Men Living Well in Coffs Harbour, New South Wales | Vitamins/supplements
Men Living Well
Locality: Coffs Harbour, New South Wales
Phone: +61 414 448 138
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25.01.2022 Checking out the Coffs city centre markets today. Had a few fun hours this morning hearing some interesting and inspiring things from mentors for men group. It’...s great to hear men sharing some laughs, inspiring moments, feelings and some cool poetry. When you share wisdom and mindfulness connections happen. #menlivingwell See more
24.01.2022 The four core principals to living well are. Manager your body Manage your mind manage your environment... Manage your energy. Your eating plan must involve. Have nutrient-dense foods. Good quality nutrients are vital to good health Quality protein intake each day. Proteins are made up of chemical 'building blocks' called amino acids. They help build and repair the body Intermittent Fasting. Research has shown if done correctly and with the right system can be very beneficial, particularly in reducing fat stores. Adaptogens have been used for thousands of years and science is now discovering the benefits of having these in your daily nutrition. They help manage stress and anxiety on the body and mind if sourced correctly. Convenient and easy to manage. If you plan to start to change your eating to take in the four points above, it must be easy to manage and get organised, or you won’t keep it up.
24.01.2022 During my harbour swim this morning I had a very surprising and amazing encounter with a dolphin friend. He or she was happy to come up to me, we made eye conta...ct and we went our own way. Thanks to Rob, a random person standing on the jetty who caught it and shared it with me. #menlivingwell See more
23.01.2022 This is what I like for breakfast and why you should start every day with a nutritious, high-protein meal. I go for a plant protein-dense shake that offers everything my body needs and easy to make each day. 30 seconds to create this powerpack smoothie. I love to be powered by plants so this is what is packed into the plant-based shake. 21 vitamins and minerals sourced from non-GMO, organic whole vegetables. 24 grams of high-quality plant-based protein... Its nutrient-dense and helps clean the body whilst it is simple and convenient.#menlivingwell
22.01.2022 When we stretch ourselves and get comfortable with being uncomfortable we are now in an area of life where we are going to learn something new about ourselves. This can be challenging, it can also be a time to celebrate, this is where the real experience of life begins. We are now outside of our normal programming and are conscious and aware of what is happening in the present moment. One thing I like to do each day is to stretch myself with daily ice baths. The ice bath is ...a great teacher to push you outside of your comfort zone mentally and physically. #menlivingwell Check out my site for resources for nutritional wellbeing.
21.01.2022 We may sometimes think we don't have a choice, however, the choice is first created when we decide we are worthy of change. When you decide that you are important enough you will make the choice and change will now automatically start to manifest in ways you could never imagine. What are you going to choose today? ... Learn, share, connect and check out our Facebook group Click the link below to join our Men Living Well Group where you can post, comment, and get access to weekly live training and great educational tools that will assist you with your overall wellbeing. Click the link here.
21.01.2022 We have been asking men, what does living well means to them. #menlivingwell #menhealth #livingyourlife
20.01.2022 For me to help keep my fitness, energy, and muscle strength for a guy in his 50's a couple of things I would recommend. You must have this in your eating routine or diet to assist your body to grow, repair, and continue to perform for you. Five things as part of the fuel system and cleaning system for your body.... 1. Have nutrient-dense foods. Good quality nutrients are vital to good health 2. Quality protein intake each day. Proteins are made up of chemical 'building blocks' called amino acids. They help build and repair the body 3. Intermittent Fasting. Research has shown if done correctly and with the right system can be very beneficial, particularly in reducing fat stores. 4. Adaptogens have been used for thousands of years and science is now discovering the benefits of having these in your daily nutrition. They help manage stress and anxiety on the body and mind if sourced correctly. 5. Convenient and easy to manage. If you plan to start to change your eating to take in the four points above it must be easy to manage or won’t keep it up. I have been eating this way now for 5 years I now have more strength, energy, better sleep, and manage weight easily. I continue to study, learn, and do what I learn to experience the changes I make so I can assist men from a place of experience-based knowledge and being an example of what I teach. ‘Knowing is not enough; We must apply. Willing is not enough; We must do.’ Bruce Lee
20.01.2022 I have spent a good portion of my life as a dedicated student to learning about personal development and change management. One thing I have discovered is to really understand and know you have to experience. I spent countless hours studying the human body and mind and have traveled all over the globe learning from some of the worlds leading thought leaders and experts in their fields. One thing I know for sure is that you can learn and study but it's not until you have the courage to step forward into the experience that you truly discover the real growth and understanding.
