Merrilee Hayes Psychic Medium Healer in Cronulla, New South Wales, Australia | Astrologist & psychic
Merrilee Hayes Psychic Medium Healer
Locality: Cronulla, New South Wales, Australia
Address: 21, 39-41 Wyanbah Road 2230 Cronulla, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Be in each moment with gratitude, love, kindness. Love your family and create special memories. Future is now! What do you want to experience? Please like, share follow my series of videos with my son and trigger the sausage dog.
24.01.2022 Inspirational- Focus on raising your vibration and not the negative things happening.
24.01.2022 FREE 5 MIN PSYCHIC READINGS FOR 3 PEOPLE. Simply like comment YES and SHARE my post! Or book in for aura reading, psychic reading and healing meditation.
23.01.2022 What beautiful weather we having here in Sydney! Feel greatful for all you have people. So this song has been playing in my mind for 2 days. ITS A MESSAGE FOR US ALL DONT FORGET YOU ARE ALWAYS SURROUNDED BY A HIGHER LOVE!!! BOOK IN FOR AURA & READING SPECIAL $30 for 30 minutes. BOOKINGS AVAILABLE Tuesday 16th June 2pm. Wednesday 10am & 1230pm. Friday 10am & 2pm.
21.01.2022 Joe Dispenza talks about an important message on how to reprogram your mind. I received this message from spirit. TO CHANGE YOUR BRAIN YOU NEED TO CREATE NEW PATHWAYS.. LITERALLY CHANGE THE PATHS YOU TAKE! DONT DRIVE THE SAME WAY EVERY DAY, GO TO A NEW CAFE FOR LUNCH OR COFFEE etc Also pay attention to your thoughts if they dont feel good honour how you feel and ask for spirits assistance to release them. Focus on gratitude, kindness and see the beauty in the world...look past the things that cause you stress.
21.01.2022 Have you booked in for an aura reading? Still thinking of a Christmas gift? BOOK IN NOW.
20.01.2022 FULL PERSONALISED AURA REPORT & PSYCHIC READING Are your chakras open & active? Find out what needs healing! Example report. Mine shows all chakras open and active..other example report shows chakras have blocks and need healing.
20.01.2022 Ill be doing aura readings. There will be sound healing, psychic readings & more. Book in and have a day of soul pampering! OR BOOK IN WITH ME FOR LONGER SESSION.
20.01.2022 By just flowing with the rhythm you will never lower your vibrations.
20.01.2022 TALKING TO GOD.... A man on his Harley was riding along an Australian beach road when suddenly the sky clouded above his head and, in a booming voice, God said,... "Because you have tried to be faithful to me in all ways, I will grant you one wish." The biker pulled over and said, " Lord, build a bridge to Tasmania so I can ride over anytime I want." God replied, "Your request is materialistic; think of the enormous challenges for that kind of undertaking; the supports required reaching the bottom of the Pacific and the concrete and steel it would take! I can do it, but it is hard for me to justify your desire for worldly things. Take a little more time and think of something that could possibly help mankind." The biker thought about it for a long time. Finally, he said, "Lord, I wish that I, and all men, could understand women. I want to know how she feels inside, what shes thinking when she gives me the silent treatment, why she cries, what she means when she says nothings wrong, why she snaps and complains when I try to help, and how I can make a woman truly happy." God replied: "You want two lanes on that bridge, or four? (P.S. Im so glad God has a sense of humour :D )
19.01.2022 11.11 11 November New beginnings, awakening code11.11 11 November New beginnings, awakening code
18.01.2022 Our chakras show what is within us that needs healing; with my psychic connection and aura reading we can see what needs healing within. If we have blocked chakras this affects us on an energetic level this can cause disease in the body and emotional imbalance. If you have already had an aura and psychic reading we will be able to see your progress with your previous aura reading and compare. Addressing issues and clear them out for good! LAST FREE SPOTS: Saturday 29 August 3 p.m. & 5 p.m. Sunday 30th 10 a.m. & 11 a.m. Wednesday 2nd September 9:30 a.m, 12 p.m, 6 p.m. & 7 p.m.
18.01.2022 FREE 5min readings. Needing guidance on some things going on in your life right now? Receive a mini reading and book in for a session. Includes aura report. Aura report is an important aspect of of you. It shows your chakras. Chakras can get blocked from unresolved issues. Have a 5min reading prior to get you focused on a core issue. Book in and lets clear out that which isnt serving you. You will feel free, light, focused on positivity. Let flow what else needs to surface in a session. Say hi in the comments and Ill try get through as many as I can over the next week.
