Melinda King in Fitzroy, Victoria | Medical and health
Melinda King
Locality: Fitzroy, Victoria
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25.01.2022 Yay! Booking in the first lot of clients for my new healing space in Fitzroy. I'll be available Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 11-7pm. Be ready to delve deep into your healing, create more inner peace and connect to what's important in your life. Book in for a naturopathic or reiki healing session - If it's been a while since you've seen me don't worry, I welcome anyone who's willing to commit to their healing ...and learn more about themselves. It's been sixteen months since my last in-person sessions and I'm super excited to be offering these again. I've been 'loosely' looking for a new room to practice for the last few years but the timing didn't align until now (and I was busy establishing my other business with gusto). Truth is, I miss it. As much as I love helping others from anywhere in the world online, thanks to technology, there is a magical thing that happens during in-person healing sessions. We both surrender. Over my 10 years of practice I have found energy healing to be an essential addition to naturopathic treatment (diet, herbal medicine, lifestyle changes etc). Sure, there's a wealth of knowledge needed on my behalf to create a naturopathic treatment plan. During reiki, however, there's something else happening in the room. Something special. And raw. And familiar. It's the power of life-force energy moving within you. It's the energy we're all made of and made from. Which has a profound innate intelligence that I believe initiates healing. And witnessing the effects of this in-person is what I miss the most. When I place my hands over a client's forehead, or hover them over their heart, not only do I see them surrender and relax but they tell me "I feel so much calmer, I feel like I was in and out of a dream", "I felt my body go hot and cold and had tingles up my spine, I now have clarity on my situation." I've personally been through some massive healing myself and have had a big energetic upgrade. If that makes no sense, just know that I feel like I'm version 2.0. Want to book a session? I'm taking bookings from the 17th September. Send me an email [email protected] or a booking enquiry at Lots of love, Melinda x
22.01.2022 I have an exciting announcement to make!!! involves a new healing space for all your mystical, powerful, super dooper healing needs. Stay tuned for details so very very soon. ... Melly x See more
21.01.2022 Ch, Ch, Changes! Due to exciting changes in career direction, I will no longer be taking naturopathic or reiki appointments. This may come as a surprise to some, however I've been transitioning into full time styling and art direction for a few years over at - I'll always be a student of life, and I'll always have others thinking they know what's best for me....but hey, "leap and the net will appear." Aka I'll do it my bloody way. What this means for probably not much. But, in the land of voyeurism, I may not post as much here - unless of course you'd like me to. I may continue writing, I'm yet to decide. As many things go, I'll let it unfold naturally. I'll probably still have my spiritual rants and encouragements. But I will be hanging out over at instagram @melindakingstylist - so please follow if you'd like to see my colourful world evolve - and encourage you to take your own leap. If you're a patient, I have some wonderful referrals. Please get in touch if necessary. Lots of love and I hope you're all well! Melly x
20.01.2022 "The reason you have not already gotten what you desire is because you are holding yourself in a vibrational holding pattern that does not match the vibration of your desire. That is the only reason - ever!" - Abraham Hicks Tell me, would you like to learn how to match the vibration of what you desire, and connect to your natural state of love, joy and inner power!?
