Melinda McDonald Acupuncture in Sydney, Australia | Alternative & holistic health service
Melinda McDonald Acupuncture
Locality: Sydney, Australia
Phone: +61 2 9235 0100
Address: Paradigm & Co., Park House, Suite 1, Level 12, 187 Macquarie St 2000 Sydney, NSW, Australia
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23.01.2022 Miyeok guk (seaweed soup) is often eaten by Korean women after they give birth as part of their postpartum recovery. During my recovery from the birth of both of my children I ate seaweed soup daily for at least a month. But why? Seaweed [a superfood] is especially rich in calcium, iodine, fibre and iron which is very important for postpartum recovery and breastmilk supply. The seaweed soup is known to be hydrating, which is especially important for breastfeeding mothers. Cal...cium is important for preventing bone loss, associated with pregnancy and childbirth. Iodine aids in the baby’s brain development and helps the womb to contract and shrink. Fibre helps relieve constipation. Iron is vital to prevent anaemia and to promote overall well-being. Seaweed is also a great source of essential fatty acids (omega 3 & 6), vitamins A,C,E, & B1, B3, magnesium, zinc, potassium, manganese, and copper. It helps with metabolism, blood circulation & purification, constipation, detoxification, and is anti-carcinogenic & anti-aging. Seaweeds are some the best foods you can eat to support healthy glands like thyroid and adrenals. Long before ‘superfood’ was even a word, this tradition is said to have started during the Goryeo Dynasty (918) when Koreans noticed that whales were eating seaweed after giving birth. They discovered that the seaweed helped build new blood & cleanse old blood, assist blood flow, contract and shrink the uterus after birth, and support healthy breastmilk for the new born. The soup of legends i.e. postpartum mothers! Aka, the birthday soup, Koreans traditionally eat a bowl of this nutritious goodness on their birthdays to honour the day that their mother gave them life! But why wait for your birthday? Given the high nutrient content, most of us could benefit from a little seaweed soup in our daily life. NB: excess iodine may be dangerous if there is an underlying thyroid issue. Usually though, the whole food, is far more balanced than taking an individual concentrated supplement. There are 1000’s of ways to make this soup depending on whether you like beef, seafood, vegetarian or vegan options. I’ve attached an example recipe. Enjoy!
21.01.2022 Have you ever thought about the origins of Mother’s Day? Mother's Day has long been a part of the Australian calendar, but where did the idea to dedicate the second Sunday in May to honouring motherhood come from? The modern Australian celebration of Mother's Day actually grew out of calls for peace and anti-war campaigns following the American Civil War (1861-65).... In 1870, American writer and women's rights activist Julia Ward Howe, best known as the author of the Battle Hymn of the Republic, appealed to women to unite and bring peace throughout the world (later known as the Mother's Day Proclamation). She proposed that a mother's day for peace be commemorated every year in June. But the idea of a mother's day did not gain traction until 1908, when West Virginia woman Anna Marie Jarvis held a church memorial to honour the legacy of her mother, Ann Reeves Jarvis. Ann Jarvis had been a peace activist who nursed wounded soldiers during the Civil War and created mother's day work clubs to address public health issues. Anna Jarvis wanted to continue her mother's work and pushed to have a day set aside to honour all mothers. In 1914 her campaigning paid off, when US president Woodrow Wilson officially declared the second Sunday in May to be Mother's Day. The impact of the Civil War was still there ... and there was also a rising concern that America might find itself involved in another war, particularly given what was happening in Europe," said Richard Waterhouse, emeritus professor of Australian history at Sydney University. Scroll through pics for the rest of the story... H A P P Y M O T H E R S D A Y T O A L L T H E A M A Z I N G W O M E N !!! Cards and postcards, like this one from 1916, became popular Mother's Day gifts. Northern Pacific Railway: Wikimedia Commons . . . . . #mothersday2021 #mothersday #womensupportingwomen #womenempowerment #womeninwartime #womenactivists #womensrights #womensrightsactivist #women #mothers #womeninspiringwomen #womenpower #motherlove #girlpower #womenshealth #mentalhealth #womenhelpingwomen
21.01.2022 As #mothersday is approaching, let’s also be sensitive and aware of all the different types of mothers out there...those who may be still trying to be a mother, those who have lost a baby, those who never got to keep their baby, and all of those different types of mothers in between. And on a similar topic, please stop asking women when are you going to have a child (or another child)?. It’s none of our business and we don’t always know the full story. Some people choose n...ot to have children, some people really struggle, and some people can’t. Thank you to @birdbeco for the beautiful image and for raising awareness on these sensitive yet important topics . . . . . #mothersday2021 #fertilityjourney #fertilityawareness #infertilityawareness #infertilityjourney #infertilitysucks #ivfjourney #fertility #fertilityacupuncture #fertilityacupuncturist #pregnancyloss #miscarriage #ttcjourney #ttcafterloss #pregnancyloss #miscarriagesupport #ivfwarrior #ivfsuccess #ivfcommunity #infertilitywarrior #infertilitytreatment #adoptionjourney #adoptivemum #adoptivemom #infertility #infertilitywarrior #adoptivemother #secondaryinfertility #ttc #ttcsupport
