Meraki Moon in Kingsley, Western Australia | Local business
Meraki Moon
Locality: Kingsley, Western Australia
Phone: +61 439 354 869
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25.01.2022 Card Reveal : Monday 15th June Card 1 ; Transition Relax, you're growing. It is beautiful and unseen and often uncomfortable. Growth is rarely straight forward and often is disguised as chaos.Feelings of irritability,confusion and moodiness are most likely present You are probably feeling feeling "in a slump " depressed or continually tired and no energy.The universe is calling you to give yourself some self care and compassion during this time. Trust the internal guidance y...ou are given as it is the universe guiding you to the direction you have been requesting. Card 2; Initiation Initiation occurs when you commit to this adventure with an open heart and a spirit that creates. Initiation is a transformative period where you may be faced with both internal and external challenges calling you to rise higher.This is an opportunity to walk your path consciously. Embracing the deep recognition of your inner sight, intuition and vision. Which road will you chose? Card 3: The sixth chakra is the chakra of insight and awareness. The portal that allows you to directly converse with the universe,your higher self and soul. The third eye is the throne of intuition where we receive and project information and images to understand and communicate higher wisdom and insight.If your internal programs are negative we may select self destructive patterns or people to be with or surround ourselves with . If your internal programs are self loving then we are ready to chose a life enhancing future. Are you listening to the intuitive messages whispered in signs, symbols,feeling and hunches that are guiding you daily? Have a blessed day!
25.01.2022 Theres a waiting list please comment below if youd like to be on that
25.01.2022 TRUST If your aligned in your truth and souls purpose then you are supported
22.01.2022 Dear Moon Witches, This month the Full Moon in Sagittarius occurs on the 6th of June at 5.11am. There is also a LUNAR ECLIPSE so prepare to experience powerful Lunar eclipses heighten energy and you are likely to experience extreme feelings and responses to life. Eclipses shed light on our destiny and when it is a lunar eclipse we are encouraged to release outmoded ways. Have you ever notice the potent energy during an eclipse? This full moon be mindful not to react too quickly to problems that may arise. Breathe through strong feelings and allow time to calm before making decisions or taking action. Sagittarian energy is enthusiastic, outspoken and optimistic. However, this moon is squared with Neptune and Mars in Pisces, so prepare for challenges. Awareness of self and spiritual aspirations are the call of the Archer. Stay hopeful and know that your higher purpose is a mystery unfolding. Do you know what sign your moon is in? With Love Danae the Spellbox Witch Bewitchment Anoint 3 small red candles with juniper oil and ignite. Burn white sage.
22.01.2022 Hands up who is feeling these energies coming ? Meeeee This Winter is going to be BIG so much happening , hold on to your socks lots of time to shift old baggage and move through those blocks. Im certainly ready even if its going to be a battle ahead.
22.01.2022 Hi everyone , The winter solstice sister circle event is next Saturday afternoon , 22nd June. Have you booked your ticket yet !? Gillian Howarth is joining me and leading a winter inspired breathe, kundalini yoga and meditation sequence details in link below. I will lead a winter ritual and nature will provide the backdrop. If youd like to share this space with like minded women then this is for you. Pm for any questions Still a few places remaining would love to share this beautiful event with you all.
