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24.01.2022 To My Beautiful Wife Maree Happy Valentines Day Thank you so much for standing by me especially taking care of me during my battle to overcome cancer. You are an exceptional person with a great capacity to love. I know how tough its been and still is in the loss of Belinda your daughter. One day in heaven you will be reunited with her. I know how much you love your beautiful grandchildren and family. You are a jewel in the Lord's Crown. ... All my love and blessings xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
24.01.2022 Coronavirus May Shut Down Community Doors But it Will Not SHUT DOWN the Door of OUR FAITH _________________________________________________ Coronavirus according to the medical prognosticators have advised that public domains shut the doors and the community to practice self-distancing to slow down the spread of the coronavirus, but as Christians it cannot SHUT DOWN OUR FAITH. Yes, as Christians we must apply the recommendations of Government and demonstrate socially good...Continue reading
23.01.2022 China the Biggest Suppliers of Bibles to the World ____________________________________________________________________________ Listen to this beautiful music as you read this article As Tibetan monks grab headlines protesting the lack of religious freedom under Chinese rule, a booming Bible industry is on its way to turning the world’s biggest atheist nation into the world’s largest producer of the Good Book (The Bible). Officially an atheist n...Continue reading
22.01.2022 A Glimpse of Heaven __________________ Just over six months ago our daughter lost her battle with cancer and went home to be with the Lord Jesus Christ. It has been said why did God take such a precious life, an untimely death of a young woman in the prime of her life? Neither God nor cancer took Belinda’s life; then what did? On the eve of Belinda’s death, that is, just after she had died to look at her face was like looking into the face of an angel. The cancer and subseque...Continue reading
22.01.2022 Uncomfortable Revival ___________________________ The whole world is in lockdown because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Many Christians are saying this is the End Times and God is judging the world. But I do not believe from Scripture that God is judging the world. What is happening according to Bible Prophecy is that God is using Covid-19 to SHAKE the nations of this world right down to the individual. He established all the boundaries of every nation so that each nation would di...Continue reading
21.01.2022 Happy Mother’s Day To my beautiful wife Maree of 38 years of marriage. You are indeed an incredibly special person with a great capacity to love; especially for your daughter Belinda who went home to be with Jesus in September of 2019. As a mother your love for Belinda was limitless. You had a major input into shaping her life as a little girl and through her adolescent years and in readiness to become an adult, a wife and mother herself. You are to be appraised. Never, ever... doubt that you failed Belinda in any way you did not. As a wife to me you have been so faithful and caring; standing with me through the greatest challenge of my life sharing my cancer journey. I know you deeply love me as I deeply love and cherish you. I honour you Maree and Belinda on this special day called Mother’s Day.
21.01.2022 A Grief that Never Goes Away _________________________ Sitting watching TV this afternoon I turned to my wife (Maree) and she was sobbing, and the sobbing got deeper until it became a compounded deep groan. The tears flooded down her cheeks. I said to her is it Belinda and she said yes. Tears began to well up in my own eyes as I felt helpless to console her. There was no words I could say to console her as her pain was too deep for words. Romans 8:29 tells us that when we gri...Continue reading
19.01.2022 How Precious are Your Thoughts Towards Me? _________________________________________ Jeremiah 29:11 says For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord thoughts and plans for welfare (Shalom: health, prosperity, wellness) and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome. The Hebrew word for thoughts implies thoughts that are set in concrete Psalm 139:17-18 says How precious and weighty also Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is t...Continue reading
19.01.2022 Exotic End Time Diseases _______________________ There will be violent earthquakes, and in various places famines and [deadly and devastating] pestilences (plagues, epidemics); and there will be terrible sights and great signs from heaven. (Luke 21:11; Revelation 6:8 Amplified Bible)... Jesus said referring to the End Times that devastating plagues and epidemics as stated in Revelation 6:8 (see the 4 Horsemen would destroy a fourth part of the worlds population (The current world population is 7.8 billion as of February 2020 according to the most recent United Nations estimates elaborated by Worldometer. 25% of the worlds population will be destroyed that equals 1.95 billion people. The fourth horseman of the apocalypse is not a far-fetched fantasy but a sobering REALITY that will soon savage hundreds of millions of people. Just as I was typing this article a news flash popped up on my screen saying first man died of Coronavirus in Western Australia. Infectious viral diseases that have emerged over the last 30 years have been HIV/AIDES, SARS, MERS, EBOLA and Coronavirus So why is mankind plagued with these viruses; let alone all the other’s disasters that impact this world. But why does God need a judgment? Doesn’t He know everything? Hasn’t He known from the creation of the world who will be saved and who will be lost? These are reasonable questions. And the answer is that God Himself does not need a judgment in order to decide who is to be saved and who lost. So, what’s the purpose of the judgment? Read the following article Two excellent resources for current world news the first link is Christian and the second is secular: Prophecy News Watch! The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists
18.01.2022 Why Does the Stress of Disaster Bring People Together? ________________________________________________ Stress can make you more cranky, hot-headed or irritable? For men, we think of stress as generating testosterone-fuelled aggression thus instances of road rage, or the need to blow off steam after work with a trip to the gym or a bar. On the other hand, in circumstances of extreme stress such as during the pandemic coronavirus disaster we hear moving stories of people g...Continue reading
16.01.2022 The One Thing the Devil Does Not Want Us to Know ______________________________________________ And that is the Bride of Christ is a Warrior. 2nd Corinthians 3:18 tells us we are being transformed continually by the Lord’s Glory and we have this Glory in an earthen vessel 2nd Corinthians 4:6. The Church (the Bride of Christ) is destined to go from Glory to Glory as the Glorious Church (Ephesians 3:21). The Church will always be the manifestation of His Glory; until He be...Continue reading
15.01.2022 As the Eagle Soars Scripture typo errors; Hebrews chapter 4 not 5 and Psalm 40:2 not v.20 My apologies
13.01.2022 As the Eagle Soars _______________ The eagle is a majestic, awesome, powerful, revered and fearless kingly bird the rules the sky and by its very nature commands the respect of both man and animal. It can fly as high as ten thousand feet and spot a mouse in the field or a fish in the water from that height. It can spot another eagle soaring high in the sky 50 miles away. Because of their powerful eyes they can look directly into the sun from which they gain renewed strength a...Continue reading
12.01.2022 Walking in Divine Favour ____________________ Have you ever felt like a failure in life? Have you ever experienced insecurity about your abilities, your looks and felt unloved and worthless? "I'm not attractive." " "I'm not good enough!" "Nothing good ever happens to me." "I'm a failure." My mind is filled with worthless thoughts. I’m too old and have past my use-by date. Why would God love someone like me, after all the mistakes I’ve made? I have trouble loving myself...Continue reading
10.01.2022 China the Biggest Suppliers of Bibles to the World ____________________________________________________________________________ Listen to this beautiful music as you read this article As Tibetan monks grab headlines protesting the lack of religious freedom under Chinese rule, a booming Bible industry is on its way to turning the world’s biggest atheist nation into the world’s largest producer of the Good Book (The Bible). Officially an atheist n...Continue reading
09.01.2022 New Year’s Resolution for 2020 My greatest challenge for 2020 is to deal with FORGIVENESS. I’ve been a Christian for 39 years and still struggle with certain issues from my past and with issues throughout my Christian walk. But firstly, let us look at the origination of the New Year’s Resolution. The ancient Babylonians are said to have been the first people to make New Year’s resolutions, some 4,000 years ago. If the Babylonians kept to their word, their (pagan) gods would b...Continue reading
08.01.2022 Christians and Climate Change Note: It is important to read the embedded links as space doesn’t permit writing about these links. ________________________________________________ Do Christians have a responsibility to understand the issues about ‘Climate Change’; Global Warming? Afterall we were instructed by God to look after His Creation (Genesis 2:15). God gave human beings a special responsibility within creation to cultivate it, guard it and use it wisely. This is call...ed stewardship. Man must work within creation and to look after it. Humans are given everything for their needs, implying that they can use whatever they want from creation for their survival (Genesis 9:3). Science is the only way to understand what ‘Physical Laws’ God created in the beginning that cause the earth and the universe to function. Science It is not the enemy of faith. Science professor Marcelo Gleiser points out, "science does not kill God." Far from it. Environmental science; biodiversity, ecosystems and cosmological science (except Christians do not except the ‘Big Bang Theory’). The Creator God gave man the responsibility and jurisdiction over all His Creation and this includes outer space which is congested with Space Junk (disused satellites and other man-made debris in orbit around the earth). Australian scientists believe there are millions of artificial objects in orbit around the Earth, and that has huge implications for the safety of our satellites and spacecraft. The ozone layer sits in the stratosphere between 15 km and 30 km above the earth. It absorbs most of the sun's ultraviolet radiation (UV-B), limiting the amount of this radiation that reaches the surface of the Earth (being about 3%), Because this radiation causes skin cancer and cataracts, the ozone layer plays an important role in protecting human health. It also prevents radiation damage to plants, animals, and materials. One of the greatest man-made threats to the Ozone Layer is Chlorofluorocarbons see article about the Ozone Layer. A Christian Scientist speaks on Climate Change and Global Warming United Nations warns about Climate Change and Global Warming The Challenging Politics on Climate Change What's the Big Deal With a Few Degrees? Australian Government initiative Research Program on Climate Change and Politics Operation Noah: Research reference books on Climate Change written from a theological perspective Related Reading: Is Christianity to blame for the world’s ecological crisis and climate change? Uncle Ray Minniecon: Climate change is about global land rights Climate change - what the IPCC forecasts and how Christians respond