21.01.2022 I adore simple pleasures. They are the last refuge of the complex. Oscar Wilde My other favourite child, my son Marlo. Whilst Miss Kindergarten was getting all the attention with starting school and gymnastics this week I asked Marlo what he wanted to do. This was it. Easy simple treat! Priceless ... In TCM ice-cream is considered very cold and damp in nature and bad for your digestive Qi...but sometimes you have to give yourself a treat Constrained emotions can also stagnate your Qi! #foodforthesoul #foodforthesoul #thejoyofeating #simplepleasures #messina #messinagelato #tcmdiettherapy #tcmdietetics #paediatricacupuncture #acupunctureforkids #chineseherbsforkids #chinesemedicineforkids #acupunctureforfertility #acupunctureforchildren #fertilityacupuncturist #fertilityacupuncture #fertilityacupuncturesydney #sydneylife #acupuncturistlife
21.01.2022 Did you know that you’re not actually having a period when you’re on the contraceptive pill? Your hormones are actually being suppressed. All too often young women are put on the pill as a magic fix everything solution for acne, period pain, pcos, amenorrhea, fibroids, endometriosis etc etc. Whilst there may be some short term suppression of symptoms, and for some people they need the relief, it’s important to at least understand what the pill is doing to your body. Inf...ormation is power and making an informed choice is critical due to the potential long term ramifications it can have on overall health, gut health, mental health, period health, fertility and beyond. Like many young girls, I was put on the pill to fix my period pain. I suffered extremely painful and debilitating period pain and my Dr simply said to go on the pill. There was no discussion, no explanation of what it was actually doing to my body and I blindly stayed on it for many years. When I decided to start looking into natural health and wanted to go off the pill I was afraid that the painful debilitating periods would return. But alas! This is how I discovered the amazing world of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine well over 20 years ago and have never looked back. I was so impressed with how smooth my periods could be that I changed careers and returned to 4 years of full time study in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Now I get to help numerous young women every week naturally manage their periods, help come off the pill, and with preconception preparation to help with their fertility. I’m not saying that the pill is all bad but I do think there should be more discussion and information about it. Thank you @mymoonbox for this very informative post about the contraceptive pill and for fighting the good fight and keeping women informed about the important stuff! #naturalwomenshealth #periodhealthmatters #contraceptivepillawareness #periodpain #periodproblems #amenorrhea #endometriosis #dysmenorrhea #hormonalhealth #acupunctureforfertility #acupunctureforacne #acupunctureforwomen #chineseherbsforfertility #chineseherbalmedicine #acupuncturesydney #womensupportingwomen
20.01.2022 One of the most common questions I get asked as an acupuncturist is can you help with...? And my answer is almost always YES! (Of course in a medical emergency it’s best to call an ambulance or go to hospital). But acupuncture can pretty much help you in so many facets of your health journey.... Here is a typical day in clinic for me. This Tuesday I saw 16 clients; 2 male and 14 female; and here are the main conditions they were coming to see me for (with some double up and overlap): Acne and hormonal Balance Fertility Support Cervical & lumbar disc injury Period regulation Migraines/Headaches Menopausal symptoms Chronic pain and inflammation Pre birth pregnancy/birth preparation Post partum support/ breastmilk supply Digestive issues Preconception preparation PCOS & irregular periods Neck and back tension Stress relief and insomnia Medication detox/nausea IVF Support Bell’s Palsy In any given day I use a combination of: Acupuncture Electroacupuncture Cupping or guasha Remedial massage Moxibustion Chinese herbal medicine Supplements Dietary & Lifestyle advice All in a day’s work for a Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner Just because I specialise in women’s health and fertility doesn’t mean I can’t help you with your sore neck! It just means I’ve done loads of additional training to support those extra conditions. And yes I do treat men, they are just less common in our industry. And some days I treat more men than women. This was just a random example. Women do tend to be more proactive with their health and seek acupuncture more readily. So next time you want to ask if i can help your uncle Larry with his sprained ankle. It’s a big YES! Bring it on! #acupuncturerocks #acupuncturelife #chinesemedicineworks #chinesemedicinepractitioner #acupuncturesydney #acupunctureforfertility #acupunctureforeveryone #acupunctureforanxiety #acupunctureforstress #acupunctureforpregnancy #acupunctureforpain #ilovemyjob #acupuncturetoday
