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Millthorpe Meditation Centre

Phone: +61 403 823 636


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25.01.2022 The spirit of a time is an incredibly subtle, yet hugely powerful force. And it is comprised of the mentality and spirit of all individuals together. Therefore,... the way you look at things is not simply a private matter. Your outlook actually and concretely affects what goes on. When you give in to helplessness, you collude with despair and add to it. When you take back your power and choose to see the possibilities for healing and transformation, your creativity awakens and flows to become an active force of renewal and encouragement in the world. In this way, even in your own hidden life, you can become a powerful agent of transformation in a broken, darkened world. There is a huge force field that opens when intention focuses and directs itself toward transformation. JOHN O'DONOHUE Excerpt from his books, Benedictus (Europe) / To Bless the Space Between Us (US) Ordering Info: Lough Inagh, Co. Galway / Ireland Photo: Ann Cahill

25.01.2022 Keep the date and if you like PM me your booking. As you can see places are limited, so booking is essential. Hopefully see you there.

25.01.2022 As I walked up to the meditation studio to do some personal work I paused ...

25.01.2022 Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions. Every day, think as you wake up, today I am fortunate to be alive, I have a precious life, I am not going to waste it. The Dalai Lama The root of joy is gratefulness It is not joy that makes us grateful; it is gratitude that makes us joyful. Everything is a gift. Any place is sacred ground, for it can become a place of encounter with the divine Presence. Brother David Steindl-Rast.

24.01.2022 I have been working consciously with the breath in my own life and in coaching others in Breath Awareness since the 1980’s. I know this to be true.

23.01.2022 Sally Kempton is both a great practitioner and great teacher of yoga. Her books and articles are gems

23.01.2022 AVOIDING THE TEN FAULTS Master Padma said: When practicing the Dharma, you must make sure not to fall into the ten faults. The lady asked: What are these ten fa...ults? The master said: Although you may practice meditation, if it does not become a remedy against your disturbing emotions and thoughts, you have the fault of the oral instructions not being made effective. Although you may have recognized your mind, if it does not liberate your consciousness free from partiality, you have the fault of not having met with the special instruction. Although you may have strong devotion, if you do not receive the blessings, you have the fault of not having connected with an accomplished master. Although you may exert yourself with great effort, if your practice does not progress, you have the fault of your mind not being fully purified. If you feel tired when engaging in spiritual practice, you have the fault of not having recognized the natural state of awareness. Although you practice, if your mind is still scattered, you have the fault of not having gained confidence in meditation. If experience does not arise directly in your state of mind, you have the fault of having only strayed into Samatha. If the strength of awareness does not arise in your being, you have the fault of not knowing how to take appearances as aids to the path. If you find it difficult to cut through your attachment to disturbing emotions, you have the fault of not knowing how to take the five poisons as the path. If you cannot cope with suffering and difficulties, you have the fault of not knowing how to turn your mind away from samsãra. In any case, when you claim to practice the Dharma while being full of faults within is there any chance to ever have good circumstances? ~ Dakini Teachings:

22.01.2022 Good to see more of this sensible information . . . #healingjourney #togetherwecan #support #walktogether #understanding #trauma #understandingneeds #connection #love #empathymatters

21.01.2022 Breath Awareness is what we do here at the Millthorpe Meditation Centre

21.01.2022 Mindfulness - The Chinese character is composed of two parts, the top meaning "now; this" and bottom signifying "heart; mind." "Mindfulness is the quality... and power of mind that is aware of what's happening without judgment and without interference. It is like a mirror that simply reflects whatever comes before it. It serves us in the humblest ways, keeping us connected to brushing our teeth or having a cup of tea. It keeps us connected to the people around us, so that we're not simply rushing by them in the busyness of our lives. We can start the practice of mindfulness meditation with the simple observation and feeling of each breath. Breathing in, we know we're breathing in; breathing out, we know we're breathing out. It's very simple, although not easy. After just a few breaths, we hop on trains of association, getting lost in plans, memories, judgments and fantasies. This habit of wandering mind is very strong, even though our reveries are often not pleasant and sometimes not even true. As Mark Twain so aptly put it, "Some of the worst things in my life never happened." So we need to train our minds, coming back again and again to the breath, simply beginning again. Slowly, though, our minds steady and we begin to experience some space of inner calm and peace. This environment of inner stillness makes possible a deeper investigation of our thoughts and emotions. What is a thought that strange, ephemeral phenomenon that can so dominate our lives? When we look directly at a thought, we see that it is little more than nothing. Yet when it is unnoticed, it wields tremendous power. Notice the difference between being lost in a thought and being mindful that we're thinking. Becoming aware of the thought is like waking up from a dream or coming out of a movie theater after being absorbed in the story. Through mindfulness, we gradually awaken from the movies of our minds." ~ Joseph Goldstein ~

