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Reconnecting to Resonance in Perth, Western Australia | Beauty

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Reconnecting to Resonance

Locality: Perth, Western Australia

Phone: +61 8 9367 1877

Address: 47 Tate Street 6151 Perth, WA, Australia


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24.01.2022 Using the sweet sounds of crystal singing bowls, drums and other acoustic instruments I can discover which areas in the body are out of tune and return you to a state of resonance

24.01.2022 I just love it when different healing modalities support each other with the same information; eg a client asks a question and the tarot card gives the same insight as the astrological chart. There are always greater forces at work, we just need to be open to them :)

23.01.2022 Lao Tsu said "what the caterpillar calls the end, the rest of the world calls a butterfly." Yes.. there is a bigger picture which we can't always see, but there most certainly is one and YOU are a part of it. Sometimes we just need to trust. Have a great weekend everyone, next week I am going to start to draw a card for the week with explanations. Stay tuned.

21.01.2022 A Tarot reading can shine a light on the probabilities, however if you dont like what you see it can offer guidance about the way to go to change the outcome. I am available for face to face readings at Cove Spa 47 Tate Street in South Perth 0893671877 or via email [email protected]

20.01.2022 Using instruments such as drums, crystal singing bowls and Tibetan bowls which resonate with the energy field a sound therapist is able to detect imbalances in the energy field For appointments please contact me- [email protected]

19.01.2022 The card drawn for this week is Material Harvest One of the Laws of the Universe is what you sow you reap. This card indicates that you have achieved a goal which you have worked hard to make happen. So honour yourself celebrate that which you have accomplished. Congratulations on your success, you have earned it. It may only be a small triumph but it's time to believe in your self time to set another goal.Use what you have learned from this endeavour to take you even further and watch your potential prosper.

18.01.2022 I hope you have had a relaxing weekend. The card for this week is 'Victory and Success'. After a difficult and trying time, good news is on the way. You have worked hard to get to this point. Stop and pat yourself on the back, you deserve it. Realise that if you can come through this challenge, you can achieve anything...

18.01.2022 Gratitude.... Make it a Habit to improve every area of your life. How? 1. I suggest you start with a gratitude Journal. 2. Each day write down 5 things that you are grateful for. Each day it must be different things. 3. One of these things should be related to a goal you are working towards. 4. And one of these gratefuls should relate to the amazing things that are about to come.... 5. By surrounding future events with that air of expectation you can manifest things at a faster rate. Some suggestions to start you off I am grateful that my body can heal itself of cuts, bumps and broken bones. I am grateful that I have a roof over my head etc Go on give it a try you will be amazed at what you can magnetize into your life through this simple act. See more

17.01.2022 I've just spent some time baking biscuits for Halloween treats for my gorgeous Grandchildren and as I did I was reflecting on its meaning. Halloween or Samhain(End of Summer) is really an Autumn festival held when the days get shorter and the nights get longer in the Northern Hemisphere. It is a time to honour and remember our ancestors and to reflect that life is cyclical and that change is the natural order.So for those of us in the Southern Hemisphere where our seasons are the reverse in reality we should celebrate this occasion 30th April. But worldwide everyone recognises October 31st as Halloween, with lollies, trick or treating, scary costumes being the main focus. So with apologies to my Wiccan friends Happy Halloween everyone, what better excuse to eat lollies and have fun.

17.01.2022 The Cove Day Spa from where I work has just been awarded by the Australian Beauty Industry for Best Customer Care, 2013! Proud to be doing what I love and operating from such a professional establishment!

16.01.2022 Intention is without doubt an important key in the healing process. Setting a clear intention is a vital part of my healing sessions. Not only do I encourage my clients to formulate and state a clear intention for their session but as your therapist it is essential that I do likewise. We need to attract that which will assist us on our journey and that means attracting the frequency that resonates most with us.

14.01.2022 Because YOU can create miracles.

13.01.2022 Start today and watch them grow

13.01.2022 Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become your character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.

