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23.01.2022 Repost from @bumpbirthbeyond2020 WOMEN ARE MAGNIFICENT We are strong. We are capable. We are amazing!... Do not fear birth. Prepare for it! Birth is a normal physiological process and a primal, sacred rite of passage. INFORMATION IS POWER // This account has been set up on the same principle as sex education - I would rather you were uncomfortable and not ignorant. Every birth only happens ONE time. It is a once in a lifetime event. There is no do-over. You only get one chance. Would you attempt to climb Mt Everest without thorough research, a support crew and preparation?... You would certainly not show up on the day and hope for the best! Yes, birth is a normal physiological, instinctive process, however we have been conditioned in such a way that many women have absolutely no exposure to birth and little, to no, ability to tap into these primal instincts. Please spend your time, money and energy researching pregnancy/birth/postpartum/breastfeeding. Birth trauma is very real and postpartum depression/post traumatic stress is very serious. Birth has become taboo, demonised and surrounded by messages of fear. I am frustrated and concerned with the dangerously high intervention rates. I am grateful for the science and technology available, in the event of true medical need, but are women told about the risks and side effects of intervention? Do women know they can refuse consent? You have the right to say "no", the same way you can say no in the bedroom and the workplace. We have been failed by society, mass media and the current culture. All women deserve beautiful, empowered births. And to be nurtured postpartum. Surround yourself with beautiful, positive stories and messages of birth - they do exist and desperately need to rise to the surface to encourage, inspire and support women. As the wonderful Dr Michel Odent once said "One cannot help an involuntary process. The point is not to disturb it." I really do believe we need to see images of birth. They change our perceptions of what our culture has taught us, that stereotypical presentation of birth as an intensely painful experience that's full of drama, being endured rather than enjoyed
23.01.2022 "I am" are very powerful words. Melissa x p.s. I recommend going to a mirror, looking yourself in the eye and saying these words regularly. See how it makes you feel. Watch magic happen.
21.01.2022 I truly believe this. Melissa x
20.01.2022 Too early for this post . Sadly no! . .... Posted @withregram @birthsavvy Are you Caregivers starting to talk induction because you are expecting a Christmas Baby? . You might want to check out the new research on long term effects of induction and discuss this with you OB or midwife. #induction #informedchoices #wholeninemonths #dueatchristmas #dueindecember #pregnantinperth #birthsavvy
19.01.2022 These two classes finished with me this week! It’s been a BIG week at the #mindbumpandbirth headquarters. I’m so excited for all these amaZing couples positive births!! #positivebirth #pregnant #pregnancy #positivepregnancy #knowledgeispower
19.01.2022 Sometimes I have to pinch myself - this ‘job’, this little business of mine is like a dream come true for me. It’s 100% my passion and I just love it so much. So to be rewarded for what I do feels pretty special. Thanks @hypnobirthingaustralia - you’re the best
18.01.2022 I loved this affirmation when I was in labour
17.01.2022 Newest group of hypno parents!! I’m so excited for their amazing positive births. I can’t wait to hear their news. #positivebirth #pregnant #pregnancy #positivepregnancy #darwin #mindbumpandbirth #hypnobirth #hypnobirthAustralia
16.01.2022 Are you wondering if there is a reason for your care provider to put their fingers in your vagina during your antenatal/pregnancy care?... this is the YouTube ...answer for you. Short answer is, nope... no reason for them to have a poke around where they are not needed. Unless of course you want them too, which is also fine! In the video (link in bio or Facebook comments), I’ve laid out the research about membrane sweeping or what’s sometimes called ‘stretch and sweep’. If you found this video helpful, you can subscribe to my YouTube channel for more, and as always, pass it on and help your sisters out #midwives #obstetrics #youtube #youtuber See more
16.01.2022 When you stay in the "zone" and repeat positive affirmations to yourself, time doesn't exist. You're truly present in your mind and body, you're connecting with... your baby. . . . Posted @withregram @sarabresser.birthphotography Having the right support around in you labour can have such a beneficial effect. Knowing ahead of time how they can assist you may take away the apprehension and you feel confident and excited for your birthing day! #perthbirthphotographer #essentialoils #perthisok #reassurance #perthhypnobirthing #birthsupport #fairlights #scarborough #birthpartner #firsttimemom #perthessentialoils
16.01.2022 Another amazing group of hypno parents ready to meet their babies!! I am so excited to hear their positive stories! #mindbumpandbirth #hypnobirthingaustralia #hypnobirth #hypnobirthingclasses #positivemindset #positivebirth #positivepregnancy #empowered #pregnancy #pregnant #darwin
15.01.2022 TICKET SALES are now OPEN for the long awaited release of ‘Birth Time: the documentary’. #ItsTime for this baby to be born! Head to http://www.birthtime.world ...to purchase your ticket. Woo hoooo!
