Mildura Labor | Political party
Mildura Labor
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25.01.2022 They care more about jobs for their mates than they do about yours.
24.01.2022 This is a shoutout to all our hard-working scientists and clinicians. Working behind the scenes. Undertaking research. Uncovering answers. Victorian aren't just fighting this virus in our state, or our country. They're helping lead our effort right across the globe. That's why I'm so proud we've invested close to $15 million to back 17 projects dedicated to fighting coronavirus. These projects are pushing towards the next big breakthrough. Antibodies to block the virus. Antivirals to treat the virus. The latest in evidence and understanding on how we can beat this thing. Finding treatments and prevention measures for this wildly infectious virus is certainly no easy task. But it's happening right here in our state. And for that, we can't say thank you enough.
19.01.2022 It's Reconciliation Day in Canberra today and I took my Labor team to visit families enjoying the sunshine at the National Arboretum. Labor believes that a nati...on that isn’t truly reconciled isn’t truly whole. And the cause of reconciliation will be a first order priority of a Labor Government I lead. See more
15.01.2022 Taking the pledge #EndAgeism EveryAGE Counts
15.01.2022 Reconciliation must be more than words, it requires action. Four years ago, the Uluru Statement from the Heart was delivered. It is a generous statement calling... for Voice, Treaty, Truth. This Reconciliation Week, Labor reaffirms its commitment to the Uluru Statement in full - and we call on the Government to show leadership. We have nothing to fear and everything to gain by listening to First Australians.
14.01.2022 Father Bob's message of hope to Premier Dan Andrews
13.01.2022 A week can sometimes feel like a year at the moment, but here's something worth remembering: In just over a month we've gone from over 700 daily cases to 70. T...hat's a massive effort, and one Victorians should rightly be proud of. Today we announced our plan for a new COVID Normal and the steps we'll need to take to get there. These steps are not about locking down. They're about locking in a new normal. Finding ways to safely do some more of the things we love. I've said this a bunch of times recently but this has to be slow, steady and most importantly, sustainable. To open up faster and further when the numbers are still at this level would almost guarantee a third wave. There is absolutely no point in enjoying a couple of weeks of fun only to have cases explode again and end up right back where we started. Or worse. It makes no sense and it's just not worth it. I'm sure most Victorians would agree with that. This is about moving forward, safely stepping down our restrictions while continuing to step up our fight against this virus. We've given up far too much and worked far too hard to risk throwing it all away now. We all have to somehow find that extra gear, that extra reserve, to dig deep and keep going. Now to the important part: What it means for all of us. On 14 September, metro Melbourne will move to the First Step toward COVID Normal and regional Victoria will move directly to the Second Step. As part of these steps we'll be introducing 'social bubbles', meaning single people who live alone and solo parents can nominate one person to visit them in their home. I'm very conscious these past few months have been particularly isolating for people who live on their own and hopefully this makes the coming weeks that little bit easier. In the First Step, you'll also be able to meet up with one other person outside for up to two hours at the park, for example and you don't necessarily have to be exercising. Melbourne will enter the Second Step towards COVID Normal once we've driven the numbers down to between 30-50 daily cases over a 14 day average and not before 28 September. It'll look slightly different to the regional version, and we'll still be asking people in Melbourne to stay local but the principles are roughly the same. I'll put links out to more detailed information about what this means for socialising, businesses, schools and childcare, sport and travel in the comments. The case number targets for moving to the next step are listed too, so everyone can be on the same page about our goals and where we're headed. These aren't just dates on the calendar. Based on health advice, we'll have to maintain a certain number of low cases for a certain number of days before we can move forward. I'm sure people will have lots of questions. None of us have a crystal ball, so asking "Will I be able to go ten-pin bowling with 10 friends for my birthday on 10 November?" is a bit premature. But I'll do my best to clarify whatever I can over the coming days. Some people will no doubt want this to be done quicker. And believe me, if we could we would. But we would be doing ourselves a massive disservice if we put all our hard-won gains at risk and every sacrifice counted for nothing. It just wouldn't be right. We've come so far. We just have to keep going. We can. We must. We will.
12.01.2022 The eight hour working day. Livable wages. Annual leave. Sick leave. Long service leave. Penalty rates. Weekends. Workers comp. Superannuation. Employers didn’t... just offer all these conditions out of the goodness of their hearts. Workers and the trade union movement had to fight for all of it. But the fight for workers’ pay, conditions and rights will never be over. Join your union.
