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Midcoast Holistic Healing

Locality: Adelaide, South Australia

Phone: +61 410 500 198


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25.01.2022 Crystal of the day is....... Sodalite: Wear or hold this crystal today to help you speak your truth. You have something to say. You have a powerful voice. Speak up! Allow your words to flow from your heart, ensuring that your words are authentic to how you feel. Although it can be easier to let certain things go unsaid, its important to have those difficult, even sometimes awkward, conversations to express yourself and ask for what you really need. Articulating your thoughts and feelings to others allows them to understand and honor your truth. Through your clear, confident communication, others can hear what your heart is really saying. Affirm: "I communicate clearly, and others listen to my truth."

25.01.2022 You have drawn this card today because the universe want's you to know that abundance is a state of mind; the universe want's to remind you that you are an abundant spiritual being. You have the ability to manifest all of the abundance you need in your life. It is extremely important for you to focus on what you do have in your life and not focus on what you don't have. Abundance comes in many forms, but it equates to having enough of whatever it is you desire in your life. ... The universe operates within the realms of time and space, and once you understand the concept the possibilities of abundance are limitless. When you want to manifest abundance into your life all you need to do is imagine, sense, see and feel the thing you want to have an abundance of and determine in your minds eye that you already have exactly what you need. All you need to do then is allow the power of the universe to take care of the rest. You need to remember to let go of the question of how things will work out; all you need to know in your heart is that anything is possible. You may feel that this concept sounds as though it is easier said than done. Remember the universe works on a different vibration to that of the earth realm, so the first thing you need to learn is that patience is a major part of manifesting any type of abundance. Abundance doesn't simply happen overnight: it takes time and positive energy. Once you understand this, surrender your goes and fears, manifest and believe, and watch abundance apart in your life. See more

24.01.2022 Today's message from your Angels

24.01.2022 Crystal of the day is....... Amethyst: Wear or hold this crystal today to help you trust your intuition. Intuition can speak louder than words. Ultimately, all of the answers lie within you. Know that you can trust yourself. Similar to a gut instinct, your intuition allows you to connect with your inner knowing. You understand yourself better than anyone else does. Intellect and logic are useful, but sometimes overthinking and overanalyzing can hold us back. Tap into your inner wisdom and acknowledge what your intuitive self is telling you. Dont let outside voices talk you out of doing what you know is best for you. Let your inner voice speak for itself. Affirm: "I trust my intuition."

23.01.2022 Crystal of the day is....... Rose Quartz: Wear off hold this crystal today to help you open up your heart. Remember your first love? It should be you! Embrace radical, unconditional self love. This will help guide you to a place of understanding, patience, and joy, which you can then share with others. By embracing unconditional love for yourself, you open your heart to receiving the kind of love you need and deserve from others. So go ahead, fall head over heels in love with yourself. Only then will you be able to express that level of true love with that someone special. Affirm: "I am love."

23.01.2022 Crystal of the day is....... Apophyllite: Wear or hold this crystal today to help you stay positive. Keep your head up and your hopes high. Instead of focusing on all of the things that can go wrong, its important to focus on all the things that can go right. Direct your attention to all of the positives in your life and allow them to motivate you. Stay grateful in the moment. Allow yourself to be excited about a prospect of opportunity. Why ruin all the fun with second guessing and "what ifs"? A positive mind set, one centered on hope rather than fear, can overcome almost anything. Where your attention goes, energy flows. Let it flow towards the positive! Affirm "I love in a state of positivity."

