Jean Sheehan Millennium Education in Tewantin, Queensland | Education
Jean Sheehan Millennium Education
Locality: Tewantin, Queensland
Phone: +61 7 5641 4009
Address: 3 Griffith Ave 4565 Tewantin, QLD, Australia
Likes: 4004
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25.01.2022 IT MUST BE XMAS TIME Still more orders coming on! Lots of wrapping, packing, tracking. I love seeing this and wrapping the orders as it is like Xmas every day.
25.01.2022 #FullMoon Time to design and create your hearts desires to be a Jean-I-O-US.
24.01.2022 I could not be more over the moon or happier as I know these super souls have graduated from the Sacred Geometry course. Smiles, laughter , connections, healing and so much more. You are all amazing and I loved each of your wisdom shining through. Check out what happened at the event at this link
24.01.2022 Hello precious souls. Here is your 2021 crystal grid for you. Place your name below ... 2021 is aligned with using your third eye and seeing the bigger picture. It’s about standing up to shine your brilliance, knowing your purpose and being guided to action that. It is about knowing there is no bad, good, black, white or dualities. This Modern Medicine Woman grid clears the old wounds of past and 2020. Clears the feelings of anxiety, feeling beside yourself and limitations. Drawing on the wisdom and knowledge of Atlantis, Lemuria, ancient Egypt and the galactic federation this blueprint grid is for the new age of Aquarius. It brings forth the wisdom of the Millennium Children whom understand the universal laws of creation and absolute love. Attract all those who align with your vision and will empower you. Be open to receive. Be ready to say YES. Have the relationships and friendships whom will respect, honour and support you. Attract the abundance that the universe wants to give to you. Manifest with ease and grace. Connect to your passion and purpose so that you fulfil your purpose. This is the new Millennium the dawn of the new age for all humanity to be as one and live in absolute love. If you are ready to accept and embrace the new love, abundance and purpose and drive place your name here. And to help spread the love if you could LIKE the post and share it helps to spread the healing to all. Thank you from my heart for being you. Absolute love Jean Sheehan Millennium Education
24.01.2022 MEDICAL INTUITION MILLENNIUM MODALITY THE ANKLE #MedicalIntuition #MedicalIntuitiveCourses... #JeanSheehanMillenniumEducation See more
24.01.2022 WE ARE NOT ALONE! I am at my FAV mountain to watch the sunrise to celebrate my birthday month. I took a photo of the moon and look what happened. This is the 2nd time I have seen this. The last time I was with clients in August. Can you see the 'beings' or I call them dudes? I could feel a 'dude' next to me - the white flash of light. The energy is intense and incredible. WOW I am on a super high right now. Who is coming with me next full moon?
24.01.2022 Hi lovelies. Will you be attending? If so I have a FB messenger chat group where all details will be shared. Love to see you there for this Full moon and Neptune retrograde Meditation.
22.01.2022 DRAWING #Drawing #MillenniumChildren #JeanSheehanMillenniumEducation
22.01.2022 Medical intuition live - the thyroid
22.01.2022 I'VE BEEN SCHEMING For months I have been plotting, scheming and planning to make this happen. Today was they day. I surprised a huge HEARTED lady, Leanne Walsh from Sunshine Butterflies with a donation. Her magic team and staff helped me to surprise her. I love all she does, gives and how she supports others to shine their brilliance. She is a huge inspiration to me. PIF-ing all the way (PIF is to Pass It Forward - and I'm passing forward random acts of kindness and love... to those that least expect it) #MerryChristmas #RamdomActsOfKindness #ThereIsOnlyLove
21.01.2022 THE ADRENAL GLANDS #AdrenalGlands #MedicalIntuitiveCourses #JeanSheehanMillenniumEducation
21.01.2022 DAY 1 WAS AMAZING Super amazing day for all the students attending Module VIII Animal Medical Intuitive Course. Laughter, tears, healing, learning, discovery and so much more. As they are my first SUPER STARS to do this module they all received (1) of my Dog Leash as a celebration. Today is transformation day. See you soon amazing souls
