Swimming Metro South East Area Inc | Non-profit organisation
Swimming Metro South East Area Inc
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25.01.2022 Please note that an email has been sent to all swimmers who finished in the top four positions in an event at the recent MetSEA Speedo Sprint Heats. Emails were sent to the email address in which was used to register on anotherpb.com. In order to secure your position in the team for the Speedo Sprint State Finals, online acceptance forms must be completed by no later than 5pm Monday 22nd February 2021.
24.01.2022 https://www.swimming.org.au//swimming-australia-update-cov
23.01.2022 Congratulations to Sydney University who took out the 2020 Senior MetSEA Summer Championships and well done to all clubs involved. Definitely some great competition within our area.
23.01.2022 We are pleased to announce Swimming NSW has partnered with Wylas Timing a trailblazer in creating innovative wireless timing solutions for swimming clubs. Over... the next three years, starting from 1 June, clubs will have the opportunity to hire an all-inclusive Wylas timing pack from Swimming NSW, completely free of charge. And new this season, clubs in regional areas will have the chance to trial Wylas’ system, with bookings available in January and February, 2022. Read more here: https://nsw.swimming.org.au//swimming-nsws-new-official-ti
22.01.2022 The 2020 Senior MetSEA Summer Championships Program, Qualifying Times and Conditions of Entry can be found at the link below: https://metsea.swimming.org.au//metsea%20senior%20lc%20pro
22.01.2022 Great news; Our 2020 Senior (13 yrs and above) MetSEA Summer Championship event registrations will open this Tuesday 22nd September 2020 at 8am via AnotherPB.com . This event will take place at SOPAC on the weekend of the 24th - 25th October 2020. Please note that due to COVID-19 we are bound by some very strict conditions. The conditions of entry may change several times in the lead up to the event. This will be dependant on NSW Health guidelines. Some of the current condi...tions of entry include; Swimmers and Spectators will be limited (Spectators will need a pre-ordered ticket for each session, which is free and will open also on Tuesday. Tickets will need to be scanned upon entry to each session. No more than one spectator per family will be allowed), Swimmers will be required to stay on pool deck and not permitted in the spectator area, whilst parents must remain seated in the spectator area and not permitted in other areas (besides necessary movement such as to go to the bathroom or to get food), coaches will need to pre-register for the sessions they plan on attending (and supply contact details. Coaches will receive a coaches pass), Clubs will be permitted one team manager (who must pre-register prior to the event and will be given a team manager pass), anyone who is sick is not to attend, anyone who has been to Victoria or any hotspots identified by NSW Health within the last 14 days prior to the event must not attend. The event will be conducted with assisted self marshalling. Information on how this will work will be provided. Whilst this event will be different to previous events and we realise that some people will not agree with some changes, please understand that we are bound by many restrictions that we must meet in order for our event to take place. See more
22.01.2022 Spectators who are planning on attending the 2020 Senior MetSEA Summer Championships, please note, to meet with COVID restrictions, we are not allowed any more than 500 spectators. For this reason spectators will strictly be limited to one person per household. All spectators will require a pre-purchased ticket (free) for each session they plan on attending. Spectators will require a different ticket for each session, (for example if you plan on attending the two sessions on ...Saturday and the two sessions on Sunday, you will require 4 tickets in total, one for each session). Spectators will be required to leave between the two sessions each day and scan back in for the next session. We realise that this will be inconvenient , however in order to run a meet during such times we need to address all government requirements. Due to current limits, Swimmers will not be permitted in the spectator area at any time and must remain on pool deck. Spectators will not be permitted on pool deck for the same reason. Tickets can be purchased (free) at the link below: https://www.trybooking.com/BLRDM
21.01.2022 A big thank you to our incredible coaches who helped make today’s development clinic a success; Goshi (COSAC), Gemma (COSAC), Lauren (Southern Sydney Swim Team), Sara (COSAC) and Tom (SLADEM). An incredible job coaches.
20.01.2022 Good luck to all swimmers who are racing at today’s MetSEA Speedo Heats and day 1 of the Junior Championships. Any swimmer who finishes in the top four for each event are eligible to race at the State Speedo Sprint finals (those with a National QT are excluded) on 6th March. Those that do qualify will need to fill out an online acceptance form which will be emailed out once results are finalised. This email will go to the email address that the swimmer has used when registering on AnotherPB.com All swimmers wishing to compete in the finals must complete this form in order to be entered. Good luck to everyone.
