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Michael Reid Berlin in Berlin, Germany | Art

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Michael Reid Berlin

Locality: Berlin, Germany

Phone: +49 30 94404719


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25.01.2022 FINAL DAY TO VIEW Today is the final day of our most recent exhibition: 'Close to home' by BELINDA FOX, featuring collaborations with @wilfredkalf @remiwortmeyer & @fuller_todd 'Close to Home' is an exhibition that ebbs and flows. It is about appreciating and piecing together the fragments rolling with the punches, riding the swell and learning to surrender. In a year that will undoubtedly go down in history, 'Close to Home' is a reminder of how collective action and resili...ence can resolve and transform. Request a catalogue, email: [email protected]. @foxbelinda #belindafox #wilfredkalf #toddfuller #remiwortmeyer #collaboration #closetohome #belindafoxclosetohome #painting #berlinart #cabinetofcuriosities #contemporaryart #artinberlin #thehague #denhaag #artiststudio #michaelreidsydney #michaelreidberlin

23.01.2022 Open Now: ‘A PAINTED LANDSCAPE’ only until 2nd of December A group pop-up exhibition with artists uniquely responding to the notion of a ‘landscape’... Julz Beresford @julzberesford_artist Kathryn Dolby @kathryndolby Emily Gordon @mrsemgordon James Lai @jameslaiart Carly Le Cerf @carlylecerf Julia Sirianni @juliaslandscapes Meg Walters @megwaltersworld Ben Waters @bensartworld #apaintedlandscape #australianlandscapes #australianpainting #landscapes #emergingartists #julzberesford #kathryndolby #emilygordon #jameslai #carlylecerf #juliasirianni #megwalters #benwaters #michaelreidsydney #studiodirectmichaelreid #michaelreidmurrurundi #murraart #michaelreidberlin

23.01.2022 BEN WATERS is based on the Northern Beaches of Sydney. "Both these artworks have been inspired by the area in which I live. The body of water is called ‘Pittwater’. One side of Pittwater fronts Kuring-Gai Chase National Park. It is an area that spans many hidden beaches, sandstone cliffs and headlands. The original indigenous people of this area are called the Garigal people. You just need to walk the trails or swim around the rocks to feel the silent power of this place. A p...ower to heal, invigorate and inspire." --- @bensartworld ‘A Painted Landscape’ until 2 December @michaelreidberlin on view & ONLINE #apaintedlandscape #australianlandscapes #australianpainting #landscapes #emergingartists #julzberesford #kathryndolby #emilygordon #jameslai #carlylecerf #juliasirianni #megwalters #benwaters #michaelreidsydney #studiodirectmichaelreid #michaelreidmurrurundi #murraart #michaelreidberlin

22.01.2022 This film was made possible by @cityofsydney. Art Signifikant gratefully acknowledges the support of the City of Sydney through the Covid-19 Relief Grants Program for the production of this video to assist with online content development for our Sydney based art education program: @artsignifikant. Featuring painter ROBERT MALHERBE, whose Berlin exhibition ’The Darlinghurst Suite‘ ran during September of this year. Beautiful words from filmmaker Simon Hewson @fatografi_insta: "Here is a little film I made with @jamesdorahy and @robert_malherbe for @artsignifikant and @michaelreidsydney. I was blown away by Roberts way of working and the deep connection he builds with his sitter. I did my best to keep the energy of the room in the final edit."

22.01.2022 'TIWI', the largest exhibition of Tiwi art in the world, is ON NOW at the recently re-opened The Ian Potter Centre: NGV Australia in Melbourne. "TIWI celebrates the unique art and culture of the Tiwi people of Melville and Bathurst Islands and explores the dynamic trajectory of Tiwi art across time and across media, from 1911 to now. TIWI comprises 153 works rigorously selected from the NGV collection, supplemented by 130 loans of rare historical objects and contemporary work...s drawn from Australian public and private collections." - @ngvmelbourne We look forward to presenting an exhibition of Tiwi artist, TIMOTHY COOK's work in Berlin in March 2021. Stay tuned to find out more! Image 1: Tom Ross Image 2: Timothy Cook, 'Kulama' 2012, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne. Robert Martin Bequest and NGV Supporters of Indigenous Art, 2019 Timothy Cook/Copyright Agency, Australia. Repost // @idaiaindigenousart @jilamaraartsandcrafts #NGVTIWI #timothycook #ngvmelbourne #tiwi #melville #bathurst #tiwiart #idaiaindigenousart #michaelreidberlin

