Mindcheck Health Professionals in Greenslopes, Queensland | Medical and health
Mindcheck Health Professionals
Locality: Greenslopes, Queensland
Phone: +61 7 3847 8094
Address: Suite 6, 633 Logan Road 4120 Greenslopes, QLD, Australia
Website: http://www.mindcheckhp.com.au
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25.01.2022 CRAZY SOCKS 4 DOCS - June 5th 2020 - On the First Friday of June, kick out in your craziest, happiest, zaniest socks to normalise the conversation and raise awareness of the mental health of all doctors and health practitioners. If you dont have any...buy some! Wear them to work, walk around your neighbourhood, start a conversation and do your bit to bring awareness to this very important issue. Now more than ever, the mental health and wellbeing of our doctors and health ...practitioners, especially our frontline workers, needs attention and action. Stay tuned to some pics of our Crazy Socks 4 Docs this Friday and we look forward to seeing many fancy feet! https://www.crazysocks4docs.com.au/
25.01.2022 Boundary setting for better work-life balance and wellbeing: There's no better word than NO! Setting realistic and sustainable boundaries with your work is key to ensuring a healthy work-life balance, work satisfaction and preventing mental health issues such as stress and burnout. There are many ways we can set boundaries within our work to promote self-care, balance and a maintainable workload one is learning to say no. For many, no does not come easily. By nature, hea...lth professionals as carers want to help and contribute. They are also hard-working and hold high expectations of themselves. These characteristics can get in the way of saying no to requests of them from the workplace, when saying no is best for their self-care and wellbeing. Being stressed or burnout can also act as barriers to boundary-setting and saying no in the workplace. Ironically, when we are stressed and stretched, we often push ourselves further and take on more we go into automatic pilot and do do do and find ourselves saying yes, yes, yes..In part this is the result of stress depleting our resources to be assertive and set boundaries with ourselves and others, and reducing our capacity to make considered decisions in our best interests. So how do you go about getting better at saying no at work? First know your barriers. If you are asked to take on a new task or extra duties or assist with a task outside your usual daily responsibilities, what are the usual reasons your mind gives yourself for NOT saying NO (pardon the double negative!) - Ill let others down Theyll think less of me Theyll think Im not committed If others can do it, I should do it too I should be able to do this Theyll think Im not capable Or maybe there are certain people you find it hard to say no to? Perhaps you are more likely to default to yes when you are tired, stretched, stressed? Being aware of these barriers can help break the automatic, habitual reaction of saying yes when we should really say no. Top Tip: Next, here is a simple tip to help you change that default response: next time you are asked to do something, rather than automatically saying yes, commit yourself to saying I will give it some thought and get back to you as soon as possible. This provides you time to consider the request and whether it is feasible for you with respect to your workload and wellbeing, and prepare your response if turning down the request, saying no, is in your best interests. Set yourself a goal over the next few weeks to monitor and identify your barriers to saying no, and practice deferring giving an answer to a request. If you are struggling to set boundaries within your work and would like assistance with improving assertiveness and limit-setting, contact us at MINDCHECK HP on [email protected] or 07 3847 8094 to book an appointment or for more information about our services.
24.01.2022 NATIONAL WHITE WREATH DAY - 29 May 2020 - IN REMEMBRANCE OF ALL VICTIMS OF SUICIDE https://www.whitewreath.org.au/coming-events/
24.01.2022 We love this great quote by Jen Sincero. It it so important to take the time to be present, a great way to do this is to practice mindfulness. #mindfulness #MIM #MindfulInMay #psychology #psychologist
24.01.2022 An easy way to incorporate mindfulness into your everyday life is to check in with your body. Take a moment to scan your body and acknowledge how you are feeling physically. How is your posture? Do you need to readjust how you are sitting or standing? Do you notice any aches or pains? If so have a quick stretch.... How long have you been sitting for? Try getting up and going for a quick walk around. Focus on how you feet feel in your shoes or the seat you are sitting on. #MIM #MindfulInMay #Mindfulness #Psychology #Psychologists
23.01.2022 Fantastic podcast published by WRaP ED interviewing Dr Fiona Kerr (founder of The NeuroTech Institute) on the neurophysiological aspects of complex decision-making by health professionals and its interplay with human connection. In particular, she discusses the role of empathy, compassion, and agency in improving patient care. Key take-away points: - Empathy enhances decision-making capacity... - Compassion supports capacity to step back and take a broader perspective, and in doing so reduces stress and empathy fatigue - Lack of agency in a role is the most important factor in terms of burnout and in terms of physical illness in a workplace that is busy This is important information for both individual practitioners and employers, administrators, and senior staff who are looking to improve patient care and the wellbeing of their health practitioners. This podcast was recorded at the 2019 Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian College of Emergency Medicine where Dr Kerr was a keynote speaker. https://wrapem.org//podcast-compassion-cognition-and-comp/
23.01.2022 Remember to Breathe. Here is a great article outlining the importance of the not-so-simple act of breathing in managing stress and anxiety. Specifically the article discusses the role and mechanics of the breath in contributing to stress and anxiety and in ‘turning these states off’, and how to regulate the breath to reduce distress and improve wellbeing.... https://blog.dropbox.com//the-mind-at-work--james-nestor-o #stressmanagement #anxietymanagement #wellbeing #breathe
23.01.2022 Mens Health Week came about to "heighten awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys". With MHW coming to a close, we wanted to place further light on the subject of men and their mental health. Why? Because, though we have come a long way, men still experience significant barriers to talking about and accessing support for mental health issues. Research shows that: Men are less likely to access profes...sional help for mental health issues than women, with some studies showing that females are 1.5 times more likely to access mental health services Suicide is the 10th leading causes of death for Australian males. Males account for more than three-quarters of deaths caused by suicide making them three times more likely to die by suicide compared to females. These statistics indicate that many men suffer in silence and do not get help for conditions that are preventable, treatable or manageable, which can lead to increased morbidity and at worst mortality. Being male itself presents as a barrier to accessing mental health support. When it comes to our male health professionals, there is added concerns around stigma attached to help-seeking and disclosing having mental health issues that further reduces the likelihood of engaging support. This needs to change and we can all play our part to help normalise mental health issues and support help-seeking, as individuals within our interactions with friends, family and colleagues, and as workplaces and organisations by tailoring services to be sensitive and male-friendly and creating a culture of it is ok to not be ok. Men make important and valuable contributions to our society and, as health professionals, to the health of the nation. Lets support them in better looking after themselves If you are struggling with your mental health, please reach out to someone you trust. If youd like to get in contact with us, please see our website for details: www.mindcheckhp.com.au . For immediate assistance: Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636
