Mills Oakley Family Law Sydney in Sydney, Australia | Divorce & Family Lawyer
Mills Oakley Family Law Sydney
Locality: Sydney, Australia
Phone: +61 2 8289 5877
Address: Level 7/151 Clarence Street 2000 Sydney, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 With the impact of Covid-19 on the Court system, now more than ever is a time to explore alternative dispute resolution options in an attempt to resolve family law matters. We are continuing to schedule mediations and have the benefit of technology such as video conferencing facilities in our meeting rooms to maintain social distancing practices. Following a recent and successful mediation, our mediator and Retired Judge of the Federal Circuit Court of Australia thanked Oakley for the provision of first class conference facilities with protective cleansing measures and refreshments. #familylaw #mediate #collaborate #staysafeandwell
24.01.2022 Special Counsel, Carly Mirza-Price and Lawyer, Tilly Herbert-Smith were very lucky to hear from Dr Justin Coulson today at the first RSM Australia EMPower event of 2020. The takeaway of the presentation is one we can apply in our relationships with our children, spouse, former spouse, friend, parent or colleague: find the good in me to speak to the best in you. What a thought provoking and inspiring session. Thank you Justin and RSM! ... #familylaw #mindfulness #rsmaustralia #drjustincoulson
23.01.2022 Our Family Law Partner, Susan Warda was interviewed by Liam Mendes, for the Weekend Australian. Read the article attached, and contact us if you want to ensure your Estate is protected from future claims by your former partner or spouse. #familylaw #theweekendaustralian #estateplanning
23.01.2022 Following the release of the Federal Budget last week, the family law sector is set to receive some much needed funding, summarised helpfully by the Family Court’s media release: - $35.7m (over the forward estimates) in additional judges, registrars and support staff for the Federal Circuit Court of Australia (FCC) to assist with the timely resolution of migration and family law cases. It provides funding for some existing FCC judges, family law registrars and support staff,... together with funding for 4 additional FCC judges; 2 additional migration registrars and 5 additional family law registrars; and their support staff. - $2.5m to allow the Courts to continue to hear urgent matters through the specialist national COVID-19 Lists. This measure provides funding to 30 June 2022 for 4 registrars and 2 registrar support staff. - $7.7m for upgrades to improve safety and security at the Launceston and Rockhampton FCC registries. - $4.8m in 2020-21 for the Family Violence and Cross-examination of Parties Scheme. - $1.8m over 4 years from 2020-21 to administer Federal Family Violence Orders (FFVOs) under the National Domestic Violence Order Scheme. #familylaw #familycourtfunding #FederalBudget
23.01.2022 The Family Law Team enjoying their Christmas dinner at the Red Lantern
23.01.2022 Susan Warda and Carly Mirza-Price were delighted to present to our friends at ESCOVIS Clark Jacobs yesterday over a lunch and learn session #familylaw #lunchandlearn
22.01.2022 Amongst the constant discussion of the progress of a Covid-19 vaccination, the decision about vaccinating your child (whatever side of the fence you are on) is a decision about their long term care, welfare and development. If parents share parental responsibility for their child, this type of decision must be made jointly. #familylaw #parentalresponsibility #COVID19
22.01.2022 Wishing all an enjoyable festive season and may 2020 be a happy and healthy year We thank everyone for their support in 2019 Our team will be operational throughout the break (excluding public holidays) to continue to service the needs of our clients during this period.
22.01.2022 Congratulations to our Family Law Partner, Susan Warda, on her appointment to the Australian Association of Collaborative Practitioners. Mills Oakley continue to work with clients to find better outcomes for them and their families without resorting to litigation. #divorcewithoutcourts #collaborate #AACP
22.01.2022 The Team is very excited to announce the promotion of Carly Mirza-Price to Partner effective 1 July 2020. Carly is one of the original members of the Sydney Family Law Team at Mills Oakley and she is delighted to move into the Partnership Role.