20.01.2022 A cool quote and image. Something to think about. #menlivingwell
19.01.2022 Got some waves today. Only small but you can’t beat the amazing scenery. A collection of today’s activities so far. #adrummersjourney #southernadventure
18.01.2022 Intention is a powerful force once you start to understand how it works. It is a word used quite a lot today however it is much deeper than most of us realise. We all have goals and dreams whether we know it or not, we all have some desire to be more in the future however are we connecting to the juice of intention to make these dreams become a reality? Intentions start with a clear vision and image of what you would like to create and who you would like to be. The clearer the image the better it is and the more chance for you to draw it to you. A dream is like a motion picture, it starts to take on form, time, and space and starts to become a living breathing reality. It starts to pull you towards those images and visions. The intention is the driving force behind goals.
18.01.2022 We only have one body, but are we treating it well? We often treat it as though it will keep going until it doesn't. Here are some interesting stats to think about if you think, I'm OK, I won't get sick.... 12. 9 million males in Australia 2020. 3 in 4 Australian men are overweight. 4 out of 5 people who die from heart disease before age 65 are men. Where are you standing when it comes to your health? Reach out and PM me and ask, how we can assist with making sure you step away from the edge and start to live a healthier life. #menlivingwell Check out my site for resources for nutritional wellbeing.
18.01.2022 Here is a question. What does living well mean to you? Love to hear your comments.... Click the link below to join our Men Living Well Group where you can post, comment and get access to weekly live training and great educational tools that will assist you with your overall wellbeing. Click the link here.
17.01.2022 Goal stacking can be a useful tool when you want to make changes in any area of your life. For example, you may want to eat better. A few questions to ask yourself before you start. 1. Why do you want to eat better?... 2. What is your goal behind eating better? 3. What is stopping you from getting started? 4. What is your plan to make this happen? You may find now you have more than one goal you are trying to achieve and thus the art of goal stacking is in play. You may want to eat better because you want to look and feel better. The reason behind this maybe you want to find a partner. And why do you want a partner, maybe because you want to not feel lonely anymore and share your life with someone close? Can you see how you have four goals? 1. Eat better. 2. Look and feel better. 3. Attract a partner. 4. End loneliness and share your life with someone special. I bet you will have more power and focus on the initial goal of eating better just because you have uncovered the real driving force behind your goal. Now you have stacked your goals and added motivation and more clarity to your... WHY - you want it. OUTCOME - the goal. OVERCOMING THE OBSTACLES - why you couldn't get started. START TO CREATE A PLAN - a more detailed plan, more clarity. #menlivingwell Check out my site for resources for nutritional wellbeing.