23.01.2022 Crystal of the day is....... Angelite: Wear or hold this crystal today to help you know that support is all around you. You are not alone. Help and support are always available to you, whether through your friends, family, or guardian angels. Stay open to receiving that comforting energy. Allow others into your life. Reach out when you need your community by your side. Not all of us are comfortable asking for assistance, but trust that others want to help and, in fact, are of...ten grateful to do so. Its ok to accept, even create, the support system you need and deserve. Even the strongest among us have moments of vulnerability. There is strength in allowing yourself to receive comfort and grow from a place of acceptance. So, the next time someone extends a helping hand, take it with grace and gratitude. Affirm: "Support is all around me." See more

23.01.2022 What is it that you truly desire? Tonight is the night for some major energetic shifts. I think I'll have them all thanks

23.01.2022 Crystal of the day is....... Chrysocolla: Wear or hold this crystal today to help you get a fresh start. Its time to start fresh. Close the door behind you so that you can move forward and open a new one. Every day is a blank canvas - an opportunity to boldly go after the things in life you want and leave behind anything you dont. You do not need to settle for the status quo or accept what already is. You have the power to change your life and do things differently every day. Its time to live by an "out with the old, in with the new and beautiful" mentality. Affirm: "I welcome the opportunities each new day brings."

22.01.2022 You have drawn this card today because the universe wants you to know that you have the ability to see your current situation with a bird's eye view. The eagle is a powerful bird with the strength, courage and prowess to take flight and reach great heights. This card is letting you know there are great changes about to take place within your life. Spiritually you are about to lift to new heights and to access a new dimension within yourself. By receiving this card today, it confirmation you are on the right path. This card is also a gentle reminder for you to believe in your own inner strength. The eagle can be a sign you need to reconnect with the spiritual path or you feel you have lost your way. Meditation at this time can be very beneficial to help you access and unlock your higher consciousness. The eagle card wants you to be more aware and open to listening to your intuition. When the eagle soars on high it can see life in all directions and has the ability to change direction with ease. We human beings sometimes feel we are unable to see our life's path from all perspectives, so it is time to think and be free like an eagle. Allow yourself the chance to change paths or redirect your thoughts if your current path no longer resonates with you. It is time to understand that making changes can be a positive experience. You may sometimes get stuck in life and fear the things you can't see or understand. The eagle is here to reassure you this is not a time for fear; it is time for strength, clarity and great spiritual change. Know in your heart that within you is the hidden eagle waiting to help you explore your life's journey and purpose. See more

21.01.2022 You have drawn this card today because the universe wants to get your attention and let you know that a loved one in spirit is trying to make contact with you. Coins are known as "pennies from heaven" and are a gentle reminder from above. There is also the saying; "See a penny, pick it up, and all day long you'll have good luck!" Receiving this sign is a symbol from above to let you know that your luck is about to change. Did a male energy in your family such as a father or ...grandfather figure ever have a pocketful of change? Do you remember the sound of the coins jingling on their pockets, or did they ever give you a coin as a treat when you were a child? Did your grandmother or mother ever bake a Christmas cake with a lucky silver coin inside? I'm sure that you'll remember a loved one giving you coins in one way shape or form in your life, which is an indication of who it is that is trying to contact you. Do you ever find random coins in odd places? Whether this occurs when you are going for a walk or doing things around your home or simply out and about I want you to pay attention to what coins you find and also take note of the type of coin and the date it was made. Was the coin made in a significant year such as your year of birth or that of a loved one? Is the coin made in the year of an anniversary of an event such as a birth, death or marriage? Most importantly, pick the coin up! The coin is a subtle reminder from a loved one they are close by and are showering you with love and abundance. Start collecting the coins you find and put them in a special jar as a gentle reminder of how many visits you are receiving from your loved ones from above on a regular basis. See more

20.01.2022 Crystal of the day is....... Rhodonite: Wear or hold this crystal today to help you find a way to forgive. There is freedom in forgiveness. Its natural to react when others hurt or betray us, but if you can move past the first layers of blame, resentment, anger, disappointment, or frustration, you can free YOURSELF from this negativity and toxicity. When you are able to forgive, you empower yourself rather than letting your emotions have power over you. Forgiving someone, however, doesnt mean that you condone what they have done. It simply allows you to release your ties to that experience so you can move on. At its core, all forgiveness is self-serving. Affirm: "Forgiveness starts with me."

