City of Melville Residents and Ratepayers Association Inc. in Booragoon | Community organisation
City of Melville Residents and Ratepayers Association Inc.
Locality: Booragoon
Address: Almondbury Road 6154 Booragoon, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 Melville's Mayor Hon. George Gear and other Councillors were elected on a platform to save the Melville Bowling Club (MBC) and the Alfred Cove site for future generations; which is what they are now doing by giving the MBC a 50 year lease. Is Melville's rejected Russell Aubrey now suggesting that these politicians are corrupt because they are steadfastly honouring their election promises to the community? Quite bizarre. Russell Aubrey seems to have forgotten that he was ov...erwhelmingly rejected at the last election for, amongst other things, 1) pushing to handover MBC's Alfred cover site for 50 years to the unproven entrepreneurial UrbnSURF group, with Ben McCarthy of LandCorp/CCC 'fame' as Development Manager; 2) failing to deliver on his past election promises, including that 'New York skyline'; 3) failing to deliver rates reductions, 4) his many untruths, 5) his autocratic and repressive approach, particularly at public meetings. It is commercially naive to only focus on the 'MBC 50 year lease' term. We are unable to comment fully on the deal as we, like many others, have not seen the proposed lease agreement, which we are sure contains a number of mutual commitments and termination clauses to protect the Melville community. Of course an absence of all of the facts has never stopped Aubrey, his cabal, and band of facebook trolls from making unfounded and wildly speculative comments such as: '...RORTING TENS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS OUT OF TAXPAYERS POCKETS' No wonder Russell Aubrey was rejected! One thing is certain.. electors will hold politicians to account for their election promises...the new Council included.
24.01.2022 Melville Bowling Club Council debate is not over. SFPA is now calling for supporters to attend the next Council meeting at the City's Council chambers at 6.30 pm Tuesday 22 Sepetember. Please be COVID safe or listen in on-line at: From 18 September SFPA newsletter:...Continue reading
24.01.2022 Todays Melville Gazette, speaks for itself... No one wants multi story flats, developers nor buyers, nor residents. Perhaps Its a good thing that Precinct is largely empty currently as it looks like a massive, vertical Ruby Princess .... Even the random balcony lights left on by developers and realestate agents during the night, dont obscure the fact that its pretty empty. See more
23.01.2022 SUCCESS. Melville Council has listened to its community. 18 months ago the 60 year old Melville Bowling Club was set to be demolished. Now the community's wishes have prevailed and the bowling club has secured a long term lease to protect this valued community asset for 50+ years. The community had been fighting the City of Melville Council and Administration since 2016 when Council first announced it intended to enter a 30+10+10 year lease with URBNSurf to enable it to build... a large commercial wave park on prized public land on the banks of the Swan River. The wave park discontent was one of many Melville issues that caused the community to overwhelmingly vote out the Russell Aubrey cabal at last year's elections in favour of a new look council led by Mayor Hon. George Gear. Cr Nicole Robins, Cr Matt Woodall and Cr Duncan Macphail scoffed at the proposal to give the bowling club a long lease at last week's Council meeting; their decisions appeared hypocritical and at odds with their previous support for the long lease for the once proposed Wave Park development. See Melville Gazette article for more detail See Melville Herald article
23.01.2022 CRACKERJACK <017> T/C LOCAL GOVERNMENT ANNUAL RETURNS 1. Hon CHARLES SMITH to the Leader of the House representing the Minister for Local Government:... I refer to the annual returns that are being conducted in local government, with councillors being required to provide certain information, including discretionary disclosures under section 5.87. (1)Does the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries regard any of the following as a financial interest creating a financial conflict within local government voting procedures (a)a financial member of a sporting club; (b)an associate membership of a sports club; (c)a close family member being a financial member of a sports club; or (d)acting as a patron of a sports club? (2)Does a person need to disclose membership of an organisation or club if it does not fall within the jurisdiction or bounds of the council they are a member of? Hon SUE ELLERY replied: I thank the honourable member for some notice of the question. (1)(a)(b)Yes, but only if the member has a financial relationship with the clubfor example, being a club employee or being a paid member of the clubs management board. (c)If the close family member has a financial relationship to the club, the councillor will have an indirect financial interest that requires disclosure. (d)As per (a) and (b). (2)Disclosure of financial interest is not limited by district boundaries. A Reality Check for those recently criticising Councillors who did what they said they would when voted in. Unlike someone we know who with respect to the Melville Bowling Club promised one thing pre election then did the opposite after the election. Maybe the same individual should get out more, get off the keyboard, mix with a wider group of potential friends- Perhaps he should join the Bowling Club - membership not guaranteed. PS note the definition of Councillor Conflict of interest re Clubs
23.01.2022 Local Melville company JMG Building Surveyors has gone into liquidation as a result of increasing insurance costs and issues, likely from increasing level of litigation over building surveying services. Building surveyors are responsible for ensuring all building work as approved by local governments meet the relevant safety and construction standards. This is an important service, it is sad to see such a company go under, we need more longstanding building surveying con...tractors, not less. So who covers the professional indemnity of building surveyors that work for local governments? LG building surveyors certify many of the building that go up today. Do local government Councils and CEO have the capability to properly supervise their internal building surveyors, or any of their building functions for that matter. We think not at Melville.