20.01.2022 The following information was sent to all clubs last week in relation to the 2020 Senior MetSEA Summer Championships which is taking place on the weekend of the 24th-25th October 2020 at SOPAC. Please be aware that entries for this meet close at 5pm on Wednesday 7th October. The 2020 MetSEA Senior (13 years and above) Summer Championships are now open on anotherpb.com A program, the COVID conditions of entry and the attendees event information can all be found on our area we...Continue reading
20.01.2022 Just a headsup that we need some additional time to go through some QA checks on the program for our Junior MetSEA Summer Long Course Championship Meet scheduled 14-March-2021. This means we have not been able to open entries this morning as perviously advertised. Watch this space for further updates. MetSEA Competitions Commitee.
19.01.2022 Just a reminder that the first of the MetSEA development clinics will be held this Saturday at Swimmerz Academy for the National A Squad, Senior State B Squad and the Junior State C Squads. We are hoping to have an email out very shortly. A big apology for the lack of communication. We are also in need of more coaches for this Saturday. Please email [email protected] if you are a coach and interested in attending.
18.01.2022 Speedo Sprints Heats and Time line is on our website They can both be found under our Events and News pageSpeedo Sprints Heats and Time line is on our website They can both be found under our Events and News page
18.01.2022 Just loaded ... the results for 2020 Senior MetSEA Summer Championships held 24/Oct - we counted 1911 individual swims by 365 athletes, 337 (93 %) of them PB'ed with total of 1280 PBs swum overall (67 %) Full results in #swimmate #anotherpb What was this like last year? ... the results for 2019 Metro South East Senior Championships held 16/Nov - we counted 1871 individual swims by 364 athletes, 316 (87 %) of them PB'ed with total of 1091 PBs swum overall (59 %)
17.01.2022 ' ? If you're competent in the water, why not give it a go? It's the ideal... introduction to competitive swimming. Grab your friends and sign up today! swimleague.com.au/register
16.01.2022 Covid 19 Up Date and further update next month Please also refer to NSW Swimming Web site 1 July return to sport... On 1 June 2020, the NSW Government announced the resumption of competitive sport from 1 July 2020. Below is a summary of the conditions and requirements for swimming. From 13 June 2020: Indoor recreation facilities can re-open with the following conditions: the number of people in a facility must not exceed one person per 4 square metres, including staff (i.e. the 100 person indoor premises rule will not apply to indoor recreation facilities) sport and recreation activities (including swimming classes) must have no more than 10 participants, plus the instructor and any assistants, per space and comply with one person per 4 square metres. Under NSW public health orders, indoor facility owners and operators must have a COVID-19 Safety Plan that details how their buisness will keep participants, visitors, volunteers and workers safe. The NSW Government has developed this COVID-19 Safety Plan template that can be used by swimming pool operators recommencing from 13 June 2020. From 1 July 2020: Sporting competitions, full training and contact activities can recommence for both junior and adult sport A COVID-19 Safety Plan template has also been developed for community sport recommencing from 1 July 2020, as well as Sports Venue Guidelines posters for clubs to print and display at their venues (Clubs and operators guidelines poster; Participants and spectators guidelines poster). Visit the NSW Government website for more information on becoming a COVID-safe business. It is important that all swimming pool owners and operators also remain up to date with current NSW Government public health orders. Some of the conditions outlined above differ in the ACT. From 12 noon, Friday 19 June 2020, Phase 2.2 of Canberra's Recovery Plan came into effect. The changes, as applicable to pools and swimming, are as follows: Swimming pools can open with a maximum of 100 people (including staff, trainers and spectators) per indoor or outdoor space or one person per 4 square metres, whichever is lesser. Swimming pools should have a maximum of four swimmers per lane. Communal facilities (such as changerooms) can open if a risk assessment has been done and a strict cleaning regime is put in place. This should be outlined in the COVID Safety Plan. Canteens can operate, however, physical distancing must be encouraged. Regards Public Relations Officer Metsea Executives
16.01.2022 : ( ). Juniors: Saturday, 22 August 2020 Seniors: Sunday, 23 August 2020... Get in quick to secure the final spots! swimleague.com.au/register
16.01.2022 Return to Competition after Extended Absence - MetSEA Policy Are you a swimmer who has returned to swimming after an extended absence due to study, work, injury or other reasons and are making a return to competitive swimming. Earlier this year MetSEA introduced a return to competition after extended leave policy. Swimmers who have been absent from competition for an extended period of time and wish to return to competition but do not have current qualifying times to enter ...a MetSEA Championship or Qualifying Meet may seek permission from the MetSEA Competitions Coordinator to enter a MetSEA Championship or Qualifying Meet. All details in relation to this policy, along with the application form, can be found at the following link. https://metsea.swimming.org.au/content.aspx
15.01.2022 Due to the current health situation in the western and south western areas of Sydney, the to 7-8 October 202...0. Anyone who has registered for this gala day will automatically have their registration transferred to the new dates. If you would like to discuss your participation, please get in touch with us at swimleague.com.au/contact
13.01.2022 A fantastic day was had by those swimmers who attended the first of the MetSEA development clinics. Swimmers aimed at improving there racing by participating in swim and educational sessions on skills, motivation/goal setting and injury prevention. Swimmers also made new friends in the process. A big thank you to Lucas Coates from Performance Physiotherapy in Caringbah for being our guest speaker and to Swimmerz Academy for hosting and catering the day.
