Mindful Horse, Mindful Leader | Personal coach
Mindful Horse, Mindful Leader
Phone: +61 414 336 690
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25.01.2022 Very honoured and excited to be presenting among a diverse group at this online conference in January. Treat yourself and start 2021 by being nourished! Calmness, Connection, Compassion...one breath at a time
25.01.2022 Ahhh, the setting Sun in the West...lovely light, such beauty... Sun now in its sign of rulership in Leo, ruler of the heart. At the close of another week, try viewing everything with an open heart this weekend, including yourself. Calmness, Connection, Compassion....one breath at a time...
25.01.2022 We are in Leo season. Lions are associated with leadership and courage. My time in Africa afforded me many privileged encounters with Lion. I have always been drawn to these big cats, as I am to all felines. Lions were venerated in Egypt, notably in the sphinx and the lion-headed goddess Sekhmer, the warrior goddess of healing and protector of the pharaohs. Sekhmet was the daughter of Sun god, Ra. Sirius, the brightest star in Canis Major, is of great significance in African... mythology and it is from Sirius that the White Lions descended to Earth. We are currently in the dog days when Sirius aligns with the Sun. I love the card deck, Lion-Hearted Leadership from the Global White Lion Protection Trust. Today’s guidance is Self-Reliance. Leadership, holding a vision requires self-reliance. It does not mean isolation, one can be self-reliant and draw on support, as a lioness is both independent yet reliant on the pride. Self-reliance is an integrity of self-esteem, self-respect and self-discipline. All these need to be cultivated for effective self-leadership. I invite you to check in with yourself- how is your self-esteem? Are you respecting yourself with good boundaries and self-care practices? Are you able to muster the discipline required to enact your vision, for yourself, your family, your business, your team? Lion hearts are called for in these disruptive times. Sawubona! Calmess, Connection, Compassion...one breath at a time.. See more
25.01.2022 Today I honour my ancestors, those of blood, bone, spirit and place; those who suffered through war, those who lost their lives in war and those whose trauma survived through generations to me. I do healing work for my ancestors to foster wellness in their descendants and the Earth. In many cultures and traditional wisdoms honouring ancestors is important work.The Ancestors walk among us still. I invite you to spend some quiet moments honouring your ancestors, be they blood (more recent relations), bone (those further back in your lineage but unknown to you) spirit (mentors or historical figures with whom you feel an affinity) or place(the Ancestors that lived on the land you live on, or a place you feel deeply connected to). Lest we forget....
24.01.2022 New Moon in Leo.. in the Northern Hemisphere this is a time to bask in the light as Leo season and summer draw to an end. In the South the days get longer and we head towards spring. The Sun is in its place of rulership in Leo and Leo rules the heart, so in this new moon cycle, take time to bask in the sun literally or metaphorically, and count your blessings. Let your heart shine brightly so it dims the ego and let all your actions and thoughts be led by an open, generou...s heart. The card I drew for guidance today, after lighting a candle to celebrate the fire that represents Leo and the Sun, is another Lion God card, Nebu - Sphinx. Have faith and be patient. All in divine timing. Just as the Sphinx faces the Sun, so you should reflect sunlight in all you do, no matter if a positive outcome is not immediately visible..... The Sphinx is the spiritual guardian of thresholds...a symbol of power.. Leaders need to wield power, in the sense of conscious influence judiciously and with an open, compassionate heart. We are seeing the terrible consequences of power wielded from a place of dominance, weighted heavily in favour of minorities...this is shifting. In Egypt the Sphinx was considered benevolent, in Greek mythology she was malevolent. We have the power of both qualities within us, each and everyone. It is time for courageous leaders to stand for benevolence. How can you commit to this path in the ensuing weeks?How can you open your heart to choose benevolent thoughts and actions? The power lies within. Calmness, Connection, Compassion..one breath at a time...