22.01.2022 Watch Mayor Hon. George Gears take the froth and bubble out of rejected Russell Aubreys apparently speculative and grubby allegations against the current Council. Good on the majority of Elected Members for honouring their election promises.
22.01.2022 Here is an open letter from Gavin Waugh to Minister Templeman and Upper House members: Minister Templeman And Members of Parliament. Please read the attached n...ote regarding the Local Government Reform Agenda. The identified examples in the attached note show how the recent amended regulations contradict the theme of agile smart and inclusive. These examples deliver outcomes which prevent community engagement, reduce transparency, give impunity to corruption and facilitate discriminatory ethnicity prejudice and need to be removed. If these covert changes are an example of the proposed new Local Government Act then the Community can have no confidence in this government. West Australian Local Government Reform Alliance - WALGRA -- Regards Gavin Waugh The Letter: Local Government (Administration) Regulations, Amendment Regulations Detrimental or Prejudicial to Good Governance and Community Engagement. Why is the Government using the Local Government Regulations to covertly install and promote prejudice in a manner likely to induce bullying? Item 18 - Hiding from openness and transparency Regulation 12 (2) is written to facilitate the prevention of transparency by allowing a local government to close a committee meeting from the public, that should normally be open to public scrutiny, for no other reason than a personal desire. Paragraph (b) should be amended to read. committee meetings that are required under the Act to be open to members of the public. or that are proposed to be open to members of the public. And paragraph (c) should be added to say: any other committee meeting not expressly closed to the public due to privacy or confidentiality reasons must be published on the local governments official website as soon as practical after the committee meeting details are known. Item 19 - Detriment to Community not addressed Regulation 14B through 14E apply an open prejudice detrimental to the community through making attendance by electronic means available to Council and Committees but exclude Electors meetings. The outcome effect is to reduce community engagement. Item 20 Information to be published in the annual report which exposes Councillors to ethnicity abuse and other prejudicial discriminatory treatment. Regulation 19B (g) (h) & (i) provide nothing capable of contributing to good governance nor community benefit but do provide information able to be used to slur, insult and abuse. These three paragraphs apply an open discouragement from involvement in local government and should be deleted in their entirety. Item 24 - Information to be published on official website (Act s. 5.96A(1)(i)) In another notable prevention of community engagement, it is notable that this regulation has excised community oversight findings from publication under this regulation in a manner expressly demeaning of and exiling of community engagement from local government oversight. Excising community from local government oversight has no other outcome but to increase State Government cost and workload while delivering a reduction in good governance. Item 25 Regulation 34opens door to potential protected corruption. Exempting gifts from WALGA or LGPA opens wide the door to impunity for corrupt dealings which could otherwise carry a penalty of up to 2 years prison. This is also another example of legalised prejudice practiced against good governance and community benefit resulting in another avenue in which to effect exclusion of engagement of community interests in local government affairs.
21.01.2022 The Melville Bowling Club's future is still not resolved; 18 months after the Wave Park proposal was torpedoed by the State Government! This uncertainty seems unfair to a long standing and well regarded community organisation. We must ask why at this last stage Cr Matthew Woodall, seen as an Aubrey associate, is seemingly raising issues at the last minute. Why were these issues not raised previously? We support the public debate about these matters, after all this is ...why local government Councils exist: to debate meaningful local issues. However, it is not unreasonable to expect that all Councillors should have already put their issues clearly on the table in preparation for that debate.