16.01.2022 SHARE & TAG YOUR FRIENDS! BEACH CLEAN UP SATURDAY 6 JUNE 11am Bianchinis Eulorea. Meet like minded souls who care about our environment. Grab a take away coffee and chat outside the cafe. 11.11am we will walk together and collect the rubbish off the beach. Theres alot of plastic bottle tops! Bring garbage bag and gloves in your bag. 11 is an auspicious number signifying a new start.... The beach provides us with peace and fun and its our turn to give back and show gratitude. PLEASE COMMENT YES IF YOU CAN JOIN. LOOK FORWARD TO MEETING YOU! See more
15.01.2022 When YOU feel your skin alive with vibration you know you are aligned with source energy. When YOUR heart pounds so hard you know your heart is wide open to giv...e and recieve love. There are no blocks and you are free! When YOU breathe every breath and it feels like utter peace going in and out of your body you know you are breathing the life force of pure loving energy. When YOU know your environment is alive and breathing just like YOU, you become one with everything and know you are apart of it. When YOU fall to your knees in gratitude and feel as if FINALLY YOU UNDERSTAND. Its a KNOWING- a trillion unspoken words that never need to be uttered. That YOU know with certainly you are tapped into and apart of the UNIverse, that we are all UNITED and that feeling youve had your whole life of separation finally comes crashing down. Do NOT seek it OUTSIDE Seek it WITHIN! See more
15.01.2022 Speak up for horses by sharing one (or all) of these images. The horse racing industry has repeatedly proven it does not put the horses first. They are whippe...d, have their tongues tied, are pushed to their limits, and are at a great risk of sustaining an injury, with the possibility of death. Between August 2019 and July 2020, 116 horses died on Australian racetracks. Some died from a catastrophic limb or neck injury while others suffered from cardiac arrest, internal bleeding, and head traumas. This statistic excludes the hundreds of racehorses who disappear after being sent to knackeries and slaughterhouses. With so many other reasons to dress up and celebrate, it is time to end this barbaric tradition and create a kinder world for all. #horseracingkills #melbournecup #melbournecup2020 #springracing #racingcarnival #hereforthehorses #nuptothecup
15.01.2022 Spiritual awakening has shown me everything we need resides within. God lies within... the whole universe lies within us because there is no separation! I have experienced this from my spiritual awakening; connect within! Know you are perfect the way you are and all the love, peace and joy shall be yours. You are beautiful!
15.01.2022 JUPITER & SATURN ARE NOW IN ALIGNMENT. LAST THEY ALIGNED WAS 1226! This energy brings higher vibration, opens portals on earth from pyramids to stars. Focus and raise your vibration through being conscious of your thoughts. Be positive, be loving and kind to yourself and others.
14.01.2022 BOOK NOW LAST SPOTS AVAILABLE THURSDAY 16th 1030am & 1pm. $40 Aura Reading & Psychic Reading 40 mins $60 Aura Reading & Psychic Reading 60 mins. COMING SOON FULL SESSIONS - AURA & PSYCHIC READING PLUS +++ HEALING WITH CRYSTALS, SOUND, MEDITATION & MANTRA SPECIFICALLY TAILORED TO EACH CLIENT. $80 90 mins.
12.01.2022 If you are experiencing any energetic shifts, changes in consciousness or just feel like sharing please comment. Subscribe to my you tube channel. Thank you!
12.01.2022 Last night while watching The Voice which I recorded I heard a song start playing in my mind it was Michael Jacksons the Earth Song 3 minutes later The Voice contenders performed this song. I was connecting to it before I heard it. I awoke this morning with another of Michaels songs so I did some research and found out he passed away last night in 2009 I also read how Michael Jacksons father was violent and emotionally abusive, he had a hard life and music was his outlet and freedom. He built Neverland to make up for his nightmarish childhood making kids happy which made him happy. He was falsely accused of molesting a child. People who wanted to just obtain money from the false accusations.
12.01.2022 Are you awake or asheep?
11.01.2022 This is a brilliant video and explains how important it is to be in control of your mind. Many people are living in the past.. in experiences they have had which creates an e-motion(energy in motion). The mind thinks it is the reality and so we are living in the past. You can take control of your mind by listening to this and following your thoughts consciously. At the end of the video it shows how the emotions can cause disease in the body and how one woman changed her mind and the disease disappeared.
