Mindfulness Meditation Hub in West Leederville | Charitable organisation
Mindfulness Meditation Hub
Locality: West Leederville
Address: First Floor, 443 Vincent St West 6007 West Leederville, WA, Australia
Website: https://www.mindfulnessmeditationhubperth.com.au
Likes: 1466
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24.01.2022 Scenic Saturday: Whoever said meditation and mindfulness need to be practiced in silence! Bring this weeks animal theme to life with friends and family by travelling to either Heirisson Island or Caversham Wildlife Park to see the Kangaroos! Photo Credit: https://www.instagram.com/p/BY780jtnBVZ/
24.01.2022 Stop overthinking. Dont over complicate things. Staying mindful doesnt have to be rigorous or difficult. It can be as simple as going for a walk and noticing the beautiful scenery around you or taking 5 minutes to focus on every inhalation and exhalation. We offer Tai Chi & Qigong classes every week. These are moving meditations to harmonise the body and calm the mind. https://www.mindfulnessmeditationhubperth.com.au//tai-chi/
24.01.2022 Meditation is an approach to training the mind. And there are many different techniques and approaches to meditating. Our entire existence is experienced through our minds, and through meditation we can actually alter our perspective on life. But for many beginners, it can feel strange to sit in silence with all your thoughts and do nothing. You should expect your mind to be busy and easily distracted and you may even feel restless. Thats okay! We all have to st...art somewhere. And we offer guided meditation sessions everyday. See the timetable in the bio . . . . #mindfulmeditation #meditationtools #mindful #spiritualawakening #guidance #spiritualgrowth #meditationspace #meditateeveryday #meditate #MeditateDaily #meditated #MeditateDaily #meditateeverydamnday #meditateonthis #meditated #Meditateeveryday #meditateonit #meditatetoelevate #meditateonthat #letyourpranaflow #namaste #om #onebreathatatime #practiceandalliscoming #practicedaily #practicemakesprogress #ipreview See more
22.01.2022 Stop overthinking. Don't over complicate things. Staying mindful doesn't have to be rigorous or difficult. It can be as simple as going for a walk and noticing the beautiful scenery around you or taking 5 minutes to focus on every inhalation and exhalation. We offer Tai Chi & Qigong classes every week. These are moving meditations to harmonise the body and calm the mind. https://www.mindfulnessmeditationhubperth.com.au//tai-chi/
22.01.2022 "In walking, just walk. In sitting, just sit. Above all, don't wobble" ~ an ancient #zen proverb. "Wobbling" in this context is the attention of the mind being pulled in many directions. Join Meath Conlan Thursday's 7:30pm at Mindfulness Meditation Hub as he introduces you to #zenmeditation Meath feels there is much from this #contemplative tradition that we can borrow to deepen and enrich our typically busy lives. #meditation #mindfulness #interfaith... Photo : Summer morning on Dunsborough Beach See more
22.01.2022 Mindful Thursday: How aware were you of the way that others connected with you this week? Did all the people you crossed paths with connect equally with you? Or, did you find some had more time or attention for your than others? How did this affect your state of mind and awareness? Photo Credit: https://www.instagram.com/perth_life/
22.01.2022 Most of us breathe in more than we breathe out. Known as inefficient breathing, these habits cause us to over-breathe. Long-term over-breathing causes a change to the bodys chemistry that impacts many of the bodys key functions and systems. When the body stays in this red alert state for long periods of time, health and wellness is affected. The body is not designed to stay in a constant state of stress so its not surprising that things start to go wrong. But you have the power to change this with the right conscious breathing techniques. Using deep belly breaths down to your abdomen, alternate nostril breathing, and even the Ujjayi (yogic breath) can recenter the body and bring it back into alchemy. So have you noticed a difference in how you feel when you slow down and breathe deeply?
