Mike Phipps Finance in Noosaville, Queensland, Australia | Financial service
Mike Phipps Finance
Locality: Noosaville, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 448 813 090
Address: 4/31 Mary Street 4566 Noosaville, QLD, Australia
Website: http://www.mikephippsfinance.com.au
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25.01.2022 We find ourselves in a unique situation. Never before in modern times have we seen a pandemic of the magnitude of the current Covid crisis. Of course, by magnitude I refer to the actual damage the virus has caused as compared to the damage the reaction to it has visited upon us. It turns out the interconnected world has its downside.
24.01.2022 The Physiology of Tenure Congratulations. You have read the title of this months missive and you are still with us. Well done. A less engaged reader would have switched off immediately and grabbed a copy of Who weekly. Surely more entertaining to learn that Brad and Angelina are splitting, and Prince Harry is in fact an alien. You couldnt make that stuff up! But I digress.
24.01.2022 The expression too many cooks spoil the broth was considered a proverb as early as 1575. The saying alludes to a situation where too many people involved in managing an activity can result in disaster.
23.01.2022 The Federal Government announced its 2nd Stimulus package in a week on Sunday 22 March. So what is new in these announcements?
23.01.2022 I remember after the GFC I said something like, wow, now Ive seen everything. Wrong! We understand that these are challenging times. I use the term challenging because really scary and uncertain just sounds too confronting!
22.01.2022 I awake this morning with a powerful feeling of euphoria. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the managing director is in good spirits and a pro-business, pro-economy prime minister has just won the unwinnable election. Of course, the press and other commentators are now trying to determine how the alternate government and the polls got it so wrong.
22.01.2022 Is it Getting Harder to Sell Smaller Management Rights? Rules are interesting. Some think the more rules the better while others subscribe to the school of discretionary decision making. I am a fan of some common sense latitude in most decision making processes, particularly those involving the individual merits of a finance application.
22.01.2022 UPDATED INFORMATION 23/03/2020: This morning I queued at Woollies in Noosa at 6:30am to be somewhere near the front of the line for the 7am pensioners and seniors hour of power. I carried with me a doctors letter confirming I was buying essentials for my mother-in-law and supporting pensioner concession and seniors cards plus a photo of said pensioner holding the cards. I was tenth in the queue and by the time I had acquired my allocated one 6 pack of toilet paper and done one lap of the shop the entire toilet paper shelf was empty. Empty!
21.01.2022 It will come as no surprise to regular readers that, as always, I’m running late on my deadline. This time of year is doubly challenging as the pending holiday break brings forward the next deadline and thus, two articles fall due almost simultaneously.
20.01.2022 I hate paperwork. There, I said it! Forms irritate the hell out of me, particularly the ones designed by some genius who never actually fills said form in. Designed by a committee with no thought as to the mental health of the end user. I particularly hate forms that ask me to repeat information or worse, ask me to tell the form provider things they already know...
18.01.2022 In 2017, when Matthew and Sara Taverner from Norfolks Moffat Beach were looking to purchase management rights on the Sunshine Coast, they quickly realised the disparity between their aspirations, what they could afford and what the bank would lend.
17.01.2022 Budgeting 101 https://youtu.be/alzrS3St2AM
17.01.2022 As you can imagine, after more than 40 years in the finance industry, Ive run into my fair share of the successful, the nearly successful, the could have been contenders and the downright unlucky...
16.01.2022 Bob Was Right The Stones said time is on our side. Prince said it was a sign of the times. The Foo Fighters said times like these. Bob said it best Come gather round people Wherever you roam... And admit that the waters Around you have grown And accept it that soon Youll be drenched to the bone. If your time to you Is worth savin Then you better start swimmin Or youll sink like a stone For the times they are a-changin. Bob Dylan , The Times They Are A Changin, 1964 See more
16.01.2022 As people in a people business I would argue that our greatest asset is our ability to communicate effectively. In recent years the explosion in social media use combined with the myriad nonverbal, non-personal forms of communication at our disposal is resulting in more communication than ever before.
15.01.2022 I was once told that the definition of a consultant is someone who steals your watch and then asks you the time. I have also heard that a good accountant, when asked the total of 2 + 2 will reply, What would you like it to be?
15.01.2022 Before we begina caveat..by the time you read this the content may be out of date. In fact, by the time Ive finished typing it might be old news.
15.01.2022 I’ve been writing these bulletins for many years now and inevitably one runs out of interesting stuff to say. Most months I build a mental picture of what I’m going to write about, procrastinate until the deadline date and then frantically try to render what’s in my head into something comprehensible. I often find it difficult to find things to write about, hence the sometimes rabbling social commentary and hopefully amusing anecdotes.
14.01.2022 Ive been writing these bulletins for many years now and inevitably one runs out of interesting stuff to say. Most months I build a mental picture of what Im going to write about, procrastinate until the deadline date and then frantically try to render whats in my head into something comprehensible. I often find it difficult to find things to write about, hence the sometimes rabbling social commentary and hopefully amusing anecdotes.