19.01.2022 Go on, laugh at my book. I know, I know, spiritual texts are notoriously hideous on the design front. But my spirit doesn't judge, the content is beautiful and aligned and full off loving truths. Every morning I take a book to my local cafe and read, scribble all over the pages and sponge up all the teachings. I've been doing this routine for years and is a large part of miracles entering my life. Hilarious though, the last few days I've taken this particular book and found... myself hiding it from the eyes of anyone My ego is fearing humiliation! It's scared of the judgement, that people will think I'm an absolute weirdo. Then I realized, fck those people, I AM A WEIRDO! . Lots of love to all the badly designed spiritual books out there, you've changed my life. Who else can relate? See more
18.01.2022 "A starved soul can become so filled with pain, a woman can longer bear it. Because women have a soul-need to express themselves in their own soulful ways, they must develop and blossom in ways that are sensible to them and without molestation from others.....Who among us does not know at least one female loved-one who lost her instincts to make good choices for herself, and was forced therefore to live a marginal life or worse? Perhaps you yourself are that woman." . . I am ...lovvvving this book. She speaks to my soul. I was reading it at my local cafe this morning and started tearing up at the poetic honesty of the importance of creative expression as a woman. That we are more than the roles we play, but it takes a brave woman to dig deep into the darkness of the psyche and reveal the hidden selves. To override the urges to play 'safe' and instead live a life of exuberance, sensuality and rawness. Many people will disapprove, but a brave woman gives space to live out the wild woman within. This is what I'm getting out of it thus far! . .....who else tears up to this book??? See more
17.01.2022 Hello lovelies, a new article for you! This article is for those who are feeling a little flat and feel like they're still in the winter hibernation mode (even though it's mid-spring eek!). Transitioning from the natural inward nature of winter into the rebirth energies of spring sometimes needs a little encouragement - so I've shared my 3 favourite ways to renew your energy. They're 3 totally different approaches but one's that work a treat. ... If you resonate with this article please like and share it with your friends. I'd love to know your favourite out of the 3 (mine is number 3 of course). And anyone craving a reiki healing session or naturopathic consultation I've got a few spots left this week. I'd love to see you! Lots of love and healing, Melinda xx
14.01.2022 It's almost green smoothie weather.... I always wait until late spring, as cold drinks aren't great for sensitive digestion. And I still add a little hot water to make it closer to room temperature. But I've been downing the ginger tea recently which is so warming and soothing. And, I love my slow cooked cinnamon porridge too. #almostsummer . . Image @garethsobeyphotography from my Kick! 21 Day Detox book
12.01.2022 Hello lovelies! If you're wanting some soulful connection and inspiration, the annual Hay House Heal Summit is on again! It's 2 weeks of inspiring interviews and guidance on healing and personal development (and it's free) by some of my favourite authors. I encourage you to sign up. Now is the perfect time to do inner healing work! You can listen as a podcast as you go about your day, in the bath, on your daily walk or just sitting down with a cuppa. Series 2 is on now, I've... listened to a few already. Dr Joe Dispenza discusses his work on meditation and neuroscience (I do 2-3 hrs of his meditation daily as they're so powerful) and James Van Praagh gives beautiful tips on healing and his experience as a medium (he's such a beautiful gentle soul). I'm looking forward to the remaining 2 weeks and discovering some new authors. This time of social distancing has had me retreat inwards and do some powerful healing and raise my vibration. The slowed pace is a blessing, and an opportunity to cultivate gratitude during this time. What author or series would you like to listen to? Lots of love, Melly x
12.01.2022 Dinner tonight: vege tacos. It's a weekly staple. It's all about the chili paste we grind up with the mortar & pestle - fresh jalepenos, cumin seeds, dried oregano, sweet paprika, and garlic. Then fry it up with mushrooms and green capsicum. Top with tomato, cucumber, lime and coriander salad - and for me I like extra manchego . . . Styling @melindakingstylist (other life)... Image @garethsobeyphotography See more
11.01.2022 Growing Pains! This article is a beautiful explanation that as you become spiritually conscious in the initial stages, your conditioned reactive patterns (ego behaviours) can seem more pronounced - however it is that you are just becoming more conscious of what was always there. As you continue on your journey of 'awakening'......then the sweet spot comes - when you become aware of the impulse to react (get angry, lash out, withdraw), the state of presence allows you to ch...oose an alternative. I've been on a conscious awakening journey (as cliche as it sounds) the last 10 years - and it's been wild, challenging and so deeply profound. I'd love to know - Have you become more aware of your ego reactions the more you grown and evolve? xx