13.01.2022 Have you registered yet for what will be an awesome way back into racing. Register for the Metro South Gala day which will take place on Sat 22nd August (9-12yrs) and 23rd August (13yrs +). It is like the Big Bash of Swimming. Fun, Fast and Fantastic times ahead.
13.01.2022 Have you registered for a Swim League gala day yet? Don't leave it too late... spots are filling fast!
13.01.2022 IMPORTANT UPDATEDATE CHANGE Good morning everyone, We need to advise that there has been a date change for Junior Metropolitan Champs. The Championships w...ill now run on Saturday and Sunday only (28-29 November). All of Friday's events have been moved to these two days in our program. This change has been unavoidable as Swimming Australia require SOPAC's competition pool on Friday to run their Virtual SC Championships. The updated program can be found on our website: https://nsw.swimming.org.au//2020-2021-junior-metropolitan No changes to already-placed entries are required. All entries that have already been placed will automatically be adjusted in the Meet Program to reflect the updated order of events. New sessions are as follows: Day 1: Saturday 28th November 2020 Session 1: Warm-up 7:30am, Meet Commences @ 9am Session 2: No earlier than 12:30pm Day 2: Sunday 29th November 2020 Session 3: Warm-up 7:30am, Meet Commences @ 9am Session 4: No earlier than 12:30pm Thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate running events as a whole sport in 2020.
12.01.2022 At this stage the Senior MetSEA Summer LC Swimming Championships (13 years and above) is still planned for the weekend of the 24-25th October. This, however, will be dependant on government restrictions. A lot of planning is currently going into trying to run this meet whilst addressing all requirements and keeping our swimmers, volunteers and spectators safe. We are hoping to open registrations later this month. Please be aware that many things will be different, including s...trict limits on swimmers and limited spectators. As soon as we have confirmed conditions we will make them public, informing swim clubs and swimmers. Their is still a lot more work that needs to be done, but be assured our incredible volunteer committee members are working hard and doing the best they can to make this happen. Fingers crossed we can provide you with updates shortly. See more
12.01.2022 Well, things may have been different at this years 2020 Senior MetSEA Summer Championships, however, we were fortunate enough to have our swimmers back doing what they do best. How did you find the meet? A big, massive, huge thank you to every technical official and any parent who volunteered throughout the weekend. Not one person involved with this meet is in a payed position. Without these incredible volunteers our swimmers would not have opportunities like last weekend. We are all very thankful and grateful for this and each one of you should be proud. If anyone is interested or wants any information in relation to training to become an official please do not hesitate to contact us. We will happily help you through the process. Once again, we’ll done to everyone involved.
12.01.2022 Today (Sunday) is the last day to register for Metro South Swim League. So those interested in attending, be quick. Teams are split into two divisions, junior's (9-12 yrs) and senior's (13yrs and above), with two tiers for each division. The junior division will be racing on Saturday 22nd August and the senior swimmers will be racing on Sunday 23rd August. The meet will go for no more than 3.5 hours, and will involve individual and team races. Their are no qualifying teams... and you do not need to be a registered club swimmer to enter. The cost is $35 and includes 2 team swim caps and all events and entry. The gala day will take place at the Ignite Health and Fitness pool, (101 Meadows Road, Mount Pritchard). Anyone who is interested in joining what will be a champion team please register at https://www.swimleague.com.au/register Enter the Metro South Gala Day. This will be a fun, fast and fantastic way of getting back into racing. Cant wait. See more
11.01.2022 Thank you to all who participated in today’s meet. Please be advised that the delays in entry into the pool along with the parking ticket validation (No flat fee offered) were through no fault of Metsea. We to were disappointed. The arrangements were made between SOPAC and Swim NSW. We will endeavour to have these corrected in time for our next meet on 13th March. Thankyou for your patience.