20.01.2022 HE ALWAYS KNOWS I just love how my fur baby always knows what he needs when it comes to Medical Intuitive Crystal Grids. I found him laying next to the grid specifically choosing the card to place his nose next to. '"This card connects to the root chakra and encourages you to master your body and the physical world"... #SacredGeometry #PlatonicSolidCards #medicalintuitionpractitioner
20.01.2022 THE AWAKENING #TheAwakening #MedicalIntuitiveCourses #JeanSheehanMillenniumEducation
20.01.2022 MEDICAL INTUITION MILLENNIUM MODALITY THE KNEE AND KNEE CHAKRA #MedicalIntuition #MedicalIntuitiveCourses... #JeanSheehanMillenniumEducation See more
20.01.2022 YOUR BODY TALKS! It is time to know exactly what is going at the moment for you. All you need do is LIKE my page and then choose a Medical Intuitive Card to receive a direct message from your body. Comment below 1, 2 or 3 and your message will be shared later today. Share this with family, friends and anyone you know who needs a message to also receive a direct message.... #MedicalIntuitiveCards #MedicalIntuition #JeanSheehanMillenniumEducation
18.01.2022 VISUALISATION #Visualisation #MillenniumChildren #JeanSheehanMillenniumEducation
18.01.2022 SACRED GEOMETRY #SacredGeometry #MedicalIntuitiveCourses #JeanSheehanMillenniumEducation
18.01.2022 JEAN SHEEHAN GIVES LIVE MEDICAL INTUITIVE SESSIONS #LiveMedicalIntuitiveSessions #MedicalIntuitiveCourses #JeanSheehanMillenniumEducation
18.01.2022 Why astral travel is necessary for medical intuition And hearing your body. Find out more
18.01.2022 Prepare your meal and munchies like for a brand new baby #BiteMe #BiteMelifeskill #JeanSheehanMillenniumEducation
16.01.2022 FUN TIMES The easiest way to have the body healthy is to have fun and outrageous experiences. Today being Sunday is a day to let your hair done, or do something crazy ridiculous like me. The body thrives on fun, laughter and love. What will you do that is silly today that will heal your body? Show me your thing with a selfie.
16.01.2022 WORDS #Words #MillenniumChildren #JeanSheehanMillenniumEducation
16.01.2022 STEPS OF EVOLUTION #StepsofEvolution #MedicalIntuitiveCourses #JeanSheehanMillenniumEducation
15.01.2022 Ask yourself, "Is your behaviour keeping you safe or unsafe?" #BiteMe #BiteMelifeskill #JeanSheehanMillenniumEducation
15.01.2022 Perception is reality #BiteMe #BiteMelifeskill #JeanSheehanMillenniumEducation
14.01.2022 CLOSING DOWN MY BUSINESS Yesterday I had a few people contact me to ask if my business was closing down. They saw my FB live from yesterday where I said I am having a 24 hour sale on FRIDAY 13th. Never done before - 50% off everything on my Eshop on my website. More details to come as you will need a code. Let all your friends and family know too ..... this has never happened before and wont happen again. Countdown is on!
14.01.2022 I love how even tiny lizards know what they need for healing .... a Medical Intuitive crystal grid of course! Animals are the best.
13.01.2022 IT IS OK TO CRY It takes courage to show your emotions. That is what I did yesterday at the vet when I took my fur baby, Zac. Last week when I look inside his body I saw his heart was 'not quite right'. Test are being done now.
13.01.2022 I just love crystals or as I call them pet rocks. I love how they work. I share my gorgeous crystals with you today #Crystals #Ilovecrystals... #JeanSheehanMillenniumEducation See more
13.01.2022 Ask your body... #BiteMe #BiteMelifeskill #JeanSheehanMillenniumEducation
13.01.2022 HOSPITAL ON XMAS DAY Yesterday was a pure love and gratitude day. It brought me back to my Nursing days as I spread love and Xmas cheer to a client in hospital. After time with the family for Xmas day I visited 2 clients. One was in hospital. That brought back memories of how much I loved nursing Xmas day to bring happiness to patients. The difference was instead of giving drugs to the patient I was giving crystals! ... The next delivery was food as the next client was having $$$$$ problems. Being the Greek Mumma I had to make sure they had food in their belly! 2020 is been a huge year of philanthropy for me which i have loved. I feel so blessed to have my life and to be able to give love. Merry Christmas everyone and I hope you had a day filled with love and fun.