23.01.2022 Mental health impact of COVID-19: Recent data from Australia and the US has shed light on the mental health toll of social isolation, job loss or uncertainty, and the strain of the pandemic. In Australia, data released from Outcome Health from 1000 GP clinics showed a 20% increase in anti-depressant scripts in mid-April compared to the same period last year, and anti-anxiety scripts have risen 13% from the same period last year. America has seen a dramatic increase in prescri...ptions for anti-anxiety, antidepressants, and insomnia in the peak months of COVID-19 compared with the same period in 2019. Data from health research firm IQVIA showed a 10.2% increase in anti-anxiety medication and 9.2% for anti-depressants. One pharmaceutical company reported up to a 34.1% increase for anti-anxiety meds, 18.6% for anti-depressants, and 14.8% for sleep medications. This reflects the concerns of mental health peak bodies and health professionals around a mental health crisis resulting from the consequences of the pandemic. Though we are certainly doing well in Australia in terms of preventing infection and stemming the spread of the virus, we need to stay vigilant and not get complacent, for both our physical and mental health sake. As virus numbers are contained and, with some hope, eradication and a vaccine is achieved, we must not forgot the enduring impact of COVID-19, the mental health impact. Lets not let it become a pandemic. Look after each other and if you are struggling or someone you know is, please reach out for help. If you feel you need professional support, see your GP or contact our practice to seek further information about whether seeing a psychologist may be of benefit to you. https://www.wsj.com//more-people-are-taking-drugs-for-anxi https://www.digitalhealthcrc.com//COVID19-Paper-4-Medicati https://www.ausdoc.com.au//coronavirus-gp-antidepressant-s
23.01.2022 It's here - GO HOME ON TIME DAY - Wed 18th 2020! Whilst we are not promoting the poor work ethic of the character in the pic , we are encouraging you to value yourself, your interests and your time outside of your work. You are more than your work. The Go Home on Time Day initiative was started as a means to "start a conversation about the value of time, a healthy work/life balance, and protecting ourselves against time theft".... Set your alarms for clock off time today, and GO HOME! https://www.gohomeontimeday.org.au/
22.01.2022 Anxiety, Depression & Burnout Have you been feeling more overwhelmed than usual? Or have you felt agitated by some of the day-to-day things that would otherwise cause no distress? This could be anxiety, or it could be depression, but current research indicates that burnout could be playing a bigger role in the manifestation of these symptoms than we presently understand. The article linked below explores the high correlation between depression and burnout and anxiety and bu...rnout. Depression is shown to correlate highly with burnout, and relationships between the triggers and symptoms of burnout were found with anxiety symptoms. However, overall burnout was found to be a distinctly different construct. It is important for more research in this area and for mental health clinicians to upskill to support correct diagnosis and treatment of burnout, as it can often be misdiagnosed as depression or anxiety, resulting in inappropriate treatment approaches. If you are feeling warn out, ineffective, and negative in your thoughts and feelings towards work in particular, whether you work more than 40 hours a week or if you feel unsupported in your work environment, it could be helpful to reflect on your personal relationship with work and how your work-life-balance is going. If this resonates with you, please seek out professional guidance. There are a range of online supports to help get you started, or you can reach out to us at MINDCHECK Health Professionals to speak about arranging an appointment. Further reading: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles//fpsyg.2019.00284/full
22.01.2022 You may not realise you already have time for mindfulness. Here are some everyday places you can easily practice: In your car In the lift... Waiting in line for coffee At your desk Walking to the bathroom or anywhere Washing your hands In the shower In these moments try working through the noticing 5 things exercise in our last post. You’ll be surprised how easy it is to incorporate mindfulness into your everyday life. #mindfulness #mindfulmay #psychology #psychologistaustralia #healthprofessionals #doctor #nurse #alliedhealth
22.01.2022 As restrictions have begun to ease across most of Australia, its important to remember that so much of the world is still being greatly impacted by coronavirus. Checking-in with family and friends around the globe can help keep us connected through this prolonged time of uncertainty. Dont forget to check-in with yourself as well! ... Maintaining self-care routines and activities that build resilience are key to coping with unpredictable circumstances and difficult changes. Lets keep up the momentum of normalising talking about mental health and mental illness, especially for our healthcare providers who have been on the front-line throughout this fight against corona virus. Share your strategies for self-care and maintaining wellbeing with your family, friends and work community.
21.01.2022 On the Front Line: you care for patients but who's caring for you? You're working long days, not seeing friends or family, cant seem to fit in exercise or too exhausted to even think about it, not sleeping well or eating well, perhaps feel like there is no space for interests outside of work and cant see a way of changing this. You're expected to show up every day and provide care to your patients but who's caring for you? The pressures associated with being a frontline w...orker, eg long work hours, shift work, exposure to stressful events, by nature increase vulnerability to mental health issues such as stress, burnout, depression and anxiety. If you do not take actions to care for yourself, your mental health can easily deteriorate. Self-care for the health professional is not just important, it is essential for your mental and physical wellbeing, job and life satisfaction, and for ensuring quality and safe care for the patients you care for. Often health professionals recognise they need to take better care of themselves, but may feel at a loss of how to go about this or what to do first. Or they dont feel their situation is changeable or that they have the resources to approach making the necessary changes to improve their situation. This is an indication that intervention and support is required. Here at MINDCHECK HP, our core focus is on helping health professionals to better care for themselves and take action to improve their wellbeing and flourish in their personal and professional lives. We assist with identifying what needs to change and how to make change in your life, and support you in making change towards improved self-care and wellbeing. You give so much of yourselves caring for others. Time to direct that care towards yourselves. For more information about our services, visit www.mindcheckhp.com.au or contact us on 07 3847 8094 or [email protected].
