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Michelle Richards Health & Fitness Coach in Adelaide, South Australia | Nutritionist

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Michelle Richards Health & Fitness Coach

Locality: Adelaide, South Australia

Phone: +61 431 066 046

Address: Unit 1, Building 2, LotA Lawrence Hargrave Way Parafield 5106 Adelaide, SA, Australia


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25.01.2022 HOW TO SYNCE YOUR NUTRITION WITH YOUR CYCLE. Adjusting your diet throughout your menstrual cycle can help support fluctuating hormones, reduce mood swings, manage weight, improve sleep quality & reduce cravings. MENSTRUAL PHASE (Days 1-5)... At the start of the cycle hormone levels are at their lowest what can cause energy levels to be lower. Warm cooked foods are good at this time because they’re easier on the digestive system, along with fermented, sprouted or activated foods. Increase iron-rich foods such as lentils, kelp, pumpkin seeds, dried prunes, spinach & grass fed protein sources to help replenish iron levels that are lost during our bleed. SUPPLEMENTS: Magnesium oil spray: For cramps & migraines Methylated B vitamins: For breast tenderness, clotting cramps. Agnus Castus: For PMS symptoms FOLLICULAR PHASE (Days 6-14) Hormone levels while still low, are beginning to rise increasing energy levels. This is a good time to incorporate light, fresh & vibrant foods, such as salads & fermented foods like kefir, probiotic yoghurt or sauerkraut, which support gut health & detoxification. SUPPLEMENTS: Probiotics: Aid digestion, detoxification, immunity & mood. OVULATORY PHASE (Days 15-17) During the ovulatory phase hormone levels are rising, particularly Estrogen, basal body temperature increases, & energy levels increase. Excess Estrogen levels can cause breast tenderness & increased spots during this time, so incorporate nutrients that support the liver to help detox Estrogen, these are found in foods such as Crucifer vegetables, onions, garlic, radishes, & bitter greens. SUPPLEMENTS: Vitamin B6: Supports energy production, mood & hormone regulation. Valerian/ Fennel tea blend: Support deeper sleep. LUTEAL PHASE (Days 18-28) Hormone levels reach their peak before approaching menstruation, this is the time many women experience PMS. Avoid foods high in salt & sugar to reduce fluid retention & bloating, eat small regular meals to manage cravings. Cut down on caffeine & alcohol, stimulants can aggravate PMS- triggered anxiety & mood shifts. Opt for herbal teas like, chicory root, dandelion, peppermint, cacao or cinnamon. SUPPLEMENTS: Ashwagandha: Helps the body adapt to stress Viridian Mg with B6: For anxiety, tension & promoting sleep. Magnesium bath salts: Water retention & anxiety Sound like a lot, Don’t sweat it. Make small changes & pay attention to what works for you

25.01.2022 It’s a ........

25.01.2022 And just like that we became 4 Welcoming our little one in March 2021.

24.01.2022 BLOATING!!! Random bloating is annoying - You know, the kind that pops up often & seemingly out of nowhere. Have you tried connecting it to certain foods?... Elimination diets like gluten-free, dairy-free, even LowFODMAP diets might help manage your symptoms but they’re not the answer. You may legitimately have a food sensitivity - however they tend to be a symptom of a larger issue. The way you eat plays an important role in gut healing. However it‘s only one aspect. If you're going through this fight right now it has likely been building over a longer period then you realise. That’s why you’ll need to dig deeper to get to the root cause & figure out what‘s triggering your gut symptoms. BLOATING CAN OCCUR DUE TO THE FOLLOWING: Low Stomach Acid Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth Yeast/ Candida Overgrowth Gut Infections (Parasites/ Bacteria in the large intestine) Low Digestive Enzymes Hormonal imbalance STEPS TO HEAL YOUR GUT: Get to the root cause. Dig deeper through running functional lab tests. Address gut infections or bacteria overgrowth. Repopulate beneficial bacteria. Maintain a healthy diet & reduce lifestyle stressors. BENEFICIAL TESTING: Stool Testing - GI-MAP/ CDSA/ PCR SIBO Breath Test Food Allergy Testing Blood Chemistry Analysis For more info on our GUT HEALING PROGRAM PM or EMAIL: [email protected] See more

