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Marist Family Peace & Justice Group
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25.01.2022 The attached article is an extract from Richard Flanagan's talk to the National Press Club in Canberra last week. The second extract will be posted tomorrow. RICHARD FLANAGAN. Australians in WWI didnt die for Australia. They died for Britain. (Part 1 of 2) 23 April 2018...Continue reading
25.01.2022 The Aboriginals of Australia, the First Nations, are renown for their memories through oral tradition reaching back over thousands of years- the short time since the arrival and impact of white convicts and settlers are held in memory as vivid as though it was yesterday. it is a sad and ever present memory. Read this compelling article from the Conversation.
25.01.2022 Its been too long since I posted a message here- the article posted below was sent by Tony O'Connor- a Marist working on the border in Brownsville Texas- with the refugees and wating for the "caravan". Defending America, Trump style Deep in the Heart of Texas
25.01.2022 "A casual read, if there is such a thing, of Hansard in regard to "boat people" you will find the word "deterrence" used often. Not just in regards to those who attempt to arrive by boat, but those we have incarcerated in our offshore detention centres. This latest article form the Guardian Australian offers yet further proof of our inhumane treatment of these desperate people.
25.01.2022 Father Kevin Bates is a Marist, Parish Priest of Hunters Hill, musician extraordinaire and writer of compelling reflections has once again "penned' the following words, lighting up the encircling gloom: REFLECTION Fr. Kevin Bates BAD NEWS TRAVELS FAST It would be a rare dining room table, restaurant, bar or office which this week didnt feature reflective conversations regarding the recent terror events in Melbourne, London, Iran, Kabul and Manchester....Continue reading
25.01.2022 We are delighted ditch the very positive evaluation returns on our Conference. For those who have not been able to respond do please find time to do so- your thoughts will be so helpful in planning for future encounters; Jim
25.01.2022 It's not too late to register for the Conference: Both Ends of the Gun. Head over to for more details and to register.
24.01.2022 The true story of Australia's history must be remembered.
24.01.2022 On this ANZAC Day 2017- There is so much to reflect on, so much to be thankful for, so much to consider as the Nation commemorates this day- Australia at war I have spent the morning reading a variety of articles some of which I will post- you may have read them already. The first is by Sr Susan Connelly. She, with Sister Josephine Mitchell and other members of the Brown Josephites have for years given indefatigable service and devotion to the people of Timor Leste. Susan has constantly reminded us of the courageous support and loyalty the people of Timor gave to Australian commandos and the terrible price they paid. She also reminds us of Australia's subsequent relationship with East Timor- a not so glorious story. Read on: below
24.01.2022 As the election dust settles, and the hopes of those on Manus and Nauru evaporate and the two lads from Rawanda via a USA Goal settle in Australia may I suggest reading Andrew's review and then Mr Boochani's award winning book and then ask the question why we leave him in one of our two off shore gulags? Atnd then an ancillary question: When and under what circumstances is it morally or humanly justified to torture an innocent man? Because in fact what we do to him and others is tantamount to torture.
22.01.2022 The untold story behind the Wave Hill walk off..
21.01.2022 "If you are not outraged, you are not paying attention" This is a quote from 32 year-old Heather Heyer, a para legal and according to her mother a staunch supporter of human rights and strong opponent of the rise of the extreme right in the US. Sadly it may well become her epitaph.Heather died in the violent car attack in Charlottesville. " Police have charged a 20-year-old man with murder after a suspected terror attack where a car drove into a crowd protesting against a ...white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia." Here at home we have many reasons to be outraged. Are we paying attentio?- lets start with Manus Island- below is the link to an article from the SMH.