20.01.2022 WEAR WHITE AT WORK 29 May This Friday, 29 May, Wear white at work and donate a gold coin to show your support for those suffering from mental illness and families who have lost a loved one to suicide. It is a devastating reality that every year thousands of Australians (men, women and children) end their lives, leaving behind many family and friends to deal with the immeasurable pain. Health professionals are not immune to this reality, and the rate of mental health is...sues and suicide in some HP populations is higher than the general community. The White Wreath Association provides 24-hour support for families and individuals who have been affected by a mental illness or suicide. We all need to work together and support each other to reduce suicide rates in Australia. This is especially true of our current times, with the flow-on impact of COVID-19 and social distancing increasing mental health and suicide rates. If you are in crisis or you are concerned for a family member, friend or colleague, help is available. Reach out. Check in on your family, friends, and colleagues. To find out how you can get your workplace involved, see the website for more information. https://www.whitewreath.org.au/coming-events/
19.01.2022 Its Speech Pathology Week, 23 29 Aug 2020! A yearly event started by Speech Pathology Australia, Speech Pathology Week aims to raise awareness and promote the work of our speech pathologists. This years theme is: Communicating with Confidence... Communication is a basic human right and Speech Pathology Week seeks to make Australians aware of this. As the campaign highlights, coronavirus has brought about challenges for those with communication disabilities. It is easy for us who do not have communication difficulties to take for granted our capacity to understand language and communicate in order to navigate through such challenging and uncertain times brought about by coronavirus. Lets celebrate our speech pathologists and the valuable work they do assisting our fellow Australians with a communication disability. You do wonderful work and are greatly appreciated. https://www.speechpathologyaustralia.org.au//Speech_Pathol
18.01.2022 Our COVID heroes come from all health disciplines. From the perspective of a physiotherapist - An interesting and heartfelt account of the challenges and distressing impact of COVID on survivors and the physios who care for them. https://www.theguardian.com//physiotherapist-seeing-impact
18.01.2022 Pandemics impact far-reaching: Support needed for our health professions trainees Though overall Australia has done amazingly well to contain the current pandemic, we must not forget that our health care workers are still working tirelessly, particularly on the frontline, to help prevent the spread of infection and care for those with COVID. For this we are thankful. The impact of pandemics on health professionals reaches all areas of their lives from the work environment, t...o their day-to-day lives, and their personal, social, and financial wellbeing. One area that has received little attention, is the disruption to education that pandemics create for health professions trainees. We see many health professional trainees through our clinic who have been impacted by COVID both with respect to their mental wellbeing but also the disruption, and consequential stress and uncertainty this has caused, to their progression through their training program. It is great to see the impact of pandemics on health care professions trainees, and the need to support trainees, being highlighted in a recent article by Wald (2020). The article provides a great overview of strategies to build resilience and wellbeing in trainees and health professionals, and targets factors of resilience and wellbeing at the individual, learning environment, and organisational levels. Being a trainee health professional is challenging enough - long hours of work and study, having to be health professional whilst still learning, the strain of the hurdles and hoops you have to jump through, such as major exams, to get to where you want to be. Having a major public health crisis layered on top of this..... if you are struggling, you are not alone. You are also not weak, failing, or not resilient enough. If you are experiencing distress and difficulty coping, this is a normal response to an abnormal level of stressors and pressures. Reach out for help - as the article echoes, asking for help is a sign of strength. If you would like to learn more about our services, please contact us at [email protected] or 07 3847 8094. https://www.tandfonline.com//full/10/0142159X.2020.1768230
18.01.2022 Check out our recent presentation at the MEDD LIVE VIRTUAL MEDICAL CONFERENCE August 2020 on the topic of Coping with Stress and Uncertainty for Health Professionals , with a focus on COVID and beyond.