12.01.2022 PLATONIC SOLIDS #PlatonicSolids #MedicalIntuitiveCourses #JeanSheehanMillenniumEducation
11.01.2022 #NewMoon Time for organising your hearts desires to be a Jean-I-O-US
11.01.2022 I just love crystals or as I call them pet rocks. I love how they work. I share my gorgeous crystals with you today #Crystals #Ilovecrystals... #JeanSheehanMillenniumEducation See more
10.01.2022 HEALING YOUR HOLOGRAPHIC BODY PART 2 #Healing #MedicalIntuitiveCourses #JeanSheehanMillenniumEducation
10.01.2022 ANIMAL HEALING Each and every animal knows what it needs to heal. Sometimes it is about connecting to the human’s healing equipment and sometimes it is being open to receive. Either way the animals love all things crystal, spiritual and medical intuitive as they knew what real healing is. I love working with animals and you can learn Animal Medical Intuition too
09.01.2022 THE CODE IS COMING! Keep an eye for the code which I release on my personal page late late late tonight for my 24 hour sale, Friday 13th NOV 2020, on all products on my website. SUPER EXCITED
08.01.2022 MISSION IM - POSSIBLE STARTS NOW Starting tomorrow I am on a mission to gift LOTS of Xmas gifts each day. I will be surprising random people with Xmas gifts ... they wont know it is coming. I have got my out fit ready including gold Santa hat, earrings that light up and Xmas glasses. Yeah for spreading love and joy. I must admit I am feeling totally naughty but nice and of course totally cheeky. READY SET GO!
07.01.2022 Medical intuition live - healing forgiveness
07.01.2022 2021 ceremony details
05.01.2022 Talk to your future self #BiteMe #BiteMelifeskill #JeanSheehanMillenniumEducation
05.01.2022 We are the only ones that can let anything get in to our mind ... you are the Door keeper. Chose what comes in and you let out of your mind. You are pure love. ALWAYS
05.01.2022 SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS STRATEGIES #Words #MedicalIntuitiveCourses #JeanSheehanMillenniumEducation
04.01.2022 TRUST THE UNIVERSE (Long Post for you) Sometimes as a soul having a human experience it can be challenging. We are told to trust the universe and yet when things are not going our way we can doubt we are supported in anyway. Being human is like being a brand new baby always within a full time school. Learning, growing, learning, growing, learning, growing. However if you are going through a S#%T time you can lose trust. Take a breath. Take another breath. Then take one step... at a time. You see the trust in the universe is also ourselves. The trust is knowing we will come up with a a solution eventually and knowing that a gentle whisper from the universe will land in our heart and universal mind. The knowing it always works out. Not necessarily the way we want or expect. But it does always work out. I share this today as last night I received (2) messages from (2) clients in a panic about their future as unexpected things have happened and there world has turned upside down. They went in to overwhelm and panic. Again BREATH! Ask your self what can you do right now. It is not the end of the world - it is the end of the world as we know it and there something better for us we are just not aware of it yet. Again ask yourself what you can do now. Then ask what is the best thing of this situation. The universal mind wants you to search for the best thing. We are gifted lots of opportunities for spiritual growth from the universe but we have not been taught that. Focus on how you are doing well such as being able to breath, eat, walk and have friends. Now reflect on something in the past where it did work out and you were able to achieve and move on. You see if you did it once you have done it many times and the EGO mind just needs you to direct it to how you have done it before. Say to yourself always IT ALWAYS WORKS OUT. And lastly ask for help and support as you are not alone. There are 7.5 Billion people earth today. And there is always the dudes as I call them (some call them guides, angels, etc) We are all here to help you and support you. Sending so much love to those that need this today
04.01.2022 THIS SHOULD NOT BE HAPPENING It takes a lot for me to be triggered but this month of December I have been PUSHED beyond belief. I will always try to see the love and best in all and everything but in the last few weeks I have had too many situations to ignore. ... This should not be happening!!! Not today with so many resources I have been swamped by teenagers and early 20 years old being ignored and not listened to by the medical system! WHAT IS GOING ON! They come in with severe pain and specific signs and symptoms and to be told by the DR that "It's in your head" and "There is nothing wrong with you". I stopped sessions Dec 2019 for the public. I only do Medical Intuitive practitioners that have done my courses to boost them and support them. But my heart ached when I heard what was happening and have been seeing clients in the last 2 weeks. These gorgeous young adults (children in my eyes) are suffering physically, emotionally, mentally. Each session I have done the answers have been clear, accurate and empowered them. They have been able to get answers finally. The messages I get saying 'thank you as you saved my life' or 'thank you - my son is now healthy again' are too many to have. Yesterday I did (4) sessions and triggered me to wake up EARLY and make things happen. Plans are in action. Need to employ more staff to help - new PA, an EA another VA. 2021 watch out as I make my VOICE heard for the children and health system again. Time to for me to manifest that magic again. My heart is so grateful that so many have done my training to assist these gorgeous souls. For any of you who been pondering and wondering whether to train as a Medical Intuitive with me - NOW is the time as this has to stop. The results are transformational and incredible. I left nursing to be the change in the world and make a change in the world. This has to stop. And can only do so with education. Time for me to STEP AGAIN! Thank you for reading my rant ..... as you all know I get passionate about this. Bookings are being taken now - Join me in changing the medical and school system.