18.01.2022 Winter & TCM If you’re living in the Southern Hemisphere you may have noticed a change in season in the last few weeks. Chinese Medicine was founded on the principle of living in harmony with nature. The food we eat, the activities we do and the way we care for ourselves should be adapted to each changing season. ... Winter represents the most Yin aspect in TCM. Yin is the dark, cold, slow and inward energy. Winter is also associated with the Kidney organ which stores our most basic and fundamental energy, our Jing. Therefore we want to focus on nurturing our Yin and Kidney energy. So how do we live in harmony with winter? Rest is important for revitalising the Kidneys, which is why some animals hibernate in winter. Although we can’t quite hibernate we can try and get a little more sleep since the days are shorter. It is a good time for inner reflection with activities like Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Meditation, Journalling & Reading, which all help us to connect to our inner selves and support our kidney energy. The flavour associated with Kidneys and Winter is Salty and one of the body parts associated with the Kidneys is the Bones. We need to stay well hydrated and support our bone health with nourishing warming salty bone broths, soups and stews. Think slow cooking and warming ingredients. Kidney beans, black beans and seaweed for bonus points too! The Kidneys are located in the lower back and the Kidney channel starts at the bottom of the feet so make sure you’re keeping your back covered and wearing warm shoes or slippers, and no walking around on cold floors! Slow down, reduce stress and don’t overexert yourself. Our Jing is depleted by anything in excess - prolonged stress, overworking, insufficient sleep, over exercising and even excess partying. If we listen to our bodies and live in harmony with nature we will strengthen our immune system and avoid illness. #winter #tcm #chinesemedicine #traditionalchinesemedicine #eatingfortheseasons #livinginharmonywithnature #winterfood #hygge #acupuncture #acupuncturelife #acupuncturist #chineseherbs #restoration #bonebroth #tcmdiettherapy #bondiacupuncture #sydneyacupuncture
13.01.2022 Let’s face it, Covid sucks! So many uncertainties once again, right when we were all longing to catch up with loved ones and take some time out. Sorry to those who might not see family and friends this year after such long anticipated reunion plans. I guess all we can do is focus on the things we have control over and wait for this wave to wash over, as it will, as it has done before. Stay safe and stay well. Serenity now! #serenity #thistooshallpass #acupuncturesydney #acupunctureforstress #acupunctureforanxiety #focusonthethingsthatmatter #focusonthethingsyoucancontrol
12.01.2022 Happy Lunar New Year!!! The Farmer stares out across the fallow field and sees mud and downed branches from the storms of winter, knowing that first he must clean up the field and then wait patiently until the land is ready. When it is time, the Farmer puts the yoke on the Ox and slowly plows the field. Then the Farmer plants the seeds and waits for them to grow. Eventually the Farmer brings in a good crop, maybe two if luck is with him. This is the story of this Ox Year. Fe...bruary 12, 2021 is the start of the Chinese Year of the Golden Ox. The Ox (Cow) is the second animal in the Chinese Zodiac system and is a respected animal valued for its ability to work hard and endure. The Ox is credited with the values of constancy and cooperation. These are usually slow-moving animals that are even-tempered and placid unless they are provoked. The Element for Ox is Yin Earth, as it is an animal long connected to farming. More information about the Year of the Ox to follow Content Thanks to Lilian Pearl Bridges #happychinesenewyear2021 #yearoftheox #chinesenewyear2021 #acupuncturesydney #chineseastrology
11.01.2022 Thank you to my 888 followers on Instagram! When the number 888 appeared I couldn’t ignore it! It’s a very lucky number filled with many different meanings. In Chinese numerology, 888 means triple fortune, a strengthening of the meaning of the digit 8. For this reason, addresses and phone numbers containing the digit sequence 888 are considered particularly lucky, and may command a premium because of it. ... Why is 8 considered lucky in Chinese numerology? because 8 has long been regarded as the luckiest number in Chinese culture. With pronunciation of 'Ba' in Chinese, no. 8 sounds similar to the word 'Fa', which means to make a fortune. It contains meanings of prosperity, success and high social status too, so all business people favour it very much. Well whatever it means, thank you for following my little page. I don’t post much and do all the tricks but I do like to try and make engaging and meaningful posts when I have time and I appreciate your follows. So thank you! #888followers #acupuncture #chinesemedicine #gratitude