18.01.2022 International Overdose Awareness Day - Aug 31, 2020: Help end overdose today. Beginning in Melbourne in 2001, International Overdose Awareness Day aims to raise awareness of the tragedy of drug overdose deaths and permanent injury, spread the word that drug overdose is preventable, and reduce stigma of drug-related deaths. Drug addiction and drug overdose effects people from all walks of life. We could probably identify someone we know who has been affected by the loss of a ...loved one to drug overdose, and many more who are struggling with drug addiction. Health Professionals are certainly not immune to substance related issues. Indeed, research has indicated that the overall prevalence of healthcare professionals who develop a substance use disorder is at least approximately equal to that of the general population, however, many studies identify greater risks for HPs. Between 2003-2013, 404 drug-caused HP deaths were reported to Australian coroners. Almost 40 per year. An Australian study by Monash University in 2016, investigated these deaths and found 37% to have been the result of unintentional overdose. Stigmatising those who use drugs devalues the individual and for many reasons adds to the often-enduring nature of drug addiction in their lives and likely to the risk of overdose, but particularly by preventing individuals from seeking assistance. This stigma also has a flow on effect to family members, who themselves feel shamed and reluctant to reach out for help or openly grieve the loss of a loved one to overdose. As with any mental health issue, those struggling with addiction and their loved ones deserve compassion and support. Lets be part of the solution and not perpetuate the stigma around drug addiction and overdose-related death. Reach out to someone you know has suffered a loss to overdose or someone you know is struggling with drug addiction themselves. Raise it for discussion in wellness programs within your workplace start the conversation about drug addiction and overdose and how we can better support individuals struggling with these challenges. https://www.overdoseday.com/ And of course, if you are struggling with substance issues or with grief following the loss of someone close to overdose, please seek support. You are not alone. You are valued and deserving of the help you need. Lifeline: 13 11 14 Family Drug Support Australia: 1300 368 186 (24/7) Self Help Addiction Resource Centre: https://www.sharc.org.au/ Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement: https://www.grief.org.au/
18.01.2022 National Day of Thanks for our Pandemic Heroes The PM has announced a national day of thanks for our frontline healthcare workers and other heroes to be held next year on Australia Day 2021. This day is to honour and celebrate those who put themselves in harms way and looked after the country through the coronavirus pandemic. These workers and service providers helped to keep all Aussies safe and have helped to stop the spread of coronavirus. From wardsmen, ICU nurses, em...ergency doctors, paramedics, emergency services, to admin staff and delivery persons, they are all are deserving of our thanks and whom without their diligent work, we would have not come through this global crisis with the low infection rate and limited spread of the virus that we have seen in Australia. It is wonderful to see our health care and other essential workers being recognised for their dedication and hard work during recent times. From the team at MINDCHECK HP, thank you! https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au//174c8ccb94814aaa554d79e
18.01.2022 Healing through meeting The arrival of a new decade has been vastly different compared to what many of us hoped and planned for. Meeting up with friends, family and even co-workers has become difficult and a lot of Aussies are feeling the pressures of life more than ever, without access to their go-to support networks. If you feel like you can relate to this, please reach out for support. There are a range of mental health services which now can be provided through telehe...alth (public health and private health), social media is a great way to stay connected with loved ones, and there is always the old-fashioned art of letter writing. With uncertainty still ahead of us, the Australian government has announced an additional 10 session for eligible Australians who have been impacted by state and territory restrictions. This has been put into place from Friday, 7th of August but will be applicable for those who have been affected by COVID-19 restrictions from 1 July 2020 to 31 March 2021. To find out more: https://www.health.gov.au//additional-covid-19-mental-heal Not sure where or how to get started? Feel free to get in touch with us through our website or on (07) 3847 8097. Lifeline 24hr crisis-line: 131 114 BeyondBlue: 1800 512 348
17.01.2022 There's two days to go to Go Home on Time Day! So we thought we'd check in to see how you are travelling towards the goal of finishing work on time this Wednesday 18th November? Had success? Gotten home on time already?? Fabulous! To reinforce this behaviour, reflect on the positives this brought about to motivate you to continue to work towards leaving work on time. Still struggling? In our last post on this topic (Sun 8th Nov) we discussed reflection on the costs of leaving... work late. To further help you to commit to the goal of going home on time, try the following: - Write down the meaningful reasons of why you want to take this action: what is important to you? what do you value? eg I value - looking after my wellbeing; social connection; being available for family, friends, etc; nurturing interests outside of work; having a balanced lifestyle etc - Tell someone else you are leaving on time - verbalising this and stating to another that this is your goal, can help motivate follow through. - Make a commitment to someone else or schedule an activity for yourself - this can be a strong motivator and help move past barriers to leaving work on time. - Set up an experiment - if worries about the implications of leaving on time are preventing you from doing so, write down these feared outcomes or negative predictions and set yourself the task of going home on time to 'test' them out (or start with leaving earlier than usual as a first step, if leaving right on time is too anxiety provoking). Yours in work-life balance, MINDCHECK HP!! Need assistance in improving your work-life balance and addressing work-related stress? Contact MINDCHECK HP to find out more about our services - [email protected], 07 3847 8094
17.01.2022 We are pleased to be presenting at the upcoming MEDD LIVE VIRTUAL MEDICAL CONFERENCE on the topic of Coping with Stress and Uncertainty through COVID Support for Healthcare professionals. Week 4: Sat 22nd Aug, 1.30pm. We will discuss: general research findings on mental health in doctors and the impact of pandemics on the mental wellbeing of health professionals; risk factors for stress and other mental health issues inherent in the daily lives of medical professionals and... resulting from pandemics; and coping strategies to manage the stress and distress brought about by COVID-19 and to support longer-term wellbeing and career sustainability and satisfaction. For more information, check out the links below. Hope you can join us! https://medd.com.au/medd-live-conference-specialist/ https://medd.com.au/medd-live-conference-speakers/#vic
16.01.2022 Today is Earth Day, a day to raise awareness about the state of our environment and promote climate action. Everyone must do their part to help better the world we live in. Here at MINDCHECK HP we are constantly looking for ways to reduce our impact. Here are some small ways we are reducing our impact in the practice: Converting to Australian owned biodegradeable coffee pods @urbanbrewpods Reducing paper usage and converting to electronic forms and files where possible. ... Using refillable printer ink rather than cartridges. Using reusable cups, plates and utensils - no disposable plastic here! Recycle, recycle, recycle Every change counts no matter how big or small. What are you doing to drive change and help our planet? #earthday #earthday2021 #urbanbrewcoffeepods #psychology #psychologistsofinstagram #healthprofessionals #brisbanedoctors #brisbane #nursesaustralia #dentistsaustralia #healthcareworkers
