Fire and Rescue NSW Station 376 Merewether in Merewether | Emergency rescue service
Fire and Rescue NSW Station 376 Merewether
Locality: Merewether
Phone: +61 2 4963 4743
Address: 39 Llewellyn St 2291 Merewether, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 MEREWETHER BEACH PATROL #PreparedForAnything During a patrol of Merewether's beaches today, our firefighters quickly sprang into action to assist City of Newcastle Lifeguards with a patient who had sustained injuries in the water.... Proving the strength of the Merewether community, a local off-duty Paramedic also stepped in to help lifeguards assess and stabilise the patient. A crew from NSW Ambulance arrived on scene shortly afterwards and transported the injured patient to John Hunter Hospital. We're proud to be able to help our community whenever we can. #MoreThanFire #ProtectTheIrreplaceable This photo was taken while our firefighters responded to an incident. Our firefighters are committed to keeping you safe and follow strict social distancing when they are not responding to an incident.
24.01.2022 ADAMSTOWN GARAGE FIRE Quick actions by firefighters overnight prevented a fully involved garage fire from spreading to adjacent houses. Merewether firefighters were first on scene to find a garage and its contents completely engulfed in flames. The crew got to work attacking the fire with two hose lines.... Joined shortly by our colleagues from Newcastle Fire Station, it took ten firefighters almost an hour to bring the blaze under control. Fire and Rescue NSW
23.01.2022 GLENROCK RESCUE INCIDENT Just before 5pm this afternoon Merewether’ pumper was responded, alongside crews from Fire and Rescue NSW Station 357 Lambton (Rescue Pumper and Technical Rescue 357) to a report of an injured mountain bike rider on the ‘pump action trail’ in Glenrock State Recreation Area... The crews worked alongside NSW Ambulance crews to stabilise the 23yo male. Due to the difficult terrain the patient was stabilised on a spine board, placed in a stokes litter and transported via ‘the mule’ (single wheeled stretcher carrier) to a 4wd ambulance. Once the 4wd had reached ‘Gun Club Road’ the patient was transferred to a ‘road’ ambulance and was then transported to John Hunter Hospital. A crew member was then tasked to drive the 4wd Ambulance back to Hamilton Ambulance Station with P376 following behind (as all ambulance crew members assisted in taking the patient to hospital). This was another example of great teamwork and interagency cooperation. We wish the young gentleman a speedy recovery. NB: The photos were taken at a rescue incident. Our firefighters are committed to keeping the public safe and were all wearing nitrile gloves and suitable P2/surgical masks. We also follow strict social distancing while not attending incidents. Fire and Rescue NSW #MoreThanFire #ProtectTheIrreplaceable #preparedforanything
22.01.2022 Merewether Fire Station continues its proud tradition of participating on ANZAC Day with the Merewether-Hamilton-Adamstown RSL sub branch. The local brigade has participated in every ANZAC Day service since 1951*. This tradition stems from the long history of our members serving in the armed forces. From Private Robert Magnus Hunt, Lance Corporal Felix Kennerley, and Lieutenant Leslie James West (DCM) who fought in the trenches of France in World War I through to our newest ...recruit, Murray Richey who is on active deployment, patrolling Australia’s northern waters on this solemn day. On ANZAC Day, Merewether Fire Station pays tribute to all current and former members of the Australian Defence Force. To those that were lost in battle, in training, on operations, to the wounded, the injured and the ill. LEST WE FORGET. #lestweforget #ANZACday #ANZACspirit #morethanfire #protecttheirreplacable Fire and Rescue NSW City of Newcastle Merewether Hamilton Adamstown RSL Sub Branch RSL NSW Newcastle RSL Museum of Fire * excluding 2020 due to COVID restrictions.
