Mike Cass Creative | Public figure
Mike Cass Creative
Phone: +61 2 9967 5621
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25.01.2022 Those oldies but goodies. Sneaking in multi functional structural elements. This one with a shower, cover over the day bed, framework for planting and room to disguise the switching system. Limestone tiles and table by friends and team mates @ecooutdoor. . . by me.... by @designitlandscapes. . . #create #gardens #sydneydesigners #architecture #plants #interiors #interiordesign #grand #home #house #people #place #love #sydney #australia See more
23.01.2022 we need to take more time, to create what we think. Doing what we do is only half the job. Having to make a move from my studio and garden space means I’m putting that foot forward. I had the rare opportunity to create exactly what was spinning in my twisted mind with materials collected over 25 plus years in this gig. It’s time for a new ‘thang’, any body who wants to get on board should reach out. With the help of some amazing artists and creative co-lab freaks we are goin...g to make what ever ever you own look like it was made just for YOU. Attacking your home - office - studio - garden - bus stop - outhouse or class room. Special thanks goes to @lego for getting on board already and giving me the means to add more things to more ‘thangs’ . . . . abbiamo bisogno di più tempo per creare ciò che pensiamo. Fare quello che facciamo è solo metà del lavoro. Dovermi spostare dal mio studio e dallo spazio del giardino significa mettere il piede in avanti. Ho avuto la rara opportunità di creare esattamente ciò che ruotava nella mia mente contorta con materiali raccolti più di 25 anni in questo concerto. È tempo per un nuovo "thang" che qualsiasi corpo che vuole salire a bordo dovrebbe raggiungere. Con l'aiuto di alcuni artisti straordinari e di mostri creativi del co-lab, realizzeremo ciò che mai possiedi sembra fatto solo per TE. Attaccare la tua casa - ufficio - studio - giardino - fermata dell'autobus - fuori casa o aula. Un ringraziamento speciale va a @lego per essere salito a bordo e avermi dato i mezzi per aggiungere più cose a "thang". . . by me. by me. Painting up the back it’s called ‘she’s mikes’ by @lisabrummerart. thanks Lisa. . . #creative #lego #design #love #lust #house #garden #interiordesign #outdoors #indoors #sydney #australia #italy #friends #family See more
22.01.2022 we need to take more time to create what we think. Doing what we do is only half the job. Having to make a move from my studio and garden space means I’m putting that foot forward. I had the rare opportunity to create exactly what was spinning in my twisted mind with materials collected over 25 plus years in this gig. It’s time for a new ‘thang’ any body who wants to get on board should reach out. With the help of some amazing artists and creative co-lab freaks we are going t...o make what ever ever you own look like it was made just for YOU. Attacking your home - office - studio - garden - bus stop - out house or class room. Special thanks goes to @lego for getting on board already and giving me the means to add more things to more ‘thangs’ . . . . . abbiamo bisogno di più tempo per creare ciò che pensiamo. Fare quello che facciamo è solo metà del lavoro. Dovermi spostare dal mio studio e dallo spazio del giardino significa mettere il piede in avanti. Ho avuto la rara opportunità di creare esattamente ciò che ruotava nella mia mente contorta con materiali raccolti più di 25 anni in questo concerto. È tempo per un nuovo "thang" che qualsiasi corpo che vuole salire a bordo dovrebbe raggiungere. Con l'aiuto di alcuni artisti straordinari e di mostri creativi del co-lab, realizzeremo ciò che mai possiedi sembra fatto solo per TE. Attaccare la tua casa - ufficio - studio - giardino - fermata dell'autobus - fuori casa o aula. Un ringraziamento speciale va a @lego per essere salito a bordo e avermi dato i mezzi per aggiungere più cose a "thang". . . . by me. by me. . . #create#gardens#sydneydesigners#architecture#plants#interiors#interiordesign#grand#home#house#people#place#love#sydney#australia#newstuff. See more
19.01.2022 How big is your herb pot ? That hand made cylinder is 1800mm diameter and was made just for that space. This garden on Sydney’s lower north shore was recently completed and has oodles of angles we will be sharing soon. Bespoke everything out here and we love the result. . . by me. by @designitlandscapes. ... . . #create #gardens #landscapephotography #landscapearchitects #architecture #plants #interiors #interiordesign #grand #home #house #people #place #love #sydney #australia
