Meridian in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory | Community organisation
Locality: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
Phone: +61 2 6257 2855
Address: Havelock House 85 Northbourne Avenue 2612 Canberra, ACT, Australia
Likes: 1986
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25.01.2022 Today is International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers, a day to raise awareness of the violence, stigma and discrimination faced by all people that work under the multifaceted umbrella of sex work. This year has shown us the utmost value of work and human connection - we suffer without it. Sex work is work and sex workers continually provide undervalued physical labour and at times emotional labour - without sufficient safety and security. As sex workers we recognise the role of criminalisation and policing practices play in perpetrating violence against us. We, as a community, must remember those who have been hurt and those that we have lost to workplace-based violence in our sex industry. It needs to end. SWOP ACT
25.01.2022 If alcohol is becoming a problem or having a negative impact on your life then we can help. SoBar Not So Straight Up is a Meridian program that aims to reduce alcohol-related harm within the LGBTIQ+ communities in the ACT. We do this through increased awareness of the health and wellbeing impacts of alcohol and by challenging the social norms around drinking behaviour and alcohol culture. Sessions are held online and face to face in the CBR Pride Hub in Turner on Tuesdays a...t 5:30 pm. Registration is essential, please email [email protected] to secure your place or visit to find out more information. #meridianact #sobarCBR #LGBTIQ #LGBTIQcbr #outloudcbr #queercbr #queercanberra #wearecbr #wellnessaustralia #notsostraightup #drinkinginmoderation #positivechange #sobercurious [Image description: Background image of a purple brick wall. SOBAR Not So Straight Up neon logo in centre. Other text "Tuesdays 5:30pm"]
25.01.2022 The 8th Queer Screen Film Fest is coming up fast, and for the first time ever the fun is going NATIONAL! #QSFF20 will be on more screens than ever across NSW and Australia wide. See you at the cinema, on your TV, your laptop, or in your car. Queer Screen will be beaming out to you WHEREVER YOU ARE! #QSFF20 Sep 17-27. Book online at #queerscreen #queerfilm #LGBTIQ #filmfestival #sydney #whatsoncanberra #whatsonNSW #whatsonaustralia #whattodoinlockdown
24.01.2022 We've released a fact sheet on 6 main priority areas for HIV action in the ACT for 2021. The 10 page document expands on each of the following priority areas: 1. Prevention Programs 2. Effective Testing 3. Treatment Programs For HIV... 4. Care And Support 5. Stigma And Discrimination 6. Research, Data, And Information Available now in our resource library:
23.01.2022 Join our team! Meridian and @westlundact are seeking qualified, passionate counsellors to join the Westlund Counselling Team. Find out more and apply before 18 September: #positionvacant #positionvacantcanberra #canberrajobs #canberralife
23.01.2022 This event looks fantastic! We can't wait :) "Join Dr Kerryn Drysdale and Dr Sophie Robinson for the first of two talks traversing the rise, decline and transformation of lesbian and queer social scenes. This first talk will concentrate on the emergence and maintenance events for lesbian and queer women, exploring how these are ‘made’ lesbian and the unique atmosphere developed within these spaces. Together they will also discuss the strategies and types of in-community investments used to sustain lesbian and queer sites."
23.01.2022 Happy #BiWeek! Bisexual+ Awareness Week is about celebrating and highlighting our beautiful bisexual+ individuals and community. Bi+ celebrates the diversity and resilience of bisexual, pansexual, fluid, no label and queer communities. Check out this video produced by GLAAD of Bi+ awesomeness. Be proud!...
23.01.2022 Shigella is a bacteria that causes a bowel infection and a multidrug resistant strain is on the rise in the ACT. Shigella is very infectious and is transmitted when the particles of contaminated faeces goes into someone else’s mouth. This can happen during sex or if a contaminated object/food goes in your mouth. Symptoms can start between 12 hours to four days after the exposure and might feel or look like stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea or fever. If you experience symptoms, it’s important that you see your doctor so you can get tested and be treated. To avoid getting shigella, wear gloves and use dams during sex, and always wash your hands after playing or handling used safer sex products or toys. For more information, go to:
23.01.2022 This week, we celebrate Transgender Awareness Week alongside our trans brothers, sisters and non-binary loved ones - as community, as allies, as colleagues, friends and as family. The issues facing trans folk worldwide are very real and often call into question the very notion of one's basic human right to freedom of self expression and identity. Here at Meridian, we will continue to provide all the support and care we can muster to ensure nobody is left behind. We see your... truth, we embrace you and we celebrate the richness, colour and diversity of your human experience. Be proud, walk tall and come just as you are.
