Melissa Hohaia in Perth, Western Australia | Alternative & holistic health service
Melissa Hohaia
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 6468 8149
Address: Unit 4, 145 Stirling Hwy 6009 Perth, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 If you have been feeling 'not-quite-right' but your tests results are normal then you just may not have had the right test done. . Stop telling yourself that it is all in your head. Don't give up.... You deserve to know what is going on . . Check out these recent test results that I got back for one of my patients...(swipe to see) She was struggling with some stubborn belly fat, she was tried, experiencing brain fog and just not feeling as good as she would have like to. Doctors had run some tests and sent her away telling her that she just needed to accept that it was a 'natural part of aging'. Her results showed that everything was fine. . Well, I knew I could offer her more than that... We ran some different tests and WHAMO look what we found! (see the third image) Hidden beneath the surface were some sneaky insulin issues. . Had we run the 'standard tests' I would have told her that her all her levels were normal. . Most practitioners will only run a 'fasting glucose' test and unless this comes back elevated they are not concerned about anything at all. . Occasionally (if you win the doctor lottery) they will add in a 'fasting insulin'. Often this can be higher than ideal (I like to see it under 10), which can lead us to start considering that support insulin and blood sugar regulation may need some attention. . What I like to do (if I feel like we need to leave no stone unturned) is to do a '2hr Glucose tolerance test' with insulin measured at each hour along with the glucose levels. This test gives us a play-by-play deeper look into how your blood sugar levels are tracking in a fasting state, as well as how your body responds to a sugar rush. The results can paint a totally different picture (and even help us correct things before you end up with diabetes). It sure was a game changer in this lady's case... . . . #diabetes #insulinresistance #bloodsugarcontrol #diabetesawareness #testing #pathology #testresults #whatteststodo #stubbornweight #bellyfat #expandingwaistline #weigthloss #weightlosssolutions #loseweightforgood #naturalhealth #health #wellness #naturopath
24.01.2022 .O E S T R O G E N . A N D . Y O U R . V A G I N A Oestrogen is an important hormone in the maintenance of your vaginal health. Have you ever found yourself with less lubrication, dryness, or thinning of your vaginal tissue? It could be a lower-than-ideal oestrogen level to blame. or Have you found yourself susceptible to ongoing thrush infections? Oestrogen excess could be an important consideration.... . The Lactobacillus spp. that call your vagina home are influenced by oestrogen - and any surge, excess, or drop could leave you with some unwanted vaginal discomfort. . Oestrogen is also the main player in the production of cervical mucous, which should change over your menstrual cycle as oestrogen levels rise and fall. Cervical mucous is an important sign to pay attention to - as changes in discharge can be clues into your hormone balance and vaginal health. . . @loruponyo . . . #vaginalhealth #womensbusiness #loveyourvagina #vaginaldryness #thrush #infection #microbiome #vaginalmicrobiome #yonilove #womenshealth #perthwomen #naturalmedicine #perthnaturopath See more
23.01.2022 With all the #craziness of the last few months Im seeing a heap of messed up menstrual cycles... #stresswilldothattoyou ladies. . Whats been interesting for me is that my cycle has #neverbeenbetter. The cool thing is that because I chart my cycle month after month I get to see it on paper (or more specifically in my @kindara_fertility app). My body could not have produced these picture perfect charts without me giving my body what it needs. These charts reflect my health... and give me a monthly check in to see if the choices Im making are working for me. So why do I think my cycles got better with covid? Coz I amped up my adrenal support (I knew they would thank me for it), I focused more on going slower, I took my supplements more regularly and I nourished myself with good food (coz I had the time to cook some pretty amazing meals with all the extra home time) my challenge will be to keep it up as life reverts to normal. It is important to keep in mind that the choices you make today will have the greatest impact on your hormones 3 months from need to be focused on the long game. It is so rewarding when you get to see the results from the right support though...and charting your cycle can give you extra insights. How are your cycles looking? . . . #periodproblems #periodpower #chartingforhealth #symptothermalcharting #cyclesyncing #cycles #loveyourperiod #hormones #hormoneimbalance #stressless #stress #mumlife #mumlifebalance #womenshealth #womensupportingwomen @ Perth, Western Australia
23.01.2022 . Stop feeling bad for 'falling off the wagon' or 'making a bad choice'... You just need to do DO MORE U-TURNS! (& I am not talking about the illegal road ones ) ... What I mean by a U-TURN is your ability to turn around your choices when you are able to - don't dwell on a chocolate you binged on after a stressful day at work. Just wake up the next morning with a renewed mind-set and a nutritious breakfast! Feeling guilty over the chocolate achieves nothing! You just need to turn things around when you are in the right frame of mind or you have the ability to chose differently. . I often tell my patients that they need to become their own GPS unit. Imagine that you are following your GPS directionsif u happen to make the wrong turn then your GPS doesn’t tell you that u F#*@ed up, so u might as well keep goinginstead it re-routes ur journey or tells u to make a U-turn at the next available opportunity. . You need this same approach with life you need to have the ability to turn around your choices whenever you are able to. Life may involve indulgences or poor choices from time to time, but it is necessary to keep them isolated and not let them run into more poor choices just because you feel like you failed or let yourself downpick it up at the next opportunity and make a better choice for you - one that u are proud. You need to do this as soon as you can to stop the avalanche of poor choices that can ensue. . It is all about the U-TURNS! x . . . #uturn #wellness #health #newyou #newapproach #reachyourgoals #healthgoals #makeaplan #setgoals #goals #lifegoals #perthnaturopath See more
22.01.2022 Nothing left to give? Are you experiencing P O S T N A T A L . D E P L E T I O N ? . Its a real thing - but often so underestimated...... Lets get real...You have brought a life into the world and you are exhausted! You have survived the sleepless nights and the relentless demands, but you are isnt meant to feel this hard. . The journey to becoming a mother, has been the biggest most challenging journey of my life. It has taken its toll on my health and I am still a work in progress. . We often spend time focusing on ourselves during the pregnancy - making sure we are eating right, resting, nurturing ourselves and the little life growing in our belly. But what happens during the #fourthtrimester - when your baby is earth-side but your body really needs the support? . This is a time that your hormones are vulnerable, your adrenals need some TLC, and your immune system is a re-calibrating. If you feel like you have hit a wall and things have gone a bit AWOL then maybe you need to honour this transition time after pregnancy in a different way. . Too often we expect ourselves to slot right back into life after delivering our babies (heck, I was home cooking dinner for my family the same night after the birth of my third!)...this can be detrimental to our recovery and ongoing health after pregnancy. It is an important time - you need to go gentle and honour your body without any guilt or shame. You NEED some TLC. You need to investigate WHY and address these reasons...Its not in your head...It shouldnt feel this hard. You DESERVE some gentleness but also support and appropriate interventions. You will THRIVE once again. . . Dont keep pushing through. Listen to your body. Ive got your back. x . . @bethphilippidis . #postnataldepletion #womenshealth #pnd #mothercare #4thtrimester #motherhood #mumstruggles #mumboss #tiredaf #exhaustedmum #postpartum #newbaby #motherhood #naturalmedicine See more
22.01.2022 . M O R N I N G . H U N G E R Do you wake in the mornings ready to devour a hearty meal? or Are you one of those people who can go without food for hours with ease?... Experiencing hunger in the mornings is a really important indicator of health. If you are waking with NO appetite and NOT fussed about eating for hours then this is generally NOT a good thing. I see so many women who say with pride..."I can easily go without breakfast"..."My body is not ready to eat in the morning, so I just fast until lunch". It can seem like a positive thing when we start to hear all the great benefits with #intermittentfasting, but I believe that skipping breakfast for the female-population-in-general is NOT the best option. If you find that you wake up without the desire to get stuck into a hearty breakfast then it may be time to look into your adrenals and start supporting an effective adrenal wake up (aka cortisol awakening response). So, instead of just giving into the lack of hunger (and pushing on with your day), I suggest starting with some small changes to get your hunger (and adrenals) kick started. Always aim to eat within the first 30-60 mins after waking. Focus on ingesting protein and healthy fats in your first meal of the day - this will start your metabolism off on the right foot. Re-assess the timing of your last night-time meal (or snack) - does it need to be moved earlier or later to help boost your waking hunger. I find a 12 hour period with no food is a good one to aim for. Get moving in the morning - waking up and engaging in even 5 minutes of exercise that raises your heart rate can help to re-program things. Expose yourself to the sun (or full spectrum light) as soon as possible after waking. Start with something small - even if it means a handful of nuts and seeds, it is better than nothing. Blend up a smoothie and try sipping on that while you get ready for your day. Are you a converted breakfast skipper? . . @toucheconomy See more
