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Meridian Global Foundation in Leederville, Western Australia, Australia | Non-profit organisation

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Meridian Global Foundation

Locality: Leederville, Western Australia, Australia

Address: P.O. Box 165 6902 Leederville, WA, Australia


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25.01.2022 We finished the year with our Giving Circle last week with 80 people at The Melbourne Hotel. We hit a new record of $121,000 raised for this year! As with every year, our top three finalists made their Pitch for their portion of the $50 000 and all three were exceptionally moving, making voting super tough. Only 2 votes separated placements!... Donations given were: - $25,000 to The Esther Foundation - $15,000 to Transform Cambodia - $10,000 to On My Feet Huge thanks to our very generous event sponsors: - The Melbourne Hotel for providing the venue - West coast BMW for providing food and drinks - Birds Eye Media for the awesome photos and video footage - Signarama Osborne Park for the big cheques After such a crazy year The Board would like to pass on our sincere thanks to our Donors for keeping giving back as a priority. We feel honoured to be a platform for the every day Perth philanthropist. #mateswhodonate #meridianglobal #everydayphilanthropist #perthcharity

25.01.2022 Have you got your tickets yet?! Only a few days to go until our first LIVE event of the year and we can't wait!

25.01.2022 Did you know?! Charitable giving mimicks drug use! A study by a University of Oregon professor and his colleagues demonstrates that charitable contributions create a response in the brain that mimics one activated by drugs and other stimuli, releasing dopamine and endorphins! Just another good reason to give ... ---- Make sure you grab your ticket to our final event of the year, our Giving Circle!

25.01.2022 'No one has ever become poor by giving' - Anne Frank We love this quote. We think it speaks to the deep need we all have to help our fellow humans out. ... Whether that's donating time, goods, services or money to a cause you care about - you do it because it all makes a difference and because every little bit counts. And a little bit because you get all the good feels when you do ---- Have you registered for our next event yet

24.01.2022 What a week! We hosted our first-ever virtual event and met Anton and Jenny Gaudry, the couple giving away $10k every week of 2020. But things have got interesting...... Anton & Jenny have made us an offer that we couldn't refuse. During our event, they offered to top up our donations for the year with an amazingly generous $10,000!!! BUT - we have to match that with $20,000 of donations from our amazing community by the end of the week, to get our Giving Circle up to $50k, by Friday 6th June. We reckon it's possible. With your help, we think we can get there. So if you've ever thought about donating to an amazing cause, now is the time - because your donation will go so much further! So if you can, please donate today

22.01.2022 At Meridian we're all about 'mates who donate' - so why not grab a couple of mates, to help you donate so you can feel great? We've been challenged by philanthropists Anton and Jenny Guadry to grow our Giving Circle for 2020 to $50k by the end of the week - if we can, they'll be donating an incredibly generous $10,000 of their own! So go on, get some mates together and do something great!...

21.01.2022 And impact story: From Empowering Cambodia "My name is Phengyort and I am 30 years old, My wife is Chhannang and she is 27 years old. We live with 6 family members; 4 males and 2 females in Kampong Thom Province. We are a poor family and dont know what to do because we dont have any money to start anything with. We are living day by day and it is very stressful living in this condition. ... Previously, we used to raise chickens but and it was not successful because we did not have the skills and techniques required to do it properly. Now we are very happy to be in the Chicken/Duck/Fish Cooperative group. As part of my membership, I received the necessary training on techniques to raise the chickens and ducks. After joining the Chicken/Duck/Fish Cooperative, my family's life has changed. Old habits and mindsets have changed since Empowering Cambodia came to educate and train us on how to generate an income and savings. In the future, I plan to increase my flock and enlarge the enclosure. I want to open a shop and sell the vaccinations, food, chicks and ducklings, and all the supplies people in the village need to for raising chickens and ducks. We would like to thank Empowering Cambodia because through this Meridian Grant Cooperative, they have given the people a good opportunity to restore the poorest families through income generation." ------------ Find out more about what we do at

21.01.2022 Our first LIVE event of the year is just around the corner - and we'd love for you to spread to word to all your mates! #mateswhodonate Derek Gerrard Marcus Tan Arthur Ong Anna Pitman Dave Hack Marco Russo Beth Caniglia Rueben Taylor Cindy Burt

21.01.2022 Are you struggling to find a way to give back, meaningfully? If you’re like so many West Aussies, living a great lifestyle and wondering how you can make a difference in the lives of others, we’d love to have you along to our next event to share our vision for communal philanthropy with you! It includes free networking and nibbles and the chance to change the world - what more could you want? ... Get your tickets to our next event here:

20.01.2022 At a time like this, when all you want to do is hang out with some good mates... look at old pictures of your favourite memories instead! We can't wait to get back to doing what we do best, running awesome events with all of our 'mates who donate' - but till then we'll reminisce with some of our favourite event photos Hope you're all staying safe!

