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Mind, Body, Fun

Phone: +61 408 128 326


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24.01.2022 Through mindful movement empower your mind, body and soul to live your best life! Connect ~ Explore ~ Feel ~ Reflect ~ Play ~ Learn ~ Laugh ~ Grow ~ Ignite ~ Unite New timetable coming soon xox

20.01.2022 With Christmas fast approaching don’t forget to take some time out for YOU! Book your mat and come practice and celebrate with us for the last classes of 2020! Xox

20.01.2022 Yoga straps can be used in our practice in so many different ways, elongate our arms, extend our reach, support, build awareness, assist compression, build strength and much more. Here are some ideas to help get you started, grab a’s time to play and have some fun! xox Ps. WARNING - Be careful of number 3...I’ve literally got myself trapped like this before! Yep...if it’s going to happen to someone it will always be me! ... 1Cow face arms ~ Gomukhasana 2Boat pose ~ Navasana 3L-Sit 4Head Hammock ~ Supta Padangusthasana strap around head 5Bound side angle pose ~ Baddha Utthita Parsvakonasana 6Reclining hand to big toe pose ~ Supta Padangusthasana 7Bow pose ~ Dhanurasana 8Four limb staff pose ~ Chaturanga Dandasana 9Crow pose ~ Bakasana King Pigeon ~ Eka Pada Rajakapotasana 11Dancer Pose ~ Natarajasana 12Seated Forward Bend ~ Pashimottanasana #yoga #yogapractice #yogaposes #yogatutorials #yogaaustralia #gippslandyoga #yogacommunity #yogainspiration #yogaeverydamnday #yogajourney #yogateacher #yogainspo #yogapractice #melbourneyoga #yogalife #yogagirl #yogaasana #youtubeyoga #instayoga #yogisofinstagram #movementismedicine #onebreathatatime #practicemakesprogress #mindbodyconnection #breathe #practiceandalliscoming #yogaprops #yogastrap

18.01.2022 And that’s a wrap! Mind Body Fun is now closed for the holidays and I just want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone that has supported me this year Your love, support, friendship and laughs has meant the world to me! Maybe you did online classes with me (so cool that we made it interstate and overseas!),came to the studio, kept in touch, sent videos, subscribed or watched a YouTube tutorial, hit on a social media post, commented or shared my content. Each week all thes...e things helped keep me going when sometimes I wasn’t sure if I could. Taking my teaching online has been challenging for sure but it’s been a journey that I’m grateful for. It pushed me completely out of my comfort zone, taught me so much and provided me with so much growth as a teacher. Oh and Technology has been fun Thank you everyone who helped me with that, plenty of times you saved me from smashing my computer! Small YouTube tutorials were born (something I’ve wanted to do for about 3 years but kept pushing to the one day list because you know...doubt!) and creating more social media content happened. They say the magic is just outside your comfort zone and I’m happy to say I discovered a little more magic on my journey! I hope you discovered a little magic in amongst the crazy of 2020! Happy holidays everyone! Xox See more

18.01.2022 Give the gift of health, wellness and fun this Christmas with a Mind Body Fun gift voucher! Get in touch and within no time I can have it emailed to you! Christmas shopping made super easy! Xox

17.01.2022 Time... When ever I’ve been asked what’s the one thing you’d wish for? My first answer is always more time. 2nd answer, a Lamborghini! In a way I could never of imagined, 2020 delivered more time! ... In one way I needed this time but in another way I was like oh no, this is not what I meant, this is not how I wanted my time, this was not my wish! Next time I make a wish, I’ll be more specific! Its been so hard for me to wrap my head around the concept of time this year. Each year the year seems to go faster but this year...Jan, Feb, March and then all of a sudden Christmas is here! The days felt so long yet the year flew by faster then does that happen?! Nothing happened yet so much has happened. Lockdown wasn’t that long ago but somehow it feels like a lifetime ago. I feel like I’ve slept for months and had some sort of weird dream. At times I thought is this what a time warp would feel like?! There’s been times when I’ve felt like myself and times where I felt like I don’t even know who I am! At the risk of sounding real kookoo, there have been times this year where I’ve felt like I’ve been in some sort of outer body experience, like I’ve been observing someone else life. Like life on earth hasn’t felt real! Did I teleport somewhere else, a place where things and people were familiar but also different?! Do you relate?!?! 2020 has reminded me that time is such a strange and precious’s constantly ticking away, it’s unpredictable and never ending yet ever changing! It’s priceless, it’s magic, it’s a gift! Use it wisely and treasure it! Anyway that’s a few moments of your time you won’t get back so thanks for reading my weirdness! Xox . . . #yoga #yogapractice #yogaposes #yogatutorials #yogaaustralia #gippslandyoga #yogacommunity #yogaposebreakdown #yogainspiration #yogaeverydamnday #yogajourney #yogateacher #yogapractice #yogainspo #yogateacher #aussieyogachick #melbourneyoga #yogalife #yogagirl #yogaasana #youtubeyoga #instayoga #yogisofinstagram #movementismedicine #onebreathatatime #practicemakesprogress #mindbodyconnection #breathe #practiceandalliscoming