23.01.2022 As the moon was full in Aquarius opposite the sun in Leo this morning I drew 2 cards for guidance. Interesting that one has feminine energy and the other masculine, like the moon and the sun. Both however reflect values and qualities essential to both self-care and self-leadership. Respect for ourselves, our emotional, energetic, physical and spiritual needs is a core requirement for setting effective boundaries and for self-care. Setting boundaries to create space and time ...for self-care is something many struggle with. Creating practices that help strengthen boundaries and self-care is part of self-leadership. Strength to many can be associated with soldiering on or with dominant behaviour. This is not the strength represented by the Lion, nor the strength called for in good leadership, of self or others. Strength aligns with Nature and is found in harmony and vulnerability. True strength is kind and open-hearted. Leo rules the heart and there is no better time than Leo season to remind ourselves of that. In a world of challenges and disruption, choose to respect and choose lion-hearted strength. Nature is a great reminder and teacher of these qualities. Calmness, Connection, Compassion...one breath at a time.. See more
22.01.2022 The first ever Online Healing with Horse Symposium is now open for registration - there are so many great topics being covered by a range of practitioners in the equine assisted services field. There are three powerful all-conference sessions, plus fireside chats and poetry to close out the day. Presenters from around the globe will be gathering in one zoom room to discuss topics and share insights in the gatherings. There will be choices of breakout sessions in which to participate offered in two different time blocks. The details are not yet finished, but the schedule is up and the bio pages and session descriptions being added through the next few days. There are also several options for purchase. Please check out these details by clicking on the link below. http://judybrightman.healingwithhorse.zaxaa.com/s/144112735
21.01.2022 We’re all just walking each other home. Ram Dass On a wet, cold, grey day ...reflecting so much of the sombre shadow in the world today, let’s, as we move towards the peak of the Lion’s Gate Portal, tomorrow 8/8, call in the light of Sirius and the Sun to activate healing, kindness and compassion, for ourselves, for our Earth and all our relations; all our co-travellers on this earth walk. Calmness, Connection, Compassion....one breath at a time..
21.01.2022 Me: Why am I alive? Old Woman: Because everything else is. Me: No. I mean the purpose. Old Woman: That is the purpose. To learn about your relatives. Me: My family?... Old Woman: Yes. The moon, stars, rocks, trees, plants, water, insects, birds, mammals. Your whole family. Learn about that relationship. How you’re moving through time and space together. That’s why you’re alive. Richard Wagamese, Embers, One Ojibway’s Meditations Communing with Cockatoo...black and white... Cultivate curiosity, let go of judgement Cultivate empathy, let go of separation Cultivate courage and open yourself to the wonder of Nature Cultivate humility and respect and come home to your purpose. Calmness, Connection, Compassion...one breath at a time
21.01.2022 Thanks to everyone who completed the survey on navigating turbulent times. Great to see that most people were reasonably optimistic, feeling calm and centred, though some were understandably unsettled and mainly feeling well resourced to deal with the times. Many expressed interest in cultivating mindfulness, grounding practices, resilience, connection and emotional regulation. There was high interest in increasing access to your intuition and developing self-care skills. ...All respondents felt that we (the horses and me) could offer welcome support in improving self-care and developing self-leadership ability. So - expect to see more posts that align with your wishes....indeed many recent posts have offered tips and simple practices in self-care, mindfulness and connection. More to come....or feel free to schedule a call to discuss how coaching could help you and see if we would be a fit. Calmness, Connection, Compassion.....one breath at a time.. See more
20.01.2022 I am not created by the noise and clatter of my life, by the rush and scurry, the relentless chase or the presumption that more gets more. No, I am created and re-created by moments of stillness and quiet. I am struck richer by a pure solitude that allows me to feel the world around me and lean into my place in it. I am not the rush of words in my life’s narrative. I am its punctuation. Its pauses and stops. I am my ongoing recharge; in this silence I am reborn. Richard Wag...amese, Embers, One Ojibway’s Meditations As we move to the dark of the Moon, in the last days of the waning, we can turn more inward, slow down, pause, reflect on the last month and prepare for the waxing energy of a new lunar month. The Moon is new on 17 September at 9pm AEST, so on the 16th in some time zones...take time to lean into the silence; find some time for solitude in Nature, to be present to the world around...rather than rushing, doing...take some moments to be a being. Calmness, Connection,Compassion....one breath at a time....