22.01.2022 We love Fridays and our friends at AGA !
22.01.2022 We are proud to be partnering with Gen S Stories and Photo Access to create Forward Together, an intergenerational digital history exploring the evolving challenges, joys, and circumstances of living as LGBTQI+ in Canberra. Have you ever wondered what the changemakers of yesterday were like in person, or, wanted to share with them a piece of your world that they may have helped create? Have you ever felt a moment from our collective past has been missed or forgotten? Is something specific you would like to share with the LGBTIQ+ youth of today? This is a fantastic opportunity for you to add to our collective history and learning, collaborate across generations and actively engage in the creative process of making your own short film. .History of the communities is often passed horizontally among peers close in age, and bringing together the experience, wisdom and skills of different people and generations is priceless. We are looking for 10 participants, five under 25 and five over 55, from across the LGBTQI+ communities to share their experiences and how their life journey compares and connects with LGBTQI+ people of different ages, who may have experienced very different struggles and achievements within the broader community. Through a series of professionally facilitated group workshops, Photo Access and Gen S Stories will guide you to produce a short film telling your personal story. If you would like to add your voice to this amazing project follow the link to register;
22.01.2022 ON TONIGHT! Our final testing night of the year. Give yourself the gift of confidence this silly season and book yourself an appointment by calling 6257 2855.
22.01.2022 Don't forget about STRIP Tonight !
20.01.2022 Bookings are now open for Queer Zumba - get in quick to secure your place.
20.01.2022 PUBLIC CERVIX ANNOUNCEMENT See what we did there! You should know everyone with a cervix regardless of their sexual or orientation or gender identity needs to get cervical screening. Visit during Women's Health Week to find out about the launch of Public Cervix announcement, delivered in collaboration with Women's Centre for Health Matters. #womenshealthweek #publiccervixannouncement #womenshealthmatters #meridian
20.01.2022 The social event of the month is coming to Canberra! The LGBTIQ+ Elders Dance Club is a FREE monthly dance event for lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender and intersex people over 55. LGBTIQ+ Elders Dance Club is an ongoing social and creative action that combats ageism, social isolation, and discrimination. Come learn new dances, enjoy yummy afternoon tea and have a chat with fabulous people. All are welcome! Please RSVP via Eventbrite at or e...mail [email protected] The Canberra edition of the LGBTIQ+ Elders Dance Club is co-presented by All The Queens Men, Ainslie and Gorman Arts Centresand Meridian as part of the Canberra SpringOUT Pride Festival!
20.01.2022 Reconciliation is a journey for all Australians as individuals, families, communities, organisations and importantly as a nation. At the heart of this journey are relationships between the broader Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We all have a role to play when it comes to reconciliation, and in playing our part we collectively build relationships and communities that value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, histories, cul...tures, and futures. 2021 marks twenty years of Reconciliation Australia and almost three decades of Australia’s formal reconciliation process. Find out more about National Reconciliation Week: #MoreThanAWord #NRW2021 #Reconciliation
19.01.2022 **CHANGE OF VENUE** If you have RSVP'd for our BBQ please call 6257 2855 before 4:30pm today (Friday, 4th December) to find out about the new location.
