Mindful Recovery Services | Mental health service
Mindful Recovery Services
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25.01.2022 Here is a little sneak peek into what music therapy online looks like in Staceys studio. . A typical session with Stacey would start by establishing some goals together, and figuring out the steps involved in achieving those goals. Most sessions Stacey will begin by getting you to choose a song that you will listen to together. This often gives some insight into how you are feeling or what you might be thinking about, and the conversation will go from there. This experience m...ay seem strange but music is a powerful instrument of communication which has the ability to reveal emotions. If you are interested in trying music therapy out Stacey is now offering shorter sessions at a lower rate. Contact us through our website for the details. https://www.mindfulrecovery.com.au/my-services #musictherapy #music #singing #mentalhealth #mood #emotions #onlinemusictherapy #telehealth #short #cheap #worthit #ilovemusic #anxiety #depression #mentalhealth #psychology #centralcoast #minduflrecovery #erina #therapy #counselling
24.01.2022 Many people come to DBT with mixed feelings about change. They may recognise that change is needed, in that their lives have become unmanageable. However, they may be reluctant to let go of certain behaviours that, although have negative consequences, they feel help them cope with daily life & times of stress. This ambivalence about change is accepted as a common & understandable starting point. DBT does not insist that someone has full commitment to change- but asks that th...ey be willing to explore different possibilities, including what the trade-off might be between change vs non-change. Mindful recovery services DBT program is starting next week. If you realise that change is needed but have mixed feelings please DM us on our facebook page and organise a call with trained DBT therapist, Alex Wilson to discuss whether this group is a good fit for you. She is also open to answering any of your questions about DBT. #dbtgroup #change #mindfulrecovery #centralcoasttherapy #commitment #councelling #dbtprogram #dbttherapy #dbt #DBT #psychology
24.01.2022 John Gottman and Robert Leverson conducted some interesting research on the positive and negative interaction ratio, dubbed the 'magic ratio' which is 5:1 during conflict. It is important to have more positive interactions than negative interactions with your partner. Here are some examples of some positive interactions which you may be able to introduce into your relationship ! - showing interest - expressing affection - demonstrating someone matters... - intentional appreciation - finding opportunities for agreement - apologising and forgiving - accepting your partners perspective - turning towards your partner - making jokes By fostering these interactions you can introduce a positive energy in your relationship. Remember that every relationship involves coming together and sharing life with someone different to you so it almost never going to be easy but it is important to love them despite those difficulties. #relationships #gottmantherapy #gottman #love #difficult #lovehurts #loveishard #loveisamazing #loveisrewarding #magicratio #thegottmaninstitute #conflict #wifey #lovemyhusband #besthusbandever #psychology #support #couplestherapy #mindulecoveryservices
23.01.2022 The round instrument is one of my favourite instruments to use. It’s called an ocean drum, and is filled with little beads that when you move it around, sounds like the waves of the ocean (like a rain stick in some ways). This instrument is great to use with children. It has an amazing power that captures their attention and calms them down. This would be especially great for children with disabilities or behavioural issues. If you weren't aware music therapy is also covered under NDIS. Please visit our website or view our music therapy highlight to learn more about music therapy. #musictherapy #NDIS #NDIScovered #therapy #centralcoast #erina #music #ilovemusic #theoceandrum #kids #children #fun #learning #play #parents #busymum #behaviouralissues #stressed #calming
23.01.2022 It’s the eve of our last DBT group for 2020!!! So excited to meet all our new group members & share this amazing therapy with them:)
21.01.2022 If you have been following our posts you would probably know about the amazing benefits that music can have on your health and behaviour. However, recent research has shown that just as much as music can be beneficial it can also induce harm. This concept has been coined Music Induced Harm (MIH). Music has been found to induce variations of physical, behavioural, emotional and interpersonal harm. This is not to say that you should avoid listening to music now because it is ev...il. No, there is also extensive research on the benefits of music, especially in the therapeutic context. However, there are several factors that you might want to pay attention to when being exposed to music in order to avoid MIH. Lots of things to think about when listening to music right? Our music therapist Stacey Dowling acknowledges this and has designed a program which allows you to learn how to use music effectively and in a healthy way so that you are able to reap it's benefits as a self care tool! Stacey is a well trained professional and will take steps to avoid MIH from happening but if it does she will recognise it and take steps to remedy the situation. Please consider this amazing program! Visit our website for more information. Link in bio. #musictherapy #playlistprogram #music #lovemusic #ilovemusic #love #song #bestplaylist #newplaylist #mood #mentalhealth #selfcare #selfcareskills #habits #sickbeats #beats #tunes #goodsong #goodmusic #badmusic #harmful
