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24.01.2022 Simple question but one we don't often ask ourselves. What do I need right now? Once we know what we need we can take steps forward to make it happen. ... Do you need more time, more self care, more compassion, more connection, more exercise, more laughter, more stillness, more gratitude, more whole foods, more sleep? Do you need to ask for help? Do you need support? Check in with the Mega Self framework daily - what do you need? _____________________________________ #megaself #habits #motivation #goals #mindset #success #love #health #lifestyle #life #change #inspiration #goodhabits #joedispenza
24.01.2022 Connect with stillness in whatever way works for you. It is in this place that you will find your wisdom, your souls calling and your path forward. ____________________________________________... #meditation #yoga #love #mindfulness #spirituality #healing #peace
22.01.2022 We suffer more often in imagination than in reality. Our mind has the power to create many stories and illusions that can alter our entire perception of what is. Our own thoughts can then keep us locked in a prison that is not meant for us. ... A prison that is not even real. This can affect our joy, our relationships and will constantly challenge our inner peace. If you are needing help with this I have created a meditation to help you reframe and release these thoughts and come back to your heart centre. https://youtu.be/MmxgucsHX60 Have a great Wednesday.... _____________________________________________ #youareaconsciouscreator #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #motivation #mindset #selflove #inspiration #selfcare
21.01.2022 Excerpt from You are a CONSCIOUS CREATOR. 'The wound is the place where the light enters. The more we run away, the more we try to cover and Band-Aid the wound, the more seeping and uncomfortable it becomes.... The Band-Aid works for a while and then we need to replace it again. And again and again. The Band-aid actually become quite addictive; it hides the wounds well, but before we know it, we need to buy more. But unfortunately, the wound never heals we simply need more Band-Aids to cover up the gapping sadness, fear and pain. We may appear happy; we may delude ourself into thinking that we can escape. We may even become very adept at stocking up on a lifetimes supply of Band-Aids, thinking we are okay. But the truth is, our body keeps a score. We cannot feel absolute peace, joy, love while we are also holding the vibration of guilt, shame, and fear. So even though we are masters at avoiding, escaping and pretending, our vibration holds a higher wisdom. A wisdom that is stronger than all the bandaids that we could ever buy. A wisdom that ultimately prevents us from experiencing blissful joy until such time that we have let go and released what no longer serves us. And every bit we release brings in a little more joy, a little more light, a little more laughter, a little more freedom, a little more surrender. Every bit frees a space so that healing can begin......' ________________________________________ #youareaconsciouscreator #megaself #heathyhabits #stresscoaching #lethoandgrow #stressresponse #author #healyourself #letgoofnegativity
21.01.2022 Peace is retraining our mind to process life as it is, rather than as we thought it should be. Our paths change sometimes and the direction might not always be where we thought we were going. This change or redirection can feel really painful and will bring about many layers of grief and fear as we start on our new path. ... Change is not the painful part of the process though. The painful part is our resistance to change and our holding onto that which felt familiar. Pain is unforgiveness and staying stuck. Pain is wishing things were different. Pain is contempt. Pain is fear. Many of these are normal human emotions but we don't want to get stuck in them. If you are being redirected right now, know that grief, anger and sadness are all part of the journey. Its a right of passage. Feel it. Acknowledge it. RELEASE it. Empty your bowl of yesterday's rice. And then open up to the amazing opportunities that a new path will bring with it. _______________________________________ #love #awakening #change
20.01.2022 I received this gift from a beautiful client a couple of weeks ago. It came at a perfect time and brought such joy and a sense of deep fulfillment to my heart. Her words in the card reflected everything I wanted to do when I set out on this journey and started my business. ... Thank you from the bottom of my heart - you have no idea how much this meant to me. Thank you to all my clients who bring me so much love and share their vulnerability with me in every session - you are all incredible. ______________________________________________ #gratitude #love #grateful #happiness #meditation #motivation #selflove #mindfulness #inspiration