20.01.2022 FINAL DAYS - 'A Painted Landscape' group exhibition at Michael Reid Berlin KATHRYN DOLBY lives on the Northern Rivers of New South Wales... "When painting in my home studio I think about moving through the landscape and how fleeting the experience is. With thinned down paint I chase my memories of it, the colours, shapes and light that shift with the weather. I’m also interested in how our view shifts with changes in circumstance. With the recent bushfires and current pandemic the landscape may be experienced more through a car window, a screen, or a curtain in the bathroom." -@kathryndolby #apaintedlandscape #australianlandscapes #australianpainting #landscapes #emergingartists #julzberesford #kathryndolby #emilygordon #jameslai #carlylecerf #juliasirianni #megwalters #benwaters #michaelreidsydney #studiodirectmichaelreid #michaelreidmurrurundi #murraart #michaelreidberlin

20.01.2022 Even though we are sad about the shorter days and earlier sunsets, it is a great chance to see the beautiful works of BELINDA FOX in our space in the evenings. 'Close to home' by @foxbelinda closes this Saturday #belindafox #closetohome #belindafoxclosetohome #berlinart #contemporaryart #artinberlin #michaelreidsydney #michaelreidberlin

16.01.2022 Open Today: 11am - 5pm PATRIOT by @paul.yore until 19 December... curated by Rachael Vance Open Wednesday - Saturday Artwork in window: 'Become What You Are', 2020 mixed media textile soft sculpture comprising found objects, reclaimed fabrics, stuffing, beads, sequins, quilting thread, buttons 120 60 40 cm #paulyore #patriot #embroideryart #australianart #australianartist #art #textiles #tapestry #queer #activism #stitching #craftivism #contemporaryart #michaelreidberlin

16.01.2022 In a landmark achievement for the artist, today we are thrilled to share that the White Rabbit Collection has acquired seventeen major works by DR CHRISTIAN THOMPSON for their permanent collection. This remarkable achievement sees important historical work by Dr Christian Thompson AO procured by Australia's leading philanthropist and arts patron, Judith Neilson, firmly cementing his status as one of Australia's most influential living artists. Works acquired are from the Equinox (2018), King Billy (2010) and Australian Graffiti (2008), in addition to Christian's ambitious video installation, Berceuse (2017). Head to our website to view each series. We would like to extend a very large congratulations to @christianthompsonartist for this major career achievement. @whiterabbitcollection_dangrove #whiterabbitcollection #christianthompson #christianthompsonartist #privatecollection #dangrove #whiterabbitgallery #judithneilson #artcollector #michaelreidberlin #michaelreidsydney

14.01.2022 "My intention in conflating this vast amount of material and imagery into a single surface is ultimately to mimic a flattened culture within which little distinction can be made between high and low cultural forms: art is commerce, advertising is indistinguishable from pornography, the media is a 24/7 sewer overflowing with bored spectacle and half-truths. We float on this endless sea of information, less and less tethered to any sense of the ‘real’, and totally detached from... any ethical grounding. My work implicates itself back into this debased cultural economy; the work is a product of the same social processes it critiques. However, I do believe in the possibility of building a new world out of the rubble of dead-end capitalist consumerism. In some ways, my work visualises the process of dismantling and deconstruction that is the necessary precondition for revolutionary transformation. Ultimately, this boils down to an ontological question; we must look inward and discover ourselves anew." - PAUL YORE, 2020 'PATRIOT' by @paul.yore until 19 December curated by Rachael Vance Artwork: 'Art is Nature', 2017 (details) mixed media textile appliqué including found materials, fabric, beads, sequins, marker, buttons 112 104 cm #paulyore #patriot #embroideryart #australianart #australianartist #art #textiles #tapestry #queer #activism #stitching #craftivism #contemporaryart #michaelreidberlin