21.01.2022 Hey you! How are you feeling about your health during 2020? Do you feel like your health goals got shelved and replaced with more of a 'day-to-day-survival' focus? 2020 was a big, crazy year for the world. It threw a spanner into the works and de-railed a lot of the plans we all had for the year. I personally noticed that more stress, less sleep & restricted movement all impacted my ability to easily stay focused on my health. .... I noticed a pattern in the patients I was seeing. The year started with all the 'weight-loss-motivated-detox-seekers", then moved to the "immune-enhancement-seekers", followed by the "i'm-in-serious-need-of-some-TLC-seekers". This year took a toll on all of us in some way & I would like to think that I played a small part in helping people come out the other end even just a little stronger. . We are now faced with Christmas and New Years, which tends to be a time when we reassess what goals & dreams we have for the year ahead. In a time where things are still uncertain, I would like to encourage you to remain focused on what your body needs for the long-game. Don't wait for the perfect time to start - just do what you can right now. Let's move away from just 'surviving' from day-to-day. You deserve to still prioritise yourself & your health. If you are looking to start 2021 with a new focus on yourself then I am here for you. Bookings are open for 2021! Don't forget that I have 3 online programs available to support you NOW... The 2-week REFRESH & REVAMP DETOX - great way to push a re-set button on your health. LOSE IT - a deep-dive into weight loss resistance & everything you need to lose weight for good. CYCLE CHOICES - understanding how you can adjust your food, exercise & lifestyle choices to sync up with your menstrual cycle. LINKS ARE IN MY BIO See more
20.01.2022 . D I D . Y O U . K N O W ? Your brain is 20% fat (by dry weight) and these fatty substances fulfil very important cognitive functions. . There is strong evidence to suggest that omega 3s (especially DHA and EPA) and omega 6s (specifically AA and DGLA) are a useful treatment in conditions like:... ADHD Depression Anxiety Schizophrenia Our modern day, typical diet consists of insufficient omega-3s and excessive omega-6s - which throws off the balance and can result in disease and inflammation. The secret is to focus on boosting up your omega 3s This can be done through supplementation with a good quality omega-3 product (say good bye to the big bargain tubs of fish oils at your local health-food store ). You can also work more omega-3 containing foods into your diet, like: Mackrel Sardines Herring Cod Liver Oil Oysters Sardines Anchovies Cavier Flax Seed Chia Seed Remember it is all about BALANCE - and unfortunately that balance is hard to come by sometimes. . @jason_bowen . . . #omega #omega3 #omega6 #eatyourfish #healthyfats #depression #mentalhealth #brainhealth #congitivefunction #boostyourbrain #thinkbetter #findyourbalance #nutrients #eatwell #healthy #wellness #health #anxiety #behappy #inflammationbuster #treatinflammation #behealthy #eatwell #perfectbalance #perthnaturopath #naturalmedicine See more
19.01.2022 W H A T . A . W E E K ! As I collapse into my favorite armchair tonight (with some dark chocolate in hand ) I am celebrating the fact that I SURVIVED this all felt a tad overwhelming at times...I had to lower my expectations and be content with just getting through each day...we all have those weeks where we feel like we are treading water, barely keeping our head above the surface, gasping for breath. . Its okay...this to will pass......sometimes we just need to stop STRIVING and just be okay with SURVIVING. . This in itself is LIBERATING...we need to give ourselves permission to let some things go to preserve our own self care. I see way too many women just accepting that every day, every week, every month feels like this. They have moved to a place of acceptance that life has just turned into an ongoing struggle and they have given up hoping for things to be different. This is a sad place to be trapped. . I want you to know that I get it. I understand the struggle, but I also know that you can demand better for yourself and that you can expect life to feel lighter. You deserve this...and I am here to help you find whatever way you are ready for. . . I hope u all survived your week. . . . . @mymoonbox . #reallife #thisisme #donttakelifetooseriously #mumslife #mumboss #thejuggleisreal #fifowife #livinglife #wellnessindustry #naturalhealthpractitioner #womenswellnessspecialist #lovemyjob #passionforhealth #perthfitfam #perthnaturopath #perthbusiness #perthmum #fitmum #healthymum #workingmum #naturopath See more
19.01.2022 Aint that the truth . . . #wednesdayhumpday #youvegotthis #periodpower #cyclesyncing #loveyourperiod #superpowers #truelove #loveyourself #loveyourselffirst #hormones #womenshealth #hormoneimbalance #naturalsolutions #perthnaturopath
19.01.2022 It is easy to see how your skin and your gut are connected - especially if you imagine yourself like a dohnut ...stick with me peeps... . Instead of a neat little dohnut hole, you have your gastrointestinal tract - running from your mouth to your anus. There is no segregation - the skin on your face blends in with your lips, which blend in with the lining of your mouth, which travels all the way down to your stomach, small intestines, large intestines and ...then exits between your butt cheeks, but then also blends into the skin at the other end. Ultimately you are just one big giant dohnut and your GI tract is one huge curvy, twisty dohnut hole. You got me?!? . So, when it comes to wanting to improve the look of the icing on your dohnut (your skin) you have to consider what is going on in the dohnut hole (your digestive system). . Beauty is truly more than skin deep. If you are suffering with random rashes, acne, hormonal breakouts, eczema, dermatitis or simply a lack-luster complexion - then maybe it is time to look a little deeper and discover if your gut health is playing a role. . No cream or lotion can fix that. It may require appropriate investigations and targeted treatment with the guidance of a qualified practitioner who knows this stuff inside and out. . . On a less serious note... What kind of dohnut would you be? . I think I would be the maple-glazed-custard-filled kind... #dohnutsarelife #dohunts #yummy #bakery #guthealth #digestivehealth #digestion #happygut #microbiome #wellness #acne #eczema #skinhealth #skintherapy #beauty #skindeep #hormonalacne #naturalmedicine #naturopathy #perthnaturopath #perthisokay See more
19.01.2022 .HISTAMINE & YOUR HORMONES. (NEW BLOG - link . Menstrual issues?... Digestive problems? Fatigue? Weight Gain? Anxiety? Headaches? Could actually be the result of too much histamine floating around your body. #histamine is released from your mast cells and broken down by two different histamine-busting-enzymes - DAO and NHMT. When your mast cells are releasing too much, or your enzymes are not working efficiently then your histamine levels will go up and your body will start to freak out. . Ur mast cells are sensitive to your hormones - they listen and respond to oestrogen and progestreone the way you only wish ur toddler would listen to you #mumgoals If your oestrogen is elevated then ur mast cells will respond by releasing a flood of histamine into ur body. But not only does oestrogen trigger more histamine, the histamine will also trigger more oestrogen to be produced from ur ovaries. It is a vicious cycle that can pick up momentum like a runaway train OESTROGEN = MORE HISTAMINE = MORE OSTROGEN = MORE HISTAMINE #helloperiodproblems . Elevated oestrogen will also slow down DAO activity, which means that less histamine will be broken down and cleared from ur body - again, not a great thing when you want to keep histamine in check. . We also know that progesterone and cortisol impact ur histamine levels - so looking after ovulation and stress is an important piece of the puzzle. . Women are more likely to experience histamine-related symptoms: - mid-cycle - right before ovulation - pre-menstrually - right before your period - menopausally - when progesterone levels drop off - with hypothyroidism - as thyroid hormones are also involved. For more info read the BLOG at @joshuanightfury See more
19.01.2022 . ARE YOU LOOKING FOR ANSWERS? Maybe you're gaining weight and you think it might be because of your THYROID...but unfortunately it may not be your poor thyroids' fault at all. I see women all the time that want to know "why". Why their weight is spiralling upwards - seemingly out of their control. It can be tempting to point your finger at one thing - it can feel like if you find that magic pot of gold then you might magically be able to make the wei...ght just disappear. The thing is though, I often see women who have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism but they don't see any positive weight loss even when they are medicated for an under active thyroid. The magical weight loss that they imagined would take place once their thyroid was 'looked after' just never eventuated... It is disheartening and can leave you feeling completely lost - now what?!? You see, the reason this happens is because there is more to the picture, and pointing your finger solely at your lil' ol' thyroid gland could be doing you a disservice. Your thyroid gland is like the conductor of your metabolic orchestra - it signals for metabolic processes to either speed up or slow down depending on what your body feels that it needs. But not ALL weight gain is automatically due to a diseased or poorly functioning thyroid gland - so even though it is important to consider your thyroid, we don't want to start blaming it unnecessarily. There are a lot of things that impact on the smooth running of your thyroid. This means that for optimal thyroid functioning you need to sometimes shift the focus away from the thyroid itself, and look beyond the confines of just using medication that replaces your thyroid hormone. When we dig deeper and find your real driver to your weight gain then you will find that pot of gold you are looking for! . . Up next...what factors influence your thyroid health and the steps you need to take to ensure your thyroid is healthy. . . . #thyroidawarenessmonth See more