20.01.2022 Mediation Monday: This week our practice will focus on the human connection. Notice how you connect with others throughout your day. Especially focus on the people you do not know like strangers you might pass on the street. Do you connect equally with all individuals? Photo Credit: https://www.instagram.com/timessquarenyc/
18.01.2022 Our New Home in West Leederville - First Floor, 443 Vincent St West. Includes a meditation studio, reception & library (books added soon). We look forward to seeing you for a session at our hub! https://goo.gl/9mnSZJ
18.01.2022 Inner Peace #meditationsession with Brenda now 6pm Tuesdays at @mindfulnessmeditationhu ... we have #malabeads you can borrow for #mantra chanting, or bring your own beads! #meditation #yogameditation #meditationperth
18.01.2022 Complimentary (FREE) Meditation Classes (Live Online) Thanks to the generosity of our landlord during COVID-19 restrictions To join, simply visit our website Live Session Calendar on our website homepage, select your session, click ONLINE Book Now, select Complimentary (FREE), and receive details on how to join the live online class. Attend as many classes as you like. Please SHARE with your friends and family. We look forward to connecting and meditating with you during this time!
17.01.2022 At the Mindfulness Meditation Hub, we aim to provide you with courses and sessions to give you the techniques to become more present in your everyday life. We believe everyone benefits from practicing mindfulness and meditation, so designed a space thats accessible to all. What kinds of meditation have you tried before? . .... . . #happymindhappylife #cosmicconsciousness #accessconsciousness #collectiveconsciousness #higherconsciousness #consciousnessshift #expandingconsciousness #raisingconsciousness #tohigherconsciousness #universalconsciousness #unityconsciousness #consciousnessrising #meditationroom #meditationmusic #meditationchallenge #meditations #meditationspace #meditationtime #mindfulnessmeditation #meditationteacher #meditationiskey #meditationcoach #guidedmeditation #transcendentalmeditation #mindfulnessmeditation #meditationpractice #meditationeveryday #soundmeditation #meditationsoul #dailymeditation See more
17.01.2022 We are excited to announce that yoga is now offered in the Hub! Yoga means union meaning theres is no separation between you and the rest of existence. As the practice seeks to cultivate balance within the human system by integrating the body, mind, and breath. This also creates mindfulness and prepares the body for meditation. We have classes for all level types varying days of the week. And on Friday, we are hosting a movie night featuring the life of Yogananda. J...oin us at 6:30pm . . . . #letyourpranaflow #onebreathatatime #practiceandalliscoming #practicedaily #practicemakesprogress #practiceyoga #prana #radiance #stopdropandyoga #stretch #takevinyasa #urbanyoga #yangyinyoga #yinlove #yinyoga #yogalove #yogamakesmehappy #yogapractice #yogaprops #yogatime #asana #breath #feelgreat #feeltheyogahigh #happyhealthyyogis #happymindhappylife #hatha #cosmicconsciousness #accessconsciousness #collectiveconsciousness See more
15.01.2022 Meditation Monday: This week's theme moves away from the concept of life, and into the flow of natural environment. Visualize during your practice the natural environment and how it reacts to the conditions it encounters. Learn to integrate the sounds of waves, rain, or the visual of trees moving in the wind into your practice. Allow the imagery of the environment to flow in its own natural way. And, if you dont have time for the beach, just play this video during your meditation.
15.01.2022 Research has found that those who participate in the meditation session have a quicker recovery in their emotional response, meaning that meditation helps manage negative emotions. Meditating regularly is not going to make your life problems and situations go away, but it can help in how you respond to these circumstances. How has meditating helped improve the well-being of your life? And we have an ongoing course - Transforming Emotions - in which you can learn a meth...odical and structured process to help you gradually still your mind through transforming your emotions. You will learn to establish a complete view of your emotions and to develop subsequent positive intentions from which to live your life moving forward in a loving and kind way. Find out more here: https://www.mindfulnessmeditationhubperth.com.au/emotions/ Photo by @kenrick_mills
15.01.2022 Farewell Hampden Rd Meditation Room...thank you for being the space in which we developed our foundation...exploring who we are and learning about why we do what we do which is to support our community with our varied Mindfulness and Meditation practices. We are now like leaves that have flown with the breeze into our fresh Meditation space in West Leederville!