24.01.2022 29 Weeks ~ My body is changing daily, it’s amazing watching what our incredible bodies can do. It's an empowering feeling being a woman & being able to create the miracle of life. But like all women there’s still some adjusting to the bodily changes, but knowing I’m growing a little human helps me appreciate my body for more than just how it looks. ... Time to reflect on the things that are really important & show my the body love & gratitude it deserves . . . . . #29weekspregnant #bumpypdate #pregnancy #fitpregnancy #fitness #pregnant #pregnantlife #babyboy #fitspiration #activepregnancy #plantbased #mum #empowered #motherhood #parenthood #gym #active #healthy #explant #breastfeeding #mum #bump #hypnobirthing

24.01.2022 We spend so much time & effort trying to change ourselves, imagine if we spent that time being COMFORTABLE with who we are right NOW . . . .... #mymantra #comfortableinside #believeinyourself #selfacceptance #yourock #selflove #letyourselfshine #youarebeautiful See more

24.01.2022 I’ve always been passionate about health.. but my true desire to learn about Health started when I became desperate to heal myself from what Dr’s call IBS (A label for something they can’t find an answer to). I’m so grateful I didn’t except that diagnosis & went onto become a Functional Diagnostic Health Practitioner to heal my own health. Everything in life happens for a reason & my own health challenges were a blessing in disguise because they put me on the... path to find my passion to become a Health practitioner & now I can help others on their healing journey too. As a health practitioner I help my clients get to the root cause of their health conditions through running Blood Chemistry Analysis & Functional Lab testing to then restore health & balance any dysfunctions in the Digestive, Hormone, Immune & Detoxification systems. GUT HEALTH: Identifying the main sources of GI distress including leaky gut, food sensitivities, SIBO, dysbiosis, gut infections & inflammation. These are often underlining issues that cause symptoms from, bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain & more. HORMONES: Identifying hormone imbalances, causing irregular cycles, PMS, infertility or other hormone disorders which can cause fatigue, poor sleep & inability to lose weight. ADRENAL & SHB (Steroidal Hormone Balance): Identifying hidden dysfunction in the body that are preventing you from having better energy, losing stubborn fat and maintaining a healthy wake sleep cycle. FOR MORE INFO PM OR EMAIL: [email protected] See more

23.01.2022 Happy Father’s Day to all the wonderful Dads out there. Especially this incredible man @samyzest1. Thank you for giving this little munchkin endless love, being his role model, teacher & best friend (second to me) Seeing what a great dad you are only makes me love you more

23.01.2022 Sometimes it feels like food is controlling you, when in reality it’s your emotions & old habits that are calling the shots. Have you ever noticed when you’re in a good mental state your eating is good & when you’re not your eating goes off? That’s because all your behaviours & habits are programmed in your subconscious mind which runs on autopilot. ... The subconscious mind is pre-programmed to follow specific behaviours & unless you change its programming you’ll keep being run by it. That’s why it’s important to get to the root of the behaviour in the subconscious mind & change it from there PM or EMAIL for more info on HYPNOTHERAPY/ NLP/ TLT services: [email protected] See more

22.01.2022 It’s so rewarding helping clients became more in tune with their body & helping them overcome mental barriers that keep them victim to emotional cycles of eating. AMAZING progress Vanessa Golotta. During isolation I was in desperate need of assistance with a healthier lifestyle. To healthier foods, & guidance to the right direction. I definitely got the help I needed. Throughout the 12 week plan I chose to do with @michellerichards_healthcoach, I did not just ...lose body fat, I actually learn so much about my BODY, & my MENTAL state with how I treated myself after eating certain foods. Mentally I would beat myself up a lot and then go into a binge eating spiral. Now, that I have finished my 12 week program, I have gained the strengths and knowledge that i never had before. Michelle was so supportive and encouraging, and it kept me on track and motivated seeing her every 2 week, even with set-backs during the plan (as it can be hard). I can happily say I have now got more strength behind me to stop when I catch myself in bad habits, and get back on track. I can’t wait to be back for another plan in near future. Thank you for teaching me things I will take with me for a lifetime. For more info on coaching programs PM or EMAL: [email protected] See more