06.01.2022 Offences are Inevitable _____________________ Whether Christian (or non-Christian) we will all at times be offended and we will offend others. To offend means to cause to be upset or to hurt the feelings of someone, esp. by being rude or disrespectful, unkind, insulting, uncaring, critical, gossip etc. ...Continue reading
06.01.2022 Anzac Day ______________________________ Anzac Day is when we honour our Troops that fought against communist regimes to defeat and protect and prevent our nation of Australia from communist / Socialist Rule. An estimated total loss of military and civilian lives in the two major world wars (1 & 11) was 90 million lives. Does the Bible according to God’s Will permit war? Yes, it does! It is called the Just War Principle. To understand this principle go to: My wife’s father was gravely wounded in combat, the back of his legs was fused together from the fire generated by a land mine. He was sent home to New Zealand say that he would never walk again. My father in-law had grit and determination to walk again. He did overcome his injury and went back to war. The scars from his injury are clearly visible on both his legs. My own father spent nearly six years in the Medical Corps on the frontline and at one time he and his mate were captured by German Soldiers who spat in their faces. Mum was given the news that her husband was missing in duty. But dad and his mate escaped from the Geris. My grandfather on mum’s side was the youngest Captain in the British Army at age 19. He was a Light Horseman (Mounted Infantry) who fought in WW1. I was called up at nineteen for National Service and spent the first twelve months training for deployment overseas to South Vietnam. But in 1971 the Whitlam Government came into power and they immediately stopped all troops from going overseas. Recently a dear Christian friend passed away and went to be with Jesus. He was saved under my preaching many years prior. He was severely wounded in Vietnam having been shot and died three times on the operating table. There are so many other stories we could all tell that time and space do not permit in this post. An excellent video to watch put together by Currumbin RSL LEST WE FORGET
04.01.2022 Grief and the Silence of God ___________________________ In our pain, we cry out to God, but He seems silent, we say Why doesn’t He answer my prayers, why is He so silent, doesn’t he care that I’m hurting. He is supposed to be my Heavenly Father, yet I feel so rejected because He is so silent. Please God where are You I’m hurting so much and have no peace. I don’t understand. If one of my children was hurting, I would embrace and comfort them. But I don’t feel or sense your ...Continue reading
03.01.2022 The One Thing the Devil Does Not Want Us to Know ______________________________________________ And that is the Bride of Christ is a Warrior. 2nd Corinthians 3:18 tells us we are being transformed continually by the Lord’s Glory and we have this Glory in an earthen vessel 2nd Corinthians 4:6. The Church (the Bride of Christ) is destined to go from Glory to Glory as the Glorious Church (Ephesians 3:21). The Church will always be the manifestation of His Glory; until He be...Continue reading
03.01.2022 When Mother’s Day Hurts ______________________ How wonderful that many hugs and kisses and warm embraces from children to their mum’s flow on the special day we call ‘Mother’s Day’. But not all mums are getting flowers and cards and hugs and kisses. For some there awaits the dreaded expectation of emotional pain that this day will bring. For example, the grief a mother feels at the loss of a child and in the early days of grieving, experience excruciating pain, alternating numbness a dichotomy that may persist for months or longer. Many Mothers who have lost a child feel they only exist and every motion or need beyond that seems nearly impossible. Life without their child seems purposeless. When looking at photo albums and seeing a photo of their deceased child they want to step into that photo and relive the special moment travelling back in time using imagination of virtual reality. O’ to relive that precious moment. There are many mothers who are hurting and feel like failures. Their heads and hearts are spinning from the pain and confusion that the death of their child produces. It should not comfort us that other women suffer, but it does bring a measure of relief that we are not floating around on this enormous ocean of sadness by ourselves. We can lift each other up and offer support and love and acceptance. Emotional wounds are beyond sadness; they are felt in the depths of your inner being. When we think of the loss our stomachs become tied in knots and nausea makes you feel like vomiting. Give yourself permission to grieve. If well-meaning Christians push you to Get over it, ignore them. Only a person who has experienced the depth of grief that comes with the loss of a child will understand the excruciating emotional pain associated with the loss. To all mothers you are honoured, accepted, cherished, and loved. To those who have lost a child remember you will never stop being a mother as memories will live on in your heart. The day will come when we will be reunited with our loved ones in Heaven where there is no heartache and death (Revelation 21:4). Maree and I lost our daughter to cancer last September of 2019 and when I looked at Maree’s face Sunday morning of Mother’s Day, I could see the tears welling up in her eyes and the anguish of pain that was just beneath the surface. I knew her pain was so intense, and I felt so inadequate to know how to respond as anything I would say would just bounce off and fall to the ground. All I could do was to watch her emotional pain and just be there for her. The love Maree had for her daughter words are not enough to express the unconditional love that exists between a mother and a daughter. The following song is for all Mothers To my own mum who since departed this world many years ago I say God bless you mum, I on my way home from your loving son. God bless all the mums.