22.01.2022 Cryptocurrencies = assets See helpful guide from our Associate, Nicholas Gibbs on dealing with cryptocurrencies in family law property settlements. #familylaw #sydney #cryptocurrencies
22.01.2022 Finishing the year off on a high note. Partner Susan Warda, Special Counsel Carly Mirza-Price and the Team are grateful for the inclusion in the 2020 Doyles Guide listings
21.01.2022 Today marks 6 years for the Mills Oakley Sydney Family Law Team, how time flies. Thank you to all of our clients, contacts and referrers for helping to make it a successful 6 years. We are looking forward to starting the new decade and assisting our clients navigate the family law pathway.
21.01.2022 The Family Court has expanded the National COVID-19 list, which is a Court initiative to prioritise and resolve family law disputes arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. The criteria now includes financial issues, issues arising from a parent being a front line health worker and disputes regarding the vaccination of children. For a matter to be assessed as suitable it must have a sufficient connection to COVID-19 and be considered an urgent or priority matter. After assessing a matter, the Court aims to list urgent matters within 3 business days and priority matters within 7 business days.
21.01.2022 It is not unexpected that during the COVID-19 crisis there has been an increase in domestic violence as our community has been directed to stay at home and follow social distancing directives, meaning that victims and perpetrators have been isolating together within the home. This has resulted from victims being unable to seek help or to report incidents of domestic violence. The concern resulting from the alarming increase has seen the NSW and federal governments commit $21 ...million to domestic violence services, including frontline specialist services, womens refuges, behavioural programs and duress alarm devices. Additionally, the six-month pop-up safety house in the Manly area for temporary and emergency accommodation for women and children will also receive funding from the package. Please see the below details of family and domestic violence support services, as well as a link to The Age article on recent findings: 1800 Respect National 24 Hour Helpline on 1800 737 732 NSW Domestic Violence 24 Hour Line on 1800 656 463 NSW Womens Refuge Referral & Resource Centre on 9698 9777 Staying Home Leaving Violence at Mens Referral Service on 1300 766 491 #domesticviolencehelp #familylaw
21.01.2022 We understand that many are concerned about their estate planning during these times of uncertainty - and we are here to help! Reach out if you would require assistance with your asset protection needs. #estateplanning #assetprotection #heretohelp
21.01.2022 A big congratulations to our Partner, Susan Warda on being named as a Recognised Lawyer in the family law category of Best Lawyers in Australia. An outstanding, and well deserved, achievement!
21.01.2022 The Family Court and Federal Circuit Court are set to announce a specialised Covid-19 list. Any urgent matters aggravated by issues arising from the pandemic are said to be heard by a judge within 72 hours. See link below. Our team certainly has seen a number of inquiries from both new and existing clients with issues faced as families try to navigate this global health crisis. #familycourt #familylawdisputes #covid19...
21.01.2022 The Chief Judge of the Federal Circuit Court has announced a new measure for the just, efficient and timely resolution of financial cases where the net pool of property is less than $500,000, with the program being introduced in the Parramatta, Brisbane, Adelaide and Melbourne registries. Please follow the Courts link for further information. #federalcircuitcourt #familylaw #practiceupdate...
20.01.2022 See attached recent and helpful article by our Associate, Christopher Palumbo, on inheritances received post-separation, and how such inheritances are treated in a property settlement. #familylaw #postseparationinheritances
20.01.2022 This weekend, Australia will become a more dangerous place for women. If you need help, please get in touch: #familylaw #heretohelp
19.01.2022 25 October 2020 marked the 40th Anniversary of the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. The Convention is an international treaty under which arrangements are made for the return of children who have been wrongfully removed from or retained outside their country of habitual residence. An Application under the Convention for the return of a child can only be made to or from a country that has signed the Convention, and which Australia has r...ecognised. The Australian Government Attorney-General's Department is the Central Authority for Australia. Our team provides specialist advice that can assist in any questions you have regarding keeping your children safe, or having your children returned to your care. #familylaw #internationalfamilylaw #HagueConvention
19.01.2022 What a fantastic morning we had at the 2021 NSW Young Lawyers Golden Gavel and well done to Nick for the creative and entertaining skit. Nick had less than 24 hours to prepare for his topic, How to do social distancing like a pro (just be a lawyer) and all of his efforts certainly paid off. Congratulations once again Nick!
