Melanie Walters | Nutritionist
Melanie Walters
Phone: +61 1300 766 807
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25.01.2022 Its RUOK day which is the perfect chance to check in with your friends, family and colleagues. In these crazy times of social distancing and work from home more people than ever are struggling with their mental health. Please take a moment today to check in with the people you care about- and dont forget to look after your own mental health. Here are few tips on what to include in your diet to improve your mental well-being.. spoiler alert- its the same stuff Im always asking you to eat; whole grains, plenty of fruit and vegetables and some oily fish for omega 3s. Hope everyone is doing okay today
25.01.2022 Gut health is one of my interest areas, and Dr Megan Rossi Is an expert I really admire. She’s recently published a new article about different types of fibre and their actions in the gut. The take home message is to focus on diversity in the type of fibre you are eating and one of the simplest (and fun) ways to do this is to try and eat 30 different plant foods per week. Give it a go this festive season (while enjoying all the other foods too!)
23.01.2022 Posted @withregram @lowcarbhealthyfat.dietitian If you are not metabolically healthy, the way your body processes fat, carbs, protein and fat can be altered leaving you tired, craving food or gaining weight. Even seemingly healthy, raw, paleo, vegetarian or vegan foods may be contributing to your apparent inability to lose weight. A lower carb healthy fat approach can be beneficial for managing diabetes, fatty liver, menopausal weight gain, PCOS, stubborn abdominal fat, b...lood lipids, blood pressure, inflammation and even some digestive issues. It addresses one of the main metabolic problems, insulin resistance. If you would like to find out the best approach for you, schedule an appointment with us. We can show you how to avoid going on a diet. Click bio or go to #pcosweightloss #diabetic #weightloss #nutrition #insulinresistance #overweight #lowcarblifestyle #weightlosstips #highcholesterol #highbloodpressure #metabolicsyndrome #insulin #fattyliver #whycantiloseweight #mealplanning #lowcarbaustralia #lowcarbdownunder #healthyfat #weightlosssurgery #weightlossgoal #dietitian #bloodpressure #cholesterol #inflammation #weightlossjourney #weightlosscoach #prediabetesdiet #diseaseprevention
23.01.2022 Brisbane people, if you have type 2 Diabetes, pre-diabetes, have had gestational diabetes or are concerned about developing diabetes then this 4 week program ru...n by Melanie is for you! This aims to cover everything you DIDNT know about the condition and the food you should be eating. Enrolments still open for kick off in 2 weeks. Medicare rebates are available too. Call us 1300 766 807! #reversediabetes #lchf #dna_nutrition_group #weightloss #dietitianwithadifference #diabetesdiet
22.01.2022 Colon cancer: what you need to know I know it might feel uncomfortable talking about your pooping habits, but the stats show it's SO important to catch it ea...rly - so please don't worry in silence. What is colon cancer? Colon cancer is a type of bowel cancer that affects the large intestine (colon). It often starts with growths called polyps on the inner lining of the colon. Who's affected? Colon cancer is the third biggest cancer killer in the world. And, while more than nine out of ten new cases (94%) are diagnosed in people over the age of 50, and nearly six out of ten cases (59%) are diagnosed in people aged 70 or over, it can affect people at any age. But there's positive change happening. Rates of bowel cancer and the number of people dying have been decreasing - likely because of early diagnosis and better treatment. What can you do to reduce the risk? Share the below warning signs with your friends and family. Let's get everyone talking about their guts and get rid of the taboo! . 1 Always be on the safe side and don't ignore symptoms. If you're experiencing any of the signs, see your GP or family physician: unintended weight loss, blood in your poop, low blood iron levels and unexplained tiredness, fever, or persistent changes in poop habits (especially if aged 50+). Rest assured that these symptoms can occur in people WITHOUT colon cancer, so please don't jump to any conclusion on your own. . 2 Eat more fibre and plants. While no diet changes will make you immune, a powerful study pooling together evidence from millions of people found that increasing fibre intake by just 8g a day (equivalent of a cup of baked beans; a portion of hummus and wholegrain crackers; a pear and handful of almonds; or a large potato with the skin on) is linked with reducing the risk of colon cancer by 8%. . Filled with sadness after the terrible loss of Chadwick Boseman from colon cancer at the age of 43. My thoughts are with Chadwick and his family, and anyone that is or has been affected by cancer . #coloncancer #bowelcancer Bowel Cancer UK