19.01.2022 . SO true well for me anyways. If you feel the same or feel like you want to use music more check out our Self Care Playlist Program! The Program was designed by our wonderful Music Therapist Stacey Dowling to encourage the use of music as a mental health self care tool. You are given two playlist which you modify and personalise with the help of your therapist throughout the program. One playlist is for when you feel as though you need to revitalised or need more energy... and the other playlist is for when you need to relax and spend some time with yourself. If you are interested in this program please email us even if you still have some questions about it! We are happy to help! But dont put it off, build your mental health skill set now and stay on top of it. Mindful Recovery Team x #musictherapy #playlistprogram #music #lovemusic #ilovemusic #love #song #bestplaylist #newplaylist #mood #mentalhealth #selfcare #selfcareskills #habits
18.01.2022 Music Therapy has shown to be very effective for children and adults struggling with communication and social interaction. The musical element within the therapeutic relationship assists emotional expression and therefore boosts confidence and self-esteem. Delivered by a registered music therapist, music therapy has been recognised by the NDIS for inclusion under the support cluster of ‘Capacity Building’ - Improved Daily Living - which includes assessment, training, strateg...y development and/or therapy (including Early Childhood Intervention) supports to assist the development or increase a participant’s skills and/or capacity for independence and community participation. If you know of anyone who would benefit from music therapy please let them know about our service in Erina. Contact us and find out more through our website! https://www.mindfulrecovery.com.au/musictherapy #musictherapy #music #ilovemusic #musicisthebest #communication #speech #languagebarrier #autism #therapy #psychology #counselling #mindfulrecoveryservices #centralcoast #nsw
18.01.2022 What is the difference between DBT and CBT? Traditional cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is one of the most common therapies practiced, & chances are if you've had therapy before, you've done some CBT. CBT can be very effective for the treatment of anxiety & some other mental health conditions, however, for some people, the focus on thoughts & perceptions only goes so far. Some people can get very skilful at identifying problematic thoughts & beliefs, but it still doesn't ...change how they feel. DBT goes a few steps further than traditional CBT, in that emotion regulation skills are at the core of the therapy. We still cover traditional CBT concepts, such as the role of thoughts & how they interact with emotions- but we go even further. Emotion regulation skills are actually mostly emotion acceptance skills. We try to build our acceptance of emotions, whilst changing our relationship with those emotions- particularly the uncomfortable ones. In DBT we learn to observe & describe our emotions- without judgement. This allows us to choose how we want to respond, rather than engaging in a automatic reaction. We are running our next DBT program next week! Spots are limited however we would love more people to join our group! Please email or IM our team to express your interest! #dbtgrouptherapy #dbttherapy #dbt #dbtprogram #emotionregulation #feelbetter #depression #anxiety #relationships #mood #feels #moodregulation #skills #relationshipskills #mindfulrecoveryservices #centralcoast #nsw #australia #psychology #counselling #grouptherapy #learning #skilldevelopment #getbetter #feelbetter #busy #teens #adults #relationshiphelp
18.01.2022 Prepare yourself, the next DBT group will be starting starting next week and it is not too late to be signing up! DBT therapy is great for people who feel like their emotions are controlling them not the other way around. We want to be in control of our emotions and DBT provides excellent emotional regulation strategies which will help to achieve this! In this blog Alex talks about what DBT is, who will benefit and what it involves. Its definitely worth having a look at and p...lease share with anyone you know who you think could benefit ! Please IM the team to express your interest and receive a free 15 minutes phone call with Alex to discuss whether this group would be a good fit for you at the moment! #DBT #dbt #dbttherapy #therapy #psychology #evidencebasad #mindfulrecoveryservices #mindfulrecovery #centralcoast #australia #help #emotions #emotionregulationskills #emotionregulation #busy #sad #happy #joy #frustration #control #feelings #confused #mood #moodswing #dramatic #busymumlife #bestmum
18.01.2022 The Easiest Way to Improve Your Relationship . Relationships are very complex and there is no blanket strategy that will assist all relationships. If you and your partner are struggling and you feel like these tips might be helpful please book an appointment with our certified Gottman therapist, Cecilia Valenzuela, who will be able to customise these tips and more to your individual and unique relationship. Book an appointment through our website!