11.01.2022 In times of crisis, your government should be there for you. Instead, the Morrison Government wants to lock you out or lock you up. Every day that Scott Morri...son refuses to take responsibility for national quarantine, it's the Australian people who are paying a tragic price. It's time to fix quarantine. It's time to keep Aussies safe. It's time to get Aussies home.
11.01.2022 Working people got us through the pandemic. They deserve our thanks and a government that’s on their side. I marched with you today, and I’ll stand with you as Prime Minister. Happy Labour Day, Queensland.
10.01.2022 Every day we get closer to a COVID Normal. Numbers are falling. Restrictions will start slowly easing. And eventually, we'll be back to work and school back t...o restaurants, cafes and pubs. That's coming and we will get there. But we have to see businesses through these next few weeks and months as we start to slowly and safely reopen. That's why today we announced almost $3 billion worth of support for small and medium-sized businesses, and the hospitality sector. It's the biggest single package we've ever delivered of this kind, and it'll go a long way to helping thousands of Victorian businesses save jobs and see this through. Almost $1.1 billion in cash grants will support small and medium-sized businesses that are most affected by coronavirus restrictions. $250 million will go towards Victoria's pubs, clubs, bars and restaurants and over $130 million will help reduce stamp duty, landfill levies, liquor license fees, land taxes and much more. And because families didn't get to see much snow this year, we're giving our alpine resorts the support they need too with grants of up to $20,000 to cover their resort fees while tourism's down. But we know one of the biggest costs for small businesses is simply paying wages and keeping people employed. That's why $1.7 billion will go towards extending our payroll tax deferral for the entire 2020-21 financial year. But above all, this support package will give thousands of Victorians the certainty they deserve, and it'll mean a little less stress too. Because these businesses employ Victorians. They feed families, they support communities. We don't just want them to scrape through this we need them to prosper on the other side too. The roadmap gives us certainty about reopening. This support gives businesses certainty as we take those steps. Safely. Steadily. And most importantly sustainably.
10.01.2022 When our response to the pandemic depended on Australians doing the right thing, Australia led the world. But now that our response depends on Scott Morrison ge...tting vaccinations and quarantine right, we’re risking all our hard-won gains. National Cabinet meets today. This is Scott Morrison’s opportunity to finally take responsibility for quarantine. As the pandemic worsens around the world, it’s well past time for the PM to establish dedicated, fit for purpose national quarantine facilities. The best time to do this was last year. The second best time is right now. Australians can’t afford to wait.
06.01.2022 As a local dad living in North Perth, I know how important Labor’s plan for working families will be. Labor will make childcare more affordable and remove the c...aps on childcare benefits. Labor will legislate for more Job Security. Labor will act on Climate Change, we will protect Medicare and we will stop sending jobs overseas by making trains and batteries right here in Australia. The Australian Labor Party We are on your side.
04.01.2022 Putting on and taking off PPE isn't easy. It's a long and complex process. It's hot and dehydrating to wear, and it can leave pressure marks all over the skin t...oo. For our already tired healthcare workers finishing up lengthy and difficult shifts - it's just plain exhausting. But every layer is there to protect them from this wildly infectious virus. So to help keep our doctors and nurses as safe as possible, we'll be deploying dedicated PPE spotters in Victorian hospitals. These specialised staff will be an extra pair of eyes for healthcare workers - spotting the tiniest of gaps in PPE application. And it's these same tiny gaps that this infectious virus wants to take advantage of - and we want to stop. Every single one of our healthcare workers deserves to feel safe and supported at work. And we must do our best to keep them safe.
04.01.2022 The Sole Trader Support Fund is now open as part of the Victorian Government’s $3 billion Business Resilience Package. The program will provide vital funding gr...ants of $3,000 to eligible Victorian non-employing businesses that must stay closed or operate under restrictions until COVID Normal. While many sole traders receive income support via the Commonwealth’s JobKeeper program, overhead costs associated with operating a commercial premises such as rent or utilities continue to mount. This support is targeted to sole traders who continue to incur these overheads while their operations remain subject to restrictions. The Sole Trader Support Fund will be open for applications until funds are exhausted or 11.59 pm on 23 November 2020, whichever is earlier. For guidelines or to apply for the Sole Trader Support Fund, visit:
03.01.2022 Big news for families with little ones: We're providing grants to start new out-of-hours care programs at up to 400 government schools giving parents and more options when it comes to work, study, training or reentering the workforce. We're also covering the cost of funded kinder in sessional and long day care which means it will be free for families in 2021. I know this pandemic has been tough on parents particularly mums who have had to juggle work, childcare and learning from home. And that balancing act doesn't always get easier even with kids back at kinder and school. But this is one less thing for families to worry about.
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