22.01.2022 It’s National Nutrition Week! Despite the latest studies and recurring healthy eating messages only 4% of Australian’s are eating enough vegetables each day. The average person eats only half as much as they should - the aim is 5 serves per day - everyday! So this week make a special effort to get your 5 serves and see how it makes you feel! Mixing up the colours and variety is important too but it’s hard to go wrong with eating your greens l Check out for inspiration! #tryfor5 #nationalnutritionweek #dietitian #eatyourgreens #albion #banyo #ascotbrisbane #lowcarb #nnw2020
22.01.2022 The future is coming - and by the future I mean 2021! We are all hoping for a better one - 2020 has been tough, but pandemics aside, your future health is largely in your own hands and I’m here to help you to improve your health in 2021 by focusing on your nutrition. Contact us now to book in to be ready to start your 2021 on a high note! #bringon2021 #yourfutureyourhealth #dietitian #brisbanedietitian #albion #banyo #kedron #evertonpark #newyearnewyou #2021
21.01.2022 Think about what you drink When it comes to drinks its quite simple: Yay ... * Water, * Tea/coffee, unsweetened with a dash of milk if desired Nay/only on occasion * Softdrinks, some contain nearly 10 sugar cubes a drink * Juice, fruit is better in its whole form (we recommend max. 2 piece a day) * Alcohol, this can really bump up the calories and could increase your food intake Tips: * Add flavour to your water to change it up e.g. fruit, mint, cold infusion bags (like a teabag but for cold drinks) * Consider soft drinks or juice as a treat rather than a from of hydrating * If indulging in a soft drink, choose a sugar free one * No alcohol is the best option. Aim for at least, but the more the better, 2 alcohol-free days a week * With coffees from a cafe aim for max. a small one per day #drink #water #juice #softdrink #soda #coffee #tea #milk #fruit #fruitinfusedwater #infusedwater #alcohol #alcoholconsumption #mint #baristacoffee #sugarfree #healthydiet #health #water #waterintake #alcoholfree #healthtips #healthadvise #diet #accrediteddietitian #dietitian #nutrition #nutritionist #calorieintake #calories #weightloss
20.01.2022 We can all try to keep ourselves as healthy as possible during this time. Catherine Saxelby has some excellent recommendations - definitely worth the read. Eat well and you'll be helping your immune system stay at its peak. ... Here are the basics of healthy eating: -large serves of vegetables and vegetable soups -a variety of fresh fruit, especially citrus fruit -lean meat, fish and seafood, eggs, chicken or vegetarian protein -dairy foods like yoghurt and milk or alternatives like fortified soy, almond or oat mylks -wholegrain cereals such as oats, barley and wholemeal bread -healthy oils from avocado, olive oil, spreads hummus or nuts. -Cook with plenty of garlic and onions. -Limit over-refined and packet foods. Stay safe everyone :)
19.01.2022 Its soup weather! Having a vegetable based soup for dinner a couple of nights per week is a great way to@reduce your weekly calorie intake. One of my family favourites is Zucchini Soup! Its quick to make, low in calories and carbs and tasty! The kids love it with a few pieces of fresh bread or toast. I adapted the recipe from on given to me by my lovely mother-in-law :) ZUCCHINI SOUP RECIPE 2 onions 4 zucchini 1 dessertspoon... butter 1 small potato 1 cup cauliflower Salt & pepper 2 cups chicken stock 1 dessertspoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon sour cream (optional) Cut up onions, zucchinis,potato and cauliflower and put in heavy based saucepan with 1 dessertspoon of butter, steam with lid on for 15 mins (or until soft) checking regularly that it has not caught on the bottom of the pan. Add salt & pepper and 1 cup chicken stock. Boil 5 mins, cool and blend. Add another cup of chicken stock, a dessertspoon of lemon juice and sour cream to thicken if using. Enjoy!! #soup #dietitiansofinstagram #weightloss #lchf #banyo #kedron #evertonpark #diettips #souprecipe
19.01.2022 These are crazy times but there is enough food and supplies for everyone if we are all sensible and show some restraint. Tips from the DAA include working out what you already have in your pantry and freezer as well as making sensible purchases and including some treats
18.01.2022 Here are some recipes ideas using pantry staples to keep us going now we cant all run to the shops everyday. Stay safe everyone!