15.01.2022 Oh the shit show of 2020 is to big for a post! Mine is a novel full of many chapters, some beautiful and full of magic and others painful. I’m still processing it all, the novel is a messy draft! 2020 was a crazy ride but we did it, we found silver linings where we could, we adapted, changed, learnt, grew and we are stronger. It might not of been the year we thought it would be but it was the year it was meant to be. ... Tip toeing into 2021 cautiously, I’m excited and slightly anxious but at the end of the day, life will never be perfect and what will be will be, so let’s reflect on the year that was, make plans for the year ahead but let go of attachments to it all! Everything is constantly changing and today is all we really have so LIVE each day as it arrives, embrace the beauty and the mess, be you and own all of who you are, love your people like crazy, look after yourself, be kind, do your best, have fun, find laughter everywhere you can and we will deal with whatever else comes up as we continue to ride the wave of life! Happy new year everyone! Xox . . . #yoga #yogapractice #yogaposes #yogatutorials #yogaaustralia #gippslandyoga #yogacommunity #yogaposebreakdown #yogainspiration #yogaeverydamnday #yogajourney #yogateacher #yogapractice #yogainspo #yogateacher #aussieyogachick #melbourneyoga #yogalife #yogagirl #yogaasana #youtubeyoga #instayoga #yogisofinstagram #movementismedicine #onebreathatatime #practicemakesprogress #mindbodyconnection #breathe #practiceandalliscoming #2020 #2021 #happynewyear

14.01.2022 Feeling very loved(and emotional!) Thank you everyone for all the birthday love! Calls, messages, social all make me smile, laugh and cry at the same time! So if you don’t know, I love birthday celebrations but very much dislike adding a year to my age so...I just don’t! ... #makingmyownrules #foreveryoung #nevergrowingup I am however very aware of how precious life is and I’m very grateful for every extra year I get on this earth to adventure, play, have fun, share laughs and enjoy all the moments of this amazing life I’ve been given. Most of all I’m grateful to share it with such amazing people...thank you for being you and thank you for sharing this life with me! Just like my favourite flower you all brighten my days! Love you all xox #yoga #yogagirl #yogaeverydamnday #yogainspiration #yogisofinstagram #aussieyogachick #melbourneyogateacher #friendship #birthdaygirl #grateful #thankyouforbeingyou #love #sunflower

03.01.2022 Yes I’m that annoying mum that totally makes her family wear matching Christmas pjs each year, then I take a pic for my memories but share it on social media...apparently what’s so much fun for me is embarrassing for them! From my crazy family to yours we wish you all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! We hope your day is shared with family and friends and is full of celebrations, yummy food, good times, love, fun and laughter! ... I want to take a moment to acknowledge that Christmas is not an easy time for everyone so if this is you, we are sending extra love your way I’ll be taking a small social media break between Christmas and New Year so keep smiling and having fun and I’ll see you all on the flip side! Love always Cass Xox . . . #yoga #yogapractice #yogaposes #yogatutorials #yogaaustralia #gippslandyoga #yogacommunity #yogaposebreakdown #yogainspiration #yogaeverydamnday #yogajourney #yogateacher #yogapractice #yogainspo #yogateacher #aussieyogachick #melbourneyoga #yogalife #yogagirl #yogaasana #youtubeyoga #instayoga #yogisofinstagram #movementismedicine #onebreathatatime #practicemakesprogress #mindbodyconnection #breathe #practiceandalliscoming #merrychristmas #christmas #christmas2020

02.01.2022 Yoga Blocks Yoga blocks can be used in your practice in lots of different ways. They bring the floor up to you, bring awareness and help activate body parts, assist strengthening, help deepen poses, support the body and lots more. In my opinion blocks are one of the most useful props. Here are some ideas to get you started, grab your blocks and have fun! Xox ... 1 Yogi Squat - Malasana 2 Triangle Pose - Trikonasana 3 Half Moon Pose - Ardha Chandrasana 4 Camel Pose - Ustrasana 5 Puppy Pose - Shishosana 6 Upward Facing Dog - Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana 7 Downward Facing Dog - Adho Mukha Shvanasana 8 Low Lunge - Anjaneyasana 9 Side Angle Pose - Utthita Parsvakonasana Half Way Lift - Ardha Uttanasana 11 Legs up wall (without the wall!) Viparita Karani 12 Supported Fish Pose - Matsyasana . . . #yoga #yogapractice #yogaposes #yogatutorials #yogaaustralia #gippslandyoga #yogacommunity #yogainspiration #yogaeverydamnday #yogajourney #yogateacher #yogainspo #yogapractice #melbourneyoga #yogalife #yogagirl #yogaasana #youtubeyoga #instayoga #yogisofinstagram #movementismedicine #onebreathatatime #practicemakesprogress #mindbodyconnection #breathe #practiceandalliscoming #yogatips #yogaprops #yogablocks

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