11.01.2022 The rest is just as important as the work. I’ve definitely had to learn this the hard way. . . Even elite athletes understand the importance of having rest days and allowing our bodies to repair and heal for peak performance. .... . Productivity research has shown that rest improves work efficiency, creativity and mental alertness and therefore overall output. . . Rest is not the same as being lazy. Rest is in addition to sleep. Both are essential. . . Rest is defined, deliberate time out for positive self-care to refill our wellness cups before they are empty and depleted. . . Why is the word rest in restoration? . . If you’re feeling burnt out, fatigued, irritable, sluggish, or mentally drained then perhaps it’s time to schedule some rest into your life. Stop saying yes and start saying no to more things. Say yes to the correct things! . . I think we all know this but sometimes we need a reminder. . . As the ancient Chinese Medicine practitioners would say It is too late to dig a well when you are thirsty ie. prevention is better than cure. . . Thanks @yogawithgeorgia for the quote. . . #jomo #restday #restdayfeels #sundayvibes #therestisimportanttoo #restisimportant #restoration #acupunctureforrelaxation #acupuncturesydney #sydneycbd #bondi #acupuncturebondi #acupuncturesydneycity #sydneyacupuncture #restfulweekend #selfcare See more
09.01.2022 My baby girl Mabel has started Kindergarten this week. She has been so excited, brave and positive about the whole experience. Thank you for your patience whilst I’ve been a little distracted (& maybe a little emotional ). She’s one of the reasons I can no longer work on a Saturday but I will now be more available during the week. Sorry if I have taken a while to get back to you (or not yet). Please be sure to let me know if you need an appointment so that I can put you on waitlist. Last minute spots do pop up. Hopefully see you in clinic soon A lot of changes for me this year. What big milestones are happening in your life this year? #bigmilestone #seizetheday #acupuncturistlife #acupuncturesydney #acupuncturerocks #acupunctureforfertility #fertilityacupuncturist #fertilityacupuncture #chinesemedicinedoctor #chinesemedicineforkids #acupunctureforkids #paediatricacupuncture #paediatricacupressure #chineseherbsforkids #chineseherbsforfertility #kidsacupuncture #naturalhealth #naturalhealthcare
07.01.2022 Meditation eases menopausal symptoms & insomnia We don't need scientific research to tell us just how amazing meditation can make us feel and all of the positive health benefits that come along with it e.g. reduced stress & anxiety. However it is great when science catches up with ancient wisdom and practice Many studies have demonstrated that the practice of meditation by menopausal women improves depression, insomnia and the frequency and duration of vasomotor sympt...oms (night sweats, hot flashes, vaginal dryness etc.), including a new study published online in Advances in Integrative Medicine (1) The research demonstrated that menopausal women who practised daily meditation and sleep hygiene for 8 weeks had significant improvement in menopausal symptoms compared to women who only practised sleep hygiene. Both groups experienced improvements in the intensity of insomnia symptoms, but the meditation group had the greatest improvement in insomnia severity index scores Vasomotor symptoms account for up to 80% of symptoms in women entering menopause, and are considered at least partially responsible for sleep disorders, which affect 40 - 60% of women during the menopausal transition, and often persist for several years post-menopause with a considerable impact on their quality of life Menopausal symptoms often remain recalcitrant to conventional treatments e.g. hormone replacement therapy, which is also associated with health risk In addition, meditation also reduces cortisol response and cardiovascular disease risk factors in postmenopausal women, and may reduce menopausal symptoms by impacting sympathetic nervous system activation, parasympathetic nervous system functioning and stress reactivity And, if you need some extra help then don't forget that acupuncture & Chinese herbal medicine has also been shown to be very helpful in easing the symptoms of perimenopause and beyond. I'll write more on that next time. (1) Portella CF et al. Meditation as an approach to lessen menopausal symptoms and insomnia in working women undergoing the menopausal transition period: A randomized controlled trial. Adv Integr Med. 2020 Aug 26
07.01.2022 Year of the Yin Metal Ox 2021 Part 2. Yin Metal is harmonious with the Earth Element. This implies a calmer and more stable year. It is about the future and our hopes and dreams, which can start to inspire us again. The overall outlook for the year is positive, especially towards the latter part of the year when Harvest comes.... Life will feel more peaceful and less stressful, but requires patience. Forward movement will be mostly slow going toward desired and more ideal outcomes. Yin Metal will make people more efficient and subtly more productive so that by the end of the year there will be incremental achievements that together will amount to something more substantial. The hindsight gained from looking back to the turbulence of 2020 gives this year a special quality and leads to overall themes of the year that involve reactivity