19.01.2022 Chapter 5 of my book - Gratitude is your superpower! Gratitude is such a huge tool in stepping into our Mega Self potential and in doing so creating the energy that allows us to become a conscious creator of life. 'The power we all have is to feel gratitudefor everything we have now. At times, when we are feeling a void or emptiness within, we can consciously choose to fill it with gratitude and love. Not only for what we have today, but for that which we are creating thro...ugh thought and intention. Because, if we can consciously hold the vibration of a feeling that is in alignment to the future that we desire, then we have already created the existence of our manifestation at a quantum level. It might not be in the form of matter as yet, but it has been created in the form of an energetic frequency. Our only job then is to be completely grateful for its energetic existence as we surrender and allow it to be materialized into a physical state of matter. We feel joy and gratitude in the now, knowing we are merely waiting for an opportunity to experience this intention using our senses.....' YOU ARE A CONSCIOUS CREATOR. ____________________________________ #youareaconsciouscreator #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #motivation #mindset #selflove #inspiration #selfcare #growthmindset #success #growth #mindfulness #love #lifecoach #goals #selfdevelopment #leadership #coaching #meditation #mentalhealth ##brucelipton #selfgrowth #positivevibes #selfawareness #selfimprovement #loveyourself #entrepreneur #drjoedispenza #spirituality #happiness
19.01.2022 What does your self care plan look like? Part of mine is definately heading away to quiet spots with magical views. I am not at this secret destination right now, but it's definately on my self care list. ... Self care is something we undertake with the intention of enhancing energy, restoring health and reducing stress. Your self care plan is unique to you and will change depending on what's going on for you. It is something that helps you process emotional reactions to life and allows you to release the stress that might be building up on your body. We are all living pretty crazy lives and our power lies in being able to cope with stresses, overwhelm and resulting emotions, so that we have tools to recentre ourselves to how we want to feel. Do you have a self care plan? What can you factor in over the next few days and weeks? _______________________________________ #youareaconsciouscreator #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #motivation #mindset #selflove #inspiration
18.01.2022 We get to choose how long we want to hold onto an unhelpful thought. We choose how long we want to feed the energy of the thought and subsequent emotional response. The more we can equip ourselves with tools to let go of unhelpful thoughts and to recalibrate our internal stess response, the more we are able to reconnect with how we want to feel. ... Unconscious behaviour results in a reaction to stress which keeps it going as we suppress, avoid and escape. Conscious behaviour results in responding to stress in a healthy way which allows it's release. YOU ARE A CONSCIOUS CREATOR! _______________________________________ #youareaconsciouscreator #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #motivation #mindset #selflove
17.01.2022 If we remain unconscious to our psychology and what drives certain behaviours, we will stay the same. We become a slave to patterns of a past version of ourselves. Mindlessly repeating inner stories, old habits, familiar behaviours without question. ... Here's the thing - You are a CONSCIOUS CREATOR! You can reprogram your entire personal reality. You can choose to respond to life in a different way. You can release patterns and habits that no longer serve you. You can change your behaviour. But first you need to take responsibility. You need to become conscious. You need to want to change. You need to become comfortable with what will initially feel uncomfortable. CHANGE. It's never too late to step into a version of yourself that aligns with who you want to be. You are a CONSCIOUS CREATOR! ______________________________________ #drjoedispenza #meditation #abrahamhicks #love #brucelipton #energy #eckharttolle #lawofattraction #greggbraden #consciousness #yoga #bobproctor #spirituality #awakening #louisehay
16.01.2022 Change will make you uncomfortable and as you embark on big changes, your life might even feel a little chaotic. You will go through a period of feeling out of control. Suspended in a void of the unknown. ... Parts of you, or situations or people that the old you might have identified with, might fall away too. You might try and hold on, desperate for a predictable outcome. Desperate to hold onto all that feels familiar. But don't. Move forward courageously knowing that anything that is no longer a vibrational match between you and where you are going, will naturally fall away. Let it go with ease. Let it go with love. Don't spend all your precious energy staying stuck where you don't want to be anymore. Connect with your vision and stay aligned to that new reality. Your new life is going to require your full attention and your job is to focus your energy there. Allow your old reality to fall away and welcome in the new. _____________________________________ #change #love #life #motivation #inspiration #mindset #growth #instagood #goals
