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25.01.2022 EVIDENCE - BASED PRACTICE: A word all mothers should become familiar with... This is a great article from Pinky McKay, and an example of how qualified health professionals should be answering your questions. ... If you ever hear advice that makes your instincts as a mother kick in and raise an eyebrow or two, I recommend that you ask for the evidence. Misinformation is just one example of the issues we face as Midwives and Lactation Consultants (IBCLC'). Birth and Breastfeeding has become such political issue, that some of the more conscious among us are becoming afraid to even give out advice. Another issue we face is... WHO is actually giving you the advice? There are so many "wives' tales" that circulate in our industry, plus outdated and misinformed health professionals. In this crazy world of social media "experts" and marketing gurus be sure that your "expert" is actually an "expert"! Did you know that the general public can find out the current qualifications of every R.N./Midwife /IBCLC? You can find out: 1. How long they have been registered? 2 If they have had any complaints against them? 3. Is their registration is current? Anyone you seek breastfeeding advice from should be an IBCLC, which means they are certified by the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners, Inc. under the direction of the US National Commission for Certifying Agencies. Some midwives can become lactation "counsellors", but this is like seeing an accountant verses a charted accountant. Sure, they are still qualified to give the advice, but they have not done the years of adstudy... I have been watching some very upsetting things in the media recently, midwives, speaking on prominent morning shows, giving out advice that is NOT based on evidence. When looking up their qualifications, their registration is questionable and they do not even have the additional IBCLC qualifications, yet they are giving out breastfeeding advice on National TV, CRAZY.... I have written to the morning shows and advised them to do their research next time. It's pretty simple you either need to know the suburb they have registered in, or their registration number. I keep mine handy at all times, expecting clients to ask, which often they don't. We don't want to be guided by "wives' tales" and "opinions" so please support our years of education by asking experts for their registration number. We should expect more from these shows that so many women watch in the morning expecting that they have done their research and they are getting an expert's advice.
25.01.2022 This quote is taken from a Tracy Cassels course I completed today; SCIENCE AND SLEEP TRAINING: THE HIDDEN TRUTH She lists 5 negative impacts of Sleep training, and one mentions the impact on siblings. It's something I never considered. Thought I'd share.
24.01.2022 I am excited to announce my new side hustle! I can just imagine that there are many mindful mamas who have friends doing keto, or are doing keto yourself? Obviously, not recommended for pregnancy or those early breastfeeding months. ... But, if you are 6-9 months in and looking for a way to save time while getting healthy, then check out our website. I am also working on a special lactation cookie to add our menu... Stay tuned!
20.01.2022 My fellow midwife and friend has started a business selling the perfect postpartum undies. Much much better than those incontinence ones
19.01.2022 We need to talk about this more
17.01.2022 My INTRODUCTION TO BREASTFEEDING course will provide practical information to help prepare and support you. Register now and receive 11 videos explaining the tips and tricks from my professional experience as a midwife & lactation consultant (IBCLC).
15.01.2022 Check out my FB page to book your antenatal classes. . . . .... . . . . #antentalclasses #childbirth #childbirtheducation #waterbirth #waterbirthbaby #birth #mindfulbirthing #mindfulbirth See more
14.01.2022 I’m looking forward to meeting the mums and bub’s at Friday’s playgroup. I know it’s been difficult with the reduced antenatal & postnatal services around the GC. So, I thought I’d drop by to answer your questions and provide some additional support.