18.01.2022 The perfect V A G I N A ... Its all about the A C I D ... . When it comes to your vagina microbiome, less is more...diversity is not your friend (unlike in the gut). You want mainly Lactobacilli species running the show - no one else should get a real look in. These Lactobacilli species are responsible for producing hydrogen peroxide and lactic acid, which sets your vagina up to be inhospitable to undesirable pathogenic microbes. ... Having a good amount of acid producing Lactobacilli means that your vagina becomes like a big vault of acid - it makes me think of the final scene in Roger Rabbit #childofthe80s When you have an acidic vagina, you have all the defence you need against undesirable pathogens. Most of the pathogenic microbes prefer a more alkaline place to live - they want a welcome mat that is higher in the pH scale. When too much acid is around they cant even get a foot in the door! They just cant live there. Optimal vagina pH should sit between 3.6 - 4.5. If your vagina is more than 4.5 then you run the risk of vaginal dysbiosis and the survival of non-ideal microbes setting up a home. One thing to note is that your vaginas pH will change over your menstrual cycle and this can be one of the reasons that some women find that they experience more uncomfortable symptoms or infections at specific times in their cycle. In addition, menstrual blood, sperm, and some lubricants are alkaline. Exposure to these can tip the pH toward a less favourable alkaline environment and allow a flare up of symptoms. Are you curious to find out your vaginas pH. We now have test kits available @floraliawellness ! Im going to be exploring the changes in my vagina pH this next month - let me know if you want me to share... . . . @floliving See more
17.01.2022 There is some conflicting advice out there in regards to #adrenalfatigue and in the past I have been guilty of putting labels on things that may not be appropriate. Some medical specialist will even deny that adrenal fatigue is even real, which can leave you feeling unheard. But the thing is...the label doesn't change your reality, and when you are dealing with #adrenalfatigue #adrenalexhaustion #hpadysfunction (whatever you want to call it) then we still need to su...pport the whole system to get you feeling better. Let's take a step back and break it down... Your adrenals produce cortisol and adrenaline in response to your body's need to fight, flee, or freeze. Centers in your brain (specifically ur hypothalamus & pituitary) are involved in regulating the communication to your adrenals and turning up or down the dial on cortisol/adrenaline production. (Think of it like the volume control on your TV.) Let's go over a scenario to explore how this can play out. Imagine...You are at work and your boss walks over and tells you that you need to have a presentation prepared by that afternoon to present to a room full of investors. Within milliseconds your brain kicks in, perceives the new stress, sends signals to your adrenals to produce more cortisol so that you can achieve the new deadline with enhanced mental clarity and focus. Once you have successfully finished your presentation, your brain will sense that the extra stress is resolved and dial down the signals to your adrenals, which in turn will reduce cortisol production - everything is returned to a calmed state. This whole system works well for short-lived stress (cortisol is helpful in small bursts), but we run into problems when the system is taxied over longer periods of time and cortisol levels can remain too high for too long. continued in comments... See more
16.01.2022 I feel so lucky to be in a position to really take away suffering and help people gain their life back...getting this kind of feedback makes my heart so happy... "I struggled for two years with discomfort, cramps & stomachache. My belly was always bloated and I was scared of every meal time as I did not know how my gut was going to react. I saw doctors and nutritionists that just suggested to change my diet randomly but they never found ...a real solution to my problem. Symptoms were unpredictable, painful and my frustration was increasing every single day. I decided to see Melissa as my "last hope" as I was about to give up and cope with this discomfort forever without knowing the cause. Melissa ran some tests and we started a treatment that was effective from day one. It has been two months with no symptoms, no bloated belly, no stomachache and cramps. It seems unreal. I also found that the treatment had an impact on my whole body and mind. Melissa is approachable, knowledgeable and very professional. By finding a solution to my discomfort Melissa gave me back my confidence and love for my body. I could not thank her more. Thank you Melissa." A. Taffurelli x . . . #nomorebloat #bloatingsolutions #microbiome #healthymicrobiome #getridofthebloat #digestivehealth #flatstomach #guthealth #happygut #nomorepain #health #wellness #perthnaturopath #perthwellness #perthfitfam #perthisokay See more
16.01.2022 If you didnt you know. #mumslife #somedaysareharderthanothers #activewear #saveonlaundry #mumsofperth #perthmum #mumtribe #wellness #health
15.01.2022 Hearing this kind of feedback makes my heart swell with joy...Im so blessed to support such amazing women... . . . #wordsofkindness #kindwords #lovemyjob #amazingwomen #amazingmums #bestjobever #perthnaturopath #womenshealth #womensupportingwomen #womenempowerment #health #wellness #wellbeing #wellnesscoach @ Perth, Western Australia
14.01.2022 Oh how I love thee #magnesium - let me count the ways Not many of my patients would leave my clinic without magnesium somewhere in their prescription. The thing with the wonderous mineral is that it is intimately involved in hundreds of thousands of enzymatic functions in your body. When you are stressed, under the pump, rushing around, not sleeping enough, or simply living a modern-day life in this modern-day world then you will be chewing your magnesium faster than a kid unwrapping a present at Christmas . It's hard to keep up with the demand and safe to say that most people are deficient in this magical mineral. If you are suffering with: - poor immune function - headaches or migraines - skin concerns - period issues - anxiety or panic attacks - muscle pain, cramps or stiffness - allergies - poor sleep - mood issues - fatigue - blood pressure or other heart concerns - thyroid issues - Digestive or gut health problems ...etc. etc. etc... Then you name it, magnesium can probably help with it. I tend to switch up the form and dose of Magnesium that I give my patients based off their individual situation. But if I had to chose a fave it would be a Magnesium Citrate form dosed between 300-600mg of elemental magnesium each and every day. . Have you experienced the benefit from magnesium supplementation? See more
14.01.2022 Repeat after me: "Being tired everyday is NOT okay!" . When is the last time that you woke up in the morning refreshed and ready to tackle your day? Not so long ago?... Months ago? Years ago? Can't remember the last time? Well, I want you to know that being exhausted, 'zombie-tired' and dragging your butt around day in day out is NOT okay and you should stop accepting it right NOW. . If you have started with the basics - like getting more sleep and hydrating, then it is time to look a little deeper and discover what is causing your fatigue... Unresolved infections? Poor gut function? Nutrient deficiencies? Hidden toxicity? Hormone imbalances? Inflammation? There could be more to your story than you originally thought and maybe the fatigue is your body's way of slowing you down so that you can deal with the stuff it needs to deal with! So you have two choices... 1) keep living in the haze of low energy OR 2) listen to your body and seek a solution. I challenge you to chose option TWO...make your personal health a priority and start taking steps so that you can start feeling better. Life is not meant to be just 'pushed through'. You don't need to just suck it up and find more strength. You deserve to have a different story and I can help you write a new chapter. x #tired #tiredaf #stress #stressless #adrenal fatigue #anxiety #stressedaf #lifeiscrazy #livingyourbestlife #tiredmum #mumlife #mumsofperth #livingwithanxiety #wellness #health #mentalhealth #deepbreathing #meditation #naturalsolutions #naturalmedicine #naturopathicmedicine #perthnaturopath #perthfitfam #perthwellnesscommunity #womenshealth See more
14.01.2022 . I'm a mumma to a girl...who will one day be a woman... She is a source of motivation for me. I strive to be the best role model I can be for her.... I am driven to provide her with a love and appreciation for her body that will not waiver. I want her to understand that she is a magically powerful being - she has a body capable of creating life. She will have hormones that ebb and flow, shift and change in a cyclical way. This is a gift that can come with it's struggles. But ultimately, if she can tune into the whispers from her body and listen to her symptoms - she will have the opportunity to understand her body so deeply and intimately. This is the ultimate blessing and I wish I had understood it sooner in my life. . I never want her to be ashamed of her bodily functions. We have had countless open conversations around periods, babies, hormones, and what she can look forward to. Every year these conversations become more indepth and her questions get more specific as she slowly grasps the intricacies. I want her to know that if anything is ever uncomfortable, painful or unmanageable - it does not need to just be tolerated or snuffed out. She will know to speak up - listen to what her body is trying to communicate and seek the answers to help her resolve any issues. She has a voice worth listening to and she deserves to be heard - especially when it comes to her health. I believe that we need to change the conversations around women's health - and it all starts with the conversations we have with our girls (the women of the next generation). . . x What conversations do you have with your daughters around their hormones and their periods? @chanellemegan - love the way you capture moments chick...thank you See more
14.01.2022 Hope your week is filled with less #fuckups and more #pushups. . . . #mondaymotivation #thetruth #notashamedtosayit #weareallinthistogether #makethisweekgreat #thingstobegratefulfor #health #wellness #perthnaturopath
13.01.2022 The answer may surprise you... When talking to my patients about protein and all it's amazing health benefits I tend to work on the following equation as a bare minimum for protein intake... BODY WEIGTH(in kg) x 1.2 = PROTEIN needed (in grams)... So, for example... If you weigh 70kg then... 70 x 1.2 = 84 grams of protein per day If you weigh 90 kg then... 90 x 1.2 = 108 grams of protein per day If you then divide this over three works out to 28 grams of protein per meal for the 70kg lady. What you need to keep in mind is that 28 grams of protein DOES NOT come from 28 grams of meat or eggs. In fact, to get that 28 grams of protein you would need approximately... 4-5 eggs 140 g of almonds 110 g of chicken 100g of turkey 1.5 cups of cooked lentils 110 g of cheese or... 280g of Greek yoghurt 10 cups of broccoli Most women I meet are not managing to get in enough protein over the day - they are often ensuring that their loved ones meals are nutritiously balanced, but they struggle to prioritise their needs. Eating on the run, skipping meals, failing to food prep, and relying on 'whatever you can grab quickly' is going to mean that your protein intake will suffer. Any questions, ladies? See more