22.01.2022 SELF LOVE starts with knowing you‘re ENOUGH Almost all negative habits can be traced back to one thing... trying to fill the emptiness of not feeling enough. We seek fulfilment outside of ourselves, but only the eternal things that come from within us can make us feel complete. ... You have everything you need inside of you. Within you is the source of all happiness, love & peace. Remind yourself of this everyday until it becomes your truth See more

21.01.2022 Incredible result by @base Transformation client @dani_mcinnes. Body Fat 9.3% Fat mass 5.5kgs Lean body mass 1kg... Weight 6.5kgs Girth measures 89mm Calories from 1800 to 2750 For more info on programs PM or EMAIL: [email protected] See more

20.01.2022 It‘s women’s health week As a health coach I love empowering women with the knowledge to better understand their bodies & how to support it for optimal health. Too many women are suffering from tiredness, hormone imbalances, digestive issues & nutritional deficiencies all which can be dramatically improved with healthy lifestyle changes. ... This is an important time to focus on your health. Make food choices by asking yourself Will this nourish me?. Make movement choices by asking Will this energise me? Your energy & vitality come from your lifestyle choices, not from neglecting, depleting & exhausting yourself. The power is in your hands - make choices that‘ll serve you & your health. Do something today that shows your body you care. We’re here to support you on your journey . . . . . . #healthylifestyle #selfcare #nutrition #movement #foodismedicine #happy #holistichealth #nourishyourself #longevity #energy #naturalmedicine #womenshealthweek #womenshealthweek2020 See more

20.01.2022 ESTROGEN DOMINANCE can have a devastating effect on FAT LOSS. Estrogen dominance is when you have too much estrogen compared to its counter-hormone, progesterone. Having too much estrogen in the body causes a number of symptoms, PMS, heavy periods & stubborn lower body fat. (The legs, in particular the thighs have a high number of estrogen receptors which bind to estrogen)... WHAT CAUSES ESTROGEN DOMINANCE? The LIVER & GUT play key roles: Once Estrogen has performed its necessary task, it’s metabolised & deactivated by the liver, then moved out as waste product by the large intestine (poop). If your bowls aren’t moving regularly & you have a gut flora imbalance, the nasty bugs in your large intestine can reactive your Estrogen & recirculates it back into your body causing estrogen dominance! Estrogen dominance can also be the result of progesterone deficiency - even if your estrogen levels are normal. Low progesterone levels create an imbalance between the two hormones causing a relative estrogen dominance. Other contributing factors are Environmental toxins known as xenoestrogens which mimic Estrogen in our body. Exposure to these comes in the form of chemicals in beauty products, cleaning products, non grass fed meats, plastics, pesticides, birth control & more! TIPS TO BALANCE HORMONES: Support liver detoxification & increase dietary fibre. Support Gut health with probiotics & fermented foods. Eat a hormone friendly anti-inflammatory diet. Reduce chemical & plastic exposure. (Replace with natural organic products) Increase Progesterone levels: Supplements Vitex, Magnesium, Vitamin E, B Complex, Vitamin C. Reduce stress, Don’t overtrain, Improve sleep quality. PM or EMAIL for more info on Hormone Health Coaching: [email protected] See more

19.01.2022 Spring is in the air #HelloSpring

18.01.2022 Back to live training sessions with our #Base Tribe. Good thing we’re prepared for this. We’ve been up & running since Tuesday keeping our community connected, motivated & still pushing their limits training at home. There‘s no obstacle too big to stop us from achieving our goals.