01.01.2022 Misfit: I Don’t Fit in or Belong _______________________ If you feel that you don’t fit into this world, and believe you are a misfit then you have been called to create a new world. As Christians we enter this new world through Jesus Christ. (A misfit is a person who is not easily accepted by other people, often because their behaviour is very different from that of everyone else). In Christ we exit the world of darkness (the devil’s domain) and are translated into the Kingd...Continue reading
22.12.2021 When Mother’s Day Hurts ______________________ How wonderful that many hugs and kisses and warm embraces from children to their mum’s flow on the special day we call ‘Mother’s Day’. But not all mums are getting flowers and cards and hugs and kisses. For some there awaits the dreaded expectation of emotional pain that this day will bring. For example, the grief a mother feels at the loss of a child and in the early days of grieving, experience excruciating pain, alternating numbness a dichotomy that may persist for months or longer. Many Mothers who have lost a child feel they only exist and every motion or need beyond that seems nearly impossible. Life without their child seems purposeless. When looking at photo albums and seeing a photo of their deceased child they want to step into that photo and relive the special moment travelling back in time using imagination of virtual reality. O’ to relive that precious moment. There are many mothers who are hurting and feel like failures. Their heads and hearts are spinning from the pain and confusion that the death of their child produces. It should not comfort us that other women suffer, but it does bring a measure of relief that we are not floating around on this enormous ocean of sadness by ourselves. We can lift each other up and offer support and love and acceptance. Emotional wounds are beyond sadness; they are felt in the depths of your inner being. When we think of the loss our stomachs become tied in knots and nausea makes you feel like vomiting. Give yourself permission to grieve. If well-meaning Christians push you to Get over it, ignore them. Only a person who has experienced the depth of grief that comes with the loss of a child will understand the excruciating emotional pain associated with the loss. To all mothers you are honoured, accepted, cherished, and loved. To those who have lost a child remember you will never stop being a mother as memories will live on in your heart. The day will come when we will be reunited with our loved ones in Heaven where there is no heartache and death (Revelation 21:4). Maree and I lost our daughter to cancer last September of 2019 and when I looked at Maree’s face Sunday morning of Mother’s Day, I could see the tears welling up in her eyes and the anguish of pain that was just beneath the surface. I knew her pain was so intense, and I felt so inadequate to know how to respond as anything I would say would just bounce off and fall to the ground. All I could do was to watch her emotional pain and just be there for her. The love Maree had for her daughter words are not enough to express the unconditional love that exists between a mother and a daughter. The following song is for all Mothers To my own mum who since departed this world many years ago I say God bless you mum, I on my way home from your loving son. God bless all the mums.
11.12.2021 Happy Mother’s Day To my beautiful wife Maree of 38 years of marriage. You are indeed an incredibly special person with a great capacity to love; especially for your daughter Belinda who went home to be with Jesus in September of 2019. As a mother your love for Belinda was limitless. You had a major input into shaping her life as a little girl and through her adolescent years and in readiness to become an adult, a wife and mother herself. You are to be appraised. Never, ever... doubt that you failed Belinda in any way you did not. As a wife to me you have been so faithful and caring; standing with me through the greatest challenge of my life sharing my cancer journey. I know you deeply love me as I deeply love and cherish you. I honour you Maree and Belinda on this special day called Mother’s Day.