20.01.2022 Meditation and Breathwork are a way of investigating what is happening for you and who you are

19.01.2022 Someone could be very fortunate, there is 1 place that has just become available now. Is this for you? 1 week to reset and renew - Spring is the perfect time. PM if you are interested

18.01.2022 Spring blossoms ready to welcome participants this Saturday for an 8 day Breath Awareness retreat with Ann Harrison, Co director and trainer at #millthorpemeditationcentre#orange360#visitblayneyshire#millthorpevillage#millthorpe#meditation#yoga#breathworktraining


14.01.2022 Meditation and personal growth programmes made especially for you

14.01.2022 Have just finished day 1 of an 8 day retreat I am running and I came across this photo taken nearly 30 years ago by his father. This little one was only a coupl...e of months old. I had been present at his birth. There is so much in this photo. I always have it in my work room to remind me of the wonder of life. See more

14.01.2022 Humans have a sixth sense that can detect Earth's magnetic field.

13.01.2022 CONFRONTING THE INNER DIALOGUE Ironically enough, when we begin practicing seriously, the mind often seems to become more troublesome. Some people get scared by... this. I know people who actually stopped meditating because they found it so uncomfortable to confront that inner dialogue. I don’t care what anyone says, one man told me. My mind never used to be this bad. Meditation just makes me more restless. In fact, I feel better when I don’t meditate. His mind wasn’t getting more restless, of course. It’s just that when he sat down to meditate, he noticed how restless it really was. Normally, we aren’t aware of the intensity of our inner dialogue. Our attention is focused on what is going on around us, so unless we are unusually introverted or introspective, the wild and crazy scenarios running through the mind generally escape our notice. But when we sit for meditationah, then we see them. Besides becoming more conscious of our normal state of distraction, we may also experience something that we could call samskaric burn off. Samskaras are mental and emotional tendencies, residues of our habitual thoughts and feelings, the ones we replay so often that they have made tracks in the field of our consciousness. As meditation releases energy into that inner field, those buried samskaras rise up and are burned away by the energy of our Awareness, the kundalini. At one point early in my career as a meditator, I noticed that my morning meditations had become fogged with irritation. I was living in an ashram then, with several hundred other people, and in that atmosphere had no way to hide from my mood. Finally, I put a question to my guru: I asked, What should you do if meditation makes you irritable? It’s not that meditation makes you irritable, he told me. You have irritability inside you, and meditation is helping you see it so you can let it go. Find out more in 'Meditation for the Love of It' ( #meditationfortheloveofit #meditation #meditationteachers #sallykempton #tantra #yoga #soundstrue #tantricyoga #sallykemptonquotes #meditationtime #meditationspace #meditationpractice

13.01.2022 Spiritual practice is not just sitting and meditating. Practice is looking, thinking, touching, drinking, eating, and talking. Every act, every breath, and every step can be practice and can help us to become more ourselves. - Thich Nhat Hanh #Mindfulness #Spiritual

12.01.2022 EN EL ALIENTO. A veces, todo lo que puede hacer es respirar. Y respirar de nuevo. Deja que el aliento te lleve... porque no puedes llevarte a ti mismo. No puedes encontrar la confianza, así que simplemente respiras. La esperanza parece muy lejana, así que solo respira. Y ninguna de tus distracciones habituales funciona. Así que solo respira. Te entregas a la vida. Encuentras consuelo en no saber. Sigues, porque la respiración misma sigue funcionando, y no sabes cómo. Deja de intentarlo. O te conviertes en la respiración misma. Te conviertes en aire, la esencia de las cosas. Te conviertes en la inmensidad del espacio, nubes de la tarde ligeras como plumas que se mueven a través de un azul infinito, pájaros nocturnos juguetones en su camino hacia destinos desconocidos, planetas que giran melancólicamente en la noche eterna. Llorando, riendo, sin saber nada más. Te conviertes en todos los que alguna vez han sufrido. Te conviertes en todos los que alguna vez murieron o cayeron en la ruina. Tocas ese antiguo Silencio, nacido miles de millones de años antes de la Tierra, sólido como una roca en medio de estos cambios. A veces, todo lo que puedes hacer es respirar... Y respirar de nuevo. - Jeff Foster-

