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Million Dollar Baby in Sydney, Australia | Consultation agency

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Million Dollar Baby

Locality: Sydney, Australia

Phone: +61 434 030 955


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21.01.2022 Hey! So I am beginning my life coaching sessions again and Im very excited about it. Hit me up for session times and pricing.

21.01.2022 Thank you Ian Croke Founder & Director of Million Dollar Baby Australia for our last Project Management class of the year! Thank you to Marike Janavicius well for making this one of the best classes EVER! 2018 Advanced Diploma here we come #BossYourFuture #MoreFunInAE #AcademyOfEntrepreneurs #2018HereWeGo Join the #AEmovement:

19.01.2022 I always try and keep an open mind when it comes to opportunities. Sometimes you can't see the value at first...but then it slowly appears and you are grateful you had the patience to give it a chance. #opportunityisknocking #openmind #giveitachance #somethingnew #whereyouleastexpectit #dontpassthemby #opennature #thinkoutofthebox #manywaystoskinacat #businesscoach #networkmarketing #directsales #opportunist #networking #unseenvalue #milliondollarbabyau #lifestylechoice #wealthcreation #startup #businesslife

18.01.2022 No one can replicate YOU or undercut YOU. Brand yourself, market yourself and the product or opportunity you offer can change. The value resides in YOU. #unique #marketyourself #marketyourbrand #personalbrand #networkmarketing #brandprotection #bestproduct #directsales #milliondollarbabyau #believeinyourself #selfpromotion #truevalue #oneofyou #startup #startuptips #wealthcreation #homebasedbusiness #lifestyle

15.01.2022 **LINKEDIN TIPS FOR A POWERFUL NETWORK** I noticed a trend happening on my LinkedIn profile recently once I reached over 3000 people in my network. I started receiving many invitations to connect..and therefore I stopped asking for invitations to connect.... Essentially my network has now become self fulfilling. I think it's because I reached a 'tipping point' where I became desirable to connect with because I LOOKED LIKE a well connected person. I looked like I could be an influencer and therefore became attractive to connect with. Human behavior is interesting.

14.01.2022 It's a Journey. If you can learn to enjoy the ride you will live in the present and won't miss a moment. #itsajourney #leaveyourmark #bepresent #milliondollarbabyau #alwayslearning #stopandsmelltheroses #laughatyourself #personalgrowth #personalbrand #growingeveryday #homebasedbusiness #solopreneur #entrepreneur #entrepreneurlife #homebasedbusiness #laptoplifestyle #changeisgood #freedom #wealthcreation #directsalesaustralia #networkmarketing #lifestyle #workanywhere

14.01.2022 Today's tip. Facebook Messenger 60 seconds direct audio messaging..

13.01.2022 It's Ok to look back, but only to recognise how far you've come. It's a journey so keep moving forward while smiling at the person you've become #personalgrowth #businessjourney #growingeveryday #oldvsnew #smile #moveforward #olddays #betterman #constantlygrowing #learning #milliondollarbabyau #wealthcreation #businesslife #lifestylechoice #networkmarketing #networking #comfortzone #keepgoing

13.01.2022 **FIVE PERSONAL BRAND CATEGORIES TO DEFINE YOU** Hey Guys, I've been working with the members in the Million Dollar Baby VIP Club on their personal brand. It's been a lot of fun so I thought I would throw it in here and get you involved as well... Right! So I believe there are 5 main categories for your personal brand to represent. These are the areas of your life that represent what you feel most passionate about. Here they are;... FAMILY LIFESTYLE & ADVENTURE BUSINESS HOBBIES & SPORTS HEALTH & WELLNESS What I want you to do is choose one category as your primary 'go to' and one category as your secondary category. Think if it as an 80/20 rule kinda thing. If you are stuck, here's a tip; look at what you are usually posting on social media..if it's 101 pics of your kids then it's probably going to be FAMILY. If you can't help taking an Insta pic of your meal every time you go out for dinner then it's probably LIFESTYLE & ADVENTURE. Note; Your brand categories must be in line with your authentic self ie if you choose FAMILY you really need to have kids. If you choose HEALTH & WELLNESS then you need to be in reasonable shape and eat healthy. People will sense if you are projecting a conflicted personal brand and it will be a turn off. Remember we are ultimately trying to build fast rapport with a target market in line with our unique self! Your brand categories should also line up with your WHY (your life purpose). As an example my WHY is 'to help and motivate others in life and business to be the best version of them selves' Therefore my brand is primarily about BUSINESS and secondly about LIFESTYLE. Eeverything I post on social media needs to be in line with that so I have a consistent brand image and presence. Remember people only really have the capacity to associate you with one or two things. The market is cluttered and saturated and if you want to stand out do it with one or two brand categories. The person that tries to be everything is going to get lost in cyberspace and appeal to no one. So here is what I want you ALL to do; comment with your primary personal brand category (80%) and your secondary category (20%) So my answer would look like this; BUSINESS (80%) LIFESTYLE & ADVENTURE (20%) Then we have something to work with ;)