16.01.2022 Stress Down Day 2020 Friday 24th July 2020 is Stress Down Day is a fun and easy initiative designed to reduce stress and raise vital funds for Lifeline Australia. Stress Down Day promotes happiness, encourages help seeking and raises awareness of suicide prevention through raising funds for Lifelines crisis support services.... This Stress Down Day, your workplace can help by encouraging people to take some extra time for a break at work or to host a casual-dress day! Whether you are able to raise funds or are raising awareness of the essential work that Lifeline does for Australians in crisis, every bit of action counts, just remember to have some fun this Friday! Just when you feel you have no time to relax, know that this is the moment you most need to make time to relax. - Matt Haig Donate to the cause here: https://stressdownday2020.gofundraise.com.au/ If you or someone you know is feeling or behaving very stressed, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or visit www.lifeline.org.au/gethelp
15.01.2022 Today is National Sorry day. A day to remember and acknowledge the mistreatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. National Sorry day began in 1998, one year after the Bringing Them Home Report was presented in parliment. While steps towards reconciliation have occured, there is still progress to be made. There is an uneven representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander's amongst health care professionals. Only 2.6% of Indigenous people are employed... in health care compared to 4.1% non-Indigenous people. Only 0.4% of medical practitioners identify as being Indigenous The increase in the number of Indigenous health care workers is not proportional with population growth. Further change needs to occur to establish an equitable and reconciled Australia. #NationalSorryDay #SorryDay #NationalRconciliationWeek #HealthProfessionals #Psychology #PsychologistsAustralia #stolengeneration #aboriginal #indigenous #torresstraitislander
15.01.2022 You cant be everything to everyone, but you can try to be something special to someone. And that someone can be you. (@thehappinessinstitute) To look after others, we must look after ourselves: As human beings, we must accept our flaws and limitations before we can truly begin to enjoy our existence. We all have limits and knowing these is important to protecting your wellbeing and your capacity to take care of others both in our personal and professional lives. Health prof...essionals often find themselves constantly on, in the helper role, in and outside of work. Perhaps at your workplace, you are the go-to for technical support or you are the one who others turn to for direction. When you get home, do you find yourself being that person for other people in your personal life? It is equally important to have healthy boundaries in your personal life as it is to have healthy boundaries in your professional life. Take some time today to reflect on where you may have been cutting back on your personal self-care time to prioritise helping other people. Of course, there isnt anything inherently wrong with being there for your loved ones, it is meaningful and fulfilling to be available to and support your those important to you in your life. But it can drain your emotional cup for the challenges that may come your way in the future, particularly if it is at the expense of your own self-care on a regular basis. Equally, there is nothing wrong with setting boundaries with loved ones, and it can be healthy both on a wellbeing level and for your relationships. It doesnt mean abandoning others. Planning and preparing for time to recharge, and sticking to those plans where possible, can help rejuvenate your sense of self-worth and the quality of your personal time outside of work. Let others in your life know when you need some time out and perhaps cant help at present, they will understand and appreciate the openness. Your are not saying you cant help in the future. Perhaps you can point them in the right direction for help but not take on responsibility yourself. Remember the old saying, put your own oxygen mast on first before others. If youre stuck at making that first step towards reaching out for treatment or at making the first appointment with a therapist, send us an email through our website: www.mindcheckhp.com.au For immediate support: BeyondBlue 1300 22 4636 Lifeline 13 11 14
15.01.2022 The month of May is all about mindfulness and we are getting involved. For the entire month we will be posting tips and tricks to help you live a more mindful life. But what is mindfulness exactly? It is about experiencing the world that is in the ‘here and now’ and not going about living your life on ‘autopilot’. It is a way of freeing yourself from automatic and unhelpful ways of thinking and responding. There are 5 core features of mindfulness which are: Observing thoug...hts, feelings and bodily sensations Describing what you are observing. Participating Fully experience everything you are observing. Being non-judgemental adopt an accepting stance on what you are experiencing. Focusing on one thing at a time practice being present and notice when you have drifted back into thinking mode. There are so many benefits of mindfulness, it can help with: Reducing feelings of anxiety distress and worry. Promoting a sense of calmness. Increasing concentration and productivity. Increasing feelings of empathy and connectedness. Improve sleep and overall health. Relaxation and regulating emotions. Join us and use this month to drive change in your life and live more mindfully.
14.01.2022 This year has been challenging for most, with significant impact on our work, home and livelihoods. Dr Carrie Rainbow and Dr Amy Kwan from Mindcheck Health Pro...fessionals will be speaking to us at 3:30pm (AEST) on Coping with Stress and Uncertainty Click here to join this free webinar: https://medd.com.au/medd-live-conference-registration/ Founding Director, Dr Carrie Rainbow and Dr Amy Kwan, Founding Partner and Director, lead Mindcheck Health Professionals, a private practice exclusively focused on providing psychological services to health practitioners. #generalpractitioner #generalpractice #practicemanagement #practicemanager #mentalhealth #medicalprofessionals
14.01.2022 On the Front Line: you care for patients but whos caring for you? Youre working long days, not seeing friends or family, cant seem to fit in exercise or too exhausted to even think about it, not sleeping well or eating well, perhaps feel like there is no space for interests outside of work and cant see a way of changing this. Youre expected to show up every day and provide care to your patients but whos caring for you? The pressures associated with being a frontline w...orker, eg long work hours, shift work, exposure to stressful events, by nature increase vulnerability to mental health issues such as stress, burnout, depression and anxiety. If you do not take actions to care for yourself, your mental health can easily deteriorate. Self-care for the health professional is not just important, it is essential for your mental and physical wellbeing, job and life satisfaction, and for ensuring quality and safe care for the patients you care for. Often health professionals recognise they need to take better care of themselves, but may feel at a loss of how to go about this or what to do first. Or they dont feel their situation is changeable or that they have the resources to approach making the necessary changes to improve their situation. This is an indication that intervention and support is required. Here at MINDCHECK HP, our core focus is on helping health professionals to better care for themselves and take action to improve their wellbeing and flourish in their personal and professional lives. We assist with identifying what needs to change and how to make change in your life, and support you in making change towards improved self-care and wellbeing. You give so much of yourselves caring for others. Time to direct that care towards yourselves. For more information about our services, visit www.mindcheckhp.com.au or contact us on 07 3847 8094 or [email protected].
14.01.2022 It Sleep Awareness Week! Aug 3rd - 9th, 2020 "Sleep is the critical third pillar in achieving maximum mental health and overall wellness" Are you getting enough? https://www.sleephealthfoundation.org.au//about-sleep-awar... Check out the Sleep Health Foundations website for great tips and information all about sleep!
