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Melbourne Sports Podiatry and Physiotherapy Centre | Physical therapist

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Melbourne Sports Podiatry and Physiotherapy Centre

Phone: +61 3 9853 7836

Address: 154 High Street 3101


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24.01.2022 We are after our next superstar Physiotherapist to join our team! Read below!

24.01.2022 We Remain Open Through Stage 4 . . As an essential service we remain open with strict PPE and infection control policies in place. .... . 5 KM Radius does not apply when coming in for a consult Book online at

24.01.2022 Osgood Schlatter’s Disease . OSD is a common cause of knee pain in young, active adolescents. OSD is an overuse injury, characterised by inflammation of the tibial tuberosity growth plate where the patella tendon attaches. . It occurs predominantly in boys aged 12-14 and less commonly in girls aged 10-13. Other risk factors for developing OSD include high levels of activity during growth phases, sports that require large amounts of running, jumping and changing dir...ection and tight quadricep muscles. . Symptoms of OSD include pain, swelling and tenderness just below the knee. Adolescents generally report worsening of symptoms with jumping, stairs, running and kneeling on the affected knee. Adolescents are vulnerable to this condition during growth spurts as their muscles, bones and tendons grow rapidly but not necessarily at the same time. These differences in growth rates, accompanied with exercise, place excess stress on the growth plate. . If you have been clinically diagnosed with OSD the treatment may include reduction of aggravating activities such as running and jumping. Taping and medication for short-term relief. Quadricep stretching, strengthening of the muscles around the knee, including the hamstrings, quadriceps, calves and hip muscles and in some cases orthotics. . It’s important to note, that rest does not necessarily accelerate the healing process and that activities should be modified and/or reduced rather than ceased. . #msppc #knee #kneepain #injury #osd #physio #podiatry #quads #hamstrings #calves #glutes See more

23.01.2022 Sneak Peak of Our New Space 1/56 Cotham Road, Kew Vic 3101. #physiotherapy #podiatry

23.01.2022 All of our staff have $100 to spend local! Tag your suggestions for everyone! #supportlocalbusiness #sharethelove

22.01.2022 We are after our next superstar Physiotherapist to join our team! Read below!

21.01.2022 Good luck to all the finalists in tonight’s ceremony!

20.01.2022 W E. A R E. M O V I N G. . Keep posted. . Custom Build. ... . Only 2 minutes away to 56 Cotham Road. See more

15.01.2022 Using the world first product that has been scientifically proven to kill COVID-19 and non ethanol! You can get this in clinic for $15 for 500ml!

14.01.2022 Out-toeing is the externally rotated or ‘turned out’ appearance of feet when walking. Out-toeing can occur as a result of outward rotation of the feet, tibia, or most commonly as a result of external hip rotation. Out-toeing can also have an underlying neurological aetiology, including hip dysplasia. It’s important to note diagnosable out-toeing is less common than in-toeing. Excessive pronation and out-toeing If out-toeing is causing pain or limiting function, and... this is thought to be the cause upon assessment, treatment will often be used to limit the underlying biomechanical issues. External rotation from the hip due to contracture Often a minor soft tissue restriction at the hip. This does not usually require treatment, and will resolve on its own. External tibial torsion and out-toeing External tibial torsion relates to the outward rotation of the tibia, and commonly presents in adolescence. Femoral retroversion This is commonly seen in children who are obese, and predisposes them to conditions such as slipped capital femoral epiphysis and juvenile arthritis. Like intoeing, treatment is dependent on the cause. Treatment may not always be necessary if it is not causing any pain or dysfunction, however if your clinician does recommend treatment, this may include Orthotics to prevent external rotation occurring from the feet Stretching and strengthening program to stabilise and prevent external rotation occurring from the hip and knee Gait plates Bracing . . . #outtoeinggait

12.01.2022 Meet Erin! Erin is one of our wonderful physiotherapists, who is a qualified gymnastics coach and was previously a gymnast herself. Erin has a passion for Strength & Conditioning and Clinical Pilates which she incorporates into her patient’s rehabilitation. Currently, Erin is offering her physiotherapy & Pilates services out of our Kew Clinic.... Jump online and book an appointment today! Alternatively, call our clinic on 03 95681011. #podiatry #podiatryau #oakleigh #kew #msppc #physio #foot #injury #physiotherapy

12.01.2022 Your feet and lower limbs are often a critical factor in developing or avoiding non communicable health diseases elsewhere in your body. Even if it doesn't imme...diately seem connected to foot health, the link is real. Think obesity, arthritis, diabetes, heart disease and a range of other conditions. 1 in 4 Australians who saw a podiatrist also had other health issues identified by their podiatrist. * *According to the 2020 Foot Health Survey conducted by the Australian Podiatry Association. #FootHealthWeek #podiatryaustralia #foothealth #healthyfeet #foothealthau #podiatryau #podiatry #FitFeet #FootHealthAus #BackonTrack