17.01.2022 Two recent studies confirm what we already know: that diet plays a critical role in preventing the risk of diabetes. The first study shows adding as little as an additional 1/2 cup of fruits or vegetables a day to your diet can reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes by up to 25% The other study showed that including at least one serve daily of whole grains such as oats, brown rice, dark bread or wholegrain cereal showed a protective effect against developing These studies show that small changes to your diet can reduce your risk of diabetes. Do yourself a favour and make grainy sandwich for lunch and grab a piece of fruit this afternoon!
16.01.2022 All the greens! This summer don’t focus on cutting things out, but think about what you can add in. For example I’ve noticed I haven’t been eating much avocado do I’m going to make an effort to buy and avocado more regularly. For many people this could include adding in more vegetables, more fruit, more whole grains or more water. What’s your more going to be? If you need help and support with improving your diet this year please book into see me soon. Booking link is in my bio. #healthtips #eatyourgreens #2and5 #dietitian #albion #banyo #kedron #evertonpark #virtualdietitian #water
16.01.2022 Some great advice from Dr Megan Rossi below.
16.01.2022 Posted @withregram @dna_nutrition_group Think about what you drink When it comes to drinks its quite simple: Yay * Water, * Tea/coffee, unsweetened with a dash of milk if desired... Nay/only on occasion * Softdrinks, some contain nearly 10 sugar cubes a drink * Juice, fruit is better in its whole form (we recommend max. 2 piece a day) * Alcohol, this can really bump up the calories and could increase your food intake Tips: * Add flavour to your water to change it up e.g. fruit, mint, cold infusion bags (like a teabag but for cold drinks) * Consider soft drinks or juice as a treat rather than for hydration * If indulging in a soft drink, choose a sugar free one * No alcohol is the best option. Aim for at least 2 alcohol-free days a week * With milky cafe coffees aim for max. one small one per day #drink #water #juice #softdrink #soda #coffee #tea #milk #fruit #fruitinfusedwater #infusedwater #alcohol #alcoholconsumption #baristacoffee #sugarfree #healthydiet #health #water #waterintake #alcoholfree #healthtips #healthydrinks #diet #accrediteddietitian #dietitian #nutrition #nutritionist #calorieintake #weightloss #lchf
16.01.2022 Posted @withregram @dna_nutrition_group Is this you? Then you might benefit from a LCHF lifestyle or you may have already found this works for you. LCHF stand for Low Carbohydrate Healthy Fat, which is a different approach to the way we eat. There are many benefits to this way of eating! Join our growing online LCHF community to exchange tips, tricks, experiences, support, recipes and meal ideas! ... Its easy, just go to the DNA Nutrition Group Facebook page and look in the groups tab (on the side bar). Click join and one of our team members will approve your request. Thats it! Feel free to invite and share to anyone who would like to get inspired, stay motivated and learn more about LCHF. Sharing is caring! For a more personalised approach book in for a face to face consult in one of our Brisbane clinics or an online consult from the comfort of your home! For booking and enquiries call 1300 766 807 or follow the link in my profile. #LCHF #lowcarbhealthyfat #lowcarbhighfat #weightloss #diabetestype2 #fattyliver #triglycerides #insulinresistance #hormoneimbalance #fatigue #hunger #nutrition #inspiration #motivation #onlinecommunity #recipessharing #recipes #dietitian #accrediteddietitian #goodfood #carbs #carbohydrates #healthyfat #avocado #lifestyle #enjoyfood #healthylifestyle
16.01.2022 TRE (time-restricted eating) - A leap from prevention to treatment of metabolic diseases? Studies already show that reducing the time window of eating in healthy people can help fight off obesity, diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol. Now a new feasibility study - published in Cell Metabolism - has found that people with metabolic conditions lost abdominal fat, lowered their BGL, blood pressure and LDL cholesterol without any added physical activity after 12 weeks of restricting eating time to a daily 10-hour window (with a 14 hour overnight fast).
16.01.2022 I’m back at work this week everyone, ready to help you achieve your 2021 goals!! My January clinics are filling up fast, but I do still have a few spots at Albion on Tuesday the 19th. Jump on the website or give us a call to book in to see me! #dietitian #albion #healthgoals #lchf #lowcarbliving #weightloss #diabetestype2 #diabetes
15.01.2022 This years National Diabetes campaign focusing on diabetes and mental health kicks off today. Its a reminder to check in on your loved ones with diabetes and take the time to check in with yourself.