18.01.2022 FINDING INNER PEACE What’s helped me find more inner peace is realising that I’m not my thoughts. Most of our thoughts run on autopilot, we’re not choosing what we’re thinking, thoughts just pop into our minds all day long. ... When I first started observing my thoughts, I was shocked to realise how wild my mind was, I was thinking all the time, guilting myself for not doing things, judging myself & others. This was what my mind was doing to me all day long & I didn’t even realise it until I tuned in & really paid attention. I realised how identified I was with my mind, I took on everything it thought, thinking it was me & responding emotionally, which ultimately was causing pain & suffering. This is where meditation is helpful. When I meditate I focus on my breath or do a body scan & every time I catch a thought, I observe it, then say in my mind That thought is not me. This helps interrupt the thought & stops it from spiralling into a negative loop of thinking. You can do this practise anytime, it doesn’t have to be in meditation, it takes practise & effort but it truly is so freeing. See more

18.01.2022 This little guy’s super excited to meet his little brother. He kisses & talks to my tummy everyday, & asks me if he’s big enough to come out yet. He tells me all the things he’s going to teach him & how much he loves him. It’s the sweetest thing, I can’t wait to see him be the best big brother

17.01.2022 Daily reminder not be too hard on yourself Forgive yourself ... You are not perfect. Show yourself grace ... You are still learning. Show yourself patience ... You are on a journey... @j.gainesstudio See more

17.01.2022 To transform our bodies on the outside it’s important to nurture our emotional wellbeing just as much as our physical health. Our thoughts, attitudes & past traumas affect us on a biological level which is why it’s important to recognise the need to support mental/ emotional health as part of Healing & Transforming the whole-body. ... This is why we have incorporating group HYPNOTHERAPY sessions as part of our upcoming WildFit Challenge. . . . PM or EMAIL to secure a spot for our Aug 3rd - 12 Week Challenge: [email protected] (MORE INFO IN BIO) See more

16.01.2022 LET YOUR TRIGGERS BE YOUR GUIDE! Getting triggered by someone or something isn’t a bad thing, it actually offers you an opportunity to see where you need to heal. A trigger is just pointing to an unhealed emotional wound inside of you. ... We think other people or things outside of us are triggering us, but the emotional response is happening inside of us. That means the root underlying cause is also within us. These usually come from early childhood or a powerful emotional event. The world offers us a mirror to see how we feel about ourself & where we need heal. Next time you feel triggered by someone get to the core of how it made you you feel.... for e.g. I felt judged by Mary’s comment... then ask yourself do I ever judge myself? If the answer is YES then you uncovered that you projected your own self judgment onto Mary. This process helps to transform any negative emotions towards the other person & you find that similar situations no longer trigger you in the same way. The more you observe instead of reacting the more insight you’ll receive so you can heal your wounds & nurture & care for yourself the way you deserve. Set an intention to self inquire & learn from your triggers, everything outside of you is just helping you heal, love, integrate & return to wholeness PM or EMAIL for more INFO: Hypnotherapy/ NLP/ TLT Services: [email protected] See more

16.01.2022 Baby bumps come in all shapes & sizes The size of your bump & how you carry depends on different things. If it’s your first pregnancy it can take longer for your uterus to move up & out of your pelvis. Second pregnancies most women show quicker.... If you have abdominal separation, there’s more space in the wall of your abdomen, making bump appear bigger. Abdominal strength also plays a role in the shape of your belly. Time of day & how much you’ve eaten can also dramatically change the size of your bump in a day. My belly has definitely popped quicker pregnancy no2. My belly button is already an outie which didn’t happen till 30wks with Ryland & I look almost full term by the end of the day after a day of eating. While I’m still adjusting to the daily bodily changes, knowing I’m growing a little human makes me appreciate my body & what it’s capable of All bumps are beautiful See more

16.01.2022 LAST CHALLENGE BEFORE THE HOLIDAY SEASON!... 8 WEEK #BASEBABE CHALLENGE! WHAT’S INCLUDED: UNLIMITED GROUP TRAINING CLASSES - Time Table swipe right. ... NUTRITION PLANS - Flexible food plans to construct your weekly meal plans. 3 x BODY COMPOSITION TESTS - Body Fat Test to track progress. WEEKLY MEASUREMENT TRACKING. MINDSET COACHING SESSION - Transform your relationships with food. Breakthrough limiting beliefs & create new habits. SUPPORT FORUM RECIPES KIDS PLAY AREA STARTS: 2nd Nov SPECIAL OFFER: $69 WKLY/ $499 UPFRONT More info in BIO Express your interest EMAIL or PM: [email protected] *If this program is not suitable for your needs please inquire & we can send you some info on our other programs. See more