18.01.2022 Mindfulness is a term that is being talked about in many different contexts lately, & it means different things to different people. I like to define mindfulness as paying attention in the present moment, with awareness, & without judgement. This attitude of mindfulness underpins everything we do in DBT, & we aim to bring mindfulness to all the skills as we learn & practice them. Building awareness of thoughts, emotions & physical sensations is vital in order to consider how... we want to respond to them. If we're not aware of what our thought, emotions or body is doing, we have no chance to change our patterns of response & reaction. Non-judgment is certainly the more difficult part of mindfulness practice, however it is often where true healing starts to happen. In DBT we draw attention to how often & easily we make judgements- about ourselves & others- & how this can create rigid patterns of thinking that keep us stuck in harmful patterns. By learning how to bring a non-judgemental attitude to our daily lives, we create space for greater acceptance of ourselves & others. Our DBT group program provides a great space to practice practical skills of mindfulness as well as acceptance, validation and handling change. With a group session as well as an indivdual therapy session and phone coaching, this program is aimed to achieve results in a short period of time. Registrations for our next BBT group program are open and we only have a few spaces left. If you are interested in more information have a look on our instagram story, our website or email [email protected] for an information package. #dbtgrouptherapy #dbttherapy #dbt #dbtprogram #emotionregulation #depression #anxiety #relationships #mood #feels #moodregulation #skills #relationshipskills #mindfulrecoveryservices #centralcoast #nsw #australia #psychology #counselling #grouptherapy #learning #skilldevelopment #getbetter #feelbetter #busy #teens #adults #relationshiphelp #mindfulness #mindfulnessskills
18.01.2022 Ever thought about group therapy? Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) is an evidence-based therapy that's been shown to provide excellent outcomes for lots of mental health concerns. Originally developed for the treatment of borderline personality disorder, DBT now has evidence that shows it's effective for any condition that results in difficulty regulating emotions & behaviours. The program is made up of 12 weeks of awesome resources and support. It involves; - a group o...f around 6 meeting up each week to learn and discuss skills and strategies about topics such as emotion regulation skills, relationship skills, behavioural skills, communication skills and so much more - a one hour private session with your therapist - 24/7 online coaching - a binder folder full of resources you can refer back too! If you feel these are some skills you would like to work on visit our website for more information about what it involves and who could benefit from it. If you know someone who would benefit from a program like this send them a link. Don't let another year go by suffering with distress, sadness, depression & anxiety- give yourself or someone else the opportunity to make changes that will stay with you the rest of your life, & improve your quality of life (including how you feel about yourself). Still not sure? DM us on facebook and organise a free 15minute call with trained DBT therapist, Alex WIilson, to see if the group is a good fit for you and to answer any questions you have. Follow this link for Alex's vlog which explains more in depth what the program involves and why it is worth pursuing. https://www.mindfulrecovery.com.au/about-me-1 #dbtgrouptherapy #dbttherapy #dbt #dbtprogram #emotionregulation #feelbetter #depression #anxiety #relationships #mood #feels #moodregulation #skills #relationshipskills