03.01.2022 HORSE IN THE SUN Good morning world from Maroochydore beach where I watched the sun come up. Inside the sun I could clearly see a horses head. When I asked what this meant I got the word VICTORY. Interesting as I don't use that word. So I googled a synonym and got achievement. Ah yes this sat better as that is the energy of 2021. The BE-ingness of ourselves. ... Although it is the year of the OX according to Chinese New Year in February, the energy of the horse in the Chinese zodiac is power, beauty, and freedom. That is 2021 - to be free to be you - the real you. No holding back. Thank you universe for again confirming for us all it is time. The 2021 affirmation is "I am awake to all possibilities as I AM ME."
03.01.2022 SACRED SYMBOLS #SacredSymbols #MedicalIntuitiveCourses #JeanSheehanMillenniumEducation
03.01.2022 SACRED GEOMETRY Yesterday morning I walked along the river wit Zac and was surrounded by so many sting rays. I call them water butterflies. They kept following me. I saw ones I had not seen before with a Sacred Geometry pattern. So beautiful. There message so clear and accurate for all at this time. Go gently, spread your wings and cruise through life.
03.01.2022 Today somebody snuggled with super healing of the Millennium Star, part of the language of light and intergalactic healing. My fur baby always knows what he needs!
03.01.2022 HERE IS THE CODE FOR MY 50% OFF EVERYTHING SALE Are you ready for the super specials on my website? For 24 hours everything on my website is 50% off. Tell your friends, family, clients and loved ones. ... INSTRUCTIONS 1. Go to the website link 2. chose what you want and check the order 3. Tick I AGREE TO T&C 4. Go to PROMO coupon and put in NOV20 and click apply 5. fill in your email so we can send it to you 6. click CHECKOUT 7. fill in details 8. fill in payment details DONE!
01.01.2022 Someone is so desperate to be involved with medical intuition that he sneaks in next to my grid on my shelf and desk lol
01.01.2022 DREAM BIG THE UNIVERSE IS WAITING! Today’s Medical Intuitive crystal grid assists you to DREAM BIG! Please LIKE the post so we can spread the love, list your name, friends, family, animals, anyone you know below. And be ready to receive the healing.... Todays grid allows you to STOP and DREAM! Connect to your heart, Connect to your visions. Connect to what you are here to do. The Universe is waiting to give you what you want. Just dream it! Two 10 Point Merkabas allow the Crown and Root Chakras to align and create new outcomes for your purpose. The Millennium Star takes you through life times via sound and frequency so that you may astral to connect with your dreams and bring in to reality. Crystals Used: 1. Carnelian hearts - restore vitality and motivation and stimulates creativity. 2. Jasper points - brings tranquility and wholeness. 3. Smokey quartz - relieves stress and anxiety. 4. Gold aura points - realise your dreams. The Platonic Solid cards, which are building blocks to the Universe are: 1. Tetrahedron - you are supported to assist your spiritual growth. 2. Icosahedron - surrender and have the willingness to allow others to assist in a situation. 3. Octahedron allowing metaphysical principles in to the physical. 4. Octahedron this symbol is linked to the heart chakra and gives you unconditional love. Enjoy the journey of dreaming BIG! Absolute love Jean Sheehan
01.01.2022 THE GIFT OF GRIEF
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