19.01.2022 Pushing tones to the limit. So when you say to your client your going with 5 different browns and a earth tone wall cladding in one corner of the project, surrounded by charcoal and black, and they say, ok let’s do it. So much fun was had building this one way back when. Turned out to be our most publicised project making it to multiple print media in Australia, New Zealand and the UK. Shout out to all our clients who let us do what we do everyday. If we didn’t tell you befor...e, we really have to love you for letting us be us. . . by me. by @designitlandscapes. . . #create #gardens #sydneydesigners #architecture #plants #interiors #interiordesign #grand #home #house #people #place #love #sydney #australia See more
17.01.2022 Cold mornings are for heated spas. This little number on Sydney’s eastern suburbs was creating for an awesome family who make good use of it all year round. These tubs come raw on the outside by @ausplungepools. We wrapped her in this limestone by team mates @gathercoaustralia. The upright pot from friends in the biz @thebalconygarden. . . by me. by @designitlandscapes.... by @exotic_nurseries. . . #create #gardens #sydneydesigners #architecture #plants #interiors #interiordesign #grand #home #house #people #place #love #sydney #australia #usa See more
16.01.2022 Sleeping by the pool. Maybe it’s just me, but when I get out of the water I just wanna be horizontal. Sure you all think it, I’m just the weirdo that came out and said it. Like the recliner by the pool at your favourite resort or hotel, a perch, pontoon, daybed or pool bed is easily the best way to make it even better than a recliner in a small space. Really, do most of our spaces have room from hosting that chair, where are we supposed to store one when we don’t want it ther...e. ENTER, mattress by the pool.. I’m certain we can squish one of these next to any pool that stands in our way. Planning and design are all that’s needed to acquire a sleepy nook as good as this one. Ps. This one doubles as an outdoor shower but I’m not sure your ready for all that just yet. . . . . Schlafen am Pool. Vielleicht bin ich es nur, aber wenn ich aus dem Wasser komme, möchte ich nur horizontal sein. Sicher, Sie alle denken es, ich bin nur der Verrückte, der herauskam und es sagte. Wie die Liege am Pool in Ihrem Lieblingsresort oder -hotel ist eine Stange, ein Ponton, eine Liege oder ein Poolbett der beste Weg, um es auf kleinem Raum noch besser zu machen als eine Liege. Wirklich, haben die meisten unserer Räume Platz für diesen Stuhl? Wo sollen wir einen aufbewahren, wenn wir ihn dort nicht möchten? ENTER, Matratze am Pool. Ich bin sicher, wir können eine davon neben jedem Pool zerdrücken, der uns im Weg steht. Planung und Design sind alles, was Sie brauchen, um eine so gute Schlafnische wie diese zu finden. Ps. Dieser dient gleichzeitig als Außendusche, aber ich bin mir noch nicht sicher, ob Sie dazu bereit sind. . . by me. by @designitlandscapes. . . #creative #create #sydney #pool #interiordesign #landscapedesign #outdoors #life #happy #fun #sun #sleep See more
16.01.2022 CONSTRUCTION - our construction team @designitlandscapes are looking for those who want to build awesome stuff. Tradesman and apprentices can apply or reach out by sending me a pm or emailing us at [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from those who want to build the things we draw here @mikecasscreative. Let’s talk soon. . @mikecasscreative. @designitlandscapes. .... . #create #gardens #sydneydesigners #architecture #plants #interiors #interiordesign #grand #home #house #people #place #love #sydney #australia See more
16.01.2022 Increasing temperatures and longer days are coming so we can do more, enjoy more, achieve more. Get out there. Be outside. Sending spring vibes to all your gardens friends. . . . by @mikecasscreative. by @designitlandscapes.... by @jpphoto_aus. . . #create #gardens #sydneydesigners #architecture #plants #interiors #interiordesign #grand #home #house #people #place #love #sydney #australia
15.01.2022 Give me concrete and textured greens all day. Being winter I’ve found myself leaning away from the pool surround pics, maybe that’s what I needed. I hope these tactile garden pics and bring the same gusto. Been playing with concrete since I was a wee teenager (it’s in my blood) and it’s a massive pleasure to be able use it today not to different to how we did when we first learnt to, only bringing accuracy and details to the forefront. This set designed by me and installed by... team mates @theconcretemind. Love your work friends . . by @mikecasscreative. by @designitlandscapes. by @exotic_nurseries . . #create #gardens #sydneydesigners #architecture #plants #interiors #interiordesign #grand #home #house #people #place #love #sydney #australia #concrete