14.01.2022 PATRIOT by @paul.yore until 19 December curated by Rachael Vance Open Wednesday - Saturday... Artwork in window: 'GOD IS DEAD, 2020 wool needlepoint 48 43 cm #paulyore #patriot #embroideryart #australianart #australianartist #art #textiles #tapestry #queer #activism #stitching #craftivism #contemporaryart #michaelreidberlin

13.01.2022 TAMARA DEAN in VOGUE Germany You can see ‘Endangered 3’ in a @voguegermany article on the recently released book ‘The Body Issue’ by @femalephotographersorg, which also features @tamaradean's beautiful images. #michaelreidberlin #michaelreidsydney #tamaradean #endangered #vogue #climatecrisis #climateaction #thebodyissue

13.01.2022 The ARTISTS OF AMPILATWATJA community was established in 1999 near Alice Springs in the Northern Territory. Here you can see an image from their temporarily relocated art centre earlier this year. The work produced by these artists is recognisably distinct, due to the application of fine dots and the often bright and figurative depiction of the land. Following from our inaugural 2020 exhibition: 'Akwerlp Alpeyt Artna Arntetyew (Desert Blossoms of Bush Medicine)', we are pleas...ed to be presenting another group exhibition from @artists_of_ampilatwatja in FEBRUARY 2021. Sign up to our VIP waiting list to find out more: [email protected] #artistsofampilatwatja #desertblossomsofbushmedicine #akwerlpalpeytartnaarntetyew #michaelreidsydney #michaelreidberlin

12.01.2022 INTRODUCING... CARLY LE CERF @carlylecerf is based in the Mount Barker, Western Australia, and is a contemporary landscape painter, developing works that are drawn from emotional responses to the landscape that surrounds her. Carly is a crowd favourite at Michael Reid Murrurundi, and is currently featured in a solo exhibition 'Painting the Pilbara' - check it out @murraart. ‘A Painted Landscape’... 18 November - 2 December @michaelreidberlin Presenting: Julz Beresford @julzberesford_artist Kathryn Dolby @kathryndolby Emily Gordon @mrsemgordon James Lai @jameslaiart Carly Le Cerf @carlylecerf Julia Sirianni @juliaslandscapes Meg Walters @megwaltersworld Ben Waters @bensartworld Sign up to our VIP Preview List: [email protected] #apaintedlandscape #australianlandscapes #australianpainting #landscapes #emergingartists #julzberesford #kathryndolby #emilygordon #jameslai #carlylecerf #juliasirianni #megwalters #benwaters #michaelreidsydney #studiodirectmichaelreid #michaelreidmurrurundi #murraart #michaelreidberlin

12.01.2022 Thank you BELINDA FOX @foxbelinda And her collaborators @wilfredkalf @remiwortmeyer & @fuller_todd. The work Rising Tide taking center stage as we farewell this wonderful exhibition. @foxbelinda #belindafox #wilfredkalf #toddfuller #remiwortmeyer #collaboration #closetohome #belindafoxclosetohome #painting #berlinart #cabinetofcuriosities #contemporaryart #artinberlin #thehague #denhaag #artiststudio #michaelreidsydney #michaelreidberlin