21.01.2022 NO, NO, JDAP said no. Today JDAP voted 4:1 in favour of rejecting for a second time the application for an extension of time for the development approval for this proposed 18A/18B Tweedale Road Applecross development; to the relief of the adversely affected neighbours. One reason is that the proposed development would no longer comply with the Canning Bridge Activity Centre plan that was amended in 2019 to address material defects that did not adequately protect the amenity o...f neighbouring properties, particularly in the transition zones. Councillor Pazolli noted that elected members were unanimous in Council's second rejection of the proponents application for an extension of time; as were the City's planning officers; something that is very rare indeed. It is great to see our Council taking a united stand on protecting the amenity of our suburbs; we hope this continues. Now we need to see the City's administration properly dealing with the allegations that the developers have prematurely undertaken unauthorised building work at the site; a serious offence if you read the Building Act.
21.01.2022 SUCCESS - The City of Melville Council at last Tuesday's ordinary meeting has finally revoked the City's draconian managing unreasonable conduct by customers policy (CP-107). This policy was a legacy of the repressive regime under fr mayor Russell Aubrey and fr CEO Shayne Silcox. It has taken 2 years, an Authorised Inquiry, a new Mayor and a new look Council to finally get rid of this draconian policy.... Cr Nicole Robins, Cr Matthew Woodall and Cr Duncan Macphail, associates of the former Russell Aubrey cabal, all voted against the 2018 Electors' motion calling for the unreasonable conduct policy to be revoked. The other 4 elected members that supported this draconian policy were rejected by the community at the 2019 election, inclusive of Russell Aubrey. The Policy was 'combative' and we feel did 'impact negatively on the organisation's culture towards complainants and complaints handling'. Hopefully this recent Council decision will be a positive sign, and hopefully we will start to see some changes in the behaviour of the City's administration.
21.01.2022 WA's Parliamentary Select Committee Inquiry into Local Government is now complete. Many findings and recommendations have been made with the view to vastly improving WA's local government sector. The Inquiry "investigated two significant aspects of WALGAs operations, being its Preferred Supplier Program (PSP) and the Local Government Insurance Services mutual scheme it administers for members", amongst many other things.... Something that is of great interest to many ratepayers; given it may directly impact a local government's cost base and the annual rates bills. Importantly Recommendation 36 states: "The Western Australian Local Government Association [WALGA] need not and should not be constituted under the Local Government Act 1995, or any new local government Act." We can't wait for this recommendation to be implemented without delay. Stay tuned for more in-depth analysis in the coming weeks. Read the full report at:
21.01.2022 CANNING BRIDGE ACTIVITY CENTRE PLAN (CBACP) PLEASE DO the survey as it will impact us all The City of Melville has employed independent consultants to review the CBACP. This follows the original direction by Council 2.5 years ago, and Council after losing patience with the City Planners, directed use of a consultant in November 2019. It has taken a year for us to see any results of this motion, and this takes the form of a survey seeking feedback from the community.... The survey may be found at the link below and we encourage you to take part: As with many surveys, key issues can be buried in bland questions, so we draw your attention to some areas of significant concern: - Part 1 Vision and Goals: In the first section - What’s missing? Open space, consideration of amenity for surrounding neighbourhood, congestion at the gateway to the City of Melville for starters Then a review of the CBACP goals: Goal 1 the very first goal: consultation has not been achieved as the City has persisted in ignoring both Council and Ratepayers by recommending unsupported and excessive bonus height. Hundreds of community submissions have been simply put aside. Goal 7 - accessibility is already compromised by over-densification and the potential for severe congestion can only increase as excessive bonus high rise development progresses. The highway over Canning Bridge is the gateway to the City of Melville and will be choked. Goal 11/12 Canning Bridge is sensitively and carefully being developed over time The rush to approve massive projects to date means that the City exceeds the CBACP density targets by far. There is total lack of sensitivity in the City’s preoccupation with excessive bonus height and its failure to consider transition zones or the congestion arising from overdevelopment without supporting infrastructure. Part 2 Design Quality and community feedback: The City may or may not consider the quality and contribution of new development, but the process has lacked any objectivity or transparency so its impossible to judge. In the section on ‘local character’, the additional heights approved and the speed of development are major concerns as the fundamental planning criteria of total population and density are being exceeded. Part 3 - Community Benefit, There is a question about developers providing a financial contribution in lieu of community benefits. This is a dangerous concept as it sets a price for bonus height. Once a price has been set (whether high or low) then developers may purchase bonus height without any community benefit. There is also no guarantee that the moneys paid will result in benefit to the community. It is much better to link bonus height to clear and robust criteria for quality and benefit. The SWG LPP discussed above does this. Have fun with your survey!