10.01.2022 I need your help! Please comment below: Which of the top 5 most common conditions I help clients with, would you do a healing program or workshop run by me? ... 1. Anxiety 2. Stress / Burn out 3. Endometriosis 4. Life Purpose / Direction 5. Creative Blocks I assist people with these conditions/situations all the time and I want to help more people! I'll be creating an online and in-person program focused on helping you get relief from, manage, heal, and get clarity on one of the above issues. Which one's are relevant to you? Would you be interested in learning how to heal from your health issue naturally and empower yourself in the process? What is it that's holding you back from creating the life you want. What health or life issues would you like to heal from? I'd absolutely appreciate any comments and questions. I'm here to help, but need to know what you need! Lots of love, Melly xx
10.01.2022 About 10 years ago when I first started practicing reiki, I began to have visions, see spirits and receive intuitive messages during client's healing sessions. As you could imagine, I'd no idea what to do with this information so I was guided to a psychic development mentorship and began meditating regularly. What was consistent in this journey was the effectiveness of working on my shadow and keeping my ego in check, helped me give accurate readings. This article explains it... so well! I love the guidance of Belinda Davidson, she is the real deal modern mystic. I encourage you to read her thoughtful blog. If you're looking to develop your intuitive skills and psychic abilities (who wouldn't!) I highly recommend beginning with meditation - Belinda's chakra meditation is a great starting point. You DO NOT need to be in the healing industry to develop and use these skills. I no longer am, and my psychic ability is still going strong in my new creative career - and comes in very handy when I meet particular people and have lots of decisions to make. Developing your intuition, communicating with the spiritual realm and learning how to be spiritually discerning can be positively life-changing. It certainly was for me. xx
09.01.2022 Are you into the mystical? The spiritual? Even the woo-woo? *gasp* Yeah, me too. Great, glad we got that sorted. I was asked recently "what is one thing I could do to fix my health problem?" Wow how do I even answer that? Hmm, herbal medicine, diet changes, meditation, reiki healing, yoga, eft, chakra balance, leave your toxic relationship, follow your intuition, dance, love yourself, forgive. Then it occurred to me. Change subconscious belief patterns. If I had to... choose one, maybe that would be it. I reflected on my own healing and even though all of the above have been equally powerful for various times in my life, the one that's shown consistent results is how I've changed my beliefs about myself, others, and the world around me. EFT/tapping has helped with this, as has reiki and chakra meditation by Dr Joe Dispenza. Have you had experience with this too? See more
08.01.2022 Ugh sore boobs! Who gets that? Or maybe it's super teary and irritable? Or perhaps you feel like a bloated blimp? PMS isn't fun, and did you know it's a sign things aren't in balance, despite what you may have been told. Here is my 4 Step Guide to relieve PMS, to help you experience a luteal phase without the symptoms of PMS -bloating, irritability and anxiety. Yes, it's possible! ... Hope this helps lovelies! Love & healing, Melinda xx
07.01.2022 KICK! TURNS ONE! Wow it's been a whole year since I launched my 21 day detox & recipe ebook. Want more energy and feel less bloated? Maybe it's time to do Kick! Spring is the perfect time to do a detox or even just start eating healthier and nourish your body. It's up to you how strict you want to be, you're in control. Lots of people have found so many benefits to their health and life from doing this detox and following the recipes:... Here's a wonderful review: "it's been great! I've got more energy, it's easier to wake up in the morning and the biggest change I've observed for myself is my stress levels throughout my work day (when my sugar cravings were the strongest) have really levelled out. I'm still in stressful situations, problems still happen, but I feel I gave the energy and a clear mind to be able to address them. When I've had dietary advice from naturopaths before - this is what I was looking for. And I love cooking - the recipes are delicious. I also have used your principles to make a few new meals, I'm enjoying being creative with food again. Plus it's cheap! I'm not wasting money or throwing food out. Win win win." Carmen. You see, choosing to introduce the habits that nourish your body and kick the ones that don’t, is an act of self love. From here is where you become a clearer channel for your own inner guidance to show you the way. . So if you'd love to get clearer - starting with nourishing your physical body is a fantastic place to start. Do the healing work and you'll look back in months-years time and be so grateful you did so. My kick! 21 day detox is a good place to start changing your habits on a fundamental level, via the way we nourish ourselves. Check it out if you're wanting a little nudge to heal yourself from the inside out. Click the link to find out more! It's super cheap! Lots of love and healing xx