13.01.2022 Homebirth rates have trebled in the last 3 months. Due of course to Covid-19 concerns but, (as reported here) mainly due to the restrictions on birth support. #hygieiahealthltd are currently raising money to help fund more support for pregnant and birthing mothers. We are committed to supporting mothers in their choices around pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period and supporting them in accessing midwifery-led care, and would love to provide financial support to help the...m with: - homebirth - doula support - lactaction consultants - antenatal and postpartum care You can support by either donation or shop via this link: #crisisresponseforbirth #homebirth #support #birthsupport #supportingmamatotos #protectingmamatotos #doula #birthmatters #birthrights
12.01.2022 Hello Friends, Just wanted to share with you as we are so excited that @partumpanties is now stocked in some retail and online stores. So keep your out for ...them and if you know anyone that is expecting please recommend our product Thank you for all the support x
12.01.2022 Worried about cancelled hospital classes, why not come along to mine Unfortunately, due to Covid-19, The GCUH has suspended their Childbirth Education Classes. I have noticed a decrease in knowledge when supporting women with breastfeeding and mother-crafting in the community. So, I have put together a series of affordable classes to help!... As a midwife and lactation consultant working at GCUH, I will give you an insight into the available models of care, provide reassurance when presenting to hospital, and what to expect from your stay. Classes include; Mindfulness in pregnancy, Optimal Fetal Positioning, Water-Birth, The Stages of Labour, Breastfeeding, and much more. You will receive morning tea and your partners are welcome to come along free of charge. My classes are shorter sessions over a 3 week period x 3 hours per day. I believe you avoid the overwhelm this way and it gives you more time feeling supported by myself and the other women joining you at the event. Take this opportunity to attend an affordable class ($50.00 per class) and find the education with the support you need. Hope to see you there Amy See the link below to purchase tickets.
12.01.2022 Re-sharing because we’ve been chatting about induction of labour (among many other topics) in ‘Gathering in the Knowledge’ this week. This is still such a key i...ssue for so many women that it’s the one sentence from my updated Inducing Labour: making informed decisions" book which has received more attention than any other! Many women are told that their labour needs to be induced because their baby is suspected to be big. Many report back afterwards that their baby wasn't big at all, and some regret agreeing to induction. And the evidence for this? Well, the Cochrane review showed that the difference in the weight of babies born after early induction or ‘watchful waiting’ is really rather small. The average difference is 178g which, as I wrote in the book, is about the weight of the average hamster or a medium-sized pear. So here's my hamster, as a reminder of the importance of getting lots of good information before making any birth-related decision, no matter whether that's about induction of labour, whether or not to listen to someone else’s guess (and that’s all it is, even when technology is used) about the possible size of your baby or who's going to look after the hamster on the big day. If you'd like to know more, you can find out about my book at and that page also has a link to loads more resources about inducing labour. #midwife #midwifery #doula #childbirth #birthdoula #childbirtheducation #childbirtheducator #childbirthclass #inducedlabor #induction #positiveinduction #hypnobirthing #positivebirth #womenempowerment #bookstagram #writersofinstagram #makingmathsfun #drsarawickham #hamstersofinstagram #drsarawickham See more
10.01.2022 Normalize Breastfeeding!
10.01.2022 Hora do leitinho... estou apaixonada por esse vídeo! Muito fofo ph:reprod
10.01.2022 Watch my 10 comprehensive videos to feel empowered walking into your birth space! Cuddle up on the couch with your partner and feel confident that you are getting evidence-based education from a midwife who is current and dedicated to bringing you clear, honest and supportive advice.
09.01.2022 #motherhood #Repost @stylish.bump
08.01.2022 The most difficult part of birth is the first year afterwards. It is the year of travail when the soul of a woman must birth the mother inside her. The emoti...onal labour pains of becoming a mother are far greater than the physical pangs of birth; these are the growing surges of your heart as it pushes out selfishness and fear and makes room for sacrifice and love. It is a private and silent birth of the soul, but it is no less holy than the event of childbirth, perhaps it is even more sacred. Joy Kusek. . Image Jamie Arrigo via Oh Baby Nutrition See more
08.01.2022 This is such important information to read, fingers crossed they can get enough subjects for their research. If the study of breastmilk and the impact on the human immune system ( babies & adults ) can be expedited due to Covid - 19, then we can add that to the list of positive outcomes.
07.01.2022 "We need four mothers in every 100 breastfeeding mothers to give us one feed a day. Anyone around the GC have an oversupply who wants to do something to help??