20.01.2022 former Melville CEO Shayne Silcox was the subject of a unanimous electors vote of no confidence at the 6 December 2017 Electors AGM, after which Silcox decided to 'retire'. Preventing Electors being involved, either directly or indirectly via elected members, in the process of selecting and assessing the CEO's ongoing performance is another means of disempowering Council. In the case of Melville now, it is our view Electors would also express their lack of confidence with CEO Marten Tieleman if put to the vote. Tieleman was the well known choice of the former Russell Aubrey cabal. Mr Tieleman has had over a year to push through the much needed cultural change at the City, as Minister David Templeman highlighted on distribution of the June 2019 Authorised Inquiry report into the City. Yet we have seen no discernible change in the administration's culture. We do not think CEO Marten Tieleman has what it takes to change the City's culture. We think Tieleman needs to go and Council should act to expedite the the City's much needed cultural change.
19.01.2022 City of Melville dog lovers. Where do you want to walk your dog? Are you aware of the areas within Melville where dogs are prohibited.. places many dog lovers actually go. Have a look at the proposed Dog law changes for discussion and decision at Tuesday 24 November and Tuesday 8 December Council meetings respectively.... Contact your Councillors to have your say: See the proposed Dogs laws at:
19.01.2022 6PR's Chris Ilsley spoke with The West Australian's Paul Murray about the problems with Local Government in WA last night. We do think Mr Murray's take on the problems with WALGA are spot on. Mr Paul Murray, on the other hand, continues to promulgate mistruths and myths about the City of Melville Authorised Inquiry and the current state of affairs, demonstrating he has failed to properly consider the facts. ...Continue reading
19.01.2022 Save our Suburbs.. join the rebellion. People 4 Responsible Development
19.01.2022 From this weeks Post newspaper.
19.01.2022 ONLINE BROADCASTING OF CITY OF MELVILLES COUNCIL MEETINGS We have the opportunity for guest posts on this site and we are posting on request from many disappointed ratepayers in attendance at Council Chambers and at home dialing in for the Citys latest Council Mtg 15th Sept. BACKGROUND:... 2019 * Residents and Ratepayers Assn has had much involvement in trying to get C of M Admin to install provision for audio and live broadcasting.( over 2 years of negotiating) *. This had been met with ongoing stalling with untold excuses, Eg. Possible defamation of Mayor and Councillors ( you would think more professional behaviour was something they should have aspired to) Costs Difficult to organise * Councillor Kepert supported this request - passed unanimously 2019 *. A new Mayor and some new Councillors understood the rationale and confidently supported this to be undertaken by Admin. 2020 * Covid 19 meant that this transparent communication style was essential and C of M had to deliver * However last meeting showed that the Admin have still not perfected this communication as many people outside Council Chambers could not hear *. Viewers at home also still had the ongoing problem of quiet, muffled sound and could not hear the meeting clearly ACTION REQUESTED CEO, Martyn Teileman should (a). ensure that all microphones are in order prior to council meetings (b) investigate why the online sound is so poor and get it rectified (c) improve the video image so that the viewers can see who is speaking, which is regular in video meetings One would tend to think that all this poor viewing, audio, videoing is deliberate to obscure any potential risk to defamation. When in actual fact what all residents want is better communication, improved transparency, and to be treated with respect.
18.01.2022 City CEO Marten Tieleman seemingly continues to support the City's 'combative' culture against residents and ratepayers that dare make complaints; something that contributed to Council recently revoking the City's draconian managing unreasonable conduct by customers policy (CP-107) (see our other post). Mr Marten Tieleman's conduct supports our view that he is not the right individual to lead the much needed cultural change at the City, change that Minister David Templeman ri...ghtfully highlighted after the release of the Authorised Inquiry Report last year. Council's legal representation policy (CP-017) authorises Mr Tieleman to spend upto $5,000 on 'preliminary legal advice' and then reimburse employees up to $ 3,000. This means Mr Tieleman has the authority to contribute up to $8,000 of ratepayer money to employee legal actions. The City's support of this defamation action was not, from what we know and in our opinion, exceptional circumstances or even called for. Council should seriously consider action so this sort of saga does not happen again, including: 1. Removing the CEO's authority under the legal representation policy (CP-107), whereby ALL requests for financial assistance are determined by Council. 2. Recovering all ratepayer money use to support this legal defamation action, ie the funds spent on preliminary advice and other reimbursements. 3. Making amends to Dr. Peterson for the damages and stress he has suffered over this saga since at least 2017. 4. Vastly improving its complaints management processes so that complaints are dealt with properly and promptly and/or escalated to Council if the complainants are not satisfied with the CEO's responses; such as in the case of Dr. Peterson's neighbour's illegal screen/lattice. Read full article on-line here:
18.01.2022 Great to see WA's Auditor General, Ms Caroline Spencer, focusing on Local Governments (LGs), especially the LG building approvals and compliance functions. Our read of Ms Spencer's report highlights that the performance of LG building compliance and enforcement functions are less than satisfactory, a view that resonates at the City of Melville. (see In 2018 the national Building Ministers Forum commissioned the Sh...ergold and Weir Building Confidence report that identified the need to improving the effectiveness of compliance and enforcement systems for the building and construction industry across Australia. (see Our WA parliamentarians and LGs need to act on these reports. All residents and ratepayers should ask to see their Council's assurance plans and audits, and ask their Council's what they are doing to correct any shortfalls. See more narrative from across Australia at
18.01.2022 IS THIS THE VIBRANCY WE WERE EXPECTING IN THE NEW CANNING BRIDGE ACIVITY CENTRE....? Couldn’t believe that this mess is next door to Canning Bridge McDonalds on Canning Highway. Given all the fuss with the neighbours during the development application plus an extremely expensive legal intervention, it was a total surprise to spot what is only a few metres from the fenced off Drive Thru.... A condition, I recall, was that no rubbish was to be left flying around the streets and people’s homes, hence the high transparent topped fences. Yet only a few metres away is an abandoned absolute dive, putrid with dumped rubbish. The City of Melville has Building Act powers to issue building orders for neglected buildings, as it has done in the past in Wichman Rd Attadale. This property looks like it has been in this neglected condition for a few years and may pose serious safety, infestation and health problems. The City of Melville could, and perhaps should use it enormouse powers to investigate and act on of this unoccupied and neglected building.
18.01.2022 Bicton ward councillors June Barton and Glynis Barber have again stood up to ensure their community's voices opposing the City administration's draconian culture of pushing ahead and doing just what it wants. Mr Tieleman needs to change his, and his administration's culture to one that is far more consultative and one that actually listens to the community that pay rates and has considerable knowledge and skills; possibly far more than the City administration's in many respec...ts. The City needs an experienced leader to drive the much needed cultural change at the City to prevent a reoccurrence of the Beach St footpath saga and others like it. Mr Tieleman, who often says he is 'just an accountant' arguably does little to counter the archaic stereotypical view that many accountants are dull and introverted. Mr "just an accountant" Tieleman has had plenty of opportunities to demonstrate impassioned leadership to drive the needed change; yet so far we have seen no material signs of sustainable change from within the City's management ranks. In our view Mr Tieleman may not be the right person to lead the City's administration into the future.
17.01.2022 Mayor Keri Shannon talks with 6PR's Chris Ilsley about the DLGSC inquiry report into the Town of Cambridge released this week. 'Its a work of fiction' Mayor Shannon says. This report is yet another demonstration of why the DLGSC should not be investigating complaints about local governments. We saw poor quality and/or sham reports for the City or Melville, the Shire of Toodyay and now Cambridge.... The report appears to be full of subjective comments, lacks sound factual foundations, and appears to be carping the Towns elected members that have work hard to improve their administration's performance, transparency and accountability. Many local governments have come under scrutiny recently from the WA Auditor General; and that report cards are not all good. There needs to be serious changes to WA's local government sector. We can't help but think that the Cambridge Inquiry report is payback for the Town's council upsetting 'the clubs' cosy applecart. See the full report at:
17.01.2022 BIAS..... there is a public perception that there is bias in the press.. it is often mentioned. Bias is everywhere, it is a matter of degree and is very, very subjective. READERS BEWARE.. there is a perception that Paul Murray's opinions are often biased, such is the nature of opinions vs facts. It should be no surprise that Paul Murray has penned many pieces with apparent bias in favour of Melville's rejected Russell Aubrey cabal and the Alfred Cove Wave Park dev...elopment. When has Paul Murray bothered to listen to some alternative facts from the community that are on the other side of the Aubrey cabal/Wave Park debate? We know he has had plenty of opportunities to do so; but, has not done so. Paul Murray needs to remember that the community voted and gave the current Council a public mandate to keep the Melville Bowling Club, a valued community asset, where it has been for 65 years. We are concerned that Paul Murray may be suggesting that there is a problem with Local Government Councils acting in a manner aligned with what the electors voted for.. The term sour grapes springs to mind. See more
17.01.2022 Mr Larry Graham, former MP and well known critic of WA's local government has a lot to say on the current reform process. Larry has just authored 'A review of the review of the Local Government Act 1995.' If you are interested in Local Government then this opinion piece is essential reading. It is succinct, pithy and absolutely nails most of what is wrong with a Local Government. 'The WA Minister for Local Government, Hon. David Templeman, announced an expert panel to inde...pendently assess and provide recommendations on the feedback collected during the extensive consultation on the direction and requirements for a new Local Government Act." 'The result was neither a competent, nor an independent review. It was not a rigorous and open intellectual endeavour seeking the best outcome for the public,but it was a secretive process with what appear to be predetermined outcomes.' ........... . . . . . . If the review of the Act continues to head in the current direction under this Government, then we can all kiss local democracy good-bye. Interested in where this is going? Read on!