18.01.2022 Has it been a while since you've been to a great networking event? .... don't worry, us too! #covidlife Thankfully we have the answer - grab your ticket to our next live, interactive Zoom event, where you'll get to meet 'The man giving away $10,000 every week of 2020' - Mr Anton Guadry, thanks to the Give 52 foundation ...

18.01.2022 Networking can be such a gamble. You never know what quality of human you might meet at a networking event. But something we pride ourselves on at Meridian is our ability to guarantee high-quality networking opportunities. And we can do that because our entire existence stands on a foundation of giving. ... The people who attend our events are everyday philanthropists, looking to use their success to help others - be it charities or like-minded businesses they can work with. So go on - grab your ticket to the best networking event you'll get to in Perth this year Get your ticket:

18.01.2022 Have you nominated your favourite charity for this year? Have you got your tickets for our next event? Have you invited a mate? No?! Well you better get to it - only a few weeks to go before you're out of time ...

16.01.2022 We want to rebrand philanthropy Philanthropists - they're easy to write off as out-of-reach, unicorn people. But actually - they're not that different from you and I. ... Philanthropy is quite simply 'an effort an individual or organization undertakes based on an altruistic desire to improve human welfare.' And that's why we think everyone has the capacity to be an 'everyday philanthropist'. And THAT's why we're on a mission to #rebrandphilanthropy - because we believe it's for everyone. --- Get your tickets to our next event:

16.01.2022 You know what makes everything better? A mate. A work mate, a footy mate, an old mate from school, your best mate - and even new mates you don't know that well yet.... That's why our motto at Meridian is 'mates who donate'. Because we believe that when you share important things with the people you care about the most, you feel great AND you get to make a difference. You might not know that every year we grow the Meridian Giving Circle exclusively through referrals and invitations - through new mates getting introduced by you! So have you got your tickets yet? And have you invited a mate?

16.01.2022 Hey! You! Stop scrolling for a second, we've got something important to tell you... Today is the last day. The last day we have to grow our Giving Circle to $50k so we can secure an incredibly generous $10,000 donation from philanthropists Anton and Jenny Guadry.... We'd love for you to be a part of a pretty special year of giving, at a time when it's really needed <3 So go on. Become on of our mates who donate. You won't regret it. Donate today:

16.01.2022 Charities are doing it tough right now - like many of us are. But as they're so often critical service providers to the most under-privileged and under-served members of our community we think it's important to highlight to amazing work they're doing. We were honoured to speak with one of our past charities, Muscular Dystrophy WA about how they used their $10,000 grant and how they're handling #covidlife Check it out below!

16.01.2022 Meet the Board: Anna Our Anna is no one-trick pony - she's a facilitator, coach and keynote speaker, she's got about a million qualifications, and of course, she's an all-around legend that loves giving back. Not only is she a mentor for zero2hero (one of our past grant recipients!) she helps the Meridian board stay in continual contact with all our amazing charities to find out how we can keep supporting them long after they receive their grants. ... On top of all of that, she's also recently become a mum - congratulations Anna!! ---- Have you registered for our next event yet?

15.01.2022 Impact Interview: with Empowering Cambodia Last year, this incredible charity took home a $15k grant from our Giving Circle The funds went towards the Chicken/fish/duck Program which provides seed funding for Cambodians to start their own animal husbandry businesses.... We chatted with Carol and Patrick recently to hear about the incredible impacts their program has had on some of the poorest communities in remote Cambodia.

