Mindful Mikeala Doula & Yoga in Singleton, New South Wales | Yoga studio
Mindful Mikeala Doula & Yoga
Locality: Singleton, New South Wales
Phone: +61 437 420 426
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24.01.2022 Child Friendly Yoga & Pilates @ipswichmassage 3 days a week Tag your accountability crew to join you in class! These classes give you time to move your body without having to wait for your partner to get home or to find care for Bub.... Child Friendly Yoga and Pilates is a beginner friendly class with a group of supportive women and adorable babes. Monday’s, Tuesday’s & Thursday at 9:45am, bookings via Mindbody App (search Ipswich Massage). Hope to see you there
24.01.2022 Oh these sweet faces, I have to best job in the world! Nurturing Women through Pregnancy to Postpartum and as a bonus playing with these little babes Child Friendly classes 9:45am Monday, Tuesday & Thursday @ipswichmassage. A chance for mums to move their body in a safe and supportive environment while Bubs play, snack and explore.
24.01.2022 Gratitude for mum’s body Prenatal Yoga resumes for term 4 next week Ipswich Massage & Herbal Spa Only 4 places remain, message me to reserve your mat ... #Repost @the.mindful.place | Gratitude for mum's body... Your body is a wondrous channel of love. A miracle, the reason a soul gets to live and that truly is a wonderful gift. You are the creative expression of life. Your body is a work of art. A home for 9 months, a sacred and safe place to stay. Thank you. You are just loved. Just as you are, endlessly. When you love yourself endlessly, you will find that the whole world loves you too. Debasish Mridha For more on connecting to your mind, body and spirit head over to www.themindfulplace.com.au or check us out on Facebook, we’d love to see you there! Facebook @themindfulplace1
22.01.2022 A Christmas Get-Together Tickets available now Celebrating the end of our first year in the Yoga Hall.. and what a roller coaster year it was!... Celebrating at The PA Hotel, Ipswich $22 per adult includes nibbles and a drink. Partners invited and children welcome (no charge). Tickets available in studio or via DM. Payments via cash, direct deposit or credit card. Bookings are essential for venue. Hope to see you all there
22.01.2022 Have your hospital antenatal classes been cancelled or moved online? Do you need more support for your birth? Mindful Birthing Workshop is just 10 days away with only a couple of spots remaining! Charlotte from Benefiting Birth and Beyond and Mikeala from @mindfulmikeala have combined forces to bring you Mindful Birthing. Above and beyond your typical hospital classes! Providing you with the knowledge for Empowered and Informed choices for your birth. Learning about active bi...rth techniques, common interventions, tips for creating a birth plan, breath and body awareness, meditation and relaxation techniques, birthing partner support and more.. Mindful Birthing returning Saturday 29th August at Ipswich Massage & Herbal Spa. Bookings essential for couples via @benefitingbirthandbeyond Gorgeous images of Charlotte supporting mum taken by Little Love Lane Photography - Brisbane Newborn & Family Photographer via @benefitingbirthandbeyond #mindfulbirthing #empoweredbirth #informedbirth #midwiferycare #doulasupport #ipswichdoula #studentdoula #ipswichmums #duein2020 #duein2021 #discoveripswich #topoftownipswich #ipswichyoga #prenatalyoga #womensupportingwomen
21.01.2022 Jess from Rescueblue is returning to the Yoga Hall in February! This workshop was loved by everyone that attended last month. I’m so excited to have Jess in the studio again sharing such used first aid knowledge for your babes
21.01.2022 Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree.. I have a gift for you all! Our Yoga & Pilates timetable for the festive season While I’m away @kaylamareeyogini will come to play! Monday night Pilates & Sunday 27th Yin Special with my mum @nicole_ainsworth_2020 will be ZOOM ONLY. All other classes will be in Studio & on Zoom @ipswichmassage with the beautiful Kayla!... Make sure you save this post to come back to later! Will you be Zooming or in studio these holidays? Let me know in the comments. @ Ipswich Massage & Herbal Spa
21.01.2022 Let’s be honest, we all know who is really in charge of our child friendly classes! What these little ladies say, goes! So grab your blocks and we’ll begin @ipswichmassage #childfriendlyyoga #mumsandbubsyoga #postnatalyoga #ipswichyoga #ipswichmums
