in Perth, Western Australia | Beauty, cosmetic & personal care
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 402 425 289
Address: Quinns Rocks 6030 Perth, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 I cut my good friend Celias hair into a graduated bob last week. As she has naturally curly hair, I straightened it as well to really see the shape when cutting it. It will look great with the natural curls as well so easy to change up the look. #melindamobilehairdresser #mobilehairdresser #mobilehairdresserperth #graduatedbob #graduatedbobhaircut #bobhairstyles #classichaircut #greathair #greathairday #ilovemyclients #ilovemyjob #hairiseverything @
25.01.2022 Gotta love the view of the beach from the Mullaloo Beach Hotel the other day! It was a fabulous Winter Day in Perth with 25c! A perfect place to enjoy the lovely scenery and to celebrate Lisas 50th! #melindamobilehairdresser #mullaloobeachhotel #mullaloobeach #besties #bestiesforlife #lunch #birthdaylunch #50thbirthday #lovewherewelive #perth #wa #livingthedream #celebrate @ Mullaloo Beach Hotel
25.01.2022 From tonight I will be finishing work to have a break for Christmas with my dear husband Kev (who decorated this cake) I’ll be back to work on 4th January after catching up with family and friends. Thank you to all of my amazing clients that have supported my small business in this challenging year. It’s been my pleasure looking after your locks and I’ll look forward to seeing you all in the New Year. Thinking of all our family and friends in the UK and rest of the world and sending much love to you all! Stay safe and Merry Christmas to you all! #melindamobilehairdresser #mobilehairdresser #christmas #christmasbreak #timeoff #merrychristmas #thankyou #ilovemyclients #ilovemyjob #hairiseverything #christmascake #cleverhusband #blessed #grateful
24.01.2022 The lovely Helouise had a change from her natural dark brown hair to this rich copper red this week. To get the vibrancy, I prelightened her hair before applying the custom colour. #melindamobilehairdresser #mobilehairdresser #mobilehairdresserperth #loreal #lorealprofessionnel #copperhaircolor #copperandredhair #beautifulhair #ilovemyclients #ilovemyjob #hairiseverything
24.01.2022 Today I warmed Chloes hair up with this rich copper colour for the winter. This babe is on fire! #melindamobilehairdresser #copperhair #copper #warmerhaircolor #gorgeous #gorgeousgirl #loreal #lorealcolourista #cureplex #shesababe #instahair #instahaircolour #ilovemyclients #ilovemyjob #hairiseverything #winterwarmer
23.01.2022 It’s so lovely to see these gorgeous Christmas Trees looking magnificent at this time of the year! Mother Nature at her best! #melindamobilehairdresser #christmastree #nativechristmastree #beautifultree #australianchristmastree #mothernaturesbeauty #yanchep
22.01.2022 Our little Miss Moo (Princess) just melts our hearts on a daily basis! Here she is giving me a high 5 which is new. She came to us as a foster kitten over 8 years ago and we just couldn’t give her back! Even our boys Simba and Hobbes adore her and the little diva runs our household! She starts the day usually around 4am by crawling on me and sucking my thumb! #melindamobilehairdresser #adoptdontshop #fosterfail #catsofinstagram #weloveourcats #diva #theboss #high5 #cathaven #beautifulgirl #socute #cats #babygirl #princess
22.01.2022 It was my pleasure to restyle Marks hair today after 3 years since his last hair cut. #melindamobilehairdresser #mobilehairdresser #mobilehairdresserperth #gentscut #restyle #hairformen #sodifferent #newhairstyle #ilovemyjob #hairiseverything @
22.01.2022 I just love the awesome view from Danny and Sarah’s balcony! The perks of working as a mobile hairdresser #melindamobilehairdresser #sunsetviews #quinnsrocks #livingthedream #perthisok #perth #mobilehairdresser #perksofthejob #ilovemyclients #ilovemyjob