14.01.2022 Meet the board: Cindy If you're a part of our Meridian community of donors, you've no doubt heard from Cindy before - she's the board member responsible for the 'Donor Engagement' portfolio! Cindy is a HR specialist with a background teaching and a long history of giving back in both Australia and abroad - so we're very lucky to count her as one of our team.... --------------- Grab your ticket to our next event:

13.01.2022 Did you know that altruism makes you feel better about yourself? #funfact #philanthropy

12.01.2022 Charity Spotlight: Empowering Cambodia This week we'll be shining a light on the AMAZING work that our $15k grant recipient from last year, Empowering Cambodia is doing Our Giving Circle funds went towards the Chicken/fish/duck Program which provides seed funding for Cambodians to start their own animal husbandry businesses.... It's had some pretty profound effects on some of the poorest communities in remote Cambodia. In summary: Not only have they have impacted more people than they originally hoped for when they submitted their grant application They still have some funds remaining to continue impacting even more families! We've got a virtual interview and some incredible stories of sustainable success and we're so excited to share them with you - stay tuned for more later in the week.

12.01.2022 While we often focus on the important role that charities play in supporting the fabric of our society, what's often overlooked is the rather large impact they also have on our economy. Despite the positive impacts of JobKeeper, 14% of charities employing more than 180,000 people will still be at risk or at high risk of becoming unviable by September 2021, due to the far reaching impacts of COVID-19. So how can you help? By giving whatever you can ... And that's why, at Meridian, we're continuing to do what we can to support those most in need, during one of the most difficult years in recent history - because we believe that those in a position to help those in need, absolutely should, now more than ever. Grab your ticket to our next event to find out how you can do your part:

12.01.2022 Meet the board: Dave If you've ever been to one of our perfectly organised, stunningly set-up and expertly engineered events - then you have Dave to thank for all of that! As our Events Manager, Dave does a stellar job every single time and we're very grateful to have him around. Dave is an exceptional human who has always believed in the power of community and philanthropy - and a dramatic arm gesture or two thanks Dave!... --------------- Grab your ticket to our next event here:

11.01.2022 Event Announcement Meet the man giving away $10k every week of 2020 There are so many great webinars available right now focused on tackling business challenges - but at Meridian we think it's important to continue pursuing philanthropy and generosity in these difficult times.... Which is why we invite you to join us as we talk to Anton Gaudry, at our live, interactive webinar event! Anton, with his wife Jenny, are giving away $10,000 a week this year through his foundation, Give 52. We'll also be launching our 2020 Giving Circle and announcing how we're adapting it this year to make it easier for you to get involved Register now:

11.01.2022 What is a Giving Circle? A Giving Circle is a form of collective giving and it’s the primary vehicle we use at Meridian to enable our unique brand of communal philanthropy ------... Get your tickets to our next event:

10.01.2022 EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT Yes, you read that right and we can't believe our luck to be able to announce our next community catchup - our Charity Nominations Event It's been a long while between drinks but we can't wait to catch-up with our 'mates who donate' - so get yourself registered now!... Wed 26 August 2020 | 5:30 pm 7:30 pm Tickets:

10.01.2022 An impact story: From Empowering Cambodia "My name is Kun and I am 56 years old. My husband is Koe and he is 57 years old. We are living with 8 family members; 5 males and 3 females, in Kampong Thom Province. After I joined the group in the Chicken/Duck/Fish Cooperative... I got the training on techniques so I could raise chickens and ducks. Before the training, I didnt know anything at all about raising the poultry. After the training, I knew how to build the cage enclosure for the chickens and ducks, how to feed the number of chickens and ducks. I also knew how to provide good care by giving the right amount of food and water, how to do vaccinations and the correct treatment for when they are sick. I learnt how to clean the cage and how to make the natural food to make chickens and ducks gain weight fast, so that I could maybe sell them in about 4 to 5 months. In the future I plan to increase the number of chickens and ducks that I raise and make the enclosure bigger so that my family can increase the amount of income we receive through this business. We are so happy even though we just started but we believe that through this business our family will change, and the income will improve and increase in the future. I am very thankful to Empowering Cambodia for selecting my family to be a part of the Meridian Grant Cooperative. It is the occupation that I loved and wanted to do before and now I have opportunity to start it because of my group membership and all the training I received." ------ Find out more at:

10.01.2022 Meet the Board: Dr Marcus Tan If you're from Perth, this man probably needs no introduction - he's a start-up legend, responsible for one of WA's most successful med-tech export's, Health Engine! But to us, he's the reason Meridian exists.... 15 years ago, Marcus (and our three other co-founders) wanted a way give back to the community in a sustainable and tangible way. You've probably guessed the result - Meridian Global! ---- Have you registered for our next event yet?

