children cope with the challenges and changes, and finding new ways to help keep them busy. Many children are locked inside high rise buildings and are unable to attend playgrounds or ride bikes outside if a family member has covid or is in lockdown awaiting the results of testing. We made 36 of these play bags for Ron and the team at Drummond Street services to pass on the kids living in towers in Collingwood. ...Over the next few weeks to hope to be making hundreds more to help keep these kids busy and happy until they can be playing outside in the sun once again. Thank you all so much yet again for your support. Youve made so many kids so very happy. We simply cant do this without you.
09.01.2022 We are so excited to be able to once again supply the wonderful people at drummond street services with 40 play bags containing over 240 play items. Plus 1450 sanitary pads and 432 nappies to assist clients still in lockdown. Our awesome volunteer Super Simon was on hand yet again to load up his trusty wagon and get these items over to Imran, Basant and Ron from Drummond Street Services. Simon was telling us that some of these children havent been able to play outside sinc...e stage 4 lockdown due to playground being closed, and living in towers means no yard is available. If a person is suspected or diagnosed with covid, it means the whole family then isolates as close contacts. Many people dont have support and with young children it can be very difficult to get to shops. This is why our services and food relief services are so important. It has been unimaginably difficult. We thank you all yet again for helping us to continue our work. We are so proud of what we do and so proud to have your support to do it.
09.01.2022 ONLY 7 days to go! Our sleeping bags save lives. Every winter we give out over 2000 life saving sleeping bags to people who would otherwise be freezing on the streets. But we need you to help us buy them. The easiest way to do that right now is to buy a ticket in our raffle to win a gorgeous brand new 2020 Mustang Fastback. ... The tickets are just $10 each and every cent of that $10 goes towards the purchase of sleeping bags for people experiencing homelessness. 3 tickets buy 1 zero degree temp rated sleeping bag 4 tickets buy 1 minus 10 degree rated sleeping bag 7 tickets buy 1 sleeping bag and a full winter warmer kit with gloves, scarf, warm socks and a beanie tickets buys all of the above plus two days of nutritious non perishable food The effects of Covid and job loss mean we need more bags than ever this year. Tickets are just a $10 and DRAWN ON MARCH 31st! People depend on us to survive. We depend on you to help us help them do just that. Please click the link below to get your ticket and help someone get through winter on the streets
08.01.2022 We did it! Thank you to absolutely everyone who helped out in the 2019 Easter campaign for kids in foster care. Today we finished off and delivered 61 Easter gifts each containing a brand new pair of winter pyjamas, a giant chocolate Bunny and a chocolate Easter egg For all of the kids in care with Westcare Sunshine. These gifts will be given to each of the amazing foster carers to pass on to the children on Easter Sunday. ... Foster parents very often have to put their hands into their own pockets to make sure their special kids are well looked after and have everything we all take for granted. They do so willingly, and we know that without these gifts all of the kids in foster care still would have received something lovely from their foster parents. But its just nice to give those amazing carers a financial break, and ease the burden just a little. A huge heartfelt thank you too all of you who donated and to our hands on volunteers Jody, Rory, Mimma, Rachel, Karina, Luke, Peter, Annette and Nicola and Glenn.
08.01.2022 Today in another group we support we saw a post from a carer needing a backpack and toys for a young boy who had nothing. Not even a single toy. Apparently, he likes Harry Potter. Of course we wanted to help so we headed out to straight away by him a couple of Harry Potter things and some clothes. We ended up getting kiddo quite a few new things! Some might say we went overboard but when I look in my own sons room and see how many toys he has, and knowing this little guy had... literally nothing, I didn’t feel so bad getting him a few extra things. His carer is going to keep some to pass on from Santa Giving is great. It really is. This gives us the absolute best feeling in the world. We can’t help everyone but today, one little guy who adores Harry Potter is going to have the best day. But the best part? This little boy gets to create memories with this. When he grows up he’s going to have memories of that time he was just like all the other kids and and some super cool things to play with. What we do with kids today forms their memories when they’re adults. We have a responsibility to make sure those memories are happy ones Have fun little man. We hope these gifts bring you so much happiness
08.01.2022 Gosh we are blessed to be supported by some absolutely beautiful people. Today we picked up two giant bags of knitted and crochet donations from Debby in Berwick. And what amazing timing! On Saturday were making up play bags for kids in lockdown and we had a really hard time sourcing small teddys. Now we have about 20 gorgeous new teddies for kids in lockdown to go into their play bags. I must admit I got overwhelmed when I saw these beautiful little bears. Knowing how they will make these kids when they find them in their play bags made my eyes fill up just a little bit with water. Im not crying youre crying! We are so overwhelmed with the kindness we receive from the public. Everything you do helps us do what we do. Your love and support reaches far and wide. Thank you Debby for your wonderful generosity , and thank you everyone else who supports us. These are just a few of the many items Debby has donated. We will share more photos tomorrow
08.01.2022 Meet Daniel and Simon. They are two amazing top Aussie blokes that have given up their time yesterday and today to get another 1200 emergency Bushfire Relief Period Packs plus 20 tub loads essential educational school supplies to those devastated by the bushfires. This will ensure school children affected by the fires have everything they need when the school year starts. Some families have lost everything and the stress of having to start over when the school year begins... is just too much. Were so pleased to be able to help. If youd like to help us us to assist more kids to have a fresh start to the school year please donate below
08.01.2022 It was hard to keep a tally but we have a good guesstimate that we have handed out just over 2000 toys for kids in need this Christmas Given we were aiming for the sky with our request for 250 gifts this is absolutely phenomenal. We just can’t thank you all enough. So many families are doing it tough this Christmas with many losing jobs and income security because of Covid. We’re thrilled to be able to help them out and bring some Christmas joy for them this year. We www ab...le to fill the Christmas wish list for five organisations with the last of our gifts going out to Drummond Street Services tomorrow. This had made a huge difference for thousands of families. We are so very grateful for your support
07.01.2022 Were absolutely thrilled to be awarded $10,000 from Commonwealth Bank to continue our work supporting children experiencing homelessness to stay in school. This money will be used to further expand our work and keep even more vulnerable kids connected to education.