18.01.2022 Everything begins with humility. The First Nations people of North America and around the world talk of ancient times when the Animal People existed with humility at their core, sharing everything as equals. My people say that for every spiritual principle there is a byproduct.... In the case of humility, it is sharing. Sharing is not about goods or food or money. Rather its intention is the stuff of the spirit - understanding, empathy, compassion, love, kindness, honour ...- and when something is shared from the spiritual wellspring, it is offered unconditionally. That is the true nature of giving; humbly offering recognition of all that makes us kin. One energy, one drum. Richard Wagamese, One Drum, Stories and Ceremonies for a Planet At this time of seemingly so little understanding, empathy, compassion and kindness in the world...for each other, our non-human co-travellers and our Earth, we could all benefit from cultivating humility. Sadly Richard Wagamese left this Earth before completing his manuscript for One Drum in which he envisaged sharing the teachings of The Seven Grandfathers, for he deeply believed that these principles needed to be shared across the world, to reunite us, to heal us and our Earth, and our relationship with all our relations...all non-humans, the trees, the stones, the elements. Humility is the first of those teachings. May we remember this.
17.01.2022 Breathe in still water....breathe out I reflect what is Breathe in still water....breathe out I am calm Still water...calm The above mindful breath meditation is part of a sequence taught by Thich Nhat Hanh.... Breathe in a flower ...breathe out I am fresh Flower...fresh Breathe in a mountain....breathe out I am solid Mountain....solid Breathe in still water...breathe out I reflect what is Still water....calm Breathe in space....breathe out I am free Space....free Breathe in I am alive....breathe out I smile at the world with my eyes Alive.....smile Mindful moments..make the most of your precious moments...be present to the beauty that abounds in the world, be present to the beauty and abundance within.. Calmness, Connection, Compassion....one breath at a time..
16.01.2022 Equinox. A time to rebalance in harmony with day and night, Sun and Moon. In a world so terribly out of balance it can seem overwhelming and perhaps futile to consider the impact of balancing one’s own life, but now more than ever we need to do our inner work, for our world needs awakened souls, cultivating their inner gatdens with kindness and compassion, for indeed our outer world reflects our inner world, individually and collectively. Pause, whether you are in the norther...n hemisphere at autumnal equinox, or the southern at vernal, to reflect in awe,that at this time, we are all, wherever we are, whoever we are, experiencing this moment of balance, equity and harmony... all of which we need to collectively and intentionally cultivate. Taking moments in your day, each day, to pause, breathe into calm and connect with compassion...as you cross a threshold, pass a tree, , eat, take a walk, brush your teeth...small practices lead to incremental, sustainable change... Calmness, Connection, Compassion...one breath at a time. See more
15.01.2022 When all around seems unclear, perhaps murky or gloomy, look for the light, even if just a sliver. For me I love contemplating clouds (nephology) and often I see patterns and images in them (pareidolia). Here I see a heart shape pierced by the streak of light with a horse galloping away to its left... it made me smile and warmed my heart as I gazed upward standing in a cold, windswept paddock. What are small things you can do to lift your mood, to cheer you, to bring things into perspective or to harmony? Calmness, Connection, Compassion.....one breath at a time..
11.01.2022 Where you belong should always be worthy of your dignity. You should belong first in your own interiority. If you belong there, and if you are in rhythm with yourself and connected to that deep, unique source within, then you will never be vulnerable when your outside belonging is qualified, relativized or taken away. You will still be able to stand on your own ground, the ground of your soul where you are not a tenant, where you are at home. Your interiority is the ground f...rom which nobody can distance, exclude or exile you. This is your treasure. Anam Cara, John O’Donohue I wish I had discovered this truth sooner in life, but like all things , it came when I was open to receive it. I invite you to read it again; let the words really land in your interior; notice where they land and if there is a colour, image or sound they bring; notice the felt sensations. Bringing people to their interiors, bringing people home, connecting to their soul...this is what the horses and I offer. In a world so divided, judgmental and where so many feel marginalized, this work is important. Is it time to explore your interiority? Calmness, Connection, Compassion....one breath at a time.
11.01.2022 The miracle is that we are here at all. Life itself is the greatest wonder. To simply BE is awe-inspiring. I believe this. Just as I believe it’s pointless to waste time chasing after meaningless shit like fame and wealth and status. Better to spend time creating- good words, good feelings, good relationships, good memories- the grandest, most triumphant stories of our individual and collective time here. Creating those stories is a sacred act, and all that we are really me...ant to do. So don’t look for me on the hilltop shouting. That’s me in the valley with my hands in the dirt... Richard Wagamese, Embers, One Ojibway’s Meditations As I watch the miracle of life in Spring, fragile yet magnificent, I am awestruck. The magic is always in the moment, mostly small rather than momentous, yet the very root of the word meaning significant, portentous, life-changing, points to the lesson...be present to your moments, in your relationships, creations and craft. This is where meaning is found- and made. Calmness, Connection,Compassion....one breath at a time...