21.01.2022 Prenatal Yoga Term 3 Block 2 The beautiful practice of Pregnancy Yoga live in studio @ipswichmassage (also available via zoom on request, Australia wide! ) lead by me, Mikeala! I am a Yoga Teacher, Pilates Instructor and a Student Doula. A gentle practice to calm the mind and body, learn to stretch and move to help relieve aches and pains, strengthen your body for labour and connect with your breath, body and meditation practice- a helpful tool for any mum, daughter or fr...iend. Term 3 Block 1 begins Monday 17th August 7-8:15PM, running for 5 weeks. Your investment only $99. Classes capped at a maximum of 10. How to book: To book head to https://ipswichmassage.com.au/timetable/ scroll to Prenatal Yoga and click on ‘see when prenatal yoga is offered’ from there you can select ‘Sign up’ for Monday 17th July. You’ll then be prompted to sign in and buy your pass for the 5 weeks. There is only one pre arranged make-up class permitted per block. Please note we are not currently offering this as a casual class or on the unlimited yoga pass. Limited spaces available, bookings essential. If you have any problems please feel free to message me or call Ipswich Massage & Herbal Spa on 32816007 during office hours Illustration by @duvet_days
21.01.2022 Interested in becoming a doula with a strong connection to holistic healing and remedies? Jo is AH-MAZING! She has so much information to share. I highly recommend this course
21.01.2022 YIN YOGA SPECIAL Roll out your mat, switch on Zoom and join mum & I for a 90minute Yin Yoga Special today, Sunday 27th December! No extra for Members or $22 for a casual class. Bookings via Mindbody App, search for Ipswich Massage and claim your spot.... Class begins 2:30pm QLD | 3:30pm NSW. @nicole_ainsworth_2020 from @theshedfitness_ @ipswichmassage
20.01.2022 This sounds like bliss at Space 2 Grow Yoga Studio this Sunday
20.01.2022 Is it okay to fall asleep in Yin or Restorative Yoga? Yes! It may be just what you need
20.01.2022 I’m going to be honest, I love food! Nutra Organics have made it easy for me to add extra vitamins and minerals into my diet and assisted in improving my gut health. I personally love the Bone Broths, Collagen and their Beauty Bars. They’ve also just released a Chocolate which I’m super excited to try too I have created a wholesale account where I’m happy to pass on the discounts to my clients. I will be placing an order Friday so if you’re interested in something send me a message and I’ll add it to the order for pickup in Ipswich
17.01.2022 Namaste (nah-mas-tay) ‘I bow to you’ My soul honours your soul. I honour the place in your where the entire universe resides.... I honour the light, the love, the truth, the beauty and the peace within you, because it is also within me. In sharing these things we are united, we are one. Photographer: @wilde.blou.photography
16.01.2022 Oh my heart! 9:30am Child Friendly classes at @theshedfitness_ looking like this! Bring your babes along or come solo. A super exciting addition to the timetable along with all the amazing early morning and evening classes - slide to see the whole timetable ... I’ll be teaching my first class Monday morning at The Shed Branxton (located behind The Quinn Hotel). @ Branxton, New South Wales
16.01.2022 The instant Zen of Yoga Nidra Meditation A tiny snippet of our upcoming Mindful Birthing Workshop with @benefitingbirthandbeyond This full day workshop has been created for couples, providing you both with the tools to support you through your birth.... We have space for only 2 more couples to join us this Saturday 20th Feb, 10-5pm @ipswichmassage, your investment $199. Contact Myself or Charlotte to secure your place. #mindfulbirthing #birthworkshop #ipswichmums #ipswichdoula #studentdoula #pregnancyyoga #birthskills
15.01.2022 Mums & Bubs Yoga & Pilates, where I get distracted by cuteness for majority of the class I love to see the bond grow between babies but more importantly between mums. These women support each other so much, in classes and in day to day. In these classes expect not only a supporting environment but also some stillness, flow, feeding, changing nappies, breathing, giggles, squeals, tears (usually from babes ) and a whole lot of love.... See you on the mat Thank-you @sarahbraam for the pic
14.01.2022 With the end of the year looking busy be sure to set aside time for some quality You time. A few exciting events coming up in the Ipswich Massage & Herbal Spa’s Yoga Hall! Contact each host to find out more details and to secure your spot. Discover your Purpose hosted by Real Vision Life Coaching... Gong Sound Meditation hosted by Gong Sound Meditation Baby First Aid Workshop hosted by Rescueblue Mindful Birthing Workshop hosted by Benefiting Birth and Beyond & Mikeala A Christmas Get-Together for members at The PA Hotel, tickets available now! See me in the studio or send me a message to secure your spot. $22 per person (kids free) for nibbles and a drink or two.