20.01.2022 Hey there! My scientific name is phascolarctos cinereus, but the Aboriginals call me Koala. According to the dating of ancestor fossils we have been around for ...about 25 million years and me and my mates would like to go on living. So what the hell are you doing to our climate and messing around with our habitat.Get a life this year, 2017, and give us one too! your soggy desperate friend. Posted by Jim Carty See more
20.01.2022 These are some of the men on Manus, demeaned by our Minister for Immigration as "illiterate" and according to today's news "The cost of stopping the boats has been calculated at more than $9.6 billion since 2013, and will be another $5.7 billion over the next four years, according to a study by Save the Children and UNICEF. The study estimates the cost of keeping around 2000 asylum seekers and refugees on Manus Island and Nauru at $400,000 per person, compared with just $33,0...00 for those on bridging visas in the Australian community. view:
17.01.2022 Recently, two of the Wilai Foundation's Directors Jo Shears and James Carty sm were warmly welcomed in Ranong, Thailand by the Marist Asia Foundation. Led by Fr... Frank Bird sm and Fr Gil Casio sm, we had a busy and confronting time! The Marist Health Team graciously allowed us to accompany them on some home visits - a truly humbling experience as we heard some of the stories of those we visited; all the while being received with overwhelmingly generous hospitality. We also visited the hospital to meet Aids/HIV patients. In the afternoon it was the Learning centres... to witness the extraordinary work being done by the staff and volunteers. Education changes lives! A huge thank you to everyone we met, for your time and sharing, and most importantly to the staff and volunteers for the phenomenal work you are undertaking. Please head on over to the Marist Asia Foundation FB page and give them a LIKE and to make a donation, please visit: Here are a few photos to share with you of Ranong - check out the comments for more information: See more
16.01.2022 Dave Brubeck in his classic jazz composition invites us to Take five. I invite you, no insist, you take 15 and listen to Psychiatrist Dr Murray Chapman on RNs Ockhams Razor who says we are haunted by the actions and experiences of our ancestors. Prepare to be staggered by the studies into the intergenerational trauma passed on over many years (generations); not only through memory but genetically and as he gives a unnerving case study helping to explain why the incidenc...e of suicide among the indigenous youth of the Kimberly is seven times higher than the national average (The transcript can also be accessed) .
16.01.2022 Tickets are still available!
16.01.2022 The Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states: it is a greater than a 90 percent certainty that emissions of heat-trapping gases from human activities have caused most of the observed increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-20th century. Daily we read of startling evidence confirming this. The impact knows no bounds -- the attached article highlights the continuous damage of climate change on the extraordinary ph...enomenon of the Sockeye salmon in the north west of the pacific- the ongoing damage caused by rising sea levels in the South West pacific is another example- we are indeed living in a global village and we are responsible for the mess! last Saturday I baptised a grand niece and grand nephew (they are indeed grand in every sense) and as I poured the water I wondered if in a century clean water would be available to their children.
14.01.2022 A talk that should be listened to by all, climate change believers and deniers and anyone who may still be agnostic- its all about your children. theirs and beyond if there is to be a beyond.
13.01.2022 Read Bruce Pascoe's book "Dark Emu; Black Seeds" You should find in under Aboriginal Agriculture before the arrival of the white man; not under Australian flora and fauna as one bookshop had it! Jim
11.01.2022 the Heroes of Timor Leste
11.01.2022 Registrations are still open....
08.01.2022 Another detainee in Manus Island Detention centre dies- cause not yet announced. Power and water are being turned off in some of the compounds; the mental health of Detainees on both Manus and Nauru continues to deteriorate; Our Prime Minister in his now public phone chat with the President of the US. suggests to Trump that " as long as you go through the process of extreme vetting it, doesn't matter how many you take" or words to that effect. While our politicians are totally bogged down on the tortuous path of the same sex marriage issue. Here is an article worth reading:
07.01.2022 Its NADIOC week, an appropriate time to offer an apology for this page being static for so long, but also to power up once more and let you know what has happened since the "Both ends of the Gun" conference last year. The key practical outcome was to establish the "Frontier Wars Committee" with the clear purpose of creating a learning guide for teachers to assist them in the teaching of the history of "First Contact", the Frontier Wars" and Dispossession as listed in the Cu...rriculum. Henry Reynolds the well known Historian and academic, who was our Keynote speaker at the Conference has agreed to be our consultant. We have engaged a researcher to prepare a draft guide making use of the vast information available in a wide range of formats on these issues. By the end of the year we hope to have an attractive user friendly learning guide that will speak the truth of the Frontier wars often unknown or forgotten or dismissed, and their continued impact on the lives and culture of the Aboriginal peoples to this day. See more
05.01.2022 Ms Dhu was arrested for failing to pay fines amounting to about $3,500.00 dollars, not given adequate medical care even after two visits to the local Hospital and died- outrageous. Mr Obeid's family have outstanding fines/debts in the 10s of thousands- un paid- Please explain!