19.01.2022 Our Team was privileged to hear from Lauren Cusack of ESV Accountants yesterday, who presented via Microsoft Teams on Business Valuations for Specific Industries. Some helpful reminders and excellent tips for instructing valuers, considering valuation reports and also knowing your clients (or opposing clients) business. #continuinglegaleducation #virtualcle #familylaw #businessvaluations
18.01.2022 As we move into the new ‘normal’, the Family Court and the Federal Circuit Court have released an update as to the: - recommencement of face to face listings in some circumstances; - social distancing measures in place at Court; and - the continuation of electronic listings for divorce hearings, procedural listings and where possible for other listings. ... See the formal Update attached: #familycourt #familylaw #covid19recovery
18.01.2022 Grandparents are entitled to commence and join parenting proceedings concerning their grandchildren, and may seek Orders for parental responsibility and to have the child live or spend time with them. This often occurs in cases involving parents who are unable to care for a child or refuse to allow the child to spend time with the grandparents. Grandparents can also have an entitlement to child support. A grandparent who is responsible for at least 35% of the care of a child ...may apply for a child support assessment, which must come from both parents. A link to the Mills Oakley Family Law Team Plain English Guide to Parenting Issues is below, which answers the most common questions about parenting issues:
17.01.2022 On Friday, Mills Oakley hosted an Arbitration at our office, with the Arbitrator overseeing the matter remotely. An Arbitration involves the parties presenting their case in a manner very similar to a Court hearing to an Arbitrator, who makes an award - a legally binding decision. This allowed the matter to be contested and heard in circumstances where the parties would otherwise be awaiting the allocation of trial dates in late 2021, at the earliest. Mills Oakley’s facilitie...s allowed the Arbitration to be conducted efficiently through Microsoft Teams, with a separate conference room reserved for each of the parties and a digital video and audio recording available at its conclusion. Our team is committed to embracing all forms of dispute resolution to bring our client’s matters to a conclusion sooner rather than later. Our spacious and several conference rooms enables us to offer this facility without the parties having to fund independent conferencing rooms. #familylaw #Arbitration #alternatedisputeresolution
17.01.2022 Our team had its first experience with a final hearing via Microsoft Teams last week and we are pleased to report all proceeded well. Counsel briefed for our client was able to sit in our office, in one of our large meeting rooms, sitting over 1.5 metres away from the instructing solicitor in our team whilst the hearing progressed via the video conference. Our client was fortunate that despite this climate, the long awaited trial dates were not lost and our large meeting spaces allowed us to facilitate the hearing going ahead safely for all involved. We expect there will be more take up by the Court on the use of trial by Microsoft Teams, with another trial today confirmed to proceed in this format in the coming months. #innovation #familylaw #makingitwork #covid19
16.01.2022 Sending out bubbles to thank our referrers for entrusting us with their clients and contacts
15.01.2022 This week our Mills Oakley Family Law team celebrated our Special Counsel, Michael Paul, on his 60 years of practicing law! What an incredible achievement! Congratulations Michael! #FamilyLaw #MillsOakley #Sydney
14.01.2022 Most grateful for our clients and contacts showing their appreciation this festive season
14.01.2022 In many cases, Family Law matters are finalised without the need to apply to Court. One of the processes that parties may opt to use is ‘Collaborative Law’, in which they and their lawyers enter into a formal agreement to make a genuine effort negotiate a resolution. If no agreement is reached through the Collaborative process, then the lawyers who acted in the negotiations are unable to continue to act for the parties if litigation is contemplated. The team at Mills Oakley have Collaboratively trained lawyers who can assist you in this space. For more information about the Collaborative process and the benefits, here is a link to the ‘Collaborative Conversation’ Podcast our Sydney Practice Leader, Susan Warda, recently featured in:
12.01.2022 In addition to facilitating the resolution of your family law matter, our team can also assist with estate planning and asset protection, such as updating your Will, Powers of Attorney and Appointments of Enduring Guardian. See helpful article from the Sydney Morning Herald regarding testamentary trusts, and otherwise reach out to our Team for further information on how we can assist to plan for your future.