20.01.2022 Super Full Moon in Scorpio- Goodbye Is the Hardest Word to Say, Secrets Surface, The Intensity of Letting Go + True Colors Emerging Today, May 7th, the moon, wh...ich rules our: emotions, gut instincts and intuition, becomes full at 17 degrees of Scorpio. Full Moons are always a highly emotional time and represent: endings, completions and manifestations. Considering this is a Super Full Moon, and the last one of 2020, this full moon will be even more intense and full on. Scorpio, the 8th zodiac sign, deals with: power, shared resources, depth, secrets, transformation and the underworld. The Super full moon in Scorpio will bring up skeletons from the deepest and darkest parts of our soul. There is nothing light and airy about the sign of Scorpio. It is one of the reasons why the sign is so feared and at the same time, so admired. Hidden truths and hidden motives could make themselves painfully known with La Luna in the darkest sign of the zodiac. This Super Full Moon in Scorpio will ask you to dive deep and mourn a lost part of your life. Whether this be: a person, a job, or former way of life, there is an element of grieving that is coming up. No other sign can plunge to the depths of a matter and no other sign can release and transform themselves, like a Scorpio. We are all being called to let go and let god. This process can feel very emotional and dark. Perhaps we thought we could just go through the process of transformation unscathed? These illusions are just what this full moon will bring up. Acceptance and allowing will conjure true freedom from the chains of the past. The Super Full Moon in Scorpio, however, is making a beautiful, harmonious, trine (120 degree aspect) to Neptune in Pisces. Neptune deals with: spiritual pursuits, imagination, healing and transcendence. The Full Moon in Scorpio in harmony with Neptune in Pisces, will bring a healing balm of divine intervention. Spirit is close by with this aspect. As these traumas and secrets emerge, we will be able to deal with them and release them. This aspect between the Moon and Neptune will be a spiritual awakening and test of our faith and strength. Unusual and prolific encounters with the "other side" could happen at this time. We so desperately want to heal and transcend this pain and sorrow. The Super full moon in harmony with Neptune will allow for divine healing to emerge, perhaps from unlikely sources and places. We are being asked to trust ourselves and this process of transformation. It might not be easy but it will be life altering. Divine has the wheel; all we need to do is to surrender to the ride. The Super Full Moon in Scorpio is here to teach us how to be ok with a part of ourselves and our lives "dying". It isnt in fact "dying" but transforming into something that is more authentic and true in nature. If you understand the cycle of life, than this process will be a lot easier to deal with in the long run. If you resist these "deaths" then this process will be grueling and unkind. The choice is yours. This full moon in Scorpio will not mess around; it means business. The Super Full Moon in Scorpio is here to: have you face your darkness with love and compassion, reveal true intentions and motives, and spark the process of the phoenix rising up from the ashes; transformed and reborn! For this transit of the Super Full Moon in Scorpio, I am doing an extended sign horoscope on my Astromomma Patreon page: These horoscopes, which are channeled from spirit, give you: practical, tangible and enlightening advice on how best to navigate this transit according to your individual sign. Patreon, is a huge supporter of mine, and is a subscription based model of a $4 or $6 USD monthly contribution, that gives you access to all my special extended horoscopes and articles. In addition, you receive discounts on my astrology and tarot readings. Your support is always appreciated but even more so now with all that is going on. Thank you for your trust and love, be well my loves! Astromomma, 2020 Image: "The Night" by Sivan Karim
20.01.2022 I was Supported , I felt heard , I was welcomed , I felt safe , I was seen , I was free to express myself. These are the things all my sisters feel when they come into the sister circle space I create. Who doesnt want that ?
19.01.2022 Wow who felt those Full moon energies and Lunar eclipse yesterday and even up to a week before hand ? I certainly did. Lots of waves of emotions from anger to grief to freedom and expansion one day to the next was like a total wave of emotions and I was on a ride holding on for dear life ! For me the full moon In all her awe is a time to rest and to do ritual whatever that means for you , so in saying that ... what rituals if any do you do over that full moon perio...d ? Normally a time of energy and full emotions at the height of the Luna cycle however it is different for everyone as it depends on your own bleeds cycle ,also which moon it falls in ,what season , what astrological period and if a retrograde or a lunar eclipse or any type is also falling within this full moon etc What are you doing for yourself today tomorrow and through the full moon eclipse? It could be getting into nature, catching up with an old friend , reading a book whatever makes you feel good Ill be doing a ritual with journaling , meditation , cooking yummy dinner and a self abdominal massage for a little treat. Pop some of your self nourishing ideas below.... See more