04.01.2022 National Homeless Collective and The School Project were honoured to once again support the children attending the DAIWS Christmas party in Darwin. This year we were able to provide gifts for 118 children who attended the party. It was an incredible feeling seeing each of the children receive their gifts from Santa. NHC School Project has a strong focus on giving children the opportunity to create fond memories to reflect on later in life. We certainly achieved this! It was ...also an honour to catch up with our board member Amy Rust and Kate Worden MLA: Member for Sanderson. We chatted about the needs of the people in the NT and how we can work together moving forward to strengthen the impact of our services. We’re looking forward to a great year of positive change in 2021 #darwin #northernterritory #aboriginalhealth #aboriginalaustralia #nonprofit #philanthropy #childreneducation #education #domesticviolence See more
04.01.2022 Shopping has started for our annual pledge to send 40 kids living in crisis and in foster care off to camp. We get a few strange looks when we head to the checkout with 40 towels and 40 pairs of swimsuits but, we do what we gotta do! We still have heaps of things left to buy so if you’d like to help us give these gorgeous kids a fantastic break away at camp please consider clicking the link below and buying a ticket to win a gorgeous Mustang Fastback. Tickets are $10 each an...d the full $10 comes to us to help get these kids off to camp. For most of them it is the first and only camp they have ever been on. We can’t wait to see their faces when they arrive! Please click below and grab a ticket. Drawn on March 31st!
04.01.2022 THERE ARE ONLY *5 DAYS* LEFT TO HELP GET THESE KIDS OFF TO CAMP Shopping has started for our annual pledge to send 40 kids living in crisis and in foster care off to camp. We get a few strange looks when we head to the checkout with 40 towels, 40 pairs of pyjamas and 49 swim suits but, we do what we gotta do! We still have heaps of things left to buy so if you’d like to help us give these gorgeous kids a fantastic break away at camp please consider clicking the link below... and buying a ticket to win a gorgeous Mustang Fastback. Tickets are $10 each and the full $10 comes to us to help get these kids off to camp. For most of these kids it is the first and only camp they have ever been on. 1 Ticket buys a child pyjamas 2 Tickets buys PJ’s and a beach towel 3 Tickets buys a sleeping bag 4 Tickets buys a sleeping bag and a backpack 5 Tickets PJ’s, a backpack, shoes, toiletries and a towel Tickets gets a child everything they need and you get 10 chances to win a stunning Mustang Fastback’ We can’t wait to see the kids faces when they arrive at camp! Please click below, grab a ticket and help us get more kids to this amazing camp this year. Drawn on March 31st!
04.01.2022 What an absolutely wonderful email to receive this morning. Thanks to your help and generosity we were able to support Launch Housing to make up over 100 play bags for children experiencing homelessness and in lockdown due to COVID-19. We could not have done this without your support and I honestly do not have the words to truly convey how this community makes me feel at times like this. You are all just absolutely wonderful. Thank you A message from Juliana at Launch Hou...sing Hi Donna, Hope you are well and happy organising dinners with friends and family soon now that we are allowed. Just want to thank you and the donors again for their generosity. We have been able to put together a lot more bags for the children and they loved it!! Here are some pics for you, I so wish that I could take pictures from their beautiful smiles, but trust me they were many!!! Thanks!!!!!! Juliana
02.01.2022 January is always our busiest month and today reminded us of exactly that! We put together five brand new bikes to deliver to Launch housing so kids who have had to move because of domestic violence will still have a way to get to school. We assembled 30 school bags for Drummond Street Support services as well as 11 sleeping bags, hundreds of sanitary items, school socks, underwear and many other essentials we all take for granted.... Massive thank you to Glenn and Simon for helping us put these items together and for delivering them for us. You guys absolutely rock!
02.01.2022 Got a friend who's so hard to buy for at Christmas because they already have everything? Bet they don't have a Mustang Click link. Buy Ticket. Possibly win your friend a super fast sexy red sleigh for Christmas. Help women and children into housing. ... Easy!
01.01.2022 Good on you Dustin martin, were super proud that one of our School project kiddos is aspiring to be as great as you. Richmond FC