09.01.2022 A meaningful change requires a genuine surrender to something that is mostly unknown. So writes Michael Meade in Awakening the Soul, a Deep Response to a Troubled World in a chapter on Living Truth. Surrendering to the unknown is of course something so difficult for us to do, for our ego to accept, we often resist strenuously, wrestling ourselves for a semblance of control. Very often it is a major awakening event in our external world that enables an internal awakening,... cracking us open to some of the hidden truths of our soul, to our heart’s true desire. A true awakening rattles our cage strongly enough to create the impetus for change...and as that requires letting go of much of what we have previously held to be important or necessary, it calls for surrender....which is not a giving in, it is an opening to trust, to the knowledge that there are universal laws and truths that guide us, that connect us to the soul of the world, so we may truly feel our connection to all that is. Meade also writes, To truly know something by heart requires feeling it as well as thinking it. Many ancient cultures and all traditional wisdom considered the heart to be the truly important, guiding organ with its own innate wisdom. When we operate from a heart centred place we truly feel the importance of what we do,the truth of it, the truth that is your unique soul truth, your inner guiding law. This is why I love coaching people with the horses and in nature as it allows such a rich felt experience, which can enable powerful insight and an embodied experience. We can then offer practices and tools to incorporate the felt sense in daily life as you start to shift how you are shaping your life, how you are showing up in your self-leadership. For people who can’t get to the horses, due to time constraints, I offer embodied practices in online sessions, where we can link true feeling, sensation and emotion to help create change that can stick. Living your truth requires courage, living in alignment with your soul’s truth requires aligning with the universal laws and truths which are beyond any moral or judicial laws. The card I drew while reflecting on this was Crow, from the Mystical Shaman deck. Crow in many indigenous beliefs represents Law and Universal Truth. Crow calls us to align to what is true for us. Consider where you are out of alignment as we enter Spring in the southern hemisphere, a time to start new projects. For those in the north, as you reap the harvests of summer, it can be a great time to reflect on inner work in the coming darker months. Calmness, Connection, Compassion....one breath at a time...
09.01.2022 I love looking to the west as the day draws to end, releasing what has arisen that is challenging, to the setting Sun ...tonight I am inspired by the appearance in the western sky of the crescent Moon, appearing after her days in the dark. I always feel a sense of joy and renewal when she reveals herself once more. What helps you release and renew? If you don’t gave a regular practice, try mine...it can really help in self-care, emotional regulation, centering and mindful awareness. Calmness, Connection, Compassion....one breath at a time...
09.01.2022 Sharing again this blog I wrote in August 2020 about the Sentinel, one of the 5 Roles of a Master Herder...one more week to sign up at the early bird rate for the Conscious Influence workshop in Ebenezer NSW on May 1 & 2, with a 2 hour zoom session to run through the roles on April 22nd. Just 2 spots left! Message me or email [email protected] for details.
08.01.2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch Been meaning to share this link for a few weeks ...had hoped to watch the interview to be able to give some timings on where to jump in for particular topics, given it was such a lengthy conversation - but haven't...so jump in where you like, watch in chunks...or whatever suits.
