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Mind & Muscle Personal Training

Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 401 887 837


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24.01.2022 Skin the Cat Why is it called this?? No Idea! ... But that’s irrelevant. This is a great foundation gymnastics/calisthenics movement that provides conditioning and mobility for the upper body. Especially the shoulders as they work to full ROM (range of motion) Improving this conditioning in the upper body will carry over to other essential strength exercises such as push-ups, dips, pull-ups, chin-ups, front lever & back lever. I put these in my warmup (2 x 3-5) but if you’re a beginner you can chuck them in your workout

23.01.2022 Community Surround yourself with likeminded people. Moral support can be the backbone to staying on track

22.01.2022 Had the pleasure of running last Saturday’s Bootcamp as part of the 12 Week Challenge at Goodlife, Nundah I miss the outdoor sessions! I’ll be back for another one later in the challenge for sure! Then just maybe, I’ll get back into running my own Bootcamps once this challenge is complete DM if just maybe your interested

22.01.2022 Bootcamp 14 Well done everyone! Great People!... Great Vibe! Andddd.... Cute Dogs

22.01.2022 Bootcamp Tomorrow! As long as the rain holds off 12 confirmed New comers welcome and train for FREE!!... Boyd Park, Nundah......6:30am start

21.01.2022 Client Shoutout Progress comes in many forms. Today’s shoutout is based on strength increases over a 6 week period. These are just some of Nicole’s main lifts:... Squat: 8kg x 12 >>> 55kg x 10 DB Split Squat: BW x 8 >>> 10kg x 12 BB Hip Thrust: 15kg x 12 >>> 60kg x 10 DB Bench Press: 6kg’s x 12 >>> 12kg’s x 12 As you can see her strength has come a long way in just 6 weeks. Progressive overload is key but also knowing when and how much to increase the weight in combination with when and how far you should push yourself with each movement. There are also many other factors that contribute to effective strength increases including, correct exercise technique, diet, muscle activation, range of motion & time under tension, just to name a few If you don’t understand what all of these mean then your probably not maximizing your progress on a weekly/monthly/yearly basis If you want to stop waisting your time in the gym and actually learn how to effectively increase your progress then DM me and we’ll get things started See more

20.01.2022 Client Shoutout Daniel Nel Daniel came to me 2 years ago now and one of his initial goals was to be able to perform multiple chin-ups. He could get 1 but it wasn’t the prettiest and he pretty much had to use every once of energy to get it 2018 - 10 chin-ups ... 2019 - 3x 10kg+ BW chin-ups I might add that Daniel is 50years old or 2x25years as he would say haha Living proof that anything is achievable with patience and consistency no matter how old you are! This is one of many of his achievements in the last 2 years (see below) Squat - 100kg x 1 Deadlift - 130kg x 1 Bench Press - 90kg x 1 Wide-grip pull-up - BW x 6 Military Press - 60kg x 1 Leg Press - 300kg x 4 Plank - 3min 15sec Along with weight loss, increased muscle mass and the ability to perform advanced calisthenics movements Well done mate!

19.01.2022 Double Bosu Push-up Whenever balance is thrown into the equation your muscles are forced to work harder to stabilize. This creates slower, more concentrated movements which allow you to maximize the recruitment of muscles fibers in the target muscles. For this exercise the chest, triceps and core where all on fire If your current push-up technique has any of the floors listed below then please don’t even try to attempt this ... Shoulder dominant (can’t feel chest) Flared Elbows Half range of motion Dropped Hips (weak core and no control over anterior pelvic tilt) See more

19.01.2022 Decline Russian Push-ups x 10 One of my favorite Tricep Push-up variations Beginners:... Start on flat ground or an incline so the difficulty isn’t too hard so you can focus on the movement pattern first. Movement Pattern: 1. Begin with a tricep Push-up bringing your middle chest between your thumbs. 2. Push your hips back whilst simultaneously dropping down onto your elbows. This step troubles most people at the beginning (Be patient and get your head around it) 3. Bring Hips forward again, with your middle chest between your thumbs then drive up through your triceps to the starting position. Also, like always keep your core engaged so you don’t hyperextend the lower back Good luck!

18.01.2022 Crane pose Just redefined my impossible! Pic 1 - Crane Pose (Today)... Pic 2 - Frog Pose (6 months ago) 6 months ago having the strength and mobility to get into this position seemed impossible! Especially being 6’3 at 92-94kg These kind of movements take a lottttttttttt of patience and consistency. It’s very easy to give up as progress is minimal week to week but if you stick it out the reward and satisfaction is worth it! Below are the progressions I took before getting to this stage... 1. Frog Stand > Bent elbows, inner thighs sit on the outside of elbows 2. Crow Pose > Bent elbows, knees sit on the back of elbows 3. Crane Pose > Straight arms, knees sit on the back of arms What’s next...... 4. Tuck Planche These are just the progression movements! There are a lot of other strength and mobility exercises I do every day which contribute massively to going from one progression to the next! I am currently coaching my calisthenics movements so drop me a DM if interested @ Goodlife Health Clubs Nundah See more

18.01.2022 Bootcamp 16 & 17 On again tomorrow at Boyd Park, Nundah. 6:30am start New comers welcome and train for FREE!! DM to lock in your free trial session

17.01.2022 My client Sam rocking yellow on yellow with some Deficit Pile Squats. If I try and verbally motivate him to push out more reps he just laughs ........but still gets the reps Smashing out 3 sessions a week before his Euro trip and seeing some great results!