18.01.2022 Getting to know the team: Stacey Dowling (Registered Music Therapist) Before I met Stacey I thought of Music Therapy as something a bit fluffy and fun. After chatting to Stacey and getting to know her I've realised how much effort she has put into her career but also how much she loves it. Stacey is extremely well trained - she has completed a double degree of Music and Arts, where she trained at the Sydney Conservatorium on Clarinet, and majored in Psychology and French at... the University of Sydney. She then went on to study Masters of Music Therapy as a blended learning student at Melbourne University. . Stacey also has a lot of experience in the real world of therapy. Stacey has clinical experience working with a range of populations, including children, disability, adolescent and adult inpatient and outpatient mental health, and neuro-rehabilitation. She spent 3 years volunteering with Music Therapists at Sydney Children’s Hospital, where she says she both learnt a lot and had a lot of fun. . Stacey's area of passion is mental health, which she believes is an incredibly important area for every individual, regardless of age and diagnoses. . Book an appointment with Stacey through our website! #sydneypsychologist #centralcoastpsychology #erinapsychology #centralcoastcounselling #counsellor #mentalhealthsocialworker #mentalhealth #victimservices #centralcoast #mindfulrecovery
14.01.2022 Our physical health & mental health are entirely linked! Say thank you to your brain by feeding it what it needs to work hard for you every day . What does the brain need to function properly? Protein: - found in lean meats, eggs, tofu, fish - helps send messages within the brain... Omega 3: - found in salmon and tuna - often given along side anti depressants - need high levels for the brain to function - may help preserve thinking skills B12: - found in animal products - deficiency in B12 may result in high stress as well as a 'foggy brain feeling' - some people may not absorb B12 very well even though they are eating enough animal products - it may be good for them to take supplements If you would like to see the full blog! Follow this link: https://www.mindfulrecovery.com.au/blog/food-mood #food #mood #mentalhealth #therapy #centralcoast #emotionregulation #feelbetter #depression #anxiety #relationships #mood #feels #moodregulation #skills #relationshipskills #mindfulrecoveryservices #centralcoast #nsw #australia #psychology #counselling #grouptherapy #learning #skilldevelopment #getbetter #feelbetter #busy #teens #adults #relationshiphelp
14.01.2022 Getting to know the team: Alex Wilson . Alex obtained her Bachelor of Social Work degree from the University of Sydney in 2003. Since then, she has had experience in both the public & private mental health sectors. Alex opened Mindful Recovery Services in 2010 and has built a reputation for high quality care within the NSW Central Coast community. . Read more about Alex and experience opening her own private practice on our blog site (Blog name: Little fish). Link in bio. ... #sydneypsychologist #centralcoastpsychology #erinapsychology #centralcoastcounselling #counsellor #mentalhealthsocialworker #mentalhealth #victimservices #centralcoast #mindfulrecovery
13.01.2022 Anyone else having a smonday moment today? #monday #mondayssuck #anxiety #tired #misstheweekend #weekend #longweekend #fun #thebest #holiday #ineedaholiday #timeforaholiday #work #workishard #brake #busy #toobusy
13.01.2022 Gaining control over our emotions is hard and uncontrollable emotions can have a ricochet effect in other areas of our lives such as our relationships. Our new program will help you gain the skills you need to get your life back on track. The program is made up of 12 weeks of awesome resources and support. It involves; - a group of around 6 meeting up each week to learn and discuss skills and strategies about topics such as emotion regulation skills, relationship skills, beha...vioural skills, communication skills and so much more - a one hour private session with your therapist - 24/7 online coaching - a binder folder full of resources you can refer back too! Is this you? - difficulties regulating moods and emotions - feel like your emotions are running your life - been involved in self harm - have feelings of self loathing - have tried therapy before but there was limited improvement - difficulties maintaining relationships - feel empty and unsure about your identity If you resonate with any of the above difficulties visit our website for more information about what it involves and who could benefit from it. If you know someone who would benefit from a program like this send them a link. Don't let another year go by suffering with distress, sadness, depression & anxiety- give yourself or someone else the opportunity to make changes that will stay with you the rest of your life, & improve your quality of life (including how you feel about yourself). Follow this link for Alex's vlog which explains more in depth what the program involves and why it is worth pursuing. https://www.mindfulrecovery.com.au/about-me-1 #dbtgrouptherapy #dbttherapy #dbt #dbtprogram #emotionregulation #feelbetter #depression #anxiety #relationships #mood #feels #moodregulation #skills #relationshipskills