13.01.2022 += The ACNE and THYROID connection is strong. This happens for a few reasons... When your thyroid function is sluggish then your body will struggle to make your sex hormones. Ovulation can be compromised and as a result, progesterone production can go M.I.A. Without enough progesterone acne becomes an ongoing issue. ... If your thyroid is struggling then your blood circulation will be slowed (which is why you can also feel the cold more or notice cold hands and feet). Poor circulation will compromise the delivery of nutrients and removal of wastes to and from your skin. Poorly nourished or toxin burdened skin will result in acne. When your thyroid function is low, your metabolism is lowered, which can mean that your body may not get enough nourishment, especially Vitamin A. There is a strong connection between Thyroid health and Vitamin A. Vitamin A is essential for healthy skin and the reversal of acne. If you are suffering with chronic acne then it will be important to get your thyroid looked into properly. **Remember that standard blood tests will not always give you the insights you need.** One of the most simple ways to investigate how well your thyroid is functioning, is through a BASAL BODY TEMPERATURE collection - if you are menstruating, collect your temperature promptly on waking between day 2-9 of your menstrual cycle. It should be higher than 36.4 degrees Celsius. (If you are not menstruating then you collect on any morning of the month.) If your basal body temperature is consistently sitting below 36.4 then #hustonwehaveaproblem. . . . #thyroid #thyroidhealth #thyroidissues #acne #skinhealth #breakouts #findyourglow #progesterone #progesteronedeficiency #hormones #glowingskin #flawless #health #wellness #perthfitfam #hypothyroidism #hashis #perthnaturopath #naturalmedicine See more
13.01.2022 I S . Y O U R . V A G I N A . H A P P Y ? If you are suffering with #vaginaissues like: Irritation Infections Tissue weakness... Dryness or Redness then it could be time to consider the health of your vagina microbiome. Thats heard me...your vagina has a microbiome just like your gut does . This means that there is a balance of beneficial and non-beneficial microbes that call your vagina home. When this balance moves away from being ideal, then problems arise and symptoms pop up. So, if you are prone to regular intimate infections or vaginal discomfort of any kind then it will be important that you help your vagina microbiome be the best that it can be. . The health of your V A G I N A L . M I C R O B I O M E is promoted by: Leaving it alone - think of your vagina as a self-cleaning has all it needs to keep itself in good nic. Avoiding the use of soaps, harsh lubricants, douching, and perfumes can allow your own built-in-vagina-cleaning-mechanisms to carry on as they should. Practising good hygiene - simple things like wiping front to back, changing your underwear regularly, using organic cotton sanitary products, going to the toilet after sex, making sure body parts or sex toys are clean for sexual fun-time are some essential places to start. Letting your vagina breath - using breathable cotton underwear, avoiding long days in #activewear or stockings, sleeping without underwear, and changing sweaty clothing asap can all let your vagina have the space it needs to regulate itself. Looking after yourself - this means eating a diet rich in plant foods, minimising sugar, avoiding coffee and alcohol, reducing stress, and nurturing your overall health. . Continued in comments... . . unknown origin - please let me know if you know. See more
13.01.2022 What happens when you stop taking #thepill ? Acne? Missing/Irregular Periods? Hair Loss? Gut Issues?... Fatigue? Nutrient Deficiencies? Pre-birth control symptoms return? Mood changes? . These symptoms rear their ugly head because while you have been taking the #ocp you have shut down the communication between your brain and ovaries - you have basically been in an artificial menopause. When you rip away the artificial hormones that uve been taking, it can take a while for your ovaries to wake back up and for your brain to make its communication clear and concise. You will have to re-build & replenish lost nutrients that the pill depleted. You will also need to re-face any underlying hormonal imbalance that were there before you went on the pill (some of which may be even more complicated now). You can be left with post-pill hormonal imbalances involving: Elevated androgens (aka testosterone) Oestrogen and Progesterone imbalances Cortisol issues . Now is the time to nurture some specific areas of your health, including: Replenishing Essential Nutrients: certain vitamins and minerals (like your B vitamns, Zinc, Magnesium, Vit C, Selenium, CoQ10) are depleted by the pill. Making sure u top up on these is essential to get ur own hormone production fired back up effectively. Your Adrenals: looking after your stress will minimise the flow on disruption to your ovarian hormones. Try reducing caffeine, meditation, deep breathing, gentle movement, managing blood sugar levels, & eating healthy fats. Your Liver: this is where your hormones are processed. Try turmeric, calciferous vegge, colourful plant food, & sweating. Your Gut: DID YOU KNOW THAT THE PILL CAN HAVE THE SAME IMPACT ON YOUR GUT AS ANTIBIOTICS? Scary huh? So now is the time to work on improving ur gut microbiome diversity and improving your gut function. Try dietary fiber (lots of vegge), probiotics, chewing, bitter foods, hydration and relaxation. . . With the right support coming off the pill can be a smooth transition and an empowering step to taking charge of your hormonal health. . x . . . @gelcream See more
11.01.2022 Here I cover the reasons why protein is so important (especially for weight loss and your hormones), how much protein you should be eating, what sources are the best, how to get more protein in at breakfast, when to consider a protein powder, and the safe use of protein powder in kids, pregnancy and breastfeeding. It was a big topic to cover and I hope this clears up some of your questions...x
11.01.2022 Q: When is the best time to check your breasts? A: Day 3-5 of your menstrual cycle, which means 3-5 days after your first day of blood flow. (pretty cool huh?) Adding a self-breast examination to your calendar every month is important. And the awesome thing is that if you use your period as a reminder you will never miss the opportunity to do it at a time in your cycle where your breasts are less tender and easier to examine - as a res...ult of the lower hormone levels. . This will mean you get a reliable and comparable assessment from one month to the next. . If you are not experiencing regular cycles or if you have entered into the menopausal years - then setting a reminder in your calendar will be your next best option. . . . @fannyamandanilsson . #breastcancerawareness #breastexamination #breastcheck #copafeel #selfcheck #cancerprevention #breasthealth #periodpower #hormones #preventionisbetterthancure #feelyourself #womenshealth #wellness #perthmum #perthmumma #naturopath See more
11.01.2022 Are you eating enough of the right stuff? . I see one very common mistake...over and over again. It can be a big deal and most women are making this mistake without even knowing it. They think they are doing the right thing, but their body is crying out for the missing ingredients.... . So what is the missing ingredient? . PROTEIN and HEALTHY FATS I guarantee that if you shift your focus and get more PROTEIN & HEALTHY FATS in your diet then the rest will follow. . This shift in your dietary #macronutrients, can be a game changer for your hormones, energy, metabolic function & body composition. Your liver needs amino acids (from protein) for detoxification (including the clearance of oestrogen) and the conversion of your thyroid hormone into its active form. When your body is under stress it will increase its utilization of protein for energy - which can mean that unless you have enough protein in your diet, you will start breaking down muscle to reach the amino acid demand. . PROTEIN & HEALTHY FATS should be making up a good percentage of your diet. Remember that ultimately it is about balance (and finding the right balance for you), but as a general suggestion I recommend that your diet is made up of: 25-30% PROTEIN or anywhere from 1 to 2.2 grams of protein per kilo of body weight depending on your daily needs. This means that if you weigh 70kg then you need a minimum of 70 grams of protein per day, which is approx. 2 and a half chicken breasts. 45-50% FATS - based on a 1500 Cal diet that means you need about 75 grams of fat (approx 6 tbsp of olive oil or about 3 avocados) Now the other big focus should be on VARIETY. You want to eat lots of different types of food that contain your necessary protein and fats. Keep mixing things up. Dont get too routine with your eating and keep trying new things. . I will be covering the best sources of these in another post soon - so stay posted... x @ridhwaanmoolla @floraliawellness See more
11.01.2022 FACT: You can NOT use your #cervicalmucous to tell if you ovulate! I get a heap of women tell me they know they ovulate because their cervical discharge becomes more profuse and egg-white like (aka they get more slimy, slippery wetness in their undies). . Although this is an important sign, it is NOT going to confirm that you ovulated. In fact, those vaginal discharge changes happen in the lead up to ovulation as the oestrogen levels r...ise. Often women can see or experience this change but still NOT experience the main event (aka #ovulate). . If you want optimal health you will want to make sure you are #ovulating ladies! Ovulation brings so many amazing health benefits, like reducing inflammation improving immune function boosting thyroid function keeping moods stable helping sleep stabilising blood sugar levels improving metabolic health It is the CREATOR and the PREDICTOR of good health. But dont assume that just coz you have a wet feeling in you undies that it is happening! . . . #wetundies #eggwhitesforthewin #youcanthankmelater #femalehealth #fertility #hormones #hormonehealth #womenshealth #perthhealth #perthwomen #holisticwellness #holisticliving #holistichealth #wellnesstribe #perthmum #femalepower #femaleempowerment #healthpreneur #findyourbalance #healthinperth #wellnesscollective #perthwellnesscommunity #perthhealthyliving #perthwellnesscoach #naturalremedies #perthmums See more