16.01.2022 8 WEEK BASE CHALLENGE FINISH THE YEAR FEELING FIT & HEALTHY! WHAT’S INCLUDED: UNLIMITED GROUP TRAINING CLASSES - Time Table swipe right. ... NUTRITION PLANS - Flexible food plans to construct your weekly meal plans. 3 x BODY COMPOSITION TESTS - Body Fat Test to track progress. WEEKLY MEASUREMENT TRACKING. MINDSET COACHING SESSION - Transform your relationships with food. Breakthrough limiting beliefs & create new habits. SUPPORT FORUM RECIPES STARTS: 2nd Nov SPECIAL OFFER: $69 WKLY/ $499 UPFRONT Express your interest EMAIL or PM: [email protected] *If this program is not suitable for your needs please inquire & we can send you some info on our other programs. See more

15.01.2022 You’re going to be the best big brother

13.01.2022 Most people know Apple Cider Vinegar is good for you however most people don’t consume it because of its unpleasant taste (yep that’s me). But this product is a game changer @goligummy! ACV is beneficial for so many reasons! It supports healthy digestion, weight management, heart health, skin health, provides energy & supports a healthy immune system. Get all the goodness ACV has to offer with delicious GOLI gummies.... Use promo code: micheller for a discount! Promo Link: . . . . . #GoliGummy #healthydigestion #ACV #weightloss #immunesystem #nutritious #healthyinside See more

13.01.2022 CHOCOLATE COCONUT ICE CREAM INGREDIENTS: 2 cans full-cream coconut milk... 4 tbsps of raw cacao powder 5-15 drops of chocolate stevia 1 tsp of vanilla extract Pinch of pink salt INSTRUCTIONS: Place a sheet of parchment paper on deep baking dish. Pour coconut milk onto the parchment paper & freeze for several hours, until hard. Once frozen, pull the coconut milk off the parchment paper & break into chunks. Add coconut & other ingredients to blender. Process until smooth, scooping down the sides as necessary. Process until you have achieved your desired ice cream texture. Serve immediately- keep in freezer. Enjoy! See more

13.01.2022 17 Week update. I’m not going to lie I’ve put off sharing about my pregnancy so far because early pregnancy can be an uncertain time. We had a miscarriage before this pregnancy, which is common but often goes unspoken about. There were lots of tears of joy at our 12 week scan & a sense of relief. Overall I’ve been feeling good. No nausea, I just felt more tired. Energy levels have picked up since 2nd trimester. I’ve kept up my training 5 x a week ...which has been good for my energy & mood. My belly has popped a little quicker this pregnancy. It’s flatter in the morning then pops more by the end of the day. No kicks or flutters yet, can’t wait. This pregnancy feels like it’s going so quick especially with running after a 3 year old & working - so I‘ll have to soak it up as much as possible. It’s nice to see so many other Mamma’s pregnant atm - I feel blessed to share this journey with you all See more

12.01.2022 HOW YOUR MENSTRUAL CYCLE EFFECTS HOW YOU FEEL! Getting to know your menstrual cycle & how it effects your body & mood can be really empowering because it helps you understand why you experience bodily changes & mood changes at different stages of your cycle. PHASE 1 - Menstruation: (Day 1 of your menstrual cycle) The first day of bleed, your hormone levels are low. It‘s common to feel tired, irritable, & moody at this time. Combined with period related aches &... pains, as your body is working hard shed the lining of your uterus. So give yourself permission to take it easy. PHASE 2 - Follicular phase: (End of your period till Ovulation) Estrogen & testosterone levels start to rise as your body gets ready to release an egg. This increases your mood & libido. You may also feel more relaxed & more attuned to other people. PHASE 3 - Ovulation phase: (Roughly days 14) Your body is at its most fertile. Luteinizing hormone surge causing your ovary to release a mature egg. Estrogen & testosterone rise to peak levels, increasing energy & sex drive. The downside is some women can experience acne breakouts, breast tenderness, weight gain, headaches, & water retention. PHASE 4 - Pre-Menstrual (Luteal Phase) AKA PMS Time: Last phase of the cycle, when your body realises it’s not pregnant, your estrogen levels fall dramatically, & suddenly. You might start to feel irritable, anxious & a little depressed, that along with symptoms such as bloating, headaches, tiredness & aches, can all take a toll on your mood. It’s a good idea to mark this time in your calendar so you’re aware of why you feel the way you do, know it‘ll pass, allow yourself time to rest, & do things that’ll help pick up your mood. PM or EMAIL for information on hormone & health coaching programs: [email protected] See more