21.01.2022 Christmas is coming! It’s just over 4 weeks away! Please get your Christmas hair appointments booked in now! I’m already heavily booked from 15th December until Christmas so you will need to book in especially if needing a longer appointment for colours. I will be working until Wednesday 23rd December then having some time off until Monday 4th January. Looking forward to seeing you all soon! My working hours are Monday to Friday 11am-7pm... 0402425289 See more
21.01.2022 Echo the budgie kept me entertained playing with his little soccer ball while cutting his families hair last week. How cool is he! #melindamobilehairdresser #echo #budgiesofinstagram #budgie #budgielife #soccerskills #soccerbudgie #skills #socool #entertainment
21.01.2022 I just love my large succulent bowl that was a birthday gift last month. Its perfect out in the patio and gets sun through the clear roof panels. Plants have become a bit of an obsession fo me lately (as well as hair!) Whats not to love about nature, texture, fresh air and easy care plants! #melindamobilehairdresser #succulents #succulentsofinstagram #birthdaygift #nature #patioplants #sunlovers #easycareplants #iloveplants #iloveplants #itsbiggerthanitlooks #realplants #instaplants #freshair #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantsofinstagram
21.01.2022 Why do we need to get up Mum? Its way too cold for that! Its been pretty chilly overnight in Perth lately and the furry ones dont like getting up (a bit like me!) They wont be happy when I get the vacuum cleaner out either! #melindamobilehairdresser #itscoldoutside #winter #brrrrr #wintercoats #wintercats #keepingwarm #keepingwarminwinter #imnotgettingup #ilovemycats #catsofinstagram #wintermornings #keepcalm
20.01.2022 Friends, I need your help. Im competing in the Hawaiian Womens Cancer Challenge to raise funds for womens cancer research to help our mothers, sisters, daughters and friends. Too many women are suffering and dying from breast and ovarian cancer. I need your help to end cancer for good. And today is the day to do it. Today all donations I receive up to $250 will be doubled. Its only until funds run out, so please log on at 8.01AM (and not before because it resets) to help me fight cancer. This is the link to my personal fundraising page Thank you.
19.01.2022 It was my pleasure to style the Gorgeous Wendy for her school ball. I had already coloured and shaped her hair recently to help her remain Belle of the Ball! #melindamobilehairdresser #mobilehairdresser #youwillgototheball #hairstyling #belleoftheball #beautifullady #ilovemyclients #ilovemyjob #hairiseverything
19.01.2022 My dear friend and bridesmaid Kylie had her blonde highlights refreshed today. I styled her naturally straight hair with some soft GHD curls ready for the festive season starting with her birthday on Dougie’s Eve (Christmas Eve)#blondehair #blondehighlights #prettyhair #ghdcurls #ilovemyclients #colourista #loreal #hairiseverything #friends #bridesmaid
17.01.2022 Heres a throwback to a gorgeous colour I did on Rachie. I did a mix of highlights and lowlights to give the hair some depth. Love it! #melindamobilehairdresser #mobilehairdresser #freshcolour #highlightsandlowlights #lorealcolorista #blondehair #blondeshavemorefun #ilovemyjob #ilovemyclients #hairiseverything #instahaircolor #instahair
16.01.2022 I recently came across this photo of my Great Grandmother and Great Grandfather Campbells transport company in outback Meekatharra, Western Australia in the early 1900s. It prompted me to dig out Little Nans memoirs that my Mum had helped her to assemble along with our family tree. Its wonderful to read our family history and know that they were pioneers of Aussie transport in the Outback so long ago.....Maybe thats why I dont mind all of the driving I do daily to get to see all of my clients! #melindamobilehairdresser #familyhistory #meekatharra #outback #wa #transport #pioneers #family #campbell #doingittough #hardworkers #transport #mail #proud #ancestors @ Meekatharra, Western Australia