14.01.2022 This We need to keep advocating for accessible, affordable homebirth so that the women of Australia can make genuine choices about their births. It’s awful th...at our right to homebirth isn’t respected in Australia. We will get there : @villagemidwife #homebirth #homebirthnsw #homebirthaustralia #childbirthchoices #childbirthchoicesmatter
14.01.2022 I have spoken before about the conveyor belt of standard maternity care. You discover you are pregnant. You go to your GP. You choose a model of care and a care...giver.. At a certain week you have a scan. At a certain week you will have another scan. At a certain week you have a glucose test. At a certain week you will have a stretch and sweep. At a certain week you will have a medical induction. None of these are really explained or even offered...once your due date is determined they are just scheduled in. It often seems like information is given only on a need to know basis. I think this limiting of information is not only patronising...it seems to me it comes with the attitude of don't worry your pretty little head about that now, I will take care of you when the time comes. But it limits your options! If you don't know what is coming, if you don't know what a certain investigation or intervention is, if you don't know why it is being offered, if you don't know how it will impact subsequent care, then how can you make a decision about it? Maternity care should feel like more than just rolling along a conveyor belt. You should feel informed. You should be offered different pathways depending on what you want and what is appropriate for your circumstances. You should feel like you are being treated like the unique individual that you are! Image by @mulganai.
13.01.2022 "In a study of 3079 children evaluated at 10 years of age, gestational age at birth was linearly associated with global and regional brain volumes. Longer gesta...tional duration was associated with larger brain volumes; for example, every 1-week-longer gestational duration corresponded to an additional 4.5 cm3/wk (95% CI, 2.7-6.3 cm3/wk) larger total brain volume." What does that mean in lay terms? Simple. There are advantages to waiting for your baby to decide when to be born. And one of them is that waiting longer means their brain volume can develop more. So much so that a difference can still be seen ten years later. For every extra week the baby stays in your womb, the brain grows by an extra 4.5 cubic centimetres of brain volume. Another good reason to weigh up ALL the pros and cons of interventions such as induction of labour and elective caesarean section before making the decision that is right for you and your baby. Loads more info at www.sarawickham.com/iol The reference for this study is: El Marroun et al (2020). Association of Gestational Age at Birth With Brain Morphometry. JAMA Pediatrics. Original research available at https://jamanetwork.com//jamapedi/article-abstract/2770535 #birtheducator #birth #birthdecisions #midwife #midwifery #studentmidwife #doula #childbirtheducation #childbirtheducator #informedconsent #informedchoice #whatsrightforme #positivebirth #positiveinduction #labor #labour #quotes #drsarawickham #evidenceinformedmidwifery #evidencebasedbirth See more
12.01.2022 What's the best diet for fertility you ask? Well let's look at the research. The Mediterranean diet - research demonstrates women eating a diet high in fish, ...vegetables, unsaturated fats and low in sugar, gluten and dairy not only had a lower rate of requiring help for fertility support, but also a significantly increased chance of IVF success. What about sugar? When I say sugar, I mean simple carbohydrates. They are broken down easily and quickly, they include white bread, cakes, lollies, juices, soft drinks and yes, chocolate, sorry! As part of the Nurses Health Study, there was a link found between women who ate a diet high in simple carbohydrates with women with fertility challenges due to ovulation dysfunction. Interestly, quantity of carbohydrate didn’t appear to play a role, the important factor was the type. In another study, research is quite clear that poor egg quality is linked to high sugar diets. There is loads of research to support a low sugar diet when preparing for an IVF cycle, although this data as on IVF couples, it can be extended