13.01.2022 Five hundred years ago, Michel de Montaigne said: My life has been filled with terrible misfortune; most of which never happened. In fact, studies suggest that 85% of what we worry about never happens.
13.01.2022 I remember after the GFC I said something like, wow, now I’ve seen everything. Wrong! We understand that these are challenging times. I use the term challenging because really scary and uncertain just sounds too confronting!
12.01.2022 Mortgage holders can breathe a sigh of relief; interest rates are likely to remain low, at least for the time being.
12.01.2022 Before I begin, a caveat. If you recognise yourself somewhere in this article, please don’t take offence. Any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. Also, guilty as charged, I have been known to pursue impulses and waste other people’s time. The managing director can confirm a pattern of behaviour, but we digress
11.01.2022 Dont it always seem to go That you dont know what youve got til its gone They paved paradise And put up a parking lot Joni Mitchell, Big Yellow Taxi 1970.... The story goes that Mitchell was inspired to write this tune on a trip to Hawaii. She threw open the hotel curtains to take in a mountain vista and was confronted by acres of concrete car park. We will come back to Joni later....
11.01.2022 A friend in need Ive got this mate, well, more a long term acquaintance really. Known her since I was in my teens. Purely platonic relationship over the past 40 years and we still catch up regularly to this day. She was pretty popular back in the day and had most of the local boys tied in knots. Even after 40 years shes still a very attractive lady, super intelligent and very professional, at least to the casual observer. Shes had an interesting life and recently called me to see if we could sort some finance for her. Shes looking to grow her current business and potentially acquire other complementary businesses.
10.01.2022 Before you read any further its important that you take the time to dial up Bobby McFerrin on You Tube and get into the reggae groove. The following will simply not work otherwise! Heres a little song I wrote You might want to sing it note for note Dont worry, be happy... Some say credit crunch I say bugger that, lets do a long lunch Dont worry, be happy In your loan application, there is some trouble Royal Commission might make it double Dont Worry, Be Happy Aint got no cash or equity You can always call on me Dont worry, be happy. With apologies to Bobby McFerrin Dont Worry Be Happy (released 1988)
07.01.2022 As some of you will no doubt have figured out by now, I have a weakness for cars. Old cars, new cars, fast cars, slow cars, even electric cars and the occasional motorcycle. I am fascinated by cars and the auto industry. This basic flaw in my good judgement has led to me investing wisely in a few vehicles, much to the dismay of the managing director. By wise investment I mean spending more than said vehicles will ever be worth and then justifying the investment by grossly overinflating the values when debating the matter with my accountant, bank manager and afore mentioned MD.
06.01.2022 Those of you who follow this column (a sure indication of nothing better to do) may recall recent mention of the so-called Wagyu and Shiraz case. For those who do have better things to do here’s a quick snapshot from that article:
06.01.2022 I write this months steam of consciousness ramblings at 20,000 feet on my way home from New Zealand. Over the past few years Ive become quite enamoured with the land of the long white cloud. Apart from the obvious downside of the place being full of kiwis, its a decidedly pleasant and laid back destination.
05.01.2022 We have talked in the past about our view that we are moving into a tighter credit environment in which bank lending guidelines will become stricter....
05.01.2022 Before you go on please dial up YouTube and have a look at this clip from the 1975 classic movie Network. The rest of this little story will be all the more entertaining for it. Search YouTube Network Im as mad as hell and I wont take it anymore. I always thought that grumpy old man was a cliché. Not so.
04.01.2022 There are lots of quotes on the internet regarding financial literacy. Heres the one that jumps out at me: Financial illiteracy is not an issue unique to any one population. It affects everyone: men and women, young and old, across all racial and socioeconomic lines. No longer can we stand by and ignore this problem. The economic future of the United States depends on it. Presidents Advisory Council on Financial Literacy
04.01.2022 Value : A quality or idea that is considered important. The word value comes from the Latin Valere, which means: Be worth. Value is defined as the worth, usefulness or importance of someone or something. Courtesy of Professor Google
04.01.2022 Isn’t social media wonderful. You get to connect with all your friends, share life experiences, buy and sell stuff and if you’re really lucky make interesting discoveries about people and places.
02.01.2022 Dear Kenneth I trust this letter finds you well. Please forgive me for not writing earlier but I have been meeting clients all weekend and every evening. Thanks so much for your recent correspondence albeit at 950 + pages I must confess I have not read the entire document in detail. Sufficient to say that what I have read, particularly in relation to finance brokers and mortgage brokers troubles me, not least because your findings seem to reflect a lack of understanding of wh...at it is that finance brokers actually do. How could this be I wondered?
02.01.2022 What strange days these are. Not that long back our business was booming, and new loan approvals came thick and fast. In fact, the loan approval was scarcely cause for celebration as we run like hell just to keep up with demand.
02.01.2022 Wow, how time flies. Would you believe its just over a year since the tabling of the Final Report of the Banking Royal Commission (its got a way longer official name, but you know what Im talking about).
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