11.01.2022 The pandemic easing and talk of borders reopening will come as a huge relief to many families implementing their parenting arrangements interstate. Whilst we have the specialist Covid-19 list that deals with disputes quickly and State Governments allowing permits for border crossing in some circumstances, co-parenting across borders has been nothing short of challenging during the public health crisis. #covid19 #familylaw #borderclosures (Photo credit ABC)
11.01.2022 The Sydney Registry of the Family Court & Federal Circuit Court will be closed today for sanitisation. For further information please see the Courts press release - #familycourt #precaution #sydney
11.01.2022 2020 has been a year like no other and the silly season is nearly upon us already. A reminder that any application to the Family Court for parenting orders specifically as to time arrangements during the Christmas school holiday period is to be filed by 4.00pm on Friday, 13 November 2020 (unless in circumstances of risk or emergency). #familylaw #coparenting #christmasiscoming
11.01.2022 Leading Family Law Specialists promoting Collaborative Family Law (back when board meetings could occur in person!) Our Team Leader, Susan Warda, pictured is one of three trained collaborative family lawyers in our team. Collaborative family law is an alternative to court and is a process by which parties can resolve their family law matter and prioritise their interests, needs and concerns. ... See our Plain English Guide on Collaborative law, or get in touch, for more information. #collaborativefamilylaw #alternativetocourt
11.01.2022 Susan Warda sits on the Australian Board of Collaborative Professionals. They had another successful meeting held in Brisbane on Friday. At Mills Oakley the Family Law Team remains committed to assisting seperated couples resolve their property and parenting matters collaboratively. Follow the link for our Plain English Guide on Collaborative Family Law: #familylaw #collaborativefamilylaw #alternativedisputeresolution
11.01.2022 The Family Court and the Federal Circuit Court have introduced the National Arbitration List, to facilitate the promotion of arbitration for family law property matters. Arbitration is an alternative dispute resolution process where parties present their case to an Arbitrator, as they would to a Judge, and the Arbitrator makes a binding decision (award). Similar to a trial in Court, the hearing is recorded and the parties are cross-examined. What are the advantages of arbitra...tion? Parties can volunteer to participate in an arbitration at a date and location suitable to them meaning they can overcome Court delays and reduce their legal costs. Any matter that proceeds to arbitration will be placed into the new National Arbitration List, which will only deal with arbitrated matters. See the Courts publication here: #familylaw #arbitration #alternativedisputeresolution
10.01.2022 A big congratulations to our very own Nick Burton who has been selected to compete in the 2021 Golden Gavel the NSW Law Society’s Young Lawyer’s comedy moot competition. Nick will compete over breakfast on 21 May 2021, bringing a bit laughter into what can sometimes be an intense profession. We wish Nick all the best and look forward to supporting him on the day.
10.01.2022 It’s a great feeling for Family Lawyers when we achieve a positive result for a client, and an even better feeling when we receive some lovely feedback here’s what our clients are saying about us: Hi Bianca, Susan, I cannot thank you enough for your assistance. Thanks for prioritising me, went over and beyond, understanding our dynamics, behaviours, and getting the upper hand. (anonymous client 1)... Hi Susan, I think everything is ok at the moment, again I would like to thank you for all you have done for me you have been awesome. (anonymous client 2) Thank you to all our wonderful clients, we appreciate your kind words, and great work team!
