Joseph's Corner in Yarraville, Victoria | Non-profit organisation
Joseph's Corner
Locality: Yarraville, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 9315 2680
Address: 3 Birmingham Street 3013 Yarraville, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 We here at Joseph's Corner are looking forward to running another one of our short courses starting this Thursday. It will be interesting for everyone as it's about Gathering our Hopes and Desires and Moving on - I'm sure a great topic for everyone! It will be held at the Braybrook and Maidstone Neighbourhood House so if you yourself are interested, or if you know of anyone who might be interested or benefit from getting together with like minded people, please let them know! We'd love to see as many people there as possible.
24.01.2022 A client recently described Josephs Corner counselling as, an amazing, heartbased serviceso helpfulbeing a free service, a safe place, compassionate, thorough and professional. You guys do a wonderful job and really make a difference in our world; thank you! If you or someone you know has been struggling with a family member or a friend who has an addiction issue with alcohol and/or other drugs, Josephs Corner provides free, person-focused and non-judgmental therapy, no referral necessary. Ring 9315 2680 or email [email protected] for more information or to book a free counselling session
24.01.2022 Josephs Corner Newsletter Hello to Everyone, I hope and pray that you are safe and are coping with the stresses and pressures caused by the COVID 19 Pandemic....Continue reading
23.01.2022 Try at least to excuse what you cannot understand and bear in mind that you have only to answer for your own faults. - Mary McKillop
22.01.2022 Hello All, just letting you know about a WONDERFUL NEW BOOK TITLED WOMENS STORIES -Mi Son Forte. it is a compilation of interviews with women from diverse cultural backgrounds. Discover what sustains their determination and brings meaning into their lives. A Great Xmas gift idea inspiring and heart warming. AND All profits from the sale of this book are directed in equal part to: Joseph's Corner & Opening the Doors Foundation - Keeping Koorie Kids in an Education of their c...hoice. Enquiries & Orders Contact: Clara Rizzi - E: [email protected]
22.01.2022 A wonderful night had by all at the VU Polytechnic Charity Dinner 2019 ( Nicholson Street Footscray I Campus ) with the proceeds going to Josephs Corner. Thank you to VU staff for their hard work and kind donation and special thank you to chef Michael Bannerman ( RACV Torquay ) and VU cookery and hospitality students for incredible food drink and all round hospitality. A huge thank you to Tess and Rachel for all their hard work and the valuable time spent coordinating and making sure all goes well leading up to and during the night.
22.01.2022 A great initiative, thanks Victoria University Polytechnic!
18.01.2022 Further to our post about Joseph's Corner having to cease operations, we'd like to tell all those who support our work that we are working diligently to access Government funding to keep our doors open. Because of the need for all of us to stay at home where possible, our 'doors' to our clients both those we currently see and anyone else who would like to come, are by phone, FaceTime, Skype or Zoom. It's amazing how we can adapt when we have to. People are finding that keeping in touch with the counsellors in this way is good, and certainly a lot better than not at all! The counsellors and others at Joseph's Corner are very aware of the anxiety and suffering that isolation is causing people, especially those living alone, and we encourage you to seek counselling at Joseph's Corner for support at this time. Our number is 9315-2680.
17.01.2022 We are delighted to be offering another one of our popular courses - this time on Improving Self Esteem and Valuing Yourself (very important!). We hope you can let your friends and acquaintances know and ask them to come!
17.01.2022 Sister Jeanne And Kath Sutherland - Thank you to Freemasons Sunshine Wisdom Lodge And Freemasons Victoria for your support over the years. Your generosity is so very much appreciated
16.01.2022 Businesses of the Western Suburbs of Melbourne and surrounds can support their local community by supporting Josephscorner #drugaddiction #community #maribyrnongcitycouncil
16.01.2022 COVID-19 (The Coronavirus) We at Joseph’s Corner are mindful of people in the midst of the talk we are hearing about with the Coronavirus. Ensuring we have enough food (and, let’s face it, toilet paper!) is important because we don’t know what is ahead. But are we ensuring we are in a good mental state to face whatever comes? Experiences which we may not normally have but could be brought out in response to the current situation:... Unnamed fears Fear of the unknown, fear of illness, death, loss of loved ones, job loss etc. Anxiety Loneliness Isolation With the disappearance of our usual supports, uncertainty, feelings of being overwhelmed, etc. The counsellors at Joseph’s Corner are available to have phone sessions with you to offer support at this time. We can’t fix the problem but we can support you as you go through it. Please call us on 9315-2680 to avail yourself of this free service. May the rhythm of this prayer bring you peace...