15.01.2022 I just love my new ornamental birdcage that Ive threaded a devils ivy plant through I bought it from a local shop @ambersnowdesign after coveting it from the window! My indoor plant obsession is growing as well of my love for pretty things! Better to have a caged plant than a caged animal! #melindamobilehairdresser #instaplants #plantgoals #ornamentalbirdcage #plantsnotpets #ambersnowdesign #ilovethis #indoorplantsdecor #devilsivy #devilsivyplant #plantobsession #ornamnetalplants #freshair #greenandwhite #instaplant #inspo
15.01.2022 I spotted another gorgeous Hayley Welsh original creation while checking out our DFO in Perth today! Let the adventure begin..... It resonated with me as I will be turning 50 soon and feel that there are so many more adventures to be had! Especially with our restrictions becoming less limiting recently. #melindamobilehairdresser #lettheadventurebegin #positivevibes #ilovethis #adventure #dreams #freedom #appreciation #artist #loveherwork @hayleywelsh
14.01.2022 Last week I added some blonde highlights on Toris hair after a home quarantine box dye made her hair very golden. Voila, now thats more like it #melindamobilehairdresser #mobilehairdresser #mobilehairdresserperth #blondehair #blondehighlights #colorista #voila #blondeshavemorefun #instahair #beautiful #gorgeousgirl #ilovemyclients #ilovemyjob #hairiseverything @
14.01.2022 Its been a while since I was able to catch a sunset at our local beach in Quinns Rocks. We are truly lucky to live in Perth, so close to the beach, with clean beaches, fresh air and amazing sunsets! I wouldnt want to live anywhere else! #melindamobilehairdresser #quinnsbeach #quinnsrocks #quinnsrockslocal #sunset #sunsetlover #sunsetquinnsbeach #ilovewhereilive #perth #wa #solucky
14.01.2022 It was transformation time for Tammie last week with some silver highlights and a shorter style. #melindamobilehairdresser #mobilehairdresser #silverhighlights #timeforachange #transformation #newhair #ilovemyclients #ilovemyjob #hairiseverything @
14.01.2022 Gorgeous Charnay had her blonde and red highlights and lowlights freshened up yesterday. We are growing her hair out from a short graduated bob so I feathered the front layers for movement and hair. #melindamobilehairdresser #mobilehairdresser #mobilehairdresserperth #highlightsandlowlights #blondeandredhair #freshcolours #springhair #springhaircolour #ilovemyjob #ilovemyclients #hairiseverything #blessed
12.01.2022 I never know what colour we are going to do Chloes hair when I see her. But she looks amazing in every colour! We darkened off her hair and shaped it a bit shorter and sharper! Rocking the Winter look hun! #melindamobilehairdresser #mobilehairdresser #instahair #Insta colour #loreal #lorealprofessionnel #backtobrunette #winterhair #winterhaircolour #lovethisgirl #ilovemyjob #ilovemyclients #hairiseverthing #haircolourist
12.01.2022 Yesterday, Fiona wanted to try a balyage to change up her hair colour. I darkened the roots and some midlengths to a dark blonde like the natural colour, then gently lightened the ends to give this beautiful natural result. We just love it! #melindamobilehairdresser #balyage #balyagehair #balyageisbeautiful #instahair #instahaircolour #loreal #lorealcolorista #mobilehairdresser #ilovemyclients #ilovemyjob #hairiseverything #beautifullady #thathairthough #beautifulhair
10.01.2022 Last week I helped Beth to transition from an all over blonde that she had been putting in her hair to a Balyage. Blending the roots to the natural colour makes the colour more seamless and it will look more natural when it grows through. #melindamobilehairdresser #mobilehairdresser #balyage #colourblend #lorealcolourista #seamlesscolour #haircolour #haircolourist @
10.01.2022 I’m on holidays until Monday 4th January to recharge the batteries. That means that my diary has been abandoned for a few more days while I get on with having a break and prioritising my mental health and well-being. Please be patient with me if I don’t get back to your hairdressing query while I’m relaxing and catching up with family and friends. It’s nearly 10 months since I had a break. Many thanks Melinda