14.01.2022 Did you know that meditating regularly can lower stress levels, focus your mind, boost your immune system, lower blood pressure, and even create new neurons pathways in your brain? Meditation is not a new practice. Its been around for thousands of years. And as a western society, we pride on ourselves on being busy and find purpose in our productivity. But when we take time to be still and breathe deeply, we can access our inner center of joy, creativity, and wisdom.... Join us at the Hub for a guided mindfulness meditation. We have sessions every day. Timetable in bio . . . . #meditationsoul #deepmeditationtribe #dailymeditation #mindfulmeditation #meditationtools #mindful #guidance #spiritualgrowth #meditationspace #meditateeveryday #meditate #MeditateDaily #meditateeverydamnday #meditateonthi #Meditateeveryday #meditateonit #meditatetoelevate #meditateonthat #intentional #beintentional #intentionalliving #consciouscreator #purposedrivenlife #fulfilment #makepositivitylouder #pushthroughit #purposefulliving #purposeful #purposefullife #lessinternetmorelove See more
14.01.2022 @charlieshanna places much thought, #love & attention into her #guidedmeditation sessions for you to enjoy... . Join her 11:30am today Tue 30th Jan... And 12pm tomorrow Wed 31st Jan @mindfulnessmeditationhu #paywhatyourheartfeels
14.01.2022 We offer yoga classes within the Hub. This is a mindful movement using breath and thoughtful transitions and asanas for any level of practice. With an emphasis on mindfulness, awareness of the breath and sensations in the body, with options to work more deeply or to go easier. We have a variety of classes. We'd love to know: have you tried yoga before?
13.01.2022 "In walking, just walk. In sitting, just sit. Above all, dont wobble" ~ an ancient #zen proverb. "Wobbling" in this context is the attention of the mind being pulled in many directions. Join Meath Conlan Thursdays 7:30pm at Mindfulness Meditation Hub as he introduces you to #zenmeditation Meath feels there is much from this #contemplative tradition that we can borrow to deepen and enrich our typically busy lives. #meditation #mindfulness #interfaith... Photo : Summer morning on Dunsborough Beach See more
12.01.2022 Some tips for meditating: Start small - maybe just 5 minutes. Count your breaths Don't worry about if you're doing it wrong. Stay committed to doing it regularly... Get to know yourself. Dive deep into those thoughts. Find a community Smile when you're done and give yourself some credit for sticking to it. Meditation can exponentially change your life. We hope to see you at the Hub soon
12.01.2022 Keep it simple! It doesnt require much to find joy in life. Take note in the small wonders of every day and find gratitude for what is going right. Take a moment to enjoy Tell us one thing youre grateful for
11.01.2022 In #meditation & #mindfulness practice our mind is like a camera. We could place much EFFORT trying to focus the ATTENTION (lense) of the MIND (camera) upon its subject. Or we could effortlessly direct the ATTENTION (lense) of the MIND (camera) at its subject... and allow the mind to auto focus... bringing a deeper clarity, knowing and insight within the #presentmoment ...beyond what we could have planned or even imagined. Which approach do you take with your practice?