16.01.2022 Bootcamp 15 Well done everyone for always putting in I special mention to Andreas (AKA Spanish) for winning the Plank Comp which included Plank Up/Downs & Push-ups with a total time of 6min 15sec

13.01.2022 Stretching Vs Posture This is a great stretch for the anterior deltoids (front of shoulder), biceps and forearms. Both pictures are the same stretch but if your trying to improve your posture then I suggest keeping it intact when performing this stretch. Top - Stretching shoulders but comprising posture ... Bottom - Same stretch with good posture, tight core and retracted scapula Even though my arms aren’t as elevated as the top picture I’m still getting the exact same intensity stretch in the arms and shoulders. Improving you posture takes time and needs to be taken into consideration with everything that you do, whether your exercising, stretching or sitting on the lounge watching Netflix

12.01.2022 Crane pose perfected You might look at this and think there’s no way I could do that. I said the same thing to myself 7months ago when I was working on my frog pose (first progression towards the crane pose) and initially struggled with even balancing on my hands full stop. Without consistency, persistence and patience this wouldn’t have been possible!... It’s also a matter of understanding the body and what muscles are required to be strengthened as well as which joints and muscles need to be more flexible and mobile. Simply just doing the movement won’t be enough unfortunately! If your want to make the impossible possible, whether it’s getting into a crane pose, getting your first chin-up/push-up or getting upside-down into a handstand then let’s get started today! @ Goodlife Health Clubs Nundah See more

12.01.2022 Sam @samharrisyourwelcome Lost 1.5kg of body fat (1.9%) and gained 500g of muscle in the last 6 weeks alone leading up to his holiday Training is on point! His diet is a lot better but still far from perfect. Looking forward to tightening those screws when he gets back to see bigger better results Wishing him and his partner Allan @rowie_al (also hard working client, not displayed in picture lol) a safe but amazing trip in Europe!

12.01.2022 Skin the cat to Half Tuck Lever (attempted single-leg tuck lever for the second )

10.01.2022 Crow Pose on Parallettes (Progression from the floor) Instead of lifting the knees onto the elbows I’ve used the compression of my core to pull the hips up thus getting a smoother entry ... Working towards the Crane Pose which is the final progression before attacking the Tuck Planche Key technique points: 1 Elbow Pitts rotated forward 2 Protract Scapula (shoulder blades) 3 Compress/tighten core 4 Sit knees on the back of elbows 5 keep all of the above in place throughout the movement in order to maintain balance. Before attempting this movement ensure you can nail a frog stand and a Crane Pose on the floor for at least 30sec. Not up to this progression? SAVE FOR LATER As always, lots of mobility warmup for the wrists and shoulders See more

09.01.2022 We can’t just blame the change in weather when we get sick! Yes the chance of catching something is increased but your lifestyle and the way you treat your body will have a huge effect on weather or not you get sick. Below are some steps you can begin to implement or improve to reduce your risk: 1 Exercise ... DON’T STOP EXERCISING BECAUSE ITS COLDER! Exercise will improve your overall fitness which will boost your immune system. On the other end of the scale if your doing a lot of intense workouts make sure you implement enough recovery time otherwise it can have the reverse effect and weaken the immune system. Train hard but smart 2 Sleep Long quality sleep is necessary any day of the year but especially in the colder months! Sleep deprivation will weaken the immune system. 3 Eat Plant based foods Just like sleep and exercise, this should be a part of your everyday lifestyle habits. Lots of dark green, red and yellow veggies and fruits. Multi vitamin doesn’t count! 4 Water It may be harder to drink fluids when it’s colder but hydration is another key to boosting your immunity. 4 Less Stress We all get stressed to different extents about different things but if we can limit this stress as much as possible then again, we will be able to maintain a healthy immune system. Also, the obvious things to avoid are drinking to much alcohol & smoking! We want to implement all of these factors day to day to give our immune system the best chance of winning the battle See more

06.01.2022 Elbow Lever Always testing my abilities on the outdoor playground

06.01.2022 Easy Meal Prep Idea Pad Thai: Calories - 464... Protein - 42.9g Carbs - 55.8g Fats - 5.7g 150g - Chicken Breast (uncooked) 40g - Thai Style Rice Noodles 125g - Shanghai Stir-fry Vegetables 0.7 - Egg (4 Eggs lightly beaten for 6 meals) I also used 2 pad thai sauce packets (in picture) for 6 meals @ Goodlife Health Clubs Nundah See more

04.01.2022 Dragon Flag ...(Essentric Progression) Advanced core movement created by the one and only Bruce Lee. Ensure your deep core muscles are switched on, hips posteriorly tucked and your glutes contracted ... Note: There are easier progressions before you get to this stage See more

03.01.2022 Shoulder/Lung burner This is my cardio 1 - Handstand Wall Walk 2 - 10x Wall Handstand Shoulder Taps... 3 - 5m Bear Crawl to Reverse Aim to complete 1 set without resting on the knees then go for back to back sets. Go for more if you can. I finished my workout with this so I was pretty gassed Got 3x doubles with 60-90sec rest between sets. See more

03.01.2022 8 Week Challenge in Progress! 3 Main focuses for this challenge are: EFFORT... SACRIFICE DISCIPLINE All outlined in their 8WC booklets Thanks everyone for turning up early on a Saturday morning (Sacrifice) & putting 100% into the Fitness Test (Effort). Now to sustain that for the next 8 weeks (Discipline)

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