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02.02.2022 Who with and where are you going to rock this VBAC mama? Who you choose to birth with is going to be the single most important decision when choosing to have a VBAC. (Vaginal Birth After Caesarean) Supportive Midwives and Doctors sound like this:... We can definitely support you to do this VBAC, through research has proven to be a very safe option You have ALL pain relief options available to you INCLUDING water immersion and birth We are going support physiology by not interrupting you every minute during labour Unsupportive Midwives and doctors sound like this: It’s worth a try, let’s see what happens We will let you try as long as you do A, B or C You HAVE to have continuous monitoring, cannula & vaginal exams. The risk of uterine rupture is high or your ‘baby might die’ card Your only allowed in Hospital Choose wisely The truth is for most women, VBAC is very safe. Here are some of facts about VBAC Uterine rupture risk is very low, its reported at about 22-74 per 10,000 births. It is increased with augmentation (breaking your waters) and Induction (synthetic hormone drip) Measuring your previous scar with ultrasound is not an effective way to predict the success of your VBAC. There is absolutely no evidence to support this intervention The risk of a catastrophic outcome for baby from a uterine rupture is 4 per 10 000 With over of 1/3 births in Australia resulting in a C-section, most of which are unnecessary, it is important to get the facts when making your decision! Remember YOU are the expert of YOUR body. Birth at Home, birth at Hospital, YOU choose where you feel most safe and able to support your own physiology. #VBAC #birthtrauma #birthonyourterms #HBAC #homebirth #waterbirth #midwife #whitsundays #duein22 #vbacmama #secondtimemama #whitsundaysmidwife

28.01.2022 . One in ten develop PTSD. This is a crisis people... And can I tell you, as a midwife I was not immune. I remember the exact day that photo was taken of me by my beautiful midwife. It still feels like yesterday, I had everyone around me but I was totally alone. Behind the smile was a traumatised and terrified new mother, my babies about 2 days old. Sure, by hospital standards I had ticked their boxes. Vaginal twin birth , healthy babies , quick discharge . However, the unravelling came when I was able to come home and I relieved the birth over and over. I was so angry and blamed myself for so long, maybe I didn’t practice hypnobirthing enough, maybe I would have been safer to freebirth, maybe my expectations of what an institution could provide me was unrealistic. I was furious at myself that as a midwife I could have let my birth turned into what it did. But the truth is, I just wanted respectful care, I wanted care that aligned with my philosophies and I didn’t want to have to beg for breadcrumbs at each obstetric appointment. I wanted to be at the centre of my decision making without being made to continuously feel like I was going to bring harm to me or my babies. Going into battle every obstetric appointment is exhausting. My twin birth and a couple of particular ones I attended as a private midwife after have changed me. Let it be known, I’m here to serve you and only you, I don’t work for an OB, Doula, your mother, aunty or anyone else. I work for you and I promise to the best of my ability that I will show up for you in my true, authentic self Every. Single. Time But, I could call this this is a blessing, right? How can you feel true joy without being in the depths of pain? The gift of my twin birth has: Helped me help other women sort through their S&%t Sort through the data to find you up-to-date evidence Empathy, compassion and understanding A dedication to shift the way women view birth and their bodies just be a better midwife #homebirthmidwife #birthtrauma #twinbirth

17.01.2022 Just another day in history that wouldn’t have been possible with the woman doing all the heavy lifting Merry Christmas, take care and enjoy your day. #midwifeclarice #homebirthmama #homebirthmidwife #naturalparenting #expectingmoms

29.12.2021 I am on-call this Christmas season. I’m pumped and ready. Call me ladies Reposted @midwiferywisdom When your 40w multip with hx of precipitous birth calls you at 2am vocalizing ... this was literally me this morning minus the manic and the beer at the end From deep asleep to out the door in 7mins is LOVE (and madness) Super huge shout out to alllll my midwife sisters who live the on call life and spring out of bed to rush to the side of a woman, over and over and over and over ... We are all magic ... #getup #midwifelife #birthhumor #midwivesdoitallnight #wakeup #oncalllife #oncall #homebirth #birthcenter #studentmidwife #midwife @marcrebillet