11.01.2022 In our day to day lives, we often show courage without realizing it. However, it is only when we are afraid that courage becomes a question. Courage is amazing ...because it can tap in to the heart of fear, taking that frightened energy and turning it towards initiative, creativity, action and hope. When courage comes alive, imprisoning walls become frontiers of new possibility, difficulty becomes invitation and the heart comes into a new rhythm of trust and sureness. There are secret sources of courage inside every human heart; yet courage needs to be awakened in us. Courage is the spark that can become the flame of hope, lighting new and exciting pathways in what seemed to be dead, dark landscapes. JOHN O'DONOHUE Excerpt from his books, Beauty: The Invisible Embrace (US) / Divine Beauty (Europe) Ordering Info: Coole Park, Co Galway / Ireland - 2020 Photo: Ann Cahill

11.01.2022 Just finished running an 8 day Breath Awareness training. Not only do I feel rejuvenated but it could be that I look that way too #millthorpemeditationcentre#orange360#visitblayneyshire#millthorpevillage#millthorpe#meditation#yoga#breathwork#breathworktraining# breathawareness #mindfulness

09.01.2022 #Wellness #ThichNhatHanhGems

08.01.2022 A great meditation master is leaving this plane. ‘Students of the dear Buddhist monk, Thich Nhat Hanh, are letting people know he is transitioning soon. He has... stopped eating and will be 94 years old in a few days. His profound teachings have been like beautiful blossoms that have enriched our lives with joy and divine fragrance. May we continue to practice and absorb his uplifting words into our lives.’ See more

07.01.2022 You have traveled too fast over false ground; Now your soul has come, to take you back. Take refuge in your senses, open up To all the small miracles you rushed... through. Become inclined to watch the way of rain When it falls slow and free. Imitate the habit of twilight, Taking time to open the well of color That fostered the brightness of day. Draw alongside the silence of stone Until its calmness can claim you. Be excessively gentle with yourself. JOHN O'DONOHUE Excerpt from the blessing, 'For One Who is Exhausted,' from John's books: Benedictus (Europe) / To Bless the Space Between Us (US) Ordering Info: Ballyvaughan, Co Clare / Ireland - 2020 Photo: Ann Cahill

05.01.2022 It was a delight to facilitate Sue and the other participants in the recent retreat. Another one coming up March 2021 or ring Ann for further information

04.01.2022 In today's meditation, we discover that the path of the feminine is a path of profound power that we all have access to. Access 21 days of free, guided meditation with me and Alicia Keys: #21daymeditation via Chopra

04.01.2022 Two of us - Millthorpe Meditation Centre and Millthorpe Garden Nursery have jointly created a website that combines love of plants with quiet meditative contemplation. You will find plant tips and free meditations there

04.01.2022 "A serious practitioner of yoga does not reject their world, but instead transforms daily experience through their practice." Find out more in 'Meditation for t...he Love of It' ( #meditationfortheloveofit #meditation #meditationteachers #sallykempton #tantra #yoga #soundstrue #tantricyoga #sallykemptonquotes #dailymeditation See more

04.01.2022 CHANTING AND MEDITATION this Sunday 6 June 11-12.30pm. It is a free programme. Last call for participants so that I can make sure that the seats are up and out and room ready for when you arrive. So bookings are essential PM me or book through the Millthorpe Meditation Centre Website. Look forward to seeing you there

02.01.2022 Did you know Hugh Jackman is a long-term, serious meditator? Love this quote of his - had meant to read it during last night's Zoom meditation session... Ahhh, ...the miracle of mindfulness - or is that mindlessness. Anyway, here it is.. Meditation is all about the pursuit of nothingness. It is like the ultimate rest. It is better than the best sleep you have ever had. It is a quieting of the mind. It sharpens everything, Especially your appreciation of your surroundings. It keeps life fresh. Hugh Jackman See more

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