Melville History Society in Palmyra | Public & government service
Melville History Society
Locality: Palmyra
Phone: +61 466 333 849
Address: 7 Baal Street 6157 Palmyra, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 We invite you to attend a talk about the SHROUD OF TURIN with a FULL SIZE REPLICA and screen images. Presenter: Ted Miller Date: Monday 18 March 2019 Time: given twice, 2 pm and repeated at 7 pm... Talk: Shroud of Turin Venue: Miller Bakehouse Museum, cnr Elvira and Baal Street, Palmyra All Welcome. Free event. Limited places. Please contact 0424 950 453 - leave a text message. OR [email protected]
25.01.2022 A London themed waistcoat made to be worn when singing historical songs of the British Isles... by Sasha Dalecourt.
24.01.2022 On your way to the Highway to Hell, drop in to visit the Miller Bakehouse Museum. RE-OPENING The Miller Bakehouse Museum is re-opening following restoration work. Join the MHS members on Sunday 1 March 2020 between 2pm and 4:30pm to see the work and explore the museum.... 7 Baal Street, Palmyra. Corner of Elvira Street gold coin donation appreciated See more
23.01.2022 We look forward to seeing you tomorrow at the Shroud of Turin talk.
22.01.2022 On again this Sunday. Enjoy a relaxing afternoon tea this sunny Sunday. Melville History Society Miller Bakehouse Museum 7 Baal Street, Palmyra... Please RSVP by calling Antiqitea 0424 755 624 A little more about the bakehouse. It consists of three rooms: The Storeroom In which the flour, other ingredients, bowls and other equipment were stored. The Oven Room This is where the dough was mixed and baked. The floor is jarrah boarding and under the trough is an original section of timber. Although concrete floors were a standard health requirement, Mr Miller said he wasnt having his workers standing about on concrete all day. Somehow he won his argument! The oven was constructed by a bakers oven expert, Mr V.M. Shields of Nedlands. It is a semi-scotch wood-fired peel oven of a design used since the middle to late 19th Century. Built on the cantilever principle the rod is self-supporting, allowing access to all parts of the over for the peels, used to position and remove bread tins. The weight of sand and slurry above the firebrick roof keeps the bricks in place. To keep the walls of the over from falling outwards, large channel iron sections are through-bolted to give support. The Bread Room This is where the bread was placed on racks to cool after baking. Holes, which can be seen in the ceiling, were cut to let the heat from the bread escape instead of condensing and dripping back on the loaves.
22.01.2022 The Melville History Society, the Queen, and a Virus In 1954, Queen Elizabeth II visited WA with the Duke of Edinburgh. They were scheduled to pass along Canning Hwy five times. People bustled around gardening, applying fresh paint and decorating with flags. Although they were to pass along the North of the Swan river too, it was reported that no-one on that side was preparing in any way. At that time there was also Polio striking the population. A modified itinerary was put place and all indoor events were cancelled including the Parliamentary Dinner. The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh had received their second injection of the anti-poliovirus serum gamma globulin earlier in Adelaide. The WA Turf Club put on a special race, named The Gothic Stakes after the royal yacht ‘Gothic’ berthed at Fremantle, where the Queen lived while in port. The Queen was to attend the race and present the trophy but the polio epidemic put paid to that. Mr Miller (from the family of the Miller Bakehouse Museum, Palmyra) had trained the winner, Alexis, although an injury scare days before the race had threatened her with being scratched. An icon of the Madonna and Child was placed in Alexis’ stable. Mr Miller worked on the horse’s leg, the family prayed, and all came good. On one of her journeys, Mr Miller’s son, Jimmy, raced Queen Elizabeth’s cavalcade up Canning Highway (Road) from North Lake Road to Stock Road to the great delight of the visiting young horse loving monarch.
21.01.2022 Reminder about the lecture next Monday. "Dilemmas of Responsibility: Command and control on Ambon Island" Monday 16 September 2019... 6:30 pm 8:30 pm AH Bracks Library, cnr Stock Rd and Canning Hwy, Melville PhD student Paul Taucher will speak about WW11 and an East Indies POW camp Free lecture on military history bookings essential please register each member of your group separately light refreshments served Register: More details: Murdoch Lecture 2019: Presented by the City of Melville, Local History Service, and the Melville History Society Melville History Societys new website
21.01.2022 TO OUR CUSTOMERS You, as a householder, want your bread delivered regularly every day, and you are entitled to this service. We can see you get it, but you can easily understand that if the carter has to walk that extra distance to the back door, he becomes discouraged and is disinclined to remain in his employment. We therefore ask you to help us retain this undoubted convenience, by streamlining the carters task. This can be done by placing a container, together with the c...ash, on the front verandah or nearest point of delivery. We believe this to be the only way we can retain effective home delivery of bread, because it will make the carters task quicker and less fatiguing and so encourage him to remain on the job. This should cause you no inconvenience so we confidently appeal for your co-operation. The system will come into operation on Monday, April 29th, 1952. ------- Bread from the Millers bakery was hand delivered to the houses with the help of reliable horses drawing carts. The baskets, like this one on display in the Miller Bakehouse Museum, are extremely heavy even before you start adding the variety of bread loaves to its weight. The carters would carry their basket from house to house while the horse walked along its known path from which the carter would get the next set of loaves. It sounds like it was the hard work of the carters that inspired this note being sent to customers.