11.01.2022 The last 3 days definitely haven’t been a relaxing holiday. I served at the Dharma Mediation retreat. Life as a server looked a little like this, up at 3:30am meditating in the hall for 1 1/2 hrs, then straight to the kitchen preparing food for over 20 ppl, followed by wash up. Short rest, back to the hall for second meditation sitting, lunch prep & clean up (I’ve never washed so many dishes in my life), then serving light evening tea & fruit, followed by fina...l meditation sittings, watching a Discourse on the philosophies & principles of Vipassana, then servers stayed back to do a metta meditation (meditation of loving-kindness) radiating loving-kindness & goodwill toward all beings. It was a tight schedule & I did start to feel it by the third day running on not very much sleep & being 4 months pregnant. But I’m so glad I did it because It was such a rewarding experience, I’m so grateful to have shared it with beautiful souls who were spreading their love & generosity, giving up their time to be of service to others. See more

11.01.2022 When your hearts full of so much love & you wonder how it’s going to contain more #motherslove babyno2 #babyboy

11.01.2022 What a year.. so much has happened yet it also feels like a bit of a blur 2020 has shown us there are so many things out of our control. I look back at the year with gratitude.. even tho most of our worlds got turned upside down.. I honour & appreciate every part of the experience. ... This year offered us the opportunity to grow, become more adaptable, resilient, & surrender 2020 - WHAT I’VE LEARNED! We’re responsible for our experience of life - we can choose how we experience & respond to things. Everything happening outside of us is showing us something we need to see inside of us, to love, accept, or integrate. - Accept the invitations & go inwards. There’s a seed of positivity in every perceived negative situation - If we look for. As we leave the magic & madness of 2020 & enter into a new chapter I wish everyone peace & happiness in the year ahead. Goodbye 2020 Hello 2021 . . . . . . #newyearreflection #grateful #gratitude #growth #newyear #adaptable #resilience #strength #peaceandlove #positivemindset #growthmindset #magic #goals See more

11.01.2022 Pregnancy is a process where your body becomes somebody else’s home. It’s the most amazing experience & creates a bond like no other. However, it can also be a hard process both physically & mentally. Having coached women through their pregnancies I know one of their biggest fears is how much weight they’ll gain. ... The bodily changes during pregnancy can feel overwhelming, because to some degree they’re out of our control. That’s why it’s an important time to focus on looking after ourselves, from how we nourish our body with food, moving our body in ways that are best for us, listening to our body & being kind & loving towards ourselves & our growing baby. There’s nothing in this world that has brought me so much joy, made me feel so much love, & taught me so much. I wouldn’t change any part of my pregnancy . . . . . . #bumpupdate #fitpregnancy #pregnancyjourney #pregnacyupdate #bumpshot #pregnancy #babyboy #activepregnancy #plantbased #empowered #motherhood #parenthood #healthy #breastfeeding #bump #hypnobirthing See more

11.01.2022 Cousins Trick-or-Treating

10.01.2022 Laughing till your belly hurts This little guy really is the source of so much happiness in my life

09.01.2022 There’s Always Something To Be Grateful For Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, & more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarify. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Melody Beattie Live each day with a grateful heart