07.01.2022 This Thursday 22nd (North America) / Friday 23rd @ 9am AEST/11 am NZ - I'll be joining a fantastic gathering of skilful practitioners and leaders in the equine assisted services field to offer my 90 minute teaching session, full of experiential activities to increase embodied presence and to cultivate our inner garden for self-care and to deepen our connection with the natural world, ourselves and our horses. There are options to join live for the 4 days (great for those in ...the northern hemisphere) or to purchase recordings (great for those in the southern hemisphere). The topics are as wide-ranging as the presenters'backgrounds! All-conference presentations include Linda Kohanov, founder of Eponaquest Worldwide, author of The Tao of Equuus, The Power of the Herd and The 5 Roles of a Master Herder (the basis for my Conscious Influence workshop May 1 & 2)as well as other well-known organisations. Please click the link below and explore the registration options. Hope to see you there! http://judybrightman.healingwithhorse.zaxaa.com/s/144112735 https://youtu.be/ep2lkw_eJAQ
07.01.2022 Join Master Herder Instructor, Judy Brightman of Mindful Horse, Mindful Leader in a workshop that explores the Five Roles of a Master Herder, a socially-intelligent leadership concept developed by Linda Kohanov, co-founder of Eponaquest and best-selling author. This modelbased on an ancient source of wisdomoffers a much-needed perspective on how free, empowered people can navigate constantly changing social and economic climates. Linda looks at traditional herding cultures ...where tribes must manage large groups of powerful animals without the benefit of fences and with little reliance on restraints. Master Herders exhibit a sophisticated understanding of leadership and group cohesion as they move through seasonal grazing lands, facing predators, and dealing with all kinds of challenges along the way. Understanding the differences between the five roles and how to combine them has been a revelation to executives, educators, equestrians, parents, counsellors, and social service personnelbasically anyone interested in accessing the greener pastures of their own untapped potential. (Linda Kohanov) Discover the benefits and challenges of each role, as well as why balancing all five the roles is necessary to success in your personal as well as professional life. We are all leaders of our own lives; learning how to use conscious influence in choosing how we relate and interact can restore balance and foster emotional agility. We’ll start with a 2 hour Zoom session to discuss the model and the pros and cons of the 5 Roles on the evening of Thursday 22 April. On Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd May we’ll meet in Ebenezer, NSW at Tranquil Island, 748 Sackville Road, to explore the roles in guided interactions with the Herd. It is advisable to have read The 5 Roles of a Master Herder (available on booktopia, amazon etc) before the workshop, though the Zoom session will give an overview. Ideally, participants will also have completed the assessment in the book or online https://masterherder.com/professional-assessment/ A link will be sent to all registered participants along with necessary details for the in-person gathering. All activities are unmounted no riding. Judy had the honour and privilege of assisting Linda Kohanov facilitate this work during Linda’s Australian visit in 2018 and has since introduced the work to leadership groups and individuals. See more
05.01.2022 This week brings the end of Leo season when the Sun transits to Virgo on the 22nd. So these cards are drawn for the week...and I’ll check in again on 19!August (18th in Northern hemisphere) when we have the new Moon in Leo. It is not surprising the strength card appears again, given that the Lion is a symbol of strength, and it is a quality all leaders need in abundance. Strength is not dominance, true strength is compassionate and works in harmony with nature and the natural... laws. For cultures that worshipped the Sun or Soiritual Sun, this tenet was the basis of Solar Logos. The second card is a Lion God, Mandla,Gryphon,Npenvu. Mandla means Power or Mighty, the Gryphon is an ancient symbol, typically depicted as a lion’s body with an eagle’s head. Npenvu is the gryphon of southern African beliefs...the Beast of Truth, the guardian of sacred knowledge. Together these cards bring a powerful message of what we need to do, as self-leaders, what qualities we need to embody and what truths we need to aspire to in order to awaken to the light of our true nature,to foster fierce compassion and power in restoring our connection to Nature. This is what we need to demand of our leaders too. How can you step into your power, how can you generate strength and compassion in your life , your relationships , your work? Sawubona! Calmness, Connection, Compassion...one breath at a time. See more
05.01.2022 Shakespeare wrote There is nothing more confining that the prison we don’t know we’re in. ‘Whatever we are not conscious of can have a deep hold on us,’ writes Michael Meade in Awakening the Soul, A Deep Response to a Troubled World. I know this to be true. Meade continues; In hard times, inner changes must precede changes in outer circumstances. Deep challenges require deep work. Journeying within is not for the faint-hearted, it is not all peaceful meditation and unic...orns, but it is life changing, re-membering the wonder and awe of the world seen through eyes of imagination, belief in the mystery, of a world truly remarkable.To awaken the inner sight of the soul is what is needed to balance out the literal, linear world of facts we have been conditioned to believe is the only reality that matters. Meade writes: In the end,we either develop pathways to a true awakening of the soul or we add more bricks to a prison of our own making. I know what I chose; how about you? The card I drew for guidance for this week comes from The Mystical Shaman Oracle by Alberto Villodo, Colette Baron-Reid and Marcela Lobos. This symbol represents the infinite intelligence of Great Spirit that makes up the fundamental fabric of the universe. When Magic appears you’re invited to see the world through the eyes of wonder and awe. There are no coincidences. Calmness, Connection, Compassion...one breath at a time..