to non IVF couples also. Partners are not exempt either, there appears to be a link between sugar intake and sperm quality. A, 2012 study found poorer progressive motility was directly correlated with sugar intake in the form of sugary soda drinks, regardless of BMI. Enjoy complex carbohydrates which are slower to be broken down and utilised, like sweet potato, beans and whole grains like oats and brown rice. For more information about diet and fertility, watch out posts the next few weeks #fertility #fertilitydiet #fertilityjourney #fertilityawareness #fertilitytreatment #pcos #ivf #makingbabies #foodasmedicine #raisingdaughters #raisingboys #rainbowbaby #fertilitysupport #fertilitydiet #naturalfertility #whattoeat #whattoeatforivf #healthy #diettips #nutrition #sugar #pregnancy #pregnant See more
12.01.2022 You may have heard of this study when 2000 mother’s schedules where surveyed and the results came back that motherhood is equivalent to 2.5 jobs. 98 hours per w...eek on average. When I looked at the results closely, I realised the mums surveyed had children aged between 5-12. This didn’t include the mothers with babies, toddlers and preschoolers. So I’m guessing it didn’t include the nighttime hours that mothers/parents are often doing too. I’ll leave you to do the math on that one... Being a mother is so much more than a job or career, but it still requires our time, energy, focus and attention for a large amount of hours. It is a fact, the mental, physical and emotional load on mothers is heavy - you are not making it up, being dramatic or imagining it. The top things this survey came back with as being life savers was the help of grandparents and babysitters, kids shows, drive through meals, baby wipes and iPads. Don’t feel guilty when you need help, reach out. Tag a mama. Gem Douglas https://www.instagram.com/themotherhoodprojectnz Study conducted by American juice company ‘Welch’ in 2018. Quote above by @motherhonestly
11.01.2022 Research studies have proven that Hypnobirthing has reduced the number of caesareans in Australia, it reduces perineal trauma, it's reduced the need to resuscit...ate a baby after birth, it's shortened stage 2 of labour by up to 32 minutes! and it's reduced the number of epidural use. Our Hypnobirthing Australia program is all based on the correct breathing techniques, the right body movement, visualisations, and acupressure. Our program encourages mothers to breathe the baby down rather than focus on coached pushing. Have you considered Hypnobirthing for your birth? We have a huge library of positive birth stories on our website, head on over for a read xx See more
10.01.2022 Four years ago - to the minute. I looked at the time and it’s exactly the time of her birth... four years later. This birth challenged me but was still one of the best days of my life - I’d do it all again in a heart beat. Thanks for choosing us Sadie baby #hypnobirthingaustralia #mindbumpandbirth #mybirthswereawesome #solucky #positivebirth
09.01.2022 Very interesting! #Repost @kate_vivian_brightmums Notice anything in particular about these dates? Yep, they are mainly public holidays! With the exceptio...n of Feb 29th - but that only occurs once every four years. It can't be a coincidence that the least popular days for giving birth in Australia are all public holidays. So why are public holidays the least popular days to have a baby? Let's assume babies don't know when public holidays are. Some of it may be parent driven - for example not wanting to have a 'Christmas baby'. It is also driven by care providers and hospitals. After all, not everybody wants to be working at Christmas time. Of course, this generally isn't how the conversation goes. It's more likely to be along the lines of 'Baby is too big' or 'Your 40 weeks (or increasingly, 39 weeks) on (insert day here) so we will induce you then' or 'Let's get baby out before your placenta stops working' As Christmas draws near, we need to be having conversations around this. As a parent-to-be, it's important to be aware of these trends. Not so that you have to comply, but so you can have an understanding that these conversations around induction or planned caesareans do happen - and so you can start to have open discussions with your caregivers. And know that you do not have to avoid a public holiday baby!