04.01.2022 "Stockmen protest for equal wages" Aboriginal stockmen, who had always been the backbone of the northern Australian cattle industry, were not paid wage equal to those of their white counterparts. In fact, it was illegal up until 1968 to pay Aboriginal workers more than a specified amount in goods and money. An attempt to introduce equal wages in 1965 failed because pastoralists argued that equal wages would ruin the industry if paid immediately. It was decided to defer a deci...sion for three years. In 1966 Aboriginal people first protested for equal wages at Union Camp at Newcastle Waters Station, about 270km north of Tennant Creek [3]. The strike focused national attention on the entitlements of workers on pastoral properties across the NT. Although they lost the strike, they started a groundswell of resistance to the appalling working standards imposed on Aboriginal people. It was a catalyst for the Wave Hill walk-off. Its 50 years since Vincent Lingiari led his fellow pastoral workers off the Wave Hill Cattle station in an effort to receive a just wage. Take a few minutes to recall this very significant action on the link below,_1966-75
04.01.2022 Last week Australia commemorated the first time our troops engaged in the Western Front after our heroic but disastrous campaign at Gallipoli. This time at Fromelles France on the 19th July 1916- yet another tragic disaster- the worst 24 hours in Australia's entire war history. The Australians suffered 5,533 casualties in one night (1300 dead). The Australian toll at Fromelles was equivalent to the total Australian casualties in the Boer War, Korean War and Vietnam War put together. It was a staggering disaster. It is helpful to stand back and reflect on our involvement in wars overseas- we might start with a recent book by the historian Henry Reynolds:
04.01.2022 Here is an extract from a recent article which is one of an increasing number of such articles about the "great Australian silence." I hope it encourages you to read the complete article, found at the link below. Black crows The great Australian silence is also historically a little more complex. Im writing a history of history-making in Australia and have been struck by the detailed interest in Aboriginal life as well as the often graphic accounts of frontier violence in... works from the early and mid-19th century. For want of colonial history texts, Ive also been reading travelogues and emigrants guides. While these books and pamphlets are largely observational, they also frequently present historical narratives and interpretation. Many of them didnt hold back in their tales from the colonial frontier, cataloguing extensive episodes of violent conflict between Aboriginal people and colonialists. Have a look at this description of the 1838 Myall Creek massacre from Godfrey Charles Mundy in his travelogue, Our Australian Antipodes, published in 1852: [The perpetrators,] with the exception of a child or two; and having bound them together with thongs, fired into the mass until the entire tribe, 27 in number, were killed or mortally wounded. The white savages then chopped in pieces their victims, and threw them, some yet living, on a large fire; a detachment of the stockmen remaining for several days on the spot to complete the destruction of the bodies. It is graphic historical writing. Reprisals [against Aboriginal people] are undertaken on a large scale a scale that either never reaches the ears of the Government, which is bound to protect alike the white and the black subject; or, if it reaches them at all, finds them conveniently deaf.
04.01.2022 Hail and farewell, Inga Clendinnen.
02.01.2022 Consider this scenario: you are a father of four children aged between six months and five.You reside in St ives . your house has been destroyed, you are living in the basement and insurgents have cut off all utilities- water, gas and food supplies and threaten the lives of all- your choice is stark: stay and be destroyed or try to leave in the hope of reaching a safe haven where you, your wife and children can throw themselves on the compassion and embrace of the peoples of ...Continue reading
01.01.2022 I am posting an appeal from The House of Welcome for two reasons- the compelling sad reality of an increasing number of asylum seekers living in community who are desperate- see the story below and because of my long association with its work. Help House of Welcome continue supporting people seeking asylum this Christmas A Project of St Francis Social Services...Continue reading
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