20.01.2022 Not a talk hosted by the Melville History Society but this one may interest. History on Your Doorstep 2 - More, More Melville By Richard Often sharing some stories showing how Melville has developed and grown over the year. Tuesday 25 June between 6-7:30 pm... AH Track Library / $5 / Bookings essential See more
20.01.2022 We look forward to seeing you this afternoon at 2pm. THE WEIR AND THE WOODS The story of the Perth Hills forest and its association with one of the worlds greatest engineering feats... Guest speaker: Roger Underwood AM is a West Australian forester, bushfire scientist and historian, who has devoted his career to growing and protecting WA trees and forests, and researching their use and management. He is the author of six books on forest and bushfire history. Monday 15 April 2019 at 2 pm Miller Bakehouse Museum, corner Elvira and Baal Streets, Palmyra This is a free event. Afternoon tea will be provided afterwards with the museum being open for you to explore.
19.01.2022 Well this is certainly one thing we can’t claim happened at the Miller Bakehouse!!!
17.01.2022 We invite you to a presentation hosted by MHS. GROWING UP BAREFOOT IN FREO Harry Gough, engineer and author of "Barefoot in Freo", will launch his self-published book and talk about his experiences growing up in Fremantle. Harry is a grand-nephew of Henry Miller, founder of the bakehouse. His grandfather is Henrys older brother, Charlie Miller.... Date: Monday 17 February 2020 commencing at 7 pm Venue: Miller Bakehouse Museum, cnr Baal and Elvira Streets, Palmyra Free entry with a light supper afterwards Image Source: Moodboard via SBS
17.01.2022 Stay tuned!!! We’ll be opening soon.
16.01.2022 You may have noticed some unusual activity going on at the Miller Bakehouse Museum on Baal Street in Palmyra. The bakery was built in 1935 and restored in 1988 by the City of Melville. It is now undergoing some renovations. As of last weekend, the Miller Bakehouse Museum will be closed for about 8 to 10 weeks.... The museum holds some great historic items that are being carefully stored during this time using techniques meeting museum standards and documentation for archiving. The items were handled with care and all in acid free boxes and handled with gloves. Please visit the Melville History Societys new website:
15.01.2022 HAPPY EASTER from the Melville History Society @ the Millers Bakehouse Museum
15.01.2022 The Melville History Society wishes you all a very happy Christmas. We hope to welcome you to the rejuvenated Miller Bakehouse Museum in 2020.
15.01.2022 The Melville History Society has had a request for any photos of Elvira Street, Palmyra especially in the 1930s or soon afterwards. We would love to hear from you if you are able to help.
14.01.2022 This is the last Sunday afternoon tea we will be hosting for the season. Come and enjoy a lovely Devonshire tea at the Miller Bakehouse Museum $15 - Please RSVP by calling Antiqitea 0424 755 624 ... While enjoying your coffee, take a little time to visit the museum. These beautiful photos of the museum were taken by @twotreeshome
13.01.2022 ‘Davis and Caporn Families in Australia’ MHS will be hosting Dr Maureen Smith’s speech this Monday, 19 April 2021 at 2 pm Dr Smith has published a book which takes a look at life in the early days of Melville and Fremantle including the Caporn family home at Point Walter in the early 1840s. Venue: Miller Bakehouse Museum, 7 Baal Street, Palmyra All welcome
13.01.2022 Do you know what this is? .. .. .. ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. This ice chest was donated to the Melville History Society by Mrs Janet Watkins for display in the Miller Bakehouse Museum. Before domestic refrigeration came into general use, the ice chest was a commonly used piece of household equipment. It was also very important to the baker for storing compressed yeast which would spoil if not kept cool. This particular ice chest was packed with Jarrah wood chips to help create the air spaces for insulation. They are still beautifully scented.