13.12.2021 10 Facts about Nuchal Cords. AKA the cord wrapped around the baby’s neck. *Spoiler alert & TLDR; They are normal in fact that happen in about 30% of all births and are not a reason for a c-section. Ok, with that said, thinking about the cord wrapped around your baby’s neck is kinda terrifying right? Fortunately, mother nature is one clever woman and coated your baby’s umbilical cord with Wharton’s Jelly, a protective coating to help with any cord compression.... Babies don’t breathe until after the they’ve been birthed; they receive all they’re nutrients and oxygen via the umbilical cord. This is why waiting for your baby’s cord to stop pulsing before it is cut is SOOO important- It is providing your baby with oxygen! So here are some facts about Nuchal Cord 1 It’s common, 1/3 of baby have a Nuchal cord. Its usually no big deal. 2 The reason babies go into distress is normally from interventions such as Syntocinon drips & epidurals not nuchal cords. 3 Wharton’s jelly that slippery, soft, gelatinous substance that protects your blood vessels inside your cord. This prevents any serious blood flow restriction. 4 An accident from a Nuchal Cord is extremely rare. 10% of Stillbirths are said to be caused by cord problem but included that 10% is vasa previa, prolapse, cord entrapment etc and research has found that a nuchal cord is not associated with morbidity or mortality for the baby during pregnancy Continued in comments Reposted video with @midwifeangelina #birthmatters #birthisbeautiful #waterbirth #waterbirthbaby #homebirth #bornathome #midwifery #homebirthmama #homebirthmidwife #homebirthing #freebirth #hypnobirthing #labouranddelivery #birthstory #thisisbirth #oxytocin #oxytocinvibes #gentlebirth #duein2021 #thebirthhour #birthphotography #birthingfromwithin #birthisbeautiful #birthbecomesher #momtobe2021 #normalizebirth #bornathome #birthvideo #nuchalcord #midwifeclarice

07.12.2021 When you want to decline. Have you ever been told by your OB, midwife or doula everything is your choice and you can say no to anything you want? Then when you do decline something you’re made to feel irresponsible or not looking out for the best interests of your baby.... Declining routine procedures or interventions isn’t as simple as the word ‘No’ and those who have ever challenged our modern day maternity system I’m sure will agree. It’s often impossible to ‘just say NO’ You can empower yourself to have the experience you want by Having a rock solid support team, let them know exactly what you want and if it helps, have the care provider talk to them as the first point of contact in your labour. Hire a doula, one that’s knows the local hospitals policy and one that will be your unbiased sounding board. It’s often really helpful to have someone around that is not your care provider but is up with the latest evidence. Do your homework. Ask what your going to discuss at your next appointment at the end of each appointment and go home and research, research, research. I’m talking about good, evidence based websites. Check out Midwife thinking, Sarah Wickham or Sara Buckley to name just a few. The more you know, the easier it is to ‘Just say No’. Hire a Midwife or OB that shares the same philosophies with you. There’s no point turning up to a Chinese takeaway shop looking for pizza. If you can find a care provider that aligns with your views of pregnancy and childbirth it will save you the most amount of anxiety I promise! If all else fails head to B.R.A.I.N.S. See my previous posts if you have no idea what I’m talking about. Pregnancy and childbirth is a time when you have the opportunity to explore bodily autonomy and when mama bear instinct kick in! Your care provider isn’t the expert in your body. Anything that immediately doesn’t feel right, generally isn’t. Did your feel like you could make choices in your pregnancy and birth? #midwifeclarice #midwiferycare #birthstories #strongmamas #csectionscar #strongmama #duein2021 #unmedicatedbirth #yougotthismama #expecting #feminism #birthyourway #firsttimemum

22.11.2021 How to tune into baby. In pregnancy we talk about tuning into your intuition, but have you ever thought about specifically tuning into your baby? I know life gets busy, but I recommend everyday setting aside some time for tuning into baby. You can do this out loud or silently and then learn to trust any response you may receive from your baby. Inquiries you may like to make:... How are you today? Have I got all I need at this moment? What do you need from me? This is who I am, who are you? Both of you have to birth, you work together and you’re on the same team, so time spent in pregnancy truly tuning in, is time well spent. The simple practice of tuning into baby will help you establish A deeper connection to baby Help develop the foundations for your communications on the outside world. Learn your baby’s character Understanding your baby’s needs We know that babies respond to outside stimuli and with react to attention and movements from her mother. Try these with your baby and watch their reaction.. Play music to your baby Read a book to your baby massage your baby The bond you build your baby begins when life begins. Nurture this act of intuition and it will spill over to other areas of your life. How else did you bond with your baby in pregnancy? Reposted this image with from @flowingwithalisha_ #midwifeclarice #midwiferycare #childbirthclass #homebirth #pregnantmama #tuneinforlove #pregnancyzone #duein2021 #firsttimemummy #babymassage #pregnancymassage #hypnobirth #calmbirth #laboranddelivery #firsttimemom #expectingtwins #expectingababy #antenatalclass #antenatal #pregnancycare #pregnantandperfect #birthclass #mumtobe2021 #vbac #naturalbirth #birthplan #parentstobe #birthprep #whattoexpect #highriskpregnancy