15.01.2022 FORMULITE IN STOCK!! We’ve had such a great response from our clients to stocking the FORMULITE range of shakes. The warmer weather has seen many swap their morning eggs for a shake; folks are back at the gym and are loving a low sugar post-workout protein shake, iso-weight gain has led to many wanting/needing to shift the extra kilos fast with our intensive program, and the weight loss surgeons have resumed their surgeries requiring pre-surgical VLCD weight loss protocols.... We love the versatility of the range and the high quality formulation. Contact me if you need support on how to use it to reach your goals or message me for more info. Order ONLINE in our ebay shop: Or to PICK UP just send me a DM or FB message (so I am available and not in consultation when you come in) or purchase some at your next consultation!
15.01.2022 Come see me at my exciting new clinic in Albion!
14.01.2022 Getting enough sleep is so important. There are multiple studies showing that a lack of sleep is associated with increased portion sizes and higher calorie snacking the next day. All the more reason to get an early night!
14.01.2022 Ive been focusing on doing this myself for the past couple of months. I just keep a list in notes on my phone - I find it really helps me make different and sometimes better choices - eg a salad bowl instead of eggs on toast. Give it a go and let me know how you go!
13.01.2022 Theres a lot of talk about going plant based these days, with people thinking they need to give up all animal products to reduce their risk of disease. Im a firm believer that plants should form the basis of everyones diet. Hardly any Australians meet the daily recommended 5 serves of vegetables and 2 serves of fruit. Aiming to include more plant food and less ultra processed foods Is the first step in reducing your weight and risk of chronic disease. If you need to know more book in to see me. Im here to support you to eat how you want to eat. #apd #plantbasednutrition #plantbasednotvegan #banyo #brisbanedietitian #onlindietitian #australiandietitian #eatmoreplants #2and5
12.01.2022 Happy Friday everyone! If youre thinking of getting takeaway tonight this article might make you reconsider. Susies recommendation is that once a week is too much - once per month is a better target. She encourages more cooking at home and if you do opt for takeaway steer away from deep fried options and whole pizzas!
12.01.2022 We welcome Melanie to the team!
11.01.2022 This week is Coeliac Awareness Week! Did you know over 355,000 Australians have coeliac disease but only 20% have been diagnosed? Symptoms vary greatly from person to person, making diagnosis difficult at times. Is your body trying to tell you something? Take a short online assessment to see if youre at risk:
11.01.2022 Why would you come see me? Why wouldnt you? You can book online a virtual appointment online or call to make an appointment see me in person! #banyo #kedron #evertonpark #virtualdietitian #brisbanedietitian #apd #healthyeating #weightloss #diabetes
11.01.2022 Increasing your fibre intake is great for your gut health, your cholesterol levels and blood glucose levels and 2 recent studies have found having a diet high in fibre could improve your life expectancy. Dr Andrew Reynolds says people consuming 35g of fibre per day have a 35% less risk of dying early compared with people who eat 19 grams of fibre per day. New ways to add fibre to your diet;... - If you eat white refined bread or rolls, try changing to wholegrain bread or rolls. - Try brown rice - Try wholemeal pasta - Try adding half a tin of legumes to meals you already make such as spaghetti bolognaise - Try adding some extra vegetables to your main meal fresh, frozen, or canned without salt are all good choices.
10.01.2022 It’s the weekend - yay!! Make sure you take some time this weekend for some self care - whatever that means for you. I find taking some time out to enjoy a cup of tea always helpful, but other forms of self care I recommend include doing some meal planning or prep for the following week - being kind to your future self. Doing a loose meal plan for the weekend and doing the groceries and chopping some vegetables and fruit make my life a little easier through the week - and w...ho doesn’t love that? What can you do this weekend to make your life a little easier next week? #bekindtoyourself #selfcare #mealprep #mealplan #fruitandvege #cupoftea #weekendyay #dietitian
10.01.2022 We’ve got a new website that makes it easier for you to see what we do and book directly online. January is the perfect time to get started on improving your health so jump on over and book an appointment at one of my clinics or a virtual appointment. I’d love to see you!
09.01.2022 Hi Everyone! Im Melanie - a dietitian based in Brisbane but available for online consults anywhere! I love food, cooking, eating and talking about food. My passion is helping people prevent or overcome Type 2 diabetes while still enjoying their lives and hopefully extending their healthy years. I stay active chasing my two little girls around and I realise that people have busy, complicated lives. ... I want to work with you and your diet/lifestyle not throw you a meal plan and ask you to follow it to the letter! So feel free to ask me any questions here or if you need more help, please book in to see me - either at one of my clinics around Brisbane or via video or phone consult! #brisbane #healthyeating #brisbanedietitian #onlinedietitian #banyo #kedron #evertonpark #realisticeatingplans #food #dnanutrition See more
09.01.2022 Full marks to Choice magazine for devoting 4 pages to the problem of ultra-processed foods such as chips and hot dogs These are the REAL problem behind the ob...esity crisis, not just sugar, and they are cheap formulations that we would do well to steer clear of. Think lots of additives and lots of processing #UltraProcessed #UltraProcessing See more
07.01.2022 After completely selling out my first order I’ve just restocked. Its perfect blended into a nice cold smoothie with some ice or frozen fruit - great on these hot days! It’s available to pick up from me or I can post it for a small fee. Link to my eBay store below or PM me....