06.12.2021 Uncomfortable Revival ___________________________ The whole world is in lockdown because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Many Christians are saying this is the End Times and God is judging the world. But I do not believe from Scripture that God is judging the world. What is happening according to Bible Prophecy is that God is using Covid-19 to SHAKE the nations of this world right down to the individual. He established all the boundaries of every nation so that each nation would di...Continue reading
19.11.2021 How Precious are Your Thoughts Towards Me? _________________________________________ Jeremiah 29:11 says For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord thoughts and plans for welfare (Shalom: health, prosperity, wellness) and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome. The Hebrew word for thoughts implies thoughts that are set in concrete Psalm 139:17-18 says How precious and weighty also Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is t...Continue reading
17.11.2021 Anzac Day ______________________________ Anzac Day is when we honour our Troops that fought against communist regimes to defeat and protect and prevent our nation of Australia from communist / Socialist Rule. An estimated total loss of military and civilian lives in the two major world wars (1 & 11) was 90 million lives. Does the Bible according to God’s Will permit war? Yes, it does! It is called the Just War Principle. To understand this principle go to: My wife’s father was gravely wounded in combat, the back of his legs was fused together from the fire generated by a land mine. He was sent home to New Zealand say that he would never walk again. My father in-law had grit and determination to walk again. He did overcome his injury and went back to war. The scars from his injury are clearly visible on both his legs. My own father spent nearly six years in the Medical Corps on the frontline and at one time he and his mate were captured by German Soldiers who spat in their faces. Mum was given the news that her husband was missing in duty. But dad and his mate escaped from the Geris. My grandfather on mum’s side was the youngest Captain in the British Army at age 19. He was a Light Horseman (Mounted Infantry) who fought in WW1. I was called up at nineteen for National Service and spent the first twelve months training for deployment overseas to South Vietnam. But in 1971 the Whitlam Government came into power and they immediately stopped all troops from going overseas. Recently a dear Christian friend passed away and went to be with Jesus. He was saved under my preaching many years prior. He was severely wounded in Vietnam having been shot and died three times on the operating table. There are so many other stories we could all tell that time and space do not permit in this post. An excellent video to watch put together by Currumbin RSL LEST WE FORGET
29.10.2021 A Glimpse of Heaven __________________ Just over six months ago our daughter lost her battle with cancer and went home to be with the Lord Jesus Christ. It has been said why did God take such a precious life, an untimely death of a young woman in the prime of her life? Neither God nor cancer took Belinda’s life; then what did? On the eve of Belinda’s death, that is, just after she had died to look at her face was like looking into the face of an angel. The cancer and subseque...Continue reading
22.10.2021 Why Does the Stress of Disaster Bring People Together? ________________________________________________ Stress can make you more cranky, hot-headed or irritable? For men, we think of stress as generating testosterone-fuelled aggression thus instances of road rage, or the need to blow off steam after work with a trip to the gym or a bar. On the other hand, in circumstances of extreme stress such as during the pandemic coronavirus disaster we hear moving stories of people g...Continue reading
15.10.2021 Coronavirus May Shut Down Community Doors But it Will Not SHUT DOWN the Door of OUR FAITH _________________________________________________ Coronavirus according to the medical prognosticators have advised that public domains shut the doors and the community to practice self-distancing to slow down the spread of the coronavirus, but as Christians it cannot SHUT DOWN OUR FAITH. Yes, as Christians we must apply the recommendations of Government and demonstrate socially good...Continue reading
13.10.2021 Walking in Divine Favour ____________________ Have you ever felt like a failure in life? Have you ever experienced insecurity about your abilities, your looks and felt unloved and worthless? "I'm not attractive." " "I'm not good enough!" "Nothing good ever happens to me." "I'm a failure." My mind is filled with worthless thoughts. I’m too old and have past my use-by date. Why would God love someone like me, after all the mistakes I’ve made? I have trouble loving myself...Continue reading
25.09.2021 As the Eagle Soars _______________ The eagle is a majestic, awesome, powerful, revered and fearless kingly bird the rules the sky and by its very nature commands the respect of both man and animal. It can fly as high as ten thousand feet and spot a mouse in the field or a fish in the water from that height. It can spot another eagle soaring high in the sky 50 miles away. Because of their powerful eyes they can look directly into the sun from which they gain renewed strength a...Continue reading
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