16.01.2022 We are proud to be partnering with Gen S Stories, PhotoAccess and A Gender Agenda to create Forward Together, an intergenerational digital history exploring the evolving challenges, joys, and circumstances of living as LGBTQI+ in Canberra. Have you ever wondered what the changemakers of yesterday were like in person, or, wanted to share with them a piece of your world that they may have helped create? Have you ever felt a moment from our collective past has been missed or fo...rgotten? Is there something specific you would like to share with the LGBTIQ+ youth of today? This is a fantastic opportunity for you to add to our collective history and learning, collaborate across generations and actively engage in the creative process of making your own short film. History of the communities is often passed horizontally among peers close in age, and bringing together the experience, wisdom and skills of different people and generations is priceless. We are looking for 10 participants, five under 30 and five over 55, from across the LGBTQI+ communities to share their experiences and how their life journey compares and connects with LGBTQI+ people of different ages, who may have experienced very different struggles and achievements within the broader community. Through a series of professionally facilitated group workshops, Photo Access and Gen S Stories will guide you to produce a short film telling your personal story. If you would like to add your voice to this amazing project visit
15.01.2022 Supported by the ACT Government's Capital of Equality Grants, " A Community in Isolation" is a single season podcast project comprised of 10 episodic interviews with members of the ACT LGBTIQA+ community; aimed at capturing the oral history of LGBTIQA+ identifying individuals during periods of significant emotional, social, and psychological isolation. The demographic markers are quite broad; with a condition placed that interviewees must have been residing in the ACT during... the Same Sex Marriage survery (2017) and are currently residing within the ACT at the point of interview to be eligible. Applications are open now and will close on the 30th of November 2020. Interviews will take approximately 2 hours and will be conducted either in person or online depending on COVID restriction requirements and current location of the interviewee. Parties who are interested in being interviewed can find out more via the website or through the application form:
15.01.2022 Hey Volunteers and Members of Meridian **Up for grabs for 4 of our wonderful Volunteers and members! ** 4 X FREE full-service tickets to YES FEST dinner and show, free scrummy cocktail on arrival, amazing entertainment, dancing and all-round funnery. (valued at $75 per head) Sunday, Nov 15th 8.45pm @ Hopscotch, Braddon Contact 02 6257 2855... Live your best life! QUICK STIX! First in, best dressed! See more
15.01.2022 We all need someone we trust: Steven Oliver We love this RU OK Day video from Aboriginal poet, comedian and performer Steven Oliver on why it’s important for people to feel like they can reach out to someone they trust.
14.01.2022 The Australian government needs to recognise that there is a mental health crisis in the LGBTIQ+ community. Feeling understood and accepted is key to mental health recovery - but La Trobe's research shows the majority of LGBTIQ+ people do not feel accepted when accessing health services. Someone's sexuality or gender identity should not be a barrier to accessing mental health support. A community-led mental health response means people will find support from their peers, who have insights into their experience. To read Meridian’s Media Release regarding the Private Lives 3 report, please click here:
13.01.2022 Private Lives 3 (conducted by the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society at La Trobe University) is Australia’s largest ever national survey of the health and wellbeing of LGBTIQ people aged 18 years and older. It provides vital information across numerous life domains to assist health professionals, service providers, community organisations and governments to better understand the health and wellbeing of LGBTIQ people in Australia. The La Trobe research confirms what we've long suspected - mental health in the LGBTIQ community is in crisis. To read the full report, please click here:
13.01.2022 REBUS presents: Acting Out: On Screen A free school holiday film program for LGBTQIA+ Youth aged 12-17 yrs 10am-4pm October 6, 7 & 8, Ainslie Arts Centre... In this 3-day school holiday program for LGBTQIA+ youth aged 12-17, it's time to go on a filmmaking adventure! Two troupes of young filmmakers will each devise a film exploring issues close to their hearts. Through the lens of a camera, participants will look at who they are, their place in the world and send a message of love and inclusivity to LGBTQIA+ audiences. To enrol please head to Acting Out: On Screen is funded by the Chief Minister's Charitable Fund 2019 and brought to you by Rebus Theatre in partnership with Meridian and the Canberra Inclusive Partnership.
12.01.2022 Join us in celebrating World AIDS Day by using our World AIDS Day frame around your profile picture! Simply update your profile picture, click 'Add Frame' and search for 'Meridian World AIDS Day 2020'.