ie. many re actions: regroup; rebuild; reform; restructure; restore; replace; recycle; renew; reevaluate; reorganize; reestablish; revitalize; reinvent, but also recession; happy reunions, some economic recovery and eventually rewards. You can plow a field more than once, sometimes several times in a year in order for new crops to grow. Health-wise, there is still some benefit for the immune system. Yin Metal lowers the over-reactivity of last year’s inflammatory Yang Metal. But there can be more minor irritations, such as skin rashes, hay fever and other allergic reactions. Covid 19 will still be a problem, but infections may be milder and not spread as rapidly. Lungs, skin and hair will be drier this year, so it is recommended to use humidifiers, hydrate yourself more and moisturise. People may cough and clear their throats more, as phlegm will be harder to clear. People can sing more and practice deep breathing to enhance the lungs. Digestion won’t be as strong this year, so eat lighter or smaller meals and enhance digestion with natural remedies, such as eating ginger or tropical fruits with digestive enzymes eg. papaya and pineapple. Take care of yourself and those you love with special care and consideration; nurturing life through positive lifestyle choices. Healthy routines will help your health. Contd in comments
06.01.2022 It took me a long time, and I’m still making constant adjustments, to realise that I don’t have to work crazy hours and weekends. I’ve been working most Saturdays for almost 30years (except my brief stint in the corporate world). It became second nature. I actually enjoyed the Saturday vibe in clinic and I’d usually start bright and early and finish by early afternoon so it wasn’t so bad. People on Saturdays were usually more relaxed and I loved my Saturday clients. But rec...ently I have made some more deliberate choices to redesign my work week. Taking on the advice I constantly give to my clients and friends you need more boundaries, you need more time for rest I decided to stop working Saturdays. My youngest child is starting Kindergarten this year so it was time to be more present on the weekends and enjoy this precious family time with my kids (whilst they still kinda want us around). I will miss working Saturdays but I have to say I love having a proper weekend! Stay tuned for my new weekday clinic hours. Happy Satur-yay!!! Ps. There is also an amazing acupuncturist Jennifer Jones @healthyqiacupuncture available now on Saturdays in the Bondi clinic @rachael_haley_acupuncture #weekendvibes #saturdayvibes #acupuncturist #acupuncturists #acupuncturistlife #healthyboundaries #saturdayfeels #resttime #sydneyaustralia #sydney #sydneyacupuncturist #sydneyacupuncture #acupuncturesydney #bondiacupuncture #acupuncturebondi #acupuncturerocks #healthyliving #preventativehealth #holistichealth #wellnessjourney #wellness
06.01.2022 Lest we forget all of the ANZACS Lest we forget the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander soldiers who fought to keep our country ‘free’, some of which were unable to return home. Others returned home to the reality that despite their incredible sacrifice they were never free. Thank you to @sar.ra__ for this beautiful artwork and post. ... #anzacday2021 #lestweforget
04.01.2022 It’s not all bubble baths and face masks... Real self care is a whole lot more and sometimes difficult to apply. As the old saying goes ‘always apply your own oxygen mask first’. Self care may appear selfish on the surface, but you’re no good to anyone else if you’re drained physically and emotionally (or not even breathing). As we approach the end of the week I hope you find some time to think about your own self care (& of course have a bubble bath and face mask too!).... #selfcare #selflove #realselfcare #selfcareeveryday #wellbeing #wellbeingjourney #emotionalwellbeing #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #depression #anxiety #jomo #slowdown #acupuncture #chineseherbs #acupunctureforanxiety #acupunctureforstress #chineseherbsforhealth #stressrelief
02.01.2022 My view for the next few days, Rosella included . Taking my own advice and having a much needed holiday with family and friends. Time to recharge the batteries . Back in clinic 10/10/20...... . #holidaytime #restoration #therestisasimportantasthework #acupunctureforrelaxation #stressrelief #acupunctureforstress #obligatoryfootshot #acupuncturesydney See more
01.01.2022 I can’t lie, one of the best parts of my job is getting to meet my babies earth side and hearing about all the amazing courageous birth stories! I enjoyed my cuddles with this gorgeous little man and catching up with his mum #postpartum I don’t always get to see my clients or their bubbas after birth but I do love when they pop in for a visit or for some #postpartumacupuncture and I also love receiving all the photos I get sent of their bundles of joy. (Client gave permissi...on for photos to be shared) #pregnancyacupuncture #birthpreparation #postpartumsupport #fertilityjourney #fertilityacupuncture #pregnancyjourney #postpartumjourney #newborn #newbornsmells #earthside #naturalbirth #babycuddles #fertility #fertilitytribe #acupuncture #chinesemedicine #acupuncturistlife
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