12.01.2022 Our next DBT group is starting next Thursday! Are you thinking about joining but are still unsure? DM our facebook or instagram page and organise a free call with Alex Wilson, DBT trained therapist, to discuss whether this group is a good fit for you and get any of your questions answered! Don't let another year go by suffering with distress, sadness, depression & anxiety- give yourself or someone else the opportunity to make changes that will stay with you the rest of your ...life, & improve your quality of life (including how you feel about yourself). #dbtgrouptherapy #dbttherapy #dbt #dbtprogram #emotionregulation #feelbetter #depression #anxiety #relationships #mood #feels #moodregulation #skills #relationshipskills #mindfulrecoveryservices #centralcoast #nsw #australia #psychology #counselling #grouptherapy #learning #skilldevelopment #getbetter #feelbetter #busy #teens #adults #relationshiphelp
11.01.2022 Being a teenager is extremely challenging. However, being a teenagers parent is arguably even more challenging. You will be happy to know that Mindful Recovery Services are holding an info night for parents who are desperate for advice on how to support thier young people through these challenging years. Topics that will be covered include; An overview of types of parenting (based on the Gottman Institute research) Information on the teenage brain & why they do what they do... Discussion of ‘normal’ vs ‘problem’ behaviours How much privacy should you give your tween or teen? When to push an issue & when to let it go Strategies for managing challenging behaviours How to stay calm & in control when faced with challenging behaviours Q&A at the end of the session Cecilia Valenzuela, Masters in Counselling & Gottman trained therapist will be running the evening, supported by other staff from Mindful Recovery. Cecilia has extensive experience working with teens, parents & families. Call or Email us ASAP so we can reserve you a seat. Limited spots avaliable. #parenting #teenagers #teenproblems #firstworldproblems #parentingskills #parentstruggles #teens #tweens #mumsnet #mumslife #mumsunite #mumlife #parenting #parenthood #gottman #gottmantherapy #gottmantherapy #gottman #johngottman #thegottmaninstitute #relationships #emotions #love #helpfulstrategies #learning #gowth #minduflrecoveryservices #centralcoast #erina #australia
09.01.2022 Our DBT group therapy program includes both one on one therapy with your therapist each week as well as a group sesssion each week. Group therapy is often under rated. There are so many benefits that spring from being a part of a group that you just don't get in a one on one context with the therapist. 1. Groups provide suppport Hearing from others with similar issues helps you see that you are not alone in have challenges, whether your struggling with panice attacks, depre...ssion or another mental health issue 2. Groups provide a sounding board You will have access to a wider range of perspectives on a situation. People in the group my be able to point out a point of view on a situation that you might have not thought of before 3. Groups can encourage you forward Hearing how other members have successully over come hurdles and reached their goals can encourage you to do the same 4. Groups promote social skills Through participation in a group it may become clear that you have the ability to get alone with others. Group therapy provides the opportunity to re-engage with others 5. Groups teach you about yourself People can act as a looking glass into the things you cannot see about yourself. This might fill in the gaps that might be disadvataging you in sorting through your struggles. If you feel like you arent benefiting as much as you would like from indivdual therapy consider registering for our next DBT program! Registrations close soon. Have a look on our website for more information https://www.mindfulrecovery.com.au/dbt-group-therapy #dbtgrouptherapy #dbttherapy #dbt #dbtprogram #emotionregulation #feelbetter #depression #anxiety #relationships #mood #feels #moodregulation #skills #relationshipskills #mindfulrecoveryservices #centralcoast #nsw #australia #psychology #counselling #grouptherapy #learning #skilldevelopment #getbetter #feelbetter #busy #teens #adults #relationshiphelp