22.01.2022 Injured Paraglider stretchered to safety. Earlier this afternoon Merewether Fire Station, along with A Platoon Fire and Rescue NSW Station 357 Lambton Rescue Pump And Technical Rescue Crews assisted NSW Ambulance and NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service with a crashed paraglider at the Hickson St, Merewether Heights, Hang glider take off site. A stokes litter was used to secure the patient on the sloping cliff edge and the 31 year old was slowly and safely retrieved using... a hand over hand method up the stairs to more stable ground(which requires a number of people). He was then placed and secured on our 'Mule' (All terrain wheeled stretcher) where he was then moved to an awaiting ambulance and transported to the John Hunter Hospital. Another incident showing great inter-agency work in Newcastle, and that team work is always needed in a winning formula. Words: 357 A platoon Fire and Rescue NSW #PreparedForAnything #MoreThanFire #ProtectTheIrreplacable #TeamWork #cliffrescue #preparedforanything #mulecangoanywhere #technicalrescue
20.01.2022 EAST COAST LOW WEATHER ALERT If you’re travelling on the roads the next few days make sure you take care as the roads will be very slippery and there are some areas that are prone to flooding, as always do not drive through them. There’s will be a Hazardous Surf Warning for the Hunter coast. Surf and swell conditions are expected to be hazardous for coastal activities such as rock fishing, boating, and swimming. ... Here’s the Weather Situation: A trough of low pressure off the coast is deepening into a low pressure system, with its main centre forming over the Tasman Sea and the secondary centre developing off the southern coast. The low pressure system is forecast to linger in the region through to the mid-week, bringing windy and wet weather as well as large waves to parts of the coast as the secondary centre heads north on Tuesday. Fire and Rescue NSW and the NSW SES (State Emergency Service) advises that people should: Move vehicles under cover or away from trees. Secure or put away loose items around your house, yard and balcony. Keep at least 8 metres away from fallen power lines or objects that may be energised, such as fences. Trees that have been damaged by fire are likely to be more unstable and more likely to fall. Report fallen power lines to either Ausgrid (131 388), Endeavour Energy (131 003), Essential Energy (132 080) or Evoenergy (131 093) as shown on your power bill. Stay vigilant and monitor conditions. Note that the landscape may have changed following bushfires. For Emergencies only call 000, For emergency help in floods and storms, ring your local SES Unit on 132 500. We love this rain but please make sure you’re safe. FRNSW and SES units are on standby if you need assistance.
19.01.2022 Update: QUEENS WHARF SECOND ALARM STRUCTURE FIRE: The fire at Queens Wharf Hotel has been extinguished, and salvage and overhaul completed by firefighting crews. The fire originated in a smoke extraction system, with some spread to the second level of the building. The fire was extinguished with several lines of hose, utilising water and foam, by fighfighters in Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) and with the help of an Aerial Appliance.... Earlier: Pumper 376 is currently on scene at Queens Wharf along side crews from Newcastle Fire Station, Fire and Rescue NSW Station 357 Lambton, Fire and Rescue NSW Station 252 Carrington and Fire and Rescue NSW Station 462 Mayfield West. More info to follow. Fire and Rescue NSW #PreparedForAnything #ProtectTheIrreplacable
17.01.2022 THIRD ALARM STRUCTURE FIRE Merewether responded to a fire in Mayfield overnight after a ruptured hydraulic line in a metal works site caused a large blaze. One person injured in the explosion was taken to hospital by NSW Ambulance. Surrounded by hazardous materials and working machinery, Firefighters worked in crews to gain access and put large volumes of water on the fire. In all, 38 Firefighters and 9 trucks extinguished the blaze in just over four hours.... With water supply a major issue, our motor driver was tasked to assist in relay pumping - 4 fire trucks were used in a long line to access water from local streets, over half a kilometer from the seat of the fire. Fire and Rescue NSW Station 462 Mayfield West Fire and Rescue NSW Station 357 Lambton Fire and Rescue NSW Station 252 Carrington Newcastle Fire Station Fire and Rescue NSW Station 251 Cardiff Fire and Rescue NSW #PreparedForAnything #ProtectTheIrreplaceable