20.01.2022 Crystal of the day is...... Iolite: Wear or hold this crystal today to help you shift your money mindset. Money might make the world go round, but it shouldnt have you running around in circles. Its important to view your cup as half full instead of half empty to maintain a healthy perspective. When you shift your attention from what you dont have to appreciating what you do, you attract more of what you desire in your life. Embrace a feeling of "enough-ness" and know tha...t whether or not you have everything you want, you definitely have everything you need. Bring more awareness to your internal state, and challenge yourself to express gratitude for where you are and what you have right now. Instead of chasing money and material items, chase happiness and satisfaction with your life as it currently. You will soon see that your cup runneth over. Affirm: "I live in a state of abundance." See more

19.01.2022 Todays message from your Angels

18.01.2022 Stuck on what to give the person who has everything for Christmas? Perfect gift for your loved ones to experience a reading, healing, access bars or hypnotherapy. 1 hour appointments only $100! Bam, Christmas gift shopping done

17.01.2022 The bubbler crab is associated with creativity and inspiration. It encourages you to look for ways you can bring more creativity into your daily life. Perhaps it's time to get a little crafty or maybe there is a creative project that you have been considering embarking on. When the bubbler crab marches forward it's asking you to get in touch in a deeper way with your artistic side. Look to nature for inspiration, look a little deeper and you will notice the simple patterns connect together, repetative sequences and colour combinations used by mother nature. They are both simple and complex in their entirety. Creating or working with mandalas, exploring sacred geometry and time spent admiring and connecting with nature are all ways that we can discover new forms of inspiration. Spending time with like minded people who inspire you can also be indicated when them bubbler crab makes am appearance. See more

14.01.2022 Crystal of the day is....... Aquamarine: Wear or hold this crystal today to help you go with the flow. Stay fluid. If one way of doing things isnt working, find another way. Remain open to seeing things from different vantage points and perspectives. If plans change or obstacles arise, chart a new course to get to the other side. You are like water, unstoppable! Keep moving and you will get to where you want to go. Sometimes it just takes a little fluidity to get there. No matter how strong the current, remember to go with the flow and enjoy the ride. Affirm: "I surrender to the ebbs and flows of life".

13.01.2022 Affirmation of the day: I make loving choices about who I spend time with. I lovingly release the harmful people within my life. I create space and time to share with people who actively love me.

12.01.2022 Crystal of the day is....... Clear Quartz: Wear or hold this crystal today to help you get crystal clear. Make space in your head for clear thoughts that might lead to greater insight into your life. Everyday worries and stress can blind you to the big picture. When youre feeling confused, make sure you dont lose sight of the forest through the trees. The clarity that comes from mindfulness allows you to view your life from a higher perspective. Keep focused on your goals and intentions as you continue to work toward becoming your best self. Like spiritual 20/20 vision, you can see clearly where you are going and how to get there. Affirm: "I am crystal clear."

10.01.2022 Crystal of the day is....... Epidote: Wear or hold this crystal today to help you go deeper. You are ready to heal on a deeper level. Peel back the layers around your heart by letting your guard down and opening yourself up to being vulnerable. Begin to address any emotional wounds, so you can repair your heart and renew your spirit, leaving you open to pursuing healthier relationships. You are strong enough to shatter all the barriers that have been holding you back from forming deeper connections with the people in your life. It takes bravery to dive deep, but once you do, you can unlock a more meaningful existence. Affirm: "I open my heart to loving connections."

08.01.2022 Crystal of the day is....... Smokey Quartz: Wear or hold this crystal today to help you let it go. The past is the past. Leave it there. Rather than looking back and letting history define you, make a conscious effort to keep your eyes forward and live your fullest life today. By dwelling on what did happen or could have happened or on the "should haves" or "could haves," you might miss your moment and all the opportunities that the present holds for you. Every day is a fresh chance to move on and write your story the way you want it told. Instead of getting stuck on a replay of the past, take lessons learned and use the here and now to create the next chapter for your future. Affirm "My power is in the present; I leave the past in the past."