09.01.2022 A lot of people seem to use their emotions as the main basis in making decisions, reacting to situations and percieiving their external world. This gives way to letting your emotions control you. Yes, emotions have a good purpose and should be validated and listened to in some situations but they don't have to control you. Learn how to regulate your emotions in a healthy way. We have a few spots left in our upcoming group dialectical behavioural therapy program! The program ...includes: - Weekly small group training sessions (2 hrs) - Weekly one-on-one therapy sessions (50 mins) - 24/7 access to phone coaching with your therapist Outcomes from this program include: - Increased ability to regulate emotions - Reduction in behaviours that cause long-term problems - Increased self esteem - Improved communication & conflict resolution skills - Improved ability to be present for all the ups & downs of life Don't keep struggling- we can help! Contact us for more info about this evidence-based program- we would love to help you:) #dbtgrouptherapy #dbttherapy #dbt #dbtprogram #emotionregulation #feelbetter #depression #anxiety #relationships #mood #feels #moodregulation #skills #relationshipskills #mindfulrecoveryservices #centralcoast #nsw #australia #psychology #counselling #grouptherapy #learning #skilldevelopment #getbetter #feelbetter #busy #teens #adults #relationshiphelp
09.01.2022 Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) is an evidence-based therapy that's been shown to provide excellent outcomes for lots of mental health concerns. It has been studied thoroughly in a multitude of research settings, & has been shown to be very effective for the treatment of borderline personality disorder, drug & alcohol addiction, eating disorders & mood disorders. However, it is know to be effective for any condition that results in difficulty regulating emotions & behav...iours. Evidence is important when deciding to embark on therapy. You want to know that independent research shows the therapy works & that is has a strong scientific & ethical basis. Here are 4 ways DBT could benefit you... Want more? Visit Alex's blog where she outlines TEN great benefits of DBT. https://www.mindfulrecovery.com.au//10-ways-dbt-can-change Thinking about signing up? Registrations for our next group program are open and spaces are filling quickly. Get in contact with us for a information package at [email protected] #dbtgrouptherapy #dbttherapy #dbt #dbtprogram #emotionregulation #feelbetter #depression #anxiety #relationships #mood #feels #moodregulation #skills #relationshipskills #mindfulrecoveryservices #centralcoast #nsw #australia #psychology #counselling #grouptherapy #learning #skilldevelopment #getbetter #feelbetter #busy #teens #adults #relationshiphelp
08.01.2022 Getting to know the team: Estelle Perry . Estelle has a beautiful personality who makes you feel comfortable and accepted and which she enjoys sharing. She truely values the counselling space and enjoys sharing her personality as the therapeutic relationship builds and you learn about yourself as a person - your strengths, weaknesses and values. . Estelle enjoys using her friendly nature, sense of humour, and her visual style to make therapy sessions enjoyable and to aid u...nderstanding of concepts. She loves getting to know people and helping them get to where they want to be in life. Look out for the funky socks in your next therapy session with Estelle! . Book an appointment with Estelle through our website! #sydneypsychologist #centralcoastpsychology #erinapsychology #centralcoastcounselling #counsellor #mentalhealthsocialworker #mentalhealth #victimservices #centralcoast #mindfulrecovery
07.01.2022 Call or email us now to enquire about our DBT group program! Program is set to start mid march so don't put it off! #dbtgrouptherapy #dbttherapy #dbt #dbtprogram #emotionregulation #feelbetter #depression #anxiety #relationships #mood #feels #moodregulation #skills #relationshipskills #mindfulrecoveryservices #centralcoast #nsw #australia #psychology #counselling #grouptherapy #learning #skilldevelopment #getbetter #feelbetter #busy #teens #adults #relationshiphelp