13.01.2022 Which colour did you choose?
13.01.2022 New Classes at The Shed Fitness Singleton & Branxton. 9:30am Pilates is definitely Child Friendly and the perfect step into exercise postpartum! Can’t wait to see you there
12.01.2022 Child Friendly Yoga & Pilates at Ipswich Massage & Herbal Spa These little cuties and their beautiful Mummas @tellye + @apey.dapey have been coming to Yoga and Pilates for about a year now. They began yoga with me during Pregnancy and have since fallen in love with their regular practice. It has been such a blessing to see both Mums and Bubs blossom through motherhood. Big love to you
11.01.2022 I’ll be flowing with you Monday 6pm Space 2 Grow Yoga Studio
10.01.2022 Pregnancy Yoga starts this week! The beautiful practice of Pregnancy Yoga with Mindful Mikeala makes it debut to The Shed Fitness, Branxton! You'll be guided through stretches to relieve typical pregnancy aches and pains, strengthening poses to prepare for labour with guided breath awareness and meditation to connect with yourself, your body and your baby.... 4 week term: each Thursday night in June 7:15-8:30pm. Take your preggy friends that need a little R&R each week x Your investment in yourself: $78 for a 4 week term. Bookings are essential: https://www.trybooking.com/BRQUS
09.01.2022 There is no parts of ourselves that need to be hidden. There are no parts of our self that we need to get rid of. There is not a single piece of you, no matter how deep & dark & terrifying, that isn’t worthy of being embodied. The entirety of you is welcome @musingsfromthemoon Repost @wilde.blou.essentials @wilde.blou.photography
09.01.2022 Mindful Birthing Last workshop of the year! December 13th 10am to 5pm At Ipswich Massage & Herbal Spa With Mindful Mikeala Doula & Yoga & Benefiting Birth and Beyond... 3 part day First 2.5hrs of Education Understanding your body Understanding labour and birth Mindset Tools and Techniques to assist and improve labour Becoming Informed beforehand and advocacting Second 2.5hrs Active Birth Optimal Foetal Positioning Optimal Maternal Positioning Assisting movement Relieving tension and pain More tools and techniques Third part Parents seperate for 2 seperate classes Birthers with Mikeala 1 hr of restorative pregnancy yoga Partners with Charlotte 1 hr of partner prep Beer included!!
09.01.2022 THANK-YOU, to all of our students who have practiced in our space with love and respect. Very big thank-you to those who have chosen Zoom over in studio classes when under the weather. I understand there is a big amount of fear around our current situation here in Ipswich. I will continue to do everything in my power to keep our studio a safe space for all. There will continue to be many hours a week of cleaning, sanitising and personally consuming of all the vitamins ... As always, if you or participating kids are showing symptoms, please enjoy a ‘rest’ day or choose zoom from the comfort of your own home - message me if you ever need the link. Sending big love and light to you all
08.01.2022 3 years today as a Yoga Teacher!! Thank-you to everyone who has made me the teacher I am today. I have endless love for you all
08.01.2022 Full Moon Circle, In Person & Online Wednesday 26th May is a Full Moon in Scorpio that brings with it a Luna Eclipse in Sagittarius closely followed by Mercury Retrograde. In simple terms.. BIG shifts are coming! You may already be feeling the shifts, for some this can be a really uncomfortable time, like you no longer 'Fit' and that's okay! This workshop will be the perfect time to recalibrate.... We'll be working on releasing outdated habits and beliefs while creating space for positive growth. Available In Person & Live Online. On Wednesday 26 May 2021 at 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM. Your investment: only $23! https://www.trybooking.com/BRPBK #fullmooncircle #womenscircle #singletonnsw #huntervalleyyoga
08.01.2022 Homeopathy for Birthing Another tool I have on hand in my doula (and personal) bag
07.01.2022 Our First Birthday Eve
06.01.2022 Only 3 more sleeps until the Baby First Aid Workshop being held in the our Yoga Hall at Ipswich Massage & Herbal Spa on Thursday at 11:30am! Don't forget to grab your tickets to secure your space! https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/baby-first-aid-workshop-ips #saveyourchildslife #ipswich #babyfirstaid ... www.rescueblue.com.au See more