10.01.2022 Our Mills Oakley Sydney Family Law Partner, Susan Warda and Special Counsels, Michael Paul, Tracey Middleton and Carly Mirza Price with Senior Associate, Marc Dowdle were delighted to be invited to deliver a presentation on the fundamentals of family law to the Commonwealth Bank Private Banking Team. The presentation was followed by a Q&A session with our panel of family law team members. #MillsOakley #FamilyLaw #CBA #PrivateBanking #Presentation
10.01.2022 Dr McIntosh has published an article on infant needs in post-separation parenting, which provides a helpful summary of the recent studies on this topic. Dr McIntosh and her co-author Dr Booth identify three threats to an infant’s care following separation conflict or violence, lowered quality in parenting and unsettled schedules. They conclude that parents should be cautious with young children and carefully consider whether a child is developmentally ready for a parenting ...arrangement. Links to the Mills Oakley Family Law Team Plain English Guide to Parenting Issues and the complete article are below:
10.01.2022 The team were lucky enough last night to join a screening of ‘Tommy’ hosted by producer Darren Mort and Collaborative Professionals (NSW) Inc, a short film based on the book Tommy & Tiger Terry. A raw representation of the impact on children caught in parenting disputes and who don’t have a voice. This should be mandatory viewing for all that work in the family law space, and parents and significants others involved in a parenting dispute. ... #tommy #tobeloved #familylaw #CollaborativeFamilyLaw
10.01.2022 With the office-wide annual Trivia Night unable to go ahead due to Covid restrictions, last night Mills Oakley held its inaugural national trivia night via zoom across our five offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Canberra. What a fun night with many laughs and raising a significant amount for the five chosen charities. And to top it off the Family Law Sydney Team took out first place! ... #familylawteam #trivia #officefun
09.01.2022 Girls night out at Montrachet, Brisbane Susan Warda, Tracey Middleton, Carly Mirza-Price and Bianca Rashed were delighted to meet the new Mills Oakley Brisbane Family Law Partners Alexandra Moles and Rachael Murray
08.01.2022 What the Americans refer to as alimony is known as Spousal Maintenance in Australia- this is not child support or child maintenance. Our team looks after many clients who need spousal maintenance or need to be protected from future future spousal maintenance claims. #familylaw #spousemaintenance #alimony
07.01.2022 To separated parents navigating life during the Covid-19 crisis, please review the press release from Chief Justice Alstergren of the Family Court which assists to provide some clarity and guidance in these uncertain times. Again, our team remains open and operating. For any queries please email us or phone (02) 8289 5804. #familylaw #coparenting #covid19 ...
06.01.2022 On Tuesday our lawyers were fortunate to hear from Chris Ardagna and David Staples from Pitcher Partners on tax issues in property settlements. Hearing new tips and tricks, and tax updates, are helpful tools when assisting our clients to navigate their property settlement. #familylawandtax #continuinglegaleducation
06.01.2022 Great write up by Lawyers Weekly on our newly appointed Brisbane Family Law Partners. Rachel and Alexandra will be heading up the new Mills Oakley Brisbane Family Law Team. With Mills Oakley having existing family law practices in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth, we are excited with the Northward expansion. ...
04.01.2022 Family lawyers are experiencing an unprecedented increase in demand for their services in recent weeks. The spike is believed to be an immediate result of the easing of pandemic restrictions, where families and couples are emerging from lockdown and seeking advice about separation and parenting arrangements. Unfortunately, this has fuelled concerns that the pandemic could place further burden and delay on the Family Court and the Federal Circuit Court. With the surge in urge...nt applications to the family courts on top of already lengthy delays, alternative dispute resolution processes are more important than ever. Our team can provide you with advice on your alternatives to Court, such as mediation and collaborative family law, and can guide you through your separation and parenting queries. See also our Plain English Guide on Collaborative Law - #familylaw #covid19 #alternativedisputeresolution #mediation #CollaborativeFamilyLaw
03.01.2022 Extract from the ABC on how the expanded Government funding announced yesterday can assist those impacted by domestic violence: Counselling services for families caught up in, or at risk of, family violence such as 1800 Respect and Mensline Australia will share $150 million. In announcing the extra cash, the Government said search engines such as Google were "seeing the highest magnitude of searches for domestic violence help that they have seen in the past five years ...with an increase of 75 per cent and some services are already reporting an increase in demand". A new national campaign to promote services available to Australians affected by family violence during the COVID-19 outbreak will also be funded. #familylaw #familyviolencefunding #covid19
03.01.2022 The NSW Government at midnight on Monday enacted the public health order announced by PM Scott Morrison on Sunday. Essentially, you are not to leave home unless it is specifically to go to work, school, exercise, obtain medical treatment and a list of other limited reasons. Importantly this list includes parents, children and siblings not of the same household so as to provide some clarity in the uncertainty: that changeovers in accordance with informal arrangements or Cour...t Orders can be maintained. #coparenting #familylaw #stage3restrictions
03.01.2022 We are delighted to welcome our new Family Law Team in Brisbane, an exciting compliment to Mills Oakleys family law teams in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth.