15.01.2022 HYPOCRITES? DIRTY POLITICS? REVENGE? I see the 'Community Association' setup by Mr Aubrey and supporters of the surf park are on the march against the new cou...ncil. It appears they want to apply a 'pub test' to the bowls club lease (which I do think is excessive), yet they scoffed at that idea when it was raised on the surf park deal. You know, the park; Where a Council Manager and his business partner, also a CoM consultant, owned shares in Urbnsurf. Where the Manager was friends with the parks owner. Where Mr Aubrey knew all about it before the proposal was made. Where there was no public consultation. Where there was no tender. Where Council didn't even own the land that it was trying to lease out. Did I miss anything? You may also recall Mr Aubrey's letter rallying his troops to populate and fund the GMCA (att). You may recall Mr Aubrey's cyber-ally/mouthpiece and operator of multiple bogus FB accounts, Vanessa Robertson, is the Secretary of the GMCA (att). And for those interested, the petition is, surprise, surprise, at Powerhouse Surf - say no more.
15.01.2022 Todays local paper Melville Community News reporting on Ordinary Meeting of Council ( Tuesday 18thAug ) Which included, a Presentation of a Petition signed by 166 regarding the Lease Approval by Council of the Melville Bowling Club We attended the Council Meeting and observed that there was a discussion re actions. There are 4 ways to deal with petitions at Melville. ( local law)... 1. That a petition be acknowledged 2. That the petition be acknowledged and referred to a Committee 3. That the petition be acknowledged and dealt with in conjunction with an item on the agenda 4. That the petition be acknowledged and a report be prepared. Council voted unanimously for option 4. Negotiations have been occurring almost a year regarding the lease extension. Recently council approved the lease extension (7/5)
15.01.2022 Fantastic to see our Melville Residents celebrating our beautiful mature Jacarandas as we come into Christmas. Wonder how many streets are going to highlight our respect and appreciation of our heritage trees. A strong message here to Cof M Planning Dept who have earmarked FORBES ROAD JACARANDAS for removal to widen the street due to infill/ highrise future traffic congestion. Planners need to recognise heritage of Applecross- trees a very important part of that heritage! DONT TOUCH OUR STREET TREES!
15.01.2022 What would your Council do in this situation? A. Remove the tree B. Remove the parking sign... C. Let the tree grow over the sign and issue fines to the unsuspecting D. Butcher half the tree so the sign is visible E. Your Council wouldnt even know it was there F. Employ a team of external consultants to recommend approach Im sure our Melvilles Natural Areas and Parks team would protect the tree as a priority. So impressed with the extensive verge planting currently underway in our burbs. Great work by the team at Natural Areas and Parks. Thanks guys. If it was up to the Planning Department at Melville said tree would be taken out and some type of over height structure put in its place, judging on past performance!
14.01.2022 WHAT SHOULD WE DO WITH OUR RATEPAYER FUNDED CITY OF MELVILLE SURPLUS PLANNERS..?? It seems there is not much on their desks lately and the oncoming future. Over built empty and ugly mega high rise, empty developer blocks, and projects being wound back or cancelled. In all its pretty quiet in the City of Melvilles Planning Dept. What can we do with them all??... Some have suggested the following possibilities: # Merge them with the busy Parks and natural areas Dept so they can learn the importance of vegetation and open spaces in urban design and how to relate with the community. # send them to Singapore to learn about block sizes and the importance of garden open space around residential low and high rise. # proper research into the true meaning of examplary and iconic buildings and compile a mega list of all things which dont make Precinct building iconic ( big list) # retrain them to be Building Compliance Officers , an area depleted and often ignored in Melville and sorely needed. #. Make a select few redundant and advertise later for really quality people focused on the community needs. New Planners focused on listening to the community needs, not developers. Planners who understand density targets and amenity. #. Replace all with lay people - they would do a far better job! .
14.01.2022 Consultation has gone from Planning.....
13.01.2022 Why have local governments at all if local residents cant have a say what happens in their local communities and their streets. There is nothing more local than what happens next door or on your street.