07.11.2021 And again for the people in the back

30.10.2021 Lets talk tearing so, if right now you’re doing a kegel so tight it’s making your pelvic floor sit up around your throat. You. Are. Not. Alone. Let me reassure you, a small tear is completely normal, your body is perfectly designed to heal it, in fact it is really common especially for first time mamas. Your vagina is designed to accommodate a baby, during pregnancy and childbirth your body is flooded with hormones which increase blood supply and increase the stretchi...ness of tissues in that area. Tearing is more likely when you are: Having your first baby Having a forceps or vacuum birth Having an epidural Having an episiotomy Giving birth lying on your back, especially with legs in stirrups Having private obstetrician as your main care provider (due to the higher rates of episiotomies). Being told when to push Even though it is common practice in many hospitals to coach women to push, it is NOT evidence based AND has been shown to have detrimental outcomes. Did you know the rate of tearing has increased over the past 100-200 years. Some data suggests 95% of women had no tearing in the 1800s. This is likely due to less medical interventions, upright birthing positions and having babies closer together. In normal physiological childbirth, birthing in a position that intuitively feels right for you will help protect your perineum. We know that tearing is less likely when you are: Being active during labour and birth Avoiding an epidural Giving birth in an upright position Doing perineal massage Having warm compress applied to your perineum during the birth or even better using warm water immersion Birthing the baby’s head slowly or between contractions Having your baby in a birth centre or at home Being cared for by midwives Having a subsequent baby . . . . . . #midwifeclarice #mumtobe2020 #mom2be #expectingababy #childbirthclass #childbirthpreparation #naturalchildbirth #midwiferycare #prenatalhealth #hypnobirthingclass #pregnantmama #positivebirth #firsttimemum #laboranddeliverynurse #mum2be #birthwithconfidence #birthwithoutfear #birthplan #whattoexpect #firsttimemommy #yoni

16.10.2021 I want to let you in on a huge myth! There are no stages of labour for physiological birth. So how do we define stages of labour? Well.... 1st stage (Your cervix is opening to 10cm), then 2nd stage (Pushing), then 3rd stage (Birthing your placenta) ... But, hang on... then there’s also... early labour (0-5cm), active labour (5-10cm), transition, prodromal labour (long early labour), prolonged second stage, then there’s the anterior lip of cervix stage, care providers love to discover... It’s enough to make your head spin! Remember this! You are an individual birthing woman You and your baby are unique. Your labour is NOT a linear process. and forget this! Physiological labour is defined by a textbook, guideline or policy. Labour is only defined only by the person experiencing it... and that is you! Allowing your care provider to define your labour through examinations and box ticking means you hand your experience over to them. They then get to decide how good or not good everything is going. Physiological labour does not need to be determined by your care provider. It requires: Patience Trust Surrender Encouragement Safety - whatever that looks like for you. Did you feel confused and anxious about meeting all the stages in your labour? This does not include medicalised births- yes, these births we do have definitions and stages for, this is part of how how we keep Mum and baby safe. #midwifeclarice #birthpreparation #birthplan #childbirthclass #prenatalhealth #prenatalhealth #midwiferycare #momtobe2021 #mum2be #expectingababy #expectingtwins #twinpregnancy #birthwithoutfear #birthwithconfidence #whattoexpect #laboranddelivery #labouranddelivery #positivebirth #pregnancyzone #hypnobirth #pregnantmama #naturalbirthing #thebirthhour #firstimemum #pregnantmum #hospitalbirth #homebirth #waterbirth #vbac #laboranddeliverynurse

