Menzies Health Institute Queensland in Gold Coast, Queensland | College & University
Menzies Health Institute Queensland
Locality: Gold Coast, Queensland
Phone: +61 7 5678 8808
Address: G40 Griffith Health Centre, Level 8.86, Griffith University Gold Coast campus QLD 4222, Australia Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 Watch MHIQ's Professor Nigel McMillan of Infectious Diseases & Immunology, join a panel of experts to discuss how society will cope post-pandemic? Hosted by well-known Australian journalist, Kerry O'Brien, this live session from HOTA will be live-streamed on TUESDAY 24 NOVEMBER, from 6.00 pm to 7.15 pm. ... For more information and to register to live-stream, click here:
25.01.2022 MHIQ's Senior Research Fellow, Dr Nicholas West and the #hayfever research team, have been featured in 7 News as the spring season sets in. Dr West's research studies probiotics as a way to reduce hayfever symptoms. Research participants interested in taking a part in the study can head here for more information: Griffith University Griffith Health 7NEWS Gold Coast
24.01.2022 Congratulations to MHIQ member in Alliance for Vascular Access (AVATAR) and Griffith Alumni, Dr. Nicole Marsh, for being awarded a Research Excellence Award by Metro-North Hospital and Health Service. Over the past 10 years, Dr. Marsh has made an extraordinary contribution to Nursing and Midwifery within MNHHS and has undertaken a prolific research career, attracting over $4 Million in research funding and accomplishing 67 peer-reviewed publications since 2012. Read more here:
24.01.2022 Continued celebrations on the prestigious recognition for MHIQ's Professor Julia Crilly, OAM, earlier this year during the Queen's Birthday 2020 Honours. Congratulations from everyone at MHIQ. Griffith University Griffith Health School of Nursing and Midwifery, Griffith University.
22.01.2022 MHIQ researchers use NHMRC-funded data to show endemic non-SARS-#coronavirus infections in Australian children are common, recurrent and frequently asymptomatic in the latest issue of American Academy of Pediatrics journal Access the paper here: #Pediatrics #COVID19
22.01.2022 Public Health Alert from Queensland Health, regarding the new Brisbane Youth Detention Centre clusters. Griffith University Griffith Health
21.01.2022 On behalf of MHIQ, we wish you and your families a safe and happy festive season. 2020 has been one of the most challenging years for us all, on a global scale. It is now time to reflect on personal priorities and spend quality time with those we love and cherish. See you in 2021!
21.01.2022 Congratulations to MHIQ's Professor David Lloyd, his entire team at the Griffith Centre for Biomedical & Rehabilitation Engineering (GCORE) and Associate Professor Lauren Ball of Patient-Centred Health Services for being awarded the 2020 Griffith Vice Chancellor's Research Excellence Awards. The GCORE team, led by Professor David Lloyd, were awarded the VC's Research Group / Team Award for their disruptive technologies to prevent and manage various musculoskeletal (ort...hopaedic), neurological, cardiac and vascular conditions in collaboration with industry partners and end-users. Associate Professor Lauren Ball received the Mid-Career Research Award for her excellence in research and ongoing professional commitment since completing her PhD six years ago. Read the full article here: Griffith University Griffith Health
20.01.2022 Congratulations to MHIQ's Director of Healthcare Practice & Survivorship, Professor Wendy Moyle who's work on #robotics for #dementia patient care, has been highlighted in New York's, Diversity in Action Magazine, September/October edition. Take a look at the article here: Griffith University Griffith Health
19.01.2022 Congratulations to MHIQ researchers Dr Michael Todorovic, Dr Matthew Barton, Associate Professor James St John, Associate Professor Jenny Eckberg and GRIDD's, Steven Bentley, for the publication of their paper, 'Designing accessible educational resources for people living with spinal cord injury' in the Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. Griffith University Griffith Health
18.01.2022 MHIQ are official sponsors of this year's Herston Health Precinct, commencing today, and we'll be exhibiting this Thursday 10 December, in the foyer of the Education Centre at the Royal Brisbane Women's Hospital. Joining us will be: - Clem Jones Centre - Griffith Centre for Biomedical and Rehabilitation Engineering (GCORE)... - Centre for Applied Health Economics (CAHE) - School of Nursing and Midwifery - Griffith Institute for Drug Discovery (GRIDD) - Griffith Randomisation Service (Clinical Trials) If you're attending in person, make sure to drop by and say hello. Otherwise, registration links for the online streaming of conference sessions and the full program can be found through this link:
18.01.2022 Congratulations to MHIQ's Dr Nic West from the Mucosal Immunology Research Group, who will be establishing a Centre of Excellence (CoE) in collaboration with Nonostrings Technologies, at Griffith University. The CoE in spatial biology is the first of its kind in Australia and will provide the Asia Pacific region with the latest in innovative immune profiling techniques. What is spatial biology? ... Watch here: Read the full article here:
18.01.2022 Help celebrate Disability Action Week, running from 13-19 September. This year's theme is Access-ability Making things better for everyone. Head to All Abilities Queensland website to find out how you can get involved: Griffith University Griffith Health
17.01.2022 ABC News has recognised MHIQ's Dr Dianne Shanley's significant contribution together with the research team at Yapatjarrathati Project. The article has highlighted the significance of their work with Indigenous Elders, in helping to diagnose Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) within Indigenous communities Read full article Griffith University Griffith Health ABC Gold Coast ABC Australia
15.01.2022 Do you have a disability or support someone who does? How has COVID-19 impacted on you, your health and wellbeing, your relationships, and your access to services? MHIQ researchers from The Hopkins Centre and Griffith University want to hear from you about your experiences with COVID-19, quarantine and isolation. Participants will be entered to win a $100 gift voucher Click here to take the survey: Griffith University Griffith Health
15.01.2022 Congratulations to MHIQ's NHMRC Early Career Research Fellow, Dr Daniel Harvie and his team, for winning the national iAwards Business Industry Solution of the Year, for the invention of their Imprint Tactile Acuity Device (iTAD). The iTAD is a wearable device with technology designed to create greater visibility when treating pain, by delivering vibro-tactile impulses through 12 nodes. Read the full article here:
15.01.2022 We congratulate Professor Suresh Mahalingam, leader of MHIQ's Emerging Viruses, Inflammation and Therapeutics (EVIT), whose work has led Griffith University to be recognised and named as a Global Virus Network Centre of Excellence just one of three in Australia! Read more about this prestigious recognition: Griffith University Griffith Health Global Virus Network
13.01.2022 We are excited to share the news that Dr Dinesh Palipana OAM of MHIQ's Griffith Centre for Biomedical & Rehabilitation Engineering (GCORE), has been nominated for Australian of the Year 2021! Dr Palipana has been an advocate for inclusivity in medicine and the workplace and is a founding member of Doctors with Disabilities Australia. He received a Medal of the Order of Australia in 2019, and Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service’s Junior Doctor of the Year in 2018.... He is a member of the scientific advisory committee of the Perry Cross Spinal Research Foundation and disability advisory council at Griffith University. He is also a member of the Ambassador Council at the Hopkins Centre and Ambassador for Physical Disability Australia. Congratulations Dr Palipana! Read more about Dr Palipana's nomination: ABC Gold Coast post:
13.01.2022 Congratulations to MHIQ member, Dr Camila Shirota for recently being awarded an Advance Queensland Fellowship for research that investigates how technologies can help the integration of rehabilitation services with remote and home healthcare. A postdoctoral research fellow with The Hopkins Centre, Dr Shirota is an expert in biomechanics, motor control of gait and adoption of technology into clinical practice. Read full article: Griffith University Griffith Health Advance Queensland
12.01.2022 Congratulations to MHIQ's Professor Sandi Hayes of Women's Wellness, Healthcare Practice and Survivorship, for receiving a Cancer Council Queensland (CCQ) grant worth $2M. The funding will support Professor Hayes' research to expand the evidence-based benefits of exercise therapy during recovery, following certain cancer treatments in particular for Ovarian Cancer, under the ECHO Trial project. Watch 9News Queensland report:
12.01.2022 On behalf of MHIQ, happy 5th birthday to Griffith's First People's Health Unit! This week marks the fifth year anniversary for the FPHU at Griffith, being one of the first to be created within a national university. FPHU's Director, Professor Roianne West, says they are committed to closing the gap in health outcomes by improving the cultural capability of Australia’s health workforce through quality education and training. Read more: Griffith University First Peoples Health Unit, Griffith University Griffith Health