09.01.2022 New birth story alert!! Sit down and enjoy this one :) https://www.mindbumpandbirth.com.au//the-positive-birth-of
08.01.2022 Whenever you're offered a medical test, take a moment to consider what will happen with the information gained from it. Is this something you're happy with? ... Could a particular result limit your options in any way? (If a screening test shows that you are carrying group B strep bacteria, have gestational diabetes or have a higher-than-average BMI, for instance, you might be told that you can't birth where you wanted to.) What are the alternatives? (There are always alternatives, including declining the test.) Always remember it's your decision. You can say 'yes' or 'no' or 'I need time to think about this.' If you'd like to know more, or to better understand some of the wider issues around making decisions in pregnancy and childbirth, take a look at my book, "What's Right For Me?" It's written to help women, parents and families to better understand how modern maternity care works and how you can make the decisions that are right for you. More information at www.sarawickham.com/wfrm #midwife #midwifery #doula #birthdoula #pregnant #birth #childbirth #duein2020 #duein2021 #drsarawickham #positivebirth #childbirtheducation #childbirtheducator #whatsrightforme See more
08.01.2022 Check out this amazing birth story from Lynn The Healthy Gut Centre - Colonics Darwin. She did out positive birth program by Hypnobirthing Australia and totally rocked her VBAC!!!
07.01.2022 Have you heard of the BRAIN technique in Hypnobirthing? Our Hypnobirthing program prepares you for birth... So here's what you can do if things aren't going ...according to plan during labour. B-Benefits = What are the benefits of this course action? R-Risks = What are the risks involved in this course action? A-Alternatives =What are the alternative options? I-Intervention = What are the implications and will there be any further intervention? N-Nothing = What if we do nothing for 2 hrs and wait This technique is very useful for birth partners who can be the spokesperson during intense labour. Most parents will be happy with whatever turn their birthing takes once they feel informed and in control over the decision making. Know your rights and options when it comes to birth, which is all explained through our most trusted and popular birthing program. **Of course if there is an emergency situation your medical professional will make this very clear, therefore there is no opting out of intervention. See more
06.01.2022 #Repost @hypnobirthingaustralia with @get_repost It's a once in a "blue moon" sale for Hypnobirthing Australia! HIP HIP HOORAY! *** 20% OFF ALL ONLINE PRODUCTS *** ... USE CODE: BLACKFRIDAY20 Starting today 7am until Monday, 30th November at Midnight AEST. You don't want to miss this! Share with a Mama who would love our course. Website shop is in the bio link xx Terms & Conditions: Discount does not apply to face to face classes, subscriptions, gift vouchers or private session upgrades. See more
06.01.2022 ‘Tom & I attended a hypnobirthing info night via zoom a few months back with Nicole, an intelligent, passionate and dedicated nurse/midwife & hypnobirthing practitioner. I wanted him to see what all the fuss was about so when we decided to start a family, he would know a bit about the workshop and the types of things we would be learning. Afterwards, Tom said his view on birth had changed completely, from being fearful and anxious to feeling excited and confident in my abilit...y, and also in his ability to support me during labour and birth. That was just in a 2 hour information session - Imagine how educational and empowering the entire hypnobirthing workshop is. If I could give every couple expecting a child one gift, it would be this workshop. Whatever your idea of a positive birth is, hypnobirthing will be of great use to you. ’ thanks Laus Clark
06.01.2022 Need to shift some energy today ? tired? Exhausted ? A bit meh? Want to feel the river flow? ... Pregnancy Circle is a safe container to trust whatever comes up and through in circle is exactly what is needed to shift and integrate. - the channel is again moving , energising , flowing . I guarantee you will feel vitality and different in your body after three hours sitting in circle today. It’s just energy. Let it flow. Oh and did I mention babies love it too - but that’s a bonus - this time is for connection to you. Pregnancy Circle via Zoom $30 Today, Sunday 29 November, payment link in comments @elliana_allon
01.01.2022 An affirmation for beautiful birthing #affirmation #ease #confidence #childbirth #femalebody #pregnancy #hypnobirthing #hypnobirthingaustralia #hypnobubs
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