14.01.2022 Zucchini, carrot and corn fritters with pan fried haloumi cheese. INGREDIENTS Corn from 2 cobs - I slice these off with a sharp knife... 2 zucchini, grated 1 carrot, grated 2 eggs, lightly beaten 1/3 cup milk 1 cup self-raising flour 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin Fresh coriander salt and cracked black pepper Haloumi cheese sliced and ready to fry Lemon wedges, to serve Rocket leaves and red cabbage, to serve METHOD Whisk together the corn, zucchini, carrot, eggs and milk. Gradually stir in the sifted flour, chopped fresh coriander and cumin, salt and pepper. Heat a little olive oil in a non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Using a tablespoon, place heaped spoonfuls of the mixture in the pan and cook in batches. Using a spatula, turn them once, until golden and cooked through. Keep warm while you fry the haloumi. Slice haloumi into 5mm slices and fry quickly in a very hot pan with olive oil. Serve the cakes with rocket, red cabbage, the pan fried haloumi cheese, coriander leaves and lots of fresh chilli - not pictured but would be delicious. If you don't want to fry the cheese separately you can also grate it into the fritters - super delicious too... ______________________________________ #recipes #food #foodie #megaself #cooking #healthyfood
13.01.2022 You cannot find your soul with your mind, you must use your heart. You must know what you are feeling. If you don’t know what you are feeling, you will create unconsciously.Gary Zukav We are all in moments of creation. We create through fear and constriction or we create through love, joy and abundance. ... When we can follow the whispers of our soul we start creating though love. We start creating consciously. We can then tune into the rhythm of the Universe, synchronise with its energy, and allow life to flow a little more easily. Your soul not only knows what the mind cannot understand, it knows the best way to get there. Listen. It's knows what it needs next. ________________________________________ #love #awakening #higherawakening
12.01.2022 Yeah - I know, it sucks! But unfortunately, the only way through is through. Our pain, our suffering, our deep murky emotions, are the catalysts for creating change. Going through our pain consciously isn't easy, most of us will do everything we can to escape feeling challenging emotions. ... But choosing to feel, witness and then release, does take us towards growth. It takes us toward a deeper understanding of self and ultimately freedom and empowerment. Running away from our pain, from the deep emotional intensity of it, only serves to create more pain at another time. When we suppress and escape emotions, the energy of that emotion gets stored at a cellular level waiting for release. This energy, E - Motion, creates negative thought patterns, destructive habits, physical pain and disease as it tries desperately to find an exit point. Confront and gently move through the intensity. Be with it as you would a small child seeking compassion and love. Be gentle and kind as you release physically, emotionally and energetically. Ultimately, emotions are there to be felt and then released in a way that creates growth and more space to show up in our lives. Allow yourself to be supported and loved through the process too! And most of all know that this too shall pass. ______________________________________ #drjoedispenza #meditation #abrahamhicks #love #brucelipton #energy
11.01.2022 It's been a big year of change for me and as it continues to unfold I realize the huge importance of taking care of myself. This has had its challenges with home schooling and balancing everything that has come up over 2020. But I have really noticed how my energy drops and how my space to choose a healthy response to challenge decreases, when I am not nurturing my own being. ... Making big changes in life bring in much chaos and uncertainty. This we can't escape. Our empowerment comes however, when we acknowledge and accept this. When we choose to move through the experience consciously. We take the opportunity to practise sitting in the discomfort, surrendering to not knowing and release the big emotions as they arise. I have personally used every tool within the MEGA SELF framework to support and keep myself aligned to who I want to be and how I want to emerge from this experience. Meditation Exercise GRATITUDE Ask for help. Sleep Emotional release Laughter and love Food. If you are going through a tough time, what part of the framework might help you at this time? Remember, you are not alone and you are stronger than you might think. ____________________________________________ #personaldevelopment #motivation #personalgrowth #mindset #inspiration #success #selflove #selfcare #lifecoach #megaself
11.01.2022 Sometimes dinner is as simple as this. Left over slow cooked lamb on a Greek salad. So delicious and took me about 10 minutes to throw together.... Eating healthily does not have to be time consuming but you do need to be organised. Plan and prepare. Keep it simple. Buy ingredients for the week and have a plan of what you are cooking each night. Use leftovers in different ways later in the week. This is a great strategy esp on those busy nights. Cook extra and freeze. Add this meal to the following week plan so it doesn't disappear in the freezer. Have 5 - 10 go to recipes that you love. _______________________________________ #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #food #healthy #megaself
11.01.2022 This moment NOW is all we have. A moment of pure potential. A moment where we have within us the ability to shape our future. Our future is happening NOW. Repeat or evolve? ... We have the choice. What thoughts and beliefs we choose to think we accumulate. Our future is a result of this accumulation. How do you want to think? What do you want to manifest? It's all happening NOW. _______________________________________________ #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #motivation #mindset #selflove #inspiration #selfcare #growthmindset