18.01.2022 What is a Sister circle? What happens at a Sister Circle? I get asked this a lot so I thought Id write a few things to let people know more about them. Sometimes people are intrigued and like the sound of it but something ( themselves mainly ) gets in the way of coming or even not knowing what to expect can stop you , so I thought I would share some info here. Firstly Its a community of like minded women ( yes thats you !) that come together to share, to be heard and to... be held in scared space.These circles consist of women at all stages of life and are welcome to all. Women have done this for thousands of years all around the world but somehow that connection and sense of community has been lost in the midst of our busy lives.We are working towards change in yourself and the community to live in a more feminine flow and nurturing environment.The way Mother Earth intended. When women gather in circle, we transform ourselves and each other. When we transform ourselves when we wake up to our feminine power we bring a new consciousness to our families and our communities therefore helping to facilitate change in our societies as a whole.When we stop and take this sacred pause we can truly see what is holding us back from living our best lives and we can also see and FEEL we are not alone. WE HAVE OUR SISTERS. We will meditate ,do breath work , journal our insights and perform a basic ritual depending on what energies are to be utilised at the time. Sometimes movement , lots of sharing and time for reflection. We use essential oils to help aid our vibrations and pick oracle cards and use our intuition to Channel the messages we receive in this space. The answers are always there.sometimes we have to go within, and from that - share from that place where you are held in support and encouragement . Its truly a powerful space to be in. Every circle will be a little different depending on the energies of the moon and planetary / global shifts etc I feel into the energy of the participants and use my intuition to hold the space and nurture you to feel into your own innate wisdom. So our Sister Circles are here for just that . I SEE YOU I KNOW YOU I AM YOU I Hope to Share space with you soon if you are called. Any questions Let me know Blessings Kristy xx
18.01.2022 The energy is brewing and I am in creation with my divine guidance.I am attracting to me like minded women that wish to seek and live a more authentic life ,one that speaks their truth and does not conform to society. When we live from this heart space nothing can stop us. Will you be stepping into your power with me?
17.01.2022 Business name part 2 : The Moon : I just love working with the moon, everything about her ,I just find her so amazing and ever since I was a little girl when I used to look up at her in the night sky and talk to her about my dreams, my wishes and anything I felt called to chat to her about. It was like we were one and we had a connection. As I got older I forgot about her and felt lost until I met like minded women who also had the connection I knew I had. As i researched and... learnt more about the moons energies and natural rhythms of the menstrual cycles I have discovered so much more about how powerful the energies are at each different stage and how to work with my own cyclic nature for my highest intentions. I discovered that my own connection was written in the stars as My sun sign and rising sign are both in Cancer which of course is ruled by the MOON (of course i was aligned and destined to work with her) She is Devine Feminine in all her creations and power. My sister circles are connected to the New Moon and Full Moon cycles and I know that as women we FEEL her at different times and the the energy is very powerful if you know how to utilise it. Do you know which part of the moons cycle coincides with your own menstrual day 1 cycle? Comment Below Perhaps its something to look into....
17.01.2022 The winter solstice celebrates the longest darkest night which heralds the time for deep rest, renewal and self-reflection. The winter solstice is a time of quiet inward energy, you get the opportunity to pause ,to look within and re focus on what you want and need. Its a time to set goals and intentions for the rest of the year & to examine and let go of your past and what might be holding you back. The morning will consist of breathwork, mantra, meditation, Sacred Cacao,... Intention setting, Winter Equinox Ritual, oracle cards and Sisterhood as we connect into our Maiden, Mother, Crone archetypes in the cycles of Birth, Life, Death and Rebirth. We will open our hearts to the possibilities this sacred pause and restful practice will bring forth. I look forward to meeting you all and holding the space for you rediscover parts of yourself that you have forgotten.Come with an open mind and heart and if you havent experienced a sister circle it will be an extraordinary and beautiful space to be in. Limited spaces available Energy Exchange is $40 Unwaged exchange $20 (Not working due to covid 19) Tickets paid for via Direct debit once your place is confirmed I will send you my bank details. Blessings Kristy xxx See more