05.01.2022 Self leadership is a topic I raise with many clients and the results of my recent survey indicated a general level of interest in cultivating this. In the 5 Roles of the Master Herder and The Power of the Herd, Linda Kohanov, one of my teachers, talks about conscious influence, choosing the program and being the programmer, using emotions as information, mastering boundaries, developing a high tolerance for vulnerability and conserving energy for true emergencies. These are s...ome of the guiding principles for socially intelligent leadership. These concepts cover many of the areas that comprise self-leadership, such as self-discovery, self-awareness, self-development,self-direction , self-talk and self-mastery. Taking choose the program, be the programmer as an example, we know that much of what we do, how we react and the stories we tell ourselves, our beliefs, come from patterns laid down in the subconscious in the first seven years of our lives. These subconscious programs run the system, like the operating system of a computer. Becoming conscious of these, and changing or releasing limiting beliefs, requires conscious influence in choosing a new program, and being the programmer: i.e shining light on something, becoming aware of a way of being, thought pattern etc, choosing to change it, then creating practices to help rewire our neural pathways and somatic practices to embody a new way of being. This is much of what I help clients with both online and in the paddock. When we work with the horses insights and awareness can be more rapid, as can experiencing the felt sensations that accompany a state or shape- and by experimenting with new sensations and shapes, we get immediate biofeedback from the horse- all without language and judgment. Change is hard, to sustain it we need to both desire to change enough that we will invest time and put in the effort needed to sustain it; to help us stop veering back into the well-worn groove of a well-trodden path, and forge a new path over initially rougher ground. Linking somatic practices with emotion and what we want, what we envision - and helping someone design a simple practice that can be built into daily routines can really help change stick. Calmness, Connection,Compassion...one breath at a time... See more
04.01.2022 Today is R U OK? Day in Australia and World Suicide Prevention Day. No-one is left untouched by the impacts of mental health issues, and in this beleaguered world where so many massive challenges loom, compounded by the impacts of a pandemic, it is not surprising that many people are reporting increased anxiety, depression and a decline in mental health. One of the foundation tools of Eponaquest is the Emotional Message Chart which Linda Kohanov developed from Karla McLaren...’s excellent work on The Language of Emotions. Recognising the gifts in all emotions, even the challenging ones-note I don’t say negative-is a key part of learning to work more effectively with emotions and developing emotional fluency. Identifying the emotion and using it as information is a pivotal step in bringing awareness to our state. Understanding the message behind the emotion helps us to ask questions that can lead to a shift or taking action to change, to prevent getting stuck, or allowing emotions to stay trapped, unacknowledged, where they fester until manifesting in some form of dis-ease. The message of depression (and I mean situational depression, not clinical depression)is ingenious stagnation and stop sign of the soul. The question we can ask of it iswhat is draining my energy? What new direction gives me energy? Suicidal urge carries the message that some aspect of the life you are leading (not your physical existence) must end. McLaren says the questions to ask internally arewhat idea or behaviour must end? What can no longer be tolerated by my soul? Empathy means we can sit in the dark with someone, without judgement or trying to fix them, one of the core authentic values of Eponaquest work. We do however support people to increase their emotional intelligence, learn to recognise the information behind emotions and recognise the somatic sensations of escalating emotion. These tools can be very helpful in navigating challenging times. I highly recommend reading Karla McLaren’s work which provides practices to help navigate the often turbulent waters of emotions. If this post brings up challenges for you please reach out for help; you matter. Calmness, Connection, Compassion....one breath at a time. Beyond Blue 1300224636 Lifeline 131114 Kids Helpline 1800551800 MensLineAustralia 1300789978
02.01.2022 In hard times, inner changes must precede changes to outer circumstances. ....The otherworld exists as the inner territories of heart and soul, as the realm of of imagination and dreams that can renew us as well as help sustain life. The otherworld, which can be experienced as the inner world, turns out to be the source of everything that people consider to be the real world. Michael Meade, Awakening the Soul: A Deep Response to a Troubled World Are you finding the time and... space to do your inner work? Cultivating our inner garden helps equip us with resilience and capacity to choose consciously how to respond to external events. Slowing down, quietening the mind in Nature, helps soothe our nervous system to create more space in our mind body for awareness, reflection and conscious co-creation. Are you making space for this in your life? Calmness, Connection, Compassion...one breath at a time
02.01.2022 My latest blog...thoughts on the Sentinel perspective. The Sentinel is one of "The Five Roles of a Master Herder". Linda Kohanov’s revolutionary model of socially intelligent leadership, in which I am proudly accredited. Calmness, Connection, Compassion...one breath at a time.
