Michael Touhy Fitness and Nutrition in Burwood East, Victoria, Australia | Personal coach
Michael Touhy Fitness and Nutrition
Locality: Burwood East, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 449 982 741
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24.01.2022 Home workout ab challenge . No break between exercises. 10 x bicycle crunches 10 x single leg snaps 10 side plank raises each side ... 20 x mountain climbers 10 x dish rocks 10 x side crunches each side Let me know how you go !!! Free Home workout challenge in my bio !!
24.01.2022 Everyone feeling a little anxious. I thinks its important to pull out the cctv footage of me falling over in the gym. Youre welcome
23.01.2022 Australia at the moment . Not a square to spare!
22.01.2022 Lets get a routine started !!!! (Link in comments) Youtube videos and Instagram exercise suggestions are great !! But what Ive been hearing is people need a bit more help with routine, with guidance, and accountability. ... So, join the home workout challenge and join in with the Facebook live workouts every day. There will be a lot of help and guidance provided outside of the live workouts as well Register with the link in Ive put in the comments section. Live Q and A on Sunday , and the workouts start from Monday . Did I mention this is free ?
22.01.2022 Happy Valentines Day to all that have to share their ice cream with a partner . And to those without a partner ..... congratulations on getting more ice cream !!!! - - -... - - @repost @lucymountain See more
21.01.2022 What a transformation in the past year for client, @kelsey.walkeer Shes had a shoulder injury that weve had to work around, and only lifting light weights for upper body. But weve introduced deadlifting and squat movements with moderate weights and consistency has paid off !!!! ... See more
21.01.2022 When you’ve living off leftover Christmas pudding and gifted chocolates and cookies for days. And it’s time to get back to normal eating . #Repost @haileyjonolan... the drama See more
21.01.2022 Sound on. Sneeze into your elbow bro ! Okay well let it pass.
20.01.2022 Ha ha ha ! . Detoxing is bullshit. The only thing Juice diets & cleanses do is Detox the money out of your wallet and turn it into diarrhea .... #Repost @tjmrobertson
19.01.2022 Happy 60 something birthday to this bad ass client Anne . Countin reps not birthdays !! @jazzeeannie
19.01.2022 I recently discovered the importance of good lighting . Unfortunately this lighting is the bathroom at my mums house . And I cant go there anymore . Swipe to see the difference ... with bad lighting at my house . These are the corona tragedies they dont mention in the media . @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
19.01.2022 At least girls in Melbourne dont have to put up with this in gyms at the moment ! Deep down I imagine he thought he was trying to being helpful. But lets be honest ... deep down in their subconscious, guys like this think girls arent capable of being strong, if their default setting is to help If he is a total newbie to the gym, its an honest mistake, I guess. ... If you are a powerlifter and you only have a few working sets in your session, this is enough to throw your whole session off . In the spur of the moment, headphones in, she could have blurted out fuck off. And in many lifters eyes, that would be understandable . If shes lifting the same or more than you? .... shes not a damsel in distress. She doesnt need help , and she doesnt need unsolicited advice. @strong.mina with @make_repost Dont be this guy - On this training day I was minding my own business, doing Concentric Pause Bench. I was working up to 60KG/ 133lbs (as shown here). I had my AirPods in, music blasting in my ears. As always I got my myself set into the bench first, before attempting this for 5 reps. - Out of nowhere, a chap decided to come over and ask me if Im alright. Now as you can imagine me, laying there, music in, just about to go for my rep, cant hear a single word he is saying, confused by this angle approach, he decided to grab my bar. Yes, I did repeatedly tell him to No,No,No, go away and after he disappears, Im completely thrown off. I do 2 reps and that was the end of my session - Moral of this, dont ever judge an ability of others. Only offer help if asked for, and if your going to spot me, atleast come behind me! -
18.01.2022 Everyone has that friend that goes on ridiculously restricted diets over and over again. Yoyo-ing up and down with weight fluctuations . Help them out !! They don’t need a crash diet , they need a lifestyle change . ... They make statements like keto worked really well for me Did a diet really work, if you have to keep going back on it when you’ve put the weight back on. Nope, it did not . Am sorry to say . Is there a place for diets like Keto, of course there can be. But for someone that has trouble sustaining a healthy weight or eating habits , most likely not . Crash diets are short term fixes, ‘fix’ is not the correct term really . If your friend keeps putting weight on after they fall off a heavily restricted diet , they are most likely not keeping active enough , and/or eating too much . I know that sounds a little too simple. But many people need simple . Setting a reasonable activity/exercise amount and keeping the diet relatively in check is key. And do that for a year . Yes they can have have treats, yes they can go out . But consistency is the key to pretty much any goal. So help out a friend , direct them to someone who can help . A trainer, a dietician , or perhaps to someone that has lost a lot of weight and kept it off in the long term. But be nice about it
