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Rick J Petersen in Caloundra, Queensland | Tour guide

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Rick J Petersen

Locality: Caloundra, Queensland

Phone: +61 433 725 000

Address: PO box 1384 4551 Caloundra, QLD, Australia


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to load big map

25.01.2022 I opened up one of my boxes in the back shed, after returning to the Sunshine Coast after several years away in Central Australia, and as I emptied the contents of the box of some of the tools of my trade, it had a realness to it, these tools are like an extension off me, and my capabilities in this uncertain time! Right now in Australia, the fog of COVID appears to be lifting! Its time to take a deep breath and consolidate your thought? so to speak and reflect on what we ...have just been through, how little notice the world had, how quick things can change! It is imperative that we do not blunder on thumb in bum mind in neutral without taking the time to review our areas of strength and weakness, noting the areas where you felt strong, confident, and capable that sense of knowing you were in control. then take another deep breath and ask your self the more difficult question, where did/do I feel vulnerable, where you lacked or are lacking confidence or felt out of your depth, the reality is everyone will have both strengths and weaknesses that need to be reviewed including my self, however if we view this much like the spokes in the wheel on a push bike, the bike its self, may be strong and dependable expensive even, but if the skills of mainteance are not addressed, it will always be the weakest link in the chain, the loose spokes that will be our undoing, relating that back to you and your family if The thought of what would we have done if the situation got worse! Going to the supermarket was not an option, the water from your tap contaminated Or you are caught remote and need to construct a shelter, find water, light a fire with the most basic of material 2 sticks? How would your confidence grow with the sense of knowing Ive got this, my family is safe, in these uncertain times! Happy to chat or assist in developing your skills to give you that belief! Take care stay safe! All men choose the path they walk See more

25.01.2022 I can not get my head around this constant struggle for a culture as old and diverse as here in Australia, to have to fight tooth and nail in order to protect their ancestral land, all those decision makers should have their names carved in stone so their off spring can look back at them with disgust at their family name!

21.01.2022 A new logo, and a new website? What’s going on? Feel free to talk a look! When it comes to Survival and life in general It’s all about your priorities

21.01.2022 Get away from the TV and come and join us on the "Night Navigation by the Stars" Click on the link below to find out more.

20.01.2022 Returning a young Bluey to the bush

20.01.2022 Always a proud moment to share an early Dawn Service on Anzac Day with my Family 25-4-2017 "lest we forget"

20.01.2022 Skilling up for a maritime role, towards the end of October to the end of November, from the land of Pyramids back to Australia.

19.01.2022 I really appreciated spending time meeting up with with some incredibly inspiring First Nations people this is Jandamarra Cadd, we met briefly prior to CV, at an exhibition, I was happy to see him again, his work is incredible and his vision for reconciliation and the future of our youth so strong, he has such a sense calm yet he has holds a real presence sharing some of his personal stories of needless loss with me that are personal to his journey, this pain has no doubt moulded Jandamarra into the man he is today, great to be in his presence! Thanks for you time Jandamarra stay strong and shine your light brother

18.01.2022 Well it has been a while since I stood amongst the majestic mountains of the Glasshouse with my 2 Sons Arnhem and Tasman, My wife and I left our sons to fend for themselves while we headed to Central Australia, Yulara to be precise, living and working on Anangu Land, truly blessed to have spent 2 1/2 years conducting tours around Uluru and Katatjuta and getting to share time on country with Anangu. A privilege to learn and share their incredible ancestral lore stories ( and has been passed down for thousands of years through Song , Dance, Art and Story! My heart is also saddened that Anangu along with other communities throughout Australia face a very real threat of the Covid19 virus getting into their communities, many of the elders that hold the lore and important knowledge are vulnerable a long way from hospitals and advanced medical assistance if needed. Wishing all a safe journey into to the future, looking forward to getting back onto the bush on Country and sharing with you knowledge of the local Gabbi Gabbi, through walks and Survival/Bushcraft skills for fathers and Sons. Thanks to those that have followed my Journey and thanks to Anangu people for time on their country! See more

17.01.2022 A re-release of my ebook Actions On now going public, thanks to all who took the time to send honest feedback and questions. I have tweaked it a little thrown my thoughts down on the End game and What now Download your free copy of Actions On 1.1

17.01.2022 Neryl still likes going bush and camping under the stars, after all these years, No complaints about having her salmon cooked over the open flames, some lightly tossed seasonal veggies with a hint of Moroccan, served in the dark on a bed of Cuscus, Not one complaint! ( you notice I said "One" Thanks for a great evening out bush xxx

16.01.2022 Bushcraft and survival toys

16.01.2022 A huge thank you to the Sunshine Coast Council Libraries, Maroochydore, Caloundra, Kawana, Mount Coolum and Beerwah Libraries. The rooms were full, the interest has been amazing. Thank you to all that attended, the parents that brought their children. Love having the children there, they always have great questions and interact with no hesitation. Also the information on "Survival in a Hostile Environment" & what to have in your survival kit and all the topics that we cover...ed in the talks, has been sent out to all that left their email address. If you haven't received this email that is jammed packed with survival tips please PM me and we will get it to you or leave your details in the comments below. Cheers Rick

15.01.2022 I feel privileged to have been asked if I would share some of my lifes journey with Jason Bluett @primalmanproject. We will be talking about childhood experiences, life in the military, survival, meaningful relationships and raising good men in todays society. Drop in for a listen

15.01.2022 The funny thing about people’s fear, is that it is so easily overcome when knowledge fills in the gaps where fear once occupied! Knowledge dispels fear I guess. F.E.A.R ...False Evidence Appearing Real

14.01.2022 Never get sick of gazing over the majestic mountains of Glass a house mountains, Gubbi Gubbi country

13.01.2022 Morning walks are a great time to spot our Central desert reptiles, this Netted Dragon (Ctenophorus nuchalis) taking advantage of a small termite mounds for its warmth as well as a observation post, they scan the surrounding sand, hoping for an unsuspecting insect to scurry by, and they will convert it into a morning snack! These Little posers are very photogenic if you move nice and slow!