10.01.2022 MAGNET goes BBQing! Join us for a BBQ and friendly conversation with your hosts, Danny & Rodney. Saturday 5 December 11.30am to 2.30pm... Transport available to and from the event from Meridian Office at 11.15 (please advise when you RSVP). The BBQ area will be clearly marked and claimed early by Danny on the day. Due to COVID-19, this is an RSVP event only to [email protected] (include dietary requirements). When you RSVP we will send you a map of the location. What is MAGNET? This group is for people who identify as men, aged 40 plus who identify as same sex attracted. This event kindly support by Canberra Gay and Lesbian Tennis Club.
10.01.2022 Today is GiveOUT Day and a great opportunity to donate to work of Meridian!
09.01.2022 We are proud to be partnering with Gen S Stories, Photo Access and A Gender Agenda to create Forward Together, an intergenerational digital history exploring the evolving challenges, joys, and circumstances of living as LGBTQI+ in Canberra. Have you ever wondered what the changemakers of yesterday were like in person, or, wanted to share with them a piece of your world that they may have helped create? Have you ever felt a moment from our collective past has been missed or f...orgotten? Is there something specific you would like to share with the LGBTIQ+ youth of today? This is a fantastic opportunity for you to add to our collective history and learning, collaborate across generations and actively engage in the creative process of making your own short film. .History of the communities is often passed horizontally among peers close in age, and bringing together the experience, wisdom and skills of different people and generations is priceless. We are looking for 10 participants, five under 25 and five over 55, from across the LGBTQI+ communities to share their experiences and how their life journey compares and connects with LGBTQI+ people of different ages, who may have experienced very different struggles and achievements within the broader community. Through a series of professionally facilitated group workshops, Photo Access and Gen S Stories will guide you to produce a short film telling your personal story. If you would like to add your voice to this amazing project visit See more
08.01.2022 Westlund Counselling is a peer-led, professional counselling service specialising in providing exceptional quality, confidential and accessible counselling and support services for LGBTIQ+ Canberrans, their families and their allies. Our team of qualified counsellors are ready to start a conversation with you. Call 02 6257 2855 or visit to book an appointment. Counselling is currently available online via Zoom, or in person subject to COVID-19 guidelines provided by the ACT Government.
07.01.2022 thank you to Meridian volunteers - we have a collective of amazing people who give their time & skills & resources & energy ! WE THANK YOU ! You know who you are & we do too!!
07.01.2022 La Trobe's research, Private Lives 3 found 57% of LGBTIQ+ participants reported high or very high levels of psychological distress. Meridian has identified a real need in this community for targeted mental health intervention. The solution must be informed by the community, where the existing networks and health infrastructure already exists. LGBTIQ+ community organisations already have the tools to deliver the support and services directly to the people who need it. To tackle this mental health crisis, they need proper public funding. To read Meridian’s Media Release regarding the Private Lives 3 report, please click here:
07.01.2022 Meridian regularly operates through partnerships and collaborations with government, sector partners locally and nationally. We have built a reputation for expertise in LGBTIQ+ service delivery, co-design, consultation, and evaluation. Our operation as a community-controlled, peer-based organisation is critical to our capability in this regard: it means we are a trusted interlocutor that can bring diverse and often competing interests together to address challenges. Partnerships increase our capability through shared skills and resources and create a collective ability to achieve outcomes greater than the individuals or organisations acting alone. It is a central feature of how we work. Our greatest and most valuable partnership is with A Gender Agenda #partnership #collaboration #workingtogether
06.01.2022 There's more to say after "R U OK?" - find out what comes next by reading through the LGBTIQ+ conversation guide here: #ruokday2020 #canberra #mentalhealth #stayconnected
06.01.2022 Today is Intersex Awareness Day! And it's a perfect opportunity to check out and sign the Darlington Statement! Here in the ACT, A Gender Agenda offer peer-led services for the intersex community, their families and allies. AGA also have a great range of intersex resources including training. Learn more by checking out their website. Also have a listen to the Talking Intersex Podcast we recorded with Cody Smith from AGA.
06.01.2022 2020 has been a challenging year for everyone and circumstances have made it even more important for us all to stay connected and, for those who are able, be willing to support those around us. You don’t have to be an expert to keep the conversation going when someone says they’re not OK. By knowing what to say you can help someone feel supported and access appropriate help long before they’re in crisis, which can make a really positive difference to their life. Watch the video below and visit to read the full conversation guide!