05.01.2022 If you are feeling like your life is out of your control. It probably is. There is not much that we can control and it is important to learn to accept that. However, there are things that we can gain control over. This includes emotions. Listening to your emotions is important - they are there for a reason and often tell us something. However, letting your emotions control and guide your decisions all the time can lead to a life which feels completely out of control and can p...ossibly lead to the feeling that you are self sabotaging good opportunities. If this sounds like you, I encourage you to have a look into the DBT group program we are running at Mindful Recovery Services next week! The program will help you understand what it is you can and cant control, how to radically accept situations you cant control and give you the skills set to control the things you can. Most of all the program focuses on emotion regulation strategies so if you feel as though your emotions are calling the shots IM our team and we will give you more information on the program and whether it will be good for you. Remember the program is starting next week so don't put off messaging us! (don't procrastinate!) #dbtgrouptherapy #dbttherapy #dbt #dbtprogram #emotionregulation #feelbetter #depression #anxiety #relationships #mood #feels #moodregulation #skills #relationshipskills #mindfulrecoveryservices #centralcoast #nsw #australia #psychology #counselling #grouptherapy #learning #skilldevelopment #getbetter #feelbetter #busy #teens #adults #relationshiphelp
04.01.2022 Been thinking of doing dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT)? You have 1 last chance to get in for our final DBT group for 2020! For a strictly limited time, I am offering free 15 minute phone consults for anyone considering DBT- that’s right- anyone can chat with me totally obligation free!... Because deciding on a DBT program like ours is a very personal commitment & you want to make sure it’s right for you. I can answer all your DBT related questions, tell you all about our group program & discuss if DBT is a good fit for you. Wanna chat? Just message me via this page, or pop your name in the comments & I’ll tee up a time to talk with you. Don’t miss out on this opportunity! Get in quick:) Alex.
03.01.2022 Getting to know the team: Stacey Dowling Stacey aims to help clients reach goals that are important to them, and doing this by noticing, highlighting and strengthening your personal strengths and resources. Stacey is comfortable sitting in both silence and extreme noise, and can bring a calm presence or a bucket of enthusiasm to sessions, depending on what my client needs on the day. She enjoys using both active and receptive music therapy interventions, and in particular su...pporting people in trying new things. . Stacey's area of passion, however, is mental health, which I believe is an incredibly important area for every individual, regardless of age and diagnoses. . Stacey has clinical experience working with a range of populations, including children, disability, adolescent and adult inpatient and outpatient mental health, and neuro-rehabilitation. She spent 3 years volunteering with Music Therapists at Sydney Children’s Hospital, where she says she both learnt a lot and had a lot of fun. She completed a double degree of Music and Arts, where she trained at the Sydney Conservatorium on Clarinet, and majored in Psychology and French at the University of Sydney. She then went on to study my Masters of Music Therapy as a blended learning student at Melbourne University. . Book an appointment with Stacey through our website! #sydneypsychologist #centralcoastpsychology #erinapsychology #centralcoastcounselling #counsellor #mentalhealthsocialworker #mentalhealth #victimservices #centralcoast #mindfulrecovery
03.01.2022 Our DBT group program is starting next week! However, it is not too late to register. The program is made up of 12 weeks of useful resources and reliable support. It involves; - a group of around 6 meeting up each week to learn and discuss skills and strategies about topics such as emotion regulation skills, relationship skills, behavioural skills, communication skills and so much more - a one hour private session with your therapist - 24/7 online coaching... - a binder folder full of resources you can refer back too! Is this you? - difficulties regulating moods and emotions - feel like your emotions are running your life - been involved in self harm - have feelings of self loathing - have tried therapy before but there was limited improvement - difficulties maintaining relationships - feel empty and unsure about your identity If you resonate with any of the above difficulties please IM our team or visit our website for more information about what it involves and who could benefit from it. Let us know you are interested and receive a free 15 minute call with Alex to discuss if you would benefit from