03.01.2022 The Mills Oakley Family Law Sydney Team is finishing 2020 on a high note with our recent Doyle’s Guide 2021 list rankings. The Team has again featured in the listing for Leading Family & Divorce Law Firms Sydney. We are so grateful for the enormous efforts and contribution of each of our team members to achieve this recognition. Our Team’s leader, Partner Susan Warda, continues to be recognised in the categories of Leading Family & Divorce Lawyers Sydney and Leading Fam...ily Lawyers (High-Value & Complex Property Matters) New South Wales. A wonderful and well deserving feat. And Partner, Carly Mirza-Price has moved from prior years’ Rising Star recognition to being listed in the Leading Parenting & Children’s Matters Lawyers New South Wales category. Congratulations to the team!
03.01.2022 Are you obligated to pay maintenance to your former spouse following separation? Or are you entitled to claim maintenance? Please see our Plain English Guide on Spouse Maintenance which clearly explains your obligations and entitlements in relation to spouse maintenance, and contact our specialist team of family lawyers for further assistance. ...
02.01.2022 Earlier this month, the Federal Government announced that $416 million in funding will be invested into addressing issues of family violence and to bolster the Family Law system. This funding will be provided over the next four years and is a marked commitment by the Government to assist practitioners and professionals in the Family Law space, as well as parties to family law proceedings and/or victims of family violence. More information about the funding can be found here:
02.01.2022 As we move into the new normal, the Family Court and the Federal Circuit Court have released an update as to the: - recommencement of face to face listings in some circumstances; - social distancing measures in place at Court; and - the continuation of electronic listings for divorce hearings, procedural listings and where possible for other listings. ... See the formal Update attached: #familycourt #familylaw #covid19recovery
02.01.2022 Business as usual During these uncertain and unprecedented times, the Mills Oakley Sydney Family Law Team remains committed to servicing our clients needs. The Court lists have been severely impacted, and the firm has implemented flexible work from home practices and reduced face to face meetings in the interests of our staff, clients and the greater community. ... Our doors however remain open and we are available to each of our clients throughout this global crisis either in the office or court where required, or remotely via video and phone conferencing and email. We hope all stay safe and well in the meantime. For further information on the temporary changes to the Court lists, follow this link: #familylaw #covid19 #sydney #businessasusual
02.01.2022 The latest celebrity divorce has it all - a hefty claim for spouse maintenance, a pre-nup allegedly signed under duress, consideration of the significant role of homemaker/parent after a long marriage of 26 years, amongst other claims. #familylaw #prenup #divorce...
02.01.2022 It takes a village to raise a family - see recent article by our Associate, Bianca Rashed on the involvement of Grandparents in family law parenting cases. #grandparents #familylaw #sydney #parentingafterseparation
01.01.2022 Congratulations to our Sydney Family Law Practice Leader, Susan Warda, for being recognised in the ‘Best Lawyers in Australia Guide for 2022’. For more than 30 years, Best Lawyers has published the world’s premier guide for the legal profession and recognised top legal talent in more than 70 countries worldwide. Well done Susan!
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