09.01.2022 Best feeling helping clients @move_jadey_move. I came to Michelle as I was reaching an age where my extreme lifestyle was starting to cause lots of health issues. This wasn’t about weight loss, the shaping up was just a bonus. I’ve always relied on energy drinks & fast food to get me through my busy life, but Michelle broke everything down & made it so easy for me to follow. I couldn’t believe how much food I was eating & the natural high that... it gave me, simply by fuelling my body with the foods it needed. Michelle is so supportive & understands there will be hurdles in life, so it’s not about perfection, but arming you with the right tools to have control of your health even in the busiest of times. This isn’t a fad diet or feeling restricted, this is a true lifestyle change. I looked forward to my fortnightly check ins, her genuine & caring approach is like nothing I’ve found before. Thank you Michelle for changing my life, I am forever grateful for everything you have done for my son & I. Thank you also to Sam for making me love weights training for the first time in this cardio girls life. You guys are such an amazing team & the vibe at a family gym is like no other. PM or EMAIL for more info on programs: [email protected] See more

09.01.2022 Take care of yourself & everything else will follow

08.01.2022 It’s so rewarding empowering our clients with the knowledge to make food choices that are nourishing to their body & to make it a sustainable lifestyle change. Incredible results by client Lucy Clark A huge thank you to Michelle (&Sam) for an amazing 12 weeks. I signed up with Michelle after struggling to get myself back in any kind of routine. I wasn’t enjoying training and knew that it was my diet that needed to change. As much as I had seen s...ome incredible transformations come out of The Base I was honestly surprised at how easy and effortless the process felt and the changes I saw in myself through primarily my diet (and just 2 training sessions per week). I faced some life challenges during the 12 weeks which meant I couldn’t quite present my best at final check in, but I still saw a huge change in my body composition which I am so proud of. I enjoyed the whole process and didn’t once feel that I had to ‘restrict myself’ from eating a certain type of food or going to an event or celebration. Michelle taught me how to fuel my body with whole foods that have truely made me feel better than I have for a long time. I’m so greatful for everything you have taught me. Thank you For more INFO on programs PM or EMAIL: [email protected] See more

08.01.2022 WHAT THE HECK SHOULD I EAT? Are you seeking to eat more in alignment with your body's needs, but not sure where to start? With so much information available to us, it‘s overwhelming working out what the heck to eat. The sad truth is most of the food available to us in the supermarket isn’t really food. At least, it has been altered & processed in some way. A good place to start is by adding in more whole foods to your diet (foods how mother nat...ure grew them) TIPS FILL UP ON THE GOOD STUFF: Fill up on your vegetables, incorrperate healthy fat sources, fruit & complex carbs. If eating animal products stick to grass fed, & don’t forget your herbs ‘n’ spices for flavour & healing properties. QUALITY is more important thenquantity all calories are NOT created equal. The source & nutrient-density of the food plays an important role in your health. Eat a wide VARIETY of colours, to obtain a wider range of nutrients, amino acids, phytochemicals & antioxidants to keep your body HEALTHY. Drink adequate WATER - water is our life force make sure to drink enough & source good quality water. What we put into our bodies impacts our mood, energy, & physical health. Be mindful & intentional about what you eat, when you eat, & why you eat. This will create more balance & harmony in your body both physically & emotionally. We’re here to support you. PM or EMAIL for more info on health coaching services: [email protected] See more

06.01.2022 19 weeksCan’t believe I’m almost halfway. Baby bump is growing quicker by the day now. I’ve finally felt some flutters (felt more like pop corn), can’t wait to feel more movement. Looking forward to our 20 week scan. It’s always nice to have that reassurance that everything’s going well & to see our little jelly bean ... . . . . #19weeks #pregnantlife #bump #babyboy #pregnantlife #fitpregnancy #pregnant #babybaking #plantbasedpregnancy #mum #mumlife #motherhood #parenthood #pregnancy #nourish #2ndtrimester #secondpregnancy #bonding