11.01.2022 Are you METABOLICALLY FLEXIBLE? If you need to eat every few hours to avoid getting #hangry, tired, or distracted then this post if for you... Remember the guy off the #eatasnickers ads? (#ifyouknowyouknow)...he was NOT very metabolically flexible! .... So, what is metabolic flexibility and how do you improve it? (HINT: you can't gain this type of flexibility with stretching ) . To understand metabolic flexibility we need to rewind to the pre-agricultural times when your next meal was less predictable and grocery stores were not an option. To survive, your ancestors needed to be able to utilise whatever energy source they could get their hands on - they needed to be able to efficiently switch from using dietary glucose (sugars) and fats, to using their stored fat and glycogen (stored sugars) for energy. They survived because they could adjust and adapt. This was a beneficial trait that would be passed down through the generations, but due to our modern dietary patterns and food choices we have slowly lost this and messed it all up! It is believed that more and more of us are becoming metabolically inflexible! We need to change this peeps! . Metabolically flexible people tend to maintain a healthy weight without trying too hard, because your body doesn’t have to keep their 'food-seeking' mechanisms constantly on. When you’re metabolically flexible, you don’t store extra fat to prepare for a constant need for energy. It burns what’s there. Sounds great, right? We all know someone who can eat 'whatever they like' and they seem to maintain their weight without any effort. Well, maybe they have a super flexible metabolism. So the next question is how do you, achieve metabolic flexibility? That's up next... . . . @fuentes_studios See more
10.01.2022 Whether you have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism or you suspect your thyroid is not in tip top shape...I need you to know that you don't just need medication. In fact 70% of people on thyroid medication report not feeling any better for it. I need you to know that there is more to the "thyroid story" and I want you to have a better understanding.... In my previous posts I went over some of the important things you need to consider to ensure that your thyroid is able to work to its full potential. I have just put up my new BLOG on "HYPOTHYROIDISM - IT'S NOT YOUR THYROIDS FAULT!" where I go over this in more detail and give you some super easy tips to look after each area. Grab a cuppa and have a read @ . . . #thyroidhealing #thyroidproblems #thyroid #thyroidweightloss #thyroidsupport #thyroidwarrior #thyroidissues #underactivethyroid #weightloss #weightlossresistance #bodytransformation #fatloss #perthnaturopath #naturalmedicine #wellness #health #womenshealth #hashimotos #antoimmunedisease #autoimmunity #autoimmuneawareness #autoimmunehealing #bodylove #bodyacceptace #ditchthediet #fatloss #perthwellness #mumslife #empowerment #testdontguess
10.01.2022 Hearing feedback like this makes my heart so happy - this is the reason I developed my Cycle Choices program! Simple as that! . C Y C L E C H O I C E S is all about knowing where you are in your menstrual cycle and using that knowledge to understand yourself and support yourself as hormone levels change to feel better physically, mentally and emotionally. . If you are ready to connect with your hormones in a whole new way then you are i...n the right place! More info on the program in my bio or at . . . #periodpower #cyclesyncing #themoonmovement #gowithyourflow #embraceyourcycle #cyclechoices #hormones #superpowers #pms #periodproblems #periodtips #solveperiodproblems #hormones #womenshealth #wellness #getyourhormonesbalanced #perthfitfam #perthwellnesscommunity #mumsinbusiness See more
10.01.2022 Your LIBIDO has a life of its own... (and it follows a predictable pattern based off the hormonal fluctuations that happen during your menstrual cycle - pretty cool huh?) So, instead of expecting yourself to be an exotic sexual goddess on any given day - maybe you can embrace the times when you are #upforit and then allow yourself to shy away from intimacy at the times in your cycle when your hormones are not in your (or your partners) favour. ... So here is your LIBIDO LIFE CYCLE in a nutshell... 1) Your period - "Please let me sleep" All of your sex hormones are at their lowest during this time. Combine that with the physical bleeding element and you will more-then-likely just want to be left alone. #nogozone 2) After your period ends - "I might be up for it" This is when your oestrogen starts to climb. You often feel more outgoing and confident at this time in your cycle so start to bring out the lingerie and get your bedroom groove on. #tangotime 3) Ovulation - "Im gonna get it" In this small window of opportunity your oestrogen will be peaking and your testosterone will surge - your body will be up for all the action it can get at this point!#sexbomb 4) After ovulation and navigating your way to your next period - "Ummm...No thanks. Im good" As you move away from ovulation and through your luteal phase, you will likely find yourself less and less interested in sex. Your hormone levels will start to drop off in preparation for the shedding of your uterine lining (aka period). Tuning into these fluctuations and changes can be a wonderfully empowering thing - you are able to make choices based of your strengths and stop placing pressure on yourself to feel or do things that go against what you need. If you do not notice a rise in your libido during your menstrual cycle then something could be off with your hormones and some gentle TLC may be all you need to ignite the fire. . Does your libido have a life cycle of its own??? See more
10.01.2022 For all my #healthconscious ladies out need to listen carefully to what I'm about to tell you... Are you ready to hear it? Your body needs to have some fat stores if you want your hormones to be optimal. Drop your body fat too much or too quickly and, even though you may like what you see in the mirror better, you may find that your moods have gone cray cray, your period is MIA, and you've lost your 'glow'. I'm here to tell ya, that it ...ain't worth it. . Like everything in life, it is all about the balance. . Too much body fat = not good for your health Too little body fat = not good for your health . Q: So how much is the right amount? A: There is no magic number. It all comes down to your goals, physiology, genetics, and happiness. As a rough guide, most women need around 20-22% body fat to maintain healthy hormones, but what I see clinically is women who are putting themselves through ongoing food restrictions or vigorous exercise routines and convincing themselves that their body is healthier for it. . I also see other women or follow another woman's 'healthy' eating plan and 'successful' exercise regime . Please ladies, for the love of life, stop depriving and punishing your body. There are other ways to achieve health and happiness. . See more
09.01.2022 Are you ovulating? How do you even know? What are you even looking for? Why does it even matter?... . If you are dealing with any wonky menstrual cycles, crazy PMS, moody shifts, acne, headaches, pain, or struggles getting pregnant - then knowing if and when you ovulate can be a game-changer. Ive had a heap of chats with ladies lately around their ovulation and it continues to surprise me just how many of you gals rely on an app to tell you when you ovulate or that you just assume it is happening. Ovulation doesnt just matter when you are #ttc - it matters for managing weight, mental health, energy optimisation, symptom free cycles, disease prevention and a vibrant level of female health. . The crazy thing is that your ovaries have no way to send you a DM and let you know that the main event (#ovulation) has occurred. It is an internal process that can often happen without a heap of external signs. So being clued into these signs can get you in touch with your ovaries and armed with knowledge about what is going on with your hormones. . Some clues to look for that may give you a heads up that ovulation is NOT happening as it should include: If your period shows up inconsistently - twice a month or just not at all - it is unpredictable. Your bleed time is short and scanty or lasts a long time (longer than a week). You dont see any changes in your cervical mucous during your cycle - it is normal to see additional fluid in your panties or slippery egg whites when you wipe after peeing. If you are monitoring and tracking your waking temperatures over your cycle - you will not see any sustained spike or raise in temperatures recorded. (more on that in my BLOG - ) . If your ovulation is MIA - there is a heap of stuff you can do to bring it back. Thats where a qualified practitioner can help...every case is different and supporting the underlying cause is a priority. . @jochenarndt See more
08.01.2022 My go-to-move if I feel awkward having my picture taken... #slugtongue (as it is lovingly referred to by my husband) just can't help itself! . But... Do you want to know my go-to-move when it comes to what to eat when weight loss, energy, and hormonal health is the focus...... PROTEIN! aka ... . I spend quite a bit of time talking to patients about increasing their dietary intake of #protein. I see majority of women under eating this important macro-nutrient to the detriment of their health. And without enough protein you will run low on the essential amino acids that keep you hormonally happy and metabolically fit. HOW does protein do this? Your thyroid and liver require amino acids. Your liver needs them to breakdown oestrogen, other hormones, toxins and to even activate your thyroid hormone. If you are not getting enough in your diet or if your body has a greater need (like when you are under stress), then your body will start to breakdown your stored amino acids (aka muscle tissue) to fill the nutritional gap. . Liver detoxification will get sluggish, oestrogen will build up, your hormones will become unbalanced, your thyroid function will become sluggish, your energy levels will drop, and you will feel like you are pushing through your day with lead weights attached to your ankles. Sound familiar??? Up next, I'll share with you how to work out if you are getting enough protein...the amount you need may surprise you... ... What's your go to photo pose? (Please share...I need some other options!) See more
08.01.2022 Everyones journey is different - dont waste your precious energy on comparing yourself to anyone else...youve got your own sprinkles! . . . @theantidietplan... . #selflove #lovethyself #gottalookafteryou #shinebright #dontdimyourlight #lettertomyself #keepgoing #youvegotthis #youdeserveit #wellness #perthwellness See more