14.01.2022 So, one time, I got to build an espresso bar out of beaten vintage house trailer, on a beautiful patch of concrete in a very pretty building. We made it green and gave it a soul and called it @produceandfuel . Then all the nice people and the dogs came to visit. We drank coffee and talked and listened to music. . . Creative by us. Built by everyone that visits. ... is Murphy my stair friend. is one of the best in the biz @samshootsthings. . . #cafe#sydney#love#thanks#australia#coffee#eats##create#gardens#sydneydesigners#architecture#plants#interiors#interiordesign#grand#home#house#people#place See more
14.01.2022 Call it circle work, balls, buns, spheres, rounds or what ever you like. They have history in some of the worlds oldest and most famous gardens. Obviously this makes them simply timeless. More forward to 2019 and for me, they just scream fun. Lumps of fun, I find them completely informal, playful more than anything else. When partnered with other informal, formal, radius, geometry and organic the right blend and size of your ‘lumps of fun’ can stand proud in many a garden des...ign. I’ve planted them always in one shape or another and they’re one of the few I would have trouble living without. . . - . . Çember çalmas, toplar, çörekler, küreler, mermiler veya ne istersen onu söyle. Dünyann en eski ve en ünlü bahçelerinin bazlarnda tarihi vardr. Açkças bu onlar basitçe zamansz yapyor. 2019'dan daha ileri ve benim için sadece elenceli çlk atyorlar. Elenceli topaklar, onlar gayr resmi buluyorum, her eyden daha elenceli. Dier gayri resmi, biçimsel, yarçap, geometri ve organik ile eletirildiinde, elence topluluunuzun doru karm ve boyutu birçok bahçe tasarmnda gurur duyabilir. Onlar her zaman bir ekilde veya baka bir ekilde yerletirdim ve onlar olmadan yaama konusunda sorun yaadm birkaç kiiden biriydi. . . by me. by @designitlandscapes. . . #create#gardens#sydneydesigners#architecture#plants#interiors#interiordesign#grand#home#house#people#place#love#sydney#australia See more
14.01.2022 Keeping it soft and neutral on this little seating circle. This close up shows a few m2 of what is 5 acres of landscape design and construct on Sydney’s northern beaches. Circular tables, stools, lawns and pots. As spring approaches we look forward to sharing more of this epic project. Can’t go past thanking more awesome clients/friends for letting us throw ourselves completely into their life as we spend days, weeks and months at a time covering this grand space. Talk soon.... . . by @mikecasscreative. by @designitlandscapes. . . #create #gardens #beach #plants #sydneydesigners #architecture #plants #interiors #interiordesign #grand #home #house #people #place #love #sydney #australia
13.01.2022 I think this is the real ‘season of giving’. Thanks to Mother Nature for this action. We may have designed and built her, but she would done this stuff with or without us. Extra special love to my guy @jpphoto_aus for capturing this piece of love. . . by @mikecasscreative. by @designitlandscapes. ... by @jpphoto_aus. . . #create #gardens #sydneydesigners #architecture #plants #interiors #interiordesign #grand #home #house #people #place #love #sydney #australia
12.01.2022 SHOWER TIME. Because everything you can do engulfed in living plants you should do. Including your shower. This little guy we finished a few months back and is clearly loving it as much as it’s amazing owners/clients/friends who rolled with it on the drawing board. Fun wall mounted pots by team mates @glowpearco and completely hot, hand made copper shower head by @brooklyncopper . . . by me by @designitlandscapes. ... . . #create #gardens #sydneydesigners #architecture #plants #interiors #interiordesign #grand #home #house #people #place #love #sydney #australia #shower
10.01.2022 5 rolling acres. A gazzilon rolling and wind swept plants. Curved glass and green green grass. (Thanks to our own bore water) Take me deep into spring please. Everyday is a new look and I like it. Enjoy growing season peeps. . . by me. by @designitlandscapes. ... by @exotic_nurseries. . . #create #gardens #sydneydesigners #architecture #plants #interiors #interiordesign #grand #home #house #people #place #love #sydney #australia See more