09.01.2022 Heres a flashback to the gorgeous sunset on Cable Beach in Broome this time last year. I was lucky enough to win a long weekend away up there courtesy of Hawaiian and the Cable Beach Club. Its a popular destination for us Western Australians, especially right now. Take me back anytime! #melindamobilehairdresser #sunset #sunsetphotography #sunsetlovers #broome #broometime #broomesunset #cablebeach #cablebeachbroome #westernaustralia #wa #loveourstate #takemeback #hawaiian #cablebeachclub #cablebeachclubresortandspa #nofilter #instasunsets
09.01.2022 This sums me up in a nutshell! I wanted to be a hairdresser from an early age, lining up my dolls and twin sister to do their hair (until Mum would come and rescue them all from having haircuts with the dressmaking scissors ) I absolutely adore cats as well, especially our 3 rescue babies. #melindamobilehairdresser #mobilehairdresser #ilovehairdressing #childhooddream #ilovecats #ilovemycats #adoptdontshop #cathaven #rescuecats
09.01.2022 Where will I be in 50 years???? Today my twin sister Steph and I have the privilege of turning 50! We are looking forward to celebrating together tonight with family and friends. Feeling blessed not only to reach this milestone but that living here in Perth, Western Australia where we can get together with family and friends later #melindamobilehairdresser #happybirthday #happy50thbirthday #happybirthdaytome #twins #twinning #whoswho #ilovemysister #specialbirthday #50thbirthday #50 #blessed #blessedbeyondmeasure
09.01.2022 My awesome husband Kev surprised me with these beautiful flowers and some bubbles when we stayed at Crown Towers for my birthday last week. @crowntowersperth #melindamobilehairdresser #crowntowersperth #birthdaysurprise #flowers #bubbles #spoilt #love #surprise #happybirthday #50thbirthday
08.01.2022 Caitlyn had her restyled from long to a more shaped mid length style. #melindamobilehairdresser #mobilehairdresser #mobilehairstylist #hairstyles #restyle #healthyhair #gorgeoushair #ilovemyjob #hairiseverything #ilovemyclients #newhaircut #newhairstyle #newhair @
08.01.2022 Julia had her blonde and brown highlights and lowlights refreshed last week. The result is very natural and helps to blend the regrow the in as the hair grows out. #melindamobilehairdresser #mobilehairdresser #mobilehairstylist #highlightsandlowlights #blondehighlights #brownlowlights #freshhaircolour #ilovemyclients #ilovemyjob #haircolourista #loreal #lorealprofessionnel #lorealhaircolour #hairiseverything
08.01.2022 Lee had her hair styled into some soft curls last week at the @surgefitnessclarkson open day. Its so easy to glam up the hair with a few GHD curls here and there! #melindamobilehairdresser #mobilehairdresser #mobilehairdresserperth #ghdcurls #softcurls #softcurlsandwaves #prettyhair #shesapt #personaltrainer #surgefitnessclarkson #ilovedoinghair #hairiseverything
07.01.2022 Theres a new princess in the house! Ive got a bit of an obsession with variegated plants lately and bought this beauty with some of my birthday $. I cant wait to watch her new leaves unfurl #melindamobilehairdresser #pinkprincess #pinkprincessphilodendron #imnottheonlyprincessinthefamily #iloveplants #variegatedplants #variegatedphilodendron #freshair #pretty #cippa #plantsmakemehappy
07.01.2022 Kerry just loves funky colours and short hair. I did purple and turquoise in with the icy white to make this fun style. #melindamobilehairdresser #mobilehairdresser #mobilehairdresserperth #funkyhair #funkyhaircolours #icyblondehair #purplehair #turquoisehair #funhaircolor #funhair #loveit #colourista #ilovemyjob #ilovemyclients #hairiseverything #colouredbleach
07.01.2022 Heres an appreciation post to a wonderful charity called Working Spirit. Karyn the founder is in this photo with my husband Kev. This amazing charity helps to get veterans into jobs in the Mine sites here in Australia. Through Karyn and @working_spirit Kev has now been trained and working in a new job in the mines for a year and is loving it! Thanks so much to Karyn and Working Spirit for all that you do. You are amazing!
