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Mel Frost Coaching | Sport & recreation

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Mel Frost Coaching

Phone: +61 423 239 539


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20.01.2022 ROAST CAULIFLOWER SALAD This is delicious on its own, or as a side dish ! You can also mix up the herbs/spices dependent on your preferences or just what you have available...

17.01.2022 ? Click through for an insight into important breakfast 'rules'....

14.01.2022 FOOD FOR THOUGHT FRIDAY On Monday I spoke to you all about wether, with the systems and habits you have in your life currently, you could 'succeed', without focusing on your goals. Is your relationship with food sound enough, to omit obsession and sit at a 'comfortable' weight? Or are 'good and bad' 'right and wrong' foods at the front of your mind.. coupled with guilt + bingeing ... Do you find it easy to move throughout your week? or is it an absolute chore? Do you 'blow out' on weekends? Is your sleep of sound quality and quantity? Do you know how to incorporate relaxation when you're going through a stressful period? If the answer to Mondays question is not what you would like it to be, I want to stretch you a little. What is ONE habit you can add into OR remove from next week to get you one step closer to your results? Share with us what you're working on, you never know how much it could help (you OR others) Mine is limiting social media to 1hour per day AND it must be purposeful time i.e. posting, marketing, working with clients (not mindless scrolling).

13.01.2022 A very interesting (and eye opening for some) exert of an interview with Dr Stamp; a cardiothoracic surgeon. Dr Stamp highlights the effects of pursuing health, in a new light for many of us Have you ever looked at an instagram ‘model’ selling the latest vitamins and compared yourself? Or belittled your body because doesn’t live up ‘standard’ that marketing have defined as ‘healthy’ for us?... Or wondered how you get the body of all those ladies, in fitness app adds? This video is a great reminder that these markers we use to compare or rate ourselves; are not health. Nor is being motivated entirely by appearance. Not being a size 8 or even 6, not supplementing with every vitamin and mineral you can get your hands on, fasting 12 hours, only consuming super-foods or whatever other gimmick they’ll sell to us next. They are not even close to being indicators of what health is. And often lead to dangerous dieting, disordered eating, not exercising, or conversely overexercising. In addition to mental health implications: anxiety, depression and poor body image. Advice: be open, but question everything. Especially where (and whom) you’re taking health advice from! I want to know, what are your thoughts when you watch/hear this? Are you surprised or not really? Confused or letting out a big "Ah-HUH!"??

03.01.2022 I recently re-read James Clears 'Atomic Habits' (highly recommended for all!!). He talks about forgetting about setting goals and instead focusing on systems and habits. I have a thought for you to ponder on this.... Think about where you want your health + fitness to be; if you completely ignored your goals and focused only on your system, would you still succeed?

01.01.2022 The perfect, simple, warming dinner for a rainy Friday!! Try and it out & let us know what you think!

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