the group. If you know someone who would benefit from a program like this send them a link. Don't let another year go by suffering with distress, sadness, depression & anxiety- give yourself or someone else the opportunity to make changes that will stay with you the rest of your life, & improve your quality of life (including how you feel about yourself). Follow this link for Alex's vlog which explains more in depth what the program involves and why it is worth pursuing. https://www.mindfulrecovery.com.au/dbt-group-therapy #dbtgrouptherapy #dbttherapy #dbt #dbtprogram #emotionregulation #feelbetter #depression #anxiety #relationships #mood #feels #moodregulation #skills #relationshipskills
02.01.2022 Mindful Recovery Services are running a parenting teens and tweens information night for parents who are looking for advice on how to support their teens during this challenging time of development. The lovely Cecilia will be running the night. Cecilia is very experienced in working with family and teens. She has a Masters in Counselling and is registered in Gottman therapy which is a highly regarded therapy known for the thorough evidence which backs it. Due to Covid Regul...ations we are restricted to having only 13 people per night so if you are keen to learn more about your teen and learn some great new parenting skills then call ASAP so we can reserve you a seat. #parenting #teenagers #teenproblems #firstworldproblems #parentingskills #parentstruggles #teens #tweens #mumsnet #mumslife #mumsunite #mumlife #parenting #parenthood #gottman #gottmantherapy #gottmantherapy #gottman #johngottman #thegottmaninstitute #relationships #relationshipgoals #relationshiptherapy #emotions #love #helpfulstrategies #learning #gowth #minduflrecoveryservices #centralcoast #erina #australia
01.01.2022 Learning that change is the only constant is the first step to learning to let go of things that you cannot control. In DBT this is coined radical acceptance. Learning that change is the only constant is also an encouragement for those who are enduring hardships - remember everything changes even hardships which feel like they are there to stay. #change #positivechange #radicalacceptance #dbt #dbttherapy #acceptingchange #control #emotionalcontrol #emotionalintelligence #hardships #mentalhealth
01.01.2022 Many of our clients have had previous experience with mental health specialists and treatments which often didn't work or has made them feel worse. If you have had a bad experience here are some reasons to not give up on therapy. 1.... The relationship with your therapist is an extremely important factor in getting better. If you don't have a good relationship with your therapist it doesn't matter what type of therapy you do because it won't work. It is okay to shop around for a therapist who clicks with you and you feel comfortable with. Ask family and friends for recommendations and do some research to find the best fit. 2. Hospitals or public mental health services can sometimes be traumatic. One on one therapy is not the same as a crisis intervention. Instead of being safety focused like a hospital we are working on what we can do to move forward and heal. 3. If you have a long term relationship with your therapist and they have done or said something that has offended you or is annoying you don't be afraid to say something. This way the therapist can clarify what they mean't and you can explain how you interpreted it. Don't be afraid to tell your therapist what works and what doesn't work. Let them know if a session is too overwhelming or too triggering. It is normal to feel raw after a session but you shouldn't have to feel like you need to do something drastic to feel better. Let them know you want to take things slower. Accredited mental health social worker, Alex Wilson has put together a vlog series discussing different reasons why it can be difficult to seek help. Bad experiences was one of them. Visit our blog via our website to view other reasons why seeking help can be difficult. If you are someone who has had bad experiences with therapy before remember not to give up trying to seek professional help. Get in contact with us through our website to discuss the next step to help. https://www.mindfulrecovery.com.au/post/bad-experiences #badexperiences #vlog #centralcoasttherapy #mentalhealth #psychology #badtherapyexperience #therapysucks #ineedhelp #centralcoast #mindfulrecovery #mindfulrecoveryserviceserina
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