Melton Lawn Bowls in Melton, Victoria | Amateur sports team
Melton Lawn Bowls
Locality: Melton, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 9747 0062
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25.01.2022 - order your mask or snood now. LIMITED STOCK AVAILABLE. #mustangs #staysafe
25.01.2022 Powers In...nearly good as new.. Just need something to plug in now #mustangs #NeverStandStill #luvthisclub
25.01.2022 LATEST UPDATE: COUNCIL REQUIREMENT. Hello members, after our board meeting today and following the latest email correspondence from Melton City Council dated today (15/05/20). It is a requirement that the Club submit a Detailed COVID19 Strategic Plan for approval prior to being allowed access to the greens. As we were only just made aware of this additional requirement this afternoon, we intend to lodge this on Monday and will request a speedy decision. As mentioned before, we are caught in Red please be patient. We hope to have everyone back on the greens soon. #mustangs
24.01.2022 THAT MUSTANG FEELING!! Great day, great night, great people.... #mustangs #luvthisclub
24.01.2022 WHOOP WHOOP! We have a team in...UBC here we come. #Mustangs
23.01.2022 **BREAKING NEWS** Melton Council have granted us permission to be on the greens providing we meet strict Govt protocols. Our Board are meeting this Friday at 5pm to finalize our Return To Play strategy and Members will be back bowling (10 players) at any given time from Monday 25th May. WATCH THIS SPACE FOR UPDATES. #MUSTANGS #WEBACK
23.01.2022 ATT MEMBERS: WERE BACK Melton Council has PERMITTED us to resume practice/rollups ONLY. We have nominated 4 days per week commencing Saturday 25th July. The following rules and times are mandatory and NOT neg. 1. The Club will open Tues, Thurs, Sat & . Sun. commencing 25th July.... 2. Opening times are 10am -5pm. 3. Sign in & out upon entry/departure is mandatory. 4. The Club House is off-limits and external toilets are available for members use. 5. A Maximum of 10 members* per facility is allowed at given time. If there are already 10 persons practicing, you MUST leave and return at a later time. Definition of Members: *Full Members Only. No social members, spectators or visitors allowed at this time - we will update this as advised by council/State Regulations *Members must have Melton as nominated club for Tue/Sat pennant for either last season(after Dec transfer deadline) or this upcoming season. 6. Max 2 persons per rink. Every second rink to be used. ie 1,3,5,7 or 2,4,6,8 7. Masks MUST be worn at all times and members are to follow social distancing guidelines at all times. 8. A max of 2 hrs per session is permitted to allow others to participate. *The Board would like to thank all members for their understanding during this difficult time. We ask that you continue to support our club as we navigate our way through this pandemic. We do not have the answers and are doing what we can when we can. Normal service will resume soon but for now... WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER. #mustangs #backagain #staysafe #wearyourmask
23.01.2022 Thank you Melton City Council for recognizing this problem.... George has been keeping our greens tidy and maintained during lockdown. They said...George is ESSENTIAL... THANK YOU GEORGE. #MUSTANGS
23.01.2022 Mustangs never stand still. Theres always room to improve our facilities.... Behind the scenes ... #electronicscoreboardloading #mustangs
23.01.2022 Our calling to rebuild this club is not easy... We will take losses... We will get bad publications.. We will get criticised.. We will get rumours..... They will use whatever means to set us on fire... But we will rise above all of this because We have a PASSION to make this club great the right way.. We have a bond that makes us love the club like our second home.. We are strong willed.. Our victories will be hard earned.. WE LOVE OUR CLUB.. WE WILL SUCCEED.. WE ARE THE MIGHTY MUSTANGS.. See more
22.01.2022 Congratulations to Sophie Kurzman. Sophie was runner up for u18 female bowler of the year. She was pipped by another deserved nominee in Olivia Cartwright. Well done are definately a Star and a Winner in our eyes.
22.01.2022 Melton Mustangs would like to wish ALL our members and friends..A Safe and Happy Xmas... #MerryXmas #Mustangs #LuvThisClub
22.01.2022 ATT MEMBERS: 2020 has been a year to forget. But as we move forward we still need your continued support. Fees are now due as the proposed new season has been announced by BowlsVic. We ask that members direct deposit their fees into the club account. Pls put your name in the transfer description so we can cross you off as paid. Fees are: $160 - Full Membership. $25 - Social Membership.... Tranfer online to: Melton Bowls Club BSB: 633 000 ACC: 163901440 Or pay in person by deposit at any Bendigo Bank. *ALL FEES MUST BE PAID BY 31.10.20
21.01.2022 Get in !! Who said u got no forehand..??!! #seasonloading #MUSTANGS
21.01.2022 ATTENTION MUSTANGS !! Press play and sing along... .. #Staysafe #MUSTANGS
21.01.2022 LADIES AND GENTLEMEN... Were excited and cant wait.. Please give a warm welcome to our newest club member..and introducing next seasons CLUB COACH.... TODD TREWARNE..... #newseasonloading #GOMUSTANGS
21.01.2022 ...he did a dad joke in an email to a supplier..