12.01.2022 Every day is an opportunity to be creative in some way.

11.01.2022 This is awesome I'm sure we can all relate to this Happy Friday everyone

11.01.2022 I hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend. The card drawn for this week is Hope. Keep the word as a focus in your mind throughout your week. This card is a reminder that the impossible can become the possible. Use your natural ability of intuition as you reflect on your goals. By maintaining a positive attitude starting right now- this very minute- you'll discover an opportunity to shine as you reach for the stars. Wishing you a week filled with positivity and success.

09.01.2022 Think about what it is that you want to achieve, use all of your senses to amplify the vibration , see yourself enjoying your achievement, feel the excitement, smell it, touch it, hear it and then take the first small step to create the action. You've got this. Have a great weekend.

09.01.2022 Focus on what's Right not what's Wrong. Count your blessings regularly and don't take good things for granted. At the end of the day think of one positive experience you have had and give thanks and feel grateful for its benefits, make this a habit and day by day increase the number of things you are thankful for. You will soon realise how great your life really is. Give it a try.

08.01.2022 Your thoughts can become your reality, think gratitude, think happiness, think success so that your mental and physical bodies are in resonance with each other.

08.01.2022 The card drawn for this week is Partnerships and Alliances.. watch out for synchronicities which can bring opportunities to form connections or unexpected alliances. Remember with all partnerships there has to be an even exchange of energy. There must be a balance of the combined energies within the alliance in order for it to work and blend together for optimum results. Have an open mind when listening to others. Have a great week.

07.01.2022 11th of the 11th WOW Super Powerful, both the Sun and the Moon will be in Scorpio the sign of letting go and rebirth. New moons are always powerful but this one will be exceptionally so and the perfect time for setting your intentions. As the Moons light grows so does your manifestation. Ready Set Go

07.01.2022 The card for this week is Choose Wisely it comes up when you have a vision that you wish to achieve but can't make up your mind which way you want to go to achieve it. Don't be hasty because you feel pressured and don't be influenced by people who have no expertise in that area. Stop, breathe, count to ten and focus, then make your decision.

06.01.2022 Hello having been on hiatus from this page for awhile I am back. As many of you know I have worked in the area of energy healing for over 30 years combining different modalities as required. Never one to be complacent I have continued to update my knowledge and found increasingly the scientific evidence regarding healing with sounds to be growing expotentially. I had used tuning forks with great results for several years however it became apparent that what the Shamans, Ame...rican Indians, Australian Aborigine,Oriental and Indian healers have known for centuries has now been proven 'scientifically' to work.So I embarked on an 18 month sound healing experience, studying with an Internationally accredited Sound Healing Academy and finally I have completed and passed the course. I am now officially a fully accredited sound healing practitioner. I would like to sincerely thank all of my Case Study volunteers for their participation and to my two daughters for their encouragement and support especially things Technical. The saying, 'Never make fun of helping me with computer stuff, I taught you to use a spoon', immediately springs to mind. I look forward to seeing past and future clients in the tranquil setting of Cove Spa and Reconnecting you to your Resonance. See more

06.01.2022 Healing with sounds is one of the services that I offer Medical research has estimated that 80% of health challenges are due to stress. Sound healing is very effective at triggering the relaxation response using sound and vibration to restore the body, mind and spirit to a natural state of balance and harmony. Each of our organs, bones and cells has its own unique vibration. When all are in good health and harmony they blend together like the instruments in an orchestra. If... one part of the body is out of tune the whole body will be affected. Through the principle of entrainment it is possible using acoustic instruments to bring the out of tune area back into resonance. In our busy lives stressful situations can be difficult to avoid, especially when juggling work and family life and everything in between. It is extremely important to keep our energy centres in balance which will help to lessen the effects of stress but it is equally important to learn ways to counteract and manage stress. This is where a session of sound healing can be extremely valuable. See more

05.01.2022 My sound healing sessions are personalised. Each one is specific to your requirements and I will work with you to bring your body into a state of resonance.

04.01.2022 This is something I have always felt intuitively, the beach is my happy place summer and winter!

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