Michael Reymond for CGG Council | Public figure
Michael Reymond for CGG Council
Phone: +61 427 569 515
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25.01.2022 FAMILY Geraldton must be a family-friendly City. Some photos of my family who I am very proud of (5 children & 8 grandchildren-a non-nuclear blended family!
22.01.2022 If re-elected I will give priority to getting coastal erosion solutions
22.01.2022 I believe the three most important issues are Financial, Environmental and Community. MY FINANCIAL ISSUES AGENDA You can't do anything constructive if your financial house is not in order. So we need to manage and improve our financial sustainability. This means we have to focus and very carefully manage the budget to ensure all our costs are essential so as to reduce demands on revenue (ie rates). Over the past four years, I have forensically analysed our budgets (and midye...ar reviews) and fought for lower budgets. I have achieved reducing annual budget rises from 7.6% to 1.5% for at least the next 3 years. Given that the LG costs increase index is 2.2% it means that we are already planning to achieve further operational efficiencies (doing more with less). Financial sustainability and governance also includes sticking to our LTFP and meeting all the new financial key performance indices and in particular meeting our Asset renewable responsibilities (ie managing the budget to look after the approx $1Billion worth of assets we currently own). Other financial issues I will be reviewing will include producing balanced budgets (ie no deficit budgeting), controlling growth in depreciation expenses, reducing debt costs, allowing for cyclic expenditure movements, reduce borrowings, managing reserves, to name a few. See more
21.01.2022 CGG Financial Year in Review
20.01.2022 FUTURE AGED CARE REQUIREMENTS At the inaugural Mayoral prayer breakfast held at the multifunction centre, Russell Bricknell (CEO Baptist care WA) gave an insightful and personal presentation of future challenges of helping the ageing community. Pastor Margaret Christopher from Sun City Christian Centre and Bishop Michael Morrisey from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Geraldton were also present. We are blessed to live in a country where our democratic freedom and the rule of law provide acceptance of people of all ages.
19.01.2022 The City's Public Art collection has just grown with a new piece titled HORIZON by Lucy Humphrey, currently in the final stage of installation down on the Beresford foreshore Horizon is an unusual work that plays with the light, shadows and the images of the natural landscape. The work is beautiful to photograph and is expected to create a sense of place and attract people to the area. The location couldn't be more perfect for this iconic piece of public art. It is going to become the place to be to witness our beautiful sunsets over the ocean.
19.01.2022 I believe the three most important issues are Financial, Environmental and Community. MY COMMUNITY ISSUES AGENDA The Council has adopted and updates a Community Strategic Plan to determine the community's aspirations and priorities for the City over the next 10 years. Based on these agreed-upon goals I will be ensuring that we address general community wellbeing issues such as; personal safety needs, access and inclusion projects, improving cycle and footpaths, supporting ur...ban and rural revitalisation, maintaining levels of services in the City, improving the City's vibrancy, supporting tourism and economic development promotion, improving our social and sporting facilities and supporting our art and cultural activities. Of course, there may be prioritisation and timing issues with the implementation of some of these actions and they will always be tempered by the financial constraints of a balanced budget. I will strongly support getting external financial grants to improve our social capital and cultural facilities. I will continue to express my concern whenever programs and services that are, or should be, the responsibility of State and Federal governments are being considered as local government responsibility without any funding assistance. See more
18.01.2022 The new Rocks Arcade: . Adding to the vibrancy of the CBD . Providing public toilets . Areas for entertainment, art display and markets.
16.01.2022 Postal votes will be out soon and because of school holidays being so close, please make sure you vote.
14.01.2022 We need to ensure that our Council services and accountability are of the highest standard
12.01.2022 A preview of Geraldtons future and with the right people on council, we are building today.
09.01.2022 I will continue to support the cultural, heritage and creative art organisations of our city, adding to the growing international standard works around Geraldton which also recently saw the addition of a significant sculpture titled PROTECTED MEMORIES by April Pine outside the Regional Art Gallery.