05.01.2022 Mindful Birthing workshop this Saturday in Brisbane!
04.01.2022 The Yoga Hall @ipswichmassage is the only dedicated Yoga & Pilates studio in Ipswich! With a mixture of Mat Pilates, Yoga, Child Friendly classes and Pregnancy Yoga we hope there is a class that suits your journey. New to Yoga and Pilates? Take advantage of our 28 day intro offer for just $49!... What is your favourite class on our timetable? What other classes or times would you like to see? Let me know in the comments Photograph taken by a super talented member @wilde.blou.photography
04.01.2022 A Holiday Get-Together Save the date, Sunday 6th December! Will you be there? We are nearing the end of our first year in the Yoga Hall.. and hasn’t it has been an interesting one? We’ve been challenged but managed to adapt our practice to suit 2020.... We’ve shared our space, our practice and our energy over the last year, now it is time to share a drink. I can’t think of a better way to say thank-you for all your love and support! So whether you’re a long time member or just joined the crew I’d love to see you all dolled up and share a drink this holiday season Partners and Children are welcome to join. We’ll have Tap’d Bar to ourselves at The PA Hotel. Tickets available shortly, reservations will be essential.
03.01.2022 Magic happens behind this door Have you noticed the sky blue barn door on Waghorn Street at the @topoftown_ipswich? @ipswichmassage has their very own Yoga and Pilates Studio in this building! ... Classes include Yoga, Pilates, Child Friendly, Pregnancy Yoga, Restorative Yoga and Meditation. All classes are suitable for beginners and experience students. Watch this space for our new timetable release for Spring! Bookings essential via Mindbody App as spaces are limited. Find your magic, it’s already within you #pregnancyyoga #ipswichyoga #ipswichpilates #ipswichmassage #prenatalyoga #postnatalyoga #ipswichdoula #birthdoula #postpartumdoula
03.01.2022 Mindful Birthing Workshop Last minute cancellation means we have one spot available for tomorrow! Tag your pregnancy mums or partner below Coming up on Saturday 29th August 10am til 5pm Ipswich Massage & Herbal Spa with Charlotte from @benefitingbirthandbeyond and myself! The workshop is spilt over three segments. So what would you and your birthing partner expect to learn?... getting to know your body understanding labour and birth mindfulness for pregnancy, birth and beyond active birth tools and techniques for an easier and shorter labour pregnancy toning practice with your partner We spilt into two groups at the end: Partners - what to say, what to do, how to be helpful, not hindering. Lead by Charlotte Mums - restorative and pregnancy yoga with Mikeala We like to work in intimate groups so spots are limited Your Investment is ONLY $199. DM Charlotte from Benefiting Birth and Beyond to secure your spot! Gorgeous artwork by Mathilde Cinq-Mars Illustration
03.01.2022 Branxton Studio - 9:30 Mat Pilates @theshedfitness_ Slow, controlled movements & Bub friendly, followed by coffee @thequinnbranxton! To make it even sweeter.. SIGN UP ON A BRANXTON MEMBERSHIP THIS WEEK ONLY & TRAIN WITH US FOR FREE FOR 14 DAYS ... Download our PTMinder app, via App Store. Create your own log in details & sign up to 'the shed fitness' Read through our membership types, select the membership that best suits you & automatically receive the next 14 days FREE Offer available from 7th-14th June 2021. @ Branxton, Hunter Valley Nsw
03.01.2022 Have you built your support team for the birth of your babe? More women are birthing without a support team due to restrictions or family interstate. Is this you? Here is your sign! Build your support team with someone who is there for you. During pregnancy, birth and the first few weeks. My passion as a Doula is to empower women to make informed choices towards the birth they want and deserve.... Student Doula prices are available to anyone that books me as a Doula before the end of 2020, available for those birthing in Ipswich and surrounds. Head to my website to find the complete package offerings.
02.01.2022 Everyone’s favourite head support! Lainie’s top tip for rolling yourself into the best savasana you’ll have
02.01.2022 The beautiful practice of Pregnancy Yoga with Mindful Mikeala (Yoga Teacher & Student Doula) makes it debut to @theshedfitness_, Branxton! You'll be guided through stretches to relieve typical pregnancy aches and pains, strengthening poses to prepare for labour with guided breath awareness and meditation to connect with yourself, your body and your baby. 4 week term: each Thursday night in June 7:15-8:30pm.... Small group size to ensure the class is tailored to your needs also meaning this class will sell out so get in quick. Your investment in yourself: $78 for 4 week term. Bookings are essential via my website, under ‘Classes’. #pregnancyyoga #studentdoula #huntervalleydoula #2021baby #theshedfitness
01.01.2022 Pregnancy Yoga starting next week at Ipswich Massage & Herbal Spa Time to tune in with your body, breathe and babe. Learn relaxation and breathing techniques, poses to relieve pregnancy aches and pains, vocal toning and affirmations. Held by Yoga Teacher and Doula
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