14.01.2022 Apartment Fire In Merewether. Shortly after lunch time Friday multiple Triple 0 (000) were received after heavy smoke was seen issuing from a top floor apartment in Watkins St Merewether. Eight Fire Crews, including Merewether Fire Station were responded, who quickly commenced fire attack and searching of the affected unit, and search and rescue of neighbouring units. ... Crews took around an hour to bring the blaze under control before commencing salvage and overhaul of the scene. The unit suffer significant heat, fire and water damage, with minor damage occurring to an adjacent unit. Fortunately no one was injured in the blaze. Attending crew were: Merewther Fire Station (Pumper 376) Newcastle Fire & Rescue 260 (Pumper 260 and Ladder Platform 260) Fire and Rescue NSW Station 252 Carrington (Pumper 252) Fire and Rescue NSW Station 462 Mayfield West (Aerial Pumper 462) Fire and Rescue NSW Station 251 Cardiff (CAFS Pumper 251) Fire and Rescue NSW Station 357 Lambton (Rescue Pumper 357 and Technical Rescue 357) as well as Duty Commander Newcastle #preparedforanything #ProtectTheIrreplaceable #MoreThanFire Fire and Rescue NSW NSW Ambulance NSW Police Force Newcastle City Police District ABC Newcastle
13.01.2022 OPEN DAY UPDATE: Due to relaxed covid restrictions, several stations in our area will be hosting an Open Day event. These include Fire and Rescue NSW Station 251 Cardiff, Fire and Rescue NSW Station 484 Wallsend, Fire and Rescue NSW Station 377 Minmi, Fire and Rescue NSW Station 447 Swansea, Fire and Rescue NSW Station 446 Stockton. We are hoping you can all make it down to these stations and engage with our ‘local legends’. For those further afield, locations such as Fire a...nd Rescue NSW Emergency Services Academy and Museum of Fire will be hosting awesome open day events. Also keep an eye out for stations that will be going ‘live’ with their events. Stay safe. Fire and Rescue NSW #openday #OpenDay2021 #protecttheirreplacable #MoreThanFire #preparedforanything
13.01.2022 ‘Sometimes it’s the small things that mean the most’ An early morning call can give us an opportunity to witness a sunrise we would have otherwise missed. Here are a few stunning images captured by our crew of Pumper 376. ... Fire and Rescue NSW #MoreThanFire #ProtectTheIrreplacable #PreparedForAnything #MerewetherSunrise #Pumper376
12.01.2022 BIG TUESDAY This time last week, Merewether firies were in the middle of a very busy 24 hours on shift. Keeping the crew busy during the day, and awake overnight were a range of incidents and duties, including:... - A garbage truck fire in Hamilton South, where quick reactions from a City of Newcastle waste services employee contained the fire to the garbage. - A site visit to Newcastle Transport at Hamilton Bus Depot, to understand the unique hazards and learn their incident response protocols. We were joined by Newcastle Fire Station and Fire and Rescue NSW Station 252 Carrington - A rescue incident in Glenrock State Conservation Reserve where a young male mountain biker was injured in difficult terrain. We were assisted by Fire and Rescue NSW Station 357 Lambton with technical rescue equipment to extricate the patient to awaiting NSW Ambulance officers - A third alarm structure fire in Mayfield overnight, where 38 firefighters and 9 trucks took over four hours to extinguish a major blaze. - Several other call outs to automated fire alarm activations within local businesses Merewether firies are truly #PreparedForAnything Fire and Rescue NSW
07.01.2022 Great work by our colleagues at Fire and Rescue NSW Station 357 Lambton, Fire and Rescue NSW Station 255 Charlestown, Fire and Rescue NSW Station 251 Cardiff Newcastle Fire& Rescue Station and Fire and Rescue NSW Station 377 Minmi containing a house fire in Kotara last night. Merewether Firies were turned out around 4:30am this morning to relieve crews still on scene and provide ‘fire duty’. This consisted of further overhaul, structure cooling and ‘mop up’ until around 8:3...0am. This is a timely reminder that we are entering the cooler months and that working smoke alarms save lives. Fire and Rescue NSW #preparedforanything #MoreThanFire #protecttheirreplacable #workingsmokealarmssavelives
07.01.2022 What happens when you call 000? Our friendly COMMCEN (communications centre) operator will ask pertinent information from you before ‘allocating’ the nearest available truck to come and assist (or most suitable, in the case of HAZMAT or rescue incidents) Once this incident is allocated to the relevant station the alarm bells will ‘drop’ at the station and details will display on their communication computer. The incident details will also print out, and display on the truck data terminal -MDT. In the case of our on call (retained) stations, such as us here at 376 Merewether, the firefighters will be paged, and will receive a notifying phone call. One of our fire fighters happened to be in the ‘right place at the right time’ today when the bells dropped for a car fire. Fire and Rescue NSW Sydney Fire Communications - Fire Rescue NSW - 801 Station #PreparedForAnything #ProtectTheIrreplacable #MoreThanFire