30.09.2021 Have you ever heard what gets the baby in, is what gets the baby out? Oxytocin is the hormone of love, its released during sex, birth and breastfeeding. Its why midwives will often say do what you love at the end of your pregnancy to get your oxytocin flowing to encourage labour. Oxytocin is such a magical hormone, its responsible for:... Reducing Stress Having a calming effect Making you feel affectionate Triggering your endorphins Reducing pain AND most importantlybringing on your labour contractions At the end of your labour, you will receive a surge of oxytocin, to help you bond with baby. Have you ever seen the dreamy faces on Mum’s post birth? Oxytocin is responsible for that! Hospitals often call Pitocin or Syntocinon Oxytocin but they are NOT the same thing, yes they both stimulate contractions but Oxytocin triggers the Endorphin effect (your bodies naturally occurring opiates VS Syntocinon stays only in your blood system, by bypassing this critical effect Oxytocin has its own rhythm intricately balanced for mum and baby and peaks at birth VS Syntocinon creates contractions with no pause. Good news! Even if you require Syntocinon there are ways you can boost your own body’s oxytocin naturally: Dim lighting Feeling safe Being Supported Privacy Nipple stimulation and many more What are some ways you have boosted your oxytocin levels in childbirth? . DM for oxytocin art credit . . . . . #midwifeclarice #physiologicalbirth #informedbirth #naturalbirth #childbirtheducation #birthprep #birthpreparation #mumtobe2021 #birtheducation #childbirthclass #hypnobirth #vbac #firsttimemummy #momtobe2021 #mom2be2021 #expectingababy2021 #antenatalclass #birthplan #hignriskpregnancy #birthclass #expectingparent #firsttimemommy #birthtrauma #parentstobe #laboranddelivery #pregnancyzone #laboranddeliverynurse #positivebirth #pregnantmama #whattoexpect

20.09.2021 Vertical Birth . It can be so easy or so complicated. It’s understanding the physiology that makes the most difference in outcome. ... Less than 10% of birthing people in the U.S. give birth in a standing and/or vertical position. This is due to the large use of anesthesia, technology, fetal monitoring, interventions, convenience and the feeling of not having a choice in birthing positions. : the need for pain medication decreases labour is shorter pelvic space is increased by up to 30% which aids natural descent and rotation of baby it’s the best position to aid physiological birth better blood flow to baby which decreases the chances of fetal distress decreases the need for emergency cesarean, episiotomy, vacuum or forceps less likely to need medical help helps aid the natural urge to bear down once you are fully dilated and effaced contractions are more effective gravity aids the progression of baby going down into the pelvis and out of the birth canal birthing parents overall satisfaction of the birth increases Talk with your provider about birthing positions. If you’re provider is not comfortable or supportive of choosing an upright birth, it may be time to switch providers. Reposted with @doulaviewllc @deborasilveirafotografia #midwifeclarice #pregnancyzone #empoweredbirth #momtobe2021 #mumtobe2021 #firstimemum #firsttimemomma #pregnantmama #naturalbirthing #unmedicatedbirth #midwiferycare #doulasupport #hospitalbirth #homebirthbaby #pregnantandbeautiful #pregnantandconfident #birthprep #birthpreparation #antenatal #antenatalclass #childbirtheducation #expectingparents #duein2021 #havingababy #informedbirth #gentlebirthpreparation #vbacwithoutfear #preggomama #preggomom #preggostyle

16.09.2021 Want to know a secret so creating a positive birth? Want to minimise the flight, fight and freeze response by actually working with the body instead of against it? You need to start thinking and feeling about EXACTLY how you want your birth to play out. I’m talking deep and conscious visualisations of what is going to play out on the day.... You might be thinking, Clarice, this is all a bit hippie for me but TRUST me this is one of the most vital tools in your lead up to birth. When you see something or even just imagine it, the combination of what you perceive and how you feel, create what we know as neural pathways. These tiny little pathways effects how you respond to what comes your way. It’s the blueprint that your brain calls upon when you feel threatened. When it comes to birth, you will have seen and heard many negative images, representations and stories of what your birth will could be like. And This starts even before your are pregnant! So, by the time you are pregnant you have a less than ideal blueprint of what your birth is going to be like. *Que- Fight flight or freeze mode. But Thankfully this gets over ridden if you have been exposed to a positive birth experience as the blueprint will be influenced by your new exposure. *Que- binge watching positive birth videos Use visualisations to create the ideal blueprint of your birth. So, when the time comes, your brain in labour knows exactly where to go and you don’t have to deal with the flight, fight and freeze response. Then with ease you can: Surrender Trust Embrace Want to know more about this technique and exactly how to use it? come work with me and I’ll show you how. Did you use visualisations for your birth? . . . . #midwifeclarice #physiologicalbirth #informedbirth #naturalbirth #childbirtheducation #birthprep #birthpreparation #mumtobe2021 #birtheducation #childbirthclass #hypnobirth #vbac #firsttimemummy #momtobe2021 #mom2be2021 #expectingababy2021 #antenatalclass #birthplan #hignriskpregnancy #birthclass #expectingparent #firsttimemommy #birthtrauma #parentstobe #laboranddelivery #pregnancyzone #laboranddelivery

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