11.01.2022 From Vienna-based art magazine PARNASS on 'Terra Australis' featuring @tamaradean: "The presentation of current non-European contemporary art has a long tradition @galeriehilger. With "Terra Australis", curated by gallery manager Nadina Barta together with the renowned Australian collector and philanthropist Simon Mordant, the gallery now shows four contemporary artists from Australia. The exhibition, which is well worth seeing, can be viewed until November 20. The theme of... the memorable landscape of this country is common to all four artists. The photographer and performance artist TAMARA DEAN (*1976 Sydney) shows the relationship between man and nature from a subjective connection. "For as long as I can remember I have yearned to be in nature. When I enter a forest I feel as though I have come home. This deep love of nature informs my life and my art practice, said Dean. For her pictures she develops a choreography based on which a group of people act in the landscape or in the water." ---Silvie Aigner for @parnassmagazin Tamara Dean at Galerie Ernst Hilger, Vienna featuring 'Cosmos', 2017 from 'Instinctual' series Image: Galerie Ernst Hilger #tamaradean #parnassmagazin #vienna #parnass #galeriehilger #hilgergallery #michaelreidberlin

11.01.2022 'Strange Flower’ by Dr Christian Thompson AO’ at the Australian Embassy in Berlin opening in conjunction with NAIDOC week... Formally trained as a sculptor, Thompson’s multidisciplinary practice engages mediums such as photography, video, sculpture, performance and sound. His work transcends the ethnographic gaze, what he coins a type of ‘spiritual repatriation’, that emerges via a third space somewhere between lived experience, historical archive and the contemporary present. READ MORE ONLINE - link in bio Currently only open by appointment only. Register interest via [email protected]. @christianthompsonartist @ausemb_de #australianembassyberlin #christianthompson #christianthompsonartist #weareglobal #michaelreidsydney #michaelreidberlin

06.01.2022 Final Days: ‘A PAINTED LANDSCAPE’ view online now A group pop-up exhibition with 7 artists uniquely responding to the notion of a ‘landscape’... Julz Beresford @julzberesford_artist Kathryn Dolby @kathryndolby Emily Gordon @mrsemgordon James Lai @jameslaiart Carly Le Cerf @carlylecerf Julia Sirianni @juliaslandscapes Meg Walters @megwaltersworld Ben Waters @bensartworld #apaintedlandscape #australianlandscapes #australianpainting #landscapes #emergingartists #julzberesford #kathryndolby #emilygordon #jameslai #carlylecerf #juliasirianni #megwalters #benwaters #michaelreidsydney #studiodirectmichaelreid #michaelreidmurrurundi #murraart #michaelreidberlin

05.01.2022 COMING IN 2021: ‘Highlights from Sammlung Klein’ is a collaborative exhibition brought together by Michael Reid Berlin, Papunya Tula Artists Association and The Klein Collection (Sammlung Klein). The exhibition will showcase key works by @papunyatulaartists that are held in Peter and Alison Klein’s private art collection in Eberdingen, southern Germany, and will be presented in Berlin in 2021.... The Klein’s are some of Europe’s most renowned collectors who have supported Australian Indigenous communities for a number of years. Their gallery space, @kunstwerksammlungklein, was opened in 2007 and several exhibitions have highlighted the couple’s dedication to Indigenous Art. We look forward to sharing these remarkable works with you. SIGN UP for more exhibition news: [email protected] #sammlungklein #kunstwerksammlungklein #michaelreidberlin #indigenousart #privatecollection #artgallery #germancollectors #papunyatula #papunyatulaartists #weareglobal

03.01.2022 The wonderful Christmas window display at @fourpillarslab in Sydney featuring LUCY DYSON'S specially designed Australian Christmas Gin artwork The festive label design for Four Pillars annual Christmas Gin was designed in 2020 by Berlin-based Australian artist @lucydysonsphere and can be seen on display in the second image at our Sydney Christmas Party, held in conjunction with our Four Pillars friends. #creativecollaboration #christmas #christmasgin #fourpillarsgin #lucydyson #michaelreidsydney #michaelreidberlin

01.01.2022 Art Edit issue 26 cover profile on GERWYN DAVIES! Thank you @arteditmagazine. Pick up your copy today to read the latest from @ger.wyn alongside a host of other fantastic Australian designers and artists. #gerwyndavies #artedit #arteditmagazine #coverstory #artistprofile #interiordesign #australiandesign #australianphotography #buyartonline #michaelreidsydney #michaelreidberlin

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