10.01.2022 It started like this.... It finished like this.... We called her @produceandfuel.... . .... If you weren’t able too experience it, scroll these pics to see some of what it was. We took this epic slab of disheveled concrete and did what we wanted, how we wanted. A place created by the people for the people. This post is my thanks to all those who played a part. You are all amazing, you were all a part of something special. The most important shout for goes to @frame_88 @ditty75 For allowing me to create what I think has been in the back of my mind all my life. When your mind operates like mine it’s hard to say thank you when given the chance to let it all out, then connect it to, people, coffee and plants = ‘are you fucking kidding me’ Love you to the moon and back babe... . My AMAZING STAFF, it would have never happened without you. @mikecasscreative @designitlandscapes @produceandfuel. My absolute hero’s. . THE PEOPLE - thank you everyone for hanging, all of you who came to play. I had a fucking blast and I hope you did too. . what’s next ...... we are still designing our faces off and can not wait to design your place. @ Frame 88 See more
08.01.2022 As we approach the end of a chapter we start to imagine the one in front of us. Primarily based on what we’ve experienced thus far. The lesson here is to extract the freedom we grant ourselves to presume. The first page of the next chapter is a mile from anything we think we know. So, with no place to call home in sight we are floating on what might pop up. It’s foreign, it’s without direction, but most of all it’s ‘the unknown’. So we won’t presume and we won’t predict. We’...ll just roll the dice and play what’s put in front of us. It’s scary, it’s different and definitely weird. While we wait, we will remind ourselves of what inspired us to create what we already have. So, this imagine is just that. Laying out green space in Sydney’s urban stink, to provide a short term escape for people and their pets. Music and coffee were just incing on cake, plants and people and spaces. Blessed to have been given an opportunity to do just that. It was bucket list stuff for me. I hope those that got to share it enjoyed it half as much as I did. Special shout out goes to my partner in everything @frame_88. you are my question and my answer. Thanks to the people.. . 6 weeks to go. . . by me. Created by those who hung out. Build by @designitlandscapes. We called her @produceandfuel. Place is @frame_88. . . #create #gardens #sydneydesigners #architecture #plants #interiors #interiordesign #grand #home #house #people #place #love #sydney #australia See more
08.01.2022 Check out my girls on the avenue. More lumps and more bumps on the long common brick driveway. Rows of pears, bathed in those that flower white. Just sometimes you get to replica driveways, roads and avenues that those before us have done for hundreds of years. We deviate a little to make it our own, but on paper, it’s the same and it works. We love this entry in Sydney’s inner west. One of my favourite locations to merge some of the new with lots of the old. . . by me.... by @designitlandscapes. Clipped by @ambient.earth.landscapes. . . #create#gardens#sydneydesigners#architecture#plants#interiors#interiordesign#grand#home#house#people#place#love#sydney#australia See more
04.01.2022 Progress pics right here are pretty cool. Getting to make over/repair the roof top pool and gardens at Sydney’s most iconic hotel The Park Hyatt. Cleary the view and surroundings come first, we’re just here to soften lines, add some green, create some shapes. Most of all, my amazing team @designitlandscapes are making difficult and meticulous repairs to one of the most challenging pools to date. . . by @mikecasscreative. by @designitlandscapes. ... . . #create #gardens #sydneydesigners #architecture #plants #interiors #interiordesign #grand #home #house #people #place #love #sydney #australia See more
02.01.2022 In other news we are working hard on new postage stamp backyards in Sydney and LA right now. Taking some Inspo from previous projects this courtyard on Sydney’s BONDI beach boasts all the luxuries you need in space you didn’t know you had. Proportion and balance will need to combine just right to make it sing. With a twist of manipulation and a dash of compromise it’s going to scream. . . by @mikecasscreative. by @designitlandscapes.... . . #create #gardens #sydneydesigners #architecture #plants #interiors #jardin #jardim #gardenlife #interiordesign #grand #home #house #people #place #love #sydney #australia #house #succulent #plant See more
02.01.2022 Pizza, grass and plants. All together in one happy ménage. This garden based cook fest is nestled into the garden between the eating patio and the pool. Helped along by tree filled property. Happy weekend lovers. . . by @mikecasscreative. by @designitlandscapes.... by @exotic_nurseries. . . #create #gardens #sydneydesigners #architecture #plants #interiors #interiordesign #grand #home #house #people #place #love #sydney #australia #pizza #yummy #letseat