11.01.2022 Sharing ACOLA's newly launched report on The Internet of Things (IoT) which discusses the key opportunities IoT offers Australia over the next decade! Important #opportunities for all industries, in particular, #health and #medicine. #Internet #technologynews #internetofthings #IoT
11.01.2022 MHIQ's expert of Infectious Diseases and Immunology, Professor Nigel McMillan, joined host Kerry O’Brien last week, for a panel discussion on the human side of the pandemic and how this collective experience might change society, at Griffith University and HOTA's final instalment of A Better Future For All, series. Click here to view the full recording:
11.01.2022 As sponsors of this year's AH-TRIP Showcase 2020, Menzies Health Institute Queensland (MHIQ) are thrilled to announce the AH-TRIP Overall Winner Award 2020 has been awarded to the research project titled, Improving the accuracy of texture modified diets and thickened fluids in dysphagia: evidence in action. This year’s winning project demonstrated how knowledge translation can be used to successfully understand and address important clinical problems. The project re...sulted in a 50% reduction in texture-modified diet and fluid-related errors across two hospital wards in Gold Coast Health and was led by Associate Director of Speech Pathology Marie Hopper, in collaboration with researchers and MHIQ members: Dr Rachel Wenke (presenter and Dr Shelley Roberts, along with Zane Hopper, Leisa Bromiley, Chelsea Whillans and Professor Andrea Marshall. See more
10.01.2022 Congratulations to MHIQ's Associate Professor David Trembath, for recently being awarded the Advance Queensland Fellowship for research that will help people on the autism spectrum and their families stay connected with essential services with the delivery of telehealth. Associate Professor Trembath says his team will work in partnership with Autism Queensland to guide the rapid delivery of telehealth for clients and their families in Queensland. Read the full article...: Griffith University Griffith Health Autism Queensland Advance Queensland See more
09.01.2022 MHIQ are seeking patients formally diagnosed with ME/CFS who are currently taking Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN). Are you 18 to 65 years old, non-smoking, no previous diagnosis of chronic illness other than ME/CFS and not taking other medication for depression, sleep, anxiety or an anti-inflammatory, zinc, magnesium nor calcium-based supplements? If you answered yes, then you may be eligible to help the National Centre for Neuroimmunology & Emerging Diseases (NCNED), with an ...important pharmacological intervention study! Participants are required to complete an online medical history questionnaire and donate up to 85ml of blood, and are free to withdraw at any time. The collection of blood can be done at designated collection centres around South East QLD or home visits if required. For their time, participants will receive a $5 Coles voucher and enter the draw to win a $50, $75 or $100 Coles voucher drawn half-yearly. If you are interested in participating, please email [email protected] or call (07) 56789283 for further information. Griffith University Griffith Health
09.01.2022 MHIQ's Professor Suresh Mahalingam and Dr Adam Taylor have published an article in The Conversation. In the article, Professor Mahalingam and Dr Taylor breakdown five key approaches being used across an estimated 180 vaccine developments in the world, as listed by WHO, and discuss the pros and cons of each technology. Read the article here: Griffith University Griffith Health The Conversation
09.01.2022 Watch MHIQ's Dr Dinesh Palipana, on tonight's ABC episode of Q&A. He joins an expert panel to discuss Victoria's 'State of Disaster' and the many concerning effects of a stage four lockdown upon Melbournians. Read more about tonights Q&A episode here: Griffith University Griffith Health ABC
08.01.2022 Are you female, aged 18 years or older and have had a diagnosis of breast cancer? Have you completed chemotherapy treatment within the past 3 months to 5 years? Have you (or have not) had, symptoms in your fingers/hand and toes/feet (like pain, numbness, tingling or burning sensations)? If you answered yes to these questions, you might be eligible to participate in an important study on understanding neuropathic pain following breast cancer treatment. For more information ...on to fill out an Expression of Interest survey, please click here: Griffith University Griffith Health
08.01.2022 MHIQ's leading Infectious Diseases and Immunology expert, Professor Nigel McMillan, provides us with insight on living with the COVID-19 virus, despite hopes of a vaccination. Read the full article:
07.01.2022 Dr Dinesh Palipana, from MHIQ's Griffith Centre for Biomedical and Rehabilitation Engineering (GCORE), has been named Queenslander of the Year in a lead up to the Australian of the Year Awards. Tremendous news and well deserved. On behalf of everyone at MHIQ, congratulations Dr Palipana! Winners will be announced on 25 January 2021. Read more here:
07.01.2022 MHIQ member, Dr Walkden, will be joining her first expert panel tomorrow for #NationalScienceWeek which will be live-streamed. Join her and other panel guests tomorrow, for a discussion around careers and the wide range of opportunities available to #science graduates both in and outside of the lab. "Beyond Beakers and Bunsens: The Diversity of Science and Environment Careers," Thursday 20 August at 4.00 pm - 4.45pm. Click here to register: Griffith University Griffith Health #WomenInSTEM
05.01.2022 Can you help with an MHIQ research project on the impacts of #COVID19 related social service closures on the lives of older people, people with #dementia and informal carers in Australia? To participate you are invited to complete an online questionnaire about your use of social support services, self-isolation and your well-being. Alternatively, a telephone conversation can be scheduled. We would love your support with this study. If you would like more information or wo...uld like to ask questions, please click here for more guidance: Griffith University Griffith Health #agedcare #research #researchparticipation
05.01.2022 Congratulations to Associate Professors James St John and Jenny Ekberg of MHIQ's Clem Jones Centre, Spinal Injury Project, for receiving $450K from the PerryX Foundation, enabling to start an Australian-first rehabilitation trial in Feb 2021! The Intensive Rehabilitation Trial is the next phase of the Spinal Injury Project, that as a whole, is one of the world’s best hopes of finding a cure for paralysis and focuses on delivering revolutionary nasal cell transplantation into the spinal cord injury site of victims. Read more here:
04.01.2022 HOW TO ASK R U OK? Simple steps that could change a life.... Today is R U OK Day. Head over to the RU OK website for ideas on how to get involved: Griffith University Griffith Health
03.01.2022 #SIPWeek is here everyone! Even Associate Professor Jenny Eckberg's gorgeous twins are doing their part for SIP Week this year! Please support this great cause that raises funds and awareness to cure paralysis. Get behind the Spinal Injury Project team at the Clem Jones Centre, here: ... #SIPhappens #curespinacordinjury #research
03.01.2022 The National Centre for Neuroimmunology and Emerging Diseases at MHIQ are inviting research participants for an immunological and clinical investigation in ME/CFS, in calcium receptors, calcium signalling and pharmaceutical intervention. Participants need to be QLD based (or within border bubble), between 18 to 65 years of age and formally diagnosed with ME/CFS. They must be non-smoking and have no previous diagnosis of other chronic illness, other than ME/CFS, and must not... be on medications for depression, sleep, anxiety, anti-inflammatory, nor on zinc, magnesium and calcium based supplements. If interested in participating, you can: - email [email protected] or call (07) 56789283. - or register to take the medical history questionnaire, here: Griffith University Griffith Health National Centre for Neuroimmunology and Emerging Diseases - NCNED
03.01.2022 Exciting news! Research Australia has extended the nominations due date for the upcoming Health and Medical Research Awards 2020, to Friday 21 August. There is still time to make your nomination! Click here for more information or to nominate: Griffith University Griffith Health
02.01.2022 Join the Spinal Injury Project research team at the Clem Jones Centre for an online tour. Gain incredible insight into the ground-breaking research into curing paralysis as part of The Spinal Injury Project (SIP) at the Menzies Health Institute Queensland (MHIQ) and the Griffith Institute for Drug Discovery (GRIDD) at Griffith University. THURSDAY 05 NOV, 4.00 pm It is hosted by Associate Professor James St John and Associate Professor Jenny Ekberg, along with SIP fou...nder, Perry Cross. You will meet the fantastic research team and learn how their incredible discoveries have the potential of becoming the world's first available treatment for spinal cord injury. A 30 minute Q&A session will follow the tour. For more information and to register:
01.01.2022 The Dr Matt and Dr Mike You Tube channel has tripled its viewer rates since the start of COVID-19, from April to November! Dr Matthew Barton and Dr Mike Todorovic's human biology videos translate complex concepts into easy and engaging explanations that are accessed by health students around the world. Since the start of COVID-19, the channel's videos have had an outstanding 47,000 views every 48 hours! Read the full article:
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