05.01.2022 I-SHARE (International Sexual Health And REproductive) Health Survey examines the impact of COVID-19 on sexual and reproductive health. This study aims to investigate how different isolation measures implemented by the Australian government have affected family structures, relationships, and access to sexual and reproductive health services. To participate, click the button below or copy/paste this link into your web browser For more info...rmation, visit the website For all other enquiries regarding the survey, please contact [email protected]. This project has received approval from the Curtin University Human Research Ethics Committee (HRE2020-0272)
04.01.2022 Calling all fabulous LGBTI+ Elders! We're proud to partner with our good friends at Ainslie and Gorman Arts Centres to deliver the world-renown LGBTI+ Elders Dance Club by All The Queens Men in Canberra and we need your help! Find out more information and register your interested via the link below.
04.01.2022 We need you! We're looking for passionate volunteers to help us make an impact in the Canberra LGBTIQ+ community. We have a variety of volunteer positions available, volunteers play a key role in the work of Meridian. To find out more go to #meridianact #volunteeringact #LGBTIQ #LGBTIQcbr #outloudcbr #canberra #queercbr #queercanberra #wearecbr [Image description: Abstract pink and blue watercolour background. Text reads 'We're looking for volunteers' In the bottom right corner is the Meridian logo.]
04.01.2022 Hey, all you young folks! Are you ready for blast-off! Come and join in all the fun and shenanigans tomorrow night in The Kaleidoscope Room! Not only have we mastered the art of spelling kaleidoscope without a spell-check, we have some super-fun activities, chats and games lined up for you all - and it's online via ZOOOOM!! Too easy! Email our spaceship captain, Morgan, for all the details you'll need to jump onboard! [email protected]
03.01.2022 Life can be challenging, and we all need support during times of grief, loss, relationship breakdown and when we're under work or financial pressure, not to mention a global pandemic! The support of friends, family, peers, allies and organisations like Meridian and Westlund can make a huge difference if you're dealing with challenges. It's important to check in with the people close to you regularly. If you need professional support go to #Meridianact #Westlundcounselling #LGBTIQmentalhealth #MentalHealth #lgbtiq #lgbtiqcbr #outloudcbr #canberra #queercbr #queercanberra [Image description: Post-it note over a colourful tessellated background. Text reads 'How are you feeling?']
03.01.2022 Consumers and health professionals are advised that Alphapharm Pty Ltd, in consultation with the TGA, is undertaking a recall of all batches of Tenofovir Disopr...oxil Emtricitabine Mylan 300/200 tablets due to the potential for broken/split tablets. If an affected tablet was not consumed entirely, this could result in an ineffective dose. Consumers that have any units of unexpired stock should return them to their pharmacist for a refund. Any person who is concerned should talk to their prescribing doctor. Health care providers seeking further guidance should consult the ASHM PrEP Guidelines Should you require further information, a direct helpline can be found in this media release:
02.01.2022 Sunday FUNday! LGBTIQ+ Dance Club is on this afternoon at Ainslie Arts Centre. Click the link below to get your tickets!
02.01.2022 Today is Transgender Day of Remembrance. A day in which we honour and remember trans and gender diverse people who have lost their lives due to violence, prejudice, marginalisation and transphobia. On this day, we reflect on loss, solidarity and hope. We honour the strength and unwavering resilience of all trans and non-binary people who have triumphed in the face of adversity and commemorate all those taken far too soon. We at Meridian, are committed to eliminating transphobia and doing all we can to create and contribute to a safe and inclusive world for everyone. We see you, we embrace you and we remember you.
02.01.2022 Tomorrow is #GiveOUT Day, a national day of giving to LGBTIQA+ organisations and community groups. Every dollar you contribute will help Meridian's vital work in supporting LGBTIQA+ Canberrans to live their best lives and be their true selves. Donations can be made here The first $27,000 worth of donations for the campaign will be matched up to $1,000 per project. All donations over $2 are tax deductible. THANK YOU for your support!
02.01.2022 Be back soon! Meridian and Westlund Counselling will be closed until January 4. During this period, if you or someone you know is at risk of harm, please contact the services listed here:
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