13.01.2022 The Melville Bowling Club lease saga goes on.. the next instalment being due next week. We are sure social media will again flooded with more Aubrey bubble, froth, exaggerations and misinformation. No one seems to have highlighted that: a) these 'leaked' emails were sent to the traditional Aubrey cabal and associates Councillors including Cr Nicole Robins, Cr Duncan Macphail, Cr Matt Woodall and Cr Clive Robartson; all known to former Liberal opposition leader Mr Mike; b) the 'plans' provide by Hon. George Gear to Martin Tieleman were nothing more than a concept, a wild idea from a member of the bowling club, and did not represent any definitive plans. Who has bothered to ask CEO Marten Tieleman to confirm this? c) Council will need to approve any future development plans put forward for the site; the lease does not give the bowling club unfetted rights. Aubrey should know this, given he was mayor for far too long. We should let the Melville Bowling Club just get on with being a valuable community asset; something it has already been doing for 60+ years.
12.01.2022 Many local governments need thorough reviews of their building and planning functions. Local governments are meant to oversee building compliance to protect the public at large. Sadly it seems many local government do not execute their planning and building functions at all well, infact causing more problems for the people they are meant to protect.
12.01.2022 6PR's Perth Tonight Chris Ilsley talks with former MLA Mr Larry Graham about his assessment of the report into the authorised inquiry into the Shire of Toodyay. Larry Graham's conclusion? The State's local government regulator, the Department of Local Government, Sports and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) under Director General Mr Duncan Ord, has produced the worst report in he has ever seen in his 40 years of reading such reports. We have long held the view that the 2019 Auth...orised Inquiry Report into the City of Melville was also a disgrace, a sham. Minister David Templeman seems to have nothing about the performance of his, or the DLGSC. Is Minister Templeman's lack of action a result of his incompetence, or is it simple wilful blindness?
11.01.2022 The City of Perth independent inquiry findings have been handed down: 'Poorly led, dysfunctional, self-entitled': Damning! ... Yet rejected former City of Melville mayor Russell Aubrey uses the opportunity to spread more untruths about the whitewashed DLGSC inquiry into the City of Melville. We are note sure if Russell Aubrey read the Melville Inquiry report because its findings show that the City had problems underlies leadership, and in fact breached the Local Government Act; quite different to the messages Aubrey continues to spread. We are sure that if there was a a truly independent inquiry into the City of Melville by competent individuals such as Mr Tony Power the City of Melville's report would have been far more damning. The DLGSC's Mr Ron Murphy barely scratched the surface of the issues at Melville, and did not investigate much.. We are sure this applies to many other Authorised Inquiries the DLGSC have conducted over the years. This demonstrates that the DLGSC should not be involved in inquiries into Local Governments.
09.01.2022 "Take for example what happened at the City of Melville. In 2018, the state government conducted an inquiry after 300 complaints had been made about the council in the preceding three years. "In 2019, reports emerged of factional warfare and personality clashes getting in the way of good decision-making. " Complaints investigated concluded a lack of transparency, poor community engagement and deep division. Navigating complex decisions is always hard but if your team is also divided, governing for the future can become rife with conflict."
09.01.2022 WE WONDER HOW MANY OF THESE PLANNING/DEVELOPMENT DISASTERS HAVE ENDED IN COURT? Courtesy of previous Mayor, some previous Councillors, and the current Planning Dept at City of Melville. So sad to see the area of Canning Bridge and parts of Applecross subjected to devastatingly poor planning ... # Most of the mega high rise are unsold and empty. # Multistorey building balconies overlooking residents backyards and pools.- so much for privacy! # Some homes are in perpetual shade of the high rise # Many homes cant be sold and have lost a lot of value # completely ruins residents amenity # this was not what residents were told to expect when the Canning Bridge Plan was approved. # no area goal plan, just random mega highrise, unlucky dip with how high your neighbours will go AS A RESULT OF POOR PLANNING AND ADMINISTRATION MOST APARTMENTS ARE UNSOLD, MANY BLOCKS ARE STILL LEFT WITH DEMOLISHED HOUSES, VACANT AND COVERED IN WEEDS. DEVELOPERS ARE NOT WILLING TO GET INVOLVED DUE TO LOSS OF VALUE, APARTMENTS NOT SELLING, NO PROFIT MARGIN. PEOPLE DONT WANT TO SPEND $$$ ON UGLY BLOCKS OF FLATS. WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE NEXT TO ONE OF THESE???