18.01.2022 Stuck at home and only shitty small dumbbells from Kmart ? Find ways to make them harder .... increase the range of motion!! Make use of those expensive text books you forgot to open and make split squat deeper ! #shittysmallkmartdumbbells
18.01.2022 Great post from @liftrunbang !! One rule I had to beat into my own head years ago, was that I had to stop getting so upset about having a down or shitty training day. Some dudes have very strong reactions to poor training days. And I myself wasnt immune to it a times. Often believing that the training program, that had been working so well for me for weeks or even months, was now totally dog shit and needed to be flushed down the toilet like a post coffee turd. Does t...hat even make any logical sense at all? The training had been productive for weeks, but one bad day means it needs to be scrapped? Hey lets apply that to dieting and the scale....youre losing fat at a nice clip. Suddenly the scale goes up a few pounds. That means you need to throw the whole diet out, right? - Yeah, that seems pretty stupid. - When we become fixated on progress, we can also become very impatient when something appears to be holding us back. Or that were even regressing, for Gods sake. - But a singe bad training session can happen for a myriad of reasons. And if theres been a multitude of steady, even if not spectacular sessions preceding it, then its very wise to chalk up a poor training session to just being an anomaly, and part of the process, rather than believing a total overhaul is needed. Its going to happen. Remind yourself of this fact. Progress isnt always linear. If progress has been oncoming and steady, then eventually you will overreach on the recovery curve (fatigue now outweighs recovery). Especially if you have been hitting some nice little rep PRs over weeks or months. That cant continue without accumulating some fatigue along with it. Your body is smarter than you are. When you feel weaker than usual, and everything feels awful....LISTEN. Pushing through one of those sessions is a recipe to get injured. Its ok to walk out or just go through the motions on those days. Thats a far better option than getting injured. "What if its there? That 10% day where Im kicking ass." Then go for it. Take what your body is giving you. Just remember to apply that on the down days too. And remember the bricks are laid on those 80 #Repost See more
17.01.2022 I’ve been enjoying giving people the front foot elevated split squat this year, probably induced with the reduced availability of weights during lockdown in the past year. Am stealing a little bit from the @kneesovertoesguy style with his Atg split squat . You may not be interested in doing unilateral/one legged exercises. But you should definitely do some.... You may not be interested in doing specific vmo quad specific exercises, but you definitely should do them. That is if you want to continue to run and do sports, or generally have healthy knees. I used a reebok step on a set of raisers, any similar sized step would be sufficient , you can start with no weight, make a conscious choice to keep the upper body upright , and drive the knee past the toe. A pause in that end range can be advised too. I gave shanae the protocol of 3 sets of ten on each leg. You can do more or less depending on your goals and preferences . Enjoy
17.01.2022 Love it A little while ago I saw a guy pushing a baby in a pram ... but was doing deep walking lunges as he pushed These are the the people that hit their goals.
17.01.2022 An extra hour of exercise, and access to outdoor playgrounds for Melbournians! A good excuse for my annual repost of mum getting out there on her 70th birthday.
17.01.2022 Some days you are tired sore and less motivated but even a little step forward can give you momentum to push you on to better things , jog around the block lunge down the hall plank with the kids . Sometimes you just have to do what ever you can when you can and that’s ok . ... #Repost @pennyward_fitness with @make_repost #motivation #progress #selfcare #selflove #kindness #momentum #fit #healthy #happy
16.01.2022 Good sunset view from the balcony for my first free online workout !!! First of many I think ... need help with routine ? Register in the link in the comments.
16.01.2022 16 year old Jessica making light work of last months sumo deadlift 1 rep max. For 5 reps @jessiica.liu
15.01.2022 The mother-in-law is gonna be maaaaaaad !!!! #oops
15.01.2022 In a perfect world you dont have to use a dumpster as a squat rack . But this is not a perfect world . - Things could be worse , you could be waiting till gyms open to squat again . Thats just wrong .