07.01.2022 Our First Nations birthing women and their babies need our support! Last year while working with Yolngu women in Galiwin’ku, a remote Aboriginal community in Arnhem Land our Founder Renee Adair saw a huge need within the community for basic products for newborns and new mothers. Yolgnu mothers do not have access or cannot afford what most of us take for granted, hence the YOTHU (Baby) Basket Project was born! Through our charity arm, Doula Heart Network, we want to supply 50 baskets of basic supplies for mums and bubs each year to Galiwin’ku, as 50 is the average birth rate per year in that community. We then hope to replicate this project in all remote First Nations Communities across the Country. The ADC is committed to continuing to provide much needed training and products for Yolgnu women and babies, and hope to do so for all of our First Nations communities across Australia but we can't do it without your help! To learn more about the YOTHU Basket Project visit: To learn more about Galiwin’ku Djakamirr Project visit the link in our bio.... What's needed For Baby Wraps Baby blankets Onesies Baby clothes, up to 6 months Nappies Wipes (bio degradable) Baths Baby Towels Nappy Rash Creams Face cloths Baby washes Nail clippers For Mum Nipple Creams Maternity Pads Body washes Moisturisers (face and body) Shampoos and conditioners Hair ties Hair brushes Toothbrushes and toothpaste Washing powder/laundry soap Please help us urgently gather these much-needed products. If you can offer any assistance, can donate goods or can make a cash contribution to help us get the baskets to Darwin, we want to hear from you. Email: [email protected] Phone: 02 4286 0089 This is a life changing project for the families of Galiwin’ku and we need your help to make this happen. We would be grateful if you could please share our project among your families, friends and communities. Black lives matter and we are dedicated to making it a little bit easier for our First Nations new mums and their precious babies. #indigenous #doula #doulalove #birth #birthdoula #doulasupport #doulalife #postpartumdoula #labouranddelivery
07.01.2022 Happy Mother’s Day Beautiful Mama’s
04.01.2022 Pinky McKay is the best-selling author of four books ‘Parenting By Heart’, ‘Sleeping Like a Baby’, ‘100 Ways to Calm the Crying’ and ‘Toddler Tactics’ (publishe...d by Penguin), and an Internationally Certified Lactation Consultant and infant massage instructor. In this webinar, Pinky examines the latest evidence, busts common baby sleep myths, and offers gentle options to encourage infant sleep and settling that also promote a secure parent-infant bond, optimum brain and emotional development and successful breast-feeding (you don't have to be breastfeeding to attend) . If you are worried or just wondering, what should we expect? What might be keeping our baby awake? How can we help our baby (and us) get more sleep, without tears? Then you won’t want to miss this informative webinar. Book NOW!
02.01.2022 Can’t wait to check out your course, Kate Visser, beautifully written!
02.01.2022 What a heart warming statement by the International Lactation Consultant Association (ILCA) . George Floyd, an unarmed Black man, died face down and handcuffed, after being pinned down by a police officer in Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States. Among his last words were a call to his mother.... As mothers, and as those that support mothers and breastfeeding and chestfeeding families, we at ILCA join in mourning his death and this tragic loss. And we join in raising our voices against the systems of oppression in the United States that led to the loss of his life and so many others. Starting with pregnancy and birth care and continuing throughout the lifespan of Black Americans, systemic racism affects every aspect of life, from housing to health care to criminal justice to education to employment. We believe that access to maternal and infant health care, including lactation care and opportunities to enter the profession are fundamental to a just start in life. As Michael Lu, physician and Associate Administrator of Maternal and Child Health at the United States Department of Health and Human Services, says: We can’t all be created equal if we can’t get an equal start in life. ILCA stands in support of efforts to dismantle systems of oppression in the United States. ILCA stands in support of Black mothers and birthing people in the United States and celebrates their deep and loving care for their families, despite inadequate systems of support. ILCA stands in support of Black lactation consultants in the United States, and celebrates their tireless care for their communities, despite inadequate systems of support. ILCA calls on our members and partners to join us in standing in support of our community, and to advocate now for the change needed to ensure a just start in life for Black families.
01.01.2022 Ina May Gaskin’s quote is the one thing you can count on, everything else is unknown! If you would like to explore what Mindful Childbirth Education is all abo...ut, click on my link below. If we are mindful going into the experience, then it better equips us emotionally to deal with what arises during our labour.