08.01.2022 Actions speak louder than promises. During my last term on Council, the airport runway has been resurfaced and extended to assist business and tourism. Vote for me and I will continue to support tourism and economic development projects in Geraldton
07.01.2022 One of the achievements during my last term on council was seeing the completion of the Beresford foreshore protection, playgrounds and pathways.
06.01.2022 Dear Residents, It is IMPORTANT that you vote in Council Elections and choose your preferred representatives. If you still have your ballot paper at home, please complete and post NO later than Wednesday,16th. If you are concerned about your ballot papers not being received on time, hand deliver them to the Council Office before 6pm on Saturday 19th October. You have not received your ballot paper? or need a replacement? just go to the Council City Office for another one.
06.01.2022 You have probably noticed that the Council has already been addressing many of the recommendations in this video. I will strongly support the continued implementation of further pathways and greening of our street both in the CBD and our suburbs.
06.01.2022 Vote for me to be re-elected so that I may continue to represent your views and opinions at the council and assist you with ANY council matter.
06.01.2022 You’ll soon be receiving your election packages in the mail for the upcoming local government election and the community is encouraged to make their vote count. The election will take place on Saturday 19 October with one vacancy for Mayor and five vacancies for Council. The Council plays a pivotal role in the community and residents should vote. Council makes big decisions for our community from providing significant services through to community infrastructure.... By voting in the upcoming elections, ratepayers and residents can contribute to effective local government by having a voice in determining who will represent them. You will be receiving your election packages in the mail very soon and I’d highly recommend you find out more about the nominated candidates and make your vote count. Voting packs for most country councils have now been lodged with Australia Post and should start to reach electors over the next few days. Candidate nominations are closed and electors can now view all candidates on the City’s website or at the Civic Centre. There is one four year term open for Mayor and five vacancies for Councillors also for a four-year term. There are three nominations for Mayor and 14 nominations for Councillors. Each person enrolled to vote will be issued a ballot package by mail which will provide details and instructions on how to vote. Completed packages must be received by the Western Australian Electoral Commission by 6pm on Election Day which is Saturday 19 October. To check if you are eligible to vote, head to the WA Electoral Commission’s website. Completed ballot packages can also be hand-delivered to the City of Greater Geraldton Civic Centre or the Mullewa District Office, during business hours, prior to Election Day. They can also be hand-delivered to the Civic Centre on Election Day prior to the 6pm-close of the poll. For more information on the local government election, head to the City’s website. Councillor Michael Reymond 0427 569 515
01.01.2022 I believe the three most important issues are Financial, Environmental and Community. MY ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES AGENDA Managing COASTAL EROSION is a major concern and I will ensure this is addressed by completing the formal systematic analysis through the CHRMAP process that we are well into. (Geraldton Coastal Hazard Risk Management and Adaptation ...) Extensive work has already been done to date and the size of the is problem is becoming quite w...ell defined and a further $5M has been earmarked in the LTFP to enable completion of studies and interim solutions; but massive external funding is required and will have to be found for the permanent infrastructure solutions. Implementation of WASTE MANAGEMENT programs and activities are essential, starting with the completion of a waste management strategy (which requires the completion of the equivalent State's strategy). I will continue to support projects such as the upcoming FOGO trial to reduce our landfill by as much as 48% (funds are already budgeted for its implementation if the trial is successful). The transfer station at MERU needs also upgrading. The introduction of new infrastructure is also required to facilitate waste diversion including recycling of cardboard, glass, plastics and aluminium and we need to upgrade the MERU recycling tip shop. The LTFP also has $7.6M allocated for new landfill cell and the rehabilitation and capping of existing cells. The container deposit scheme needs to be implemented asap. I will closely monitor the global warming debate and support the implementation of practical and financially sustainable actions at a local government level. I will also be supporting the greening of the city with more trees. See more
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