10.01.2022 Is it time to delve into the depths of your soul? Receive an aura and psychic reading. Are you energetically aligned? Are you emotionally aligned? I can assist you on your healing journey. NEXT AVAILABLE SESSIONS- Sunday 23rd august 230pm. Wednesday 26th 930am OR 1230pm OR 6pm.
10.01.2022 Listen to this while watching sun rise (or sunset) opens third eye raises vibration. Im tingling all over. That is the kundalini energy. It brings out what you need to know about self- what needs to be honoured and released within you? I say to the sun so I become one with its gorgeous life force energy I am you; You are me; We are one of the same in Jesus and Gods name. Say this or any name that resonates like creator. I had kundalini awakening 5 yrs ago and I now know what God is... its all things its a high energy of pure bliss. We are all gods... all things are. This helps me to let my god force energy shine!
08.01.2022 SPECIAL $30 aura report & psychic reading. 30 mins need more time?. . Thats fine I allow extra time between sessions. If the reading is flowing we can go overtime $40 45 mins. $50 1 hour. BOOK NOW!
07.01.2022 NEARLY CHRISTMAS... Time for a psychic reading & in depth personal aura/chakra reading? BOOK IN! Appointments available- Thursday 10th December930am, 1030am Friday 11th December 10am, 530pm Saturday 12th December 4pm... Monday 14th December930am, 11am Tuesday15th December 930am, 1130am Wednesday 16th December 10am, 1pm Thursday 17th December 10am, 12pm Tuesday 22nd December 10am,11pm,4pm Wednesday 23rd December 930am,3pm, 430pm See more
06.01.2022 FREE SPOTS Saturday 27th june1030am & 2pm. Wednesday 1st july 930am, 1030am, 330pm & 530pm. Thursday 2nd July 10am & 2pm.
06.01.2022 Spirit has taught me alot about human consciousness. Many of us aren't at our full potential, due to JUDGEMENT of ourselves and others... a viewpoint that is clouded. The mind searches, it's the ego that thinks it needs something... needs to be someone. The heart shall set you free! Let go, become aware when the mind searches.
05.01.2022 How do you express yourself? Do you write, draw, paint, sew...or perhaps you are simply kind and radiating care to others.
05.01.2022 Special $30 personalised aura reading & psychic reading. 30 minutes. SPOTS FREE FRIDAY 19th June 10am. SATURDAY 20th 1030am & 1130am.
05.01.2022 Nature is painting for us, day after day, pictures of infinite beauty if only we have eyes to see them... John Ruskin (1819-1900)
03.01.2022 Gratitude is a very high vibrational feeling that opens up the heart. What are you grateful for today? Please leave a comment and share. $30 sessions are still available theres a few appointments left, over the next three weeks book in now!
02.01.2022 Only last night I was researching the royals and the fall of 9 11 towers. Coincidence? I think not. I now have filled in the blanks thanks to this video shared by a friend! And the new king is a white hat/good guy we need him theres too many no gooders in power.
02.01.2022 Aura Readings special price $30. Spots available- 7th December 10am, Tuesday 8th December 11am, Wednesday 130pm, Friday 11.30am OR 2pm. For previous clients this will be a great opportunity to compare your old and new reports. Specific personal information will come through to help you on your journey.
02.01.2022 Very good explanation of enlightenment. Bliss, peace is achieved from within through meditation.
01.01.2022 Its very important to clear your energy daily! Epsom salt baths are an excellent way to cleanse your energy. You can also add some crystals into the water with the epsom salt My favourites are black tourlmarine, rose quartz, citrine, haematite and tigers eye. However go with your instincts and use what you need. It is important to wash your hair regularly too, everything holds energy and your body including your hair absorbs energy. Just remember we are all connected and eve...n if theres nothing wrong with you you may feel unhappy or disconnected and this may not even be of your own thoughts it can be from others around you. A quick energy cleanse use white sage. Burn the smoke in your home and let the smoke waft around your whole body. Use words that resonate with you as you do this. I say cleanse this house and everything in it every fibre and molecule in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit. If its a crystal Ill let the smoke go over it and say cleanse this crystal to the highest love and light vibration back to its original pure state. God bless See more
01.01.2022 It I is important to listen to healing music and meditate. Listen to this...its amazing! If you would like an aura and psychic reading book in $30 special. 1 hr $50 Or 1.5hrs full session. Simply click message on my business page.
01.01.2022 Make sure you take time out to get to the beach or nature. Let the healing effects cleanse you!
01.01.2022 Our DNA has information within it. It says God eternal within
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