14.01.2022 A shout out to all the medical registrars undertaking their specialty exams - to those who have recently completed their exams and those who are able to do so in the coming days and weeks, we wish you every success moving past this final monumental hurdle in your training. We encourage you not to push yourself to limits to the 11th hour - at least take the day off prior to your exam to relax, recuperate and do something enjoyable. Relaxation and positive emotions will help to buffer stress, calm your mind and body, and support your performance. Your brain will thank you for it!
13.01.2022 Boundary setting for better work-life balance and wellbeing: Theres no better word than NO! Setting realistic and sustainable boundaries with your work is key to ensuring a healthy work-life balance, work satisfaction and preventing mental health issues such as stress and burnout. There are many ways we can set boundaries within our work to promote self-care, balance and a maintainable workload one is learning to say no. For many, no does not come easily. By nature, hea...lth professionals as carers want to help and contribute. They are also hard-working and hold high expectations of themselves. These characteristics can get in the way of saying no to requests of them from the workplace, when saying no is best for their self-care and wellbeing. Being stressed or burnout can also act as barriers to boundary-setting and saying no in the workplace. Ironically, when we are stressed and stretched, we often push ourselves further and take on more we go into automatic pilot and do do do and find ourselves saying yes, yes, yes..In part this is the result of stress depleting our resources to be assertive and set boundaries with ourselves and others, and reducing our capacity to make considered decisions in our best interests. So how do you go about getting better at saying no at work? First know your barriers. If you are asked to take on a new task or extra duties or assist with a task outside your usual daily responsibilities, what are the usual reasons your mind gives yourself for NOT saying NO (pardon the double negative!) - Ill let others down Theyll think less of me Theyll think Im not committed If others can do it, I should do it too I should be able to do this Theyll think Im not capable Or maybe there are certain people you find it hard to say no to? Perhaps you are more likely to default to yes when you are tired, stretched, stressed? Being aware of these barriers can help break the automatic, habitual reaction of saying yes when we should really say no. Top Tip: Next, here is a simple tip to help you change that default response: next time you are asked to do something, rather than automatically saying yes, commit yourself to saying I will give it some thought and get back to you as soon as possible. This provides you time to consider the request and whether it is feasible for you with respect to your workload and wellbeing, and prepare your response if turning down the request, saying no, is in your best interests. Set yourself a goal over the next few weeks to monitor and identify your barriers to saying no, and practice deferring giving an answer to a request. If you are struggling to set boundaries within your work and would like assistance with improving assertiveness and limit-setting, contact us at MINDCHECK HP on [email protected] or 07 3847 8094 to book an appointment or for more information about our services.
12.01.2022 Mens Health Week: DEMENTIA and MENTAL HEALTH In Australia, we have an ageing population, so focusing on the longevity of health is incredibly important. Dementia is the third leading causes of death for men and it has no known cure, no absolute preventative measures and current treatments can have a limited impact. Current research points to the importance of both physical AND mental health in providing men with the best chance at not developing the illness. This week, whil...e it is important to focus on health in a holistic manner, certain parts of health, like mental health, are often overlooked or ignored. This can be due to a range of issues but the stigma around mental health and men seeking treatment for mental illnesses and disorders is still a significant barrier. Wed like to encourage all men to take this as your reminder to spend some time taking care of your mental health! While it may feel overwhelming to check-in with yourself or someone you care about, sometimes small acts of self-care or kindness can go a long way with soothing the mind and fostering well-being. Not only this, but a healthy mind is intrinsic in improving overall health! Happy Mens Health Week! Stay safe, stay active and please reach out to someone you trust if youre struggling with your mental health. If youd like to get in contact with us, please see our website for details: www.mindcheckhp.com.au . For immediate assistance: Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636
12.01.2022 Heroes but not superhuman: Heroes need care too. Major crises or events such as the COVID-19 pandemic often highlight the significant contributions, sacrifices, and heroic efforts of our health care professionals and of course our emergency service workers, in caring for our community. Frequently during these times, as has been the case recently, the media and public promote health professionals as heroes; and rightly so as the dedication and perseverance they show in the fac...e of substantial challenges and the risks to their own wellbeing in assisting others in the community during such times is admirable and worthy of the label. But this title of hero comes with an unintended downside, the assumptions of what it means to be a hero. Many of our HPs feel the weight of this title and that they are expected to be superhuman. Assumptions such as I must always be strong, never falter. I must keep going. I must put others wellbeing first. This promotes an attitude of seeing distress and struggle as a sign of weakness; of not attending to ones physical and mental wellbeing and care; of not being aware of signs of physical and mental decline until theyve reached breaking point; of not acknowledging when they are struggling to cope or asking for help when the need it. But heroes are people too. Health professionals have the same vulnerability and human frailty as the next person. It is ok to be stressed, anxious, overwhelmed, sad and so on during crises such as COVID-19. These are normal responses to a significant stressor. Remember: acknowledging when we are struggling and seeking help takes courage and is a sign of strength. So to our non-superhuman HP heroes, look after yourself, replenish yourself and your resources, take time out for you and with yours, and speak up when youre struggling. Supermans nemesis was kryptonite. Working around the clock, not nurturing yourself and life outside of work is the health professionals. If you have taken action to improve your wellbeing and reached out for assistance from your support network, but are still struggling with distress or finding it difficult to cope, speak with your GP or contact our clinic to find out more about our services.
12.01.2022 Stressed and difficulty coping after COVID-19? Black Dog Institute have launched a research trial of an online program for managing stress as a result of the pandemic. Participants will either receive a self-paced online program or a group-based sessions via video conferencing. This will be a great initiative to shed light on the effectiveness of different formats of psychological support for individuals experiencing distress arising from the pandemic. Not for you? If you are feeling stressed and having difficulty coping on your own, and would like to talk to a psychologist, contact us at MINDCHECK HP. https://www.blackdoginstitute.org.au//digital-program-lau/
12.01.2022 We are 2! Yesterday at MINDCHECK HP we celebrated our 2nd year in operation. Since our opening in 2018, we have had two years of exciting developments and growth. There has been a wonderful response to our service, and it is encouraging to see health professionals actively seeking psychological therapy and workplaces seeking assistance to support the mental wellbeing of their staff. This year has certainly been an interesting ride with recent times. But on a positive note, w...ith our doubling in age we have had a doubling in size! We welcomed our lovely and capable Chloe to the team who is a wonderful first contact at frontdesk, and Roxana to our clinical team, whos experience, knowledge, and general positive presence is an asset to our service. Both Chloe and Roxana make valuable contributions to the MINDCHECK HP team, our clients and our cause, and we are pleased to have them on board. We want to thank all those who have supported us over the past two years and we look forward to exciting challenges and endeavours ahead.