13.01.2022 This was 2017. I was ahead of my time . Doesnt seem so silly now does it ! Actually it was silly as I did this AFTER mowing the lawns, and burnt my forearm. For the gram ! #Repost @michaeltouhy with @make_repost... No time for the gym ? Quick 5 minute workout post mow . 3 x mower lifts 10 x knuckle push ups (sore wrist ) 4 circuits. If you want to be sure to not burn yourself on the hot mower , stop making excuses and go to the gym instead . Ha ha #gymlife #gym #notime #teamnocalves #lifting #homeworkouts See more
13.01.2022 My shoulders have grown a bit lately . I think I may need 4 and a half square metres. #coronainaustralia
13.01.2022 I hope hes okay . Those pall bearers though !
13.01.2022 A benefit of being back in the gym..... theres always someone around to spot you if you get stuck. One day your mum wont be around to save you in your garage gym. Notice how easily she picked that up ?!? ... #Repost @fun.ning with @make_repost That guitar solo & Momma!!!!!!!Im glad hes ok & mom was there to save the day! Clip submitted by @tomasbohle #spotme #fitness #fail #gym #exercise
12.01.2022 Home workout suggestions or making a 62 year old lady clean our floors . You decide :-)
12.01.2022 It’s the come hither gesture that does it for me . It’s like a ‘come at me goals’ ‘ come at me hardship’....
12.01.2022 Good sesh with client @bringthenoyce yesterday . Hes been doing home workouts with bands, bodyweight and plastic kettlebells . Sometimes you just gotta lift some heavy kettlebells bigger than your head.
11.01.2022 Shock horror !! Someones doing behind the neck pull downs in the gym ! There are a number of exercises that are frowned upon in the gym, some for good reasons, some for unknown reasons. Behind the neck pull downs is often one of them.... As are upright rows, front delt raises, and for more extreme suggestions squats and lunges. Except for the last two ... I would rarely program the top 3 exercises mentioned above in for general population clients . If you dont think you have good shoulder mobility or posture please dont do behind the neck pulldowns or presses. If you dont know if you have good shoulder mobility, ask someone knowledgeable, and preferably paid to be knowledgeable. Cass has great mobility and feels it in the back muscles when she does it, and likes the exercise, so Im not going to tell her not to do it, without a valid reason. That said ...... If youve had shoulder issues, dont do this exercise . If you feel pain when you do this exercise, please dont do it . If you do this and flex your spine like your doing an ab crunch, dont do this exercise. For the moment, just do it the usual way bringing down to top of the chest . The body is designed to move many ways, unfortunately modern life can restrict certain movements, hopefully we can move to change this. @cass.mangan
10.01.2022 Good lower body home workout session with @tiarnasue today ! Okay maybe a little upper body . . With Kettlebells up to 56kg , light dumbbells, bands and and a bit of creativity, you can still get a decent workout !!
09.01.2022 How are those home workouts going ? IVE SEEN SOME PRETTY GOOD HOME WORKOUTS LATELY BUT THIS ONE TAKES THE CAKE #Repost @followthefishtv with @make_repost
08.01.2022 Quite a change in the fitness landscape, Im adding home fitness consultant to my LinkedIn profile . Ive been getting these queries all week . To be honest that machine is a bit shit , Id much prefer someone having a medium sized kettlebell and long resistance bands... and a couple of dumbbells, the first one preferably. Comment below, what youve got, or message me directly, I can throw out some video workout suggestions.
08.01.2022 (Better with sound) You Cant Take Away My God Given FREEDOM To Strut! Ill strut when I want, wherever I want, with who I want!! .... . . #quarantine #quarantinedgang #quarantineandchill #quarantine #selfquarantine #selfisolationmemes #selfisolation #coronavirusmemes #corona #coronamemes #coronavirus #selfdistancing #washyourhands #noshakinghands #stoptouchingyourface #stoptouchingeverything #stopshakinghands #stayathome #socialdistancing #covid_19 #Repost @tjmrobertson with @make_repost See more
08.01.2022 There was a time when stairs were just for walking, the playground was for children, firewood was used for fire , and the carpet on the wall in your garage was to protect your car door... its to make it comfy for leaning when youre getting your bicep pump of course. Check out my 60 and 63 year old clients still getting it done !!
07.01.2022 In Melbourne. And you need to leave the house to return some videotapes . . . .... #quarantine #danandrews #quarantineandchill #melbourne #selfisolationmemes #selfisolation #coronavirusmemes #corona #coronamemes #coronavirus #selfdistancing #washyourhands #covidvictoria #stoptouchingyourface #stoptouchingeverything #stayathome #socialdistancing #covid_19 #Repost @tjmrobertson with @make_repost See more
07.01.2022 Heres a good leg finisher with Cass yesterday Split squat drop set!! I sometimes will raise the rear leg, getting a little more range of motion, allowing her to sink into the heel of the front foot , getting a little more glute activation. On your final set of 12 split squats, drop the weight 40% no rest . Do the same again with bodyweight. Trying not to let the knee go past the toes, easing up@on the quads and working glutes more . ... make sure the knee tracks the same direction as the toes on the front foot . the hips stay square on, not shifting out to the side, or twisting See more
06.01.2022 15 year old footballer Jade hitting the goal of her first chin up after 6 weeks of work! Her secret? ..... practice ! Well done Jade !!!!