09.01.2022 2020 Nominated Charity: On My Feet On My Feet uses running to help those experiencing homelessness and long term unemployment to change their outlook so they can make decisions that result in better life outcomes, here in Perth. Don't forget to grab your ticket to our Giving Circle event, for a chance to support this amazing local charity!...

09.01.2022 Each year our Donors gather together to decide which of our top 3 charities should receive each of our 3 donations. We are proud to announce that this year our community raised a new record of $121,000. After hearing our charities pitch, the following donations were awarded:... - $25,000 to The Esther Foundation - $15,000 to Transform Cambodia - $10,000 to On My Feet The remainder of the funds will be allocated to our ethical investment fund. We look forward to getting this fund to a size where it can give away $1 million each year to the Meridian Family of Charities. Thank you to birds eye media for this fantastic footage of the evening. Huge thanks to our very generous event sponsors: - The Melbourne Hotel for providing the venue - West coast BMW for providing food and drinks - Birds Eye Media for the awesome photos and video footage - Signarama Osborne Park for the big cheques

09.01.2022 Interested to find out what drove Anton and Jenny Gaudry to give away $10,000 EVERY week of 2020? We are too! We think it's so important to continue pursuing philanthropy and generosity in these difficult times ... Grab your ticket to our live zoom event to be a part of the conversation:

09.01.2022 Ok, we'll say it - we can't WAIT until it's safe to host events again! If only so we can spoil our wonderful community with our famous catering skills Meridian events are known for more than just their heart and generosity Until then - you can still grab yourself a ticket to our next virtual event!...

09.01.2022 Our Chariman Derek Gerrard, recently penned some words, reflecting on companies he's helped navigate Y2K, the dotcom crash, the GFC and more. These learnings can apply across all sectors, charities and not-for-profit's included! Thanks for sharing your wisdom, Derek. We totally agree - we're #bettertogether.... Read the article here:

09.01.2022 A big thanks to Business News for the feature on our work with Medical Oxygen For All (MOFA) to help get $1.1M in fundraising over to India to help with the medical crisis the country is currently facing. A big shout out needs to go to Meridian directors Derek Gerrardand Marcus Tan for their hard work to help make this possible!... P.S. you can sign up for a Business News account for free to get access to 3 articles a month - including this one! #philanthropy #giving #india #covid

08.01.2022 Meet the board: Simon Simon is our investment guru with a heart of gold. Responsible for advising us on our audacious goal of growing the Meridian Investment fund to a point where we can give away $1M every year, there's no one more thoughtful, generous or considered that we'd rather have alongside us for that journey. -----------... Help us grow our Giving Circle to 50k by Friday 6th July! For the cost of a coffee a day, you can become an everyday philanthropist and make a massive difference to communities in need:

08.01.2022 Wondering how our Giving Circle works? Or maybe you're just wondering what the heck a 'giving circle' is?! "... A giving circle is a form of participatory philanthropy where groups of individuals donate their own money or time to a pooled fund, decide together where to give these away to charity or community projects." And if you're wondering how WE do it, we've put together a little graphic to help you out

08.01.2022 Want to find out why Anton Guadry is (figuratively!) travelling across the country in his Give 52 van, donating a massive $10k every WEEK to charities across Australia? Grab your tickets to our next event now!

07.01.2022 Remember that time Richard Branson told us how much he loves what our community does? We do

06.01.2022 Over the last two years, we’ve set our sights on what, at the time, were lofty goals for our Giving Circle, first of $110k, then $120k. While this is in line with our annual growth target, we realised that sometimes you’ve got to set goals that stretch, test and scare you. Which is why we’ve set ourselves a mammoth target of $150k for our 2021 Giving Circle!... Want to help us get there? Get your tickets to our next event

06.01.2022 To all the charities and NFP's out there doing such important work in such difficult circumstances - we salute you