17.01.2022 Day four of our Southern adventure. Swim, paddle, practice, appreciate. #adrummersjourney #letsgojourney
17.01.2022 One thing I have discovered over the many years of learning and doing the work to create change, it isn't easy, it isn't always fun and it takes courage. The pay off is you get to live life how you choose on all levels and this to me is freedom. Reach out and find out how we may be able to assist you. PM me for a quick chat. #menlivingwell
14.01.2022 Are you tired of feeling tired? No energy, no motivation, just doing the grind. We are running a program called "Men Living Well" this month for 5 men who want more energy and to find enthusiasm for life again. This is only open to 5 guys each month who are really serious about making some changes.... You will get Weekly one on one coaching through the program Access to proven and scientifically backed education and information One month of nutrition to eat for the month and a plan to follow Weekly group call, men helping men Kept accountable to help you get the result you want. PLUS access to my E-book - Men Living Well, "For Men Looking for Answers". One cost for the month covers all of this and more. To see if you qualify or want more information, text, or send me a message to organise an appointment time via phone or zoom. Text 0414 448 138 The program starts on the 21st of the month and runs for one month. Location can be anywhere, everything can be done online Thanks Terry Helping men live well. #menlivingwell
13.01.2022 I love my smoothie every morning, this is a great form of protein. If you are wanting to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight protein pacing is something worth learning more about. Once you reach your weight loss goals, keep protein pacing part of your plan for long-term, sustainable weight maintenance. Simply put, protein pacing calls for consuming 20- to 40-grams of protein spread evenly across four to six meals per day. Consuming protein throughout the day in an amount that your body can use efficiently helps to stimulate muscle protein synthesis, stimulate your metabolism, and most importantly, keep you satisfied to help manage appetite.#menlivingwell
12.01.2022 B12 is an important vitamin to maintain health. Growing research points to B12 supplementation as key to maintaining the health of our brains and nervous systems (2), our hearts, and even our telomeres (those markers of biological age). B12 is also known as cobalt. Due to declining soil quality from intensive over-farming making the soil deficient in cobalt, and because our vegetables are super-washed (because we would rather not eat soil/manure) people don't enough B12 witho...ut supplementation and fortification. Symptoms of a B12 deficiency are: weakness, tiredness, or lightheadedness; heart palpitations and shortness of breath; pale skin; a smooth tongue; constipation, diarrhea, a loss of appetite, or gas; nerve problems like numbness or tingling, muscle weakness, and problems walking; vision loss It's important to supplement your daily diet to make up for the lack of B12 you need for good health. #menlivingwell
11.01.2022 When you first change your body your mind will now start to engage in the change and now you have your whole self fully engaged in the change. We sometimes need external confirmation to allow us to make the internal changes.#menlivingwell
11.01.2022 The intention behind Men Living Well is to offer men resources and tools to assist in four key areas of your life. 4 Core Principles for Living Well 1. Manage Your Body 2. Manage Your Mindset 3. Manage Your Environment... 4. Manage Your Energy If you know someone looking for assistance in any of these areas, feel free to contact me, happy to have a conversation to see if our services are a fit for you. PM me or text me on 0414 448 138. Thanks, Terry. #menlivingwell
11.01.2022 When was the last time you trusted your feelings and made decisions based on feelings more than thought? We often disregard our feelings. We often know my heart or gut is saying to go one way but we tend to get all caught up in our thoughts and opinions of others and go against what we feel. Think about it for a minute. As babies and young children, everything we did was based on a feeling, thoughts didn't come into play until we were around 5 - 6 years of age and usually were influenced by our parents anyway, so they weren't even our thoughts. As humans our feelings are our true guidance system, this is our true north when we are wanting to make a decision. Why else would we come into the world purely designed to act from our feelings to survive as young humans? Feelings are the language of the body and thoughts and the language of the mind, how we think and feel make up our reality. Not how we think makes our reality, however, for many this is the case and we wonder why we get lost and confused. We have allowed the conditioning of society and all of our past experiences get in the way of our decision-making and not trusted going with our feelings. Here is a challenge for you this week. Just try it on for a week and when you make decisions ask yourself, how do I feel about this and wait for the answer. Trust me, this will scare the shit out of you. We are so conditioned to try and think through a problem or are wanting someone else's opinion we have forgotten to use our own innate inbuild guidance system which knows best. PS. The video is of our youngest son Will. He followed his feeling and became a ski instructor in Japan. Way to go champ. #menlvingwell