06.01.2022 Got my book, got my smoothie, got my sunshine by the pool! A vulnerable but powerful story for you: yesterday was a challenging day. I experienced waves of intense anxiety, had knots in my stomach and felt fear that I haven't felt in some time. This was because I was going to a party that night and knew there would be someone there that I've had a lot of history with but haven't been in contact for a long time. You see, my ego was anticipating judgement, humiliation a...nd rejection, because of experiences I've had in the past. The fear was so strong I almost caved and didn't go. Despite how uncomfortable the emotions were, I knew this fear wasnt real and needed to bring in the tools that I teach to everyone and know that work. I did 2 meditations and lots of rounds of eft/tapping. The anxiety reduced to the point that I could override the ego's voice that was telling me I shouldn't go, that this person is going to say all these awful things. I also was able to connect to my intuition that reminded me of why I was going, which was to be surrounded by friends who did love and accept me and who I love and accept. I went to the party. I had a lengthy catch-up and relaxed conversation with this person. There was no judgement, no humiliation and no rejection. Of course right! My ego had created that melodramatic little movie all on its own. I won't be seeing that movie again. I share this experience because it's important to know we all have egos that do this, in lots of circumstances. And I like to be transparent and real for the sake of everyone learning the same thing. I.e. Love and compassion There are healing tools available to help you rise above the fear and step into your personal power. Please use them. Meditation, tapping and mindfulness don't cost a thing! Just a little time to do them. I hope my experience helps you in some way. Remember, it is always love that wins in the end. Love and healing, Melly
04.01.2022 Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. Marianne Williamson - Return to Love. I truly believe we are all powerful, in ways our egos are incessantly threatened by. We come from the light, we are the light and most... importantly, when we let this light shine through we give others permission to do the same. To be honest, I’m ready. Are you? In the past I’ve held back because of hurtful comments made by friends, family, work colleagues and acquaintances. Perhaps you have too? But I’m ready if you are, for the universe to radiate through us the light we all need to heal. To lift our friends and send love to those who's egos don't support us. It’s too easy to hate. Lots of love xxx ps: healing is finding inner peace.
02.01.2022 Hello, it’s been a while. 9 days straight of pre-production, photoshoots and seeing delightful patients in between. A lot of self love mindfulness, meditation, dance, cooking and music are some of the things that keep me from imploding from busy weeks like this! The power of presence is real. . So this weekend is all about catching up on new albums and cooking. . Anyone seeing any live shows for Melb Music week? I’ve got a few in mind but would love your suggestions. I love post-punk, goth, electronic, shoegaze and dream pop. TIA
01.01.2022 Hello beautiful people. After a short hiatus I’m back to share some love and wisdom. It’s been a profound year of growth, challenges and quest for healing. I’ve delved deeper into my spiritual practice alongside cultivating my work Ending my clinic practice of 10 years was difficult but so very guided and empowering. I’ve experienced a rebirth of an archetype that lay dormant for a long time - the artist archetype. I couldn’t have done it withou...t letting go. This is the natural death:birth:death:birth cycle. For years I was afraid to let go of the clinic practice and tried to juggle both but in order for me to truly explore my creativity I had to create space. And I mean A LOT OF SPACE. That meant, I had to set boundaries on where my energy went. I kept experiencing intense exhaustion whenever I saw clients and then heart fulfilment + expansion whenever I had the opportunity to do styling and art directing. It was obvious what I had to do. So I let go. I created a ‘vacuum’ of space in my life so that something new could enter, to be born. And that’s what happened. Even though it was uncomfortable sitting in the unknown, I embraced the death:birth cycle. Many times, when we want something new to enter our lives, we have to create space for it to come forth. That often means saying goodbye to something. And then waiting. Patiently trusting in the unknown. I'll be using this space for sharing spiritual and creative introspection. If you have any questions please ask. Lots of love Melly xx Image Gareth Sobey Photography
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