11.01.2022 Out-toeing is the externally rotated or ‘turned out’ appearance of feet when walking. Out-toeing can occur as a result of outward rotation of the feet, tibia, or most commonly as a result of external hip rotation. Out-toeing can also have an underlying neurological aetiology, including hip dysplasia. It’s important to note diagnosable out-toeing is less common than in-toeing. Excessive pronation and out-toeing If out-toeing is causing pain or limiting function, and... this is thought to be the cause upon assessment, treatment will often be used to limit the underlying biomechanical issues. External rotation from the hip due to contracture Often a minor soft tissue restriction at the hip. This does not usually require treatment, and will resolve on its own. External tibial torsion and out-toeing External tibial torsion relates to the outward rotation of the tibia, and commonly presents in adolescence. Femoral retroversion This is commonly seen in children who are obese, and predisposes them to conditions such as slipped capital femoral epiphysis and juvenile arthritis. Like intoeing, treatment is dependent on the cause. Treatment may not always be necessary if it is not causing any pain or dysfunction, however if your clinician does recommend treatment, this may include Orthotics to prevent external rotation occurring from the feet Stretching and strengthening program to stabilise and prevent external rotation occurring from the hip and knee Gait plates Bracing . . . #outtoeinggait

07.01.2022 Return to sport following COVID-19 As most sports prepare for a return to training & competition, it’s important to consider the implications of an interrupted pre-season. With the sudden return, we can expect to see an increase in excessive muscle soreness, muscle fatigue, strains, tendinopathies & stress fractures.... So, how do we reduce the risk of injuries & ensure a smooth transition back into sport specific training and competition? Most injuries are the result of doing too much, too soon with inadequate recovery. Monitoring training and match loads are imperative to prevent injury & enhance performance. When an individual’s ‘load’ outweighs their ‘capacity’ injuries occur. 1. Gradually Increase Load: gradually increase the volume, intensity & frequency of training and adjust, depending on how your body responds. 2. Monitor your Load: record RPE, heart rate, distance, duration, sprinting, change of direction, throws. 3. Recover Adequately: adequate sleep, hydration & nutrition. 4. Wellness: record fatigue, soreness, sleep duration & quality, stress & mood. Monitor & adapt load pending these variables. 5. Prevent Training Spikes: to minimise injury risk, limit increases in weekly training-load to less than 10%. 6. Consider risk factors for injury 7. Warm up: increase blood flow, activate your neuromuscular system, perform dynamic movements, gradually increase stress on the body. 8. Be adaptive: cross-training sessions off-load joints & muscles used in their primary sport and utilise those used less commonly. 9. Footwear: ensure a progressive transition to stiffer sport-specific footwear. Injuries that occur from a spike in training load typically don’t occur for up to 4 weeks after the overloaded week. Meaning, people don’t commonly attribute a previous training spike to their injury. Fail to increase your load gradually & allow your training load to outweigh your capacity, you’ll likely have an overuse injury in 4 weeks and have partly wasted the last month of training. More is not necessarily better. Train smarter, not harder. #loadmanagement #returntosport @ Kew, Victoria

05.01.2022 Calf Strains Calf strain muscle injuries (CSMI) are one of the most common soft tissue injuries in sports involving high-speed running, increased volumes of running load, acceleration & deceleration, jumping & repeat running efforts. Gastroc strains are most common as the muscle is bi-arthrodial, crossing both the knee and ankle and has a higher density of type II muscle fibres. A medial gastroc strain is most common and is usually the result of an eccentric force applied to the muscle when the knee is extended and the ankle is dorsiflexed. Soleus strains are far less common and occur when the knee is flexed. Return to sport depends on the location of the tear. However, grade I strains take on average 10-12 days, grade II 16-21 & grade 3, 6+ months after surgery. The aim of rehab should be to accelerate early tissue healing, restore the contractile properties of the muscle, develop force capacity in the muscle-tendon unit, develop mechanical properties in the tendon, develop lower limb stiffness and maintain fitness. Re-injury following a CSMI remains high for the first 30-50 days and tissue re-modelling is occurring for 6+ month. Highlighting the importance of continuing rehab, even after returning to sport. It’s important to target both soleus & gastroc in a strengthening program. When the knee is flexed 60+ degrees the gastroc is at a mechanical disadvantage, meaning the muscle fascicles are too short to produce torque. Thus, the soleus has to produce most of the force generation in this position. If you’ve recently suffered a calf strain or injury, jump online or give us a call at MSPPC and get your rehab start today!

05.01.2022 Dead Bug . The dead bug is an exercise that strengthens the core and improves lumbo-pelvic control. . It’s an anti-extension core exercise, similar to the plank, in that it requires you to brace your abs to prevent your back from arching. ... . The dead bug improves your ability to move your hips and shoulders without engaging your lower back muscles. This movement pattern is important as athletes and non-athletes often struggle to move their hips or reach above shoulder heigh without engaging their lower back muscles. . The dead bug can be easily progressed/regressed, depending on your ability. For an easier variation omit the arm movements or to make it a little more challenging extend both legs at the same time. . To perform the dead bug 1. Lie on your back and bend your hips and knees to 90 degrees. Arms extended in front of your shoulders. 2. Tilt your pelvis backwards, pressing your lower back into the floor and tighten your abs. Maintain this position throughout. 3. Extend your right leg towards the floor and move your left arm backward. 4. Return to the starting position and alternate. 5. Complete 3 x 15 reps . #physio #podiatry #msppc #deadbug #corestrength #backpain #backpainrelief #lowerbackpain #lowerbackworkout See more

05.01.2022 #blackouttuesday #standbyyou We Stand By All

04.01.2022 Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy . The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles which provide internal & external rotation torque at the shoulder. Their role is to provide dynamic stability to the shoulder joint, keeping the head of the humerus firmly fixated in the shoulder socket when the arm is required to move! . RC tendinopathy is the most common type of shoulder pain, accounting for approximately 30% of all shoulder complaints. ... . Swipe to learn more about RC tendinopathy . #rotatorcuff #rotatorcufftendinopathy #tendinopathy @ Kew, Victoria See more

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