08.01.2022 Id love to show you and share the magic behind the scenes...
07.01.2022 Q: "Why is my stomach flat in the morning, until I eat a crumb and suddenly Im 8 months pregnant with twins?!?" . Funny but also sadly the reality for some of the people who come to see me . . #bloating is one of the most common digestive complaints that I see in clinic. That feeling of fullness, heaviness, trapped gas, or physical distention in your abdomen can mean that elastic waist bands & lose clothing become the more comfortabl...e option. . Understanding whats causing ur bloating can help you #banishthebloat for good. There can be a variety of sneaky reasons behind bloating like allergies, food intolerances, hormonal imbalances, thyroid dysfunction, infection, dysbiosis, poor digestion, constipation & more. . It can often appear like it pops up out of the blue, but I recommend that you start by gathering information about your reactions to different foods, circumstances and timing. This may help you start to narrow down what things are triggering your symptoms and facilitate the correct investigations. . For example... Does it happen after a particular food? Is it worse at a particular time in your menstrual cycle? Does it happen when you are stressed or anxious? Does it get worse if you havent been to the toilet for a while? Did it start after you were sick, traveled or had gastro? . Working with a practitioner to help you uncover & resolve the issues can lead to swift and satisfying relief. When the right thing is looked after the results are often quick to follow (with most of my patients feeling better within weeks). . . . @koenhauser See more
07.01.2022 Are you eating 'healthy' but messing up your thyroid? #kaleforthewin BUT...What if I told you that all those raw spinach and kale salads could be working against you! Amongst all of the thyroid considerations, it is important to give some attention to the foods you eat.... The functioning of your thyroid gland can be affected by the foods that you consume - so making sure that you are not over-doing it or under-doing it on certain foods can have a positive impact on your overall thyroid health. I've seen patients go hard on green smoothies for breakfast, coleslaw for lunch and kale salad for dinner and be left feeling like crap. They think they are doing the right thing by eating all those "healthy foods" but in fact they are overdoing it and their thyroid is struggling. Some simple swaps and a better balance is what is needed... So, let's check in and see if you are eating foods that support your thyroid. You will want to include more... Eggs Fish Seaweed (think kelp, dulce, nori) Shellfish Soy Sauce Mineral sea salt or Celtic salt Brazil nuts Mushrooms Then the foods that you want to steer away from and eat less often include: Almonds and peanuts Cauliflower Millet Pears Turnips Brussels sprouts Corn Cabbage Pine nuts Kale Peaches Soy (especially if it is not fermented) Canola oil Spinach Lastly, but most importantly (in my eyes) is gluten I'm not advocating that you completely eliminate these foods (except maybe the gluten one ) as they can have some health promoting benefits. I'm suggesting that you just don't rely on them as your everyday staples - find other alternatives and consider cooking them (versus eating them raw) as this will lower their 'anti-thyroid' effect. Have you been overdoing those kale salads???
07.01.2022 A little secret about me as your practitioner. I don't just hold you in my mind for the hour that you are sitting in front of me. I research topics related to your case outside of our consultations. I spend hours writing notes in your file and refining your treatment plan. I hold you in my mind between our sessions and when I come across anything that reminds me of you, I think about you. I discuss your case with my colleagues and mentors to en...sure that I am providing you with the best possible care. I get just as excited as you do when we get a good result. I am invested in you and your results light me up. It is more that just one hour. . . . #practitioner #perthspecialist #perthnaturopath #naturopathsofperth #healthyliving #invested #inittogether #results #wellness #health #healthylivingperth #perthisokay #getresults #alwayslearning #mumsinbusiness #caringbynature #naturalhealing #perthfitfam #womenshealth #womenshealthspecialist See more
06.01.2022 Your menstrual cycle can impact your digestion...and if you have ever experienced #periodpoops then you know first hand just how linked your hormones and your digestion are. . There are two things that directly cause a change in your pooping habits during your menstrual cycle - and coincidentally they both start with "P" - PROGESTERONE and PROSTAGLANDINS! .... #PROGESTERONE (which pops up in the second half of your cycle after ovulation) is our CALMING and CHILL OUT hormone - it can make you feel more somber and relaxed if it is floating around in the right amount. It can also slow down and chill out digestion, meaning that in the second half of your cycle you can be more likely to suffer with constipation or less frequent pooping. TO HELP WITH THIS: increase your fiber intake after ovulation (generally from Day 14 onward in a standard 28 day cycle)...aim for 25-40g of fiber per day from vegetables, fruit, seeds, and whole grains (like brown rice and quinoa). . #PROSTAGLANDINS are a group of compounds that have hormone-like effects. Their job is to help you shed the lining of your uterus if you are not pregnant (aka your period). They help your uterus contract and basically squeeze away the endometrial tissue that lines your uterus. The stimulating effect that the prostaglandins have on your uterus also effects your bowels - they can speed up the contractions in your large intestine, which can result in more frequent bowel movements. The more prostaglandins, the more frequent you poop - sometimes resulting in looser bowel movements to. TO HELP WITH THIS: You can reduce the amount of prostaglandins by reducing inflammatory foods in your diet like sugar, cows dairy and refined gluten-containing grains (like wheat flour found in cakes, biscuits, pasta, and bread). To ease the inflammation consider omega 3s, turmeric, green tea and a colorful plant produce. See more
06.01.2022 When do you feel your sexiest? Is there a specific time in your cycle where your confidence soars and you look in the mirror with a tad more confidence? . Women are more likely to feel their most attractive leading up to ovulation and in the days that follow. You may even notice that your interest in sex, your desire and arousal are heightened. This is due to the surge in hormones that occurs during this magical mid-cycle event. .... Flip things around and on the opposite side of your cycle (right before menstruation and during your period) you may be feeling less sexy and desirable due to the dramatic dip in your hormones. . Understanding these normal fluctuations can allow you to work with your desires and go easy on yourself when you are just not feeling it - everyone is different but being aware of your natural shifts can help you go with the flow. What changes have you noticed over the month? . . . @ashleygraham . #cyclesyncing #gowithyourflow #periodpower #themoonmovement #embraceyourcycle #cyclechoices #hormones #superpowers #sex #confident #sexy See more
06.01.2022 I wanted to check in and see how you are coping? With everything that has gone on in the last few months I am seeing a common theme... We all seemed to go through similar stages of this whole covid-19 scenario... .... STAGE ONE consisted of FEAR - we were fearful for our health, our loved ones, our security, and what the future held. . STAGE TWO involved ADJUSTING to the changes and leaning in. Finding your feet in the new parameters and making the necessary changes to make it all work for you. . STAGE THREE was all about SURVIVING. Doing what you needed to do to get through each day. There was little lots of snacking and lots of PJ wearing! . STAGE FOUR hit sooner than a lot of us expected...if you were like me you were adjusting to the more isolated and insular lifestyle - but then as quickly as it was forced on us, it was taken away. It was like "SHIT, I need to face the word again and pick up the pieces!" . So, if you are feeling like you are deep in STAGE FOUR and have some covid choices that need readjusting Im here to help. . . If you are struggling to get back on track may I suggest my REFRESH AND REVAMP online detox program (link in bio). It is there waiting for you - complete with 28 page detox journal, detox workbook, yummy recipes, meal plans, membership to a private Facebook group, plus bonus guidelines for re-balancing hormones, weight loss, energy optimisation and gut health. This program has helped over 100 women re-gain their health and claim a body they are proud of. You can do it to. x @ridhwannmoolla @floraliawellness See more
06.01.2022 #HISTAMINEINTOLERANCE can leave you feeling like a hormonal #HOTMESS! So, lets talk about how to turn things around... In my previous post, I explained how histamine could be sending your hormones cray cray. But what do you do if your histamine is high?... How can you lower it naturally and say goodbye to PMS, painful periods, hormonal headaches, migraines, unwanted weight gain and heavy bleeding? . . There are some really effective ways that you can naturally start to lower your histamine levels immediately. These include: Reduce your intake of high histamine foods (see my blog for the full list - Emphasize high nutrient foods with a big focus on nutrient dense, whole foods. Take a good quality multivitamin supplement that includes B vitamins and vitamin C. Balance your hormones assisting your body to address any excess oestrogens and boost progesterone production (aka support ovulation) Take histamine-lowering supplements like Nigella, quercetin, magnesium, SAMe, and vitamin B6. Look after any stress in your life easier said than done right? Start by adding in some regular deep breathing and mediation to start shifting things in the right direction. Get adequate sleep, spend time in nature and consider scheduling in hobbies or activities that light up your soul. Resolve any gut infections - these destroy your bodys ability to make DAO (the really important enzyme that breaks down histamine - check out the previous blog for more information) and can have a big role in driving histamine intolerance symptoms. In these situations, it will be essential to resolve any infection, treat the imbalance and restore gut health to correct effective histamine clearance. Check out my BLOG for all the specifics and an #importantfact about antihistamine use - its a must-know!