06.01.2022 Crystal of the day is....... Malachite: Wear or hold this crystal today to help you transform. Get ready for a transformation! You have the inner strength, resolve, and conviction to transform your life for the better. You are capable of so much more than you know. Youve come a long way; dont stop now. Resist anything or anyone that might dissuade you, including any potential self doubt. You have the power to steer your destiny. Keep moving forward toward the future you want for yourself. See the target, and keep going until you reach it. Give yourself the tough love and unfiltered advice you need to achieve all that you are capable of doing. Affirm: "I am committed to my transformation."

06.01.2022 Hi everyone, if you are in need of clarity, guidance, or direction, come on down to the Adelaide Psychic Fair 230 Flinders street Adelaide 10-3pm with free entry

05.01.2022 Crystal of the day is....... Black Tourmaline: Wear or hold this crystal today to help you protect your energy. Only good vibes may enter! Learning how to fully realise and protect your personal energy is a powerful tool to stay strong, remain true to yourself, and resist being swayed or brought down by negativity, whether its directed at you or simply present around you. Before going out in public, make a conscious effort to harness this inner strength and commit to staying positive, regardless of who, or what may seek to dampen your spirit. Utilise this shield of protection and you will recognise the difference. Affirm: "I am strong, powerful, and protected."

03.01.2022 You have drawn this card today because the universe wants you to know it is time to plant new ideas and watch them grow into reality. It is important to understand that what you think can actually become your reality. Receiving this card is a gentle reminder you need to watch your thoughts as they are beginning to grow and form into your hopes and dreams. It is extremely important to think of your life as the seeds you sow. Focus on planting a beautiful spiritual garden wher...e you can harvest abundance, positivity, hope, peace, dreams, desires and love to achieve the life you have always dreamt of. If you decide to be negative and focus on that energy, the seeds of life will die and shrivel with your negative energy. The seeds of life will become stronger and pollute your positive thoughts. When you focus on the positivity in your life anything is possible. You can and will achieve positive outcomes; it begins with one small seed. From this point forward think about propagating the seeds of life you wish to have in your future journey. Only focus on the seeds you want to see establish and grow into a positive, uplifting spiritual experience. If you experience the seeds of life appearing in your life via challenges, issues, negative energy or experiences that make you feel uncomfortable, change your thought pattern into a positive one. Focus on the things you want to bring into your life and try to completely forget about what you fear. The seedlings of life thrive on energy, so if you only focus your energy on the positive the weeds you wish to discard will shrivel and die, allowing your thoughts to become your reality. See more

03.01.2022 Crystal of the day is....... Selenite: Wear or hold this crystal today to help you clear the clutter. Its time for a refresh. When you feel your battery is running low or your light is starting to dim, all it takes is a quiet moment to hit the refresh button and turn your inner light up to its brightest potential. Use this reset as an opportunity to cleanse yourself from anything thats dimming your energy. This might mean spending a few minutes outside to feel the sun on your face or sitting in silence and meditating for a few cycles of breath. Do whats needed to reenergise your spirit, feed your soul, and recharge your inner light. Affirm: "I fill myself back up with light."

03.01.2022 Crystal of the day is...... Rhodochrosite: Wear or hold this crystal today to help you remember your worth. Often we are our own biggest critics. Its important to stay open to the various forms of self-affirmation, but you just might be looking for your worth in all the wrong places. Know that who you are as a person makes you worthy. Rather than turning to other people or your list of accomplishments for validation, find your worth from within. Your life has meaning regardless of any titles, experiences, or skills. You are important because you are you. When you know your worth, your self-esteem will skyrocket. Know exactly what you deserve, and settle for nothing less. Affirm: "I am worth it."

02.01.2022 Crystal of the day is....... Fluorite: Wear or hold this crystal today to help you find peace within. Peace is not something you find "out there," it comes from within. Theres no need to wait for the whirlwind of life to stand still, and you dont even need to reach internal stillness to tap into it. Peace means the acceptance of circumstances and the conviction of your beliefs. You can act and find solace when you are at peace with your decisions. By choosing peace, you can tune out external disturbances and embrace a calmer state of being, so you can go about your daily life and confront any challenge. Affirm "I live in a state of peace."

01.01.2022 What do you need to focus on?

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