07.01.2022 Read the City of Perth Authorised Inquiry report and tell us if you have seen these sorts of issues at the City of Melville.... we have in the past. Fortunately, with a new look Council under the leadership of mayor George Gear and deputy mayor Nic Pazolli there is an end in sight in on the journey to vastly improve the performance and conduct of the City's administration.
06.01.2022 Is the same thing happening at Sabina and Precinct. ? They look Very empty and unoccupied. The apartment market is a fickle one. Market forces at work. People dont want to live in vertical Ruby Princesses.... The WA planning Commission and the City of Melville have density targets set for the next 30 yrs for housing density at Canning Bridge which can be easily met without building the overdensified monstrosities . This can be achieved with half the density of buildings like Sabina and Precinct. Melville Planners know this but dont give a toss.
04.01.2022 Are Australia's Freedom of Information laws delivering on their transparency objectives? We think not. Michael West Media's recent article about Jommy Tee's FOI experiences whilst seeking to uncover the truth behind Scott Morrison's Tourism Australia departure demonstrates that FOI laws are not providing the transparency required for the public to hold governments to account. We have similar experiences at the City of Melville where it is very hard, and at times impossible, t...o get information to hold the City's Council and it's public servants to account. For example, over 2 years ago we submitted an FOI application for CCTV footage of a council meeting, now we have been told the City can't give it to us because they deleted it. The State Records Act and the FOI Act were introduced after WA Inc. to stop the destruction of important records and to give the public access to that information. The Information Commissioner, State Records Office, Public Sector Commission, Parliamentarians or even the City's Council do not seem to care that the City's CEO is failing to provide acceptable transparency. Amazingly, they also don't seem to care that the City's CEO, Marten Tieleman, is keeping a photo of a naked teenage girl on the City's internal systems without her consent. Go figure? Also see linkedin
04.01.2022 Subiaco having the same planning problems we’re having at Canning Bridge, but on a different scale ‘ Bonuses are a means of increasing developer controls by stealth’
04.01.2022 Where is the Shadow Minister for Local Government hiding? Someone needs to stop Templeman and the establishment from taking over control of our local Councils.
04.01.2022 Well done City of Melville for improving our verges with an extended tree planting program. Thank you for your work
03.01.2022 Applecross residents be aware - more high density four storey residential building with a basement level comprising of 35 multiple dwellings (apartments) are proposed for 114 Matheson Road, a 2072 m2 block. Have your say by 4.00 pm on Monday, 5 October 2020 DAP-2020-5 Proposed 35 Multiple Dwellings at 114 Matheson Road, Applecross... See more
03.01.2022 What are Labour and Liberal election promise on this one? It is a no brainer, given we have little faith in the Local Government and DAP processes.
03.01.2022 MOSQUITO PLAGUE ON THE CORNER OF KISHORN AND FORBES? SKY GARDENS? Its a toss up between mosquitos, jungles in vacant ones, or dead ones in Perths climate? Designed by a Singapore group with a different climate to Perth summers. ...
02.01.2022 All residents and ratepayers should take a look at this; it is an important step forward in improving the transparency and accountability of our City post the Aubrey/Silcox regime.
01.01.2022 Local governments have tremendous powers to take compliance and enforcement action across a wide range of legislation, including the Planning & Development Act, Local Government Act, Building Act, Environmental Protection Act, Bush Fires Act, Health Act and so on. How do we know that the Local Governments are exercising this discretion properly; in a fair, objective, unbiased and consistent manner. That discretion can be by not taking action (eg for a 'mate') to being punitiv...e and malicious (eg they don't like you). Is the City of Subiaco picking on Julie Matheson, a former Subiaco Councillor and founder of the Western Australian Party running at the March 2021 State election? Do Councils properly perform their roles to oversee the performance of the local governments' compliance and enforcement discretion. At the City of Melville we think not; there are examples where the City has shown great leniency, but then some prosecutions that appear ruthless and malicious. We wonder why? Our new Council, initiated by Cr Tomas Fitzgerald, introduced a Compliance and Enforcement Policy. Though we are yet to see Council review the Administration's performance against this policy.
01.01.2022 This ongoing issue illustrates how insensitive and illogical the combined planning of both the State Planning and CofM planning Dept are of Mt Pleasant residents amenity. Fancy qualified planners drawing a boundary line between household fences for zoning of CBAC highrise and residential. So much for the households who draw the short straw here! ( or the 4/5 storey straw next door here). The lay person would say boundaries need to be along significant road divisions. Well done Cr Sandford and Mount Pleasant Residents for activating and redressing this stressful rezoning issue.
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