05.01.2022 It comes naturally to me to take on more than I can handle. To put pressure on myself to do things well (Ive even been referred to as a perfectionist by some ) I am the woman who wants to be everything to everyone and I beat myself up if I feel like I am failing. .... Keeping all the balls in the air can be exhausting. I am juggling being a mother, wife, friend, sister, daughter, and carer - I put my heart into everything I do and geez that sh!t can get draining! . But, some times things just have to fall apart for us to be able to look after ourselves in the way our body needs. . I have been working more on letting things fall apart in my life - and being okay with dropping the ball from time to time. I do this coz it makes me better. It allows me to breathe. Let other people step up. Show my vulnerabilities and imperfections. And just simply understand that life goes on despite everything being done the way that I feel it needs to be done right now. . I have realised that the juggle is never is not a matter of just pushing through until you get out the other side. Now is the most important moment we are going to get and it is up to us to let things fall apart - especially if it means that we can heal and create the space we need to be well. . Have you tried letting things fall apart recently? See more
05.01.2022 That's me done for the year! . From my family to yours - I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a well-needed break with your loved ones. If your holiday plans and hopes have changed this year then I want you to know that I hear you and I'm sorry - we have all sacrificed so much this year, but sacrificing time with loved ones is by far the hardest. I hope you find a way to still hold on to what you do have, and still make the coming wee...ks a peaceful and enjoyable time. . From the bottom of my heart, thank you for sharing this year with me and supporting the work I do. I feel humbled and grateful to every person who has reached out for my support and shared their story with me. . I think after this year we are all in some serious need of some time out and re-charging. So for me it is time to put on my holiday autoresponders, disconnect from social media and get #chilledaf. . Let's all take the biggest exhale we've ever done. . . . @chanellemegan #holidaytime #itschristmas #christmas2020 #missingfamily #tistheseason #whatayear #newyearnewyou #freshstart #takingtimeoff #devicedetox #screentimenomore #goodbye #grateful #familyiseverything See more
05.01.2022 Having a . S E X . drive is a sign of your . H E A L T H . Do you ever feel that you could care less about sex? Is the act of sexual intimacy more like a chore, or something on your to-do-list? It no longer ignites a fire in your belly and makes you want to rip off your clothes and roll around in the sheets.... . I get to talk to women all the time about their health and a common symptom is a low libido - they feel bad that they just dont desire sex anymore and that they dont seek it out for pleasure. They can feel like they are losing an important connection with their partner. In my opinion, this is often a sign of a deeper underlying imbalance and a clue that things are not quite right. When a woman is at her healthiest, she will often crave sex and feel pleasure from sexual intimacy. Too commonly their body has shut down sexual desire in favour of survival and the goal is to resolve the threat. . Here are a few things that you may not have realised could be suppressing your sex drive: A low fat diet Not eating enough birth control poor nutrition low thyroid function toxic overload poorly regulated blood sugar levels emotional stresses post natal depletion poor gut health hormone imbalances (just to name a few of the more common ones.) Im here to tell you that your sex drive is important and it is worth listening to - dont just accept a life of no-sex! You deserve better than that!!! . . . @ashleygraham . #sexdrive #nosextonight #notinterested #bumpandgrind #hankypanky #sexytime #womenshealth #welless #optimisedwoman #feelsexy #hottotrot #perthmum #mumslife #menopause #justnotfeelingit #bedtime #libido #naturopath See more
05.01.2022 What kind of breakfast are you having? Do you struggle to find a convenient nutritious option that will kick start your day and leave you feeling satisfied? Stop running out the door with a piece of toast in your hand or even worse - just a cup of coffee! It is important to know that breakfast can be make or break when it comes to your metabolism, energy, hormones, digestive health, blood sugar regulation and so much more.... You've gotta do it right. This is one of my fave breakfast options... Easy to make. Easy to find ingredients. Easy to have on hand. Easy to eat. #breakfastforchampions #winning Here's how you do it... INGREDIENTS: 270ml coconut cream 4 majool dates (pitted) Cinnamon Large handful each of Brazil nuts, cashews, almonds, walnuts, pepita seeds, and raw buckwheat. Boil the coconut cream and dates on medium heat for 10 mins until dates are soft. Remove from heat. Let cool slightly and then blend until smooth. Add Cinnamon to taste. Put all the nuts, seeds and buckwheat in a large bowl. Pour over the coconut cream mixture and stir until all nuts/seeds are well coated. Spread out thinly on a baking tray. Cook in a 180 degree Celsius oven for 10 minutes until nuts go a light golden colour. Store in the fridge in an air tight container. Serving suggestion: add coconut yoghurt and stewed pears. (For the video of how I make it, check out my first instagram reel.) I'd love you to let me know what you think . . . #breakfastdoneright #breakfastontbego #mostimportantmealoftheday #fastermetabolism #healthyhormones #energyfordays #cutthesugar #protein #proteinfoods
05.01.2022 Are you eating enough of the right stuff? . C A R B O H Y D R T A E S . are important - especially before your period. . Do you feel like you turn into a #carbloving monster in the week leading up to your period? There is a good reason for this, and with the right preparation you can give your body what it is craving in a way that looks after you best.... . So many women I see are literally #afraidofcarbs. They have been conditioned to think that carbs are the devil and any indulgence in a carb-containing meal will be devastating to their health. What often plays out is strict carb-avoidance followed by pre-menstrual binges. . To prevent this all-or-nothing-dance-with-danger I urge you to consider WHY your body is craving carbohydrates and then how you can give your body what it needs in a way that will look after your health and hormones. . The week leading up to menses is a vulnerable time for most women. All the best laid meal planning can fly out the window. This is because, as your oestrogen drops during this week, your feel good neurotransmitter (aka serotonin) drops to. Eating carbohydrates help to boost your serotonin levels - so your body seeks out these foods to give you this needed boost over this time. The type of carbohydrates you eat can make a big difference to how you feel and how healthy you remain. Whole grains and starchy vegetables are jammed with necessary vitamins and minerals - so some good choices include sweet potato, pumpkin, carrots, brown rice and oats. . When it comes to chocolate - dark chocolate is a proven mood booster and has even been shown to help ward off other sweet cravings. . I suggest that you incorporate more of these foods into your diet in the week leading up to your period - dont wait for the carvings to hit! . . @ashleygraham See more
04.01.2022 . D I E T A R Y . F A T . In my previous post, I covered the importance of eating healthy fats in your diet. You need healthy fats to make your hormones and without fat in your diet you are unable to lose fat - it is that simple. . So, where do you get healthy fats from?... What foods should you be eating? . I want you to consider... eggs red meat fatty fish nuts seeds coconut avocado olives . I am an advocate for women eating animal sources of protein and fats - I just dont see many women doing well on a vegan diet unfortunately. #sorrynotsorry . With this being said, it is important to understand that not all natural fats are equal. As a general rule - if you are eating whole food (non-processed) sources of fat then you will be doing well. But...when it comes to animal fats it is really important to chose free-range, organic, grass fed, and wild caught. If you are consuming factory farmed meats, caged eggs, non-organic produce and farmed fish then you will be ingesting food that is not pumped up with the full health benefits and could come with some non-ideal down-sides (like toxic exposure and lower nutritional quality to name a couple). . What are your fave healthy fat sources? . . . @ela_mella . #healthyfats #fatsforthewin #eatfattolosefat #healthyhormones #weightloss #healthyeating #wellness #health #perthnaturopath #foodisthymedicine #hormonehealth #eatright #boostyourmetabolism #mumlife #perthwellnesscommunity See more
04.01.2022 Anyone else need a rescue team right now? . I see you mumma... Pushing hard and feeling like every day is a struggle... Waking up in the morning feeling like you need another 8-hours sleep...... Spending every ounce of energy you have, caring for everyone else... Sacrificing your needs to make room for the needs of others... Feeling like you are falling apart - getting sick more often, suffering with aches and pains, period problems, tummy issues, weight gain...the list seems to be getting longer and longer... . I want you to know that you are not alone. . So many of us are feeling like we are only just keeping our head above water. We are dealing with the same daily struggles. . I am a mum of three kiddos, a wife of a FIFO worker, running my own business and trying to strike the balance. I have days when it all feels too much, but I am just so glad to be in a position where I have some ammunition to pull out in the times that I am feeling vulnerable. I rely on nutritional medicine, plant-based therapy, and considered lifestyle adjustments to keep me afloat. These are powerful tools that allow me to feel in control and stay on top of the weekly grind. I love being able to share my tools and coping strategies with other mums to help make it all just a little bit easier for them. I can help you feel more awake, alive, strong, resilient and confident again. Don't just accept feeling crappy as okay. . Think of me as a part of your rescue team! . Do you need some rescuing? I have a few spots left for initial consults in Jan if you want one. x See more