19.01.2022 STAGE 4 RESTRICTIONS = CLOSED. Att Members: due to recent State Govt Regulations, our club is now shut to all members until further notice. Please keep safe and we will see you all soon. #mustangs #staysafe
18.01.2022 Last weekend we had 3 of our members (Lily Dodd, Lisa Trewarne and Todd Trewarne) play in the regional sides championships representing Metro West. Both men’s and women’s sides just came up short in their sections but our 3 Mustangs all played well and represented our club terrifically. ... Well done Lily, Lisa and Todd. Go Mustangs
18.01.2022 When u miss sport...:- #mustangsbacksoon
17.01.2022 Good luck to our champ, Lisa! Who today, takes on the best in the Australian championships (ladies pairs) representing Victoria Lisa and her partner Carla will be playing NSW first up. Good luck girls!! We are all barracking for you ...
17.01.2022 Hey All, everyone is posting bowls pics to keep the flame alive so drop us your favourite bowls pics or memories....Ill start 2018 Tourney.. Charlie with Tiny. Coz size does matter
16.01.2022 From 11:59pm tonight we welcome back all our Regional members... #WELCOMEHOME #GETONTHEGREEN #GOMUSTANGS
16.01.2022 #DontRushChallenge This is Lit #Mustangs #seasonloading
16.01.2022 George and Colleen hiding Easter Eggs...
15.01.2022 **IMPORTANT CV19 UPDATE: Due to State Regulations and Victoria Lockdown Rules, our club will be shut to all members and visitors until restrictions are lifted. We will see you all again soon. #staysafe #stayhome #mustangs
14.01.2022 A short story. #luvthisclub #mustangs
12.01.2022 OUR BAR IS BACK OPEN!! Were opening our bar back up again along with the serving of a sitdown meal. Every Friday from 6pm we will open to members and their family. Bookings are essential. Contact Graham Butcher to get in as spots are limited and govt guidelines are in place. #Mustangsbackagain
12.01.2022 ATTENTION MEMBERS : As from Tuesday 26th May 2020, the Board has decided to introduce self-regulation for roll-ups. Consequently there will be no need to book a rink, however strict measures will still apply. These will be as follows:- 1. Only FULL FINANCIAL Members 19/20 season can access the Club greens for a roll-up between 10am and 4pm Tuesdays,Thursdays & Saturdays ONLY and can do so for a maximum of 1 hour only. 2. NO BYO alcohol, any soft drink/water bottles or cans... you bring are to be consumed within the Club grounds. 3. NO spectators, social members or visitors from other Clubs are allowed at this stage due to space/ rink constraints. If restrictions are further eased, the Board will revisit this. 4. If you are experiencing any coughing, sneezing, sore throat, or headaches, or have recently had a medical proceedure performed, you are advised not to attend the Club. 5. On arrival at the Club, members MUST complete a statutory declaration, BYO pen/byro to avoid sharing pens. No pen=no sign in = NO PLAY. 6. Place the completed declaration in the mailbox next to sign-in table. 7. Only a maximum of 10 members are allowed PERIOD.. and a maximum of 4 players per rink. 8. THE JOHN TAYLOR green is CLOSED for maintenance so members must bowl on the bottom green only. If that green is full, then you MUST LEAVE. 9. The toilets for that green will be open. 10. Use the sanitizer and wipes provided to clean the jacks and mats. 11. One mat and 2 jacks MUST be used if rolling up on your own. 12. Jacks must be positioned using your feet and NOT your hands. 13. Mats and jacks are only to be handled by ONE member during a group roll-up. 14. On completion of your session, hang mats on the rack and sanitize them, as well as the jacks. 15. Members MUST adhere to 1.5m social distancing guidelines. The Board also recommends downloading the Govt Covidsafe app as per Federal Govt & Bowls Australia recommendations. 16. The Club Rooms are strictly OFF LIMITS. The last member to leave the premises MUST check that the main gate is LOCKED. FAILURE TO ADHERE TO THE ABOVE MEASURES WILL CAUSE THE CLUB TO RETURN TO A LOCKDOWN STATE. Any questions please call the Club President (Conrad 0408530399) during business hours only. #goodbowling #mustangs #Staysafe
09.01.2022 Hello Neighhhh-bour.. Just doing a welfare check... Hope everyone is keeping safe.. Drop us a to let us know youre doing okay.. #mustangs #keepsafe
09.01.2022 Great night. Good to see club back in full swing and so many happy faces. #mustangs #weback #luvthisclub
08.01.2022 Its a wrap.... Mens O'60s winner N. Vlahovic Runner up - T. Cahill ... Ladies O'60s winner J. Nardella Runner Up - A. Zyza Congratulations to all Winners.