06.01.2022 An awesome resource from our friends over at Pitcher Partners for our NFP's hero's #leadingstrong

05.01.2022 We love to see our past grant recipients continuing their amazing work, despite the difficulties international charities are still facing. Classroom of Hope was a 2016 grant recipient. They support schools across Indonesia and Southeast Asia many of which were forced to close due to COVID-19. We LOVE to see our charities pivot and innovate to keep doing their important work ... #charities #giving #philanthropy

05.01.2022 Our Meet the Philanthropist event is fast approaching - have you got your ticket yet?! Come and meet serial philanthropist, Tim Ungar - Chairman of TSA Group, Chairman of Perth Festival, and former Chairman of WA Museum. Come and find out why we're on a mission to #rebrandphilanthropy and make it accessible to all, and hear all about it from a seasoned expert in giving!... #giving #philanthropy #event #networking

04.01.2022 Meridian came into existence because four, successful, philanthropic, business owners in Perth decided they wanted to create a network - but not just any old network. They were looking to create a network of like-minded business owners, who were also trying to find a way to sustainably give back to their community. And so - Meridian was born ... --- Get a ticket to our next event: See more

04.01.2022 WE DID IT Last week we asked our community for something pretty big - we asked them to help us grow our 2020 Giving Circle to $50k in just a week Despite how difficult the past few months have been for so many people - we did it! ... And top it off, because of the generous donations, philanthropists Anton and Jenny Gaudry are going to top off our Giving Circle with an extra $10k!! We are so humbled and grateful and proud of our community of mates who donate

04.01.2022 Why are we on a mission to #rebrandphilanthropy? Because it's not just for the elite. It's not just for celebrities. It's not for people with superyachts and private planes.... It's for everyday people. It's for people like you. Because despite not feeling it - or possibly even realising it - if you earn over $80k AUD a year, you're in the top 1% of the wealthiest people in the world. So are you ready to make a change? Are you ready to rebrand philanthropy with us? Are you ready to become an #everydayphilanthropist? If you are - or even if you're not! - you definitely don't want to miss our next event. Tickets available now:

04.01.2022 Why do philanthropists do it? #rebrandingphilanthropy Giving doesn't just leave you feeling good - it has tangible, real-world, long-lasting impacts. And for many philanthropists, this is why they continue donating, year after year. But don't just let us tell you - hear it for yourself from one of Perth's biggest givers, Tim Ungar at our Meet the Philanthropist event.... On top of being Chairman of TSA Group a national sales, marketing and operations company, Tim, a long term supporter of the cultural and arts sector in WA, is also the current Chairman of the Board of Perth Festival, and was the former Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the WA Museum. Along with his family, he is also a director of the charitable trust, the Ungar Family Foundation. --- Get your ticket:

04.01.2022 'Do not give to get. Give to inspire others to give.' - Simon Sinek. This perfectly sums up the thinking behind our 'mates who donate' ethos. We truly believe that through the power of communal philanthropy, we can change inspire change in the world, one mate at a time.... ---- Have you registered for our next event yet?

03.01.2022 We're *this* excited about our 2020 Giving Circle It's been a crazy year but we can't help but be amazed at the generosity we've experienced from our community amidst it all. So thank you - from the bottom of our hearts

01.01.2022 Have you heard?! We've been challenged to grow our Giving Circle to $50k by Friday 6th June Anton and Jenny Guadry, Melbourne based philanthropists, have challenged our community to grow our giving circle to $50k by the end of the week. If we can hit this major milestone they're going to pitch in an incredible $10,000 themselves!! ... For the cost of a coffee a day, you can become an everyday philanthropist and make a massive difference to communities in need. In these difficult time's charities are more in need than ever - so every little bit counts Donate today at:

01.01.2022 Now that's a flashback! Our original Meridian board from 10+ years ago - featuring our still serving founders, Rueben Taylor and Marcus Tan. Thanks for starting something pretty great guys! You can find out more about our history on our new website: ... #flashbackfriday --------------- Grab your ticket to our next event here:

01.01.2022 We're getting some AMAZING charity nominations this year have you nominated your favourite charity yet?! Charity Nomination Spotlight: Solaris Cancer Care Solaris do amazing work with cancer sufferers and their families offering support, information, education, and complementary therapies to cancer patients and their primary carers ... If you're one of our mates who donate's you can nominate your favourite charity here: -- Don't forget to your tickets to our next event too - it's the final night you can nominate for the year!

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