17.01.2022 ***PLEASE NOTE *** I have a waiting list for my winter solstice event If you would like to go on it please contact myself Kristy Borbas ( the admin and owner of Meraki Moon ) as I have seen 2 scammers today saying they have tickets to sell cheaply and they absolutely DO NOT I have never even heard of them. If you see anything which sounds suspicious or get contacted by someone other than myself to buy their tickets PLEASE let me know as I WILL NOT tolerate this behaviour. I h...ave blocked one lady called Simone and the other one was Chloe Dawson who has now conveniently deleted her message and has obviously blocked me while this was going on. My circles only attract amazing wonderful women there is a reason They are NOT coming! Thank You Kristy xx
16.01.2022 Last days to secure your space at this wonderful nurturing event this Saturday ! Please let me know if your wanting to attend xx would love to share this amazing day with you
16.01.2022 Energetic Update
15.01.2022 Chakra Immersion for the Soul - a 7 week course Have you heard about chakras and wondered what they do and where they are ? Do you feel like you would like to connect to your body ,mind and soul more? Have you wondered why you are attracted to different colours at different times?...Continue reading
14.01.2022 Card Reveal : Monday 15th June Card 1 ; Transition Relax, youre growing. It is beautiful and unseen and often uncomfortable. Growth is rarely straight forward and often is disguised as chaos.Feelings of irritability,confusion and moodiness are most likely present You are probably feeling feeling "in a slump " depressed or continually tired and no energy.The universe is calling you to give yourself some self care and compassion during this time. Trust the internal guidance y...ou are given as it is the universe guiding you to the direction you have been requesting. Card 2; Initiation Initiation occurs when you commit to this adventure with an open heart and a spirit that creates. Initiation is a transformative period where you may be faced with both internal and external challenges calling you to rise higher.This is an opportunity to walk your path consciously. Embracing the deep recognition of your inner sight, intuition and vision. Which road will you chose? Card 3: The sixth chakra is the chakra of insight and awareness. The portal that allows you to directly converse with the universe,your higher self and soul. The third eye is the throne of intuition where we receive and project information and images to understand and communicate higher wisdom and insight.If your internal programs are negative we may select self destructive patterns or people to be with or surround ourselves with . If your internal programs are self loving then we are ready to chose a life enhancing future. Are you listening to the intuitive messages whispered in signs, symbols,feeling and hunches that are guiding you daily? Have a blessed day!
13.01.2022 Great information here if your wanting to know more About the upcoming Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on June 5 th @ 3.34 am Perth time and the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer on June 21st which wont be visible from Australia. This day also coincides with the Winter Solstice in Australia.
12.01.2022 I had a lucky day Friday when my healer Tara from @balanceandrestore was giving away free readings and or distant healings! I had a beautiful distant reiki healing and the divine Tara sent me a personal message about what she intuitively felt and WOW it blew me away she was so spot on as she always is. She also did a card reading ( lucky me ) I am so Blessed she came to one of my circles a while back and since then shes my lifeline if ever I need that pick me up or my chakras are out of whack or Im feeling low. how blessed was I to get a FREE session so grateful tara you really are a healer on so many levels If you want to feel grounded balanced and abundant contact Tara!!! Xx
11.01.2022 Winter Solstice Sister Circle This time of the year is for going inward, reflecting and nourishing at the longest night of the year then resetting for the next 6 months as the sun comes in a little more each day. I led a wonderful amazing group of ladies yesterday afternoon , what a collective energy we made and it was warm ,nourishing ,heart opening and nurturing. Magick was made here and I thank you all for taking the time out to just be! special thanks to Gill from @l...ittleyogaschool for doing a kundalini practise with us and our special tools candles , oils and herbs from Rhi @thespiritualtoolbox. A gentle reminder of the how a group of women getting together in this space can have such an impact. Everyone said they left calm, nourished , relaxed and back to themselves. A little time out goes a long way Happy Solstice everyone See more
10.01.2022 Want to try Om ? Read below ... the lovely anita from spirited space message below
10.01.2022 Absolutely LOVE this one , always looking inwards always evolving is the key. People and issues that we have with them are the mirrors to ourselves we need to look at and hopefully try to move through and find a better way , a more authentic way forward.