12.01.2022 "The Tourist" (central Desert) Playing around with poetry here in Yulara, enjoying my time here learning from the lots from the locals! Enjoy! Leave a comment if you wish!

12.01.2022 Thought I would send through a clip from my new abode in Central Australia, returning to Yulara from Kings Canyon and came across this Woma ( Aspidities ramsayi) warming itself on the bitumen Road, not the safest of locations so a relocation into the near by spinifex will extend the life span of this beautiful reptile. The Woma has a deep cultural significance to the Anungu people out here, as one of the ancestral strories of Kuniya and the moral story of the right to protect your children and relevance of traditional punishment, if you would like to know more, plan a road trip, or fly out and experience this incredible piece of Australia.

11.01.2022 On location of our up and coming survival camps,

10.01.2022 While Rick is away on a private superyacht so much behind the scenes are happening, woohoo. We are excited to share the new website. If you have been thinking about going bush with Rick, go on over and send an email to get on the waiting list. Dates will be released very soon once Rick is back on land and to stay in touch with so much more unfolding before the end of the year. Southern Exposure Survival - Bringing to the modern-day, some of the lost skills of Bushcraft knowl...edge that our forefathers knew. Incorporating a common-sense approach to finding our way in a bushland setting. It’s all about your priorities Men of Change - We Build stronger relationships between Fathers and Sons, through the spirit of adventure and the willingness to participate in life, built on mutual respect, empathy and Honesty. All men choose the path they walk. JV with RJ - If what you do could be enhanced by utilising the skills, knowledge and assets of Rick J Petersen in a Joint Venture. Then let’s talk. A huge thank you to Karla from LimX Social and Amy from Mountain Marketing an absolute pleasure to work with teams that share your vision delivering above and beyond what was we asked for, for that we are truly grateful.

10.01.2022 An Awesome weekend spent working with 6 intrepid teenagers testing their physical and mental integrity to both themselves and those around them! as we put them through their Rite of Passage a character building weekend, to say the least, an absolute pleasure working alongside Authentic STEPS with John Rutter and Nathan McKenzie, well done gentleman!

10.01.2022 Feel very privileged to be taking a handful of fathers and there sons into the Bush, skilling up on all the survival basics, finding water, making it drinkable, making and improvised shelter, several ways of lighting fire, from primitive hand drill method through to chemical reaction , as we learn from the country around us how to find food, how to communicate a message of distress if required! Knots and lashings, knives, sharpening improved navigation by day and night using ...celestial bodies. An excellent time for fathers to really connect and interact with their Sons share skills and knowledge with other like minded fathers, hey we can do with more of them. We are setting up an intergenerational legacy Father and Son Survival / Bushcraft weekend January 8-10 4 places left Blokes Back to Basics January 15-17 Sold out! Father and Son Survival / Bush craft weekend 22-24 January (positions available!) Any questions ? Feel free to contact me! Send me a message if you feel it’s the right event for you,

09.01.2022 We were blessed with bazaar sunset last night as a storm cell moved in from the distant West, The Radiating Rays that you see Traversing the sky, actually radiate from the East as opposed the the West in a lighting phenomenon known as Anticrepuscular Rays! We often see them in the Central desert but rarely do we see them span the full sky! Whilst they appear to converge at the anti solar point on the eastern horizon, they do not, as the rays are effectively parallel vanishing into an infinite point in the distance to the viewer

09.01.2022 Looking forward to working in with Wildlings Forest School, for a series of 5 nature based Survival/ Bushcraft workshops over January and February

09.01.2022 There may be many here in Australia that feel we overreacted in how seriously we have taken COVID-19 as the figures show we have had a very low Death rate! (Firstly those individuals were fellow Australians that are sadly missed by family member and thoughts and prayers go out to all who shared that loss) However low the numbers are, or what mistakes have to lead to the unfortunate loss of life, as a country the fatalities are low, government measures were put in place to... enforce social distancing and Lockdowns! thanks to the cooperation of most Australians! lets not be complacent. we are moving into the end game, similar to a game of chess, all can be won or lost depending on what moves we make from here, this virus has the potential to come back and sweep through our country as it has in Europe and the states if we get complacent! Our Country and the world need a unified gradual exit! When the time is right. Being in lockdown in Australia is not hard, we have it easy! We can leave to get food, exercise, and visit partners travel to work ( if deemed essential) as well as receiving government assistance. It is a time where we can really connect with family and have some great conversations at depth, as well as connecting through games and family meals. Hold the course, dont come out of lockdown early or risk being the country that made a devastating mistake! We are smarter than that!

08.01.2022 A Tip for The tourists!

08.01.2022 Over at TikTok headquarters with the Bush Tokers I have been sharing a tune or two :)

07.01.2022 Father and Son/s Bushcraft/ Survival weekend! If you would like to spend some quality time out Bush with your teenager/s this might be for you


06.01.2022 Thinking it is time to get away from the city and getting out bush? When was the last time you done something like this? Come and join me as we lay down some survival principles pick up a few primitive skills that will assist you in years to come Guaranteed! Click on the link below.

02.01.2022 Had a great conversation with Jason Bluett from The Primal Man Project, really enjoyed where our journey traveled.

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