09.01.2022 Inner Peace #meditationsession with Brenda now 6pm Tuesday's at @mindfulnessmeditationhu ... we have #malabeads you can borrow for #mantra chanting, or bring your own beads! #meditation #yogameditation #meditationperth
09.01.2022 Meditation is for everyone. Any age, any background, any person can begin a meditation routine. The benefits of meditating include lower anxiety, less stress, improved mood, manage pain, reduce blood pressure, and so much more! We strive to make this practice accessible to the mass public, which is why we offer donation based sessions everyday. Come experience the transformation for yourself. Our Mindfulness for Personal Transformation course is to develop mindfulness and meditation techniques and practices to help you become the person you aspire to be. These sessions provide a broad understanding of how the mind works and introduce simple yet powerful mindfulness techniques that can easily be applied in everyday life. Find out more: https://www.mindfulnessmeditationhubperth.com.au//mindfu/
09.01.2022 Scenic Saturday: Integrate your practice this weekend by surrendering into the natural flow of experiences! Do this as you are run errands, spend time in nature, or interact with friends and family. Remember to be mindful and attentive as you practice! Photo Credit: https://www.instagram.com/p/BY780jtnBVZ/
09.01.2022 There is no such thing as a good or a bad meditation. There is only awareness and non-awareness. All you have to do is close your eyes, focus on your breath, and let your mind do its thing. And when we meditate regularly, we can actually change patterns in our brains and improve focus. Since meditative practices aim to sustain attention while ignoring unwanted thoughts, it makes sense that meditators have enhanced focus. We offer sound meditations every Monday at 9...:30 in the Hub where a variety of instruments reverberate allowing for deep relaxation. . . . . #meditationroom #meditationmusic #meditationchallenge #meditations #meditationspace #meditationtime #mindfulnessmeditation #meditationteacher #meditationiskey #meditationcoach #guidedmeditation #mindfulnessmeditation #meditationmusic #meditationchallenge #meditationart #meditationpractice #meditationmonday #meditationbeads #meditationeveryday #soundmeditation #meditationsoul #deepmeditationtribe #dailymeditation #ipreview See more
08.01.2022 Mindful Thursday: Did you notice the peace and joy in the areas of your life that flow naturally? How does this compare to the areas of your life where you restrict control or obstruct the natural flow? Reflect on the effect that these restrictions have on your awareness, mind, and body. Try surrendering to the flow of these experiences. Photo credit: https://www.instagram.com/enchanted.forest/
08.01.2022 Keep it simple! It doesn't require much to find joy in life. Take note in the small wonders of every day and find gratitude for what is going right. Take a moment to enjoy Tell us one thing you're grateful for
06.01.2022 Mirrors are based on the principle that everything in the external world is simply a reflection of our internal state of #being Come join Caitlin Farren 9am & 10am Thursdays and explore your #soul to find what's in there. #meditationperth #meditation #selfdevelopment #justbe
05.01.2022 Integration Saturday: Allow yourself to be more open to connecting with others this weekend! This could be as simple as smiling at others as you pass them on the street, asking the shop attendant about their day, or messaging someone over Facebook who could benefit from the connection with you. Enjoy the weekend! Photo Credit: https://www.instagram.com/perth_life/
05.01.2022 At the Mindful Meditation Hub, we are fully run by Volunteers and its us volunteers who keep our hub alive. Any support that you can provide would be greatly appreciated, as it helps us better do what we do and to support the community with mental health and well-being. If you would like to get involved then please express your interest. Drop your favorite emoji below https://www.mindfulnessmeditationhubperth.com.au/volunteer/
05.01.2022 There are hundreds of meditation techniques encompassing practices from different traditions, cultures, spiritual disciplines. Meditation is a training exercise for the mind. It helps us develop a steadier and deeper concentration that ultimately allows us to experience inner peace, stillness and clarity of mind. And mindfulness is a cultivated state of attentive awareness developed parallel to meditative concentration. It helps untangle and open our mind to better observe and understand our thoughts and reality rather than be constantly engaged in them and unaware. But we mainly focus on mindful meditation - staying in the present moment which mostly includes sitting and using different breath awareness techniques.
02.01.2022 Some tips for meditating: Start small - maybe just 5 minutes. Count your breaths Dont worry about if youre doing it wrong. Stay committed to doing it regularly... Get to know yourself. Dive deep into those thoughts. Find a community Smile when youre done and give yourself some credit for sticking to it. Meditation can exponentially change your life. We hope to see you at the Hub soon
01.01.2022 Meditation Monday: This weeks theme moves away from the concept of life, and into the flow of natural environment. Visualize during your practice the natural environment and how it reacts to the conditions it encounters. Learn to integrate the sounds of waves, rain, or the visual of trees moving in the wind into your practice. Allow the imagery of the environment to flow in its own natural way. And, if you dont have time for the beach, just play this video during your meditation.
01.01.2022 Mindful Thursday: With the birds singing in the morning, and the cute dogs walking in the park, this week was hopefully filled with many moments that reminded us to bring new life into our practice. What stood out to you this week and how can these insights help you breathe new life and awareness into your meditation and mindfulness practice? Photo Credit: https://www.instagram.com/universitywa/
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