02.01.2022 On October 16th last year I was privileged to co-facilitate an equine assisted leadership program in New Delhi, India for a group of executives from the technology industry. It was quite a leap pf faith to head out there with a relatively short lead time to connect with people and organise horses, facilities, catering etc. with Diwali approaching and Delhi jam-packed with celebrations and visitors. However, everything fell into place and my colleague Jackie Smith (from Jacki...e Smith Equine Assisted Learning www.thewisdomofthehorse.com.au ) and I were able to co-create an exceptional experiential learning event with a group of open-minded and, increasingly open-hearted, people. In the photo I am demonstrating aligned, intentional, connected leadership before the final exercise of the day - always a vulnerable moment especially with a horse you have only just met...but imagine how it feels for the participants! Leadership is a full-bodied experience. It requires access to and integrated use of all our intelligences; somatic, emotional, social, cognitive and spiritual in the sense that it requires us to be conscious of greater purpose and our place in that. Our thinking brain does not run the whole show as was once the belief...neuroscience has debunked that myth. Working in nature with the horses helps people tap into their senses, their somatic experience, i.e. felt sensations in the body - interoception and proprioception, their emotions and their connection to the earth and non-human animals. They practice mindful awareness of self, other and the environment they are operating in, attuning to sentient others, paying attention to relationship over task, intentionally. These are practices known to be helpful in leadership of self and others. Given we are focusing on non-verbal communication, this work transcends spoken language, as Jackie and I experienced several times last year working with people from so many different cultures in a global program and again, so wonderfully, in India. It is so enriching to hear people comment on how powerful and profound their experience was; "life-changing" was expressed by several participants. For me, it is always so rewarding to watch people put into action the qualities of my mantra....or at the very least to create the conditions for the seeds we sow to flourish: - Calmness, Connection, Compassion...one breath at a time.. See more
02.01.2022 There comes a time when we must allow something timeless to touch us in order to truly change and move beyond our fixed attitudes and limited understanding of the mysteries of life. Michael Meade May something timeless touch you...to awaken to your true nature and true connection ... Calmness, Connection, Compassion....one breath at a time.
01.01.2022 We have to walk in a way that we only print peace and serenity on the Earth. Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet. Thich Nhat Hanh In honour of this generous spirit and great teacher on his 94th birthday, I spent time this morning, as often, practicing mindful walking. Thay’s health is apparently stable, despite recent reports to the contrary, so I invite you all to practice mindful walking,or some mindful meditation to celebrate. I also practiced one of my... favourite meditations learned from Thay, flower fresh,still water reflect what is, mountain solid, space free, alive smile with the eyes. Breathe in a flower, breathe out-I am fresh... Breathe in still water, breathe out I reflect what is Breathe in a mountain, breathe out I am solid Breathe in space, breathe out I am free Breathe in I am alive, breathe out I smile at the world with my eyes (3 times for each mantra). As I practiced I was filled with gratitude and love for this generous man who has given the world so much. We are all connected, with everything. Calmness, Connection, Compassion.....one breath at a time.....
01.01.2022 I am a traveller on a sacred journey through this one shining day. (Richard Wagamese, Embers, One Ojibway’s Meditations) Yesterday’s divinely gentle skies at day’s end. We are now in the dark of the Moon with a Black Moon , the term for an unusual second new Moon in the same sign, exact at 3.33 am AEST on the 21st. The Moon is at home in her place of rulership in Cancer, sign of home, nurturance and the Mother. This is a time to be gentle with yourself, lean into the nurtu...ring elements of home, both literally and metaphorically, the home of your heart, your soul. Take time to treasure memories and count blessings. These are important self-care rituals. New Moons are times to seed intentions for what you want to create or bring into the world, so focus, from a place of love and tenderness, on what you would like to see and how you’d like to feel in the coming month. Calmness, Connection, Compassion...one breath at a time.. See more
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