09.01.2022 Love this explanation of this FULL super moon in Scorpio
09.01.2022 Just a quick post about the upcoming June energies and the Full moon Lunar eclipse we just had in Sagittarius. We have just had the FULL moon early this morning AWT and that was also a Lunar Eclipse where the earth comes between the sun and moon and blocks out the light. Think about what has been blocked for you that you are Not seeing?? Full moons bring an expansion and intensity its time to harvest ,we have the most energy at the full moon ( normally ) this does depend on... your own menstrual cycle and will change depending on this but ( that is another post!! :) ) The June 2020 full moon also heralds the start of eclipse season the first of three in the next six weeks and highlights our search for meaning and our desire to expand our inner and outer lives. The Sagittarius full moon illuminates our desire to journey to the unknown, to deepen our spiritual, psychological, and philosophical understanding. The freedom loving Sagittarius archetype is in a constant search for inspiration, new avenues of exploration, and adventure. The Sagittarius archetype teaches us to trust that things will work out and that there is always a higher purpose behind everything that happens in our lives. Spiritually, the Sagittarius sign teaches us to cultivate our own personal relationship with the divine. You have that connection available to you at all times , it is your intuition. Learning to tune in and trust that connection is where a lot of us seem to stumble, though. Taking time to stop , listen and trust is important this month. In my soul sessions we go into what You need to work on and move through in order to be the highest version of yourself. I can help show you how to ground, protect and make sure you are having some time to reconnect to yourself daily and getting in tune with your higher self and what you need to do to get more clarity on the things that are holding you back. Take this time to prioritise YOURSELF and do something that makes your happy and make sure you are grounded in that energy. And if you have not been outside and seen the moon then go outside tonight to see the full moon and feel her energy.......maybe ask her a question ? you never know what you will hear or feel....
09.01.2022 WOW only 3 spaces left !! If youd like a spot please contact me asap So blessed and humbled can not WAIT for this its gonna be something special
08.01.2022 Wow if your feeling a BIG shift here it is Scorpio Moon
07.01.2022 A beautiful post by the lovely Emma I loved sharing space with you both gorgeous women so restful
06.01.2022 A beautiful review about my sister circles. Lisa really had a great release and I saw the shift in her energy from the beginning of the circle to after the session. Thank you so much Lisa for sharing and being brave enough to let go in a safe space
05.01.2022 The Meaning behind my business name Part 1 : Meraki Is a Greek word that means the creativity, love and soul you put into something ( eg: my soul work ) The essence of me that comes through into my work is a BIG part of what I do and how I do it My Greek heritage is such a big party of my life too plus I just LOVE the word
05.01.2022 What is a Sister circle? What happens at a Sister Circle? I get asked this a lot so I thought I'd write a few things to let people know more about them. Sometimes people are intrigued and like the sound of it but something ( themselves mainly ) gets in the way of coming or even not knowing what to expect can stop you , so I thought I would share some info here. Firstly Its a community of like minded women ( yes that's you !) that come together to share, to be heard and to... be held in scared space.These circles consist of women at all stages of life and are welcome to all. Women have done this for thousands of years all around the world but somehow that connection and sense of community has been lost in the midst of our busy lives.We are working towards change in yourself and the community to live in a more feminine flow and nurturing environment.The way Mother Earth intended. When women gather in circle, we transform ourselves and each other. When we transform ourselves when we wake up to our feminine power we bring a new consciousness to our families and our communities therefore helping to facilitate change in our societies as a whole.When we stop and take this sacred pause we can truly see what is holding us back from living our best lives and we can also see and FEEL we are not alone. WE HAVE OUR SISTERS. We will meditate ,do breath work , journal our insights and perform a basic ritual depending on what energies are to be utilised at the time. Sometimes movement , lots of sharing and time for reflection. We use essential oils to help aid our vibrations and pick oracle cards and use our intuition to Channel the messages we receive in this space. The answers are always there.sometimes we have to go within, and from that - share from that place where you are held in support and encouragement . It's truly a powerful space to be in. Every circle will be a little different depending on the energies of the moon and planetary / global shifts etc I feel into the energy of the participants and use my intuition to hold the space and nurture you to feel into your own innate wisdom. So our Sister Circles are here for just that . I SEE YOU I KNOW YOU I AM YOU I Hope to Share space with you soon if you are called. Any questions Let me know Blessings Kristy xx
04.01.2022 Hi all , My friend has organised this online raffle to help the bushfires in Australia. The tickets are only $20 and there are many wonderful wellbeing prizes to be won from a whole heap of WA and overseas businesses . Ive donated a chakra balance session but theres many more so take a look ! Winners are drawn in Feb! Thank you so much for participating and please share share share! Any little bit helps.
03.01.2022 New product available dates from USA
02.01.2022 Beautiful post from a sister who attended and was raw and vulnerable I see you beautiful Melinda Lee xx
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