10.01.2022 Being human involves experiencing discomfort and sometimes alot of it! We have 2 choices. We can embrace the suck knowing it will pass. ... We can empower ourselves with tools and strategies to move through it consciously. We can keep on reminding ourself that this is where growth occurs and remember the strength we have within us. We can reach out and get support, and in doing so, learn more about who we are and where we want to go. Or we can loose ourself in the suck, and what may sometimes feel like an endless stream of pain. We can feel disempowered and angry with life. We can step into victim consciousness and fear and then choose to numb all aspects of the discomfort. 2 choices always! I have tried both and what I do know is this! Even if we choose to numb and escape the discomfort, it will catch up eventually. We can't outrun it. It will show up somewhere. So I guess, we might as well embrace the suck and grow through the shit that we experience. And when we come out the other end, we may discover a whole different way of being that allows our light to shine even stronger than before. You are a CONSCIOUS CREATOR. You are stronger than you think. ______________________________________________ #embracethesuck #love #selflove #megaself #healing #pain #anxiety #empower #heal #selfcare #heartchakra #letgo #mindfulness
10.01.2022 FORGIVE LET GO Change your perspective. Whatever you are stuck in from your past - resentment, disappointment, anger, blame, wishing you did things differently, distrust - it's time to let it go. ... Letting go creates SPACE. Space to bring in the new. Space to think and be in a more expansive place. We create from expansion. We create when there is space to let the new in. Change you perspective. Choose to let go. Choose to create a new REALITY. Step by step - there is no rush. You are a CONSCIOUS CREATOR! ________________________________________ #drjoedispenza #meditation #abrahamhicks #love #brucelipton #energy #eckharttolle #lawofattraction #greggbraden #consciousness #yoga #bobproctor #spirituality #awakening #louisehay #enlightenment #
09.01.2022 Okay - I have to be honest here, I haven't been allocating much time for play over the last few weeks. I am feeling it! We are moving house and my to do list feels never ending. ... But today I am choosing play. I am getting my kids off their screens and prioritising nature, connection and definately some laughter. I can actually feel how my entire being is craving this. Playing keeps us connected to our inner child. Mine is bursting to be free. So I might see you walking in some national forest somewhere beautiful. Have a lovely Thursday. ______________________________________________ #connection #love #community #nature #meditation #yoga #healing
09.01.2022 Exercise and movement is an integral component in embodying your Mega Self potential - mentally, physically and emotionally. There are so many powerful benefits but I think my favourite is definately movement's ability to release stress and emotional build up in our bodies. Exercise is INCREDIBLE for our mental health. ... If you are not moving your body and want to get started, here are 3 tips that might help. 1. Create an awareness about the positive effects that exercise will have in your life. Mentally, physically and emotionally. This alone can be a big motivator in starting a routine that is right for you. How will your life improve when you are exercising on a regular basis. 2. Develop strategies to keep you on path. Something as simple as booking into a class and having all your clothes ready to go can prevent you sabotaging yourself. Finding a support person or workout partner can be great too. 3. Understand your personal roadblocks and then develop strategies to help you move through these? Get to know what limits you and create a plan so that you don't keep recycling the same experience. And remember to base your exercise around joy and movement that fills your cup - let me know what works for you? You are a CONSCIOUS CREATOR! _______________________________________ #megaself #food ##joedispenza #love #behaviourchange #mentalhealth #tapping #michelesayers #selfdiscipline #healthyweightloss
08.01.2022 Life is a mirror and will reflect back to us everything we are being in every moment. We see what we want to see. We hear what we want to hear. ... We observe life through the reflection we are choosing to create everyday. Our beliefs systems, our perceptions are merely mirrors that continue to show us what we believe. If the reflection is not supporting our most authentic self then it is up to us to create one that does. No matter what is behind us we can always create a new story. You are LIMITLESS. Pic - Spring creek ____________________________________ #drjoedispenza #meditation #abrahamhicks #love #brucelipton #energy #eckharttolle #lawofattraction #greggbraden #consciousness #yoga #bobproctor