12.01.2022 Hey, I've been working with the members in the VIP club on our social media outreach. Today I thought we'd have a look at exactly who we are trying to connect with if you are in Direct Sales... **YOUR TARGET MARKET*** As we are starting to look at marketing content on Social Media its a good time to look at exactly who we are trying to sell to. Remember we are selling two offers with Direct Sales... 1) Our Product 2) Our Opportunity (joining your team) I've made no secret that I'm kinda big on selling the opportunity (because I think Direct Sales is all about leverage) so lets look at who might be interested in joining your team. Oh and by the way given that the big product lines we sell are cosmetics, weight loss, skincare, jewellery, homewares and supplements I think that we are basically targeting the same person with our products. You might also know that I'm a big believer in the 80/20 rule and I think that 80% of our market is this person: Woman 35-55 years old has kids Christian religion Australian European may or may not have a partner works either part time or fulltime involved in the community doesn't have enough hours in the day enjoys a wine or two has a reasonable lifestyle but is financially 'tight' has a pet owns or rents a home To understand her emotional drivers in a little more depth: she is ferociously protective of her kids she wants the best for her family (and will place them above her self) she has probably gone through a dis-functional relationship that didn't end well she wants a pair of Jimmy Choo's and a Louis Vuitton she is a people person and has great friends she believes her best years are still ahead of her she wants to look good and extend her beauty for as long as possible she wants to take her family on fantastic holidays twice a year she loves the idea of a health spa - but never quite gets there she wants a beautiful SUV (Lexus, Mercedes, BMW) as a status symbol - and part of her identity she is middle class but believes she should be upper class she is more determined than most to 'get ahead' she is a fantastic multi-tasker she has a good diet and is interested in health she has a sound head for business but is open to some help/advice she is open to looking at new opportunities but she is not tolerant of fools she is slightly more positive in her outlook than most I believe this woman is the target market we are trying to reach-out to every time. THIS WOMAN IS YOU! So ask yourself every time you create content whether it would appeal to you if it came into your FB news feed. Note: This is my opinion and is open for discussion. What did I miss? What did I get right. Talk to me goose...

11.01.2022 Means a lot to me guys, thanks so much! Let's move your business forward!!

10.01.2022 Don't wait till you have it all figured out - we never get it ALL figured out and waiting means it will never happen. Just make a START and figure it out along the journey. That's how business begins. #startup #taketheleap #homebasedbusiness #dontwait #networkmarketing #lifestyle #wealthcreation #startuptips #startuplife #entrepreneur #entrepreneurlife #laptoplifestyle #itsajourney #directsales #stepbystep #taketheplunge #justdoit #scaryshit #solopreneur #freedom #leapoffaith #businesscoach #businessjourney #buildanempire

09.01.2022 Thats the secret formula. It's easy to say but can you remain optimistic and dig deep with resilience when it's all going pear shaped? Control your state, control your future. #optimistic #resilience #mindcontrol #fortitude #mindstate #startuptips #keytosuccess #itsallinyourmind #mentallystronger #moodcontrol #remainpositive #pearshaped #chipsaredown #entrepreneur #entrepreneurlife #winningmindset #solopreneur #laptoplifestyle #networkmarketingaustralia #directsalesaustralia #milliondollarbabyau #powerofpositivity #freedom #homebasedbusiness #leaveyourmark

09.01.2022 Hey Guys this is happening in the VIP Club... ***CLOSING VIP CLUB DOORS TO NEW MEMBERS*** This Friday 15th I'm closing the doors to new members. ... I always wanted to create a close-knit community where we supported each other and learned how to become superb on-line marketers. At this stage I think this is best done in a small club like we currently have. In saying that, if you have anyone that you think could add to our club culture then drop their name below and I'll throw them in before the closes.

08.01.2022 It all gets overwhelming at times. Just concentrate on making good decisions daily. Small steps forward add up to a big difference with the benefit of time. #buildanempire #smallsteps #dailyrituals #keepitsimple #keepitpositive #onestepatatime #onestepcloser #youwillmakeit #finallyarrived #businessowner #itsallaboutpassion #startup #keepgoing #navigate #milliondollarbabyau #businesscoach #networkmarketing #realestate #keepingitreal

03.01.2022 Remember that starting YOUR business is all about getting closer to your life purpose and passion. This is what it's all about guys.

03.01.2022 ***THREE BEST PLATFORMS FOR ENGAGEMENT ON SOCIAL MEDIA*** Hey Guys, I think this is kind of a hot topic so I want to give you my take on it. I'll be as short and punchy as possible. Q.)What is our goal as Direct Sellers using Social Media?... A.) To target our market with value based content that creates engagement and builds rapport so that we can cultivate a meaningful relationship that ultimately leads to us converting them into our product/service.(what a mouthful huh!) What platforms do this best? A) Facebook B) Instagram c) LinkedIn THATS IT! DON'T OVER COMPLICATE IT! These are the best platforms for engagement. Remember if you try to be all things to all people then you will be so diluted that you wont have any impact anywhere.While a small percentage of our target market might be interested in Youtube, Snapchat, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, Google+ it is difficult to engage with them in these platforms in a way that builds rapport and creates value in the relationship. Have you guys noticed how much freakin time it takes doing all your social media. Hours are lost on creating content and following up on engagement - where did last night go...actually where did that bottle of wine go? You are better to become an expert in one platform rather than a lightweight douche on every platform. So lets KEEP IT SIMPLE For most of us I would advise spending your time like this: 80% Facebook (& FB Messenger) 20% Instagram Why? FB is king of interaction and no one is really challenging this. Insta is a great place to demonstrate your personal brand which helps build rapport - rapport is the process of creating unconscious trust (clever huh) However if your primary Personal Brand category is Business then I recommend you spending you time like this: 70% Facebook (& FB Messenger) 20% Instagram 10% LinkedIn Why? because your Linkedin profile can give you a strong Brand image and help place you as an influencer...esp if you can create some kick ass business content. Remember what ever platform you are on its all about targeting, cultivating and converting. This only happens through try and get engagement on as many posts as possible - yes even on Insta & LinkedIn. Social media is a place to BE SOCIAL, so be social and don't sell. We are here to creatively market ourselves - yes thats your job now! Thats my RANT. Feel free to comment. I love kicking this stuff around with you guys....I'm always looking for engagement ;)

01.01.2022 To all the Direct Sellers that have joined the page. Do you market; A) your PRODUCT... B) your OPPORTUNITY Why?

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