07.01.2022 We're hardwired to love sweet things, but too much sugar is leading to an increase in type 2 diabetes. Here's what individuals and policymakers can do cut our sugar intake.
07.01.2022 June is Bowel Cancer Awareness month. Bowel cancer is a condition close to my heart as my father suffered from it almost 20 years ago - he made a great recovery and is still going strong at 82 years old. Hes a great advertisement for early detection and great recovery due to having a lifetime of healthy behaviours behind him. ... Eat your fruit and vegetables, get lots of physical activity, stay connected with friends and family - and get regular health checks!
06.01.2022 No need to try to get in the best shape of your life, but getting some exercise daily is important for your physical and mental health. Heres some information about how much you should aim for and some practical ideas about how to do it.
05.01.2022 Worried about a prediabetes diagnosis? Rather than viewing prediabetes as a stepping stone to diabetes, it may be helpful to see it as a motivator for making changes to your lifestyle. Eating the right foods and adopting other lifestyle behaviours that promote healthy blood sugar and insulin levels will give you the best chance at avoiding diabetes.... These tips might help.
04.01.2022 New location!!!! Im excited to announce I will be practising from Next Practice Albion from September (as well as my usual locations!) Make an appointment to come see me to make some positive changes and see some results! Call 1300 766 807 to book. #weightloss #diabetes #type2diabetes #chronicdisease #lchf #lowcarb #lowcarbdietitian #albiondietitian #ascotdietitian #brisbanedietitian
04.01.2022 Many Australians will live with type 2 diabetes for up to seven years before being diagnosed. More than 500,000 Australians are living with silent, undiagnosed type 2 diabetes. If not diagnosed in time, it can cause blindness, kidney damage, amputation and heart attack. Although you can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, your risk increases if you are over 40, especially if you are overweight or have a family history of type 2 diabetes.... Its about time you took the time to get checked. A type 2 diabetes risk check only takes a minute. The earlier people are diagnosed, the more time they have to live well and reduce their risk of complications. Use the link below to check your risk today. #type2diabetes #diabetesdietitian #NDW2019 #itsabouttime
03.01.2022 A couple of swaps to easily reduce the carbs in your day.
03.01.2022 Its #DietitiansDay! Sending a big shout out to all my dietitian friends and colleagues who continually make me proud, proving that #DietitiansMakeaDifference. Happy Dietitans Day!
01.01.2022 Tim Crowe has summarised the latest research on coffee and the news is good! The health benefits of moderate coffee consumption clearly outweighed the risk for most of the health outcomes looked at including lowering risk of developing diabetes, some cancers, Parkinsons disease and increasing your longevity. A definition of moderate was considered 3 to 4 cups a day thats a definition of moderate that agrees with me a lot! So stop stressing about your coffee habit - just remember to stick to small sizes (or black) and skip the sugar!
01.01.2022 Physical and mental health are interconnected, so nutrition should always be a part of the discussion when mental health symptoms are raised as a concern. Unfortunately, this rarely happens. Optimal mental health requires adequate availability and absorption of vitamins, minerals and amino and fatty acids as essential building blocks for our brain cells and neurotransmitters. When our nutritional biochemistry is imbalanced, our mental health can be affected. Research has fou...nd certain deficiencies can contribute to anxiety and depression, as well as exacerbate symptoms in people with specific mental health disorders, such as obsessive compulsive disorder and bipolar disorder. A deficiency can also just slightly impact your emotional well-being. Most commonly, nutrition-related issues are experienced as symptoms like reduced ability to manage stress, increased anxiety, lower mood, and poorer concentration. The main nutrients of interest are Vitamin D, B12, B6, Magnesium, Zinc, Omega 3 and Iron. For most people, a healthy diet is enough to meet their requirements, however for others a vitamin supplement might be required. If you have concerns, its worth discussing with your doctor and getting some blood work done.
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