13.01.2022 Stay tuned!!! Well be opening soon.
12.01.2022 Enjoy a lovely afternoon tea This Sunday 14 April 2019 Miller Bake House Museum, 7 Baal Street, Palmyra Please RSVP by calling Antiqitea 0424 755 624... Would you like to stay up to date with the Melville History Society? The Melville History Society shares a few bread recipes with us: Ingredients 500g Plain white flour 300ml Warm water, 35 to 40 oC (approx. 1 and a quarter cups) 1 teaspoon of salt 1 teaspoon of sugar 1 sachet of dry yeast (obtainable in packets of 5 from the grocers) Method 1. Mix the yeast and sugar with a little of the warm water in a cup and allow to stand for a few minutes. 2. Mix the flour and salt together in a big bowl. 3. When the yeast is frothy, pour in the rest of the water and then the yeast into the middle of dry flour. 4. Stir well with a wooden spoon to make soft dough. 5. Turn the dough onto a floured surface and knead it for about 10 minutes until it is smooth and will stretch without breaking. 6. Put the dough back in a floury bowl and cover with a plastic bag, cling wrap or clean towel. Leave it until the dough has risen to twice its size. (approx. 45 min) 7. Knead the dough again for 2 minutes to knock all the gas out and then mould it into an oblong shape. 8. Place the dough on a greased oven tray and make 3 or 4 cuts across the top with a sharp knife. Cover and allow it to stand until it has doubled in size. 9. Heat your oven to approx. 220 oC and bake for 25 to 35 minutes. Once cooked, the loaf should sound hollow when tapped on the bottom. Allow to cool on a wire rack.
09.01.2022 Lecture: Dilemmas of Responsibility: Command and control on Ambon Island Monday 16 September 2019 6:30 pm 8:30 pm AH Bracks Library, cnr Stock Rd and Canning Hwy, Melville... PhD student Paul Taucher will speak about WW11 and an East Indies POW camp Free lecture on military history bookings essential please register each member of your group separately light refreshments served Register: More details: Murdoch Lecture 2019: Presented by the City of Melville, Local History Service, and the Melville History Society Melville History Societys new website
09.01.2022 With renovation work underway, we look back at these photos of the Miller Bakehouse in 1988 before restoration and then in 2014.
09.01.2022 Have you thought about becoming a member of the Melville History Society? You wont have to join the committee or volunteer hours (although we would love that). The Melville History Society has some activities coming up that are for members only. Most are open to the community.... If you would like to support the Society for a small membership fee please PM private message us here or call Barbara on 9330 3604.
08.01.2022 The Millers Bakehouse Museum is open for you to explore this Sunday. Find out some more about Melvilles history.
07.01.2022 The first of series of historical music recitals at the Museum.
07.01.2022 Ted Miller will be our guest speaker this coming Monday 17 August 2020 at 2pm. The Fun and Fear of doing a family tree with the internet. A gentle introduction for the curious using MyHeritage. Everyone is most welcome to attend. Miller Bakehouse Museum 7 Baal Street, Palmyra
07.01.2022 Yeah! We are re-opening the Miller Bakehouse Museum for visitors as of this Sunday 19 July 2020. We hope to see you there to show some history of the area and the long running Bakehouse. If you have visited before, we invite you to come along again and see the recent restoration work. 7 Baal Street, Palmyra
05.01.2022 A picture of Fiona with Henry Miller. Celebrating the first collaboration between @melvillehistorysociety and @antiquitea1... All the best for the new year... #wa #bakery #buildings #tea #hightea #bakers #bakerslife
04.01.2022 A Vienna loaf for 12 cents, dont mind if I do! In February 1966, when decimal currency was introduced, the following conversion price list was issued to assist the bread carter in adjusting to the new currency. It looks like the Miller Bakehouse was into a variety of soy, rye and protein enhanced breads back in 1966.... The price list and other interesting items are on display at the Miller Bakehouse Museum. You are welcome to explore the museum on Sunday between 2-4:30 pm. 7 Baal Street, Palmyra
03.01.2022 On your way to the ‘Highway to Hell’, drop in to visit the Miller Bakehouse Museum. RE-OPENING The Miller Bakehouse Museum is re-opening following restoration work. Join the MHS members on Sunday 1 March 2020 between 2pm and 4:30pm to see the work and explore the museum.... 7 Baal Street, Palmyra. Corner of Elvira Street gold coin donation appreciated See more
02.01.2022 Giant Secondhand Book Sale By Royal Western Australian Historical Society Inc.
01.01.2022 COMING EVENTS:. Monday 19 Aug. MHSs AGM @ 2pm (members only) Friday 30 Aug. @10am Dear Emily and the Angels in Western Australia 6-8 Sept. 2019 State History Conference (early bird registrations close 17 July) Monday 16 Sept. @ 6:30pm guest speaker Paul Taucher on The dilemmas of responsibility: Command and control on Ambon Island POW camp Monday 21 Oct. @ 2pm Visit Leeuwin at Victoria Quay (members only) For more information or RSVPs, please let us know.
01.01.2022 In the interest of safety for visitors and volunteers, unfortunately, the museum will be closed until further notice. We are disappointed as we wouldve loved to have shown you all the museum and the new restorations. We wish you health and safety and hope to see you soon.
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