12.01.2022 One of the most common and easy way of practising mindfulness is to notice 5 things. Take a deep breath and look around you and notice: Five things you can see. Four things you can hear... Three things you can feel Two things you can small One thing you can taste It’s so easy you can do it anywhere anytime, in between patients, waiting for a coffee, in the lift, at your desk or even on your 4-minute lunch break! It’s great to do when you feel yourself getting caught up in your thoughts and feelings, particularly when dealing with critical incidents at work. You also don’t have to be alone to practice mindfulness. #mindfulness #mindfulmay #psychology #psychologistsofinstagram #practicemindfulness #doctorsofaustralia
10.01.2022 Brisbane will be in lockdown for the next 3 days as of 5pm today. MINDCHECK HP will remain open to continue supporting health professionals during this challenging time. We encourage our clients to consider a change to telehealth appointments this week where feasible. Please contact our admin at (07) 3847 8094 if you have any questions or concerns. To all of our fellow health professionals out there, please take care of yourself.
10.01.2022 Caring for Health Professionals requires more than one approach: That's why MINDCHECK HP provides group-programs, in-services & workshops. Has your team been feeling the weight of COVID-19, dealing with grief and loss, or facing stress and change in the workplace? Or could they benefit from upskilling in self-care and well-being management? Reach out to us today to find out how we can help support your team. We offer workshops, in-services and group-based programs to organisa...tions on a range of topics relevant to Health Professionals. Our programs equip HPs with the tools and information to foster self-care and wellbeing, manage work-related stressors and challenges, prevent stress and burnout, and support a healthy life balance and satisfying, sustainable career. If you would like to learn more about our programs, or to discuss a customised service to support the specific needs of your team, please contact us on 07 3847 8094 or [email protected]
09.01.2022 R U OK? Day, Thursday 10th of September! A conversation could save a life. When going about your day today, and every day, look out for any colleagues, friends or family who may seem unlike their usual self or who seem distracted. Not too sure how to get a conversation started with someone youre worried about? The R U OK? Day team has provided some easy steps to help you along!... Four easy conversation steps for a helpful chat: 1. Ask: R u ok? 2. Be prepared to listen with an open mind: Listen without judgement. Take the time to hear them out and to explain how theyre really feeling 3. Encourage Action: Encourage and help explore and identify actions to improve their wellbeing. Encourage help-seeking. 4. Check-in: after checking in with a friend, following up with them shows consideration and concern, reassuring them that that youre thinking of them The message behind RUOK? Day stems from the research and work of Dr Thomas Joiner. His work explores how we can prevent suicide through developing meaningful connections with others. His work suggests that the desire to die by suicide comes from three factors a belief that one is a burden on others, that they have the ability to withstand a high degree pain, and a lack of belonging and a sense of disconnection from others. Reducing this disconnection is considered vital in preventing suicide. By opening the conversation for someone who may be struggling with difficult thoughts, it can help convey the message that they have space to speak, be heard and are cared for. Dont forget to ask yourself too! R U OK? Find out more about RUOK?Day: https://www.ruok.org.au/what-were-about
09.01.2022 Today is....CRAZY SOCKS 4 DOCS day!! On this first Friday of June we have donned our crazy, colourful socks to do our bit to normalise the conversation and raise awareness of the mental health of all doctors and health practitioners. Join in the cause and share your fun pics! Rock out with your socks out for our medical and health practitioners. We know that the mental health and wellbeing of our doctors and health practitioners has certainly been challenged by the COVID-19... crisis and many have been focussed on providing care to the community, with little time to check in and take care of themselves. But please take time out to do so - see you GP, catch up and debrief with a friend or family member, be honest about how you are feeling and coping, and seek further professional support if needed. And it is time for all health professionals to support each other - check in with your colleagues and lets get talking about our mental health. We want to say a heartfelt thank you to our medical professionals and frontline health worker colleagues - your mental health and wellbeing is not less important than the wellbeing of the community you care for - not now and not ever. https://www.crazysocks4docs.com.au/
08.01.2022 Caring for Health Professionals requires more than one approach: Thats why MINDCHECK HP provides group-programs, in-services & workshops. Has your team been feeling the weight of COVID-19, dealing with grief and loss, or facing stress and change in the workplace? Or could they benefit from upskilling in self-care and well-being management? Reach out to us today to find out how we can help support your team. We offer workshops, in-services and group-based programs to organisa...tions on a range of topics relevant to Health Professionals. Our programs equip HPs with the tools and information to foster self-care and wellbeing, manage work-related stressors and challenges, prevent stress and burnout, and support a healthy life balance and satisfying, sustainable career. If you would like to learn more about our programs, or to discuss a customised service to support the specific needs of your team, please contact us on 07 3847 8094 or [email protected]
08.01.2022 Mental Health Support e-Hub for Essential Frontline Healthcare Workers - in recognition of significant impact of the pandemic on the mental health of our healthcare workers, the Australian Government, as part of wider funding to support the mental health and wellbeing of Australians, is funding a new mental health support service for frontline healthcare workers through the Black Dog Institute. The e-health hub is an online and phone mental health and wellbeing network, for... health workers to access assessment, specialist advice, triaged support, referral options, and self-help resources. The Essential Network - TEN - will be available as an app. This is a fantastic initiative. https://www.blackdoginstitute.org.au//covid-19-e-health-h/
07.01.2022 Anzac Day is a time to stop and remember all who have served our country, past and present. We thank all service people and recognise the impact active service can have on mental health. We understand that today may be a difficult day for many. If you require crisis support please contact: Lifeline - 13 11 14... Beyond Blue - 1300 224 636 Suicide Call Back Service - 1300 659 467 #anzacday #anzacday2021 #lestweforget #wewillrememberthem