15.01.2022 Are you affected by a family member or friend who has an addiction issue or issues, or do you know someone who is? Learn how to set and maintain boundaries; strengthen family and community connections; and improve self-worth. For friendly and supportive free counselling call Joseph's Corner on 9315 2680 or email [email protected] for an appointment.
13.01.2022 COVID-19 (The Coronavirus) We at Josephs Corner are mindful of people in the midst of the talk we are hearing about with the Coronavirus. Ensuring we have enough food (and, lets face it, toilet paper!) is important because we dont know what is ahead. But are we ensuring we are in a good mental state to face whatever comes? Experiences which we may not normally have but could be brought out in response to the current situation:... Unnamed fears Fear of the unknown, fear of illness, death, loss of loved ones, job loss etc. Anxiety Loneliness Isolation With the disappearance of our usual supports, uncertainty, feelings of being overwhelmed, etc. The counsellors at Josephs Corner are available to have phone sessions with you to offer support at this time. We cant fix the problem but we can support you as you go through it. Please call us on 9315-2680 to avail yourself of this free service. May the rhythm of this prayer bring you peace...
12.01.2022 It's not too late to join our Support Group starting tomorrow at Hoppers Crossing!
12.01.2022 A reminder about our course starting next week!
11.01.2022 Hi everyone Sadly we've had to cancel our course on "Improving Self-Esteem and Valuing Oneself" due to the concern about the Coronavirus. There has been some good news from across the world with people working hard to find solutions, but as yet the future is uncertain.... We hope to resume our course on 7th May if our world has righted itself on its axis by then!! We'll keep you posted. The team at Joseph's Corner wishes for you that you will keep health and happy! :-)
11.01.2022 A Message From Sister Jeanne I hope and pray that you are safe and are coping with the stresses and pressures caused by the Covid 19 Pandemic. The COVID19 Pandemic has had a substantial negative impact on Josephs Corner and our ability to continue with fundraising. However, there have also been some positives from this situation and we are doing all we can to adapt to the new ways of doing things... It is without a doubt that the Job keeper payments from the Federal Government has played a significant role helping towards paying our counsellors, and we are currently in the process of devising new ways of raising funds until we can once again carry out face to face activities. The Counsellors have worked very hard to move the Group Therapy sessions from face to face meetings to online meetings. The transition has been effective, and it has enabled people who need the contact and support offered through group therapy to continue to receive it. This has not been without its challenges. Some of the participants are older and do not have the tech skills to readily use a computer or other device to access a ZOOM meeting. Some clients simply do not have the necessary device to let them participate in an online meeting. Heather, our senior counsellor, has put in considerable effort to make this work. Meditation Sessions Clara, a volunteer has been running meditation sessions for groups of our clients. With the COVID 19 Pandemic restrictions imposed on us Clara has very successfully moved the meditation sessions online and has been able to continue conducting group meditation sessions. Online Selling Josephs Corner has been blessed to have some young women take on a job of selling on the internet the knitwear and homemade quilts donated to Josephs Corner. Josephs Corner would greatly benefit if we could actively run an online shop and sell off some of the goods we have in storage from when we closed our shop. Can you do this? If anyone has technical IT skills and experience in running and working on online shopping platforms, we would love to hear from you, Want to help. Josephs Corner would love to hear from anyone who is prepared to take on any of the jobs that need to be done. Please contact Josephs Corner by email with an indication of what you would like to help with and your availability and we will then be able to chat with you about what needs to be done. God Bless and Stay Safe Sister Jeanne Dwyer #josehphscorner #supportingfamilies #helpfordrugabuse #familycouncelling #youarenotalone #staysafe #supportus #charities
11.01.2022 Josephs Corner Message to Staff, clients, stakeholders and supporters. Re Corona Virus At the Board Meeting on 2 April the Board concluded that Josephs Corner is unable to operate in the current environment beyond mid-April. This is due to the total shutdown of our three income streams - donations, the opp shop, inability to engage in fund raising activities , and the fact that we have meagre funds in the bank .... Accordingly Josephs Corner will suspend all operations, except basic communications and essential admin, within the next two weeks. The staff have been advised of this, and the Board is consulting with them as to their preference on employment status. The Board will not be idle during the hibernation. We are investigating government assistance packages, planning for how and when we will recommence operations, and planning changes to our structure and funding to come out stronger and better. Our operational status will be reviewed every two weeks until things return to normal. We thank all of our wonderful supporters. Josephs Corner Board.