06.01.2022 Road Crash Rescue training turns into real life demonstration! Last night, as Pumper 376 crew was finishing up an excellent training package on road crash rescue, presented by D Platoon Rescue crews from Fire and Rescue NSW Station 357 Lambton (Rescue Pumper 357 and Technical Rescue 357) that a call came in for ‘MVA persons trapped’. RP357 and TR357 were assigned, along with the pump crew from Newcastle Fire Station, P376 were also asked to come along to lend a hand (it i...s always handy when your Deputy Captain is a Doctor). P376 crew were given an excellent real life tutorial in ‘vehicle stabilisation, patient stabilisation, communication, team work with other agencies (NSW Police Force, Newcastle City Police District, NSW Ambulance), vehicle cutting techniques patient extraction and scene management. A massive thank you to SO Savage and D platoon for the professionalism and courtesy. Merewether Fire Station Fire and Rescue NSW #preparedforanything #MoreThanFire #ProtectTheIrreplaceable #roadcrashrescue
05.01.2022 Merewether Fire Station would like to introduce our newest recruit Maddie Malcom. She has just completed her initial ‘phase 1’ training and is ready to protect our community. You will be able to spot her smile a mile away. Welcome to team 376 Maddie.... #protecttheirreplacable #MoreThanFire #preparedforanything Fire and Rescue NSW
05.01.2022 OPEN DAY 2020. Unfortunately we can not host you at our fire station this year. However you can get a virtual tour of various stations this week by keeping an eye on Fire and Rescue NSW main Facebook page and watch as the various stations go ‘live’ Here is a tour of Fire and Rescue NSW Station 001 City of Sydney. ... We have all the same gear here in Newcastle, however, it is spread over several stations. We have ‘Urban Pumpers’, Rescue Pumpers’, ‘Tankers’, ‘Hazmat appliances’, an ‘Aerial Pumper’, a ‘Ladder Platform’ and a ‘Technical Rescue’ appliance as well as various support vehicles. These are housed at stations such as Fire and Rescue NSW Station 357 Lambton, Newcastle Fire Station, Fire and Rescue NSW Station 252 Carrington, Fire and Rescue NSW Station 462 Mayfield West, Fire and Rescue NSW Station 255 Charlestown, Fire and Rescue NSW Station 222 Belmont, Fire and Rescue NSW Station 484 Wallsend, Fire and Rescue NSW Station 377 Minmi, Fire and Rescue NSW Station 498 Holmesville, and of course Merewether Fire Station #PreparedForAnything #MoreThanFire #ProtectTheIrreplacable #OpenDay
03.01.2022 Newcastle West 3rd Alarm Structure Fire. Pumper 376 attended an intense 3rd alarm structure fire last night alongside many of our local colleagues. There was in excess of 15 Fire trucks including 2 aerial appliances. P376 was tasked to supplying water to Ladder Platform 260 aerial appliance (LP260) as well as various other fire ground tasks. ... Variables such as multiple levels, multiple exposures, impending structural collapse and driving rain were complications the crews had to contend with. Resources included: Merewether Fire Station Fire and Rescue NSW Station 357 Lambton (4 crews) Newcastle Fire & Rescue 260 (4 crews) Fire and Rescue NSW Station 252 Carrington Fire and Rescue NSW Station 255 Charlestown Fire and Rescue NSW Station 377 Minmi Fire and Rescue NSW Station 462 Mayfield West Fire and Rescue NSW station 500 Tingira Heights Fire and Rescue NSW Station 222 Belmont Fire and Rescue NSW Station 498 Holmesville Fire and Rescue NSW NSW Police Force Rescue & Bomb Disposal - NSW Police Force NSW Ambulance #PreparedForAnything
03.01.2022 Bravery Awards. Several of our firefighters, including our Captain and Deputy Captain, received awards acknowledging gallantry under difficult conditions. These awards included ‘Commissioner’s Resuscitation Award’ and the ‘Commissioner’s Certificate of Appreciation’... These awards were signed by FRNSW Commissioner Paul Baxter and presented by our Zone Commander Superintendent Gregory Windeatt. This relates to a complex unit fire in Bar Beach on the 11th August 2017. To paraphrase the awards fire and thick smoke, found a confused and aggressive male resident who suddenly fell unconscious using a two person lift, firefighters removed him outside and into the care..., using a Emergency Medical Treatment pack and defibrillator prevent respiratory arrest. If it were not for the immediate medical response of Firefighter Pearce, the patient would have deteriorated into a cardiac arrest Fire and Rescue NSW #preparedforanything #ProtectTheIrreplaceable #MoreThanFire #leadfromthefront #courageunderfire #localheroes
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