09.01.2022 Southern journey continues today. We are in some beautiful high country today. #adrummersjourney #southernadventures
08.01.2022 I’ve had conversations with people lately who say I wish I could do that or had the time to do this or could be or have that. Ultimately it comes down to making a decision and take the first step forward. Once you decide to make a change you will be guided in ways you can’t see at this point in time and that’s ok, that’s life. Wanting life to change but not being prepared to be a part of that change isn’t possible. Change can start with a new vision. #menlivingwell
08.01.2022 If you only had a day to live, would you do exactly what you are doing today? We often live so much for the future that we forget to live in the present moment. The present moment is the only time you exist and is the only place you can actually experience anything. The past is just a construct of past memories and the future is something we hope may happen. The present is the only time we can fully experience all that it is to be human.... How would you live life differently if you had limited time because we all have limited time? Start to create a life that is worth living in the present moment and make that moment something that you want to live over and over and over again. You are the creator of your own destiny and it can only be created in the present moment. What choices would you make today that would move you closer to living the life you want, not the life you think you should live? #menlivingwell
08.01.2022 Growth is a universal experience that nothing can avoid. We either grow or die. There is no in-between. We often want things to stay the same and in the past year, many would prefer to go back to what was, however that isn't possible. We create our inner and outer world and we determine the level of fulfillment we will feel from these creations. Every time we endeavour to create something, one thing for sure, we are trying to satisfy a need.... We have six primary needs we all want to meet in any situation or circumstance, and growth is one of these primary needs. The more you want to create a feeling of fulfillment in life it is important to make sure you are growing. You must have a level of feeling like you are growing to have a sense of balance and fulfillment. This is a universal law we can't escape. If there was one area you would like to grow more in your life what would it be, why do you want it, what is stopping you from achieving it, and what is your plan? #menlivingwell Check out my site for resources for nutritional wellbeing.
08.01.2022 Heading further south today. A few pics from this mornings swim location #adrummersjourney #southernadventure
08.01.2022 When you work on yourself with loved ones, this can be as challenging as facing anything you think you fear. When you question your own behaviours and beliefs, only growth can show up. This may take time but it’s the process of self discovery. Well worth it. A huge amount of trust and courage is required when you take the step forward on this path. #menlivingwell
07.01.2022 As I teach more people about mindfulness I thought today I would go and do what I teach. The reason we struggle with change or an area in our life where we may get what we want then unconsciously sabotage it is because we don't work on changing our identity or beliefs and values system to match the newfound progress and success. One way to do this is to get outside of your comfort zone so you expand your experience of being able to do and have more than you thought you could ...and learn to create new emotional pathways. My wife and I took on the Tree Tops Adventure Park today to stretch ourselves mentally and physically. The more you get comfortable with being uncomfortable you are now stepping into the unknown where all possibilities reside. When you can manage your mind and take your body physically into the unknown now you are mastering your emotions and anything is possible. #menlivingwell
05.01.2022 Thought I would share a before and after photo of me at the start of July this year and now. Simple, know what and how to eat, regular exercise routine, and a mindset willing to change. I dropped 6 kgs from July to August, 30 DAYS, then I set about building muscle, fitness, and overall health from the inside out. The biggest bonus for me has been so much more energy, sleeping like a bear in winter, and overall happiness. #menlivingwell #menover50, #menshealth #mensfitness
04.01.2022 This work can be challenging but very worthwhile.
03.01.2022 I am putting together a group of men who want more energy. Do you know anyone who may want this? PM me for a chat. #menlivingwell
02.01.2022 Lets go to San Remo Victoria. This is our room with a view for night in this cute little beachside community. #adrummersjourney #letsgomotorhomes #southernadventure
02.01.2022 Through my experience to have plenty of energy and maintain a healthy weight range its important to understand amino acids. Amino acids are known as the building blocks of life. These organic compounds combine to form proteins, which help to build muscles, provide structure and function for our organs and tissues, and make up our cells. One of the greatest things you can do for your muscles is to provide them with the amino acids necessary to optimize your performance goals. Through nutrition or supplementation, amino acids can have positive effects on your health and exercise performance. Quality food and supplementation of your diet are important to create amino acids and healthy muscle. #menlivingwell
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