07.01.2022 Its Liptember! This September pop a little colour on your lips for womens mental health. Liptember is a campaign dedicated to raising funds and awareness for womens mental health, harnessing the true potential of the collective, encouraging and inspiring people to listen, share, and learn. The campaign recognises the need for gender specific mental health research and support to ensure the relevance of research and effectiveness of support programs. Women wear many hats... and have many responsibilities. They also tend to care for others before they look after themselves. In line with this, females also represent a larger proportion of the health care workforce. For example, nurses and midwives represent the largest group in the registered health workforce, and in 2016, 89% were female. Women have unique risk factors to mental health issues. They are also more likely to experience some mental health conditions at higher rates than men. Ensuring the mental health of Australian women, will in turn improve the overall health and wellbeing of our entire community the goal of the Liptember campaign. If you are struggling, it is important to reach out for help. Put yourself first. By doing so, in turn you will be helping those most important to you in your lives. Helping start the conversation off, by popping a little colour on https://www.liptember.com.au/
07.01.2022 World PT Day 8th Sept, 2020 Its World Physiotherapy Day ! Founded in 1951, World PT Day has occurred annually on the 8th Sept as a vehicle to bring awareness to the important work physiotherapists in keeping their patients and the community well, mobile and independent. This year the focus is on rehabilitation and COVID-19. Many may not be aware of the vital role physiotherapists play in the rehabilitation of patients in the acute phase and post-acute phase of COVID-19. Se...veral weeks ago we posted (Jul 30) an article written by a physio on her experience of working with patients suffering from COVID-19, which provided insight into the distressing and challenging nature of this illness and the impact of caring for those with COVID-19 from a physios perspective. Today is an opportunity to say thank you to our physios for your wonderful work in caring for those through COVID-19 illness, which has meant being exposed to very distressing and traumatic experiences and placing yourselves at risk in order to keep your patients safe and on track to recovery. And beyond COVID, thank you for your valuable contributions to keeping individuals and the community well and able from infants through to the elderly, you make meaningful impacts in the lives of those whom you work with. So lets all reach out to the physios you know in your life your physio, a family member, a friend, colleagues and let them know they are appreciated. No matter what health care profession you are in, caring for others takes it toll. If you are struggling with distress and finding it difficult to cope, please seek help. MINDCHECK HP offers psychological support to all health professionals please reach out to us or a trusted health provider and find out about services that are available to you. https://world.physio/wptday
06.01.2022 Deliver exceptional care by helping yourself first. HPs by nature are a caring bunch! They are hard-working and often put the needs of patients and their work above their own. But they are also human and at risk of stress and mental health issues, and in many cases at higher rates than the general population. You cant expect to be at the top of your game if youre struggling. ... In fact research shows that unmanaged stress, burnout, and mental health issues can negatively impact your work and patient care and outcomes. Specifically, it leads to: reduced work performance reduced quality of patient care increased risk of mistakes and harm to patients reduced patient trust and satisfaction with care increased risk of professional misconduct and potential litigation reduced patient treatment adherence and compliance with preventative measures. So looking after your psychological wellbeing and seeking early intervention when you are struggling, not only has benefits for HPs themselves but also for their patients. If youre experiencing stress, burnout, anxiety, depression, PTSD, or you are just not feeling yourself and coping as well as usual, we offer individually tailored therapy to assist you in recovery and take charge of your mental health and wellbeing. www.mindcheckhp.com.au
03.01.2022 A locally led study on the benefits of self-compassion for mental health. The study explored the effects of compassion or criticism on the brain and body during a stressful experience. Practicing compassion was found to reduce activation of the threat system in the brain. The article also provides a free 15min compassion exercise! Get practicing! https://www.uq.edu.au//self-compassion-key-during-difficul
03.01.2022 Exercise Right Week Movement IS Medicine!! This week is Exercise Right Week 25th to 31st May This is an annual event created by Exercise & Sports Science Australia, with this years theme being Movement is Medicine. The awareness campaign aims to highlight the power of exercise, physical activity, and movement for your physical and mental health. As health professionals, we often educate patients and clients on the importance of exercise for our wellbeing, both phy...sical and mental, but may neglect this self-care activity ourselves. Use this week as an opportunity to check in on your physical activity levels and set a small goal towards getting more active if needed. There is no one way to exercise and be active find the Exercise that is Right for you! https://exerciseright.com.au/
02.01.2022 Another great piece of locally-led research - exploring the psychological impact of COVID-19 and the benefits of compassion in managing pandemic-related stress and trauma. It would be wonderful to have such an enquiry into our health professional population - especially frontline workers. https://www.uq.edu.au//art/2020/05/study-explores-covid-19s-psychological-impact
02.01.2022 This week is Mens Health Week! As men make up about 50% of the population, and their health status is poorer than that of women in most countries, it is a worthy cause to raise awareness for! There are a range of important illnesses and relevant topics to discuss this week so please share what feels important to you and encourage each other in creating a happy, healthier population together. These topics can range from ideas for reducing barriers to accessing mental health ...services, ways of supporting male family, friends and colleagues to open up and talk about their health issues, to sharing your favourite stress-reducing activities or your go-to workout routine for a busy day! At MINDCHECK Health Professionals, we aim to serve our clients according to their needs and enhance the mental well-being of our important health practitioners who all commit themselves to helping others feel better. Let us share in this cause and raise awareness of mens health outcomes and needs and promote good health for all the men in our lives and across Australia! Learn more about the cause here: https://www.menshealthweek.org.au/
01.01.2022 We are looking for a dedicated and dynamic individual to be the frontline of our practice. Please share far and wide!
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