11.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/117584958289476/posts/2860354444012500/
10.01.2022 To The BOM Committee From Each Metsea Club Due to Current Covid Restrictions and polices this matter is even more important. This is a request moving forward from 2020 that all Club contacts.... President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Race Secretary are using their web host email address and not their personal email address. My Self and our Secretary will be contacting each club to make sure this happens. We would like to communicate more efficiently and make sure club are contactable and don't miss out on important information and updates. We will be looking at ways to make sure this can happen through Swim Central and maybe through Metsea Time Trial Request. This has been an ongoing issue which now needs to be resolved. As each committee may change each season and personal emails move as well. Please use the format set above and add your Mobile number if you wish and send asap. Please help us achieve this by sending the above email addresses for your club to the below email Kind Regards George Benhayon [email protected]
09.01.2022 Urgent notice to ALL clubs. As a direct result of the COVID-19 outbreak and following the recommendation from Swimming NSW, approval for ALL forms of competition by MetSEA has been suspended till further notice, effective immediately.... This includes events already approved by MetSEA. Our online approvals process has been closed, once we receive clearance to continue it will be reopened and you will all be notified. Our planning for the Winter Short Course season as well as Development Squad clinics is still continuing but dates of events are to be confirmed. MetSEA thank you for your patience and understanding during this time, we wish all our swimming community and families the best of health and thank you for your ongoing patience and support.
09.01.2022 Last chance to register for the 2020 Senior MetSEA Summer Championships. Registrations strictly close at 5pm tomorrow, Wednesday 7th October 2020. A program, the COVID conditions of entry and the attendees event information can all be found on our area website at https://metsea.swimming.org.au/Meet-Programs.aspx?rw=c Please note that due to current restrictions there are many changes that will be occurring for this event. Assisted self marshalling is one of these changes. Pl...Continue reading
08.01.2022 How good was it being back racing. Well done to all swimmers after day 1 of the 2020 Senior MetSEA Summer Championships. There were many great races. Don’t forget that due to Covid restrictions, medals will be sent to the clubs of those medal winners. Also due to a lack of volunteer’s, COVID restrictions make it impossible to use the backstroke ledges under handling of equipment. We are still in need of some more volunteers for tomorrow (especially in the afternoon session).... You will be needed for an entire session, however, we will pay for your parking, provide you with lunch, and include a free coffee. Sounds a lot better than sitting in a grandstand on your own to me . Anyone able to assist please send a private message to this Facebook page or email [email protected] A huge, massive thank you to everyone who volunteered today. It was very much appreciated. See more
04.01.2022 Entries are now open for 2021 Junior MetSEA Summer LC Championships. Sorry for the delay!
03.01.2022 Metsea Executives would like to wish you all a Merry Xmas and a Happy and Safe New Year
03.01.2022 Congratulations to our 2020 Senior MetSEA Summer Championships age champions. Your trophies will be mailed to your clubs. A great effort.
02.01.2022 Swimmin Australia We thank you for your patience and understanding as we currently work through the impacts of COVID-19 on the planning of our 2021 events. Please click the following for more information https://bit.ly/3flUP8L For key information and impacts of COVID-19 for the swimming community please click here https://bit.ly/2YDbHRo... For further enquires please contact your state or territory body for specific information.
02.01.2022 We are set up and ready to go for the first of our MetSEA development clinics. Today will see the National A Squad, Senior State B Squad and the Junior State C Squad participate in educational, swim and guest speaker sessions with the emphasis on improving there racing. See you soon.
01.01.2022 It is sad to announce that this years MetSEA Development program will not run in 2020 due to the current events that have taken place over the last few months. The development program will return in 2021, bigger and better than ever. Swimming NSW will, however, be holding a Swim League Gala Day which will be a fantastic way of getting back into racing. Swim League involves swimmers racing for one of four team’s for points, instead of racing for times. Teams are split into ...two divisions, junior's (9-12 yrs) and senior's (13yrs and above), with two tiers for each division. Our area’s Gala Day will be racing on the following days; The junior division will be racing on Saturday 22nd August and the senior swimmers will be racing on Sunday 23rd August. The meet will go for no more than 3.5 hours, and will involve individual and team races. Their are no qualifying teams and you do not need to be a registered club swimmer to enter. The cost is $35 and includes 2 team swim caps and all events and entry. The Metro South gala day will take place at the Ignite Health and Fitness pool, (101 Meadows Road, Mount Pritchard). Our development convenor, Craig Chantler, will be overseeing and coaching the Cronulla Falcon’s team. Anyone who is interested in joining please register at https://www.swimleague.com.au/register and select the Metro South Gala Day. Those interested in joining the Cronulla Falcon’s team please state this where it asks for a preferred team. Please note that position’s are limited and will fill up quickly so those interested please register earlier rather than later to avoid missing out. This will be a fun, fast and fantastic way of getting back into racing. See more
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