10.01.2022 An excellent plan
09.01.2022 During this time of uncertainty we must all join together in prayer for Global recovery, stability and world peace .. A prayer from Mary McKillop .. God wants us to take fresh courage ... Now more than ever is the time to continue to nurture your hope faith courage
08.01.2022 Thank you to our generous friends for their thoughtful donations. We have created these lovely gift hampers for High Tea event to celebrate Mothers Day. #mothersdayhampers #mothersday #hightea #morningtea #josephscorner #addictionsupport WHERE :- Mount St Josephs Girls College at 123 Maidstone Street Altona WHEN -: 5th May 2019 . For tickets call 9315 2680.
08.01.2022 We could all do with more calmness in our 9315 2680 or email [email protected] to register!
08.01.2022 Good morning , I found this poem by Kitty O'Meara that resonate with me and thought to share with you all as Victoria wakes up this morning to more stringent rules curfew and isolation restrictions. Please stay safe.. ......And the people stayed home. And read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways of being, and were still. And listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadow...s. And the people began to think differently. And the people healed. And, in the absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, the earth began to heal. And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed. By Kitty O'Meara See more
08.01.2022 Autumn is now well upon us, although you wouldn't know it from this week's warm weather! May is just around the corner and is shaping up to be an extra busy time for Josephs Corner as we seek to support people in the west by providing free counselling services. First up in May is Joseph Corners deliciously delectable and wholly worthwhile annual fundraising High Tea. It will be held on Sunday 5 May at Mount St Josephs Girls College, 129133 Maidstone St, Altona. Tickets ...are $30 each a bargain for such a great event and cause. You can book tickets from Joseph's Corner on 9315 2680 or Tania on 0439 165 660. More info here: The next event will occur every Tuesday throughout May from 1:00 2:30 pm at Josephs Corners Laverton site (located at St Martin Porres Primary School, 13 Bellin St) when experienced guide Clara Rizzi will be leading participants in various calming forms of meditation. Check out the flyer for more info: Then, for six consecutive Wednesdays at 10:00 am 12:00 pm from 15 May 19 June, also at our Laverton site, experienced and empathetic counsellor Heather Bunting, assisted by co-presenter Robyn Hosking, will be delivering Part II of the short course, Improving Self Worth. Participation in Part I not essential. Guaranteed to be educative, therapeutic, informative and interesting! Check out the event here: Both of these events are free, although a gold coin donation is always welcome . Also, dont forget to pop into Merrijig, our op shop, where theres always a treasure on hand to take home or simply to have a cuppa and a chat: All proceeds support our free counselling services to those experiencing difficult times, and we greatly appreciate your assistance in helping us to do so. We couldnt do it without you.
05.01.2022 Due to the current climate, Joseph's Corner will not be running their annual High Tea fundraiser this year. We would like to wish you all a very happy Mother's Day and hope to see you at this event next year. - Jeanne...
05.01.2022 October Newsletter From Sisiter Jeanne Dear All, I am very much looking forward to Victoria getting out of our current lockdown as I am sure you all are....Continue reading
02.01.2022 We're very excited to be hosting a short, free course on improving self-worth, commencing on Thursday 21 February - you are most welcome to share the details
01.01.2022 8th August is Feast of Mary McKillop. - This is a quote from Mary McKillop 1890 If you have love in your heart you will have God with you. Thoughts and prayers for all during these challenging times.
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