04.01.2022 Stop a second and say . T H A N K . Y O U . Often it can be easy to feel like your body is failing you. All the pain, suffering, symptoms, and discomfort can make you feel like you are falling apart at the seams and the your body is working against you. .... I need you to turn your thinking around. . Start to look at yourself with gratitude and admiration. Your body is ultimately doing the best it can with what it has been given and what it is asked to cope with. You have an unrelenting strength that allows your body to adjust and accommodate to the many demands that are placed upon you day after day. It is an amazingly designed machine, but sometimes it will struggle to keep up. Things may not go smoothly all the time. . These are the times when you need to say "THANK YOU". Show your body some compassion. Speak to your body kindly and offer your body some grace. . It is trying to do its best. . You are on the same team. . Go easy on yourself. . x . . . #selflove #lovethyself #yourbodyisamazing #gottalookafteryou #shinebright #dontdimyourlight #loveletter #lettertomyself #keepgoing #youvegotthis #youdeserveit #wellness #health #perthnaturopath See more
03.01.2022 I live for feedback like this! . . .... #happymonday #wordsarepowerful #positivefeedback #results #whatsstoppingyou #youcandoitto #expectbetter #aturalmedicine #perthnaturopath #womenshealth #womenswellness #perthmum #feelbetter See more
03.01.2022 Simple, Quick, Tasty, Nutritious... Its what every breakfast should be! . This little delight contains it all. And you can have it made in under 5 minutes (no joke!)... You dont even need to be amazing the the kitchen to magic up this bowl of goodness - #winningatlife . . Here is the recipe, but for the full method and low down on all the benefits, please check out my stories. / I N G R E D I E N T S / 1 tbsp LINSEEDS (FLAX SEEDS) 1 tbsp SUNFLOWER SEEDS 1 tbsp HEMP SEEDS 1 tbsp CHIA SEEDS 1 tbsp DRIED COCONUT 1/2 cup ALMOND MILK 1 tsp CINNAMON Handful of FRUIT (Im all about the blueberries ) (NOTE: This makes one days worth but to prep for more days just multiple it by the number of days you need.) / M E T H O D / Place the desired number of tablespoons of linseed, sunflower seed and hemp seed in a food processor/Thermomix. (If you want to make up 5 days worth, then add 5 tbsp of each seed.) Mill up the seeds until they are no longer whole and are a fine meal. Now add the chia seeds and coconut - mix until evenly combined. This mixture can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator until needed - up to 2 weeks. WHEN YOU ARE READY TO EAT: Bring 1/2 cup of almond milk and cinnamon to the boil in a small saucepan on the stove. Add 5 tbsp of the seed mixture to the almond milk and stir until thickens. Place seed porridge mixture in a bowl, top with the fruit of your choice (I enjoy blueberries the best with this one) and top with more almond milk as desired. See more
03.01.2022 What does your period tell you about your health? When you listen to the whispers you can gather so much useful information. . Gathering this information is a small (but important part) of the work I do with my patients. Teaching them how to connect with these clues and use it as a "monthly cycle check" in can be so powerful. .... Resolving #periodproblems is what I love to do - ditch the period hate and start to love your cycle...I can show you how... . . #learntoloveyourperiod #periodpower #empoweringwomen #womenshealth #listentoyourbody #fifthvitalsign #cyclechoices #ovulation #pms #painfulperiod #heavyperiod #oestrogen #oestrogenexcess #progesterone #progesteronedeficiency #stress #stressless @ Nedlands, Western Australia See more
03.01.2022 Let me tell you a story... Most people know that #endometriosis can be full of debilitating pain, ongoing suffering, and overwhelming frustration. . There are some really effective strategies out there for all the #endowarriors. The proof is in hearing stories from the amazing women I get to work with and support - and it warms my heart when I am able to help free a woman from the crippling symptoms of #endo. .... I have just put up a new BLOG - "The Tale of Amelia - My Endometriosis Warrioress". She has generously and openly shared her raw story in the hopes that it will inspire and offer hope to other women in her situation. After going through her own journey, she is determined to help other women find the relief that she now feels. . We both hope it helps to give you hope and allows you to find your solution. x Link in my bio or . . . #readmystory #sharemystory #newblog #naturalmedicine #naturalendometriosissupport #endometriosisawareness #endometriosiswarrior #findyouranswer #pms #painfulperiods #heavyperiods #periodproblems #wellness #health #naturopathy #perthnaturopath
03.01.2022 I get can feel like your health is an uphill battle sometimes. You are exhausted, struggling to focus, gaining weight, losing hair, feeling depressed, demotivated, constipated, feeling overwhelmed and dragging yourself through your day with a lead ball tied to your ankle. . These are all symptoms that your THYROID could need some TLC - and even though you may not have any thyroid disease, you still may be under the influence of sluggish thyr...oid function. . There are a lot of things that impact on the smooth running of your thyroid and they all need to be considered if we want your thyroid to be functioning optimally. . Your thyroid function is influenced by things like... Your cortisol levels (aka stress), Your levels of progesterone and oestrogen, Your inflammatory load, Your nutrient status - particularly of selenium, iodine, tyrosine, iron, zinc, B vitamins, magnesium, and vitamin A, D, and C, Your blood sugar levels, The health of your gastrointestinal tract, The functioning of your liver, Extreme calorie deprivation, and the use of medications such as beta-blockers and corticosteroids. . So when you are trying to push up hill the whole time you may be forgetting to look after all these different areas of your health that are playing a role. It is important that you stop, rest, take a breath, and reassess your approach. . I would love to know if you have any burning questions on your thyroid health...please feel fee to message me directly or comment below... x . . from the beautiful @chanellemegan #thyroidawarenessmonth See more
02.01.2022 . R E M I N D E R : The small things count for a lot. . Are you waiting for the right time to start looking after yourself? Are you ready to feel different, but you are just waiting for things to settle down before you kick off your new plan?... . I am going to remind you that...You dont have to wait until you can sign up to the gym to commit to that full-on exercise routine. You dont need to be free of social events to start making better food choices. You dont need to wait for life to feel more manageable to make time for yourself. . Any little-better-choice you make, however small, can add up to make a big difference to your health. . You can get in a little more exercise each day by taking the stairs, walking the kids to school, dancing around the house to your fave song. You can throw together a side salad or cook some extra veggies to go with dinner. You can drink an extra glass of water instead of that coffee. Or You can take a few extra deep breaths while you attempt to calm your mind for just a minute or so. .EVERY.LITTLE.BIT.COUNTS. What little change can you make this week to look after yourself just a little better? . . . #everylittlebitcounts #starttoday #youareworthit #betterhealth #lookafteryourself #perthhealth #perthwomen #perthlifestyle #perthwellness #perthwellnessguide #perthwellnesshub #perthwellnessbiz #perthhealthyliving #wellnessjourney #holisticliving #holistichealth #wellnesstribe #perthmum #perthmummas #femalepower #femaleempowerment #healthpreneur #findyourbalance #healthinperth #wellnesscollective #perthwellnesscommunity #perthhealthyliving #perthwellnesscoach #naturalremedies #perthmums See more
02.01.2022 In my 20s I worked as a personal trainer. I worked in gyms for over a decade and boy, do I wish I knew then, what I know now. I whole-heartedly believe that I would have been able to support my clients in such a different way... I would not have put so much emphasis on their sessions in the gym - I would have spent more time coaching them on the changes they could make in all the other hours of the day.... - I would have encouraged them to sleep more and rest when their body needed it. Skipping early morning gym sessions when their body craves a sleep-in is okay. - I would have adjusted their workouts over the the month to match up with their menstrual cycle and allow them to maximise their ultimate hormonal potential. Doing the same type of exercise week after week is not the secret to success. - I would have encouraged more investigations when the results were not matching their effort. I would helped them find their answers so that they didn't have to beat themselves up when success didn't come. I would have been able to tell them that it wasn't their fault, it wasn't a quick fix they needed, and they didn't just need to do more exercise to get the body they desired. - I would have been kinder to myself - I would have put less pressure on myself to complete grueling exercise sessions after a long day of training everyone else. I would have gone for more beach walks. Taken time out to lay in the sun and take some deep breaths. Danced more. Stretched more. Slept more. Pursued my hobbies more vigorously. Nourished my body with real food instead of trying to deprive it in the hopes of "looking lean". (This back-fired anyway, coz I would then binge on a ton of sugar!) . All of this learning has made me the practitioner I am today...x See more
01.01.2022 Are you ready to get limber?!? (or at least get your metabolic flexibility in shape?) . Last post I discussed what metabolic flexibility means and how important it is to your body's ability to tap into stored energy sources (aka the fat that gets stored around the middle).... Go back and have a read if you want the background info... . Today, I want to start giving you some simple strategies to start helping your body become more metabolically flexible. Let's get stuck into it... You need to refrain from reaching for carbohydrate-rich meals or snacks when u are hungry. Instead start to replace them with protein-rich options that contain a smidge of healthy fats - think nuts, seeds, hard-boiled eggs, meats, or other plant-based protein sources. Play around with extending the time that u are going without food overnight. Start with 11 hours if you are new to this (stopping eating around 7-8pm and eating breakfast around 6-7am). Gently extend this 'fasting' time - working up to 12-14 hours depending on what feels good & manageable. **Please keep in mind that I advocate most women eat breakfast within the first 60 mins of waking - so to extend the 'fasting' time u will need to stop eating earlier in the afternoon (ie. last meal at 4-5pm & breakfast at 6-7am). Work on giving yourself a 4-5 hour gap between eating - so that really means ditching snacking. Work on improving the macro-nutrient composition of ur meals (more protein being the big one) so that u are supporting ur body with the right macros to ward off hunger between meals. Increase ur muscle mass - so many women I see do not focus on preserving their muscle mass as they age, and most quick weight loss attempts result in muscle loss (which can dramatically compromise your metabolic capacity). Don't be afraid of lifting weights ladies! See more
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