07.01.2022 The morning welcoming committee are here! Every morning I am greeted by the fury ones and little Miss Moo sucks my thumb! Its a habit she developed since we fostered her as a kitten 8 years ago and never grew out of! Its quite cute being her comforter even if I get woken at 4 or 5am! #melindamobilehairdresser #catmummy #catmumlife #ilovemycats #instacats #furrybabies #catcomforter #catsofinstagram #adoptdontshop #fosterkitten #fosterfail #ilovemycats #thekids #purring #suckingthumb #cathaven #whoneedssleep
06.01.2022 Someone got to try out our new massage chair before Kev and I! No surprises that the princess got there first! The you snooze, you lose rule applies to all living things in this household She looked too comfy to move, but let us have a turn eventually! #melindamobilehairdresser #massagechair #catcomfort #catsofinstagram #cheekygirl #cheekycat #yousnoozeyoulose #relax #ilovemycat #cats #cats_of_instagram #catstagram #catsrulethishouse #diva #livingthedream #adoptdontshop #cathaven #fosterfail #weloveher
05.01.2022 Tonight’s lovely sunset was brought to you by our local Quinn’s Rocks Beach! I never get tired of such beauty and realise how blessed we are to live here in Perth! #melindamobilehairdresser #sunsetlover #sunset #quinnsrocksbeach #localviews #livingthedream #perth #ilovewherewelive #blessed
04.01.2022 My nephew Matt asked me to cut his hair into a mullet! My initial response was NO, they werent good the first time around! Then he explained that he wanted to do it as a conversation starter to check in on people if they are ok! Mental health is challenging for many and its good to check up on your friends and people around us. Are you OK? Im proud of you Matt.....but will be ready to chop the mullet off when your month is up! #melindamobilehairdresser #mullett #areyouok #mentalhealthawareness #startaconversation #startaconversationthatmatters #mynephew #idontlikemullets #greatcause #betterthanafootballer #hairstyles
04.01.2022 I just couldnt resist this gorgeous helper Leonardo when colouring Charnays hair the other day! #melindamobilehairdresser #mobilehairdresser #ilovecats #helping #hairdresserassistant #hairdresserjunior #catsofinstagram #tabbycatsofinstagram #tabbycat #apprentice #handsome #adayinthelifeofahairstylist #ilovemyjob
04.01.2022 I had a lovely morning yesterday @surgefitnessclarkson open day with my friend and talented makeup artist @marta_makeup_artist_perth. Marta did my makeup and I styled her hair while chatting to members who were trying some of the new awesome classes available. #melindamobilehairdresser #hairstyling #businessowner #businesspromotion #friends #greathairday #greathair #greatmakeup #greatmakeupartist #lookingpretty #lovethelook #businesswomen #surgefitness #ilovemygym #gymfamily @ Surge Fitness Clarkson
03.01.2022 Heres a flashback to one of my local beach walks in Quinns Rocks. I just love our flora and fauna, especially this magpie looking out towards the beach and these 2 pink and grey galahs sharing a moment too. #melindamobilehairdresser #quinnsbeach #magpie #pinkandgreygallah #aussiebirds #birdsofaustralia #beachviews #walkies #ilovewhereilive #nature #beachlife #quinnsrockslocal #beachwalk
03.01.2022 It was time to change up Jillianne’s hairstyle last week with a big restyle and colour change! This shorter style will be easy to wash and wear and I took the colour back to a natural deep brown. #melindamobilehairdresser #mobilehairdresser #restyle #bighairchange #easytomanagehair #lorealcolorista #changeitup #newyouhairstyle #ilovemyclients #ilovemyjob #hairiseverything
03.01.2022 I loved these beach themes sculptures that I found outside a local shopping centre recently. Maybe its my cancerian starsign that was drawn to them. I just love the water and anything connected to them especially animals, mammals and critters. #melindamobilehairdresser #cancerian #butlercentralshopping #appreciatethelittlethings #sculptureart #sculpturegarden #loveit #crab #crazycrab #seal #ilovetheocean #ilovebeachlife #beachlife #ilovewhereilive
03.01.2022 Liz had some nice tri colour highlights to brighten up her hair and give it some depth recently. I love how natural it looks! #melindamobilehairdresser #mobilehairdresser #highlights #lorealprofessionnel #lorealcolorista #tricolour #freshcolour #ilovemyjob #ilovemyclients #hairiseverything
02.01.2022 I turned Kerry into an ice queen last week with this uber blonde look. Loving it! #melindamobilehairdresser #icequeen #iceblonde #blondehair #blondehairdontcare #blondeshavemorefun #funkyhair #lovingit
02.01.2022 My birthday hair I kept simple this year (not having much time with a party for 80!) I still highlight it with the same loreal majimeche that I use for my sister, but use the muvo pink shampoo as well to give it a hint of colour. #melindamobilehairdresser #birthdaygirl #birthdayhair #lorealmajimeche #muvo #muvopink #differenttonedhaircolor #lorealcolorista
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