05.01.2022 SELF WORK IS THE MOST IMPORTANT WORK WE CAN DO IN THIS LIFETIME. The importance of self-improvement often goes unnoticed. We go through life brushing off our insecurities & limiting beliefs, refusing to face them (or completely unconscious to them) the problem is we can’t run away from ourselves & the more we try to the more our unresolved emotions boil up to the surface. It’s never too late to nurture & heal your relationship with yourself. Practise being more self aware observing your thoughts, emotions & responses & deciding to make self-improvement an integral part of your life & watch how your life changes in so many magical ways

01.01.2022 It’s so wonderful to help clients recover from digestive issues that have effected their quality of life. Jess Bignall came to me because she’d been suffering from sever GUT ISSUES & unable to get to the root cause through the medical world. ... After running a COMPREHENSIVE STOOL ANALYSIS & SIBO BREATH TEST we discovered she had an overgrowth of Opportunistic bacteria, Low levels of important strands of beneficial bacteria & positive for SIBO (small intestinal bacteria overgrowth) - SIBO is one of the most common undiagnosed cause of IBS (up to 84%). Swipe right LAB TEST RESULTS. Jess completed our 8 WEEK GUT HEALING PROGRAM, which included a healing SIBO specific NUTRITION plan, supporting DIGESTION, ANTI-MICROBIAL’s to address pathogenic bacteria overgrowth & SIBO, Repopulating her beneficial BACTERIA & healing her GUT LINING. Finding Michelle was life changing for me. I had lots of issues with food intolerances, gut symptoms & stubborn weight that I couldnt shift. But working with Michelle she taught me to focus on a ‘healthy mindset’ rather than just losing weight. To celebrate the weight loss as a by product of making healthy positive changes. Through her thorough testing we identified that I had SIBO as well as a yeast overgrowth. Tackling my diet with a sibo specific plan and a set amount of macronutrients I was able to not only drop some body fat percentage, but most importantly rid some of my gut issues I didn’t even realise were there. Improving my gut issues also lead to feeling way more energised, sleeping better and having more stable moods also! Overall I couldn’t recommend working with Michelle more as she was able to help me through gut health better than any other practitioner could or wanted to! Look forward to working with Michelle some more in the future!. . . . Got gut troubles? Get in touch: PM or EMAIL [email protected] See more

01.01.2022 HOW OFTEN SHOULD YOU EAT? Determining the frequency of meals that’s best for you, a few factors must be considered. Who may benefit from eating more frequently: ... If you suffer from hormonal imbalances, like PCOS, irregular periods, painful/ heavy periods, fatigue, hypothyroidism, or sleep issues eating more frequently can be beneficial. (Hormonal imbalances & hypothyroidism can cause fluctuating BS levels, eating more frequent balanced meals can help improve BS regulation, reducing stress on the body & helping balance hormones) If you have low body temperature or want to improve your metabolism eating more often can be beneficial. If you suffer from adrenal dysfunction, feel highly stressed & anxious eating more often can help lower stress & adrenaline levels. If you’re pregnant eating more frequently can help regulate BS levels & reduce nausea especially in the first trimester. Who may benefit from Eating Less Often If you have a Gut infection, SIBO or Candida overgrowth studies have shown that people with IBS/ IBD likely have disruptions in their MMC (Migrating Motor Complex) slowing transit of food through the digestive tract. Eating less often allows more cleaning sweeps to happen in the intestines. If you have leaky gut or autoimmune condition eating less often can help the gut lining heal more rapidly while also removing inflammatory foods. So, whether to eat more often or less often comes down to different factors. Consult with your healthcare practitioner if you make any changes to your diet & alway start with making small changes & listen yo your body. For more info on Health Coaching PM or EMAIL: [email protected] See more

01.01.2022 1 year older & as I reflect on another year gone by I can honestly say that with every passing year, life gets better. Not because it’s perfect but because I’ve come to know & accept myself more, I’ve focused on healing, doing inner work, releasing & healing the past so I can enjoy the present moment more purely, I feel more comfortable in my skin, I’m more conscious of where I direct my focus giving less energy to worrying what other ppl think, opening my hear...t to more love, finding my voice & discovering my true values & living by them. Of course I stumble from time to time but that’s part of the journey. Life is beautiful I‘m so blessed for these incredible 34 years Big thank you for all the birthday love from everyone See more

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