08.01.2022 One last big push for next weekend. Where: Melton Bowls Club When: Sun 29th November Event: 2020 BPL Prelim Round.... *GET UR ENTRIES IN ** Click Link to Enter ur side
08.01.2022 BEHIND THE SCENES. A big thank you to Russell Taylor, Todd Trewarne and Vicky Dawson for their time helping to modernize the inside of the club for the next season. Works are still in progress but its starting to take shape. Watch this space. #MUSTANGS #togetherweachievemore
07.01.2022 Support Local industry Contribute to a good cause Enjoy a nice glass of wine in the process See below or message Lisa Trewarne for more details... #mustangs
06.01.2022 MELTON BOWLS CLUB HAS TESTED POSTIVE: to being a fully sick club !! Well done to everyone today. 3 groups back 2 back plus a junior programme. And YES all ran smoothly. Thank you to all the helpers today. #Mustangs #LuvThisClub
05.01.2022 What a fantastic day it was yesterday, Thank you to everyone who participated in the tournament. We are very grateful and we hope you all enjoyed yourselves. A big congratulations to the top 4: 1- Dave Anderton ... 2- Gayle Edwards 3- Corey Davie 4- Ben Hubber Well done to everyone who played! We hope to see you all back next year!
05.01.2022 Great Effort by the Div 2 side today. Last 4 ends across the board got the side over the line despite 1 rink going down massively. Theres only one scoreboard that matters.... Our other sides weren't so lucky but we keep movin'. #ProudToBeAMustang #GoMustangs
05.01.2022 Woke up this morning and my vibe be like.... #Mustangs
05.01.2022 We will miss you BIG RAY. Love to Jo and good luck and all the best in the next chapter of your life. Make sure u keep a spare room for when we visit.
05.01.2022 BEHIND THE SCENES pt2 The girls working away. #MUSTANGS #togetherweachievemore
04.01.2022 ATTENTION MEMBERS: COVID19 UPDATE.. As of Monday 22nd June our club will open every day for rollups, practice, club competitions and social bowls. This is open to EVERYONE, with the following conditions: 1. Max 20 persons within the club gates at any given time. 2. Bar available for drinks if open. Drinks must be consumed in the club rooms whilst seated at a table. No drinks are to be taken out the club room by anyone including smokers. 3. Social distancing rules must be mai...ntained at all times.. 4. If 20 person limit is already reached. You must leave and return when spot is available. No exceptions. 5. All persons entering the club are required to sign in upon arrival. No exceptions. ***Please note that every effort is being taken to ensure OUR CLUB complies with The State Govt rules. This is to ensure we continue to trade and give the community a place to enjoy the sport we love.*** #Mustangs #doingourbit #enjoythegame
04.01.2022 Not all heros wear capes. This is our hero...kitting up. #greenskeeper #MUSTANGS Drop George a onya mate in the comments
04.01.2022 A big thank you to Steve McGhie MP. Every little bit helps our club and we thank you for your continued support. We truly have been blessed. Id like to ask that all members who see this post pls look up Steve McGhie on Facebook and show our appreciation with a like or a thank you. #Mustangs #togetherweachievemore
03.01.2022 True story... This is actually happening...somewhere.. #countdowntoseason #Mustangs
03.01.2022 As of 22nd June as per State guidelines. - Members with outstanding club games..These are now urgent and must be completed asap.. - Our club greens will be open everyday to members, social members and non members of the public for roll-ups..(20 per green max limit).. - Our bar will be open for seated meal necessary. (Space + SD rules apply).. #mustangs #gettingback2normal
02.01.2022 Annual Shield vs Hoppers All sides up Everyone had a good day Job Done. #mustangs #luvthisclub #backagain
02.01.2022 Hi Folks, hopefully everyone is staying home and if you go out it is important to practice social distancing. This video demonstrates the importance of distancing...were doing it for everyone.. TOGETHER WE CAN STOP THE SPREAD OF THIS VIRUS. #STAYSAFE
01.01.2022 Some action shots of the day!
01.01.2022 Hello Members: Whilst we navigate through all the restrictions imposed on us by The State Govt, Bowls Victoria and Local Council.. We ask for your patience as it is not as simple as "letting members bowl"... We are caught in a little bit of red tape so give us a chance to do our jobs and hopefully we can get people back on the green shortly... #Mustangs
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