08.01.2022 The thing with emotional pain is that we can't actually escape it. The portal will open, letting us know that there is an opportunity for healing. We then have a choice. ... To heal we need to feel... there is no way around this one. I personally have found meditation, energy healing and emotional freedom technique the 3 things that have helped me the most. These tools give me a safe space to connect with what I am feeling, yet not become attached to the feeling. I can emerge from a meditation in a completly different space to what I arrived in. If we choose to run, to escape, to avoid.... the pain eventually catches up with us. It always does! So why not use the portal to heal. Yes, it feels pretty awful in the moment but the result is worth it. Get that shit out of your body. Feel your way out and emerge lighter, freerer and stronger. _____________________________________________ #youareaconsciouscreator #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #motivation #mindset #selflove #inspiration
07.01.2022 Beautiful morning here on the Surfcoast. Feeling so grateful to have this incredible beach on my door step. Waves were super fun and I am now happily exhausted. ... Hope you are having a soulful Sunday and creating moments that bring you joy. You are a CONSCIOUS CREATOR. _______________________________________ #habits #motivation #goals #mindset #success #love #health #lifestyle #life #change #inspiration #goodhabits
06.01.2022 Saturday reminder. Where is your focus today? If it's not where you want to be going and not what you want to create then gently shift perspective.... _____________________________________________ #personaldevelopment #motivation #personalgrowth #mindset #inspiration
06.01.2022 My middle path changes from time to time but I aim to stay true to my life vision and deeply connected to my why. Why I am choosing to commit to something? What is the value in following through on this commitment?... How will my life change when I am consistently living this new habit? What does my middle path look like? Extremes in anything lead to feelings of failure, despondency, exhaustion and generally a yo yo mentality that never quite gets you where you want to go - especially long term. Find your middle road. Aim to stay there and notice when you are tending to revert to extreme behaviour. Your middle path will be unique to you and not something that you can decern by looking outward. Find your sweet spot, connect to how good it feels and aim to stay there. ________________________________________ #behaviourchange #personaldevelopment #motivation #mindset #selflove #inspiration #selfcare
05.01.2022 What a year it has been all round - a year of change, of surrender and acceptance and for many - getting used to a new way of being and living. This year has bought up many questions and opportunities for self reflection and forced us to look at life in a new way. Change of any kind is extremely challenging and painful but can also yield incredible growth. When experienced consciously, it often redirects us towards our greatest potential. ... For the rest of 2020 I have opened up a few appointments to support clients to positively navigate major change so that they can align to their purpose and in doing embody their Mega Self Potential. My focus with clients is in supporting a process of change and transition which focusses on deep healing so that they are ready for their next chapter. A chapter in which they can more fully embody their potential and purpose and become conscious creators of their life. Behaviour Change. Letting go of outdated habits and addictions. Letting go of the past and what no longer serves you. Change related to work or relationships. Change occurring at a soul level (dark night of the soul). DM me if you would like to chat further. I offer face to face appointments in Torquay and zoom everywhere else. May you all transition through this time gaining incredible strength and wisdom. A great awakening is occurring on so many incredible levels - trust the process and surrender to the journey. ________________________________________ #behaviourchange #reiki #coach #energyhealing #emotionalfreedomtechnique #healthcoach #support #accountability #heal #darknightofthesoul #drjoedispenza
01.01.2022 Where are you feeling resistance or struggle in your life? What beliefs are creating your reality? Where can you let go a little more?... Becoming aware of the stories that no longer serve you and changing the narrative, is going to be 90% of your transformation. Change your story. Change your life. _______________________________________ #youareaconsciouscreator #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #motivation #mindset
01.01.2022 Can you feel the energy building as we head into the remainder of 2020? The past few weeks I have seen a huge collective letting go process with many clients processing extremely deep grief, dissapointment, anger and sadness. We have worked at such deep levels and I have felt honoured and humbled to support such an intensely vulnerable process. ... I am feeling it too. My soul wanting to let go and my heart guiding the process. This energy is calling us to look at what we are feeling and holding onto, the stories we are carrying around and the unprocessed pain we are ready to release. It's giving us a portal to really let go. To free and liberate ourselves from our past. It's deeply uncomfortable but so incredibly freeing too. And in every heavy space we clear and choose to release, we create an opening of potential that draws towards us all that we seek. We are all Conscious CREATORS - but first we need to clear the space so that we can create. ______________________________________ #youareaconsciouscreator #personalgrowth #personaldevelopment #motivation #mindset #selflove #inspiration #selfcare #growthmindset #success #growth
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