06.01.2022 #Repost @michaeltouhy Cable French press Almost all my female clients are keen on working their arms. Specifically the long head of the tricep . ... The French press is often done with a bar , but can be uncomfortable on the wrists . Using a cable can fix this problem. With a low setting you can mimic the force angle of the standard French press with minimal joint stress . I’d suggest minimal weight to start and high reps, with 3 sets of 15 reps ! Keep the elbows directed towards the ceiling, and close to your ears If you start messing up your ponytail with each rep, your elbows aren’t pointing to the ceiling . Which is probably because you’re not concentrating, or getting tired and the elbows are shifting forward , If you have bad shoulder mobility , you can use a higher cable setting, which would make it more of a tricep overhead extension, which would make it less of a stretch, but still a great exercise . See more
05.01.2022 DONT DO IT BECAUSE ITS FREE. Do it because you want to keep a daily exercise routine going, now that you are getting less incidental exercise . Do it because you have run out of ideas yourself. Do it because youre repeating the same routine everyday and not seeing progress ! ... Click on the link in my bio and register for the free home workouts posted live ! See more
04.01.2022 For a bit of variety Im showing a graph that goes down, in your newsfeed . Although the main goal during this time of lockdown is maintaining your physical and mental health and the health of as many people around you; rather than simply fat loss. But I cant help but share Kims progress over the last month. Specifically the lack of a bump in the graph when she started to work from home the last two weeks . ... Self isolation is not a foregone conclusion that you will gain weight Kims success from the last two weeks is from meal prepping her lunches for the week , and allocating a walk each day . On top of being a mum and a highly stressful job . Keep on track people !!!! And well done Kim. But lets note each weekend that little bump on the graph . Just to show you Kims not inhuman Could it be chocolate ? Could it be wine? It doesnt matter. Its not enough to derail her progress .
04.01.2022 I like doing the 2 up, 1 down leg curls with a number of clients . Benefits: Puts the emphasis on the eccentric portion, where the magic happens which also helps with feeling it in the hamstrings and not the lower back exposes how much you favour your dominant leg ... more than you think .... 3 sets of 8 reps on each leg , with a 45-60 secs rest between sets . It’s a Surprising burn , first set use 40% of what you normally use, increase it gradually over the next two sets . Final set at approx 50% of normal load . Enjoy ?! See more
04.01.2022 Four years ago I became registered and insured to tell you to eat your greens.
04.01.2022 @bretcontreras1 posted the Landmine single leg hip thruster yesterday; Ive never seen it before but if its good enough for bret, its definitely worth a try. Hard to gauge after one session, but @mokshipa s feedback ? ... oh , it works So, a potentially good for variation to add into a program
03.01.2022 If one thing has taught us this year is the lesson in adapting to changes to your normal lifestyle. Now that many will be away with family and not near their gym or normal sporting activities, it’s important to find an alternative. If you hate running on the treadmill , go outside and run. Need to work on your mobility, and always skip that part of your gym routine? Start doing 5-10 mins per day while you’re away. It could ignite a little more interest so that you’re more ...motivated upon your return. This video here is a great example of my client @bringthenoyce , when gyms shut down( hence the scruffy hair in vid) he worked on a daily push up routine, and added in DB floor presses. Despite being away from the bench press for over 6 months . 3 weeks after the gym reopening he hit a Pb on his bench ! Anyway ... enjoy your break!! But if you’re not away ... get back to the gym!!!!
03.01.2022 Classic example of why enjoy training women . So many underestimate how strong they are . Annabelle has been concerned she may not hit her deadlift goal of 100kg before she returns to college in the states in two weeks, where most of the college gyms are currently closed . To be honest that would suck ... and lose a lot of our momentum . As you can see ... First video .. hit her goal Second video .. hit goal for a triple ! .. we actually did another set of three of 100 after that , so it’s certainly not a 1 rep max. Third video ... I threw a clip from last year to show the progression . But most of the progress has been made in the last few months . Well done Annabelle I’m ready for the next goal !! See more
03.01.2022 Initially I was going to give gift certificates, but this settles it . Everyones getting bananas this Christmas !!! #repost @willsmith
01.01.2022 Ok! Ready! 12 reps & Go! . . Our free home sessions are hard but not this hard ! Ha ha Click on the link in the comments, you can start anytime! Im going to go on beyond the 14 days stated, as Ive actually being enjoying it a little . ... #stayathome #socialdistancing #covid_19 #Repost great world as always @tjmrobertson with @make_repost
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